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NAME ____________________________________ CLASS.

SCHOOL ____________________________________ ADM NO _______________

26TH MAY, 2024


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education

 Write your name, admission number, class and school in the spaces provided above.
 This paper consists of two sections.
 Answer all the questions in section A.
 Answer question 16 (compulsory) and any other three questions from section B.
 All answers must be written in the spaces provided in this question paper.


A 1 – 15 40
16 15
17 15
B 18 15
19 15
20 15

This paper consists of 9 printed pages

Candidates should check to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing.

©2024 Sirisia Boys Joint Exam_2024 By: David_Kings

Page 1
451/1 Computer Studies Paper 1
Answer ALL questions in this section in the spaces provided
1. Define the following terms as used in operating system (2mks)
i) Insertion pointer
ii) Mouse pointer
2. Draw symbols for the following as used in windows operating system environment (4mks)
i) Power
ii) Restart
iii) Bluetooth
iv) Volume
3. Explain the difference between logical bomb and junk virus (2mks)
4. Convert the hexadecimal number CBC16 to its binary equivalent (4mks)

©2024, Sirisia Boys-Joint Evaluation By: David_Kings

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451/1 Computer Studies Paper 1

5. A firm intends to purchase new software. List FOUR items that should accompany the software (2mks)
6. Write the following in full; (4mks)
i) WIMP________________________________________________________
ii) CMOS_____________________________________________________
iii) OTP_______________________________________________________
iv) HDMI_____________________________________________________
7. Distinguish between touch screen and interactive board (2mks)
8. Name FOUR examples of flat panel display (2mks)
9. Explain a condition under which the right button of a mouse may be used (2mks)
10. Outline TWO differences between LTP ports and COM ports (2mks)

11. Explain the function of the following computer keyboard keys; (3mks)
i) Num lock_____________________________________________________________________
ii) Scroll lock__________________________________________________________________

©2024, Sirisia Boys-Joint Evaluation By: David_Kings

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451/1 Computer Studies Paper 1
iii) Esc_______________________________________________________________________

12. State the SI units for the following quantities in computer; (4mks)
a)Processing speed_________________________________________
b) Memory capacity_________________________________________
c)Storage capacity__________________________________________
d) Data transmission speed___________________________________
13. St. Anthony’s boy’s high school intends to install a wireless network technology. Explain THREE
challenges the school will face by using this form of technology (3mks)
14. Suggest how computers may in future be made more users friendly for persons that are; (2mks)
i) Blind__________________________________________________________________
ii) Without hands_________________________________________________________
15. A law firm prefers to use hard copy output over soft copy output when handling documents for legal
matters. State TWO reasons for this preference (2mks)

©2024, Sirisia Boys-Joint Evaluation By: David_Kings

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451/1 Computer Studies Paper 1

Answer question 16 (compulsory) and any other THREE questions from this section
16. a) Define the following terms as used in program development
i) Pseudo code (2mks)
ii) Flowchart (2mks)
b) A program is required to list the first 1000 even numbers in a series of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10…….. Draw a
flowchart that can carry out this task (11mks)

©2024, Sirisia Boys-Joint Evaluation By: David_Kings

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451/1 Computer Studies Paper 1

17. a) Explain THREE advantages of “lipa na Mpesa” services as method of payment in business (3mks)
b) What are the Dos commands used for the following activities? (4mks)
i) Creating directories_____________________________
ii) Viewing directories_____________________________
iii) Renaming directories___________________________
iv)Deleting directories_____________________________
c) Name TWO methods of paper orientation used in DTP (1mk)
d) i) Name TWO web programming languages as used in web design (1mk)
ii) Highlight two examples of CAD programs (1mk)
iii) Kay intends to download a movie from the internet. State THREE factors that may determine the total
time taken to complete the download (3mks)
e) Explain a circumstance that may lead to the use of crop tool in word processor document (2mks)

©2024, Sirisia Boys-Joint Evaluation By: David_Kings

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451/1 Computer Studies Paper 1

18. The emergence of Covid-19 pandemic led to many organizations in Kenya to embrace teleworking
approach and regulating some protocols against the Covid-19.
a) State the meaning of the following terms as per the government approaches
i) Teleworking (1mk)
ii) Protocols (1mk)
b) State TWO benefits that the organization gains from using this approach (2mks)
c) Explain a circumstance that may lead to the occurrence of each of the following errors during data
i) Truncation error (2mks)

ii) Rounding error (2mks)


d) PIS cooperative society receives supplies of cereals from farmers. The data for the supplies made is
accumulated for processing of payments every end of the month.
i) Identify the data processing mode suitable for computing farmers payments (1mk)
ii) Explain TWO advantages of the data processing mode identified in (i) above (2mks)
e) Differentiate between data verification and data validation as used in data collection (4mks)

©2024, Sirisia Boys-Joint Evaluation By: David_Kings

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451/1 Computer Studies Paper 1

19. a) Highlight THREE circumstances that necessitate the development of new information systems
b) Describe THREE factors that cause system entropy (3marks)
c) Name TWO types of maintenance as used in system development (1mark)
d) Outline THREE factors that should be considered when sourcing for hardware and software resources
required for a new system (3marks)

e) Name TWO circumstances in which it is better to use observation than other methods of gathering
information (2marks)
f) State THREE reasons why users may resist the introduction of an information system in their pace of
work. (3marks)

©2024, Sirisia Boys-Joint Evaluation By: David_Kings

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451/1 Computer Studies Paper 1

20. a) Using place value method convert 12510 to its binary equivalent (5mks)
b) Using 10 bit one’s compliment subtract 12810 from 13810, leaving your answer in decimal notation (6mks)
c) Work out BBC16+111112-2810 using binary and leave your answer in denary notation (4mks)

©2024, Sirisia Boys-Joint Evaluation By: David_Kings

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451/1 Computer Studies Paper 1


©2024, Sirisia Boys-Joint Evaluation By: David_Kings

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