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Once , my uncle gave me a present . It was a banana plant .It came in a packet .

The instructions
said that if I planted it in a pot and watered it regularly , it would grow . They also said I would
have tasty bananas . My mother said bananas don’t grow in England because it is cold . I said ,
“but the instructions promised bananas .”
When I opened the packet , the plant looked dead . However , I planted it in a pot and watered
it . To my surprise , it grew and produced a few leaves . As time passed , it grew bigger . It was
too big for my bedroom and it had to go to the kitchen , then it was too big and it had to go to
the hall . I still have the plant today , but I still get my bananas from the supermarket .

Choose the correct answer

1- The plant should be …………………watered
a- rarely b- sometimes c- usually d- never
2- They refers to …………
a- the leaves b- the bananas c- the plants d- the instructions
3- The writer is ……………….
a- American b- British c- French d- Canadian
4- The word it refers to
a- the packet b- the weather c- the pot d- the kitchen
5- The writer was surprised when the planted started to grow because ..
a- the instructions promised bananas
b- he wanted tasty bananas
c- the plant looked dead
d- the weather was cold
6- The writer now keeps the plant in ..
a- his room b- the hall c- the kitchen d- the garden
Food is one key to a comfortable life . We eat vegetables and fruit . We also eat animal
products like milk , eggs and meat . Food is necessary for us to live, move and work . To be
useful it should be organized with correct amounts . Food can be in different groups . A group
of food gives us power. A second group gives us Vitamins and a third group that builds our
The way we feel may be the result of the kind of food we eat . We may feel content when we
eat chocolate . We may feel sleepy when we eat fat rich food , We may feel upset when we eat
food we don’t like , Food is essential , but we should choose the food that is healthy and
belongs to different groups .
Answer the following questions
1. Why is food essential for us ?
2. How can we make food useful for us ?
3- When do we feel upset ?
4- The word content means ………….
a- organized b- correct c- happy d- sleepy

A hobby is an activity that we enjoy . It brings happiness and makes our life rich . It gives us
something fun to do during our free time and the chance to learn new skills . We are lucky to
have many different choices out there today . There are complete online websites for hobbies
and interests .
The best way to start a new hobby is try to something new . The world is full of wonderful ,
exciting activities that we can choose and follow as our own . A list of hobbies can be long :
reading , exercising , drawing , writing , singing , playing , doing sports and other things . Of
course , all of us are not the same , so our interests and hobbies are different . But when we
find a hobby that we truly enjoy and love it , it becomes part of our life .
Answer the following questions
1. Why do we need a hoppy in our life ?
2. What is the best way to start a new hobby ?
3. When can we practise a hobby ?
4. Why do people have different hobbies than each other ?
5. How can a person choose a hobby ?
6. What happens when you find a hobby that you truly enjoy ?
We study a lot of subjects at school . Each subject teaches us certain things in our life . Foreign
languages enable us to communicate with other people and to know how other people think
and talk . We learn the Arabic language to be able to tell others what we want and understand
what others tell us . Mathematics helps us to think . History tells us about our own country and
the people of the world around us . Geography tells us about plants , animals and people in
other countries , where and how they live and what they do . Physical Education helps us to
grow strong keep us fit . We learn biology so as to tell us about living things . Computers are
also very important they help us to do difficult sums quickly and can store information .
Answer the following questions
1- How is Physical Education useful ?
2- Why do we learn foreign languages ?
3- In ……………………we can learn about living things
a- History b- Geography c- English d- Biology
4- The underlined word they refers
a-plants b- animals c- people d- languages
5- If you want to know more about people in other countries , you should study ……..
a-Biology B- History c- Geography d- Maths
Addiction is one of the most dangerous problems these days . It affects our community and
threatens our youth . To become addicted to something means that you can’t do without it ,
There are two forms of addiction . The first one is a physical addiction and the other is a
psychological addiction . A physical addiction happens when your body needs something and
without it , you may feel very bad . A psychological addiction is when you think that you need
something to feel all right .
To know that someone is addicted is when you see changes in his habits or if he is being rude to
the people around him for no reason . To help addicted people , we should talk to them or tell
someone who can help .
Answer the following questions
1-What are the forms of addiction ?
2- Why is addiction dangerous ?
3- How can we help addicted people ?
4- The opposite of rude is …………….
a-easy b- kind c- rough d- proud
5- To be addicted to something means
a-to dislike it b- to be unable to stop doing it
c- to be able to stop doing it d- to agree to do it
Choose the correct answer
1.Adam ………… at home . He’s gone out .
a-shouldn’t b- mustn’t c- can’t d- couldn’t
2. You ……………get a passport if you want to travel abroad
a-should b- must c- can d- could
3.The Egyptian Museum ……………by thousands of tourists everyday
a-visits b- visited c- was visited d- is visited
4. Dad bought a new television set ………..the family
a-to b- from c- for d- by
5.February has ………………..days than March
a-less b- least c- fewer d- few
6.Football …………………everywhere
a-plays b- played c- is playing d- is played
7. Sarah and salma ………………..sisters , I’m sure
a-must be b- could be c- should be d- may be
8. Salt ……………….to preserve fish and other foods
a-used b- is using c- uses d- is used
9. Were you ……………….to finish your homework ?
a-enable b- ability c- able to d- able
10. …………..people in Egypt have visited London
a-much b- few c-little d- less
11. This is house in …………..Mr. Adam lives
a-where b- whose c- which d- who
12. If Ahmed had more time , he …………….read more books .
a-would have b- would c- will d- may
13. Adam asked me what ……………doing yesterday at 4 o’clock .
a- was I b- I was c- am I d- I am
14. The train ………………….tomorrow at 8
a-will leave b- is leaving c- is going to leave d- leaves
15. The dishes ……………………………..yet .
a-haven’t cleaned b- weren’t cleaned c- didn’t clean d- haven’t been cleaned
16. The teacher asked the students ………………noise during the exam .
a-don’t b- to not c- not to d- didn’t
17. I couldn’t catch the train because it ………………on my arrival
a-left b- has left c- had left d- is leaving
18. What ……………………………before you went to school yesterday ?
a-do you do b- did you do c- had you done d- are you doing
19. Adam ……………….to travel to Paris before he started college
a-arranges b- arranged c- has arranged d- had arranged
20. As I ………………………..breakfast , the bell rang
a-have b- am having c- was having d- had
21. Sara was playing tennis when she ……………her leg
a-broke b- has broken c- breaks d- broken
22. Since he ………………school we haven’t heard from him
a- leaves b- has left c- left d- had left
23. What …………………………at 8 o’clock yesterday ?
a-did you do b- would you do c- are you doing d- were you doing
24. While Jane was studying , her mother ………………………dinner
a-prepares b- prepared c- was preparing d- will prepare
25. The careless driver ……………………….on the phone when he had an accident
a-talks b- had talked c- has talked d- was talking
26. While ………………….in the field , the workers found an old statue
a-were digging b- dug c- digging d- dug
27. They ……………………a meeting when the office lights went out
a- had b- were having c- had had d- have had
28. She will go to sleep after she ……………………her work .
a-finishes b-finished c- will finish d- had finished
29. I ……………………….Jim lately
a-don’t see b- didn’t see c- haven’t seen d- hadn’t seen

1.Where you ( go ) on Saturday evenings ?

2.Tom and his friends usually ( walk ) to school .
3. Look ! A policeman ( run ) after a thief
4. Mary ( see ) her dentist tomorrow
5. What you ( look ) at ?
6. Why you ( look ) upset ?
7. When your father usually ( finish ) his work ?
8. You ( want ) to go home now ?
9. Now Adam ( write ) an e-mail to his friend
10. We will here until the bus ( arrive ) .
11. Jim ( look ) for a job nowadays
12. What time the plane ( take ) off tomorrow ?
13. Adam usually ( do ) his home before he ( watch ) television .
14. What they ( do ) at the moment ?
15. Tom ( not have ) enough money to buy the new car .
16. Now Sarah ( understand ) the truth
17. Why you ( not do ) your homework at the moment
18. Maria ( be ) a good student and she ( study ) her lessons well
19. When you usually ( finish ) your work ?
20. I ( meet ) my friends next Monday
21. Tom always ( come ) late to school
22. How often you ( go ) to the cinema ?
23. A nurse always ( wear ) a uniform
24. You ( remember ) Jane’s address now ?
25. Jim ( work ) in a shop until he ( find ) a better job
26. Adam will go to the club after he ( finish ) work today .
27. How often Sara ( go ) to the library ?
28. Who ( catch ) criminals ? The police do
29. Be quiet ! I ( try ) to finish my homework
30. Alex always ( forget ) where he ( put ) his mobile
31. The cake ( taste ) delicious
32. Mr. Smith ( travel ) to Canada next Sunday .
33. We can’t go out because it ( rain ) heavily
34. These days most people (use ) email than writing letters
35. I ( not understand ) what you ( say ) .
36. Where a mechanic ( work ) ?
37. Listen ! someone is ( knock ) at the door .
38. Our train ( leave ) tomorrow at 7
39. My elder brother always ( tell ) me what to do . I hate that .
40. You ( know ) where Marc ( live ) ?

1.How long you ( know ) Tom ?

2.How long you ( wait ) here ?
3.We just ( have ) our dinner
4. You ( buy ) a new car ?
5.Since Bill ( come ) to Egypt , he ( visit ) many places .
6. Why you ( not bring ) your laptop with you ?
7. Why you ( look ) exhausted ? You ( run ) ?
8. How long Adam ( live ) in Paris ?
9. How many cups of coffee Sara ( drink ) since the morning ?
10. Tom ( do ) his homework for two hours now .
11. Where you ( put ) the bag ?
12. Jill is upset because she ( lose ) her purse .
13. The farmers ( be ) tired because they ( work ) hard .
14. Tom can’t write because he ( break ) his arm
15. The actors ( rehearse ) the new play for two hours
16. The kids ( play ) computer games for more than two hours now .
17. It ( be ) hot in here , someone ( close ) all the windows
18. Tom ( not come ) of his room since he ( return ) from school
19. Mr. Smith ( be ) at the bank since 9 o’clock .
20. Why they ( stop ) working ?
21. Watch out ! Someone ( throw ) water on the floor .
22. I ( be ) sorry but I ( forget ) to do my homework .
23. Tom ( study ) French for three years now
24. I ( not see ) this man before
25. It ( rain ) all day .
26. Which items you ( choose ) so far ?
27. The police ( look ) for the bank robbers , but they ( not catch ) them yet .
28. You ( see ) John lately ?
29. You ( not call ) Mary yet ?
30. Tom can’t open the door because he ( forget ) his keys at the office .
31. How long they ( work ) on the new project ?
32. The kids ( watch ) TV since they ( return ) from school .
33. How many times you ( travel ) abroad ?
34. They already ( check ) the homework .
35. You ( eat ) your lunch yet ?
36. I ( not play ) Judo before .
37. How long Julia ( work ) in this company ?
38. They ( not play ) football for a long time .
39. We already ( have ) our exam results .
40. Maria ( not eat ) her lunch yet .

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