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1) What's your name?

2) Where are you from?

3) What do you study?
4) What do you do?
5) Where were you born?
6) How old are you?
7) Why is English important in your life?
8) How long have you been studying English?
9) Where did you study English before?
10) How do you practice English?
11) What other languages can you speak?
12) What languages do you intend to study in the future? Why?
13) What do you study besides English?
14) How long have you been studying/working at _________?
15) What kind of accommodation do you live in? How long have you lived there?
16) What do you most like about the place where you live? Describe it. What is it like?
17) Do you live in a house or in an apartment? Describe it. What is it like?
18) What do you most like about the place where you live?
19) What do you like to do in your free time?
20) What are your hobbies?
21) Talk about the last series you saw. What was it about? What adjectives can you use to
describe it? What genre of series do you enjoy most?
22) Now talk about the last movie you saw. What was it about? What adjectives can you use
to describe it? What movie genres do you enjoy most?
23) What scene in a movie gave you goosebumps?
24) What was the scariest movie you have seen?
25) Where did you go on your last trip? How long did you stay there? What did you do
there? Where did you stay? What did you buy there?
26) What kind of trips do you enjoy? (Family trips, backpacking, camping, group tour, cruises
abroad, to beaches, to exotic places, to historical places, and nature).
27) Do you have any brothers or sisters? Are they younger or older than you? Describe your
28) What do your family members look like?
29) What are your family members like?
30) What pets do you have?
31) What pets would you like to have?
32) What countries have you been to? When have you been to those places? Why did you
go there and what did you do there?
33) What was the last book you read? Talk about it in detail.
34) Do you like to cook? What was the last dish you cooked?
35) What's your favorite dish and why do you like it?
36) What is something you can do really well?
37) What sports are the most popular in your country?
38) Which sports do you practice? How often do you practice them? Where do you practice
39) What are your future plans?
40) What is your favorite item you have bought this year and why do you like it?
41) What is your absolute dream job?
42) Are you currently having online or in-person classes?
43) What is your daily routine like on weekdays? Describe your day from the moment you
get up until the moment you go to bed.
44) Are you an early bird or a night owl? Why?
45) Are you more productive at night or in the morning? Do you think it is possible to change
and get used to another schedule?
46) What kind of music do you like to listen to?
47) Who is your favorite singer and why do you like him/her?
48) What is your favorite band and why do you like it?
49) What is the best thing you've got going in your life at the moment?
50) What incredibly common thing have you never done in your life?
51) What has taken you the longest to get good or decent at?
52) What social media do you enjoy using most? Why do you like using it? What do you use
it for?
53) What are some of your favorite games to play? Describe them.
54) What website or app that doesn't exist, but you really wish it did?
55) What is your favorite app? Why?
56) What is your most favorite subject at school? Why?
57) What is your least favorite? Why?
58) Who is the most interesting person you've met and talked with?
59) What has really taken a toll on you?
60) What sort of things do you enjoy purchasing? When was the last time you bought
something and what did you buy?
61) Do you think you can rely too heavily on your phone? Why/why not?
62) What kind of challenges are you facing these days? How do you cope with them?
63) What was the last thing you were really excited about? What happened?
64) What extreme sports have you practiced and which would you like to practice?
65) What tells you the most about a person?
66) What is the best event you've attended?
67) What is your favorite time of year? Why?
68) Who is the most intelligent or creative person you know? Talk about this person.
69) What is the most annoying machine you must deal with regularly?
70) What are you grateful for?
71) What hobby would be a lot of fun to get into?
72) What are the five places you really want to visit before you die? Why?
73) How handy are you when it comes to fixing things?
74) Who is the funniest person in your family?

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