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CHAPTER 8 INTRODUCTION OF TRIGONOMETRY pe ONE MARK QUESTIONS MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. Given that sina = ¥% and cos = 0, then the value of B-a is (a) 0° (b) 90° (c) 60° (d) 30° Ans + [Board 2020 SOP Standard) We have sina = 8 sino =sin60° = a= 60° (O) and cos =0 cos = cos90" = f= 90° —..(2) Now, B-0 = 90° - 60° = 30° Thus (4) is correct option. 2. If AABC is right angled at C, then the value of sec(A + B) is (a) 0 1 () * (d) not defined Ans [Board 2020 SOP Standard] We have 2C =90° Since, 2A+ 2B+ ZC = 180° 2A+ 2B =180°- 2C = 180° - 90° Now, sec(A + B) = sec90° not defined Thus (4) is correct option. 3. If sind + cos0 = 72 cos®, (0 # 90°) then the value of tand is (a) V2-1 (.) v2 (a) -v2 [Bord 2020 SaP Sunder We have sin + cos6 = ¥2 cos Dividing both sides by cos8, we get gos8 _ yzcosd ‘cos8 * cos ‘cos tand+1 =V2 tand =V¥2-1 ‘Thus (a) is correct option. If cos A = 4, then the value of tan is (3 4 w4 3 Ans : We have cos A = $ We know that, cos = Wet =4 Perpendicular = /5"- 4° = 725-16 ndicular Now, tan 4 = Petpendic =3 i Thus (b) is correct option. . If sin A =}. then the value of cot A is (a) v3 () 4 o 2 (@1 Ans We have sind =} in 4 — Perpendicular sind ="Fypotenuse Now, Base = 2-1 =V3 _ Base So, cot = Perpendicular Page 228 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 Hence, the required value of cot A is V3. a =90° = a=" Thus (a) is correct option. tan5a = tan(5 x 9°) an 45° =1 [tan 45° = 1] Thus (c) is correct option. 6. If sind =£, then cos@ is equal to b b ©) Waa (b) = ve ° 9 If AABC is right angled at C, then the value of vee (ad) 2 cos(A + B) is « Se @ Ans: (a) 0 (b) 1 hae ing _ 2 — Petpendicular wo 4 w 2 Wehave sing = 4 = Fapenicnr 2 Base = V¥=@ We know that in 4 ABC, _ Base _ VPP A So cos8 = poten =o ‘Thus (c) is correct option. B c 7. If cos(a + 3) = 0, then sin(a— 3) can be reduced to 2A+ ZB+ ZC = 180° (a) cosa (b) cos 23° But right angled at C 2C =90", thus (6) sina (a) sin2a 2A+ 2B490" = 180" a A+B =90 Given, cos(a +3) =0 =cos90° [cos 90" = 0] cos(A + B) = cos 90° = 0 a+ =90" Thus (a) is correct option. a= 0-8 10. If sina = 3 and cos =4, then the value of (a +3) 2 x Now, — sin(a — 3) = sin(90° - 3- 3) - = nor (a) 0° (b) 30° sane 2) (c) 60° (a) 90° = 008 28 Ans = Thus (b) is correct option. js 1 7 8. If cos9a=sina and 9a < 90", then the value of cet sina =z =sin30" = a = 30 and cos = 4 = cos 6" > 3= 60" () Fy (o) V3 ato =a" +00" = 9° ar wo Thus (d) is correct option. Is: - ‘Asind = cos8) j, An 11, If 4tang = 3, then (4SR5—C285) is equal to We have cos 9a = sina where 9a < 90° 2 () 3 ) sin(90° — 9a) = sina 90° 9a =a © 4 (@ Ans: Chap 8 Given, dtand =3 = tono = 3 “a Ag _ dtand-1 Gt 1 7 dtandsT _AG)=1 3-12 1 aQj+i 3 2 12. Thus (c) is correct option. If sind — cos@ = 0, then the value of (sin'# + cos!) is (a. 4 © 4 @t Ans : Given, sin@—cos6 =0 sind = cos sin@ = sin(90° - 4) 6=W-6 5 0=45 Now, sin'@+cos'# = sin' 45° + cos' 45° -(ia)le) tod Thus (c) is correct option. In the adjoining figure, the length of BC is Cc oe A iB (a) 2¥3.em (b) 3V3 cm (c) 4v3 em (d) 3em Ans : mn AABC, sing’ = 3E 1 _ BC 2 BC =3em ‘Thus (d) is correct option. Introduction of Trigonometry Page 220 14. If r= psecO and y= gtand, then 15. 16. a. (a) t-f=r¢ (b) 2¢-vp*= po © A¢-vr=se | tee =re Ans: We know, sec’ —tan’® =1 Substituting secd == and tan = Fin above equation we have (a)-(a) = r¢-vP =re ‘Thus (d) is correct option. _ asin — beos® If btan® = a, the value of ‘asind+ Booed ® a-b a+b ©) SSF ) OTR @+h é-v © Oe © oe Ans: ‘We have tané = asin6 — beos® _ 4: _ atan6—b asin + poosd™ ~ atan8 + as Thus (d) is correct option. {cos' A — sin‘ A) is equal to (a) 1—2cos*A (b) 2sin?A —1 (ec) sin?A —cos*A (d) 2cos?A —1 Ans cos‘ —sin'A = (cos? A)? = (sin? A)? = (cos* A — sin” A) (cos’ A +sin’ A) = (cos'A ~sin’®A) (1) = cos? — (1 ~ cos" A) = 2eos*A 1 Thus (d) is correct option. If sec5A = cosec(A +30"), where 5A is an acute angle, then the value of Ais (a) 15° (b) 5° (c) 20" (a) 10° Ans: Page 230 18. 19. ‘We have, sec5A = cosec(A + 30°) sec5A = sec[90° —(A — 30°)] sec5A = sec(60° — A) 5A =60°-A 6A =60° = A=10° Thus (A) is correct option. If rsin"@ + ycos'é = sin@cos@ and rsin® = yoos8, ‘than 2 + y’ is equal to (a) 0 (b) 1/2 (1 (d) 3/2 Ans : We have, —sin"@ + ycos'@ = sin@cosd (zsin0)sin’# + (yeos8)cos’@ = sin@cos@ sin 6(sin?0) +(2sin8)cos*@ = sindcosO sin 0(sin®@ + cos?#) = sincos® zsin@ = sindcos0 > x= cos Now, sind = ycosd cos sind = ycosd y = sind Hence, P+y =cos'é +sin’? =1 ‘Thus (c) is correct option. If tand+siné=m and tand—sind=n, sm? n? is equal to then (a) mn 0) (c) 4vmn (d) None of these Ans : Given, tan@+sin@ =m and tan@-sin@=n mi — n? = (tand+ sind — (tan d — sindy Atandsind = 4¥tan"@sin"@ again" V sin Oost Introduction of Trigonometry a1. Chap 8 int —08'O) = Ay sO oto a4, [sin ne = 4,/ SF - sint = 4V tan" sin" = 4y (and + ainda — sind) =4v¥mn Thus (c) is correct option. 1f0 <0 < },thenthesimplest formof V1 — 2sindcos@ (a) sind — cose (©) cos+sind Ans: V¥1=2sin@cos@ = v/sin"@ + cos"@ — 2sinOcosd = V(cosd— sina (b) cos ~ sind (a) sindcose =cos@—sind For 0° <@< 45° 0 7/6 x/4 080 1 ¥3/2 yv2 sind 0 1/2 v2 Here, we sce that cos >sind, when 0<0<, that’s why we take (cos@—sind} instead of taking (sind — cos}. Thus (b) is correct option. Uf lz) = cos? sec*z, then f(z) (a) 21 (©) 22 Ams : (= 2 (b) <1 (d) <2 Given, f(x) = cos’ + sect vos' r+ sec’r—2+2 = costr+ sectr— Zoos seer +2 =(cosz— seer} +2 We know that, square of any expression is always greater than equal to zero. fiz) 22 ‘Thus (c) is correct option. Hence proved. 22. Assertion : The value of sin| is not possible. Reason : Hypotenuse is the largest side in any right angled triang) (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (a). (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A). (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true. Ans sind = fy = 4 Hore, perpendicular is greater than the hypotenuse which is not possible in any right triangle. Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A). Thus (a) is correct option. Assertion : sin’67° + cos’67” Reason : For any value of @, sin*0+.cos’9 = 1 (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true at reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertic (a). (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A). (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true. Ans : We have sin?0 + c0s"0 = sin*67" + cos’67° = 1 Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A). Thus (a) is correet option. 1. Maximum value for sine of any angle i8 «0.0 Ans : in| Introduction of Trigonometry 5 10. Page 231 Triangle in which we study trigonometric ratios is called Ans: Right Triangle Cosine of 90° is Ans: Zero Sum of . one. Ans : Square Reciprocal of sin@ is Ans: . of sine and cosine of angle is cosec The value of sinA or cosA never exceeds A 1 sine of (90° — 6) is Ans : cos Tf sin@ , then the value of tan6 is ... Ans : {Board 2020 00 Basi From sind = 7 we can draw the figure as given below. Now, tan = 46 =, The value of the (tan*60° + sin®45*) Ans: {Board 2020 00 Basic) If cotd= 42, then the value of sind is Aus [Bow 2020 Dei Basel Given, cota = 2 > tano = 35 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 we can draw the figure as given VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS. 14. Prove that (1 +tan A —sec A) x (1 + tan A + sec A) = 2tan A Ans : {Boars 2020 Dei Base) LHS = (1+ tan A — see A) x (1+ tan A + sec A) ing AC 3 sind = CBS =(1+tan A)? sec? 11 If tan(A+B)= V3 and tan(A—B)= Je, A> B, = 1+ tan?A + 2tan A — sec? then the value of A is... 3 = sect A+ 2tan A— sect Ans (Board 2020 Dei Bas =2tand = RUS We have tan(A +B) = v3 15, If tan A = cot B, then find the value of (A+B). = tan6o Ans : (Boar 2020 00 Standard ne Aone Wehave tan = cot B ~ 1 tan A = tan(90° - B) Again, tan(A~ B) = Je 3 = tan30° Thus A-B=30" (2) 16, If r=3sin0+4cos@ and y= 3cos)—d4sin@ then Adding equation (1) and (2) we get prove that 2+ yf = 25. OA = 00° = A wage Ans : {Board 2020 00 Base) a 1 We have x = 3sin0 +4cosd 12, The value of (sn'o+ ) - andy = 3cos0— dsind Ans : {Pow 2020 Deh Standard Pty . 1 antes = (si 2 ~ dsind)? sin?0+ hog = snlo+ hg (Bsin0 + 4e0s0)#+ (3cos0 — 4sin®) eat el = (9sin'0-+ 16 cos?0 + 24sincos6) + = sin’0 + cost = " + (9cos’0 + 16sin®0 — 24sin8cos9) 18, The value of (1 +tan’6)(1—sin®)(1+sin0) = = 9(sin’0 + cos%8) + 16(sin*9 + cos*8) Ans [Board 2020 bets Standar =Onis= 2 (1+ tan?9) (1 — sin) (1-4 sind) 17. Evaluate sin*60° — 2tan45° — cos'30" Ans : {Board 201900) = sec"@(1— sin’® = see*0 x cos? =e x cos’ cos" sin*60° ~ 2tan 45° — cos?30° (BJ-20) - By =3_9 3. =}-2-}--2 18. If sin@ + sin’0 = 1 then prove that cos’0 + cos'@ = 1 Ans: {Board 2029 00 Base] Chap 8 19. a1. 22, We have sin@-+sin’90 =1 sin@ + (1 — cos*®) sin — cos'# = 0 sin® = cos’® Squaring both sides, we get sin? = cos'0 1 — cos" = cos" cos'8 + 008°8 = 1 Hence Proved — 34, In a triangle ABC, write cos(25-) in terms of angle A. Ans : [Board Term-1 2016) Inatriangle — A+B+C =180" Bs C = 180° A Thus If sec@ + sin8 = 0, then find the value of 6. Ans : [Board Tem-t 2016] We have sec + sin@ =0 1 cos” sind =0 26. sind _ ‘cont = ° tan® = 0 =tano* Thus @ = 0° If tan2A = cot(A +60"), find the value of A where 2A is an acute angle. Ans : Board Tem: 2016 We have tan2A = cot(A +60") ‘cot(90" — 24) = cot(A + 60°) 90" 2A = A+ 00° woe oat 3A =30" > A =10" If tan(3z-4 30°) = 1 then find the value of x. Ans [Board Term-1 2015] Introduction of Trigonometry Page 233 We have tan(32+30°) = 32430” = r=0 What happens to value of cos when @ increases from 0° to 90". Ans: cos0 decreases from 1 to 0. (Boars Ter 2015] If A and B are acute angles and sin A = cos BB," then find the value of A + B. Ans: {Bom Yer 206) We have sin A =cosB sin A = sin(90" - B) A=9°-B A+B =90° =}, find the value of 4+4tan*A, (Bou SP 218 444tan®A =4(1 + tan?) sec" A mwa 4x Bas If k+1=sec’9(1 +sind)(1 sin), then find the value of Ans : [Boar Tent 2018 We have k+ 1 =sec’@(1 +sin0)(1 —sind) = sec" - sin’) = sec*0.c0s'0 = sec x he m k+l=13k =0 Thus k=0 Find the value of sin*41° + sin’49" Ans : [Board Term 2012, NCERT] We have sin?41 + sin?49 = sin?(90° — 49°) + sin?49° Page 234 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 = cos!49 + sin’49” Ta an0 31. Prove that ¥/ F755 =1 Ans : =. /t=sind _ in) UNS = VT Fsinw = y (sind) (T= sind) _ /@=sine? _ /( sine)? -JSs “Vos TWO MARKS QUESTIONS = sec — tand = RHS Hence Proved . Prove that : $= 12020 _ asta — sin’ cotta 1+tan’d 28. Prove that 1 +TFocscca = cnece. Ans : ‘(Board 2020 OD Basic) Ans : {oar 202000 Sander 14, cotta _ 1 4 cosecta=1 T+ cone a ‘T+ come a oe (1 + coseca) (cosec a ait + cosec a cos = 14 coseca = 1 ee = cos" sin’® Hence Proved = cosee a Hence Proved , . hat —tan’0_, _cot*? > 20. Prove that : 04=28i0°A _ tan A, 38, Prov that 7 fan's TT cot) Ans: 2eos"A — cos A poet Ans: {Board 2020 Debi Base} in? ran?O cot? sin A—2sin?A _ sin A(1 ~2sin*A) Lys = —tan®_, _cot6_ 2eos'A — cos A ~ cos A(2eos"A — 1) I+ tan'd “1 +cot" “ ars _ tan’, cot’ sin A(1 ~ 2sin? A) = tant, ot ~ cos A(2co# A= 1) = tan all = 2(1 = cos") (2eos’A = 1) — tan all = 2+ 2cos’ A) = tan AY eos? = 1) — tan AO A=D) = tan Sota = 1 1 and Hence Proved LHS = Tino * T= sind 30, Show that tan'@ + tan’@ = sec'® — sec’ _ (= sind) + (1+ ind) a= (Board 2020 00 Standard] =" (1 sin6) (1 — sind) tan'@ + tan’@ = tan?9(1 + tan’®) pctag = Bae'd = RS ‘an?8 x sec?) = (sec — 1) sec" 35. Prove that Ans : = sec'—sec"# Hence Proved " J Chap 8 cosec8 Cosec' +1 oars = 0-414 cosec — 1 = covectl Sacb = 1) feoueed 1) a8 = 2sec") = RHS Hence Proved 36. If Stan@=3,then what is the value of Ssin@ — 30086 ).» (Taint Seos0)’ Ans : {Board 2020 Dei Basel We have Stand =3 = tand = 3 Dividing numerator and denominator by cos we have Ssin@—3cosd _ 522-3 _ 5tand—3 dsind-+3cosd ~ Fey 43 ~ dtand+3 —5x3-3 _ 3-3 “Ixg43 E43 37. Evaluate : 3tan?30" + tan*60° + cosec 30° — tan 45° cot? 45" Ans : (Board Tem. 2016) ‘3tan?30° + tan*60° + cosec 30” — tan 45" cot" 45" Bx(Af+(V3F + 2- Soa Bx}4342-1 ad =14+342- Introduction of Trigonometry Page 235 38.If — sin(A+B)=1 and —_sin(A—B) 0.5 A+B<90° and A> B, then find A and B. Ans : {Boar Ter 2016 We have sin(A +B) A+B =90° a) and A-B = 30° (2) Solving eq, (1) and (2), we obtain A =60" and B= 30° 39. Find cosee30 and cos60" geometrically. Ans [Boas Tem 2015) Let a triangle ABC with each side equal to 2a as shown below. A B D Cc mAABC, 2A =2B= 20-60 Now we draw AD perpendicular to BC, then ABDA = ACDA BD = CD 2 BAD = CAD=30" by CPCT =V3a In ABDA, cosee30" = 4B and cos6? = HP = => 40, Evaluate : 5090" 5 Lag Ans : (Boas Ter 2013 We have 9° + has = 445 sal 4 Page 236 41. 42. 43. =v34h=2Ge1 If V2 sin@ = 1, find the value of sec’9 — cosec"®. Ans: [Boerd Term-1 2012) We have /2sin@ =1 sind = Jp = sind Thus oa Now sec*® — cosee’® = sec"45" — = (V2) - (2h =0 1.cosd — 7sind If Acos@ = 11 sind, find the value of }COSR= 7526. Ans: (Board Tom 2012] ‘We have: 4deos@ = 11sin® or, =tbsino Now eos@— Tsing _ 11 x sind—7sind Iicos6+7sin® ~ 11 x Ysind+7sind __sino('t!=7) ~ sin BE a 121 - 28 = Hiss 1a If tan(A + B)= V3, tan(A - B) 0° < A+B 90", then find A and B. Ans {Boar Tee 20121 We have tan(A + B) = V3 = tan 60" A+B = 60° (1) Also tan(A—B) = tan 30° A-B=30" (2) Adding equations (1) and (2), we obtain, 2A = 90° A=F = 45 Substituting this value of A in equation (1), we get B = 60° ~ A= 60° 45°= 15" Hence, A = 45" and B = 15° 44. If cos(A - B) = 4 at. Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 and sin(A + B)= 3, find sind and B, where (A+B) and (A — B) are acute angles. Ans: [Boord Term-1 2012) We have cos(A — B) = 43. = cos" 4-B =30° (1) Also sin(A+ B) = %48 =sin60° A+B = 60" 2) ‘Adding equations (1) and (2), we obtain, 2A =90° A=45" Substituting this value of A in equation (1), we get B= 15" Find the value of cos 20, if 2sin20 = V3. Ans = [Board Term-1 2012, Set-25) Wehave — 2sin20 = 73 sinzo = 43 = sino" % = 00° Hence, cos 28 = cos 60° = y Find the value of sin30°cos 60° + cos30°sin 60° is it equal to sin 90° or cos 90° ? Ans = [Board Terr-1 2016) ‘sin 30° cos 60° + cos 30” sin 60° = rx xh x 4 a1,3_4_ satarael It is equal to sin90"=1 but not equal to cos 90" as cos 90° ae If Y3sind — cos = 0 and 0° <@ < 90", find the value of 0. Ans : {Boar Ter, 2012) We have V3sin0—cos® =0 and 0"<0< 0 v3sin0 = cos0 Chap 8 6 =30° 48, Evaluate : S45 + ops Ans Board Tem 2072 * of * ea v2 4 mene =a t3- 7 49. In the given figure, AOB centre O, find tan Atan B. 1 2 6. a diameter of a cirele with Ans: [Boa Term 2012] In ABC, ZC is a angle in a semi-circle, thus 20 = =BC_2 tan =FG=3 and 50. If sind = }, show that 3eos — dos’ = 0. Ans : We have sino = = 30° Now substituting this value of @ in LHS we have 3086 — 4.c0s"% = 3cos:30° — d.cos"30" Introduction of Trigonometry Page 237 51. Express the trigonometric ratio of sec A and tan A in terms of sin A. Ans : [Board Te- 2015 " out Wehave see = a= og and tan A = sin — sin cos A ~ Y= sin"A (sin'@ + cos'8) 52, Prove that = tpco'6 Ans : [Board Tem 2015) (sin'@ + cos') __(sin*®/ +(cos*? [oBsintoco’) = 1—2sin"0cos9 1=2sin"0cos') ~ 1 = 2sin"Ocos"d (sin*6 + cos?9)! — 2sin?0.cos’® =< ain"bcs" T= 2sin"Ocos" = 2sin"Acos"® T= 2sin*cos"® =i 58. Prove that : sec'@ ~ sec’ = tan'0+ tan” [Board Yerm-1 2015] see'@ — sec? = sec*9(sec"® — 1) {[1 + tan26 = see*6]] = sec"@(tan’®) = (1+ tan’9)tan"9 = tan’ + tan'e Hence Proved. Find the value of @, if, cos, cos T= sind *T+sind Ans: (Board Tet 2015 We have 4 Page 238 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 cos 0(1 + sin) + cos0(1 — sind) (sino sind) coso[l + sind +1~ sind] We have sind — cos = 5 Squaring both sides, we get 1=sin'9 (sin —cos0y =(5) cos0(2) _ a es 1 = = sin’0 + cos’ — 2sinOcos8 = i 1 word =? 1 ~2sine0s6 =F cos) =4 2sinOcos0 $ 4 cos = cos60° Again, (sin + cos) = sin’ + cos’0 + 2sinOcos0 Thai) = or, =142sinBcosd Asin (90° 55. Prove that : 1 ee = sin A amt Laliei) Thus sind + cos = /7 = 4 _, in sin(90" — A) . + Saray A 58. If @ be an acute angle and 5cosec@ = 7, then evaluate sin @ + cos’®- 1. sin Asin(90° — A) Ans: {Board Tet 2012] cor We have — Scosec® =7 ( = cas? 7 cosecd =F = cos" . sind =} [cosecd = 2 cos? A sin0 + cost 1 = sin® —(1 — cos’0) cos’ A = cos'A Hence Proved. = sin@ — sin’0 [sin?0 + cos" = =$-(§)- 52-4 56. Prove that : ,/[7foq = coseeA — cot A TAT Ans > [Board Term-1 2012) 59. If sin = “3, find the value of 2eot*A ~ 1. [aoe _ /I=csd Ick Ans: (Bor Tem 2012) Visesd -Vivasd Gos0 = Te cost’ fF = 60" T=tand "I~ cot Ans : Ans : [Bow Tem 203,201] cosA sind ae LHS = 7 Stand + 1 cot A (at cos A Chap 8 Introduction of Trigonometry Page 243 cos'A sin’ We have AC- AB =1 Let AB = x, then we have AC = 241 Now AG = AB + BC’ (tly = P45 PHI] =P+25 2r =24 r= Baicm Hence, AB = 12 em and AC=13 em Now sinc = 4B = sc -BC_5 es = 40-15 it¢sinc _1+#_#_25 Now Treo “144 4-8 _ csA SIMA cog A sh 80. Prove that : 7 fan a Teer a= 84 sinA Ana Bod et 26 ( cos A _ sind T+tand ~ T+ cot A cosA__ sin A “7, sind C08 Itoosd 1+ sind _ cost sin? A ~ cs A+sinA ~ sind + cos A 79. In AABC, ZB=90°, BC=5 cm, AC- Al = cos = sin? Evaluate ; }+8in€ (sin A$ cos A) Ans: [Boats Tent 2011} _ (cos. + sin A)(cos A — sin A) ‘As per question we have drawn the figure given below, ~ in A+ cos, A =cosA—sinA Hence Proved. BL. If bcos@=a, then prove that cose + cot = /SEs. Ans : [Bead Tem-1 20151 +1 a We have bcos8 =a or, cost =f Now consider the triangle shown below. B ‘bem c Page 244 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 82. i B Let tan =F and sec = 4 aP+B Now L4tan'A =14(h) = 145 _BsP_ i FB we that ; Sin@—2sin'9 _ _(Hy Prove that : $m0—28in — tano (3) Ans: (Bar ert 2015 = sec? Hence Proved. sin0(1 — 2sin"0) a cos cos8(2cos'8— 1) 84. Prove that : (cot @ — cosecO' = sin(sin’0 + cos*® — 2sin’0) Ai = ns ¢ 080(2c0s"0 — sin"8 — cos") int _ cos __ tan0(cos*0 — sin*®) cotd— cose) = S88 — (cost — sin") 1 = (988-17 =tand (cot0— cose 9} = (Sing ~ sind = (cos = 1 = (Fant ) (1 = 0088F i sin20 4 cos"0 = = CES sino + 0820 = tI) (1 cosy ~ (T= cos") . When is an equation called ‘an identity’. Prove the trigonometric identity 1+ tan?A = sec? A. _ (= €088)(1 — cos) (= cos (TF con) Ans : [Board Term-1 2015, NCERT] @ (1 + cos) Equations that are true no matter what value is - 1 7 a Hence Proved. plugged in for the variable. On simplifying an identity ies equation, one always get a true statement. Consider 85. Prove that : the triangle shown below. (cosec# — sin®)(sec® — cos0)(tand + cot 0) = 1 Ans : {Board Tet 2015) LHS = (cosec® — sin8)(sec® - cos6)(tan0 + cot) Chap 8 Introduction of Trigonometry Page 245 =(3.—sinoy sind, cosd 88, Prove that = = (gg —sino)( Ly — cos)( 8 + 8 : a : Q 9\/1 — cos’0\V/sin’9 + cos" coseeA = cot A~ Sin A = Sin A ~ conce AF cot A” = sin’ cos! a8) aaa e\ aces’) Aus ano ¢ Mm 1 . in 1 a i = Bi <(agdagg) (aescoens) — saewea ata ta eer para 1 1 1 1 ‘cose cot A * cose Foot A ~ sind * nA s 1 = cosOsin® x ty 86. Show that 1, 4 2 cosee*9 — tan" (90° ~ 6) = sin’0 + sin(90° — @) cosee A—cot A * cosee A + cot A © sin A Ans: Board Tem 2019) cosee A +cot A + coseeA—cotA __2 {eosee A= cot Ajfcosee A+ cot a ~ Sn cose — tan?(90° ~ 0) 2ooseeA ___2 = cosec'” — cot’8 comet — cot SInA = _1__ eos'o Sin°0~ sin" 2et = 32g isos ala = a2 Hence Proved. =i 89. If sec = 14-1 prove that secO-+ tan@ = 2z or, 4 ina eala Ans : (Board Te 201 = sin*® + sin?(90° — 0) We have sed <2 qb a) ¢ Hence Proved squaring both side we have 9 = 1 sec! = 420 +755 2 a, 1+tanto = 244 aie 2 1 1 cose’) __conec’t tanto = 2444 15-1 cosec@ +1 Ans [Boat em 2013) =e 87. Prove that : sec" aP-abt+ a tan'd =(2- 3) Taking square root both sides we obtain (1 +sin6) - (1 - sind) . ‘i sao Tainan tand = (2-3) alr a Now tan art (2) = Gag = 208 Hence Proved or tand =-| +(e -#)- word @) Adding (1) and (2) we have Page 246 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 tan@+sec® = 2r Adding (1) and (3) we have elytid sec + tand = b+ gi = ge Hence proved. in@— cos , sind-+cosd___2 90. Prove that : Sin@-+eost * sin cost ~ 2sin!— 1 Ans: [Boas Tem 201 ; (cos — sin)(cos’) + sin’8 + sinBcos) inf —cos® , sin@ + cos (8 — sin 8) ~ LHS = Sin0-+ cos8 * sind cos® ie) - ‘sin cos) _ (sind — cos} + (sind + cosy (1+ sindeosd) is ain'0 = cox"6 Now given expression (sin'9 + c0s"0) — 2sin cost + (sin + con") + 2sin cond — cos’ + sin'® , cos’ — sin’ oe ae X+V = “ode sind * cost sind 141 = (1 —sinBcos6) + (1 + sin6cos0) =a) 1+) sin'@— 1+ sin"O 2 —sinOcos6+sinOcosd =—2 = danvo—i ~ MHS RHS Hence Proved. Hence Proved. 93. Express : sin A,tan A and cosec A in terms of sec A. inGcos® and zsin® = ycos®, Ans : [Board Ter-t 2011] 91. If zsin'® + ycos'd = prove that 2+ y° Ans : {Boar emt 201] (1) sin?A-+ eos! = 1 ind < JTree We have rsin’0-+ ycos’® = sindcosd a) sin = VT cost q and zsin8 = ycos® = vi = _ ycos® or, z @) —_ [eA 1 _ Vsec@A=1 : sind ; - (84) -=S- Eliminating 2 from equation (1) and (2) we obtain, = sin © sin Asoo UcOs0 in'0 + yoos'9 = sinDcos® @ tan d = top Asin Avec A ycos sin? + ycos'® = sinBcos® = CAE! x wee A 1ycos B[sin’0 + cos"8] = sin Bcos® = Veet y(sin’9 + cos") = sind 1 oA (3) a y =sin0 (3) ain A Yoec?A=1 Substituting this value of y in equation (2) we have, 94. If sin +cos@ = /2, then evaluate tan@ + cot 0 emoud “ Ans : {Bowd Sop 2019) mn (3) and (4), we get ‘We have sind + cos = 72 Hence Proved. ‘Squaring both sides, we get cos'0 + sin*® cos! — sin’ (sind-+ cosy = (V2F Prove that SoF0-tsiar@ cos'd—sin'd = 9 ‘Ans: BOF SING COsO SING Tet 2 sin?0 + cos’0 + 2sin0cos8 = 2 yaoi’ 1+ 2sinBeos0 = 2 “cos0-+ sind J Chap 8 Now, FOUR MARKS QUESTIONS 95. If sind + cos® = V3, then prove that tan®+ cot@ = 1 Ans: (Boars 2020 Deby Standard ‘We have sin® +cos@ = V3 Squaring both the sides, we get (sind + ¢0s0)? = (V3)? sin’@ + cos’@ + 2sin@cos® = 3 1 +2sindcosd = 3 2sineos® =3 sinBcos® = 1 sol) ‘ _ sind Now tand + cot = S26 4 cost — sin’8 + cos" =" sinBeos' -_1 or tand +008 = Satay Substituting the value of sinOcos0 from equation (1) wwe have tand+eot0 = 1 =1 Hence, tanO + cot@ =1 Introduction of Trigonometry Page 247 96. If sect = 24 qb,x #0 find (sec# + tan8). Ans: [Board 2019 Delhi} We have sec) = rth ~(l) Since, tan"@ = sec’®— 1 Substituting value of secO we have tan*® 1 When seco = 2+ 7 and tan@ = r— 7 we have seco tan =(2+)+ (0-2 When secd = 242. and tand =-(r— 3) we have sec0-+ tand = (+b) Heb} 97. If sin A = $ calculate see A Ans : [Box 2019 00) Wehave sin = 3 Now cos'A = 1-sin"A 24 =1-(3¥ =a cos? A =1-(i) = a7 cos = Thus secA =—1, = cos V7 tame, cot® 1, sec Oc0s 98. Prove that: HBO 5 + Sag = 1 + sec cosec Page 248 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 Ans: [Board 2019 00} = LHS Hence Proved tand , cotd 100.Find A and B if sin(A+2B)=4) and cos(A-+4B)=0, where A and B are acute angles. Ans: ‘[Boord 2019 OD} fan0(1 — tan) We have sin(A + 2B) = 8 1 tanO(tand— 1) : sin(A +2B) = sin60" (sin60° = = __tan'o=1 = jano(tand— 1) A+2B = 60° afl) _ (tan 0 1) (tan’0 + 1+ tand) Also, given cos(A + 4B) = 0 tand(tand—7 cos(A+4B) = cos90" (c0890" = 0) = tan’ +14 tand = = tant A+4B = 90° (2) Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1) we get = tand-+cot0-+1 oR x90 a8 oa" From equation (1) we have A+2(15°) = 60° =30° Hence angle A = 30° and angle B = conve Osec0-+1 an = 3, evaluate (48in — cos +1 101.If 4tan6 = 3, ev uate (Find F-cos ( = 1+ secBcosee 6 Hence Proved Ans: (Boar 018 , sind sin® We tend = -3 Prove that: ep cosecd ~ ?* cot — coneed kare Aten) = Sioritendi= Ans : ‘Boss 201900) 3| s ; sind LHS = Sor0-+ coseed 7 sind __sin’o We know very well that if tan = 4, then =+J, cw0+T 1=cos’# _ (1 —cos0) (1 +088) sind = 5 and cosd = 5 cos +1 cos +T Substituting above values in given expression, 4sind—cosd+1 4x $-$+1 _13 sind + cond 1 1 “Det wn) 102.Evaluate : " 2tan.45°cos"0" sin 90" Ans : [Board Term-1 2015) tan"90"sin 30" + cos 60"sin?90° tan60" — 2 tan 45"cos*0°sin 90" (cos# — 1) (cos +1) cost T = (ga) x 24d OF x WSF -2 xd x Pct = 2—(cos0+1) = 1-cos0 Chap 8 Introduction of Trigonometry Page 249 dyad 343241241 _ 48 _ a 4x gtgxa-2 = S402 41241 AB =h+ 3-25 1+9=12 -5 105.Evaluate : 4(sin'30” + cos'60°) — 3(cos?45 — sin*90°) Ans Term 2013) 103.Given that ™ \ bie ci Pent tan(A-+ B) = tant tan B 4(sin'30° + cos'60*) ~ 3(cos?45 — sin?90”) T- tan Atan 1 Ay ly = 4l(4)'+(3)|-3l() -0 find the values of tan75° and tan90° by taking (2) f 2)| (za) ( | suitable values of A and B. i. ia at Ans : (Bor Tam 2012, NCERT =4lis+t6]-3[2-] tan A +tanB 2 1)_1,3_4 We have tan(A + B) = 22S (is) -3(-3) = +3 a 0 tan 75" = tan (45° + 30") 106.1f 15tan’0+4sec") = 23, then find the value of = tand5* + tan30° ms (see + cose 8F — sin’@. T~ tan d5°tan 30" Ans : [Board Term-1 2012] YB+1 We have 15tan’@ + dsec"@ = 23 va-1 e 4 eae 1tan"9 + 4(tan’® + 1) = 23 (V3+ (V3 +1 , they -Gaasen) Itan°® + dtan’9 +4 = 23 = 342VS41 _442V3 Wotan" = 19 (v3) -y 2 tan@ =1=tan45° ) =24v3 Thus @=45" : cosee 8} — sin* Hence tan75* = 2473 Hen Gotan] = (seo 45" + cosee 45")! — sin"45” (ii) tan 90° = tan(60° +30") Geet Ls 1y — tan 60" + tan 30° =(V2+¥2)— = Nine (2) od 1_15 B41 =2V2)'—5 =8- +5 Ve jee? “To tO” 107.1 V3 cot’ — 4cot@+ 73 =0, then find the value of 1-V3x a ‘cot’ + tan’, Hence, tan 90° = 20 Ans: {Board Term-1 2012] We have V3 cot’@— Acot+ 73 =0 104.Evaluate : sin?30° cos?45° + 4tan?30° + 4sin90° ~ 200890” + 3 Tab coh ms theme, has Ans : [eeu Tem. 20131 52-2445 m0 V32-31-2+V3 =0 (= ¥3\(V3z - 1) sin? cos45° + 4tan#30" + } sin 90° — 2cos?90° + 35 2 = V3 or red =(3 yx (z A) (75) +4 -20)+ 34 Thus cot = v3 or catd = i +4 1 Therefore @ = 30° or 0= 60° 4(2) +403) 34m 845+ 3 to eae sose If @ = 30", then Page 250 3 . 1y cot?30° + tan?30” = (V3) +) 73) 1_10 sty sy: If @= 60°, then cot?60° + tan®60" = (v5) +(¥3y =$+a=2. 108.Evaluate the following : 2cos"60° + 3sec"30° — 2tan’45° sin?30° + cos" 45" Ans: (Board Tem 2012 Zoos? + asce79? —2eantase _ 24+ 8(4) —20F sin'30° + con 45" we 20% +3 FF 20y FY 10 s 109.Prove that : HMO, + SHO; — 1+ tand+cotd. Ans: [Board Term-1 2012) (T= tandytand 1 (rand 1ytand ___tan’@-1 = (rand = I)tand (tan0 ~ 1)(tan’6 + tan@ +1) = —Gand= Tyan) tan’® + tan@ +1 ine = tand+1+cot0 Hence Proved. 110.In an acute angled triangle ABC if sin(A + B— 2 + ‘and cos(B-+ C= A) =); find 2 A,2B and < Ans : Bor Ter 2012 Wehave — sin(A + B~ C) Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 A+ B-C =30° a and cos(B+ C— A) = pgm ots B+C-A =45" (2) Adding equation (1) and (2), we get 2B = 75° > B= 37.5" Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1) we get, %A- 0) =-15° A-C =-7.5" (3) Now 4+B+C = 180" A+C = 180° —37.5° = 142.5" (4) Adding equation (3) and (4), we have 2A = 135" > A = 675° and, c =15° Hence, 2A = 67.5°, 2 B= 37.5",2C=75° 11LProve that #27 — a? = a’b?, if: (1) r= asec0,y = btan0, or (2) r= acosect,y = beot® ‘Ans : {Bors Trt 2015) (1) We have 2= asec0,y = btand, 2 eect Bt or, 2-% = sec’ — tan’ =1 Thus r= ad yY =a Hence Proved (ii) We have x= acoseed, y = beotd 2 _ cosecte, B= cot% F = conec't, F = cot"d HH coved — cot Ths PP df =e Hence Proved UIE cosecd—cot=VZeot®, then prove that, cosec + cot = v2 cosec’. Ans [ecu Tem 2018) We have cosect)— cot@ = ¥2 cot ® Squaring both sides we have cose’ + cot’9 — 2eosec cot 9 = 2cot"® Chap 8 Introduction of Trigonometry Page 251 cosec’§ — cot2@ = 2cosecBcot@ —115,Prove that ; ‘N+sind _ sec +1, tan@—sind ~ sec (cosec0 + cot 6)(cosec® — cot) = 2eosecBeot @ ‘Ans: parities ti (couecd—cot0 = VE cot) oe We have tand+ agptsine (cosec + cot v2 cot@ = 2cosecBcot O tan@—sind ~ =F —sind cosec + cot = V2 cosec® Hence Proved. _ secb+1 sec— 1 Hence Proved. , eosec A, cosee A _ 95.4 116.Prove that : SOSA 4 costa = Dace? A Ans : [Board Tern 2012) 113.Prove that : cot'Osin'd _, _tan"0cos')_ __ sec@cosee8 — 1 (cost + sind} * (cos0+sindy ~ cosec® + sccO Ans: (Board Tem 20151 cot*Asin™® tan’8cos"6 Geos sin dF * (eos + sin oy st xsin'@ | aX cos? cos" feosO-+ indy * (cos0-+ sind? sin’@ coat iat (cond + sinoy a + sin0)(cos*@ + sin” ~ sinOcos@) (cosd+ sin dy in cos =“cos0-+ sind ~ — cosec sec — 1 ~ “cosecl +860 MdProve that : /SA=T Ans: as + oar Hence Proved ‘secO=T _ [+4 = 2cosec8. {Boar Tern, 2012, et] sec 1, /wedti _ (SeCO—1)+(sec0 +I) Sort + V meee ~ [eee + Iy(see8— 1) = 2secd__ _2secd _ 2vec8 sec 1 vtan'e tan 1_ ,, cosd * cost * sind mal =ixgly = 2eosec® Hence Proved (cosee A= T)(cosee A +1) Hence Proved LITE cosee0 + cot 0 = p, then prove that cos = eo. Ans: Board Term 2016 pat _ (cowed + otf 1 PP+l ~ (cosecd+ cotOF +1 cosec"# + cot’) + 2cosecBcot # — 1 ete ttcenbatert ‘cosec") + cot'@ + 2cosecBcot 8+ 1 1 + cot” + cot?@ + 2eosec cot @ = 1 = —Ltcot?8 + cot’@ + 2eosecBeot@ — 1 _ cosec"0 + cosec’® — 1+ 2cosec cot +1 ___2eot (cot + cosec®) ~ Zeosecd(cosec 0 + cot 8) = cos 7 = SO5F x sin® = cos LIB.If acos6 + bsind =m and asin — bos =n, prove that m? +n? =a" +0 Ans ¢ [Board Ter 20121 We have m? = a’cos*# + 2absin@cos® + Usin’® ...(1) Page 252 and, a’sin’@ — 2absinBcos + bcos"® ...(2) Adding equations (1) and (2) we get i +n? = a?(cos?0 + sin'0) + #(cos?8 + sin’®) = @(1)+ #(1) aah cos’ si dig sin bose! 119.Prove that : SO + = git BG = 1 + sindeosd. Ans : (Boar Tem 2012 cos’ sin'0 —tand * sind = cos (cos — sin8)(cos*# + sin®0 + sin0cos®) - (cost sin) =1+sindeos0 Hence Proved 120.1F cos0-+sin0 = p and sec0-+ cosec® = q, prove that (p'~1)=2p Ans : [Bou Tem 2012) We have cos6 +sin® = p and sec + cosec = q a(p? — 1) = (sec8 + cosec8)|(cos0 + sin6 1] = (sec0 + cosec8)(cos"0 + sin’@ + 2sin8.cos6~ 1) = (sec + cosec8)|1 + 2sin Boos 0 — 1] = (cao sing) 28in 8088) = (Saegast) asin bcos = %(sin@ + cos) = 2p Hence Proved. TALIf r= rsin AcosC, y= rsinAsin@ and :=reos A, then prove that 224 7+ 2= 7? Ans : {Board Ten-1 2012 Ses Since, 2 = rsin’ Acos*C vf = Psin?Asin?C and 2 = Peos'A Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 24 P+ 2= Psin’Acos?C+ Pin’ Asin? C+ Peos’A = Psin® A(cos' C+ sin? C) + r°cos? A = Psin?A + eos’ = P (sin? A+ cos? A) =? Hence Proved. 122.Prove that: + (TS sint = 2sec0. Ans : (Board Term 2012) /lesind , /T=sind T=sind TV T+sind (= sinoy T—sin'@ 123.Prove that (1 —sin0 + cos0¥ = 2(1 + eos0)(1 — sin®). {Board Ter 2012) (1 sind + cosoy = 1+ sin®@ + cos?0 — 2sin0 — 2sinBcos® + 2c080 = 141 —2sind — 2sincos0 + 2c0s0 = 2+ 2cos0 — 2sin0 ~ 2sinBcosd = 2(1 + cos8) — 2sin6(1 + cos = (1 +c0s8)(2 — 2sin8) = 2(1 + cos8)(1 — sind) Hence Proved 124.Prove that : f0-+sec0—1 _ seco +tand ‘and secO=T Ans: [Boar Ter-t 2012] tan6 + secd — 1 ‘tan = secO FT (tand + sec8) — (sec%@ — tan’0) tan —secO+1 (tan0 + sec8) — (sec — tan8}(sec® + tan) Tand—sec+1 Chap 8 tan0-+ sec#)(1 —secd + tan) tan0 = secO-+ 1 = tan + sec Hence Proved 125.Prove that = (sin + cosee Of + (con® + sec8f = 7+ tan%9 + cot?Bcot® Ans : [Boar Term 2012] (sind + cosecd + (cos + sec = sin’O + cosec’® + 2sinficosect + cos? +sec’6 + 2cossec® = (sin"6 + c0s'0) + cosec"® +2 + sec’ +2 = 1+(1+ cot?) +2+ (1+ tan’0) +2 =T+ tan’ + cot Hence Proved Tork and d>0, find the value of cos [Boerd Term-1 2013] We have Now se d Th = ™ ne aE © = sind _ Ver _e Again, tano = Sind - Ye td 6 ‘ vere Thus tan@ =] 1 127.1f tand = : ae 75" (1) Evalnate : sacl er (2) Verify the identity ; sin’@ + .cos® = 1 Ans: [Bosed Term-1 2012) We have tand = z We draw the triangle as shown below and write all Introduction of Trigonometry Page 253 dimensions. Now cost = sec _ (1 + c0t%0) ~ (1 + tan’®) © (U+ cot") + (1+ tan’) _ _cot?# ~ tan’ P+ cot"+ tao (1) coset — sect eosec"8-+ sec" __W5y- Uy 24(V5P +(e) = Sak ~ 25-1242 “dy54] Fl WS (2) sin20-+¢0s'0 = (75) *(% 128.1f secf+tan@=p, show that sec®—tan0= Hence, find the values of cos and sind. Ans : [Bow Tem 2018) We have soc + tand =p a _ le 1 (sec — tan8) New: P = secd-+ tand * (secO—tand) _ sec0 = tand _ goog = Sha tans = seco - tand Page 254 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 1 = seco - tand @ ¥ + i + 2 Sin™Acos*A * sin Acos A ly =('+ raced) = (1 +see Acosee AP Hence Proved Thus cos =a ABLE (sec A + tan A)(see B + tan By(sec C+ tan C) + = (see A — tan A)(see B— tan B)(sec C= tan C) _\y,_1y_P=1 Prove that each of the side is equal to 1 and Senlie 2? ?)= 2p Ans = [Board Term-1 2012) (sec A+ tan Ay(sec B+ tan BY(sec C+ tan C) ap : — seco+1 Ian Prve a: (oe = SG Sf = (we A tan Ace B~ tan BYsee C~ tan C) * Multiply both sides by (cosec + cot 8 = cosec# + cot" + 2cosec8.cot 0 (occ A ~tan A)see B~ tan BYsxe C~ tan C) ¥ 4 (cosBy! 4 221 cose (Sin) sind * sin® or, (sec A + tan A)(see B+ tan B)(see C+ tan C) x cos@_, 200s (sec A — tan A)(sec B — tan B)(sec C — tan C} sin’) * sin’ ; MK x ? = (sec A ~ tan AF (see B ~ tan BY (see C- tan Cf = Ltcos’O + 2e088 _ 2 Fife * a 2, = in’) or, (sec? A — tan? A)(sec? B— tan’ B)(sec* C— tan? C) (1 + cos 6)(1 + cos8) = (sec A — tan A)'(sec A — tan BY (sec C— tan C) af i ) ( +( eats) or, 1 =[(sec ~ tan A)(see B— tan By(sec C— tan C)F = Leaee - be or, (see A ~ tan A)(see B - tan BY(see C+ tan C)=+ 1 _sec0+1 182.1f dsin@ = 3, find the value of x if eo Hence Prove ‘cosec"§ — cot"® 5 2e0t9 = +cos8 130.Prove that : eT (sin A + sec A+ (cos A + cose AF = (1 +se€ A cosee Ay Aa (Board Term 2012] Anse Bestia 1a, We have sing =3 4 = (sin A + sec Af + (cos A + cose Ay on, sto = 2 = 1y iy es ee Shes co? =, we ae =H dt Sieg + BR Heo + co’ =1-sin'd = 1- Gah 1 A + aaa +? sin cos = =sin'A too +o + oho 7 = aint A * costa o 2 a and tano = 506 == +ind asa cos 35 VF ‘cos A* Sin A, Chap 8 ds ts 4 ‘Thus 1=3 183.Prove that sec*® + cosec’® can never be less than 2. Ans [Boaré-Term 1 2011) Let sec" + cosec® = x 1+ tan’ +1+cot’8 =x 2+ tan’ + cot’ z 2+tan’0+ cot" x tan®@ > 0 and cot" > 0 ‘Thus 2 >2 ‘Thus sec + cosec*® > 2 Hence sec*® + cosec"0 can never be less than 2. 134.(a) Solve for 6, if tan5o = 1 sind, 140086 _ (b) Solve for 6, if -ABS + LSE = 4 Ans: (a) tan5@ = 1 tanSo = tan45° 56 = 45° Thus o=9 (o) tite, Lt cose T¥oos6 ~~ sino sin®o + (1+ cos07 “sing e085) ~ sin? +14 2coso + cos" _ 4 Tsing Fsindcosh sin? + cos’ +14 2cosd _ 4 ~ sing(Feos6) Introduction of Trigonometry Page 255 2+2coso ng + cos) 2(1 +088) Bno( + e086) sind sing = sin30° ‘Thus @ = 30° 195.1f tanA+sinA=m and tanA—sinA =n, show that m?—n? =4¥'mn Ans: [Boaé-Term 1 2003 We have tanA+sinA =m and tanA~sinA =n mn? =(tan A +sin Ay (tan A—sin Ay = (tan?A + sin’ A +2sin Atan A) —(tan?A + sin? ~2sin Atan A) tan?A+sin’A+2sin Atan A —tan?A —sin’A + 2sinAtan A sin Atan A Avmn = 4/(tan A+ sin Aj(tan A— sin A) = Avian? A= sin?A (ee =sin®AcosA cos! A _ We = cos") ~ cos A x sin'A cos" in A x sin A - sin A =dsin A x D4 = dsin Atan A 4¥mn Hence Proved cosa _ 136.1 Page 256 Introduction of Trigonometry Chap 8 (mn? + n’)oos'3 =n’. Ans: {Board Term 1 2010] We have sin - as Hence Proved. 1B7.If ——Teosec ~ Scot = 7, prove that. eat — Boose ) Ans We have Teosecd — Scot = 7 Teoseco—7 = Scotd T(cosee — 1) = Scot T(cosee — 1)(coseed +1) = Beot d(coseco + ) T(cosec’ — 1) = Beoto(coseco+ ) Fit mi: sock jrcouee

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