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W-23% Macmillan Education Between Towns Road Oxlord OX6 SPP A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited ‘Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978 0 2307 3373.2 ‘Toxt © Carol Roas 2009 Design ond illustration © Macmiian Publishers Limited 2009 First published 2009, ‘Allrights rosorved: no part of tis publication may be reproduced, slored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any ‘meons, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the permission of the publishers. Designed by Rignt On The Line Ltd Ilustrated by Oxford Designers ond Ilustrotors and Russ Cook: Pupils Book illustrations by Jim Honson, Anthony Rule ‘and Alek Sotlrovski Cover design by Right On The Line Cover ilustration oy Jim Hanson. Recordings produced by James Richardson Songs arranged by Mork Fishlock ‘Author's acknowledgements Huge thanks to everyone in the Macmillan team for their dedicated professionalism and help, and for being such wonderiul people to ‘wotk with. | would specially Uke to thank Kote Meliss, Sarah Meadows, Daniel Buisan, Catherine Sorsa, Saroh McConnell, Emily Rosser, Tren Burrow, Emma Grisewood, Anno O'Smothery, ‘Sue Mushin, Fiono Miller, Rut Castilla, Raquel Pastor Vazquez, Nik Poul ond Angelo Reckil. [My thanks olso go to ail the teachers and ctiliren whose clasces I Vsited ona to the reodors ofthe draft for thei involuatle ‘comments ond suggestions. As ever, thanks also to my husbond, ‘Alan Matthews, and our chiléren, (now grown up) Jamie and Honah, or their patience, encouragement and support ‘Acknowledgements Arica Fuster Almarche, Colegio Vilavella, Volencia; Alicia Sénchez Suprafies, Colegio Los Penascales, Las Matos, Madrid; Anna Roure Viils, Cotlogi Les Alzines, Girona; Asuncién Cubilo, Cotegio Sagrado Corazén Chomartin, Madrid; Corolina Gonzalo Inigoyen, Colegio Sagrado Corazdn Chamortin, Madr Gnebet Soongok Perez, Colegio Escolapics Calasanz, Pamplona, Navarra; Danie! Satter, Colegio Legomar, Legonés, Madrid; Elena Osés Urteogo, © P. Cardenal Ilundain, Pomplana, Naverra; Fernando Lopez Rodriguez, Macmillan Sovila; Froncisco Javier Navarro, Colegio Tojamor, Modrid;, Gema Mena Bosco, Printed ond bound in Chino: 2013 2012 2011 2010 0987654 GP Infonta Elena, Pozvelo de Aloreén, Medrid: Javier Cholvis, Pedraza, Colegio Solver, Fuengirola, Méloga: Jorge Gorcia. Alberti, Colegio Rstamor, Pozuelc de Aloreen, Madrid; Macarena ‘Qusrizagueto, Colegio Sagrado Corazon Chamartin, Maria Moria Jose Higuera, Colegio Nuestra Sefiora de Europa, Getxo, Vizcaya, Maria Lourdes Vaquero, Colecio Sagrado Corazén CChomartin, Mactid; Monto Gomez Aguero, Cologio Nuosita Senora dal Pilar, Mord; Montserrat Manoso, C.P. Antonio Machado, San ‘Sebostion de los Reyes, Machi: Roso Moria Sénchez Cerro, Cottegi Marstes de Rubi, Aub’, Barcelona: Rubén del Fifa, Coleg Tojamar, Masti. ‘Tho author and publishers ore grateful for permission to reprint the following copyright matenat: Santa Giaus Is Comin’ To Town — Words by Haven Gillespie © 1994 EMI Catalogue Partnership ond EMI Feist Catalog Ino, USA EMI United Portnership Lid, London We SSW (Pubishing) and Alted Publishing Co, USA (Print), Acminstered in Euroge by Faber Music Lid. Reprocuced by permission. All Rights Reserved ‘These motaticls may contoin links for third party websites. We have ‘no control aver, and are nat responsible for, the contents of euch third party websites. Please use care when accessing them. ‘Although we have tried to trace ond contact copyright holders before publication, in come cases this hos not been possible, It ‘contacted, we wil be pleased to rectify any errors or omissions at the eorliest opportunity, Footprints @ Activity Book Introduction 1 My day People and food My community People and possessions A world of sport Feelings and health Yesterday Things in the past wo ON OH PF WN Things I like doing Cut-outs Carol Read A. MACMILLAN ees page 2 page 4 page 14 page 24 page 34 page 44 page 54 page 64 page 74 page 84 page 95 o Introduction Lesson 1 1 @ Listen and circle. 1 Name: Sue 2 Age: eight 3 Address: 13, Lime Street 4 Phone number: 407 6329 5 Favourite colour: green 6 Favourite animal: cat 2 Read and write. n> nine 30, Lime Street 407 6325 purple guinea pig Whot’s your address? Where do you live? name? OA ON 3 Read, write and say. Pm Emily. I’m nine years old. ve in Wakeford. My address is 42, Dean Street. Mi 0825 231 4062. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite anim hone number is Lesson 1 Introduction How old are you? What's your favourite colour? What'syour-name? I'm Jack. I'm eight years old. | live in Wakeford. It's 42, Dean Street. It's red 'm a 'm years old. | live in My address is My phone number is My favourite colour is _ My favourite animal is 6 : = EE ee Lesson 2 4 Read and write the story summary. emerald treesure~ plan lights shi The magic emerald There's an exhibition of (1) treasure from an old pirate (2) . Sam, Jack and Emily go to the 3) They look at the magic (4) The lights go out. The (6) go on again But Davina Danger and Freddie Fish have got a (5) | The magic emerald isn’t there. 5 Look and write. 1 What's her name? She's 2 What's her address? Irs 3 What's her phone number? It’s 4 4 What's his name? § What's his address? 6 What's his phone number? 6 ® Listen, find out and write. Davina Her favourite colaur is favourite animal | Freddie | His fovourite colour is - favourite animal Lesson 1 1 Look and write. gotobed _go-te-schoot’ do your homework get up hovelunch get dressed have break go home 1 Sen go ta school 2 Se a | eps ee ey gl ee 7 Pa «BP, 2 Read and write Yes, I do or No, I don't. 1 Do you have breakfast in the morning? 2 Do you go to bed in the morning? 3 Do you get up in the afternoon? 4 Do you go home in the afternoon? 5 Do you go to school in the evening? © Do you do your homework in the evening? 3 Write sentences about you. Morning Evening Lesson 2 4 Read and circle. 1 Davina has got a cat. False 2 Freddie is at Davina's house. True False 3 Freddie phones Davina. True False 4 Freddie and Davina arrange to meet for dinner. True False 5 Davina hears a noise in the garden. True False 6 Sam, Jack and Emily get very wet. True False 5 Read and write the story summary. millionaires lunch preekfast’ garden wet house —s At Davina’s house Sam, Jack and Emily have (1) _breakfast _ and go to Davina’s (2) Davina and Freddie have got the magic emerald. They're (3) . Freddie Suddenly Davina hears Rusty in the (5) phones Davina and they arrange to meet for (4) | Sam, Jack, Emily and Rusty hide. Davina looks for them but | she gets very (6) It's a lucky escape! eleven o'clock twelve o’clack Freddie: What time do you have lunch? Davina: | always have lunch at Freddie: Fine. Let's meet at Lesson 2 Language input and story Lesson 3 7 Look and write the times. OF ae Ra 34 1 __seven o'clock half past nine 8 (ar y alll » Sn a» 4 6 8 Look, write and say the grammar rap. ey What time do you get up? SG, ey a) (I Ss / i always AR gy : @) But | sometimes Be When ? G ) (is E53) And rever _— 9 Write questions and answers. 1 (get up) What time do you get up? EA (have breakfast) When 2 At (have break) 2 (have lunch) 2 (go home) ? (go to bed) ? “Lesson 3 Communication and grammar Lesson 4 10) Liston, colour and write. red = never orange = sometimes green = olwoys 3 2 always get up | I at 7 o'clock. fee 11 Write true and false sentences about you. True False | 1s go to school at half past eight. | sometimes go to bed at one o’clock. € Pronunciation rey * 12 Order, write and say. sometimes / sister | school /+/ on / cycle / my / Saturday / with / to | Lesson 4 Communication grammar and pronunciation Lesson 5 13 Read and match. 1 Everybody you feel tired healthy. you feel in a good mood. Sleep gives you energy .. Sleep helps you remember ... are for the next day. When you have enough sleep, .. ° Z 3 4 Sleep helps you stay 5 needs sleep, 6 When you don’t have enough sleep, ... what you learn 14 Look and write, ten eight nine fifteen” seven 1 Babies need about fifteen hours of sleep a day. 2 Children need about hours of sleep a day. 8 Teenagers need about ___ hours of sleep o day. 4 4 Adults need about hours of sleep a day. 5 Old people need about hours of sleep a day. °K 15 Ask, write and say. When do you What time do How many hours pine go to bed? you wake up? do you sleep? Me Ce Lesson § Content and personalisation Lesson 6 16 Read and write Always or Never. t Always do an activity to relax before you go to bed. z 3 4 5 6 17 ® Listen, match and write. What do Jack and Emily do to help them go to sleep? drink cola or other fizzy drinks. eat a big dinner. keep your bedroom quiet and dark. play computer games. go to bed at the same time every day. n ios have a glass of milk |always drink a glass of mi Lesson 6 Content and personalisation Lesson 7 19 Read, write and act out. Look at Pupil’s Book page 12. 1 What time do you wake up, Leo? At seven o’clock. 3 When do you go to school? 5 What time do you have dinner? 20 Read and write. bed breakfast’ school dinner | go to (2) ) afternoon break at 1 o'clock and (5) 2 When do you have breakfast? 4 What time do you go home? 6 What time do you go to bed? computer club morning break lunch home | get up at 7.30 and have (1)__ breakfast at 8 o'clock. at 8.30. At school | have at 11 o'clock, (4) at 3 o'clock. After school | always go to (6) | go (7) at 4.30. | have (8) = at 6.30 and | go to (9) _ at 8 o'clock. By Amy. 21 Write about your day. Draw a picture. Lesson 8 22 Look and write the dialogue. —— cae =. al a ol And 6 a Z > healthy relax Other words morning evening millionaire lucky escape believe Extra words I want to remember In English in my language S@ People and food Lesson 1 1 Look and write. Across —> z a 8 2 @ 3 slo|~[al>lo 4 2 Write answers and draw your favourite food. Cf ‘ What’s your favourite food? ! My favourite food is cereal. 2 What’s your M favourite food? 2 % What's your Javourite food? 4 What's your favourite food? 3 Write sentences about you. Hike ... I don’t like ... ws @ | a o 0 fis ( &) oD 6 i Lesson 1 Vocabulary presentation EE O——E—=>_—>__ ——————— Lesson 2 4 Read and number in order. The waiter drops the ice cream. ss Davina walks into town. 1 Davina orders lunch no Davina walks out of the restaurant. . The magic emerald falls on the floor. f Davina goes into a restaurant. 5 Read and write the story summary. restaurant lunch park emerald town ice cream angry The enormous ice cream I's half past eleven. Davina walks into (1) town and goes into a (2) She orders @ . The waiter trips and drops the | (4) . The magic (5) falls : ~ on the floor. Davina is very (6) and walks ‘out of the restaurant. Sam, Jack and Emily follow Davina to | they) | 6 Read, write and say. Emily: Oh, look! | think Davina likes 725% __sausages Jack: Yes, but she doesn’t like <> . Sam: Does Davina ike AS ? Emily: No, she doesn’t. Sam: Does she like & 2 Jack: Yes, she does. And | think Davina's favourite food is Lesson 3 7 Write about your friends. Natalia likes cheese | Ahmed doesn’t like milk, ‘ 8 Look, write and say the grammar rap. Sam ines BRD carrots but doesn't like & _ : Does ? Yes, ? No, . eh 9 Write questions and answers. [<7 cal alle) X Yes, she does. _ 1 (Davina/spaghetti) Does Davina like spaghetti? 2 (Davina/eggs) 2 3 (Dovina/tomatoes) ? 4 (Freddie/carrots) ? 5 (Freddie/cereal) ? 6 (Freddie/ice cream) _ 2 Lesson 4 10 Write questions and answers. Look at Pupil’s Book page 17. 1 (Sam/guitar) Does Sam play the quitar? Yes, he does 2 (Emily/quitar) Does Emily play the quitar? No, she doesn’t. 3 (lack/piano) 2 4 (Sam/drums) 5 (Emily/tennis) © (lack/basketball) 11 Write sentences. Emily erXx Sexy | sam erv Aes x = aly 08” | “es 0! 1 Emily plays the quitar but she doesn’t play the piano. + 2 Sam 3 Jack 4 Emily 12 Look, write and say. chips biscuit peas reese i sandwit milk pizza indwich ice cream chicken. fish Lesson 4 Communication, grammar and pronunciation Lesson 5 13 Read and circle. 1 You need to eat very litle fat False _ GH 2 You need to eata lot of sugar True False Xe Ales | 3 You need to eat fruit every day. Tue False s 4 You need to eat sweets every day. True False 5 You need to eat a lot of cereals Twe Fake 6 You need to eat very little fish, Tue ‘False Ge 14 Look and write. fats-cils-end-sugar’ cereals and rice milk products meat, fish, eggs, nuts, beans vegetables fruit 18 Write sentences about you. Circle your opinion. | (for breakfast) | always eat cereal for breakfast. 2 (for breakfast) 8 (for lunch) 4 (fora snack) 5 (for dinner) I think my diet is... very healthy / healthy / not very healthy. Lesson 5 Content and personalisation Lesson 6 16 Read and match. 1 You need this to help you grow. a calcium 2 You need these for your hair, a protein 3 You need this for your bones and teeth. ° fibre 4 You need this to keep your body healthy. vitamins 17 Write about the food. Look at Pupil’s Book page 19. 1 Banana: It's got vitamins and fibre. Milk: Carrot: Bread: Chicken: om A wD Cheese: : 18 Draw and write. Choose six foods to take on a healthy picnic! I've got ‘ 4 ‘ and for my plenic. Lesson 6 Content ond personalisation Lesson 7 19 Read and complete. Look at Pupil’s Book page 20. Favourite food Likes... Doesn't like ... &3 Leo ~baked beans ws on toast ee Oliver | ________} hamburgers and chips, potatoes >|} Daisy SPS | fe ft CD 5 20 Look and write. 1 Leo likes“ but he doesn't like 2 Oliver 3 Daisy 4 Amy 21 Write and draw. we £ Shepherd's pie is a favourite food of children in my country. Shepherd's pie_ has got meat and potatoes. You can eat shepherd’s pie on its own or with carrots and peas. It’s delicious! _ Lesson 8 22 Look and write the dialogue. Terms = friend at school. Oh, great! Gee Does she play tennis? Yee) Yes, ji . She thinks it's great! She also likes __ but 23 Put on the Grammar Footprints stickers. > Jane - i fene 7 | eggs? Yes, he Does he sit football? a ‘ te panst No, he doesn't Jane ss likes eggs Tie chips. _——————— he | football she basketball She | the piano | the guitar. Lesson 8 Unit review ee 24 Write the answers to the Footprints quiz. | / 1 Name six foods. u ©. bread ZF 9 & © eH 3 2 2 Does Davina like peas? / @ 2 Does Freddie like rice? \ 4 Write two questions about Jack and Emily. eo e _t ? 9 5 Write a sentence about Davina. Use but. %) e " eo 6 Write a sentence about Sam. Use but. 7 Name three sections of the food pyramid. e e ? & Write a sentence about what you eat to get protein and fibre =) Assess your work. My Unit 2 score iss. 10 Myworkiss < a 2 My bilingual dictionary Main vocabulary bread cereal cheese eg spaghetti rice sausage peas potato carrot lettuce tomato * Footprints fact file: My key words sugar milk products vegetables meat protein vitomin calcium fibre Other words waiter restaurant bark wait order trip drop angry basketball guitar drums : tennis Extra words I want to remember In English In my language Lesson 1 1 Look and write. Csopermariet café cinenna” newsagent post office bank hotel chemist) IE ak al| | GREMA) m+ cinema EE 2 Read and write Yes, there is /are or No, there isn’t /aren't. | 5 1 Is there a library where you live? 2 Is there a shopping centre? _ 3 Is there a post office? 4 Ate there any shops? 5 Are there any cafés? 6 Are there any hotels? 3 Write sentences about where you live. | There’s a supermarket but there isn’t a post office. = 2 There'sa but 3 4 There are shops but there aren’t any hotels 5 There are but Lesson 2 4 Read and write the correct sentences, 1 Davina phones Freddie. No, Er ving. 2 Davina isin danger. No, oo 3 Freddie has got the magic emerald. No, 4 There's a red car. No, 5 There's a woman in the car. Ni © Z wants to buy the magic emerald. Ni 5 Read and write the story summary. magic house bag supermarket carpark” man > The black car Davina goes to meet Freddie in the (1) car park opposite the (2) . | It’s safe in her (4) . ‘The name of the (5) in the black car is Q. Peeeeee | Davina has got the (3) emerald. | Q asks Davina and Freddie to his (6) | 6 Read, tick (7) and say. Come to my house this evening. Go straight on. Turn left. My house is on the right. necmmmmennmmen Cx Lesson 3 7 Look, read and write. 1 Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right. It's on the left. It's the post office # 2 Go stroight on. Tum right. Turn left. It's on the right. It’s the 3 Go straight on. Turn right. Tum left. Go past the cinema. a 8 Lt 1 START Turn left. It's opposite the school. It’s the 8 Look, write and say the grammar rap. ang eS o ‘Where's the park ? Go Go 9 Look and write directions. Where's the supermarket? Ge___straight ___ on. Turn [Dru © Vim onaits el iat ass Turn Go___ It's on the 2 Where's the museum? Go on. Turn Tum Go es it's on the | 3 Where's the newsagent? oun Go on, Turn Tum -Go__ and the Turn . It’s the park Lesson 3 Communication and grammar Lesson 4 10 Look, write and act out. You: Where's your house, Sam? Sam: Go straight on. Turn Turn . Go It's You: Where's your house, Emily? It's 11 Look and write. in / lovely / lighthouse / the / live / and / the /Lteke’/ left / on / little / Lucy Luke Lesson 4 Communication orm nd oronincaion — ag Lesson 5 13 Read and match. 1 Weall... public transport. | | 2 There are many different ... clean and ‘green’. 3 Some forms of transport ... car journeys. 4 Other forms of transport are .. a forms of transport. 5 Itis a good ides to share ... use transport. 6 It is a good idea to use cause pollution 14 Look and write. Oe) motorbike ‘trom éB lectric ca Bike Transport which causes pollution Transport which is clean and ‘green’ “°ct"e cor Ee —*_ — —epet ae ————— —_—_ plane 15 Read and write Yes, I do or No, I don’t. 1 Do you go to school by bus? Do you go to the supermarket by car? Do you visit friends by train? Do you go to the cinema by bus? Do you go to the park by bike? oO RON Do you go on holiday by plane? @ @ Lisson 8 Contant end persnatection Lesson 6 16 Read and write car, bike, bus and / or train. 1 Wear bright clothes. bike Sit in the back Sit down or hold on. Wear a helmet. Wear a seat belt. oo RON Use a bell, 17 Write about transport you use. 1 When | go to school by bus I sit down When | go to the supermarket by il z 3 When | go to my friend’s house by vl 4 When | go on holiday by : 18 Draw and write. Invent a form of transport for the future. Write the safety rules. Lesson 6 Content and personalisation & Lesson 7 19 Read and write the answers. Look at Pupils Book page 28. 1 Does Leo go to the ice rink on foot? No, he doesn’t. He goes by car. . 2 Does Amy go to the shopping centre by bike? 3 Does Oliver go to the sports centre by bus? 4 Does Daisy go to the library by car? 20 Match and write sentences. Leo Amy Daisy Oliver & A awe Agere cael Sa ay [enn | B vecter $B mum B swe 1 Leo goes to the ice rink by car with his dad 2 Amy 3 Daisy 4 Oliver 21 Write and draw. TT Near my house there’s a cinema. 1 sometimes go to the cinema by bike with my cousin, Sam. We watch a film and go to a café. It’s cool! a SE 2 Se oo So Lesson 8 22 Look and write the dialogue. 2 |(Z) co EF] turn [BD um Go past the wens shopping centre __? and the FE EES The yj ——___— Do you go to the as shopping centre post office hotel B® by bus a on foot 23 Put on the Grammar Footprints stickers. the | cinema? | your house? dba Go les the museum. fe | the shops. | the supermarket Lesson 8 Unit review 24 Write the answers to the Footprints quiz. i~ Name six places in the community. 1.cinema 2n__s.g__t 3. ce s. 4pli oil 5b 6h__e_ Write two sentences about where you go by car. Write two sentences about where you go by bus or train. Write a sentence about why we use transport Write o sentence about what we can do to look after the environment. o Write two rules you follow when you go by car, Write two rules you follow when you go by bike. Assess your work. My Unit 3 score is: My work is; I need to: 410 3 My bilingual dictionary Main vocabulary shopping centre cinema supermarket —— post office library theatre café chemist newsagent museum bank hotel Footprints fact file: My key words petrol diesel pollution clean journey public transport seat belt helmet Other words car park donger safe traffic lights bus stop map lighthouse Extra words I want to remember In English In my language s@> People and possessions Lesson 1 1 Look and write. aE a 2 t camera 3 & 4 5 6 2 Read and write Yes, J have or No, I haven't. Have you got a watch? Have you got ¢ torch? Have you got a stamp collection? Have you got a frisbee? Have you got a kite? on Aw HS Have you got ¢ camera? 3 Look and write sentences He’s / She’s / They've got oO RON Lesson 1 Vocabulary presentation Lesson 2 4 Read and circle. 1 Dovina and Freddie go to Q's house. False 2 Qhas got a gem collection True False 3 Qhas got a hundred gems. Te False 4 Rusty takes the magic emerald. True False 5 Rusty eats the magic emerald. Tue False 6 Freddie runs away with the magic emerald. True ‘False 5 Read and write the story summary. table biscuit collection gym emerald heuse~ Q's gem collection | 5am, Jack and Emily follow Dovina and Freddie to Q's | (1)___ house Q has got a gem (2) He wants the magic emerald. Davina puts the emerald on the @) (4)______. Davina gives Rusty a (5) . Rusty runs into the house and takes the and Rusty drops the emerald. Davina runs away with the magic emerald. She goes to the (6) | 6 Read and number in order. Davina: Don’t worry. | can get the magic emerald Q: Ninety-nine. And with the magic emerold, a hundred. Can | see it now, please? _ Freddie: How many [ Q: Whose is the Davina: It's mine. im ( gems have you got? [1] en ES magic emerald? Freddie: No, it isn’t yours, Davina. It's ours. tseeon2 Langues input ene story eS Lesson 3 7 Look, read and write. 1 Whose is the watch? It’s Sam’s. 2 Whose is the kite? 3 Whose is the watch? 4 Whose is the torch? 5 Whose is the MP3 player? 6 Whose is the ball? 8 Look, write and say the grammar rap. A Whose is the watch 2 | don’t know. Let me see. Perhaps Hi there, No, | think No, a" it's 9 Look and write. Ais- mine the 1 Is the torch yours? Z Is the frisbee his? Ber itisn't mine. It’s his eee No, it isn’t his. IPs 1s the MP3 player theirs? 4 1s the CD player yours? gol No,ttisn'ttheirs. i's.) BER, it isn’t ours. Its . ours Ba Lesson 4 10 Match and write the answers. nineteen 65 thirty-two 32 twenty-one 76 a ninety-eight 100 Fifty-four i seventy-six 7 eighty-seven 98 sixty-five 43 fo rty-three ‘What word is missing from the box? What number is missing from the box? 11 Write sentences. 2 1 0 Ose ys Be R26) 2 Jack 3 Emily 4 Davina 5 Freddie TWEE) gem 12 Look, write and say. stamps stickers torches watches kites—~ key rings houses postcards phones footprints Ist Jal dil kites Leeson 4 Communication, grammar and pronunciation ————————————Ssti‘ eC Lesson 5 13 Read and circle. 1 Many people use computers. False 2 Children don't use computers at school True False 3 People use computers for the same reasons. True False 4 At work people use computers to write reports. True False 5 Athome people use computers to watch DVDs. Tue False 6 People also use computers to connect to the intemet, True False 14 Look and write. monitor mouse _printer~ keyboard screen 1 rinter 15 Write sentences about you. 1 |use a computer at home to play games. Le Lesson 6 16 Order and write. I tclaisl _T dBlo 2 cteSle &vSae 3 pyoc @dninUerie 4uct SstaPe~ - 6lteeDe : 17 Read and write. save dose finish -use- open When 1 (1) se a computer to do a project at school, | (2) anew document. | (3) my document a 4itle and | (4) my document. When 16) my project, I save all the changes and © or my document. 18 Tick (V) and write about you. Ef & stories poems projects letters L write stories and projects on a. computer. | don’t write poems or letters on a computer. Lesson 6 Content and personalisation Lesson 7 19 Read and write answers. Look at Pupil’s Book page 36. 1 Whose is the PlayStation? t's Amy’s 2 Whose is the CD player? 3 Whose is the frisbee? 4 |s the computer Oliver's? No, it isn’t. It’s Daisy’s. 5 Is the laptop Leo’s? © Is the stamp collection Daisy's? 20 Match and write sentences. Amy Oliver Daisy Leo 78 et 36 ae 1 Look and write, 3 GA 4 oe «es B 5 “ Down | i ° 1 2a 3 ier '@ “QL & Fe F N § ¥ = [mM] F 2 Write the questions and answers. Are you feeling alright 7X 2 i iP No, I’m not. Pve got AK No, I’m not. I've got fy) anearache | — ie \~ . i GAR. OE eRe 3 Look and write sentences He’s/ She's got... Ba ee § 1 She’s got a bruise on her leg. 3 4 5 . 6 @ ¢ Lesson 1 Vocabulary presentation 8 £ ——™ Sd Lesson 2 4 Read and circle. 1 Davina’s got a toothache. True 2 Davina’s got a headache. True 3 Davina’s leg hurts. True 4 Davina’s neck hurts. True 5 Davina’s feeling hot. True 6 Davina's feeling terrible. True 5 Read and write the story summary. bag mobile phone water number cutside— phone call 6 Read, write and say. The gym instructor Jack and Emily go and see Davina. The gym instructor tells them _ to wait (1)___outside The gym instructor suggests that Davina drinks some (2) and lies down. Davina asks the gym instructor for her sports (3) The magic emerald and her (4) ore missing. Davina sleeps for an hour and asks to make a (5) ‘She can't remember Freddie's phone (6) so she decides to call her phone. « Thank you my neck hurts \What'sthe-matter” drink this woter BD Gym instructor: (1) What’s the matter ? Davina: I've got a headache, (2) and I'm feeling terrible. Gym instructor: Why don't you (3) and lie down fi Davina: (4) Lesson 2 Language input and story Lesson 3 ‘go J Tt 2, 8 Look, write and say the grammar rap. What's the matter? <4 lve Why don't you - ? ih Yes, good idea! oer ee uae WY . Yes, ! 9 Look and write. rs ‘ei 1 He's got a cold. 3 They 4 5 6 Lesson 3 Communication and grammar | Lesson 4 10 Read, number in order and act out. Jack: No, I’m not. oO | eho Sam: Oh, poor you. Why don't you lie down and restior outer [_] 11 Look and write. Sam: Are you feeling alright, Jack? np

places clothes objects detective $@9 Things I like doing Lesson 1 1 Look and write. (dive camp cook dressup” make models collect shells travel do jigsaw puzzles » A 7 Zz 3 5 6 7 g 2 Write sentences. What do they do in the holidays? 1 She has picnics with friends. 2 He 3 They . 4 Ye LES ssestm . 6 3 Write about you. Wht do you do in the holidays? Always Sometimes Never | always read books. | sometimes travel. | never dress wu 5 Lesson 2 4 Read and write the correct sentences. 1 Sam, Jack, Emily and Rusty go to the safari park. 5 Rusty wants some water. No, they go to the funfair. No, 2 Jack and Emily taik to Davina 6 Sam, Jack and Emily are under arrest. No, No, 3 Rusty runs away from the detectives. No, 4 Rusty barks at Freddie. No, 5 Read and write the story summary. magic emerald funfair everywhere biscuit detectives .car- A biscuit for Rusty The detectives stop the (1) car____ and walk to the O) with Sam, Jack, Emily and Rusty. They look | 3) for Davina, Freddie and Q. Jack and Emily tolk to the (4) . Suddenly Rusty runs away from Sam. He sits down in front of Davina and barks. Rusty wants a biscuit. Q asks Freddie for the (5) but it is too late. Davina, Freddie and Q are under arrest. Rusty really — deserves a (6) now! 6 Read, write and say. bike detectives jigsaw puzzles” I think you like being And | like riding my _ : too! Lesson 2 Language input and story Lesson 3 7 Look, write and say the grammar rap. I like _ playing board games STD ine , too. But | don't like What about you? Doyoulike @ " ZS . They're hard to do! Gy z ? 2 6 ? @ Write about you. I like ... I don't like ... Llike riding my bike. don’t like playing footba p > Lesson 3 Communication and grammar Lesson 4 10 Look and write. v ae x 1 Jack likes camping. 2 He doesn’t like having picnics. 3 He S A 5 Emily 6 She ee BOO 7 g 11 Read, write and say. 12 Say and draw —7 up or down —w., 1 Doyou like reading? _a 2 What do you like doing? —y 8 Do you like camping? 4 What about you? 5 Do you like cooking? 6 Why? 7 What do you like doing? % Do you like collecting shells? Lesson 4 Communication, grammar and pronunciation Lesson 5 13 Read and match. 1 Coasts are where ... a. the sea comes in. Z Coasts change .. b is calm 3 Athigh tide ... @ rocks and rock pools 4 Atlow tide d the land and the sea meet. 5 Sometimes the waves ... @ sand. 6 But at other times the sea .. f the sea goes out. 7 Rocky beaches have ... gall the time. & Sandy beaches have hare big 14 Look and write. shell seaweed starfish crab _-mussef turtle LA (600 — ————————— ae Lesson 6 16 Read and tick (V) or cross (X). = Do this when you go to the beach. X = Don't do this when you go to the beach. 1 3 5 7 Swim when the flag is green. | / 2 Throw sand. x Take your pet. 4 Swim when the flag is red. Put on sun cream. © Wear a sun hat. Drink water. Leave rubbish on the beach. 17 Read and write Yes, I do or No, I don’t. When you go to the beach 1 oO RON 18 Write and draw. Do you sit in the shade some of the time? Do you stay in the sun at midday? Do you drink water? Do you watch the tide? Do you play ball games near other people? Do you swim when the flag is red? Lesson 6 Content and personalisation Lesson 7 19 Read and write the answers. Look at Pupil’s Book page 76. 1 Does Daisy like reading? Yes, she does. 2 Does Leo like helping at home? No, he doesn’t. 3 Does Amy like watching TV? 4 Does Oliver like having picnics? 5 Does Amy like listening to music? 6 Does Oliver like collecting shells? 7 Does Lea like doing jigsows? & Does Daisy like shopping? 20 Look and write. Daisy Leo Amy Oliver Likes ... i i ikes _— playing slaying board | vinsming computer games games Doesn't like ... helping at listening to going shopping home music sightseeing 1 Daisy i loesn’ ° 2 Leo 3 Amy 4 Oliver 21 Write and draw. In the holidays | like going to the cinema and riding my bike in the park. It's fun Lalso like reading and watching TV. | don’t like listening to music. It’s boring. © Lesson 7 intercuttural learning Lesson 8 22 Look and write the dialogue. What do you like doing in the holidays, Emma? ! We | don't camping. "comping ome cooking They | tke |) pokes 2 ae Mh | CahiG rovelling ae ‘thy wi i } you to music? ai } dh Pd ete | 2° tke | making | models? =~ he it Does she using | a computer? Lesson 8 Unit review 24 Write the answers to the Footprints quiz. 1 Name the six holiday activities. UBS om B ag > 2 Do you like reading in the holidays? e 3 Do you like helping at home in the holidays? 4 Write two sentences about what you like doing in the holidays, 5 Write twa sentences about what you don't like doing in the holidays. 6 Write three things you can find on beaches. @B gS Ww 7 Write two rules for the beach. oD cm J - & Write a sentence about what you like doing when you go to the beach e My Unit 9 scoreis: — / 10 My work is: I need to: 9 My bilingual dictionary Main vocabulary travel go sightseeing camp cook have picnics take photos collect shells dive play boord games do jigsaw puzzles make models dress up Footprints fact file: My key words high tide low tide wave rocky sandy crab seaweed "starfish Other words abroad under arrest deserve boring Extra words I want to remember In English In my language AVENGNY DUB Footprints is a new six-level primary course for learners of English at a higher level. This innovative story-based course integrates cross-curricular content and cultural awareness with learning English (CLIL). In each unit children learn new language and subject-specific information. Additional components include a portfolio booklet to help pupils evaluate their work, extra practice activities, progress tests and preparation tasks for the Trinity and ‘Cambridge young learners exams. ae Sue uuu ar ied Components For the pupil + Pupil’s Book Activity Book * Portfolio Booklet * Stories and songs CD * CD-ROM For the teacher * Teacher's Book * Flashcards * Word cards * Tests and photocopiable resources CD-ROM pack * Audio CDs

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