Basal Metabolic Rate

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Basal Metabolic Rate

The metabolic rate is defined as the rate of energy release per unit time.
If it is measured at certain standard conditions; it is called the basal metabolic
rate (BMR).
The standard conditions for its measurement are:
1- Complete physical and mental rest
2- Fasting for at least 12 hours
3- Comfortable temperature
The energy released by the body at these standard conditions is used to maintain basal functions
in the body such as:
1- 1-Beating of the heart
2- Respiration
3- Activity of the nervous system
4- Sodium-Potassium ATPase pump
Measurement of the BMR
• Normal BMR = 2000 kcal/day or 40 kcal/m2/h
• Measurement of the BMR was formerly used to diagnose thyroid
problems If increased by 15% = it indicates hyperthyroidism o If
decreased by 15% = it indicates hypothyroidism
• BMR is measured by 2 methods:
• 1- Direct Calorimetry (Not preferred because it is difficult and needs
special laboratories)
• 2- Indirect Calorimetry (Preferred)
Cont. Measurement of BMR
• Direct Calorimetry
• Involves incubation of a subject in a vessel container for a
certain period of time.
• The vessel container is surrounded by a known volume of
water and covered from outside by insulator.
• The energy released during this period of time, in the form of
heat, will raise the temperature of the water around the container.
• This change in temperature is used to calculate the BMR
Cont. Measurement of BMR
• Indirect Calorimetry
• Involves indirect measurement of the BMR by measuring certain substances
consumed or produced during the catabolic reactions.
• For example, take the reaction: C6 H12 O6 + (6) O2 = (6) CO2 + (6) H2 O +
energy (heat)
• Here the amount of energy released is known
• Using the above information, the metabolic rate can be calculated indirectly
by measuring any of the following during a certain period of time:
• the amount of oxygen consumption
• the amount of glucose consumption
• the amount of carbon dioxide production
• the amount of water production
Factors affecting the metabolic rate

• 1- Age - Higher in neonates> children > adults> old subjects - Due to

increased metabolism of the growing tissues. Here the metabolic rate
should be expressed per surface area for comparison.
• 2- Gender - Higher in males than females of the same age and weight. - Due
to presence of higher percentage of fats in females.
• 3- At and following ovulation - Due to the higher body temperature caused
by progesterone.
• 4- Pregnancy and lactation - Due to presence of more metabolically active
tissues (fetal and breast tissues); & higher level of progesterone.
• 5- Circulating hormones - Normal variation in levels of thyroid hormones and
catecholamine's results in equivalent variation in the metabolic rate
Cont. Factors affecting MR
• Emotions –
• Due to unconscious tensing of muscles.
• Sleep and exercise - The metabolic rate rises with activity.
• Recent ingestion of food (SDA) - Due to the specific dynamic
action of food (SDA). As mentioned earlier it is the obligatory
energy release following ingestion of food, due to its
assimilation within the GIT. However, its exact cause is unknown.
It lasts for 6 hours. The rise in metabolic rate is highest
following protein ingestion and lowest following fat ingestion.

• Factors affecting MR
Body temperature and environmental temperature - The
relation between environmental temperature and the rate
of metabolism is generally an inverse relationship
(increased environmental temperature = decreased
metabolic rate). However, the relation between body
temperature and the rate of metabolism is a direct
relationship (increased body temperature = increased
metabolic rate). - The relation between the environmental
temperature and the rate of metabolism is explained by
the body responses to hot or cold environment. - For
example, the rate of metabolism rises in a cold
environment and drops in a hot one . - However, when the
environmental temperature rises enough to elevate the
body temperature or drops enough to decrease the body
temperature, the metabolic rate increases or decreases
respectively (i.e. the relation becomes a direct relationship)

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