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BOILERS— OPERATION 83 RC What 18 the purpose of a superheater? To add heat to the steam without ralsing the pressure of the steam. AZ What 1 a dosuperheater? Describe a typical desuperheater. A. A desuperheatr 1s a device for removing the superheat from steam. It usually consists of a coll of piping located in the steam drum of a holler below the normal steaming water level. A con- nection Is made from the outlet of the superheater to one end of the piping, and the other end of the piping Is connected to a line leading to those auxiliartes which cannot use superheated steam. In passing through tho desuperheater, the steam gives up its Superheat to the water In the drum and emorges as saturated or mildly superheated steam. BOILERS— OPERATION ¢ What Is the principal precaution in the operation of blow-down valves? A. Do not leave blow-down valve until shul off. SX Why are by-pass Ines Installed around ‘large steam-stop valves? “A. Stoam-stop valves over 6" in diameter are required to have by- pass lines Installed around them in order to warm up the line before opening the stop valve. XE Whore ts the alr cock located and what Is Its purpose? ‘A. The alr cock 16 a small valve located at the very top of the steam space of a boller. Its purpose Is to allow air to escape from the boller while raising steam or filling the boller with wa- ter, and to allow alr to enter the boiler wile it 1s being dralned. A When and how would you use the bottom blow? “A. The best time. to use the bottom blow to remove solld matter from the boiler is when the boller 1s cut out, as most of the heavy matter In the water will have had a chance to settle to the bottom of the boller and a larger amount of it can be removed by blowing. It Is better to glve several short blows than one long blow, as more of the solid matter will be removed in that way. If reducing the salinity of the boiler water 1s the object, the boller should be filled until the gage glass shows about 3/4 full; the bottom blow Is then opened and kept open until the gage glass shows the water level to be just above the bottom nut on the gage- glass connection, This Is repeated until the salinity, as indicated by samples taken from the boller through the salinometer cock, Is at the desired point. SEE 54 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER How would you cut a boller out of service? ‘A. 1. Close oll valves and alr registers in each burner unit. (Reduce oll pressure) 2 Secure master oll shut-off valve to boiler. 3. Slow down blower. 4, Secure steam stops. 5. Secure feed lines. 6. Remove all burners from boller, remove tips, and place in kerosene. 7. Open alr vent when pressure drops to about Ibs. (Prevents formation of vacuum.) -% What would you check If your fires went out In the boller? A. 1. See that the fuel-oll pump 1s operating. 2, Fuel may not bo hot enough for combustion. 3. Fuel may bo t00 cold to pump. 4. Check pump and burnor strainors. 5, Dunker tank may be emply. 6. Test for water In tho fuel. 7. Valvo tn tho line may be cloacd by mistake. 8. Vont screen In hunker tank may be clogged with dried fuel from a provious overflow, enusing a vacuum In the tank. {Should the stress on a stop valve be relleved bofore steaming the boiler? Explain. A. Yes. Break valve from seat to provent valve from freezing when steam expands It. (AC What 18 the position of the fecd-stop and check valves when the voller 18 steaming? When the boller Ia cut out? A. Whon the bollor Ie steaming, tho focd-stop valve ts wide open and the feod-check valve 19 open only sufficiently to maintain, tho lovel of the water in the boller. When the bollor Is cut out, both stop and check valvon aro closed to provent any water from one toring the bollers A A the water becomes dangerously low in a Seoteh boller, what would you do? A. If the water In a Scotch boller became dangerously low, the fusible plug would molt out. When this happens, secure the fires and feedwater at once; then secure the main and auxiliary steam stops and open the safety valvo wlth the hand-lifting gear; secure the tr to tho furnaces and allow the botler to cool gradually. (Call chiof engineer.) When the boiler has cooled, carofully ox- Amine the crown sheets and upper rows of tubes for sag OF Any other algn of overheating. Ino damage ts found, renew the {usl~ Lie plugs and got up stoam again. A report must be submitted to the Inspectors In the next port where there is an Inspector. If damage was done by overheating, the Inspector must [rat approve Any necessary repatre Oe BOILERS—OPERATION = (What 18 the most Important re ‘What 1s tho essential difference Scotch bollor? A. A high factor of safely. The Scotch boller 1s constructed with largo tubes (4-Inch) and the gases of combustion paan through tho tubes and hoat the water which surrounds the tubes. ‘The water-tubo boller Is conatructod with amallor tubes (usually 2-Inch & 1-tnch) and the water passes through the tubes and te heated by the gases of combustion which pass around the tubes. quirement of any steam boller? between a wator-tubo and a (Ae What causes foaming in a botler? ‘A. Generally caused by high concentrationa of dissolves or s: ponded solids or both In the bollor water. A fluctuating water Jovol and wot stenm aro the reaulta, (AG Namo ten instruments or dovicos uned in the modern bollor plant for control of operating conditions. ‘A. Proasuro gages, thermometers, oll moter, manometer, pros ‘sure reducing valvos, prossuro rogulating pyro- meter, CO2 recordor, thormostats, check valves, feodwator tosting outfit, relief valvos, safoty’ valve AX What would you do if a tubo ruptured in a Scotch boller? ‘Ay 1, Bocure tho fires. 2. Bocure the main and auxiliary steam atop 3. Bpoed up the blowers to force the escaping steam up tho stack If thore Is any danger to the flroroom personnel 4. Continue feeding the botler until the furnace temporature drops so that exposed surfaces will not become overheated. ( Why 10 It dosirable to oxcludo air from bollor feedwater? Why thls more {mportant wlth high-pressure bollers than with low- prosoure bolero? A. Dissolved oxygen attacks boiler stool at saturation temperaturoa and prosauros, Tho rapidity of the attack Incronscs sharply with Increase In temperatura. ZG How te 0 feedwater regulator usod while manouvering? ‘A. If the regulator 1s In good condition, It will keep a stondy water level during maneuvering. However, elther the B & W or Bailey rogulator miay be locked in the wide-open position by a simple operation and the water level controlled by the manually-operated check valve. How would you use the surface blow? ‘A. Ratee the water level in the boller to above the scum pan, open the surface blow valve quickly and close it when tho water level In the gage (lass ceases {o drop. Blow out the gage glass and note the condition of the water which appears In the glass after blowing lt; If there aro any signs of floating matter, repeat tho surface blow until the water shows clean. 1609 SRK s OF oil il Bo GO 50 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER water leakage Into What are the most common sources of ‘tho food system? Ack. Lonky condenser tubes. 2. Evaporator eurry-over. 3. Leaky evaporator coll 4. Loaky double-bottom rosorve tank color flame Inleatey ecto! oF poor combustion? % Nveutish‘rangeyrlling lame inerten good combustion i iat ‘cobunttonthe ame should be a got Whee) fa ieancencnt wno Hane wih J eae sus exces aes i ‘reddy smoky Mame Tndcnen stile ae | What color smoke indicates (1) efficient combustion; (2) lent alr, (3) excess ale? ‘A. 4. A light brown haze at the stack voually indicates efficient ‘combustto 1 2 Black omoke at the stack usually indicates teaulfictont alr. 3. White smoke at the stack Indleates a large anual of exces beng. used? AL Beet ‘of th Alomizors left in a hot furaace will cause overheatt ‘Sprayer plate and baking of carbon on the atomizer. tips, | Ge \ny should stomlzors be ren . Wat causes “Marovacks* ‘A A flarcaci Is due to the explosion of @ mixture of oft vapor or | fs and alr in the furnace, ‘A Tirebnch ts most apt to nee alge Hing tt, or whom atempling to Felt sbarneh ets nt eck eal AE Mow can tharobacks ‘A. Open aie registers attempting to igh anor mistres ip the torch when lighting oi alee. he prevented? let alr blow through furnace before This will force any explosive gan oF ing off. Always use a AE Wa does a epuitering burner Inete? A: Waterin te Wel @ Describe in detail the path of air and gases throngh a Scote ese p wases throngh a Scoteh A. Ihe alr enters through the air registers at the trout ot che ‘pace and mixes with the oll which 1s sprayed Into thei The olf bexins to buen in the uenace and peewee bustion chamber, where burning Ia compl From men atrauat the tubes and give up their heat te the eater, From the tubes, the gases pas iin the uated ‘Slack to the atmosphere. foe spethinesieae ture te Ue cum ‘The resaluing 0610 8S SS > < BOILERS—GENERAL, zi 81 (a) Explain why botlers require extra feed. (b) What Is Indicated by a constantly rising water level in a manually fed boller? ‘A. (a) Extra feed {8 required to make up the losses of steam or con- dengate throughout the vessel. These lot yay come from leaking, glands, Joints, steam relief or safely valves, and boller tubes; also by overflowing of open heaters and the use of the steam whistle. (W) A constantly rialng water level would indicate a leaking con~ denser tube or plate, a leakdng or stuck open extra feed valve, & Jammed or excessively open check valve, or excessive pressure or speed of the feed pumps. “Q What Is the purpose of the surface blow valve? A. To remove oll and other floating impurities from the surface of the ‘water in the steam drum. GENERAL Q._ Explain why tt Is so Important to keep alr leakage into the furnace from the boller casings to 2 minimum. ‘A. Waste tn fuel due to alr ‘leakage into the furnace ‘will be in propor ‘on to the alr pressure generally used and may amount to 10 per cent or more. The alr leaking through boller casings does not become intimately mixed with the fuel and, therefore, does not ald in the combustion of unburned gases. On the contrary, it has a decided chilling effect on both the gases of combustion and the heating surfaces. Q Explain the effect of a cracked regulator diaphragm or bellows upon the boller water level when operating under the control of the thermo= hydraulic aulomatle feed system. How can the feed be controlled under these conditions? ‘A. Accracked diaphragm would cause the loss of the pressure within the generator and the spring of the regulator would close the valve, thereby shutling off the boller feed. To operate the boller under these conditions it will be necessary to bypass the reculator or Jack it open and control the water level with the hand check valve. Q.. List the precautions to be taken when It's necessary to break a Joint on a steam line? A. The primary concern here is one of safety considerations. ‘The service of which the piping. Is a part should be secured by physically ashing valves shut and pulting warning signs on the valves to prevent Inadvertent opening of the valves when the Joint or flange is opened. Before the flange {3 broken careful tests must be made to make cer= tain that pressure has been removed from the line. In slacking off on the flange nuts It 1s advisable to keep two dianictrically opposite nuts and bolts In place until the actval breaking apart of the Jolnt. a 58 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER yy botlors necd extra feed. What Is Indicated by a ator tevol In tho boller? ie more extra foed 1s needed than In tur~ losses through plston rods, valve atoms, aves won staring, ete. A constantly Hleing level may be caused by a leak In the condenser (althoug ttirhuld show leat hmmediately on the sani Indlestor), drains open and leading to the hot well, trapa not working prop erly and diocharging stralght through to hot welle I there are (wo or moro bollers in the battery and one scoms to be getting more water than the others, check the fires. Q. Explain why ‘constantly rlalny A. In reciprocating drive ‘bine drives due to largo draina, alr pump rellel Q. How does oxygen corrosion usually affect steaming bollers? ‘Wnere 16 this type of corroaton most frequently noted? ° ‘A. Motal, when taken from the carth as an orc, 19 some form of iron oxide. In the manufacture of tron, tho oxygen Is removed and pure Iron Is obtained. In the presence of oxygen and mola- turo, this metal haa a tondency to return to Its original state and corrosion reaults. Thia type of corrosion 19 known as pitting. It 18 most fro- quontly found on the furnaces of Scotch bollers and In the lower tubes of wator-tube bollero near tho front end of the tubes. The theory behind this 1s the fact that the oxygen bubbles are liber- ated at thia point following a change of direction of the water flowing down the front headers, Q. What te the operating principle of the electrical oalinity Indica tora placed in various points of the feedwater ayatom? A. This Indicator operates on the principle that salt water 1a a better conductor of electricity than {resh water. Two metal rods are placed In the hot well, or any other place where a reading Is desired, al a prescribed distance apart; the rods being aep- arated form an open circuit. As long as the water remains fresh, the cireult remains open. The presence of salt in the olightest degree Immediately makes tho water a conductor and passce the electricity through the wator from ono rod to the other, thie completing the etreult. At thls polnt, a warning bell rings and a red light appears on the sallnlly Indicator control box. Q. Why should all superheaters have safety valves attached? How are they set In relation to boller pressure? A. To protect the superheater from overheating In case excess Pressure In the boller causes the drum safely valves to blow and the surge of steam from the drum out the escape pipe causes a momentary stop in the flow of steam from the drum through the superheater. The superheater safely valve Is sot about § pounds lower than the drum safety valve, thus it will blow first, Insuring that there will be a flow of steam through the superheater. Q What precaution should be taken when gagging a safety valve? 60 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER erheated steam? . & Eaerates een heated to a temperature above auc Hoe oes Re ret ane leach eaterel ok calcd aie taelan generated In a boiler, through a ed siiperhoalar, , which are In most Instances heated by I funiaee the renean for the use of superheater tubes “a consis that saturated steam cannot be superheated so long as v romans in contact with the water from which It was generated. To at more heat to the water would merely Increase {ts temperature and pressure and would In no way superheat the steam generated by Its evaporation. Q. Define the three methods of heat transfer. A. Conduction Is the flow of heat within a substance without any Actual motion of the substance. Convection ts the transfer of heat through the motion of a heated fluid (liquid or gas). Radiation Is the transfer of heat b from a hotter to a colder contact with each other. Q. What ts "boiler horsepower?" om The evaporation of 34.5 Ibs. of water per hour from and at 12°F, y waves which carry the heat Substance when they are not actually in Q Why doesn't the cylindrical shell of a boiler need bracing? A. Due to the cylindrical const, i ruction, there Is uniform pressure RF Mhat ts a furnace explosion? - The ray Ad Turnaee CoMbustion of a mixture of ol vapor and alr in a cl tn the gage glass in a water column 2 feet im w the true level of the water In the boiler? (or heavier) lower than th; Q What 4 column ts cooler and, th , ther yan that in the boller. Hence. ear ctor’ at In the boiler, ' 8 saturated steam? by boiling wat denser waler in the glass is A. Steam produced same temperature RS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER 60 QUESTIONS & ANSWE ‘ated steam? Teated ton temperature above that due to Its pres- ished by pawalng saturated steam as I Is erheater are rated ina boller, through a series of so-called sup coresiue colle, which are In most Instances heated by the baller Iuensees ‘The reason for the use of superheater tubes or coils te (tar saturated steam cannot be superheated so long as It remains trtontact with the water from which It was generated. To add nore heat to the water would merely Igcrease its temperature dnd pressure and would in no way superheat the steam generated by lls evaporation. Q. What 1s superhe: A. Saturated steam ‘sure. This Is accompl Q. Define the three methods of heat transfe A. Conduction 1s the flow of heat within a substance without any ‘aetual motion of the substance. Convection Is the transfer of heat through the motion of a heated fluid (liquid or gas). Radiation 1s the transfer of heat by waves which carry the heat from a hotter to a colder substance when they are not actually in contact with each other. Q What ts “boller horsepower?" K. The evaporation of 34.5 Ibs. of water per hour from and at 212°F. Q Why doesn't the cylindrical shell of a boller need bracing? A. Due to the cylindrical construction, there 1s uniform pressure all over. Mints a furnace explaston? ; The rapid combustion of a mixture of oll vapor and alr in a furnace. Q Does the water level in the gage glass in a water column 2 fect from the boller show the true level of the water in the boiler? why? A. No. The water In the column ts cooler and, therefore, denser (or heavier) than that in the boiler. Hence, water In the lower than that In the boller. Q. What Is saturated steam? A. Steam produced by Loillng water In a closed vessel has the ‘same temperature as the water, and It Is sald to be saturated Saturated steam, then, Is steam at the temperature of the boiling olnt of the water from whieh It was generated, and may be either wel or dry saturated steam, depending upon wi no} contains moisture. ees Therefore, the term saturated steam rel . ‘efers merely to the fa that the stedm Is under the same conditions, temperature and Pressure, as the water, and dacs not Indleate whether It ts wet or dry. “ ———— BOILERS—GENERAL S AQ What ts the effect of ofl or grease In the water In a boller? ‘A. Grease in the bollor water will cause foaming and priming whon floating on the surfaco of the water. It will also adhore to the heating surfaces and cause poor heat transfer; and, If the situa- Won becomes bad cnough, overheating and damage to the parts affected. Some forms of oll or grease cause corrosion due to chemicals contained in thom. Q What effect has scale on the heating surfaces of a boller? A. Scale in a boller forms an insulating layer on- the water side of the heating surfaces. This insulating layer of scale resists the transfer of heat from the fire and hot combustion gases-to the water, and the heat which would normally pass into the water re- mains In the metal and heats It. If the layer of scale ts suffl- clently thick and resists the transfer of heat suffictently, the me- tal will overheat, become weak and bag, blister or rupture. Q. How ts scale formed? A. When a steam bubble ts formed on a heating surface, all the salts in the bubble will flow toward the hottest part, which Is the heating-surface metal. Since slightly soluble salts become Insol- uble at high temperatures, scale will be formed at the base of the bubble. When the bubble leaves the heating surface, a ring of scales 1s left. These rings interlace and ‘scale 1s formed. Q How 1s scale formation provented in a botler? A. By adding a soluble chemical to the boller water, which will react with the calclum sulphate (most common scale-forming salt) to form a highly soluble salt and a harmless sludge. For low-pressure bollers (uclow 200 Ibs.), sodium carbonate (in boiler compound) plus.ealcium sulphate (scale-forming salt) ts equal to sodium sulphate (soluble salt) plus calelum carbonate (harmless sludge). For high-pressure bollers (over 200 Ibs.), sodium phosphate ({n_boller- compound) plus calclum sulphate (scale-forming salt) 1s equal to sodium sulphate (soluble salt) plus calclum phosphate (harmless sludge). 12:52 @ pLRcTRICITY pincer CURREN wat is 2 BC cone current for the external rcult- S Smeatich generate een ow current and voltage are gencrated i xplatn bow core ae ae sng through a magnetic field have 4 voltage Seater Current flows if the circu! ced tn then a excite @. How are te Hels of © Rorrent generated by the machine itett, Sty sre ox smmatation on a DC generator ? iat meant Und Shon at tho brushes atthe wrong time, LENG ae mee of a DC generator vad commutation? Give ton reasons for it & in Sint Gat te breshes are not at tho proper polnt. 1 ie rtsd panting al the brushes. Reasons: brushes set (00 far thendt brutes set fo far behind; rough commatator; hard brush- eek mes; sort fn.a col, open tna coll, bearing low, caus. it commutator tobe ofl-centery overload; loose brush holders. @ Describe a series-wound generator. Give its applications. Make ‘an electrical sketch. A. A genorator which has its field wound in series with the arma- ture, Fig. 33. They are not in general use but may be used for boosting voltage in transmission of DC. The field has a few turns of large wire. The voltage will rise with an increase in load. @ Describe and make an electrical sketch of a shunt-wound gen- Aiiior. Give ts applications, A generator which has {ts field wound in parallel with the ar- future, Fig. 34. It is used for battory charging and sometimes A AC fenerator excitation. The field consists of a large number of tums’ of 6) ir aaa," %f Small wire. ‘The voltage drops off with an increase in @ Describe and make an electric: Weneraion, Ge a electrical skotch of compound-wound 4 One wi oe ~ ae i ne fleld eolls ‘on each pote piece, Fig. 35. One rate up of'a few tums of heavy wite and is The other coil is composed wire and is wound in paralle! ELECTRICITY—DIRECT CURRENT. 1 DC Is required. The vo tage is fairly constant from no Inad toa full load. FIELD EXTERNAL CIRCUIT. FIELO yanatune 3 EXTERNAL eincut--—4 Fig. 94. Shunt-wound generator. )-ARMATURE Fig. 33. Sertes-wound generator. JEXTERNAL CIRCUIT. JRE Fig. 35. Compound-wound generator. Q. Why is it poor practice to use a belt drive when operating a sSeries-wound motor as a prime mover? A. If belt breaks, the motor will overspeed and run out of contro! Q. What are some causes of hot commutators? A. Sparking under brushes; poor brush contact; near some hotter part of machine. Q. How would continuous overload affect a DC generator? How muc overload will most generators usually stand? What does "service factor" mean? A. Continuous overload would heat up the machine. Most generato: will stand a 25% overjoad. Service factor is a number on the name plate of the machine that tells you how much of the rated Joad the machine will stand. For instance, a service factor of 1.25 means that the machine will operate on a 25% overload. Q. Why are armature cores laminated? Why are cores used at all A. The cores are laminated to cut down on losses by eddy cur- rents. The reason we have cores is to concentrate the magnetic lines of force and to provide a path of low resistance for the flow of lines of force. Of course, the core is used as a means of carrying the armature colls. Q. What is a rheostat? A. An instrument for regulating the strength of an electric curren by varying the resistance in the circuit. Q Explain in detail how to parallel two DC generators, one of which is already on the line. A. Warm up the machine and bring up to speed with full open throttle. Close circuit breaker and adjust voltage to same as line voltage. Close main switch and adjust the load equally be tween the two machines. ) BET! QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR SHIRD ASSIST AN inning In parattol, explain how you atora wore Tu and take Hoff the Tne. ‘out an muoh An pon. NGINE ER 64 QTL two gener ‘would eut out one machine An Reduce the Toad on the machine to be ei er and open the maln awiteh Secure the ‘sible. Trip ctreult bre cut-out machines connected to & awitch- ning and Jed, would any Injury ators wore runt yr fal QW several gener ‘poura and the engine of one genoralo result? Acie atveult breakers wore supplied with erload release, no ‘aa the circult bre automatically tho system was not harm would be done, ‘when overload resulted. In case dead generator would take cut out equipped with overload releaso, the ones and try to run ag a motor, This ‘overload, and tho live current from the live Sula result in excessive sparking and generators might kick out thelr circuit breakers, electrically-driven auxiliaries. ckups’ which should be made at least stopping all Q. Name some generator che ondition, lubrication system ‘once a day. 'd condition, commutator ¢ bearing temperature, A. Check loa ‘operation, governor action of prime movory and vibration. ator is vibrating. What checkup should be made before ‘any balance weights. . ‘Ac Misalignment, sprung shafting, something chafing the rotating ‘clement, foreign matter on shaft, overloading, loose bolts, faulty speed governor. Q. A gene! changing Q. Why is it necessary to keep armature and field coils clean and ary? A. If the armature coils and field coils become dirty and damp, they will overheat. Q. What care should be given’a commutator while In operation? A. It should be kept clean, smooth and free from coil and grease. Q What are some causes of failure of a generator to build up? F Field connections reversed; brushes not in proper position: wrong direction of rotation; speed too low; field circult open; Gnough residual magnetism; machine short-ciroutted: not generator depend? on Q. Upon what does voltage of a D.C. ; number of armature © A. Speed of armature; strength of fel ductors. Q. How could you dete Lift all brushes. Place piece of heavy pap irk the edge of each brush on the paper. 1 1. Measure distances between markings- ing intervals of brushes? or around commutator Aift brushes and remove nine pact ELECTRICITY—ALTERNATING CURRENT 65 ALTERNATING CURRENT Q. What is the meaning of “alternatin @ current?" A. It is current that between any two consecutive instants of time is either increasing in strength, de i » decreas - versing in direction. ° ine in Strengthy oF re Q. Describe one cycle of A.C. A. Starts at zero strength and increases in strength to maximum in one direction, decreases in strength in the same direction to zero, reverses direction, increases in strength to maximum in the new direction, decreases in strength to zero, where it reverses again to the original direction. Q. What is meant by frequency of A.C.? What is 60-cycle A.C.? A. Frequency means the number of times per unit of time the cycle is repeated. 60-cycle A.C. means that the cycle is repeated 60 times per second. 7” Q What is a step-up transformer? What is a Step-down transfor- mer A. A step-up transformer is one that raises the voltage and de- creases the amperes. A step-down transformer is one that lowers the voltage and raises the amperes. The change in volts is di- rectly proportional, as turns in the primary are to the turns in the secondary. The change in amperes is inversely proportional, as the turns in the primary are to the turns in the secondary. Q. What is an exciter? Why is it used with an A.C. generator? 4. It is a small D.C. generator. It supplies the exciting current to the rotor of the A.C. generator. : Q. What is meant by exciting current? A. It is current required to create any magnetic field. Q. What is a power-factor meter and why is it used? A. It is a meter that states the power factor of the circuit, read- ing 1.0,.9,.8, etc. It is used to tell us the conditions of our circuit. As power factor may be thought of as % Eff., it is im- portant that the power factor be kept as near to 1.0 as possible. Q. Explain the theory of a simple A.C. generator. A. A field of constant polarity (direction) is mechanically moved so as to cul across a varying number of stationary conductors per unit of time. ‘This induces in the conductors a varying and alternating voltage and current. i "2 Q. What is a synchronous motor? . A. Itisa moter that turns in synchronization (cycle-for-cyclé) with the generator. A THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER RS FOR sr10Ns & ANSWE! . C. generators, why aro the armature cole made sta- 0;,h AG Had cll FOOT? ey aitcult to boep A. Dit 10 the oreo HE at mmutator. Tt 1s also difficult to the windings oer such high speeds. keep insulation Intact at @ What ts the purpose of the slip rings and brushes on the re- ving fleld type A.C. generator ? set ie Ee Current to field windings on rotor. GENERAL watt, kilowatt. ‘The amount of pres- through a resistance Que! Define volt, ampere, ohm, Volt: The unit of electrical pressure. Q force a current of 1 amp. Al sure required to oo avere: The unit of current. The amount of current that will flow through a line when acted on by @ pressure of 1 volt through a resistance of 1 ohm. ‘3. Ohm: The unit of resistance. Limits the flow of current to 1 amp. when acted upon by a pressure of 1 volt. 4. Watt: The unit of electrical power. Watts = volts X amps. W= VA. 5. 1000 watts = 1 kilowatt (Kw.) 6. 746 watts (3/4 Kw.) = 1 horsepower. Q. What is meant by alternating current and by direct current? A. Alternating current is a current that changes its direction of flow. It flows in both directions, rising from zero to a maxi- mum intensity and going back to zero again, repeating over and ov r again according to Its frequency. Direct current is a cur- rent that flows only in one direction. Q What is an electrical circuit? A. A closed path through which current flows. 7 a if meant by the "external circuit?" a is that part of the electrical circuit leading f of supply back to the source of supply. Vege 2 hee wit clreult? Sketch. . * circuit in which all parts of the circuit are 80 connected to- eee aan i only one pe offered to the flow of current. ‘ re Xia bso pavalter circuit? Sketch. that there in, quitch the various parts are so connected together © than one path for the flow of current, Fig. 37+ Q Sketch a comb) Be Figure gg umbinttion sortes-paraltel etreult, ELECTRICITY— GENERAL o7 @ Should a sertes-wound mo Soul (motor, as a prime mover, have a belt A. No. If the belt should break, Imoved and enase breaks the load would be entirely re- at a dangerous speed. Q What is an open circuit? Wi berles circuit? In a parattol circu fener An open circuit is one that is broken. It breaks the path for the flow of current. It can be created accidentally or intentionally. snitch 8 one method of creating an "open" intentionally. It Houg Stop the flow of current in all parts of a series circuit. lowever, it would stop the flow in a parallel circuit only in that part or branch that had the open in it. The current would con- tinue to flow in the parts of the parallel circuit that were still closed. Ss Chee Cis WT Fig. 36. Series circu Fig. 37. Parallel circuit. TOO O ©.6 6 Fig. 38. Series-parallel eircult. Q. What is a short circuit? What is a dead short? What is the effect of a short in a series circuit? In a parallel circuit, how would you detect a short? A. A short circuit is 2 low resistance path that actually shortens the intended path for the flow of current. A dead short is a short circuit that has such low resistance that the circuit is made in- operative. In a series circuit, the short would probably not cause much damage because of the resistance in the rest of the circuit limiting the flow of current. In a parallel circuit, however, the drain of current through the low resistance path would rob the rest of the circuit of current and make it inoperative. Q. What is a grounded circuit? What is the effect of a ground? What is the effect of two grounds? How would you test for a ground aboard ship? Anh grounded circuit is one that has come in contact with the ‘carth either by coming in contact somewhere in itself or by com- ing in contact with a conductor which Is in contact with the earth. There is no serious effecl when one ground occurs because It Is not a completed path for the flow of current. However, if two grounds. oecur, there is the possible chance of a short elrcult. Two grounds give an added unwanted path for the flow of eurrer Some cireults do use the two grounds to act as the return to the —O—_— UU ONS & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER source of supply. on board ship is to use a test ‘The siunplest test [07 a ground por’ #ie te af tha cise lamp. By atthclinthe other lead from the lamp to a metal part of cuit and touching tr rT ight if there is a ground on the side of the ship, tne tne ‘attached to. This will not tell he ot 7 round Ve located but will tell you that there is a where the ground is Nerewcircuit. To locate the ground, open the “ ‘ch section separately. ground somewhe circuit at junction boxes and test eat 68 QUEST! . What is Ohm's Law? a B "pressure of 1 voll will force a current of 1 ampere through ‘2 resistance of 1 ohm. Q. How is Ohm's Law expressed by fo) A. The flow of current through a resist tional to the voltage applied. ‘Algebraically, it is expressed as follows: E T= current (amps- ) mula? tance is directly propor- I-k ne= R = resistance rE E = voltage E= IR For example, find the current when 110 volts are applied to a resistance of 22 ohms: 110-+ 22 = 5 amps. Find resistance when current is 10 amps. and applied voltage is 150 volts: 150 + 10 = 15 ohms. Find voltage when resistance is 15 ohms and a current of 60 amps. must flow through the line: 60 X 15 = 900v. Q. Define insulators and conductors. A. An insulator is a substance that offers a high resistance to the flow of current. A conductor is a substance that offers a low resistance to the flow of current. Q. List 3 good conductors and 3 nC good insulators. A. Conductors: Aluminum; Copper; Silver. Insulators: Porcelain; Rubber; Mica. Q What is the effect of b Whi pearing currents in pment bearinus, and how are they prevented? ieneeaon? ; he bearings (especially brass be: i ; ‘ass bearings) a 2 shaft. Ground frame of maching te shige) Sn Sometimes " Q. What precautions sh e ould be take i x wea our elecinrea| od pe taken when using compressed air t i is not good e S| If (t msl bo upon in thera compressed air, due to moisture: r roughly and let air dr i - fore applying to electrical open auc Tat ate Gry eal. tine Be BLECTRICITY—GENERAL, © @ How would you determine the circular mit r Change rache SASzmINe the etrcular mil area of a 1/4* wire? stants Faction of Ineh'to thossandths; Drop dein seat 1a = 250" 20 x 280 = 62,500 What Is the major factor affecting insulation on aw ‘A. The voltage of the circuit. er a & What is the capacity of 414 rubber-insulated wire & Hat the capacity rubler-insulated wire? Explain how you would make a splice in a wire. A, Bare the two ends of the wire by penciling down the Insulation. Serape clean, twist solidly together by wrapping the end of one place on the body of the other, solder the joint, wrap the jolnt with rubber insulation to the original thickness,’ then weap with frietion tape for mechanical protection. @ What are the advantages of having several branch circuits from ‘a main switehboara’? A. Better control from the switchboard; better operating advantages, ‘such as testing for grounds; one blown fase will not ext out all the power. Q What is a fuse? Esplain its function A link of low-melting matal placed in series with the line. As ‘it will melt at a predetermined temperature, ‘an overload (amps.) Il increase its temperature and cause it to melt, thus breaking the elreutt and stopping the flow of current Q What is 2 permazont magnet? | A. 1 usually 16 2 piece of steel that has been hardened and placed ‘under the Influence of a magnetic field. When removed, it Tetains | some of the magnetism of the field throughout its life. | Dating: Lines of force (magni), magnetic Held ies of fore‘ the name piven to fete the strength and ‘retin of a magouic Hed. ‘A mageliefald Ie ade up of al the lines of force between two unlte pales ol a tage oF Sevies of magnets Q. How do like poles of a magnet react to each other? Unlike poles? "Like poles repel each other while unlike poles attract each other. Make a sketch showing lines of force and their direction, Figure 99. 2 > > What is residual magnetism? ELECTRICITY— GENERAL 1 Q. Describe the use of the fo A. Ammeter: To measure am, Voltmeter: To measure vol Wattmeter: To measure el stant of time. Watt-hour meter: unit of time. Megger: A small hand-cranked the effectiveness of Insulation,” SueTsIOF weed for testing lagneto: A small hand-cranked A.C. u for grounds and short circuit: fenty ang ete Mowing instruments and meters. iperes or rate of flow. Its or electrical pressure. lectrical power produced at any in- To measure electric work done in a given Q. What are some causes of too low voltage? A. Overload; speed too low; some reversed poles; short-circuited. Faas tee Eee Q. What are some causes of too high voltage? A. Field too strong; speed too high. @. What are some causes of too low speed? A. Overload; brushes set wrong; excessive friction; too little field resistance; short or. ground in armature. Q. What are some causes of too high speed? A. Brushes set too far forward; open field circuit; wrong connec tions; too much field rheostat-resistance. Q. What are some causes of hot armature coils? ‘A. Overload; damp windings; short-circuited coils. Q. What are some causes of hot field coils? A. Too large field current; damp windings; overload. Q What care should the bearings of a D.C. generator receive? ‘Why is this very important aside from mechanical reasons? A. The bearings should be kept well oiled and clean. Aside from ‘mechanical reasons, if the bearing should run hot and run the metal out of the bearing, it will change the air gap between the armature and the field, thus changing Its induction characteristics. Q. What general care should a generator receive while in operation? ‘A. It should be kept clean and dry. The bearings should be kept ‘well oiled. The governor should be kept in good condition. @. How are generators protected from overload and why ts this ‘necessary? What care should these devices receive? ‘A. Generators are protected by circuit breakers. ‘The contacts ‘should be kept clean and the connections kept tight. ‘The carbon contacts should te renewed Mf burned very badly. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER n an equalizer? How does it work? What san equa tee aneetion between {Wo generators of different An equalizer Is a conne *apnelties running in parallel so that the running load is divided proportionately between the two, Fig. 41. @ Sketch a series motor. Explain its characteristics and its appli- cations. ‘A. Applications and characteristics: Speed varies with the load; at no-load it overspeeds, at full-load it decreases speed. This motor has a very high starting torque.. Used for streetcars, cranes, elevators, locomotives, etc. See Fig. 42. Q. Sketch a shunt-wound motor. Explain its characteristics and uses. A. Characteristics and applications: Constant speed over load range, constant load over speed range, has good control and used mainly on machine tools where variable speed is desired. See Fig. 43. Q Sketch a compound-wound motor. Explain its characteristics and uses. A. Characteristics and applications: Has desirable features of both above types, Le., good starting torque, a flexibility of speed control, and constant load-speed application. Used for centrifugal pumps, cargo winches, boat hoists, air-compressor drive, See ig 44. —. 800A Fig. 41. Equalizer. SO0OUINE —Stmies REDO” oor, DOTTED Line Shun HA Figs 44. Compound-wound motor: 1p 8 meso ELECTRICITY —GENERAL 3 What are some causes of hot bear ‘i A, Too little or improper ofl: dirt In oe alignment; hot commutators; rough ‘shat, eerites, $90 tht; poor overload. Q What is a motor? A. A device for converting electrical energy into mechanical energy. Q What is a D.C. motor? A. It is an electrical machine for convert energy to mechanical energy. noe, eeeeteal (0. Coy Q. Explain the general theory of a D.C. motor. A. Poles of constant polarity are set up by D.C. in the stator, called the field. Current from the brushes passes into the arma- ture coils at the proper time and in the proper direction to create poles on the armature core. These poles are attracted by the field poles to give rotation, Q. What is a universal motor? Explain how it is possible for a motor to run on either A.C. or D.C. A. When the motor is attached to a D.C. line, the current is in the same direction all the time. In an A.C. line, the current is . reversing itself every cycle. However, as the current is rever- sing in the fields as well as the armature, there is no change of relationship between the poles of the armature and the field. Therefore, the motor continues to run in a constant direction. The universal motor must be a series motor. Q. Give some general rules to follow in the operation of a D.C. motor. A. Keep the motor clean and the commutator smooth. Keep brushes in good condition, properly spaced and on the neutral point. Don't overload the motor. Use the proper voltage. Use the motor only in the temperature for which it is designed. tl in Q. Suppose your motor failed to start. Explain the sequence which you ‘would look for and correct the trouble. A. First, look for broken leads to the motor, The connections may be hooked up wrong. Field may be too weak. Motor may be over- loaded. There may be excessive friction in the bearings. r too low? Q What would cause a motor speed to be too to i A. Overload, too little field resistance, brushes set wrong, ex- cessive friction, shorted or open coil in armature circuit, why are bars of the commutator insulated from each other? rally used for this Insulation? the difference of potential between them sometimes becomes as high as line voltage. If the bars were not insulated from each 12:55 @ a OF 8 GQ 14 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Pure rmiruy swum eee other, short etreults would occur and the machine would not op- Grate, Mica is used for this insulation. @. What is undercutting of mica? What Is the average depth of un- dercutting? . Ay Gedereatting of mica means cutting the mica down below the ‘surface of the commutator. The average depth of this cutting is about 1/32" to 1/16" Q. What is the effect of high mica between commutator segments? ‘A. If the mica is higher than the commutator, the brushes will ‘not bear properly on it. The high mica will knock the brushes off the commutator and possibly cause breakage of the brushes. @ Explain how you would undercut the mica on a commutator. ‘A. Use a hacksaw blade and,. by drawing in toward the open end ‘of the commutator, the mica can be scraped from between the bars. The blade shaves a thin slice off the top of the mica at each draw. Care must be taken that the saw blade does not jump out of the slot and scar the surface of the commutator. .Q? What would cause a commutator to become badly worn or grooved? A. If the brushes are too hard, the commutator will become worn excessively. If the brushes are not staggered properly, the com- mutator will become grooved. Q. What would cause a motor speed to be too high? A. Too much resistance in the field, brushes too far forward, ‘wrong connections, open field circuit. Q. When a motor is operated in a hot place or with too little ven- tilation, what is the effect upon its insulation? ‘A. The insulation resistance is increased until the insulation is thoroughly dry, and beyond that point the insulation will deterior- ate rapidly. Q. What three things are necessary in orde: and current in a wire? ° ileus A. A magnetic field, a conductor in a clo: ind relative , ck sed circuit, al Q What are the hazardous locations on vessels in which "explosion: Proof" electrical equipment only should nor! Aer pump seaeal eauipment only should normatly be installed? Q How would pcider to ive you change the field and armatur ature connections in opposite rotation of a D.C. motor? the armature leads; not both. Reverse either the field leads or 2 @ BLECTRICITY—GENERAL, Q Why are interpotes u: ° Sc machine? % D-C: motors? How are they con- - They are used ey a to offset armature reaction and give better com @ State the for state ‘mula for determining the frequency of an AC gen- Ajf=Pxw f= frequency P= num & witst is the purpose of the heaters which are placed within the A neh Shields of most large electric motors and generators? To prevent accumulation of moisture on the windings durin periods when machine is idle. 7 @ How would you eut two generators in parallel? A: Three things must be true. Both machines must have same voltage and same frequency, and their voltage must be in phase (going through the eyele at the same tne). - Bring #2 machine up to speed, governor not operating. 2. Close #2 circuit breaker. = r * 3. Cut in excitation, . ‘ 4. Adjust voltage #2 to equal #1. 5. Synchronize the two machines (put them in phase with each other). 6. Close main switch and open throttle wide. Q. Why are motor-driven blowers usually installed on main pro- pulsion motors rather than shaft-mounted fans? A. The speed of the propulsion motor is too slow for such pur- poses. A forced fan circulation through coolers permits greater power for a given size. @ List 4 D.C. loads which may be found on vessels with A.C. ‘ship's service systems. ‘A. General alarm system, emergency lighting, emergency radio power, motor operated watertight doors, rectifying for battery charging. Q What is a battery? A. A series of two or more cells that are cay ‘electricity by electro-chemical means. ypable of producing, Jead-acid storage-battery ce! ove a: cc ena rn ata tc to a ng ee the proper proportions, The chemical actlow of different material creates @ voltage, 70 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER [Ac 1s tho maggetiany remaining Ina aubstanco after It han boon ‘removed fromthe Influonee of R magnetic fled >. Whats permenbiity? Wie theMence with which metals may become magnetized or ‘demagnetized. What is rotentvity? & ie he power a metal has for retaining magnetic Lines of ‘orce. Q What is the effect of heating on magnets? A. It will destroy their magnetic properties. Q. Show by sketeh a field and current-carrying wire. A. Figure 40. y= == Fig. 40, -Fleld and current-carrying wire. WP Fig. 39. Direction of lines of force. Q. State the rule for determining the direction of this field. A. Grasp the wire with the right hand, thumb extended in the di- ection of the flow of current. ‘The fingers will point in the di- rection the magnetism is flowing. Q. What is an electromagnet? A. It is a piece of soft steel or iron that is magnetized by having a coil of current-carrying wire wrapped around it. When the current is shut off, the iron or steel becomes demagnetized. Q. State the rule for determining the-polarity of electromagnets. A. Grasp the magnet in the right hand with the fingers extended in the direction of the flow of current. The thumb will then point in the direction of the north pole. @ What is the position of the poles in an electromagnet with rela- lion to direction of the flow of current in the coll? A. The field setup is always at right-angles to the direction of the flow of current. Q Why are soft iron cores used in electromagnets? A, They can be quickly magnetized and demagnetized. In other words, we can control the direction and strength of the {teld. Q. What are some causes of sparking at the brushes? A. Overload; Urushes set wrong; poor brush contacts rough com= mutator; weak fleld; armature ‘winding broken or short-elrculted: 13314 O06 ¢ @ OF 0 ily G MOTORS AND GENERATORS PROBLEMS Q What is the H.P. of an 100 ‘4, 1800_X 1000 600 Kw. motor? 46 = 2412 H.P, Q. How many 30-watt lamps can be livering 9 amps. at 110 yaican & °Perated from a generator de~ A. 9 X 110 = 990 watts. 990-+ 30 = 33 lamps. Q How many Kw. 5-H. P. engine? A. 18 X 746 = 55950 watts. 55950-1000 = 55.95. Kw. Q What factor would find Kw? A. As horsepower is smaller than kilowatt, we must use 1.34 and divide the horsepower by this factor. Or, we can use 746. multiplying horsepower by 746, we get watts. By dividing watts by 1000, we get Kw. will a generator put out if it is driven by a be used if we had horsepower and wished to -Q. There are 150 40-watt lamps in an installation. The voltage is 220. What is the horsepower required to drive the generator if its efficiency is 92.5%? A. Total watts = 150 X 40 = 6000 746 watts = 1 horsepower 6000 04 horsepower Output ‘of 82 H.P. is delivered to the shaft of a generator. tts. 5 52 X 146 X . 795 = 16978. 24 watts \ generator is 85% efficient. It is eee 2 i 8 ated at 500 H.P. What is 1333 4 OO8 a2 OF eZ < QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER 82 the output in Kw. ? Input X Efficiency A Outpt Too x 85 = 425 since 746 watts = 1 HP 425 X 746 = 317050 watts = 317,05 Kw. es circuit What 1s the relation of total E, Land R of a seri San “that in each part of the circuit? Of a par: 1 circuit? A In Series: ‘Total volts = E1+£E2+63, etc. Total amps. = I= 12 = 18, ete. Total resistance = R1-+R2-+-R3, etc. In Parallel: Total volts = El = E2 = E3, ete. ‘Total amps. = 11+ 12+13, ete. Total resistance = 1 DT i, ete. Ry Rp Rs Note: The total resistance in a parallel circult is le resistance In any part. than the Q. What 1s the electrical equivalent of 1 horsepower? ‘A. 146 watts = 1 horsepower. Q. What Is the relation between volts A. L volt <1 amp. = 1 watt. amps., and watts? @ An ammeter reads 230 amps and the voltmeter 115. What power ‘in Kw. 18 boing used at the . ry hie pane ie time of reading? W = 115 x 290 W = 26,450 = 26.45 Kw. Q If resistances of 2, 4 and 6 Sate ei kt ohms are connected in parallel, Te ei isd 24 6 1 Tre 1 12 Rease oee eo fan @ FT + 1-09 ohms ‘The output of an electri flicteney at (ee ycleetTle Benerator Is 60,000 watts and its th oa ture? Express In yar, 00% What te the Input to the arma- % | REFRIGERATION AMMONIA SYSTEM 7 1. How would you detect leaks in an ammonia system? F esis In exposed piping, pipe connections, valves, valve stems, ete. 1. A soapy lather spread over Joints or pipes will bubble at 2. Dampen a piece of us paper and run it along piping, . lece of litmus . joints, valve stems, etc. An ammonia leak will turn U paper’ blue. 3. A sulphur stick passed along the piping, etc., will give off a dense white smoke on coming In contact with a leak. 4. Leaks in the condenser may be detected by applying litmus paper in the circulating water discharge. The Iltmus paper turn- ing blue will indicate a leak. Q. How would you shut down an ammonia refrigerating machine? A. 1. Close liquid valve. 2. Allow the machine to continue to run until the low-pressure gage registers between 0 and 5 Ibs. 3. Close suction valve. 4. Turn off power. 5. Close the discharge valve. (Never close the valve until the machine has stopped.) 6. Close water-supply valves. reall #8 9 cold climate, drain all lines of water that might reeze. ; Q. What are the characteristics of 2 “ammonia gas? Q 2] A. Colorless; pungent odor; very soluble in waler; 1s combustible or explosive when mixed with air; even when breathed in small quan- Ulles, it attacks the lung tissues. 10 Q. Sketch an ammonia plant. Name Fig. 48. Ammonia plant, all parts. List of Parts A Higare - Compressor 6, Liquid vale Q. Why does vapor turn to liquid Shree cylinder “under pressure, and the liquid Lunia vane turn back to vapor after passing Recener, 10. Evaporator through the expansion valve? A. The boiling point rises with the increase In pressure and vice versa. 84 REFRIGERATION eS Q. How would you shut down the plant If"there were a bad leak, juch an a gasket or a leaky pipe, on tho high pressure side of the system? A. Close compressor suction and discharge valves and open by- pass valves, By doing this, the condenser becomes the suction alde of the system and the expansion colls become the high pressure side. Keep the compressor running until the high Pressure gage shows a vacuum. Stop compressor and secure. Fig. 49. Brunswick-Kroeschell marine ammonta plant. FREON SYSTEM Q. Why Is It so important to keep moisture out of a Freon-12 unit? A. Water 1s very slightly soluble in Freon-12. Any undue amount ‘of moisture In the system will affect the proper functioning of the automatic controls. Since Freon-12 keeps the pipe lines clear of corrosion, any moisture present will immediately attack these exposed ourfaces. There 1s also the usual seriousness of water mixing with the lubricating ofl in the compressor crankcase. Q. Explain the purpose of the water fallure switch in a Freon automatic control system. A. This switch should be set s0 that tt remains closed as long as there 16 sufficient water flowing to the condenser. It should open the switch immediately in the event of water failure. REFRIGERATION 85 How would you shut down the plant Uthere were a bad leak, 2 gasket or a leaky pipe, on tI quch a8 8 y pipe, on tho high pressure side of A. Close compressor suction and discharge valves and open by- pass valves, Fig. 49. By doing this, the condenser becomes the Suction side of the system and the expansion colls become the high pressure side. Keep the compressor running until the high Pressure gage shows a vacuum. Stop compressor and secure. Fig. 49. Drunswick-Kroeachell marine ammonia plant. FREON SYSTEM Q Why ts It 50 Important to keep moisture out of a Freon-12 unit? A. Water is very slightly soluble In Freon-12. Any undue amount of molsture in the system will affect the proper functioning of the automalic controls. Since Freon-12 keeps the pipe lines clear of corrosion, any moisture present will immediately attack these exposed surfaces. There is also the usual seriousness of water mixing with the lubricating oll in the compressor crankcas Q. Explain the purpose of the water failure switch in a Freon ‘automatic control system. A. This switch should be set so that it remains closed as long as there {6 sufficient water flowing to the condenser. It should open the switch Immediately In the event of water fallure. & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER NS Questo! 6 : Freon system. Name all parts, g sretch a} = 2 A. Figure § oo eg Reawven, D viauD vy S DEHYORATON, THA 77 Besta on Semte ? x TEY ng. s0, reo epntem. Sotenmb y/r Lit of Parts 1. Solenotd valve 3 Gendenser J. Thermo-expanaion valve C. Receiver K. Evaporator (Icebox) DL Liquid valve L. Low pressure cut-out E. Detydrator AL High pressure cut-out F. Charging valve N. Strainer —~G. Expansion valve (manual) ©. Ot trap P. Purge valve ee Q. What Is the principle of mechanical refrigeration? A. It ts the absorption of heat under temperature, compression, Pressure and expansion. Q How would you test for leaks in a Freon-12 unit? A; By use of a Hallde torch. Its normal blue flame will turn green in the presence of Freon. A bad feature of the torch 1a the fact that, Mf the leaks are large, the torch is almost useless, as it ne Green Uf there Is the slightest bit of Freon in the atmos- In case of large ter. This solution, bub keep Its wetness longer. 15:45 9 @ REFRIGERATION GENERAL, W @ Why to I dtiffloult to accurately determine the ott level In the crankease of & Freon=12 compressor? When should the atl level be checked? A. Tho off may contain quite an amount of the refrigerant. ‘The Breater the amount af Freon contained tn the oll, the higher the ott Level will be (not a true reading). It should bo checked alter profonged operating period. ‘The least amount af refrigerant wilt be mised with the oll at that time, Q What precaution should be taken after recharging the system? A. Wateh the otf lovel carefully, The new refrigerant will absorh @ great deal of the ott, Q Why ts the high pressure cut-out switeh Installed on a Freon 12 unit? AC what pressure ts this switch usually set? A. To stop the machine when the head pressure gets too pigh. Ue wally cuts out at 198-150 pst and cuts nat 110-120 pale @ Where are aine rods usually found tn the system? What ts thete purpose? A. They are Installed in the water boxes of the condenser. Where Sea water ts used for cooling, they reduce electrolytic action, Q Where would you find seate traps on a Freon aystem? A. On the suction alcle of the compressor to prevent seale particles: from getting Into the oylinder. On inlet Hines to regulating valves (solenotd and thermal expansion) to prevent logging of these ensl- Live valve. Q What Is tho botting potnt of Froon=12 at atmospheric pressure? * AL =D. 7°R. GENERAL Q& What is the function of the oxpanston valve? A regulates the volume of Uquldl refrigerant to the expansion cotls, jell care should be given to the expansion valve? dt tight and valve In perfect working condition, expanston-valve adjustment controlled? tatic control or by hand-setting. happen {f the expansion valve were closed ‘would reach the expansion cotls, and the back pres ' Suction side woukl pump tw a vacuum, happen If the expansion valve were open too wile? would rive and frost would form on the cylinders, 15:46 9 @ o@ OF il We quistions & AUSWERS FOW THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEER a rs A. Tho cool ng eg te equal to 2000 Ibe, multiplied by 144 ie a Te tn co por hour, oF 200 eT. U. por minutes ase AES sama cam a @. Explain tow the salves inthe previous quoation are comnected srover operation. AN dne af ts bycpve Tse comects tothe dischargo Ine below ine cacharge Yalve and to the ation Une above the auction ‘sive. Theater ine comecta tothe suction line low the sues Un eave an to the elncharge liao ‘abowe tho lecharye. Yale, Fit ioe @ How 18 tho head pressuro In an ammonia machine controlled? A The pressure In the condenser ts governed by the temperature ‘and quantity of the cooling water used. @ Explain the purpose of the water rogulating valve In a Freon ‘vlomalle control system. A. Tho wator regulating valve should be adjusted so that it main= tains a constant condensing pressure regarilless of tho clrculas {ing water temperature. 1 must also be adjusted so that it will shut off the flow of water when the compressor atons. & ow could you peotably recognize alr In tho aystom? A Unuwaly Heh head pressures ; & Gan condemsor be purged whon machine 1s running? 4 ios Machine must have been lile several Hours lelore purg ll 10 remain suspend Mons: use better offs Eager ot stat bate oe Pes which provi Will settle and can be drained, tas llgld ammonia on petroleum Iubrteatng Ol unless water Ia present lubricating @ What etter A. Very litte, 15:46 9 @ REFRIGERATION—GENERAL, a [Which ts the warm side of a compressor, and which {8 the cold side wre aide from which the refrigerant tho low-pressure side Into which the Q. Why are the valves and piping In an ammonia plant made of ferrous metals? ammonia attacks non-ferrous motals such 8 oF Q What 18 the principle of thd bring or Indirect aystem of re~ frigeration? A. The evaporator or cooling colls are placed tn a brine tank which acts scondary agont. ‘The brine 1s cooled and pumped in a continuous cyclo through tho refrigerating boxes and back to the brine tank. Q What ts another name for the brine-circulating system of ro- Irigeration? A. Indirect system. Q. Is {routing of the comprossor suction a sure sign of efficient rofrigeration? ‘A. No. It is usually a sign that the gas has circulated and returne ‘after doing only a fraction of Ie Intended work. Q A chemical symbols for the following: Ni Carbon Dioxide-COy Freon-12-CClyPy Q. What te the function of the compressor? A. To pull the as through the system, compress It to a higher pressure and temperature and discharge Mt to the condenser. conse se eee een ge AIR COMPRESSORS Q. Why is it dangerous to operate an air compressor without the proper inlet air filters? A. Every effort must be made to have only clean, dry air at the com- pressor intake because durt-laden intake air may cause an explosion within the alr compressor, discharge line, or receiver. Q. Why is it dangerous to operate an air compressor without the proper Inlet fillers? A. In the event the compressor was operating in a combustible atmos- phere—oil, paint fumes, dust, etc. —there is the possibility of dieselization. hut off automatically? . at ey r compressor to $I pe acauceaan a _ motor circuit when a prede- A. A pressure switch opens the primary termined nressure is reached. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT F1tGIiRE 166 ESTIONS ©. Myon heard groaning nolses from alr compressor cylinders, wiat ‘would you Took for? Aiea pene ast lhe on pressor te working. Other causes may be a closed discharge valve, Shobstruetion ina line, lack of lubrication, misalignment, or broken piston rings. @. What ts the effect of supplying too much oll to the high pres. ure cylinder of an air compressor’ AL Exceas carbon deposits on rings and piston. Possibility of ex- plosion. Q. What fittings are usually found on the intercoolers and after- coolers of multistage air compressors? A, Relief valves; moisture drains. Q. Deseribe the construction and operating principle of a multi- stage’air compressor. A. They are usually of the three-stage type, having a differential oF step-cut piston. Usually they are built integral with the engine and are driven by a crank on the engine crankshaft. In the first stage (usually the middle step of the piston), air is compressed to approximately 60 Ibs. p.s.1. It then passes through the fir stage discharge valve, through an intercooler and into the second stage of the compressor (usually the lower step of the piston). In the second stage it 1s compressed to approximately 250 Ibs. p.s-1. Then it passes through a second intercooler and into the Meh pressure oF last stage of the compressor (usually the top step of the piston). In the last stage, it is compressed to ap. Pee tmatcly 1000 ibs. p.s.1. Then it’ passes through an altercooler nd thence to the storage bottle or engine, Q. Sketch a 3-stage alr compressor, A. Figure 1. Raming all parts. AIR STARTING Q U the pipe leading to valve, what does it indicat A. The air btarting valve Mt will overheat the gt plosion Many ofl fy, between startin they driven? drive. Injection atr compressor, 7 reetly from the engine crankshaft, P's being driven di- an Con Fig. 18. ‘Three-stage ate compressor. @. Slate the air pressure commonly used in air-injection systems and starting-air systems. A. In air-injection systems, it is about 900 Ibs. p.s.i. In starting air systems, it is about 350 Ibs. p.5-1- @ How is air prevented from over-heating in an alr compressor? 4. By compressing the air in several stages and passing through coolers between stages: oN reversing a Diesel engin lane connawatt, ahiftin rotating camshait. 4. Sliding camshaft; shifting rollers: ressure range © What te the starting alr-o found in Diesel eng installations ? Discuss. , Ee A. It runs from 250 Ibs. to 600 Ibs. pressur Aiigeebennrel a Size of the ship and amount of ‘The average Is 350 to 400 bs. jossts not having air starting Q Discuss tho starting of auxiliary Diesols not h Valves on all cylinders: storage 8p: pressure « “ tie ee ROME : Ss WT ENGINEER eTONs & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSISTANT QUESTIONS & ANS marked for starting position. I | ane belore turning on starting air. “ It is nee flywheel will be Feeney tn apot the ene ‘ensary tthich a Diesel on est number of cylinders by eat natn att ny time? In 2-cycle, In 4-cyeh Sie cylinders for 4-cycle. nat oe the small On he started. on ale at Av Three cylinders for 2-cycle: LUBRICATION hat are the causes of excessive oil temperature? Insufficient ofl circulation. . Improper viscosity of oil. Overloading. . Overheated bearings. Jacket cooling system not effective. . Late burning of fuel. QW Al 2. 3 4 5. 6 7. Sludge coating on the crankcase. 8. Oil cooler clogged. 11 prin- Q. What are the various ways that indicate oil is reaching a cipal points and bearing temperatures are normal in a Diesel en- ine? A. The temperature of the bearings; visual inspection; feeling of bearings, when safe to do s0; temperature of the return oil. The lube-oll pressure should also be closely watched, for any quick change in the oll pressure Indicates a broken or plugged Line. Q. What would cause excessive use of lube oll in a Diesel engine? A. Worn or distorted rings; insufficient ring gap; frozen ring: oll ring worn out or clogged; improper oil viscosity; oll diluted by fuel oil, or excessive temperature; wrist-pin plates not olltight; excessive bearing play; high oil pressure; excessive suction on crankease breather. High speed and light load conditions also eause high ofl consumption. Discuss ways of cleaning lube oil in a Diesel ship. Ayn teueral, it ie accomplished by one of three methods, as {ol- ows: tering, Renteuluging or settling. Strainers are commonly ticles at 2eFlor® & useful function in removing the coarser pat= elas of sald ater, bul are not classed as (ilters. ‘The filters Herth DPE: the cotton bag, waste, or felt type; the Ful- pepe ype; the Ful la ull ta 4 OF MUvated-clay type. tn cleaning by eenteituging Uitucel fore net MEM speed in a rotating bowl to produce cer ee Ww Suspended impuritie betting Us the 8 to separate “ plest of all methods of Af mils but As ot seadily applicable ve Maru Auvolves masta, \ dng of EMNE the body of oil at rent purification (cleaning) we Service Lecause It for a considerable woroR— LUBRICATION ia stopping ® Diesel engine? a ueiore starting, t0 Insure a complete eit tim on all bearin and to eure the Oerator a chance to chee make sure ail tose ings recelve a sufficient supply of wit ne Stopping a Die - fines the Tube-oll pump should run unui ae ditterence te tse tows the beeapiatet and outlet of the oi meet 2-3". This meg te earings to cool evenly. When is Pistons are ott set ecrust of carbon forms tn the hecte not followed. Wf this practice is and Water in handling and storing atoos ship; metal dust ine dust An the atmosphere; water leaks ison the cooling system, faa ing, an emulsion; injecting more fuel they {hy burn; leaky (erfjinlection nozzle; oxidation due to execearne temperature; dlow- by from stuck piston rings. & Describe the relationship between the cooling and lubrication ‘ystems of ‘a Diesel engine. A, The lubrication system maintains an olt film, separating the fetal in all moving parts, reducing frictional temperature. tn fulfictent cooling, causing overheated metals, will brea sown the oll film on the cylinder walls. © Trace the path of lube oll through a Diesel engine ee So a ine strainers, otf cooler, common or ee ° ny dee, rane’ lines to the main bearings, through drilled passace Shaft to crankpin bearings, through soiled connects Pieton (wrist) pin bearing, “or cro: shensep ie bearing det Pake to lubricate the crosshead guid a ead olipp ; Bietons, the ot! continues through 8 ailed 3s iosstead pin, passage in piston, pis line to anglae'beee, aed mon rank t Describe cylinder jubrication of ea 4: ‘The eylingor of ie bi opened ese! bearing oti thrown from tt bess ie ig wet Irene cata anal! cosnincs wo nar At aE fe aah ta ‘Mall, woually tooal < . ss 170 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS FOR THIRD ASSIE MATHEMATICS of stroke, at is piston displacement? Nat er the eylinder ore area and the tength ‘maltphed by the number of eylinders. tn the enelne. ine eplacement = 0.7054 D2 X LX N= Inches displacoment N's Number of cylinders 1 = Length of piston stroke B= Dameter of eylinder Q. What is compression ratio and how ts it calculated? &. The ratio between the total cylinder volume when the piston ‘at bottom dead center as compared to clearance volume or space Femaining when the piston is at top dead center. Piston Displacement +Ciearance Volume _ Compression Clearance Volume Ratio The result is compression ratio. / SY pD-+cv POE cr. (Mt is always determined in volumes. ) Diameter of cylinder of a 4 cycle engine Is 13.5". Stroke is 18" and MEP is 85 pounds psi. If the IHP is 50, find the RPM. A up « PLAN 53000 PLAN = 33000 1H ye $3000 INP PLA (53000) (509 (65) O28) (TUE DS wT 1650000 WN equals the number of strokes ance % jcauals the number of strokes por minuto, thew Nx 2 « 615 x2 © 163 RPM © the iriaatte ot a four cycle Diesel engine is open for. 635 of tet, # the engine, For how many degecos is the valve M25 of a revolution would be . 638 x 360 = 224. 6° The, laie Ww degcces the valve would be ope W~ 220.0" 6 LSLAY the valve would be closed. @, Find the compression sat W ratty of & Diese Wore and 4 6 stroke A the volus ie i top center te 1112 eubte inches. » MOTOR—MATHEMATICS A. CR - Compression ratio PD - Piston displacement CV - Clearance volume cr= PD+cv cv (7854) _(5.75)2_(6) + 11.12 WIZ = 155.79 + 11.12 11-12 CR= 15 Q. Determine the duration of fuel injection in seconds for an en- gine running at 1400 RPM, if the start of injection occurs at 15. 5° BTC and the end of injection at 5.5 ATC. A ge = part of revolution valve is open part of second for one revolution Bp FB second rto Villafuerte)

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