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Michtim RPG

Words of Wisdom
This game would not have been Christopher Lowenthal, Dan-
possible without the help of iel Kwast, Kaspar Manz, Kenneth
countless passionate people. Cummins, Mario Posch, Michael
I want to thank all of those who Wolf, Rebecca Mir, Roger Lewin,
have spent their time on improv- Stefan Kuzaj, Quinn Murphy
ing this game. May your tables
be filled with delicious bocicne! The M(o)use
Cornelius Funkenflug, our be-
Game Design / Layout / Art loved djungarian dwarf ham-
Georg Mir ster. His charming (even if fero-
cious) personality has inspired
Setting Idea me during the project. He’s a
Alexander Oslaj and Georg Mir fluffy gangster (being locked up
behind bars), and utterly ador-
Playtesters able at everything he does.
Christian Haberl, Mario Posch,
Gernot Plotsch, Gerold Stein- You
kellner, Ronald Steinkellner Thanks for putting your trust in
me and my little world. Hope
Stock Images (Cover) you enjoy making it your new
Colin Brough (vines), Nico- home. All the money I earn
las Raymond (parchment), will go into further projects.
Neil Rhodes (wax seal)

Georg Mir (c) 2012 Georg Mir. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the
Murgasse 5 written permission of the publisher is forbidden, except for the
8490 Bad Radkersburg purpose of reviews. Character sheets may be copied for personal
AUSTRIA use only. If any characters seem to resemble existing people, this
is pure coincidence and not intended by the author.


Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Synergies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Lexicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Allegiance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Michtims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Haus Barsik . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Culture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Haus Grauling . . . . . . . . . . 68
Basic Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Haus Turnaya. . . . . . . . . . . 70
Personality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Virtues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Combat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Treasury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Callings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Hero Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Adventurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Artist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Ultimates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Bard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Game Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Cook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Episodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Courtier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Spark’s Flight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Cybertooth. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Cast & Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Daredevil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Frostpaw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Machinist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Sorcerer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Tactician. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Witch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Introduction 3
What is Michtim RPG?

Turnaya needs you! How to play the game

Michtim is a role playing game Traditional role playing games

that tells the story of fuzzy lit- like Michtim have a lot in com-
tle heroes that live right next mon with board games. You
to human settlements. meet with a bunch of friends.
These creatures call them- Spend an evening’s worth of
selves Michtims, and although time together having fun, eat-
they look deceptively similar to ing snacks and telling jokes.
hamsters, they are actually mem- One of you will take the mantle
bers of an intelligent species that of the Game Master, creating the
is not closely related to rodents. game’s missions and challeng-
In this game you create a Mi- es while acting as a referee and
chtim hero, decide its name making sure players get their
and conduct missions to save chance to stand in the limelight.
the hidden kingdom from the The others will each create a
depredations of the furless player character (using the rules
city dwellers that threaten to presented in this book), por-
build yet another parking lot in tray their Michtim heroes and
the Immergrummel woods. help each other on your quest.

4 Introduction
Things you need
Six-Sided Dice (d6)
There are several things you Find a handful of six sided dice.
need to play a session of Mich- They will be called d6 through-
tim. Some of these you might out the rest of the book. Your
already have, and the others friendly local game store prob-
can be easily obtained through ably has good-looking sets
your friendly local game store. at a reasonable price.

Friends Poker Chips (Wound Tokens)

You will need several friends to You can use any stackable thing
have the most fun with this game. as wound tokens. You will need
One takes the lead as Game Mas- seven chips per player, though
ter, while the others each play the Game Master might need a
the role of a single Michtim hero. lot more for epic foes. These are
used to track wounds. If need
be, you can also use coins.
There are special Michtim
RPG wound tokens you can ob-
tain from the game’s site that
even visualize the type of injury.

Introduction 5
2 Types of Glass Beads Pencils & Paper
You will need three Mood These should be part of any
beads for every player. Adven- gamer’s arsenal. Whether
turers might even need up to you are trying to remember
seven. These are used to track names, facts or like to doodle
the character’s mood, which portraits of Michtims, pencils
will have a big impact on your and paper come in handy.
hero’s chance of success.
A different colored set of glass Character Sheet
beads is used to track Karma. There is a bit of information to
Karma will help you avert di- keep track of with Michtim he-
saster and is handed out as roes. Because of this, there is
reward for acting in harmo- a special sheet to take notes
ny with the three virtues Char- about your Michtim character.
ity, Civilization and Conser- One copy is needed for ev-
vation. You will typically need ery player. The sheet can be
five Karma beads per player. downloaded for free on the
Every player starts the ses- game’s site (see Links).
sion with a single Karma bead.

6 Introduction

The provided links may help

you set up a game, find ad-
ditional content, meet new
people, and share ideas.

Michtim Online
The site contains useful resourc-
es for the game. Most important-
ly you can download character
sheets, calling cards and wound
tokens from the site.


You can also check out RPGNow
to get the same resources.


Introduction 7
Common vocabulary and phrases

Although the language of Michtims is based on regional human

tongues, there are many special terms that require explanation. Dur-
ing their schooling in Fauchschule, Michtims also have to learn the
proper pronunciation of these common words. Some teachers are
very strict in this regard, however some Michtims hail from the far
away region of Bormen and get away with their own style of speech.

Adventurer: A Calling that al- Bocicne (botch•ITCH•nay):

lows the Michtim to store up A range of tasty bakery prod-
to 7 Mood Markers and to ucts that are highly priced in
avert harm by taking risks. Michtim culture. There are both
sweet and savory bocicne.
Artist: A Calling that al-
lows the Michtim to steal Bormen: A far-away region,
Mood Markers from foes completely shrouded by the
and give them to friends. magic of the Veil. Michtims live
in the magical woods of Bor-
Bande (BUN•day): A men, tending to huge mush-
band of Michtims, go- room plazas and glowing fungi.
ing out on adventures.
Calling: A mystical archetype
Bard: A Calling that supports that a Michtim aspires to. As
friends in earshot by giving long as the Michtim cares to
them extra Mood Markers. follow the Calling, it reaps the
benefits. Michtims are known
to switch Callings if it suits
their whims. They are nev-
er locked into mindless jobs.

8 Introduction
Cook: A Calling that allows Finsterberg: A forlorn moun-
the Michtim to produce deli- tain that was once the proud
cious food that awards friends home of Haus Barsik.
extra dice for Actions.
Frostpaw: A Calling that allows
Courtier: A Calling that allows the Michtim to cover enemies
the Michtim to inflict detrimen- in chills to block their Actions.
tal Mood Markers on enemies so
they incur distraction penalties. Haus (house): A political fac-
tion in Michtim culture. One is
Cybertooth: A Calling that al- not born into a Haus, but has
lows the Michtim to act twice to be accepted into it. Every
in a single round. Cyber- Haus follows a cardinal virtue.
tooth heroes often have a
machine-like appearance. Haus Barsik: One of the fac-
tions of Michtim culture. They
Daredevil: A Calling that al- revere nature and follow the
lows the Michtim to earn virtue of Conservation. Many
Mood Markers when wound- members of Haus Barsik are
ed. Daredevils can also redi- strong warriors, and even
rect attacks to themselves. more lack good manners.

Fauchschule (FOW•shoo•ley): Haus Grauling (GROWL•ing):

Literally meaning hissing school, A faction of urban Michtims that
but also concerns itself with ba- follow the virtue of Civilization.
sic cultural education. See Mich- They have a knack for tech-
tim for the pronounciation of ch. nology and are always look-
ing for ways to make profit.

Introduction 9
Haus Turnaya: The Michtims of Michterisch (mich•teir•ISH):
Haus Turnaya are known for their The term for the male sex. Also
jovial lifestyle. They follow the vir- means mustache. It bears noting
tue of Charity and like to share a that Michtims have no defined
good time. They make charming gender roles. The sexual dimor-
diplomats and enviable cooks. phism is not very pronounced in
Michtims, and a Michtim’s sex
Karma: Points that are earned is only of minor importance.
by acting virtuously. Can
be spend on re-rolls, to ac- Michtim (mich•TIM): The name
tivate Ultimates and to in- is pronounced similar to the way
stantly attune Callings. me•XI•co is pronounced in Span-
ish. It sounds a bit like hissing.
Machinist: A Calling that al-
lows the Michtim to create Moschischka (mo•SHISH•ka):
wonderful machines that will Common parlance for the female
aid the Michtim in battle. sex. Also denotes the mam-
mary glands. It bears repeat-
mene (MEN•e): Something ing that Michtims do not have
that is even smaller than mini. defined gender roles. The Mi-
Also means cute or lovely. chtim sexes are not that differ-
ent, so they are only ever rel-
Meschne (MESH•nay): If the evant for breeding purposes.
sex of a Michtim has both (or
neither) female and male as- Mood Markers: Glass beads
pects, it is said to be meschne. that are used to track the cur-
Meschne are common and usu- rent emotional stance of a
ally blend in with other Michtims. Michtim. They can be ben-
eficial or detrimental de-
pending on the situation.

10 Introduction
Moor, the: The haunted swamp Ultimates: Signature abili-
that lies between Bormen and ties that can be learned by
Turnaya. Home to Thekla’s Michtims. They are activated
tavern ‹Zum Wegkreuz›. by spending a Karma point.
They come with a bonus ef-
Noctürna: Owls that can fect that can be triggered if
be tamed and ridden. Wild special conditions are met.
specimen are known to at-
tack Michtims on sight. Veil, the: A magical shroud that
obscures the existence of the Mi-
Sorcerer: A Calling that al- chtims and their fabled cities. It
lows the Michtim to use Ac- is directly powered by human rit-
tions at range and to focus uals, like putting a saucer of milk
energy to gain extra dice. outside at night. Humans get it
wrong, believing that they do it
Symbolaya: The magical for the good will of the fey folk.
lore of meanings, words of
power and archetypal reso- Witch: A Calling that allows the
nances. Also refers to the Michtim to predefine a condition
art of written conversation. that will trigger another Action.

Tactician: A Calling that al-

lows the Michtim to affect
additional targets with Ac-
tions and to gain Mood Mark-
ers on 1s in addition to 6s.

Introduction 11
Mihitimus sapiens

Michtims are a species unlike any other. Judging by looks alone, they
would be most surely mistaken for hamsters, rats or mice. Michtims
are different from rodents on many levels though: biologically and
psychologically, and because of their complex social structures.

Michtims are mammals
The members of species Michtims are a species of su-
Mihitimus sapiens are praprimates, but are not re-
often mistaken for common lated to the Rodentia family.
rodents. This could be no They are still missing from re-
farther from the truth, though. search because they are so ad-
Michtims share the clade of ept at hiding their existence.
supraprimates with the
rodents they most resemble. Fur Coat
This is a work of mimicry; a They are covered in dense but
common evolutionary trick. By soft fur. It is very similar to that of
looking very similar to exist- hamsters. Colors run the gamut
ing species, they evade cap- of blacks, browns, blondes and
ture as intelligent beasts. reds; even freak colors like blue
or pink are not unheard of. Mich-
tims have the ability to change
their coloration during the sleep.
This change seems to be relat-
ed to their attuned Callings.

12 Michtims
Body Type Sharp Fangs
Michtims are about the size of Unlike hamsters, Michtims do not
common hamsters (Cricetus crice- have two continuously growing
tus). Both smaller and larger vari- incisors. Rather, they have a den-
ants are known to exist. The three tal formula similar to primates,
commonly known body types en- with sharp canines that are of-
domorph, ectomorph and meso- ten bared in times of conflict.
morph are also found in this spe-
cies, as can be seen above. Both
genes and diet seem to factor into
the development of the body type.
Michtims can be small, wiry
or strong. Each body type sup- New Michtim Heroes
ports different actions. Being
small can be of benefit when Pick one of the three body
trying to fit through openings, types. Being small, wiry or
while a strong build allows strong might carry different ben-
heavy lifting. Wiry Michtims are efits in the future.
known for their fast reflexes.
Example: small

Michtims 13
Intelligence Senses
Michtims are highly intelligent. Mihitimus sapiens have high-
Although their brains are ex- ly efficient sensory organs. They
tremely small in comparison to are capable of color sight, while
human brains. This does not still retaining a rudimentary
seem to have any detrimental ef- (black and white) night sight.
fect on their mental prowess. Their olfactory and gustato-
This fact shows in their com- ry systems work at superhuman
plex culture, their use of both levels. They are able to pick out
spoken and written language the faintest essences in food and
and the development of art. are capable of tracking by scent.
Their hearing is capable of
Life Span picking up ultra-sonic sound,
Michtims are known to reach which they use to communicate.
adulthood within twelve years. A Michtim’s whiskers allow the
They can reach venerable ages creature to measure the size of
of up to hundred years, and openings and feel the breeze
they seem to exhibit the same of fresh air while underground.
signs of old age as humans do.

14 Michtims
Diet Speech
Michtims do not have cheek Michtims have their own lan-
pouches. Although they can eat guage which is loosely based
raw fruits and vegetables, they on the human tongue in close
prefer to prepare their food. Usu- vicinity. Foreign Michtims thus
ally they bake bocicne, which are speak different languages.
similar to cupcakes and muffins. The voices of Michtims are
In contrast to hamsters, Mich- very high-pitched, so humans
tims find coprophagy disgusting. usually are not capable of hear-
You can look that up yourself. ing them without tools. They
can make themselves heard as
Magical Aptitude well, though that means pos-
Michtims command a variety of sibly breaching the Veil.
occult powers that humans can
only dream of. It shows in their
aptitude for sorcery and witch- New Michtim Heroes
craft, and also in a unique form of
ritual magic called the Veil that Think of a catchy name and
cloaks the existence of the Mich- write it down on the character
tims and their capital city Turnaya. sheet. This is your birth name.

Example: Cornelius

Michtims 15
Life among Michtims

Michtims build communities and have strong social mecha-

nisms to organize themselves into groups. They even have dedi-
cated learning facilities that are similar to human schools.


Here young Michtims learn valu- Fauchschule also features les-

able lessons for life. Fauch- sons in tracking by scent,
schule means hissing school, the basics of bocicne bak-
so that hints at the most cen- ing and how the social order
tral lessons for youngsters. of Michtim culture works.
The most basic courses re- Michtims learn to respect
volve around communication: each other and are taught to
figuring out how to best hiss at solve conflicts through ritual-
enemies, when hissing would istic games like belly brawl-
be detrimental to the wellbe- ing or tests of smarts.
ing of the Michtim, and other Also the three cardinal vir-
alternatives to hissing. Hiss- tues are taught in Fauchschule,
ing seems to be a sort of stress though not every Michtim val-
relief, but also a veritable art ues each of them equally.
form in Michtim culture. Young-
sters often practice their own
style of hissing for days on end.

16 Michtims
Tree Capital Turnaya

Hissing school also features les- Artificers

sons on the creation and expan- These build works of wonder from
sion of the giant tree capital Tur- crystallized spell shards and magi-
naya, which focus on Turnaya’s cal devices that lift the burden
Queen, treegardens, caves, and of heavy production work from
shops. Shops include diverse the shoulders of the workers.
places of leisure and craftsman-
ship; Michtims learn which shops Hawkers
make a successful community. Wandering the city to sell acces-
sories and items from their vendor
Naschkerias trays, some even sell cloaks that
These are small shops where have been hand-sewn by the fa-
sweets (like bocicne) are sold mous tailors of far-away Bormen.
and eaten. They serve as
meeting places and are al- Shrines
ways buzzing with activity. Places of worship are found
all over Turnaya: reminding
Nektarias the Michtims of their ances-
These places sell the finest nec- tors and the nature spirits that
tars available in the Michtim king- are all around. Secular Mich-
dom. Michtims like to refill their tims still value the cultural di-
water sacks at these shops. mension of these places.

Michtims 17
Nests Social Groups

Michtim families are structured Michtim culture revolves

into nests. A nest consists of any around a democratic monar-
combination of Michtims that chy. The Queen resides in the
choose to spend their lives to- highest echelons of the tree-
gether. As such, nests are most top capital Turnaya. She is pro-
often a product of love, friend- tected by the Royal Guard.
ship or even pure utility. Michtims know three main
It is not uncommon for two Mi- houses of political interest in
chtims of the same sex to raise Turnaya. One is not born into
foster children. Likewise the a Haus, although it is com-
highest priority of nest build- mon for youngsters to flock to
ing seems to be feeding ev- their parents’ Haus choice.
ery mouth and providing a Michtims choose their Haus
warm cuddly place to sleep. Allegiance around the time they
It is not uncommon for Nests finish their apprenticeship.
to have (or gain) a nest name.
It usually speaks of the inter-
ests or characteristics of the
particular group of Michtims.

18 Michtims
Haus Turnaya Haus Barsik
The kind haus values charity and The wild haus values conserva-
having a good time. They are tion. They have a deep respect
known for their voracious appe- for nature and go to extremes to
tites and their affinity for the ar- defend it and commune with na-
cane arts. They love baked food, ture spirits. They come from the
music and socializing. Many of harsh region of Finsterberg, so
them become Bards, Cooks, they are used to the wilderness.
Courtiers or Sorcerers. They are commonly seen fol-
lowing the call of the Adventur-
Haus Grauling er, Artist, Frostpaw or Witch.
The grey haus values civiliza-
tion and progress. They are en- Adventures
gineers and corporate master-
minds. They are very crafty, and Michtims are an adventurous lot.
plot to build their own capital They follow their Haus’ virtues
city one day. Their iconic call- and try to make the world a bet-
ings are Cybertooth, Daredev- ter place to live in. Many explore
il, Machinist and Tactician. dangerous places, like human
settlements or shopping centres.

Michtims 19
Human Relations

The relationship with humans Haus Barsik is especially sworn

is strained at best, because the to fight any human interfer-
longlegs do not seem to care ence. They organize sabotage
about their environment. missions to sow seeds of dis-
Humans erect animal fac- trust in human corporations.
tories where they grind baby Haus Grauling sees the fur-
roosters to meal because they less ones in a more accept-
are worthless to humans. ing light. They argue that
They clear whole swathes of development sometimes re-
forest just to build parking lots quires sacrifices. Graulings
for their capitalist shopping also see the benefit of steal-
temples. The furless ones also ing human technology.
dump their waste in the woods. Haus Turnaya takes a more
It is therefore no wonder that indifferent approach. If human
Michtims have a long history of progress threatens the tree city
assaults on human industry. Turnaya it has to be stopped.
Otherwise they prefer not to in-
terfere with human plans.

20 Michtims
A Naschkeria opens in a sapling
close to the main tree of Turnaya
Michtims 21
Basic Rules
Playing the game

Rolling Dice

Players need to roll dice to check Example: Smitty wants to attack

if an Action was successful or a fiendish noctürna. He looks at
not. They pick up a number of his Character Sheet to check his
six-sided dice (d6) equal to the Anger rating: 3 dice! Smitty grabs
Emotion rating that is connect- three six-sided dice (3d6) and rolls
ed to the Action being used. Af- them. He gets the following result:
ter the die roll, add the values to Adding these dice together equals
see if their sum is greater than
7. This is the default difficul-
ty most rolls need to surpass.

eight, so the difficulty of 7 is sur-

passed and the Action succeeds.

22 Basic Rules
Hitting Hard

Any time an Action succeeds, it Example: The owl-like noc-

scores a single hit. This means türna shrieks in pain as Smitty
inflicting a light wound, jump- hits its wing. Narrowing its eyes
ing a small gap, finding a hid- the Michtim-eating creature at-
den item that was pretty easy tacks. The Game Master looks
to discover in the first place. at the noctürna’s Anger rating
If you want to do better, you (4d6) and decides that rolling 7
need to gain more hits. To gain will be easy enough with 2 dice.
more hits the players need to She sets aside two d6 to gain two
set aside dice before the roll. additional hits on a success:
For every die removed from
the pool they will gain an ad-
ditional hit; but their die roll
still needs to surpass 7.

The noctürna swoops down,

clawing deep into the side of
Smitty’s body: for a total of 3 hits.
What a grievous wound! This
will take a lot of time to heal.

Basic Rules 23
Getting into the Mood

Every time a die comes up show- Example: Cornelius wants

ing a 6 on an Action roll, the to climb up a rope. He rolls
character gains a Mood Mark- his Joy rating in dice (3d6).
er of the appropriate type. Char-
acters can have up to three
Mood Markers at any time.
Mood Markers last until the
end of the current scene. Once
a new scene starts, the play- The roll succeeds easily, but Cor-
er usually loses all previous nelius is also feeling an intense
Mood Markers, unless the Game rush of Joy. Two sixes means he
Master decides otherwise. will get 2 Joy Markers for the re-
mainder of the scene. Any fur-
ther Joy rolls will be much easier.

24 Basic Rules
Mood Marker Benefits

Mood Markers increase the Ac- set aside one d6 to go faster,

tion rolls by +1 each. This makes because of the additional hit:
rolls much easier, allowing charac- Cornelius is lucky to have +2 Joy
ters to succeed with a single d6. Markers; otherwise he would
You do not have to spend
the Mood Markers to gain
this passive effect. It is an +2 Joy Markers
automatic benefit of be-
ing in that particular Mood.
have failed his Action roll! Now
Mood Distractions he easily climbs the rest of the
distance in much shorter time,
If you are trying to pull off some- because he had two hits.
thing that your current Mood is op-
posed to, then each Mood Marker
levies a flat -1 penalty (see p.28).
Example: Cornelius feels very
confident now. He decides to

Basic Rules 25
Buying Dice

Characters may gain much Example: Cornelius still has

more than the measly +1 two Joy Markers from his previ-
for each Mood Marker. ous rolls. After climbing the rope,
Players are able to sell Mood he comes to a gaping maw of
Markers by putting the markers a Moorschlund. To successful-
in front of themselves and an- ly jump the monstrosity’s gnash-
nouncing their intent right be- ing teeth, he needs to use the
fore taking an Action. After do- Jolt action. But one hit will not
ing this, players do not gain +1 suffice. He will need at least
for the given Mood Marker, but three hits to cover 1m (1yd). Set-
will instead gain a die to use for ting aside two dice becomes
the Action at hand. Fear Markers a problem: his chance of suc-
buy dice for Fear Actions (like cess is very small with only 1d6.
Evade and Hide), for example. Luckily he can spend
Players have to take the Ac- Joy Markers to buy more
tion for which they bought ex- d6s. He decides to play it
tra dice. It is not possible to safe and buy two dice.
sell off unwanted Mood Mark- On the following roll he does
ers to get rid off them: you also not gain the +2 Mood bonus, be-
have to act on your Mood. cause he spent the Joy Mark-
ers on extra dice instead.

He effortlessly beats the obsta-

cle, gaining three hits on his Jolt.

26 Basic Rules
Basic Rules 27
The core of the hero

Each of the five Emotions has Basic Actions connected to it. Every
character can try these, although the likelihood and level of success
will vary considerably. Emotion ratings also help you to figure out how
your character will act in times of stress. The highest Emotion ratings
usually indicate your Michtim’s primary way of solving problems.

Using Basic Actions Social Interaction

These Basic Actions can be used If someone tries to intimidate

only on targets in close prox- your character, roll Fear (modi-
imity. Remember that every die fied by any Fear Markers) and
roll may result in the creation see if you score a 11 or high-
of Mood Markers. Also bear in er. The same is done with other
mind that these are bound to social situations. If you are pro-
the Emotion involved. A char- voked, roll Anger to see if you
acter may only have up to three get mad. You might even gain
Mood Markers at a time. Mood Markers as a result.

Role-Playing Emotions Distractions

Emotion ratings should reflect If you currently have Mood Mark-

the way the character solves ers that are directly opposed
his problems. Anger 4 charac- to your intended action, you
ters are usually very aggressive might suffer a Distraction pen-
in their demeanor, while Fear 4 alty. Being angry blocks your
Michtims are very cautious. skill at curing others for ex-
ample. In that case, every op-
posed Mood Marker levies a
-1 penalty on Emotion rolls.

28 Personality
Oppositions Joy

In the circle below you can see The power of Joy allows the Mi-
opposed Emotions at a glance. chtim to move around acrobati-
Joy is opposed to both Fear cally and find hidden things. Its
and Grief. Anger is opposed to color is yellow, like a sunny day.
Grief and Love. Use this circle to
work out Distraction penalties. Jolt
Roll Joy and beat 7 to sprint and
jump 30cm (1ft). Set aside d6
to go faster and jump farther.
This way you can move
around at blinding speeds and
cross obstacles with ease.

Roll Joy to counter Hide. Set
aside d6 to breach stronger levels
of Hide. Detect is a reflexive action.
This power is used to uncover
things about your surrounding.
New Michtim Heroes The more dice you set aside,
the more detailed your observa-
Michtim heroes start with one tions will be in case of success.
die in every Emotion. After- Detect also determines the ini-
wards distribute seven dice tiative in case of combat. It is
among them. Take note that rolled without setting dice aside.
Emotions are rated 1 to 4.

Example: Joy 3, Love 2,

Grief 1, Fear 2, Anger 4

Personality 29
Love Grief

Helping others is the purview Sometimes we need to cow-

of the Love emotion. Healing er and weep. Grief helps a Mi-
is at the heart of Love. Its color chtim in times of onslaught. Its
is green, like verdant growth. color is blue, like a rain cloud.

Cure Weep
Roll Love and beat 7 to heal Roll Grief and beat 7 to re-
a light wound on your target. move one hit from all incom-
Set aside d6 to heal more se- ing attacks this round. Set aside
vere wounds. Cure cannot d6 to increase the amount
be used on yourself. If the tar- of damage reduction.
get uses Weep, it will add bo- Weeping means forfeiting all
nus hits to the Cure roll. Only hostile actions for a round, beg-
one wound can be healed with ging the foe to stop being so
a single use of the Cure action. mean. Some foes might stop in
This action will come in very their tracks and reconsider at-
handy should you find yourself tacking a weeping enemy. Oth-
in perilous situations. Caring Mi- ers will still try to attack you.
chtims are highly respected by Nevertheless, the damage
their Bande, because they know reduction gained from Weep
how to help in times of need. is considerable. You do not
make a good target, because
you soak up all the damage.

30 Personality
Fear Anger

Deceptive feats are possible Anger is all about venting

with the power of Fear. It helps your rage on foes and the en-
a Michtim to evade notice and vironment. Its color is red,
attacks. Its color is purple, like like a crimson hot flame.
the shroud of shadows.
Hide Roll Anger and beat 7 to in-
Roll Fear and beat 7 to Hide. Set flict a light wound on your tar-
aside d6 for better stealth. Cannot get. Set aside d6 to deal a more
be used outside of stealth zones severe wound, increasing the
(shadows, high grass and the like). difficulty of Cure Actions.
This is a useful ability be- This is the bread-and-butter
cause it lets foes pass by with- offensive action used by most
out having to fight them. characters in the game. Howev-
er, it can be highly modified by
Evade the use of weapons and Callings.
Roll Fear against an enemy’s At- Remember that using Basic
tack action to dodge it complete- Actions requires the attacker to
ly. Instead of beating 7, the attack- be close to its victim. Through
er needs to beat your result. Evade Callings such as Sorcerer and
is a move action. Instead of us- Tactician the attack action can
ing Move you may roll Evade become very devastating.
to dodge an incoming attack.
Reminder: Fear Mark-
ers do not cause Distrac-
tion on Anger or Grief rolls!

Personality 31
Advanced belly brawling!

Brawling over a piece of cake is not entirely unheard of. Michtims al-
ready fight each other when they are still small nestlings. Although
adult Michtims frown upon the arbitrary use of violence, youngsters
still need to learn how to defend themselves, when things get ugly
some day. This part of the book discusses things like who acts first,
how damage is dealt and what consequences a lost fight might have.

Combat Time Initiative Roll

Michtim RPG uses two modes First we have to figure out who
of chronological tracking. Com- acts first. To do this, every player
bat time and narrative time. uses Detect: making a Joy roll
The first is used most com- and comparing their results. The
monly when everyone needs one who rolls highest acts first,
to have a fair chance to say but may decide to postpone their
what their characters do dur- action if they want to. This roll is
ing a fight. The second mode made without setting aside dice.
is used during all other situ-
ations. You can read more
about narrative time on p.86.

32 Combat
Player vs Player Action Types

In case your Bande has quarrels to During a single round of com-

sort out, use this little trick to keep bat, every player has the right
the game fair. Players use cards to to do one Action of each type.
indicate what they would like to
do. Place them face-down and se- Move Action
cretly take the amount of dice you Every Michtim may Move up to
need. After everyone has finished, 30cm (1ft) in a single round. If
flip them around and resolve the the character is bound in com-
actions in the order of initiative bat, they may Evade instead.
you have determined before.
Michtims usually will not Regular Action
kill each other. If they do, Most actions in Michtim RPG
they are hunted down and are regular actions. Like Attack,
arrested. Just saying. Cure, Hide, Jolt and Weep.

Reflexive Action
These actions do not take up
any time at all, like the De-
tect action. Some Callings al-
low the player to use regular
actions as reflexive actions.
Shouting something is
also a Reflexive Action, but
try to keep it short. Other-
wise your talk might take a
Regular Action instead.

Combat 33
Wound Tokens Through the use of Gear (p.74),
Michtims can inflict horrible
Characters will get hurt during ad- wounds on their victims.
ventures. Anyone who is the vic- These wound effects can
tim of an Attack will usually suffer only be removed through use
between 1 and 4 wound tokens. of the Cure action or through
Every hit creates a different special Gear that is able
wound. Because Cure needs to to dispel wound effects.
beat a wound’s level, it is impor- Only one wound effect of
tant to keep track of each wound each type can afflict a victim.
as separate stack of tokens. For example all further wors-
Some wounds increase their ening wounds are ignored.
rating afterwards (like worsen-
ing wounds). Just put anoth- Blinding Wound
er wound token on the stack. All Attack and Detect rolls
suffer a -3 penalty while this
Wound Effects wound effect is left uncured.

Cruel Wound
All Weep and received Cure
rolls suffer a -3 penalty while
this wound afflicts the victim.

Slowing Wound
All Evade and Jolt rolls suffer a
-3 penalty while this wound effect
is left uncured. Also, your regu-
lar Move distance is halved.

34 Combat
Being defeated
Worsening Wound
This wound will upgrade itself What happens when a Michtim
once at the beginning of the is knocked out? That largely de-
next round. It will get worse by pends on the opponents and
1 token until the Michtim is able whether the whole Bande was
to get it cured. Once the Mich- defeated. Most enemies in the
tim goes KO, the worsening ef- world of Michtim prefer to cap-
fect stops. This can signify bleed- ture foes instead of killing them.
ing, magical or chemical burns. If you are looking for ideas,
you can use the following ta-
Being knocked out ble for some inspiration, but
feel free to think of interesting
If a Michtim suffers a total of reasons to make prisoners.
7 or more wound tokens, it
will be knocked out. Stacks do They put you into a cage and
not matter in this case. Seven take you to their headquarter.

individual wound tokens are

the same as sustaining a level- They rob you and leave you in
the wild. Gladly you wake up
3-wound and a level-4-wound. before something can eat you.
A Michtim character will not
They humiliate you. They let you
die automatically, unless some- live, because they consider you
thing really bad happens. to be too weak.
Non-Michtim characters might
be able to take much more dam- You can hear them whispering.
They have sinister plans for you.
age than the small fluffy heroes.
They flee as soon as the fight
is over. Maybe something even
meaner is approaching?

They see the error of their ways.

They didn’t mean to harm you.

Combat 35
Becoming a Hero

After Fauchschule young Michtims follow their Calling. They be-

come apprentices of their chosen trade. Contrary to human
ideas of jobs, these Callings are highly fluid: they can be shed
and switched, as long as the Michtim has unlocked them.

What are Callings? Attuning Callings

Callings are similar to job idols. The mind of a Michtim cannot

When you attune the Calling manage more than those three
of the Bard, you really try to get Callings at a single time. But fear
closer to the ideal of the Bard. not, you can attune other Callings
If you ever were to be bored easily, using one of two methods.
by your current Calling, try ac- The first method is to get
quiring a new one instead. a good night’s sleep. In
Learning never stops for a Mi- your dreams you will be
chtim. They acquire more Call- able to change your ac-
ings with experience (p.80). tive Callings to your liking.
The number of acquired Call- The second method re-
ings is unlimited, but add- quires you to spend a Kar-
ing new Callings will become ma point. You can instantly
more difficult. You should try to switch an attuned Calling with
find your favorite Callings first. one of your inactive Callings.
Although you may learn It even works during a fight.
any number of Callings, you Before you can attune a Call-
can only ever attune and use ing, you have to acquire it
three of them at a time. with experience points.

36 Callings
Combining Callings Acquiring Callings

Callings are very modular. The first Calling you learn in-
You can combine their ef- cludes all five talents. In case you
fects (given a bit reason) to pick up new Callings through
create new maneuvers. the expenditure of experi-
Most Callings require the tar- ence points, you will learn indi-
get to be in close proximity. vidual talents one by one.
When adding the Sorcerer Call- The Calling is only mastered
ing to the mix, you can breach completely, once you have ac-
this requirement. The Witch Call- quired all five talents. The de-
ing provides means to create tails of learning are handled in
conditional triggers. This can the Experience chapter, signi-
be combined with any other fied by the star symbol (p.80).
Calling’s effects. If you com-
bine them with the Frostpaw’s
Chills, you can freeze an enemy
that was about to attack you.
It is advisable to talk about
possible combos with the Game New Michtim Heroes
Master before actual play starts.
Pick a Calling. You automati-
Utility Feats cally learn all of its Talents.
Also you may pick a name
Every Calling also provides util- based on your Calling. This is
ity feats that will be of use out- your apprentice name.
side of combat. The Game Mas-
ter decides if Emotion rolls are Example:
necessary to use them. Make Calling = Tactician
up alternatives if you like! Apprentice Name = Weitblick

Callings 37
More Mood Markers

Miguel de Bormen was a passionate little fellow, even for a Michtim. The
faraway woods of Bormen were home to several Michtim cities, all of which
were known for their excellent silk and fine spices. Miguel always kept a
fond memory of his home, even in the midst of battle. Sometimes he would
remember a lesson that he was fated to put into practice.


Adventurer’s usually lead a life Sometimes Bara Bara sends you

full of surprises, victories and the helpful visions to guide your
occasional defeat. Their life usu- paw. If something bad is about
ally is far from boring and they to happen, the Adventurer usu-
like to surround themselves with ally knows first and might al-
equally courageous friends. ready be trying to avert it.
Their defining trait howev-
er is their capability to access Apprentice Names
a hidden repertoire of brava-
do. They can store up to sev- Heldensang, Mutpfote, Starkherz
en Mood Markers, which really
come in handy when extra dice
are needed. The Mood bonus
can only ever be +3. However,
you may gain multiple bonus-
es across several Emotions.

38 Callings
Wanderer’s Path (Joy)
Your stride is unbroken and there
is so much to learn. You can col-
lect up to seven Joy Markers.

Heart’s Path (Love)

Your heart is capable of im-
mense amounts of compas-
sion. You can collect up to
seven Love Markers.

Martyr’s Path (Grief)

You are very sensitive to pain, but
you feel you must keep push-
ing onward. You can collect
up to seven Grief Markers.

Shadow’s Path (Fear)

You are haunted by paranoid
thoughts, but you’ll be prepared
once the moment comes. You can
collect up to seven Fear Markers.

Claw’s Path (Anger) You may collect up to seven

Your soul burns with the fury of a Mood Markers, but your Mood
thousand warriors. You can col- bonus can never exceed +3.
lect up to seven Anger Markers.
If something bad happens,
you may throw a coin. One
side means luck, the oth-
er doubles the consequenc-
es you have to face.

Callings 39
Transfer Mood Markers

Varian picked up his brush and dotted the cloak with splashes of green and
blue. It felt fresh somehow, like a summer day in high grass. If his foes were
to look at it, they’d feel their Anger dwindle away. And then one of his friends
would be empowered by it. Art is such a powerful force. Art is magic.


Artists serve an important role in Your skill with the brush allows
Michtim society. Through their you to summon believable scen-
work, called Symbolaya, they ery. You can create illusions of all
codify everything that is re- kinds, though they do not hold
markable about life. well against thorough inspec-
In a more practical sense Art- tion. They can serve as diversions,
ists act as conduits for Mood decorations or disguises. Trick-
Markers. They can both leech ing those that do not know what
and give Mood Markers. to look for with wet paint strokes.
To leech away Mood Mark- Phantasms can be dis-
ers they roll the relevant Emo- pelled by a Detect roll. The
tion in a contest with their Artist creates the illusion simi-
victim. If the Artist scores high- lar to using the Hide action,
er, one Mood Marker is sto- but may use whatever Emo-
len from the enemy. Set aside tion is most appropriate.
d6 to increase the amount of
Mood Markers to be stolen. Apprentice Names
Combine with Tactician for a
nifty area effect. Also Adven- Farbpfote, Pinselschweif, Dadalì
turer increases your capacity.

40 Callings
The Sun (Joy)
The sun entices those who live
under its gaze. It brings joy and
energy. Likewise the Artist takes
Joy Markers from its enemies
and shines them on its friends.

The Tree (Love)

The tree speaks of growth and
life. It blossoms and nourishes
those who live inside it. The Art-
ist plucks Love Markers from its
enemies, like leaves from a tree.

The Cloud (Grief)

The cloud weeps at the horri-
ble deeds it was forced to wit-
ness. The Artist takes Grief Mark-
ers from those that would rather
hide behind them like a cloud.

The Moon (Fear) Leech Mood

The moon only shows in the Spend an Action and roll Emo-
night, when most of the world tion d6 against Emotion d6 of
is asleep. The Artist leech- the victim. You steal one Mood
es Fear Markers away. Marker for every hit. You may set
aside d6 to increase the num-
The Storm (Anger) ber of stolen Mood Markers.
The storm rages with reckless
abandon. It devastates what Give Mood
has been thought safe. The Art- Spend an Action to distribute
ist takes the Anger Markers your Mood Markers among
away and sends them storm- friends up to their limits.
ing in another direction.

Callings 41
Buff Friends

Pixi stood in front of his siblings. He tiptoed and began to inhale deeply. Lulu,
Rocket and Cannonia watched rather unimpressed, until he released all that
breath in a hauntingly beautiful melody. He even closed his eyes and lifted
his hands high into the air. His siblings stood in awe, touched by the music.


Bards provide their friends with Your social pull is quite allur-
entertainment and highly en- ing. People tend to flock to you
ergizing performances alike. In and heed your call. Charisma
times of need, they always find burns like a flame in the heart
the right tune and get every- of the Bard. Others are eas-
one to follow in their tracks. ily swayed by your passion.
Their ability to entice friends
is very useful to generate ex- Apprentice Names
tra punch when needed.
Friends will use these Mood Abendlied, Frohtanz, Wohlklang
Markers to buy extra dice
or add a passive bonus.

42 Callings
Cheerful Tune (Joy)
You perform an uplifting song that
encourages your friends to cel-
ebrate. Friends gain Joy Markers.

Soothing Serenade (Love)

The calming serenade makes
friends feel compassionate.
They gain Love Markers.

Gloomy Requiem (Grief)

You perform a gloomy song that
likely tells the story of a tragedy.
Friends gain Grief Markers.

Uncanny Air (Fear)

The melody’s notes strike a haunt-
ing chord within the hearts of your
friends. They gain Fear Markers.

War Drums (Anger)

Your song rocks the very foun-
dations of the earth around
you. Listeners likely raise their
fists and shout along. Friends Perform
gain Anger Markers. You spend an Action performing
a song of the appropriate Emo-
tion. Roll Emotion d6 to make al-
lies within earshot gain 1 Mood
Marker. Set aside d6 to make al-
lies gain more Mood Markers.

Callings 43
Grant Bonus Dice

Gonzarius was a chef for several years now. He pledged his service to
Ludmilla, who was tending to a buzzing tavern in the center of Turnaya. He
knew several secret recipes. All of which included some arcane ingredients,
obscure procedures and a hint of passion. Gonzarius knows for a fact:
everyone has to eat. Better to eat something delicious.


Cooks are very respected in Mi- You know all the secrets of suc-
chtim society. Every cook spe- cessful shop keeping. You can
cializes in some other sort of keep the books, acquire a shop
food. Some brew exotic nec- license and sell your products
tars while others bake bocicne. on the Turnayan markets. Shop
Their ability to directly grant keeping allows you to preserve
bonus dice through their culinary goods and package them neatly.
art is very useful when trying to
pull off something big. Also note Apprentice Names
that Love-based recipes can
even benefit the cook directly. Goldbauch, Süßzunge, Zweitopf
This contradicts the usual rule
that no Michtim may use Cure
on themselves. Think of Love
brews as tasty healing potions!

44 Callings
Chocolate Brew (Joy)
The Chocolate Brew entices and
enlightens the imbiber. Allies
may use the Chocolate Brew’s
dice to augment Jolt & Detect.

Peppermint Brew (Love)

This tea mends wounds. Al-
lies may use the Peppermint
Brew’s dice to augment Cure;
and even to heal themselves.

Mind-Numbing Brew (Grief)

This beverage reduces pain. Al-
lies may use the Mind-Numbing
Brew’s dice to augment Weep.

Ghost Jelly Brew (Fear)

The Ghost Jelly Brew dims
the imbiber’s fur and silenc-
es their breathing. Allies may
use the Ghost Jelly Brew’s dice
to augment Hide & Evade.
Red Chilli Brew (Anger) Set aside any number of d6
The Red Chilli Brew en- from your chosen Emotion.
rages the customer, mak- You prepare a booth with food,
ing them furious beasts. Allies which others may use includ-
may use the Red Chili Brew’s ing relevant talents. Allies spend
dice to augment Attack. an Action to get one serving.
Add the Cook dice to the rel-
If the Cook wishes, they can al- evant roll. May create heal-
low imbibers to use the Cook’s ing brews that heal the imbib-
other Calling talents as well. er (without Love’s benefit).

Callings 45
Debuff Foes

Rilja stepped up to the guard blocking her way. She casually bared her
fangs, waving her fan at the imposing female warrior. ‹Guten Tag, how are
you?› Rilja tilted her head to the left. ‹You shall not pass.› The guard grum-
bled. ‹I see. You are quite a stout companion, and very strong-minded!› The
guard lifted her brows, her whiskers shivering with enticement. ‹Look at that
shiny armour! I bet you polish it all day.› ‹Uhm. It takes a lot of time, but it’s
worth it.› ‹Oh, I am sure you pay it a lot of attention. Now I have business
with the Queen, if you allow.› Rilja’s ruse came into effect, the guard taking
the compliment and stepping aside.


Courtiers are used to get their Your words are well placed and
way with people. There is even a your command over the so-
Turnayan legend about a Court- cial game is stunning. Your
ier that talked a rain cloud out of prowess at Manipulation al-
making him wet. If something is a lows you to wield words with
matter of negotiation, the Court- the grace of a master fencer.
ier is the Michtim for the job. Their
ruses allow them to toy with their Apprentice Names
foe’s Mood, which may lead to
all sorts of Distractions or com- Glanzfell, Goldpfote, Herzblick
pel enemies to act differently.

46 Callings
Mocking Taunt (Joy)
You provoke your enemies,
infuriating them. You make
them gain Anger Markers.

Sudden Flattery (Love)

You adulate your ene-
mies, tricking them into feel-
ings of merriness. You make
them gain Joy Markers.

Angel Eyes (Grief)

Your innocent look makes
others feel compassionate.
Foes gain Love Markers.

Horrid Drama (Fear)

You describe horrifying things
to your enemies, making
them gain Grief Markers.

Terrorizing Hiss (Anger)

With a violent sneer you bare
your fangs. Your hiss intimi- Influence
dates foes in front of you. You may affect the Mood of foes
They gain Fear Markers. in front of you by directing your
social influence. Roll Emotion
d6 to make foes gain 1 Mood
Marker. Set aside d6 to make
foes gain more Mood Markers.
This causes Distraction if they
try to act against their Mood.

Callings 47
Extra Actions

Reynardo Goldzahn saw the blow coming in slow motion. His senses were
sharpened to the point of picking up the drops of spittle that flew from his
opponent’s snout. A second later he stood behind his attacker, punching her
in the kidney. She whimpered, turning around in shock, but he was gone
already. His cyber-jumpers propelled him through the air and allowed him
to cover double the distance a non-cybered Michtim could travel. ‹Idiots›
he thought to himself. Why anyone would willingly refuse technology was
beyond him. His evasion matrix already started to shift his fur color.


Cybertooths are highly re- The cybernetic circuitry makes

fined tech-soldiers. Their im- you resistant against attempts to
plants are specialized to pro- woo you socially.As a side-effect
vide extreme speed and to your implants, you are resis-
precision in times of need. tant to emotional manipulation.
Also they never suffer the ef-
fects of Distraction from op- Apprentice Names
posed Mood markers.
A Cybertooth may only spend Blitzkralle, Drahtfell, Eisenherz
a single Mood Marker per round
to activate the Reflex ability.

48 Callings
Cyber-Jumpers (Joy)
Your legs are reinforced by
powerful machinery. You may
spend 1 Joy Marker to make
a reflexive Jolt action.

Nanite Injection (Love)

You have access to a medical
nanobot reservoir. Although you
cannot benefit from your own
Cure, others may be healed reflex-
ively if you spend 1 Love Marker.

Subdermal Armor (Grief)

The subdermal armor plates
protect you from harm. Spend
1 Grief Marker to reflexive-
ly use your Weep action.

Evasion Matrix (Fear)

Your fur shifts colors like a cha-
meleon. When spending 1 Fear
Marker you may Evade as of-
ten as you like in a single round.
Also you may Hide reflexively.
You no longer suffer Dis-
Combat Reflexes (Anger) traction on Emotion rolls.
Your muscles react at supermi-
chtim speed. You may spend Reflex
1 Anger Marker to make a re- Spend 1 Mood Marker. You
flexive Attack action. may use the Action reflexively.

Callings 49
Sacrifice Health

Darius Flüsterklinge scurried down the pipeline. The ventilation system of the
building was filthy, but he couldn’t care less. The humans were planning to
take down yet another patch of the forest. Cornelius Funkenflug asked him
to sneak into the architect’s office and steal the plans of the new shopping
mall. This would give them a little more time to think things through. Darius
plunged into the depths below. The giant fan moved slowly, but he failed to
pass it without a scratch. It caught him in the belly, but Darius was used to
pain. He even drew conviction from it. Darius Flüsterklinge, second of Haus
Grauling, master infiltrator. He landed softly on the architect’s desk, and
swiftly sunk into the shadows, not to be seen again.


Daredevils look for that extra kick You have exceptional stamina
of danger. To them pain is some- and easily get better when be-
thing to be confronted, because it ing knocked out. This also means
is an opportunity to learn some- that you rarely get sick or exhaust-
thing. Their stunts are courageous, ed even after tedious marches.
and they can easily take the blow
that was intended for a Bande Apprentice Names
member. Any time they are hurt,
they may gain Mood Markers. This Eisenbiss, Steinknochen, Zähfell
makes them ideal protectors.

50 Callings
Haha! That tickles. (Joy)
While you are wounded you
still manage to pull of that in-
sane laugh, possibly because
your opponent makes such a
stupid face. When wounded
you may gain a Joy Marker.

Aww! Look at you! (Love)

After getting hurt, you react
with deep feelings of compas-
sion instead. When wounded
you may gain a Love Marker.

Bwah! You’re so mean! (Grief)

Now this is somewhat of a nat-
ural reaction. When wounded
you may gain a Grief Marker.

Oh! Run for it! (Fear)

Another common reaction. Your
eyes widen in fear as you take
that wound. When wounded
you may gain a Fear Marker. Any time you suffer a Wound,
you may gain a Mood
WAARGH! (Anger) Marker of your choice.
They should know better than to You can voluntarily take
hit you. Now it’s their own fault. a Wound. Multiple applica-
Revenge! When wounded you tions of this ability aggra-
may gain an Anger Marker. vate that voluntary Wound.

You reflexively divert an Attack
to hit you instead of a friend.

Callings 51
Disable Actions

Isabella stood in front of the gates to the Underbowels. A hulking brute

blocking her way, defiantly snorting at the diva. ‹Let me pass, peasant.›
She raised her paw in the same second he lunged forward. Ice congealing
around his wrists, he fell down. ‹This is what you get for defying me, klutz.›


Frostpaws are a curious lot. You are highly resistant to frigid

They are not particularly well environments. Your breath car-
known for their cordial relation- ries snowflakes and a howling
ships with people. Instead they wind surrounds you.You also get
are known for their much feared to have perfectly cool drinks, even
aptitude in enemy control. Frost- in the heat of summer season.
paws are able to conjure a va-
riety of chills that will incapaci- Apprentice Names
tate their opponent’s actions.
Conjuring a chill is a reflex- Eispfote, Frostpelz, Winterlied
ive action, but costs a Mood
Marker. It also requires the
Frostpaw to touch his victim.
Try to combine the Frostpaw’s
chills with the Witch’s hexes: In-
stantly shut down an enemy’s
Attack just before it happens.

52 Callings
Freeze Tears (Joy)
Spend a Joy Marker. You freeze
the tears others were about to
shed, effectively blocking them
from Weeping until freed.

Coward Ice (Love)

Spend a Love Marker. You ex-
pertly freeze another’s shad-
ow and bar them from Hid-
ing or Evading until freed.

Iced Ire (Grief)

Spend a Grief Marker. You cool
the angry soul of an opponent so
they cannot Attack until freed.

Stand Still (Fear)

Spend a Fear Marker. You draw
all the warmth from an oppo-
nents muscles, and dampen
their senses with a numbness.
This blocks them from using Jolt
and Detect until freed. They Freeze
will act last in the initiative. Spend one Mood Marker and
touch a foe. The foe has to
Chilblains (Anger) spend an Action freeing itself
Spend an Anger Marker. You before it is able to use the as-
cover your opponent in ghast- sociated Action. This effect
ly chilblains, so they cannot heal lasts until the end of scene or
their friends. You block an oppo- until removed. Subsequent
nent’s Cure action until freed. applications of this power re-
quire an extra Mood Mark-
er. This Action is reflexive.

Callings 53
Create Companion

Preserver Vesh looked at the mess of pieces on the floor. ‹Scotty, be so kind
and bring me my goggles.› Vesh spoke in their clearest voice. The drone’s
speech recognition picked up their command and was quick to react. It
brought a stack of wobbles, much to Vesh’s displeasure. ‹I’ll fix you next.›


Machinists build all sort of tech- You may interface with com-
nical devices that help Michtims plicated machinery and build
through their daily lives. The Ma- technological wonders. Of-
chinists devices allow them to cre- ten this takes quite some time,
ate a proxy that will act remotely but it is a fact that hijacking a
while they are safely hidden away RC racer is big fun indeed.
from the perils of the field. Devic-
es do not handle damage well, Apprentice Names
and usually collapse once they
take a good blow to their circuitry. Schrauber, Bastelbaum, Wirrfizz
The dice are lost until the
end of the scene, unless the
Machinist spends an Ac-
tion reclaiming the build-
ing parts of their machine.

54 Callings
Scouting Drone (Joy)
You build a very fast drone that
is equipped with superior sen-
sors. It may use Jolt and Detect
with the dice you have set aside.

Medical Bot (Love)

You create a medical support
unit that will be able to Cure al-
lies. It may use Cure with the
dice you have set aside.

Steam-Power Tank (Grief)

You build a steam-power tank to
shrug off damage via Weep. Try
combining this with the Defen-
sive Barrier (Tactician) to cre-
ate a mobile defence zone.

Phasing Drone (Fear)

This little drone is built to
evade notice. If it is found it can
dodge attacks easily. It may
use Hide and Evade with the
dice you have set aside for it. Tinker
Set aside d6 from your chosen
Devastator (Anger) Emotion. Your machine may
This aggressive device bombs use these dice including all rel-
away at the Machinist’s enemies evant Calling talents. The ma-
using Attack, provided it is fit- chine acts on your initiative.
ted with the right weapons. If you do not control the ma-
chine, it does not act on its own.
Combine with other Calling tal-
ents for increased usefulness.

Callings 55
Ranged Actions

Fauchschule kid Matthäus frowned slightly as he opened the gift’s paper

wrapping. The bocicne was gone. Only crumbs were left inside. Outside, the
wind was carrying the scent of another Michtim. His brother Mampf. ‹Mampf?
What’s up?› He asked without lifting his gaze from the box. ‹Uhm, nuff’n!›
Mampf was gulping, trying to force something down his throat, all the while
wiping crumbs out of his whiskers. ‹Gee, how did you do that?› Matthäus
wondered. ‹It’s a secret. But I’ll show you, once you’re through Fauchschule.
You can become my Sorcerer apprentice!› Mampf proclaimed boldly. ‹It’s a
deal. And you’ll get me a fresh bocicne right now, big brother!›


Sorcerers often act as a combi- You know magical secrets like

nation of rite masters and mis- the Turnayan elemental model.
chievous pranksters in Michtim Also you may scry your immedi-
society. They use their magical ate vicinity and conduct magical
powers to heal allies from afar, rituals to create enchantments.
move remote objects and beset Your aptitude in Spellcraft al-
their foes with fiery bolts while lows you to analyze magical ar-
staying safely behind their friends. tefacts, as well as discover the
The Sorcerer’s Focus ability influence of magical creatures.
allows them to charge up pow-
ers. Prepared Sorcerers are Apprentice Names
forces to be reckoned with.
Funkenflug, Sternblick, Zauberix

56 Callings
Gust of Wind (Joy)
By coaxing the spirits of air you
can use Jolt to move your-
self, friends and unattend-
ed objects at a distance.

Blooming Life (Love)

The flower spirits help you
out in times of need, invigo-
rating your friends. You may
Cure friends from afar.

Earthen Shield (Grief)

You call the element of earth to
shield an ally. You may use Weep
to counter attacks on friends.

Mist Cloak (Fear)

You invoke a water spirit to cre-
ate a concealing cloak to Hide
in plain sight. Set aside dice to
cover the distance to a stealth
zone. You may Evade for friends.

Flame Bolt (Anger) For every die you set aside, you
A fire spirit lends you its blast- can cover 1m (1yd) of distance
ing power to Attack foes between yourself and the target.
from afar. The spell may ben-
efit from weapon effects. Focus
Spend an Action every round to
add 1d6 to a roll, up to the rat-
ing of the focused Emotion.

Callings 57
Extra Targets

Vera’s fingers raced over her tactical gauntlet’s keypad. She calculated the
attack pattern she was about to launch. It made perfect sense: she would
race over to the first Ghoul, batter him down, while her gauntlet’s advanced
weapon-system would produce the necessary charge to shock the second
Ghoul into submission. She smiled wickedly, as she finally commenced her
offensive cascade.

Resource Planning

Tacticians unleash their pow- You know how to plan missions

er on multiple targets at a time. and distribute resources. Logis-
They are able to wreak havoc on tics and schedules are second
groups of foes or provide medi- nature to you. You can orga-
cal support for several friends in nize anything: including battles
reach. Tacticians have to get close and bakery festivals. Your apti-
to their targets though: the sec- tude in Resource Planning re-
ondary targets have to be within flects your mental approach to
30cm (1ft) of the primary target. solving complicated problems.
Tacticians are very apt at
generating Mood Markers. Apprentice Names
This comes in very handy, be-
cause they tend to spend Klugpfote, Schlaukopf, Weitblick
them on extra targets.

58 Callings
Tactical Movement (Joy)
You devise a coordinat-
ed movement plan, reposi-
tioning your friends in the
area. When using Jolt you
may take friends with you.

Field Support (Love)

There is no better medic when
you are around. You may Cure
several friends at the same time.

Defensive Barrier (Grief)

You can find cover where others
stand in the open. You may use
Weep to create a defensive bar-
rier that helps several targets.

Camouflage Zone (Fear)

You may Hide yourself and
friends if inside a stealth zone.
Also you may Evade for mul-
tiple targets in proximity.
Set aside d6 to affect additional
Offensive Cascade (Anger) targets with Actions. Every d6
Your strikes hit multiple oppo- buys another target. Secondary
nents. You may Attack sev- targets have to be within 30cm
eral foes within the area. (1ft) of the primary target.

Combine with Sorcerer to allevi- You gain Mood Markers

ate the proximity requirement. on 1s in addition to 6s
when rolling an Emotion.

Callings 59
Conditional Actions

‹If you dare put a single paw on the tome, you will regret it.› Isabella hissed,
waving her left hand in a fluid motion that reminded Preserver Vesh of a
snake. Vesh could feel the crackling magic in the air, balefully closing in on
them. They knew better than to set off the hex. For now.


Witches can place hexes on You have a magical companion

people or things. These hex- that knows all sorts of arcane se-
es stay in place for a couple crets and lore, but is absolutely
of days, and will only activate useless in a fight.Familiars are usu-
once a trigger condition is met. ally shrunken versions of regular
The hex is magical in nature animals, though some Witches do
and can only be safely removed seem to attract unusual creatures.
by another Witch; unless the
triggered Action goes off first. Apprentice Names
Witches can only keep
one hex active on a sin- Beissfluch, Hexenpfote, Giftherz
gle target at a time.
Hexes can be combined with
other Callings. If the Witch does
not possess the Sorcerer Call-
ing, they need to touch the tar-
get of their hex to plant it.

60 Callings
Moving Hex (Joy)
Suddenly the target is moved to a
different location. You command
the target to Jolt however you
like when a certain trigger is met.
May also dispel Hide via Detect.

Healing Hex (Love)

Suddenly the wounds knit them-
selves back together, even
though no-one is around. Your
Healing hex will Cure the target
when a certain trigger is met.

Defending Hex (Grief)

A faint weeping can be heard
all of a sudden. Your Defend-
ing hex will Weep for the target
when a certain trigger is met.

Shadow Hex (Fear)

The target suddenly vanish-
es from sight. Your Shadow hex
will Evade or Hide your target
when a certain trigger is met. Hex
Describe a trigger condition
Baleful Hex (Anger) that will activate the relevant
Suddenly harmful magic bursts Action. The Action will be de-
through the cursed seal. Your layed up to one day per Emo-
Baleful hex will Attack your tar- tional rating. If triggered, the
get when a certain trigger is met. roll is made as usual. Distance
has to be covered upon plant-
ing the delayed Action.

Callings 61
Special Calling combinations

Some Callings simply work well together. Others act together like
fuel and flame to produce an even greater — or altogether differ-
ent — special effect. These Synergies are an advanced rule, and
you can still use the regular mechanics instead. Each synergy is de-
scribed using its name, the Callings involved and a short text explain-
ing the newfound power. Try to come up with new ones as well!

Control Foe Animated Servant

Cybertooth and Frostpaw. Cook and Machinist. Both Call-

Both Callings spend Mood Mark- ings create a proxy to empow-
ers to add or block Actions. er Actions. The Cook’s booth
Instead of buying an addition- is static, but requires no con-
al Action or paralyzing a foe, you centration on the Cook’s part.
may now force an enemy to act The Machinist’s proxy needs to
however you decide. Spend a be controlled, but is mobile.
Mood Marker of the appropriate By combining both Callings
Action you want them to take. you can either create a mo-
bile booth for others to use
or a device that will act com-
pletely on its own. Cool, ey?

62 Callings
Remote Blasting Transfusion

Sorcerer and Tactician. Both Artist and Daredevil. The Art-

Callings allow the user to af- ist is able to transfer Mood Mark-
fect remote or a great number ers from foes to friends, while the
of targets. Breaching distance Daredevil has the ability to trade
or hitting extra targets requires wounds for Mood Markers.
the player to set aside dice. This synergy allows the Mi-
This synergy allows the chtim to transfer wounds onto
user to do both at once: af- themselves. Just take a stack
fect multiple targets at range. of wound tokens from your
Also the Michtim can circum- friend, and put it onto your-
vent the Tactician’s reach self. This may save a heal-
limit. Everything in the Sor- er who has been wounded.
cerer’s reach is fair game.
Steal Luck
Bard and Courtier. Both Call-
Adventurer and Witch. The Ad- ings manipulate Mood Mark-
venturer has the unique Risk abil- ers of either friends or foes.
ity to either ignore or double the If you have both Callings, it just
consequences of bad things. takes a single Action to invoke
Combined with the Witch, the both effects at once. War Drums
Michtim can now curse an en- not only make your own group
emy target. The target needs to gain Anger Markers, they also
throw a coin. One side means intimidate your enemies, and
the beneficiary effect is sto- make them gain Fear Markers.
len by the Michtim. The oth-
er side means the target re-
ceives double the boon.

Callings 63
Becoming a Haus Member

Swearing Allegiance Haus Agendas

When a young Michtim is fin- The three factions are very po-
ished with hissing school, they litical. They all have an agenda
will start their apprenticeship. that is focused on the core Vir-
Usually at the same time, the Mi- tue its members hold dear.
chtim is prompted by relatives Standing is directly influ-
or their masters to swear alle- enced by a Michtims deeds.
giance to one Haus or another. Valorous heroes will be cele-
It is possible to be with- brated and will be able to gain
out allegiance, but usually this access to superior equipment
is only the fate of exiled Mi- and different kinds of enhance-
chtims. Even those that are ment. Not to forget the social
frowned upon might find re- implications of being seen as
spite in joining a different Haus. paragon of Michtim culture.

64 Haus Allegiance
Virtues & Sins

Each Virtue is clearly defined Drawbacks of sin

as upholding a certain type of As long as the player has a filled
behavior, while not succumb- in sin marker, they are unable
ing to the depredations of sins. to receive Karma for acting vir-
tuously in that category. The
Benefits of virtue: Karma player can however earn Karma
Virtuous behavior is rewarded through deeds in other Virtues.
by the Game Master. The play-
er receives a point of Karma ev- Atoning for sin
ery time they uphold a Virtue. Instead of receiving Karma, the
Spending a point of Karma al- Game Master may allow the player
lows a single re-roll of the dice. to remove a sin marker. If the sin
was very grievous, it might require
Committing a sin a lot of role-playing and virtuous
If a Michtim ever commits a sin deeds to qualify for atonement.
that is mentioned in the roster, the
player has to fill in the sin marker
right next to it, and every sin above
it. Less severe sins are marked
automatically in this fashion.
New Michtim Heroes

Pick one of the three houses.

Haus Barsik: Conservation
Haus Grauling: Civilisation
Haus Turnaya: Charity

Example: Haus Turnaya

Haus Allegiance 65
Haus Barsik
Protect the wild!

Heraldry Haus Holdings

Haus Barsik’s crest shows a leaf A big number of Barsik live in

superimposed over two fields. The Turnaya and try to further their
leaf represents the untouched agenda. They are used to envi-
wild the Barsik value the most. ronments that are considered
Communion with nature is of utter hostile by other Michtims. There-
importance to the feral keepers, fore, it is no big surprise that they
and even young Barsik show their live among the roots, bat caves
respect for the environment every and outer branches of the tree.
day. Some plant trees, take care Close to the main tree, there
of animals or purify the wilder- are several sites of natural beau-
ness of human waste. Others take ty, like the Immergrummel river.
a more aggressive stance and Haus Barsik keeps several out-
sabotage production plants and posts in close vicinity to such
other sites of human infestation. places and patrols the bor-
ders of Michtim settlements.

66 Haus Allegiance

Often, members of Haus Barsik live in the untouched wilds, eschew-

ing comforts of technology and society. Sworn to protect nature,
Haus Barsik has little tolerance for those who pollute and exploit.

Barwinism Faces of Nature

Survival of the fittest, and the real- Bara Bara, also known as Mut-
ization that life follows evolution- ter Barsik, is revered as giver of
ary patterns, are the core princi- life. The gentle rains, the raging
ples of Barwinism. The term goes torrent and whispering wind are
back to the famous Barsik schol- equally worshipped, as are other
ar Charles Barwin, which means children of nature. Many Barsik
bear wind. Figuring out why he warriors commit themselves to
got that name is left to speculation serve a single totem, often call-
at best. Charles realized that spe- ing themselves Raging Bear, Un-
cies adapt to their environment sung Hurricane or Venomous Lily.
over time. He was known to study Feeling kinship with the totem-
life in all its expressions and un- ic spirits is paramount, but ritu-
cover the biological origin of the als are very simplistic and cele-
Michtim species. Barwinists realize bration is nearly unheard of. Bara
that their time is limited, and that Bara is a harsh mother after all.
there are a lot of species worth
to be studied and protected.

Haus Allegiance 67
Haus Grauling
Forever onward!

Heraldry Haus Holdings

Haus Grauling’s heraldry shows The Haus has many settlements

two interlocking cogs on a di- in its subterranean underempire,
agonal field. This hints at their but Haus Grauling also operates
affinity for technology, but also workshops in higher levels of Tur-
tells much about the way they naya. It is presumed that Haus
work. Although social harmo- Grauling has several tunnels that
ny is not part of their proto- reach far into human cities and
col, they do realize the value even dig into production facilities.
of teamwork and synergies. Haus Grauling also has epic plans
Many Graulings find use for to create its own city. The project
their highly specialized intel- is called Plutopolis, city of riches,
lect in engineering or corpo- though many sceptics point out
rate services. Inventing new it should actually be called Pol-
devices, products and inno- lutopolis, city of wastes, instead.
vative customs is highly re-
spected in Grauling society.

68 Haus Allegiance

After shedding their traditional tribe name, Haus Grauling is plot-

ting to build its own underempire, which is located below the
tree of Turnaya. They are master tinkerers and corporate think-
ers, always looking for a way to re-engineer their existence.

Bürokratology Corporate Identity

The great CPU chatters in the Since industriousness is second

bowels of Geos. It keeps reality nature to Graulings, it has not
running as it is. If you are valuable been a surprise that most of them
to the CPU, there is no need to take well to the thought of maxi-
worry. Like industrious bees, the mum valorization. If you do a good
Graulings scurry through the tun- job, you get paid. A concept that is
nels of the underempire to provide alien to other tribes: Money! Cor-
offerings to the highest of Provid- porate Graulings clearly think they
ers. Every single one of them has have the fairest system to sepa-
a purpose. They are like cogs in a rate the wheat from the chaff. Mi-
great machine, answering to innu- chtims organize into firms or act
merable requests and fulfilling ser- as free-lancers. In any case, they
vice procedures. Promotions keep clearly know how to advertise
the underlings motivated, while themselves, cut the competition
the magistrates are awarded with off and reap the benefits. Every-
privileges and legal powers. One one of them has a slogan and high
comes into existence through hopes for creating the most im-
a willful act by the superiors. pressive corporate head quarter.

Haus Allegiance 69
Haus Turnaya
Together we stand!

Heraldry Haus Holdings

Haus Turnaya sports a shield with It is no coincidence that the capi-

four fields and a giant bocicne in tal city shares its name with Haus
the middle. The baked special- Turnaya. The settlement was
ity symbolizes the festive identity founded by members of the Haus,
of Haus Turnaya. Sharing is car- and keeps up to its virtues of char-
ing, and Turnayans know how to ity and peaceful festivity. The up-
look after each other. That cer- per regions of the main tree be-
tainly does not mean that every long to the Haus, but are opened
single Turnayan is a do-gooder to the public. The most beautiful
all the time. Theft is a pretty com- treegardens and buzzing city cen-
mon crime in Turnaya, but usu- tre are all part of the holdings of
ally it is meant as prank or be- Haus Turnaya. The same can be
cause the thief is in dire straits said of the palace. The Queen’s
and cannot afford to ask for help. residence is located in the highest
place on the main tree. Many he-
roes are summoned by the Queen
to become Preservers of Virtue.

70 Haus Allegiance

Michtims of Haus Turnaya usually have a long list of relatives, and

are very gregarious beings, following intricate protocols for fes-
tivities. Being compassionate and caring is their cardinal vir-
tue. There are two major schools of thought in Haus Turnaya.

Ancestor Covenant Courtesy

The spirits of Michtim heroes both The value of good manners is

living and long passed away are highly esteemed in Michtim so-
venerated. Whenever young are ciety. Even more so by those,
born, Michtims choose to build a who follow the path of Courte-
nest together or a Turnayan spirit sy. Those in need are expected
returns from its fleshly body, the to ask for help, while those who
Covenant celebrates. Rites are have are expected to provide it.
elaborate, with music, cookies The cult is not only concerned
and paintings being given as of- with sharing, but also with valu-
ferings to the ancestors. In times ing what you have. Greed and
of need, followers of the Cov- avarice are frowned upon; with
enant pray for guidance and of- false pride and mothering being
fer their help to others in return. close behind. In any case, follow-
There are dedicated priests, but ers have to commit to the tenets
every follower may conduct most of helping each other to the best
rites, as long as there are at least of their abilities, usually accompa-
two other believers present. nied by complicated protocols.

Haus Allegiance 71
And hierarchies of sin

Virtue Charity

This part of the description ex- Helping others in need. Giving

plains how to earn Karma re- freely, sharing all your belongings.
wards based on the virtue. Caring for the feelings of others.

Minor Sin Refuse to help

What type of behavior is con- Not supporting some-
sidered harmful by paragons of one who is clearly in need
that virtue. Easy to atone for. or is asking for help.

Harmful Sin Hurt beings

What kind of shameful deed will Promoting suffering through
lead to harmful stigmatization. acts of violence or greed. Do-
ing lasting harm to others.
Capital Sin
Extremely vile acts that auto- Kill beings
matically block all levels of the Ending the life of another being.
roster. Very hard to atone for.

72 Haus Allegiance
Civilization Conservation

Inventing new things. Find- Planting new trees. Protecting

ing solutions to complicat- young animals. Cleaning the
ed problems. Preserving cul- wood of waste. Putting an end
ture and teaching others. to pollution and exploitation.

Refuse tools Deny regrowth

Neglecting the use of tools out of Taking more than earth can
fear or disdain. Going complete- naturally regrow, or more
ly naked for an extended period. than is actually needed.

Deny intellect Risk pollution

Refusing to plan thoroughly Allowing toxic substances to poi-
and to consider other options. son nature. Introducing harm-
ful species to the ecosystem.
Refuse culture
Losing language and be- Ravage nature
having like an animal. Exterminating species of
plants or animals. Destroy-
ing swathes of wilderness.

Haus Allegiance 73
Useful gear for your adventures

A Michtim can carry three pieces of Gear at a time. A Tool

to support the abilities of the hero; a Cloak to provide ba-
sic protection and special benefits; and a piece of Acces-
sory to use once until it is restored to work again.

Tool Accessory

A tool provides its benefit on rolls This effect is used once and will
that score 3 or more hits. A sword only be reusable upon meeting
inflicts a worsening wound only if the specified Restore criteria.
you manage to deal a 3+ wound
to your victim. The same is true Damage Sources
for less violent tools. A medical
kit provides its effect on all Cure There are three distinct sourc-
rolls that score 3 or more hits, es of damage in Michtim RPG.
for example. The relevant Emo- Usually the tool or Calling de-
tion is indicated in brackets. fine the damage source.

Cloak Magic Source

Occult tomes and
The Armor value automatical- enchanted staves
ly reduces all incoming dam-
age from the mentioned sources. Physical Source
Also they often provide a second- Most weapons
ary effect that is always active.
Technical Source
Electronic or chemi-
cal equipment

74 Armoury
Effects activate on 3 hits or more

Common Tools Haus Barsik

Sword Wolverine’s Rage

(A) Inflict a Worsening Wound. (F) You may make a reflex-
ive Attack immediately after
Spear successfully using Evade.
(A) Inflict a Blinding Wound.
Haus Grauling
Medical Kit
(L) Dispel all physical wound ef- Hoverboard
fects afflicting your patient. (J) May hover at any height
and Jolt across fluids.
Haus Turnaya
Tactical Gauntlet: Smoker
Tome of Frost (F) Make a Hide roll immediate-
(A) Inflict a Slowing Wound. ly after your successful Evade.

Mercy Staff
(G) The attacker rolls Love
vs 7. If successful it must
not attack the defender.

Armory 75
Armor with passive effects

Common Cloaks Haus Barsik

Glidewing Cloak Ironwood Armor

Fly like a leaf in the wind. Physical Armor 2.
Magical Armor 1.
Spidersilk Cloak
Preserver Cloak Bounce wall to wall and climb
Universal Armor 1. like a spider. Physical Armor 1.

Chameleon Suit Haus Grauling

May Hide in plain sight
while standing still. Techno Overall
Technical Armor 1. Technical Armor 2.

Haus Turnaya

Spellshroud Garment
Magical Armor 2.

Shadowweave Shroud
You may make a reflexive
Move action immediately after
successfully using Evade.
Physical Armor 1.

76 Armoury
Reusable items

Common Accessories Haus Barsik

Boomerang Thorned Bracelet

Set aside d6 to cover 1m (1yd) per An attacker suffers the same dam-
die on an Attack roll. age it deals to you.
Restore: pick up at end of com- Restore: cover in fresh thorns.
bat or catch if Attack misses.
Bara Bara Totem
Breathing Pearl May dispel all technical wound ef-
Breathe water and swim like an ot- fects afflicting your patient.
ter until end of scene. Restore: pray solemnly
Restore: stay dry for an hour. to appease Bara Bara.

Valiant Shield Haus Grauling

The attacker rolls Anger vs
7. If successful it must at- Tactical Gauntlet: Disrupter
tack the defender. Re- May dispel all magical wound ef-
store: if you get attacked. fects. Restore: recharge
device using high voltage.
Haus Turnaya
Tactical Gauntlet: Nova
Secret Ingredient Set aside d6 to cover an area
Inflict a Cruel or Blinding Wound. centered around you for 30cm
Restore: gather fresh mag- (1ft) per die. Restore: recharge
gots and other nasty things. device using high voltage.

Armory 77
Hero Creation
Giving birth to a Michtim hero

Creating a hero for Michtim RPG is easy as eating bocicne. If you are
just learning to play the game, your Game Master might ask you to
create a young Fauchschule kid. This way you will only need to learn
the Basic Rules. If you decide to play adult heroes, you will also get
to choose a Calling, and will even pick a Haus. Just follow the in-
structions on the right to build the Michtim you want to portray.

Character Sheet Michtim Ranks

You can download the character The tiered approach to char-

sheet from the game’s website: acter creation allows you to
get to know the game at differ-
http://www.michtim.com ent levels of complexity. Fauch-
schule kid is the most basic form
If you do not have a printout ready, of gameplay and requires little
you can also write down the in- knowledge of the rules. If you
formation on a sheet of paper. Mi- are ready to move on to more
chtim heroes do not take up a lot advanced ranks, just ask your
of space! They are small after all. Game Master if you can do so.

78 Experience
Fauchschule Kid Example

Pick a birth name. Choose Birth Name: Cornelius

a body type (small, wiry or Body Type: small
strong) and distribute 7 dice Emotions: Joy 3, Love 2,
among Emotions. You start Grief 1, Fear 2, Anger 4
with 1 free die in every Emo-
tion and cannot exceed 4.


Pick a Calling. You automati- Calling: Sorcerer

cally gain all its talents. Also Apprentice Name: Funkenflug
pick an apprentice name
(or create your own).


Pick a Haus. Choose one Haus: Turnaya

piece of Gear from the list. Gear: Glidewing Cloak


Spend experience points to Extra Callings: Courtier, Witch

buy further Callings or learn Extra Gear: Medical Kit
Ultimates. May be given ad- Ultimates: Furious Zephyr 3
ditional pieces of Gear.

Experience 79
Character customization

Heroes earn Karma through the course of the game, by act-

ing in accordance with the Virtues. Like when you protect your
friends (Charity), make sure the woods are okay (Conserva-
tion) or find an ingenious solution to a problem (Civilization). You
also gain Karma for accepting failure and roleplaying flaws. Kar-
ma can be awarded by all players at the table, not just by the GM.

Earning Experience Spending Experience

Karma is treated as Experience, Experience points are useful for

so whenever you gain a Karma to two primary reasons. First they
reward something you did, add a can buy additional Calling talents,
stroke to your tally. At the end of and second they can be used to
the session, all your earned Karma acquire Ultimates. To spend the
(whether you have spent it or not) points, you first need to find out
will allow you to purchase Call- the costs of your new acquisi-
ing talents or Ultimate Techs. tion. The cost is given directly on
the character sheet. When you
decide to learn the first talent of
your second Calling, you will have
to spend 5 experience points.
The more talents of a single Call-
ing you unlock, the cheaper the
rest of them become. You have to
start on the left of the meter by fill-
ing in the first letter of the emotion.

80 Experience
active Callings Mastered Talents

Sorcerer J JL LG GF FA
0 0 0 0 0

Cook A
5 4 3 2 1

7 5 4 3 1

Mastering a Calling Changing Personality

You have mastered a Calling, Emotion ratings cannot be im-

when you have finally acquired proved with experience points.
all five talents. The first Calling Nevertheless, you do not have
you learn during apprentice- to stick with your initial choice.At
ship is automatically mastered the end of a story, you may shift a
at no cost. A mastered Call- single d6 from one of your Emo-
ing allows you to use its Util- tions to another. The traits may
ity even when you don’t have not sink below 1 or rise above
the Calling attuned right now. 4, though. The personality shift
should be reasonable and based
on recent events. Maybe you
found a nest mate to care for, so
you shift a die of Anger into Love.

Designer’s Note from 2019:

This chapter was horribly bro-
ken, up until now, and I’m sorry.
I hope this update is more in line
with a cooperative playstyle.

Experience 81
Special tricks to be proud of

Hidden power surges through your Michtim’s veins. The develop-

ment of Ultimates is highly respected, and many Michtims have very
unique signature powers, they can invoke in times of need. That be-
ing said, the list of provided Ultimates can never be exhaustive. They
are nothing but a starting point to base your own creations on. Ul-
timates are a permanent part of your character once acquired.

Activating Ultimates

The player has to spend one up fights to best make use of

Karma to activate an Ultimate. their powers. The secondary
The first effect of any Ultimate is effect does not require any of
quite simple: they act as pow- the normal expenditures asso-
er boosts that increase a single ciated with the bonus talent.
Emotion rating. The amount de- Ultimates are always acces-
pends on the level of the Ulti- sible. Once they are acquired
mate, ranging from 1 to 3. they can be used at any time
As a secondary effect, Ulti- the Michtim spends the Karma
mates feature a bonus mechan- point and meets the trigger for
ic. These mechanics only come the bonus effect. Many Michtim
into play when a special condi- Ultimates are accompanied by
tion is met. Michtims try to set unique and flashy visual effects.

82 Experience
Shock Charge Renewed Hope

Boost: Anger Boost: Love

Trigger: Conducive Material Trigger: Severely Wounded
Bonus: Tactician (Anger) Bonus: Bard (Anger)

The Michtim supercharges it- The Michtim conjures a sooth-

self with an electrical current ing light to greatly boost its Love
that greatly increases its An- rating. If your target is severe-
ger rating. If your target is stand- ly wounded (suffering from 3+
ing on conducive material, you wound levels), you inspire them
also hit secondary targets stand- to keep fighting: they gain an
ing on the same material. Anger Marker for every stack of
wounds they have suffered.

Nocturnal Wall of Tears

Boost: Fear Boost: Grief

Trigger: Deep Darkness Trigger: Outnumbered
Bonus: Frostpaw (Fear) Bonus: Cybertooth (Grief)

The Michtim surrounds itself with A torrent of tears breaks loose

a cloak of whirling shadows to from the Michtim’s eyes great-
greatly enhance its Fear rating. If ly increasing its Grief rating. If
you are standing in deep dark- you are outnumbered (more en-
ness, you are quite a terrible sight emies than friends), the wall of
to behold. Enemies are paralysed tears reflexively protects you,
and cannot use Jolt and Detect. allowing you to act freely.

Experience 83
Game Design
Guidelines for creating new content

Role playing games are powerful in so many ways. Once you get a
copy of the game’s rules, they are yours to tinker with. The game un-
folds between the players and the Game Master, and if you think it
would be more fun if the rules were a certain other way, just go with
it. The awesomeness of our hobby is the possibility to bring about a
myriad of scenes and interesting characters, with little cost involved.

Expanding the Game

Michtim RPG is intended to be flex- neering, while the Summoner is

ible and accommodate custom a magical artificer. You can come
created content at many levels. up with cool variations of exist-
ing Callings with little trouble.
Reskinning Content If you think your game lacks a cer-
tain kind of hero, just try to come
The first layer of customization is up with a nice variant that fills
the reskinning of existing con- those needs. Want some infiltra-
tent. Take any part of the rules and tion capabilities? Why not cre-
try to find new explanations for ate a variant Sorcerer: the infa-
them. You can take a Calling like mous Ninja! A Ninja would use
the Machinist and base it on some Ninjutsu and special equipment
other type of creature: the Sum- to act at range, while the skill
moner conjures magical beasts at infiltration could mean pick-
that will do their master’s bid- ing locks, sabotaging devices
ding. The rules will act the same, or disguising its appearance.
with a small exception: each Call-
ing comes with a Utility Feat that
probably needs some changing.
The Machinist is capable of engi-

84 Game Design
Alternative Callings New Callings

The following example shows You can create new Callings

the power of Calling variants. The easily by following a few guid-
mechanics work exactly like the ing principles. Every Calling has
original Calling, but a different a defining mechanic, and every
theme is used. The only thing that Calling applies equally to all five
might change dramatically is the Emotions. Make sure it is making
Utility application of the Calling. sense to all types of Personalities.
When you come up with a
Ninja (Variant Sorcerer) new Calling idea, you should
Ninjas excel at Infiltration: They try to find a single mechanic
can get into and out of trouble that will evoke what you are go-
easily. Creating disguises, di- ing for. The mechanic needs to
versions, sneaking into build- make sense for every Person-
ings, sabotaging devices, defus- ality type: to command a tar-
ing traps or unlocking doors. get to attack someone would
be a perfect Anger talent.
Grappling Hook (J) Find a suitable Utility appli-
Healing Ofuda (L) cation that complements the
Water Shape (G) theme of the Calling well. It
Night Stalker (F) begs repeating: do not make
Shuriken (A) a Jack-of-All-Trades-Calling.
Usually the scope of an indi-
You find a suitable name for ev- vidual Calling is very limited.
ery Calling talent to emphasize Through combination of sever-
the theme you are going for. al Callings, the players are able
Do not overpower the Calling. to do a lot of different things.

Game Design 85
Creating entertaining missions

There are several ways to come up with cool episodes and missions.
You can create a basic adventure based on interesting locations,
events or even characters. This chapter tries to provide some basic
examples of episode design that is based on locations and events.
Both can be subsumed under the term scene. You can get valu-
able inspiration from comics, fairy tales and your favorite TV shows.

The Scene Spicing Things Up

A scene contains all action that You need to balance challenges

takes place at a specific loca- with moments of relief. All the ac-
tion in a limited amount of time. tion in the world needs a mellow
The length of the scene can be background to create enough
flexible, though. Some scenes contrast for the suspense.
last a couple of minutes (go- When you are creating loca-
ing into a Naschkeria to buy bo- tions for your players to check
cicne), while others last hours out, you should have a lot of op-
(doing research in the royal li- tions in mind. What could hap-
brary). To make things interest- pen to complicate things? How
ing, you should always have a is this place special and unique?
surprise up your sleeve, to add Rich descriptions are the route
a little spice to your adventure. to go. Populate your world with
interesting recurring locations.

86 Episode Design
Example Location

We are going to have a look at Here are some plot hooks for
Thekla’s tavern, which is located Thekla’s tavern that were cre-
in the Moor swamp. The tavern ated based on the initial ideas.
is built inside an old stump that You can either roll on the table,
once was a majestic tree. It fea- or pick whatever strikes your
tures several floors with rooms fancy. It is advisable to create
for travellers, a kitchen and a big similar events for your own lo-
dining room. The rooms have cations. If you need to raise the
been hewn into the old wood, tension, why not introduce a
much like a cave, but comfy. new plot to the current scene?
The Moor outside is a danger-
ous and haunted place. Many A strange guest appears in the
tavern. They do not want to eat
travellers have been led astray anything. Highly suspicious.
by ghost lights. Michtims know
Injured travellers show up. Some-
better than to spend the night thing has hunted them through
outside. Wild noctürnas live the Moor. Is it lurking outside?
in the trees, and they are no
During the night a violent storm
strangers to the taste of Mich- rages through the Moor. The next
tim flesh. There are even ru- day, all the paths have changed.

mors of stranger creatures that A haunting melody can be heard

haunt the nightly Moor. Exiled at night. Is it some restless spirit
or just a sleepless bard?
Michtims, who have grown mon-
strous by committing grave sins,
The tavern is completely de-
might seek refuge beneath the serted. What has happened?
roots of the Moor trees. Hunting
for food and venting their rage Ghouls are now running the tav-
on hapless travellers. The tav- ern. What happened to Thekla?
ern is the only place of respite.

Episode Design 87
Connecting Scenes Example Keys

To create an episode, you will There are several archetypal

have to string several scenes scenes that you can use in your
together. The best way to do missions. Feel free to mine sto-
so, is to imagine each scene to ries of all sorts for inspiration.
be a treasure chest. The play-
ers need to find the right key to Combat
open it. Hidden inside the chest The rules already cover how fight-
is the scene’s outcome, usually ing works. A combat usually ends
a map leading to another trea- when one of the sides of the con-
sure chest. Treasure hunters go! flict prevails over the others. Try
The game is more fun, if you throwing a twist into the combat to
vary the keys that are required to keep it unique. Maybe there is an
open the chests. In one scene, environmental danger to maneu-
combat will do the trick. In an- ver while fighting? Maybe there’s
other scene, the heroes have a third party involved in the brawl?
to sneak into a secret hideout
to eavesdrop on the antago- Socializing
nist. Also not every chest is the Characters talk. It is only natural
same. Some are spooky, oth- to solve some scenes by mak-
ers are festive. The most im- ing use of words, and appropriate
portant thing to consider, is the Callings like the Bard or Court-
connectedness of the scenes. ier. There are rules for Social In-
There has to be a certain log- teraction (see p.28) you can use
ic to the treasure hunt after all. when trying to influence others.

88 Episode Design
Investigation Planning
The Detect action allows play- Players are trying to cope with the
ers to investigate their surround- challenges you throw at them.
ings for clues. If the player scores Sometimes they will sit together
more hits on the roll, they should and discuss how to tackle a prob-
receive more information. Some- lem. Make sure they are doing
times you can ask for other Emo- their job in-character (using their
tion rolls too. Like rolling Love or Michtim heroes as avatars of the
Grief to be emphatic of anoth- discussion). The outcome of good
er character’s feelings, or An- planning scenes is two-fold. The
ger to break a door. Investigative players have spend time to inter-
scenes are sometimes coupled act with each other, often foster-
with stealth and guile. Use the ing their individual roles. Also you
Hide action to sneak around un- get to listen to their planning, and
seen. If players fail, you can al- can base some of your story pro-
ways complicate things a little for gression on their planning. Be
them. Maybe shifting the scene sure not to overdo it. Players can
into a combat. The lesson to re- feel rightfully cheated, if all their
member here is: every Emotion plans are counteracted by an om-
can be used to perceive things re- niscient antagonist. Instead use
lated to its purview. Detect is just the input to create further scenes
the most typical action to use. and plot hooks to involve them
into the story you are going to tell.

Episode Design 89
Spark’s Flight
Escort / Rescue Mission

Cornelius Funkenflug demands your presence in the human city.

He is to be escorted back home to Turnaya. He had a meeting
with city-dwellers, who had terrifying news for all Michtims. Now
he needs to get home as fast as possible; while still taking care of
his security. Cornelius will meet the Michtim Bande right after the
clock strikes eight at night at Laternenplatz. What will happen?

1: Laternenplatz 2: The Coach

The street lights paint Laternen- Right as the group is discussing

platz an eerie yellow. Rats scurry the travel plans, a shadow appears
down the alley, and in the dis- at the far end of the city block.
tance a train rushes through a It seems to be some sort of dog
station. A hulking building reach- that pulls a coach made of a shoe
es high into the night sky. box and adorned with leaves.
Suddenly a shadow plunges The dog is a sizable hug, a
down the face of the house. As hybrid of Siberian husky and
it gets closer to the ground, the pug parents that goes by the
creature gets ever slower. The name Hops. His eyes have a fe-
emerald Glidewing cloak bil- ral gleam to them that betrays
lowing under its enchantment, his otherwise cuddly looks.
Cornelius lands right next to The coach has room for all the
the Michtim Bande, grasping a Michtims and their stuff. Corne-
gnarlwood staff in his right paw. lius tells Hops where to go, and
He greets them cheerfully, the journey begins. The coach
but also looks a bit hounded. has several windows and a com-
Cornelius says that the group fy place to sit while travelling.
should be going. The coach
is already waiting for them.

90 Episode Design
3: Foreboding Grass Snake

After the group has left the city,

Hops keeps to a street lead-
ing deeper into the woods. 3 1 1 3 4
Players roll Detect to see
if they are aware of the up-
coming troubles: (1) a hiss- The grass snake starts the com-
ing can be heard close to the bat with 3 Anger Markers. It at-
coach. (3) a feint smell lingers tacks each turn if able, and may
in the air, belonging to an un- use Swift Bite to attack twice.
known Michtim. Players that The snake also evades instead
made their Detect rolls have a of moving, if targets remain
turn before the action starts. close to it. If someone fights the
snake in ranged combat, it will
4: Ambush use Jolt to cover the distance.
Toughness:15 Wounds.
Something huge attacks the Swift Bite: Spend an Anger
coach and topples it over. Marker to attack reflexively.
Hops can be heard whimper- Scales: Physical Armor 1.
ing, slipping out of the harness.
The Michtim Bande is plunged 5: Hidden Threats
out of the coach. Cornelius is
knocked out and pinched be- While the battle rages, the play-
neath the toppled coach. ers have the chance to active-
The enemy is a coiling mass ly use Detect to uncover traces
of scales. A huge snake that of an enemy presence: (3) the
hisses violently. Its eyes dart whiff of fragrance is still strong;
around looking for an easy tar- and depending on the course
get, and its body looks tough. of the fight: giggling or cursing.

Episode Design 91
6: Animal Patrol

Right after the fight, a van stops although she seems complete-
next to the group. Everything ly unaware of it. As every Fauch-
is over in mere seconds. Each schule kid learns, the Veil protects
and everyone is caught in nets. Michtims from being seen as any-
The humans fetch Hops, Corne- thing more than mere hamsters.
lius and the rest of the Bande. The pet shop opens short-
The long-legs put them into ly after the group is put into the
cages. Wild cats and oth- cages. They have direct line of
er pets howl in their contain- sight to the electronic cash reg-
ers. The van’s engines roar and ister system and can follow the
the vehicle races off into the procedures there. Whenever a
night; back to the human city. pet is sold, the humans move to
The group spends the the machine and enter person-
night in the cages. Ear- al data to receive a discount.
ly in the morning, the van is
opened and the humans take 8: The Blonde Monster
the cages into a building.
Early in the morning, a family ar-
7: Pet Shop rives. Mom and dad are highly
annoyed by their willful progeny.
Humans can be overheard, speak- The blonde haired monster ap-
ing about some rare breeds pears right in front of Cornelius’
of hamsters they have caught cage and demands to have him
in the wild. They are sold to a as a pet. Mom protests, pointing
woman, who swiftly puts each out that she already has two cats.
of them into a separate cage. The unruly kid starts to riot on the
Fighting does not seem to help, floor, invoking the power of family
as she is wearing a glove. shame. Dad finally grows tired of it,
She even removes the equipment, and takes Mom aside to talk to her.

92 Episode Design
9: Unseen Help

As both parents have left the Shortly after the Hubers have
scene momentarily, the brat left the shop, something odd
rises before the cage. Nar- can be seen stalking the cag-
rowing her eyes to slits she es. A creature that blends per-
whispers malevolently, talk- fectly with its surroundings
ing to herself how she was go- moves closer to the players.
ing to feed this hamster to The stalker turns out to be a
her cats. She surely was go- chameleon that somehow es-
ing to have a lot of fun watch- caped captivity. Its name is
ing them fight over their meal. Rufus, and he can be bribed
Cornelius is shocked. He cries to release them. He is inter-
for help, but the cage can only ested in food, musical per-
be opened from the outside. The formances or pulling off a
shopkeeper approaches and prank on the shop keeper.
pushes Cornelius, who protests If the players are clueless what
wildly, into a little transporta- to do next, Rufus might encour-
tion box. Afterwards the family age them to check out the cus-
heads over to the cash register tomer registry (either digitally
and Dad provides the address. or the actual book) close to the
The shopkeeper thanks ‹Mr. Hu- entrance of the shop. The ad-
ber› and waves them goodbye. dress can be found easily by
Cornelius needs to be saved, either going through the book,
but how to open the cages? or interacting with the cashing
machine. Players should make
Hide rolls to evade detection.

Episode Design 93
10: Free At Last! Rude Puppy

It’s still early in the morning when

the players escape the shop. The
Hubers have already left the park- 4 1 3 1 3
ing lot. The Bande will need to get
to Cornelius’ kidnappers and fast.
Close to the pet shop is a This dog is highly curious and
bus station that also features actually means no harm. How-
a complex city map. Look- ever childish her intentions might
ing for the address, they can be, she can be quite annoying,
find out that the blonde brat throwing Michtims through the
actually lives close by. air and trying to play with them.
If you need to stretch the ad- If she gets hurt, she will be
venture a little bit, you can re- quick to Weep and cower. She
quire the group to travel by is also very adorable and will
bus, which requires both stealth use that to her advantage.
and dexterity to stay safely hid- Toughness: 20 Wounds, will
den and not get trampled. give up at around 10 Wounds.
Before they get to the house, a Angel Eyes: foes gain
rude puppy tries to catch them. 1-2 Love Markers.
You have plenty of room for an- Sweep: can set aside d6
other conflict that ends unex- to affect additional targets.
pectedly, because the puppy’s
owner shows up and scolds it
harshly for playing with mice.

94 Episode Design
11: Huber’s House

To get inside the house, the Mi- distraction to finish the job. To
chtims can either climb through find a suitable non-fatal poison,
a cat flap or sneak inside while players can either rely on Ac-
the door is open (due to a piz- cessories, the Cook’s recipes
za service delivering food). or try to scrounge some laxa-
The parents are having a heat- tive pills from the humans.
ed argument again, blaming In case of the Michtims con-
each other for spoiling the kid. fronting the cats in open con-
While they are distracted, the flict, here are their two profiles.
group can try to find Cornelius.
Players should make a De- Fester (Cat)
tect roll to realize that two cats
seem to be living in this place.
It should be clear enough that
those will not be friendly to- 1 1 3 3 4
wards fluffy intruders. The cats
are currently not to be seen, Jester (Cat)
but they will probably make
trouble once they show up.
The Bande should be cre-
ative about how to best tackle 3 1 1 3 4
these fearsome foes, as charg-
ing head first into the fray will Both cats are rather fat, but still
be pretty fatal (the cats will very fast on their feet. They have
probably want to eat them). a vile demeanor and are not eas-
Gladly fresh cat food has been ily intimidated by Michtims.
served just minutes ago, so the Toughness: 15 Wounds
Michtims have a chance to ei- Hiss: Foes gain 1-3
ther poison them, or use the Fear Markers

Episode Design 95
12: The Monster’s Lair

With the cats taken care off, the lius under a cardboard box
Michtims only need to worry and finally leaves the room.
about Cornelius. In fact, if they The Bande can try to lift
manage to earn 3 hits on a De- the cardboard box. Togeth-
tect roll, they can hear his cries for er they are strong enough.
help coming from the first floor! With a successful Detect roll,
When they finally arrive in the they can also make out a faint
monster’s lair (the girl’s room), smell, some of them might al-
a shocking scene takes place. ready know from the ambush.
The blonde brat clutches Cor-
nelius tightly in one hand. He 13: Isabella’s Plan
wears a pink doll gown and a
little strap-on hat. He fights fu- A ball-shaped Michtim diva ap-
riously, although to no avail. pears floating next to the room’s
She talks to herself, calling him lamp. She wears a silken blue
Barbara and playing out a scene gown and expensive jewelry.
from a horror story. ‹And Barba- ‹So you found him!› She claps
ra drives in her new sports car! her hands sarcastically. ‹Back
Look how she speeds around. in Turnaya, you will be heroes
Wroom! But will she escape for this. Next time you won’t be
the giant tigers? They are com- around to save my little cous-
ing for her! Hahaha!› She turns in. I will be the next to inherit the
around and starts to shout the throne. Not him!› She laughs
cats’ names, trying to summon haughtily behind a peacock fan.
them. Just as Cornelius is about Isabella is far out of reach of
to pass out from the fear, the anyone; should someone get
parents command their daugh- close, she will instantly freeze
ter to come down for lunch. them in place. She vanishes.
Reluctantly, she puts Corne-

96 Episode Design
14: Homecoming Rewards

Rigging the toy car, the Bande Hand out experience points to
can fetch Cornelius and get the player roughly equivalent
out of the Huber’s house. to the number of earned Karma.
The ride will take a while, and Usually around 5 are enough. If
the car’s batteries will give out you want to give them a head
once they are close to Turnaya. start, you can hand out 10.
Back home they are in- Cornelius is also very thank-
deed celebrated as he- ful and will provide each and
roes, and Cornelius (who re- everyone with a single trin-
gains consciousness) is very ket from Turnaya’s treasury.
pleased with their work. They have a single free pick.
Isabella, on the other hand,
has witnesses providing an alibi. To Be Continued…
She claims having had a dinner
party, with lots of guests to prove While visiting the city, Cornelius
that she was not involved in any- has found out horrifying news
thing fishy. The Bande knows about the human’s plans. They
better though, and will probably want to build a shopping cen-
keep an eye on her from now on. ter close to Turnaya and are ea-
Hops was either freed by the ger to cut down the whole forest.
Bande while they were mak- Someone has to stop them by
ing their escape, or has to be sabotaging the architects plans!
rescued by another team.

Episode Design 97
Cast & Crew
Important personalities & relevant plots

Cast Personalities Cast Format

If you have just recently picked All non-player characters come

up Michtim RPG, you will need to with a small selection of common
come up with adventures. While plots that offer character-driven
other chapters take a more event- opportunities. You are free to pick,
based approach to adventure de- roll or waive any of the existing
sign, this section of the book will plots. If you want to create origi-
have a very strong outlook on the nal material, you can take the six
supporting cast of your story. core plots as general outline to
The basic assumption is find out about the Michtim’s per-
that we are interested in peo- sonality. The colored area de-
ple. By providing memorable scribes the personality traits, if you
and intriguing characters to ever need to roll the dice for them.
your players, they are possi- Below you will find the Michtim’s
bly motivated to flesh out their most commonly attuned Callings.
own Michtim heroes as well. The Michtim’s Haus allegiance
You can generate a huge is depicted by the small faction
amount of plot ideas out of banner in the centre of the page.
your NPCs’ motivations.

98 Cast & Crew

Queen Miyu

The queen inherited the throne

ages ago. She is reputed to be
nearly 70 years old. It does not
show in her appearance, though.
The queen is a small Mos-
chischka that is nearly crushed
beneath the size of her crown.
The crown hangs suspended on
heavy chains, because it is so
enormous. It is decorated with
countless gems and precious
metals, and the finest Bormish
velvet that could be found.
The queen is a willful
lady, surrounded by count-
less guards. She loves to ar-
range pretentious festivities.

She invites everyone to a gaudy

celebration at midnight. Is some-
thing behind it?

2 3 1 2 4
She looks to a peaceful solution
in the ongoing human conflict.

She calls all Michtims to arms.
Courtier How will they fight against the
Tactician humans?

She increases taxes. Now every

bakery has to hand over two
Royal Cloak
bocicne of every tray.

She passes away. Will Cornelius

be able to take the throne? What
Regent’s Staff

She is replaced by an impostor.

Enormous Royal Crown All of Turnaya squeals under her
evil rule. Who’s behind it?

Cast & Crew 99

Cornelius Funkenflug

Heir to the throne of Turna-

ya, Cornelius ‹Spark Flight› is
a learned scholar at heart. He
teaches young nestlings in
Fauchschule, but his temper
easily gets the better of him.
Nevertheless, he also acts as
diplomat with the city folk, and
fluently speaks several human
languages. Cornelius always
seeks to gather lore of all kinds.
His right leg was wounded in
an accident. Since that time he
uses a walking stick or resorts
to spells of flight to get around.

He wants to negotiate a truce

with city representatives.

3 2 1 2 4 His leg wound is making trouble

again and he needs a keg of
healing salve.
Summoner (Machinist) He needs some rare plant speci-
Courtier men for his newest manifesto.

He requires the players’ help to

Glidewing Cloak summon an elder Waldschrat.

He wants to teach young

nestlings a lesson and needs
Emberflame Staff

He is abducted by an evil-doer
Tome of Symbolaya and needs to be rescued.

100 Cast & Crew

Sefer Hellgeist

Sefer ‹Bright Mind› is near-

ly 100 years old. Contrary to
other Graulings, he lives close
to the Turnayan court.
He is probably one of the wis-
est Michtims, and he is very
kind-hearted towards young-
sters. While Cornelius has taken
the mantle of primary teacher
in Fauchschule, Sefer still has
not retired. He is telling elabo-
rate stories to the youngsters,
when its finally time to go to bed.
He was Cornelius’ teacher
and mentor, although they have
vastly different personalities.

He tells a story of a hidden

treasure in a secret vault deep in
the Immergrummel woods.

3 3 3 2 1 He has misplaced one of his

books, but his library is full of
dangerous traps and things.
He is telling a good night story
Storyteller (Bard) to the youngsters, but suddenly
Librarian (Witch) one of them is missing.

He wants Cornelius to bring him

his manifesto, but he refuses.
Scholastic Robes
What can be done about it?

Apollonia’s kids play a prank on

him. How can they be scolded
Candleglow Staff
without risking a feud?

He secretly meets with a human

Tome of Stories child. Their friendship is not
meant to go public.

Cast & Crew 101

Reynardo Goldzahn

Michterisch ‹Gold Tooth› is a

worn out Grauling Lord. He is
far over 50 years old and is a
staunch supporter of capitalism.
He usually wears business
clothes, and his eyes are hid-
den behind facetted goggles
most of the time. Reynardo lacks
fur and his ears are shaped like
a bat’s. His skill at chemistry is
profound, and he earned a lot
of money through guile and foul
play. He cannot stand to lose.
Reynardo has absolutely no re-
spect for nature and the worth
of other Michtim beings, though
he will pull off acts of trickery to
convince you of the opposite.

He plans to poison the Immer-

grummel river, so others will buy
his clean water.

4 1 2 3 2 He keeps a host of Michtim

slaves working on fields and in
damp mines.
Apothecary (Cook)
He strikes a deal with city folk to
Cybertooth build a garbage dump close to
Perfumer (Courtier) Turnaya. Will the Veil fail?

He promotes a new law to forbid

Business Suit free sharing and presents.

He asks the players to steal the

Fury Sprayer city folk’s sewer plans and keys.

He plans to open a private

Hypno Goggles school for ‹talented› youngsters.

102 Cast & Crew

Isabella Frostherz

Isabella ‹Frost Heart› is of noble

bearing and has a lot of influence
with scum living in the Underbow-
els of Turnaya. She rallies those
that are loathed by mainstream
culture, using carefully crafted pro-
paganda to ensure their loyalty.
In reality she could not care
less about the wellbeing of those
she leads. She is only interest-
ed in the acquisition of politi-
cal power, because she intends
to be the next Queen. Her rule
would be callous and harsh,
but according to her propa-
ganda, she will make sure ev-
eryone is treated the same.

She plots to usurp the Queen’s

throne by turning the houses
against each other.

2 1 1 4 4
She asks the players to steal a
mysterious trinket from Cornelius.

She plants false evidence to
Sorcerer discredit Castillus’ loyalty to the
Witch Queen.

She cooperates with Reynardo

to take a neighboring Mammut-
Glidewing Cloak
baum tree down.

She plans to set the Turnaya

Peacock Fan tree on fire on Festival night.

She regrets all her evil deeds

Vanishing Pearl and tries to make up for them.

Cast & Crew 103

Castillus Langohr

Preserver of Charity. Castillus

‹Long Ear› is rather small, even
for a Michtim. He is easily rec-
ognized by his defining fea-
ture: his elongated ears make
him look like a small rabbit.
Castillus was chosen by the
Queen to be Preserver of Haus
Turnaya. He investigates cases
of callousness and is very ef-
ficient in finding corruption. His
rabbit-like ears come in handy
when good hearing is of need.
He is often the target of
pranks. Typically he has to take
a bath afterwards; better not ask.

He suspects the players of being

responsible for recent crimes.

4 3 1 1 3 He was the target of a humiliat-

ing prank and asks the players
for help.
He recruits the players into do-
Librarian (Witch) ing some legwork for one of his
Tactician cases.

He asks the players for help to

uncover a fiendish plot in high-
Preserver Cloak

He fails to return from a crime

Tome of Frost scene and must be found.

He fell under the influence of an

Boomerang evil spell and is now a minion of
dark forces.

104 Cast & Crew

Preserver Vesh

Meschne Vesh is appointed

to be preserver of Civilization.
Vesh prefers wearing comfort-
able attire with lots of pockets
to store shiny things. This ever
curious Michtim is known for
its brilliance in the fields of art,
technology and culture.
They are always on the look-
out for cases of barbarism, and
are known to spend a lot of time
educating the unenlightened.
Vesh shares a nest with sever-
al of their Bande members, and
is open to making new friends.
They have a very good relation-
ship with both Apollonia and
Castillus, whom they trust.

They try to invent a new pig-

ment, and need to borrow
substances from a human lab.

2 4 3 1 2
They ask the Bande to bring a
tribe of barbarians into the fold.

They investigate a case of tech-
Commander (Bard) nophobia in Turnaya. Someone
Machinist is sabotaging the artificers.

They are followed by an anony-

mous stalker wherever they go.
Preserver Suit
Who is the mysterious stranger?

They are chosen as godparents

by Apollonia. Vesh will need a
Tact. Gauntlet: Medikit
couple of presents for the kids.

They have built a filth-deflecting

Tact. Gauntlet: Nova cloak for Castillus, but some-
body stole it. Will you help?

Cast & Crew 105

Apollonia Stahlfaust

One of the largest (and like-

wise toughest) Michtims in Tur-
naya, Apollonia ‹Steel Fist› of
Haus Barsik is also the chosen
preserver of Conservation.
Her job involves investigating
cases of pollution, animal cruel-
ty and human interference. She
often recruits help from Mich-
tim bands, because of the sheer
number of crimes against nature.
Apollonia also has a small
brood of children that are known
for their recklessness. The four
youngsters are still in Fauch-
schule, and are looked after by
their father and Apollonia’s oth-
er nest mates while she is out.

She asks the Bande to sneak

into a animal factory to free the
animals and sabotage the plant.

1 3 3 1 4 She is out on an important mis-

sion, and somebody has to look
after her four nestlings.
She has found evidence that an-
Berserker (Daredevil) other Michtim is behind the latest
Feral (Cybertooth) cases of human interference.

A bulldozer shows up at the

edge of the Immergrummel
Preserver Armor
woods. It has to be stopped!

One of her kids got missing.

It is not unlikely that someone
Slasher Claws
kidnapped the youngster.

She is completely infuriated by

Valiant Shield the humans and plans to set
their city ablaze. Will you help?

106 Cast & Crew

Apollonia’s Brood

Apollonia has four little Michtim

kids she takes care of. Rocket is a
very adventurous kid that always
competes with his sister Cannonia
for the title of fastest Michtim baby
in town. Pixi likes to keep to him-
self, reading dusty tomes and ad-
miring colorful flowers. Lulu on the
other hand likes to dress in prin-
cess-like gowns. She makes sure
her fur has a fantastic sheen to it.
All of them attend Fauch-
schule under Cornelius’ su-
pervision. They enjoy hear-
ing Sefer’s stories and play all
sorts of pranks on Castillus.

Pixi writes an unfavorable song

about Castillus.

3 2 2 2 3 Cannonia and Rocket work

together to glue Cornelius’ door
shut. Party!
Cannonia: Daredevil
Rocket: Cybertooth Lulu’s new scarf is made of the
Lulu: Courtier finest silk. But Miguel says a
Pixi: Bard similar scarf was stolen.

Cannonia dares Rocket to steal

bocicne from Ludmilla’s Nasch-
Fauchschule Scarf keria. What will happen?

Apollonia scolds the four for

being naughty. They are horribly
Fauchschule Staff
saddened by it.

The four get kidnapped by

Bag of Nasty Tricks humans who want to conduct
experiments on them.

Cast & Crew 107

Thekla Leckertopf

Thekla ‹Tasty Pot› manages a

tavern close to the fabled Cross-
roads, in the midst of the Moor.
She lives by her own and rare-
ly sees a lot of guests, although
her cooking cannot be blamed
for it. Quite to the contrary, some
people go on a pilgrimage to eat
her pies and brews. The Moor
is not a friendly place though,
and whoever happens to stum-
ble upon the tavern ‹Zum Weg-
kreuz› are usually quite happy
to have a safe place to stay.
Thekla has grown to be very
lonely. She is rarely seen smil-
ing, but is a good natured soul.

She needs some herbs and

fungi that can only be found in
the Moor.

1 3 4 3 1 One of the guests has a terrible

secret. Is it a crime, a curse or a
chili addiction?
Daredevil Miguel comes to visit Thekla. He
Druid (Machinist) brings foreign spices and news.

Her Wonderpot 3000 is broken. It

is Grauling tech, but there is still
Moorkin’s Cloak
warranty on it. Will you help?

In the middle of the night some-

one knocks on the door three
Wonderpot 3000
times, but no one is seen.

She is secretly in love with

Bormish Spices Miguel, but he does not seem to
be interested. Can you help?

108 Cast & Crew

Miguel de Bormen

Miguel is a Michterisch hailing

from the faraway land of Bor-
men. He is both scout and emis-
sary for the remote colony, mak-
ing sure the finest silks and spices
reach the Turnayan markets.
Miguel wears a broad Sombre-
ro that can act as a parachute
in emergencies. His eyes have
the color of the evening sky, and
he is known to be very flirtatious
towards other Michterische.
He travels the distance be-
tween Turnaya and Bormen
quite regularly, and will usual-
ly visit Thekla on his journey.

He sets up a shop on the

Turnayan market, but nobody is
interested. Will you help?

4 2 1 4 1 Somebody stole one of his

cloaks. A subtle scent leads into
the underbowels of Turnaya.
He has returned with horrible
Bard news from Bormen. Villages are
Swiftpaw (Cybertooth) burning!

He is looking for a suitable pres-

ent for another Michtim he is in
Chameleon Poncho
love with, but very shy about.

He wants to visit Thekla on his

way to Bormen. She could need
Lantern Staff
some company after all.

He is in fact a spy for a Bormen

Glidewing Sombrero conspiracy to claim indepen-
dence from Turnaya.

Cast & Crew 109

Things not meant for curious eyes

The Corrupted

When Michtims repeatedly sin could be seen. Isabella uses for-

against any given Virtue, they bidden rituals to hide her Fiend-
slowly begin to degenerate. This ishness, while Reynardo ingests a
corruption depends on the given hideous potion every week to ob-
Virtue, and several deformities can scure the deformities of the Ghoul.
sometimes even overlap to pro-
duce grotesque abominations. Callous Fiends
Corruption is not the final destina- Horns and leathery wings are the
tion though. Some Michtims who hallmark of the Fiends. By com-
have become Monsters can mend mitting grave sins against Charity,
their ways and be purified, but it is the icy grip of Callousness chang-
no easy task. It requires the hope es a Michtim into a Monstrosity.
and help of fellow Michtims, and The wings can be used for bat-like
epic acts of atonement. Not every flight, and the aura of frost makes
evil-doer ends up as one of the everyone’s heart sink in despair.
Corrupted though. Some have
found ways to hide their vileness. Barbaric Beasts
Important foes like Isabella or Rey- Wicked fangs and shaggy
nardo would never be able to gain fur are the typical deformi-
followers, if their true wickedness ties of the Beast. When acting

110 Secrets
The Veil

The spell that shrouds Michtims

against Civilization, the Mich- from the eyes of humankind is
tim refuses to be anything more strong indeed. Its origin is a para-
than a wild monster. The Beast dox. Humans need to believe in
also sprouts enormous claws Michtims for the Veil to work. This
that are used for digging. belief is acted out by small pagan
rites that are said to attract the
Ravaging Ghouls goodwill of the fey folk. A saucer
Hideous scales and slimy flesh of milk is left outside, or a candle is
are common with the disease- allowed to burn during the night. If
ridden Ghouls. They are the a human deliberately thinks of the
product of acts against Conser- fuzzy little creatures, the Veil is es-
vation. If Michtims lose their re- pecially strengthened and Turna-
spect for nature, they become ya is safe from detection. If human-
stinking masses of tumors and kind stops to honor the old rites, or
scales. Their bodies reconstitute forgets to think about the spirits of
themselves even when dead. the woods, the Veil will fail to work,
and the Michtims are doomed.

Secrets 111
Finding important information

Accessory 74 Calling 8, 36
Adventurer 8, 38 Adventurer 38
Allegiance 64 Alternative Callings 85
Artificer 17 Artist 40
Artist 8, 40 Attuning Callings 36
Bard 42

Combining Callings 37
Cook 44
Courtier 46
Bande 8 Cybertooth 48
Bard 8, 42 Daredevil 50
Basic Actions 28 Frostpaw 52
Action Types 33 Machinist 54
Attack 31 Sorcerer 56
Cure 30 Synergies 62
Detect 29 Tactician 58
Evade 31 Utility Feats 37
Hide 31 Witch 60
Jolt 29
Weep 30
Bocicne 8
Body Type 13
Bormen 8, 109

112 Secrets
Cast 98
Apollonia 106 Daredevil 9, 50
Apollonia’s Brood 107 Defeat 35
Castillus 104 Dice 5
Cornelius 90, 100 Buying Dice 26
Isabella 96, 103 Rolling Dice 22
Miguel 109 Distractions 28
Reynardo 102 Oppositions 29
Sefer 101

Thekla 108
Vesh 105
Character Sheet 78
Cloak 74 Emotions
Combat 32 Anger 31
Cook 9, 44 Fear 31
Courtier 9, 46 Grief 30
Culture 16 Joy 29
Cybertooth 9, 48 Love 30
Episodes 86
Experience 80
Changing Personality 81
Earning Experience 80
Mastering a Calling 81
Spending Experience 80

Secrets 113
Fauchschule 9, 16 Karma 6, 10
Finsterberg 9 Dice Re-Rolls 65
Frostpaw 9, 52 Earning Karma 65
Instantly Attune Callings 36

Karma Ultimates 82
Knocked Out 35

Game Design 84
Gear 74
Glidewing Cloak 76
Lexicon 8

Location 87

Haus 9 M
Allegiance 64
Haus Barsik 9, 19, 20, 66 Machinist 10, 54
Haus Grauling 9, 19, 20, 68 Meschne 10
Haus Turnaya 10, 19, 20, 70 Michterisch 10
Hawker 17 Michtim 12
Hero Creation 78 Mood 24
Hits 23 Benefits 25
Human Relations 20 Mood Markers 6, 10
Moschischka 10

Move Action 33

Initiative 32 N
Naschkeria 17, 21
Nektaria 17
Nests 18
Noctürna 10, 11, 23

114 Secrets
Personality 28 Tactician 11, 58
Changing Personality 81 The Veil 11, 111
Player vs Player 33 Tool 74
Preserver 105 Treasury 74
Apollonia 106 Accessories 77
Castillus 104 Cloaks 76
Vesh 105 Tool 75
Turnaya 17

Reflexive Action 33
Regular Action 33 Ultimates 11, 82

Scene 86 Virtues 65, 72
Scenes 88 Charity 71, 72
Secrets 110 Civilization 69, 73
Shrine 17 Conservation 67, 73
Sins 65

Beasts 111
Corruption 110
Fiends 110
Ghouls 111 Witch 11, 60
Social Interaction 28 Wound Effects 34
Sorcerer 11, 56 Blinding Wound 34
Symbolaya 11 Cruel Wound 34
Synergies 62 Slowing Wound 34
Worsening Wound 35
Wound Tokens 5, 34

Secrets 115
116 Secrets
Charity Culture Conservation
My Name Experience

active Callings Mastered Talents

Joy Jolt: Roll Joy and beat 7 to sprint
and jump. Set aside d6 to go faster
and jump farther. A
0 0 0 0 0
Detect: Roll Joy to counter Hide.
refuse to help refuse tools deny regrowth
Set aside d6 to breach Hide. May
be used reflexively.
5 4 3 2 1 hurt beings deny intellect risk pollution

Love Cure: Roll Love and beat 7 to heal kill beings refuse culture ravage nature
a light wound. Set aside d6 to heal 7 5 4 3 1
more severe wounds. Can only Cure

If the target uses Weep it can add 8 6 5 4 2

bonus hits to benefit Cure. Ultimate Techs
5 10 15

10 8 6 4 2

Grief Weep: Roll Grief and beat 7 to

shrug off all attacks with one hit.
Set aside d6 to ignore more hits.
15 12 9 6 3
Can be used to add hits to Cure.
Emotion Bonus Trigger

20 16 12 8 4

5 10 15

Fear Hide: Roll Fear and beat 7 to hide

in a stealth zone. Set aside d6 to Gear
make Detect harder.

Evade: Roll Fear against enemy

Attack to dodge it. May be used
reflexively. -1 for additional uses. Emotion Bonus Trigger

5 10 15

Anger Attack: Roll Anger and beat 7 to

deal a light wound. Set aside d6 to
deal more severe wounds, Cloak
increasing difficulty of Cure.

If you score 3 hits you also deal a

weapon effect. Emotion Bonus Trigger

Define Personality: 7 dice in Emotions ● pick 1 Calling ● Spend 5 XP Michtim RPG (c) Georg Mir 2012
eds y o u!
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f t h e n o b l e h ouses. You sh stalwart
da venturers o st ed staves to a sse m b l e in
u r m o st tr u
cloaks and yo l o r y o f ou r k ingdom!
d s o f h e r o e s. For t he g ancient
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h t h e ir k e t h e
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toget her, proud
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s F u n k e n fl u g
Corneliucrets, Master of Protocol
Keeper of Se

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