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Application Tutorial 1.

3D Modeling

Fundamentals and Application of CFD

Master’s DegreeDegree
Numerical Simulation in Engineering
Simulation with Ansys with Ansys
in Engineering
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Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Ansys 12th EDITION
Once knowing how to deal with simple sketches, this workshop points the assembly in SpaceClaim out. It starts
from a new sketch and reaches a final assembly process shown in the image.

• Use advanced sketch.
• Use the 3D basic tool.
• Become familiar with assembly

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Project Startup
Create the Project
• Start Workbench or, if Workbench is already
open, click New to create a new project.

• Expand Component Systems and drag and

drop a Geometry component system into
the Project Schematic.

• Double click on the Geometry cell (A2) to

start SpaceClaim.

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Creating a simple Assembly
• To begin we will change some options. Go to the File menu in the top left corner of the screen. Once there
select SpaceClaim options at the bottom.

Go to the units tab and make sure

you are in Metric.

Then go to the advanced tab and make sure

that “Auto-extrude” is on. These will allow
you to create solids in section mode and
power select quicker.

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Creating a simple Assembly
Orient Sketch Grid
• You will begin all SpaceClaim by sketching on the top plane. To sketch on the front, click the select new
sketch plane button and then click in the upper right hand corner of the screen or on the Z-axis.

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Creating a simple Assembly
Plan View and Shortcuts
• To view a heads up display click the “Plan View” button (This is located in the bottom right hand corner of
your sketch grid or located in the upper left region of the ribbon tool bar).

Please note that the keys shortcut for this operation is “V”. Shortcuts will be given in all of the tooltips.

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Creating a simple Assembly
• The first thing we will sketch will be a cylinder. Select “Cylinder” in the Body group in the Design menu.

• Click once to start the cylinder. Make

the cylinder vertical and type in a
value of 400 for the height.

• It will then look for a value for the diameter. Enter

in a value of 280.

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Creating a simple Assembly
Spin, Pan, and Zoom
• You’ve just created a solid and we can see it in the structure tree on the far left of the screen.

• To view it easier we can spin, pan, or zoom around our model. To spin, hold down the Middle Mouse
Button (MMB). To pan, hold Ctrl+MMB. To zoom, hold Shift+MMB.

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Creating a simple Assembly
Display Tab
• To change the graphics or the display of your design, go to the “Display Tab”. Here you can turn “Fade
Scene” off and turn “Clip Scene Above Grid” on. You can play with these options to get the graphics you

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Creating a simple Assembly
Orient View
• Go Back to the “Design Tab” and click “Plan View (V)”.

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Creating a simple Assembly
• 1-Now we will make another cylinder. • 3-Create a cylinder 1200 mm tall
and with a diameter of 100 mm.

• 2-Start at the midpoint shown with the triangle

in the picture on the left.

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Creating a simple Assembly
Sketch vs. Section Mode
• Now go to the rectangle sketch tool.
• Create a rectangle 700 mm by 100 mm.

• Start the sketch on the midpoint of • After sketching the rectangle, we will
the axis. position it using the Move Tool.

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Creating a simple Assembly
Sketch vs. Section Mode
• Select all sides of the rectangle and the Move Handle will position in the middle.

• Select the vertical axis in red as in the image and afterwards go to the Options Move below the Structure
Tree and select the ruler.

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Creating a simple Assembly
Sketch vs. Section Mode
• Now you can reference the position according one desired dimension or element. Select the bottom edge
of the cylinder and write 130 mm in the dimension box.

• After sketching the rectangle click “Section Mode (X)” located in the middle of the ribbon bar. Notice that
the sketch turned into a surface. Now we will be able to start sketching solids.

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Creating a simple Assembly
3D Direct Sketching
• You can change the value if you like, but
• Create another rectangle to make a keep once you click a second time to
out for a chair. Notice that you now have complete the rectangle you will get a
three dimensions. The dimension of “10” is
solid as seen in the structure tree below.
the depth. This depth will extrude both
ways from the sketch. Change it to 100.

NOTE: Auto-extrude/revolve sketches in

Section Mode option needs to be enabled
(SpaceClaim Options -> Advanced)

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Creating a simple Assembly
Orient View
• Click “Plan View (V)” after looking
• Rotate the view to see the solid you’ve created. at it to go back into a heads up

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Creating a simple Assembly
Position the 3D rectangle
• Now we will position the rectangle repeating the same process as
before by using the Move Tool. Select all sides with the Selection box,
click on the vertical axis and on the ruler option. Set the dimension
from the top of the first cylinder to 480mm.

• Check that the distance between the middle of the rectangle and the
main axis of the cylinders is 385mm by repeating the Move operation.
This distance was set in the draw process of the rectangle by doing
coincidence the vertical side with the cylinder one.

• If the rectangle was not drawing according this way, you can use the
move operation to correct it.

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Creating a simple Assembly
3D Direct Sketching
• Create another rectangle for a tray. We are still ball parking the
design so simply make a thin rectangle starting within the last
rectangle and snap it to the edge of the cylinder. Make the depth
of this solid 600 mm.

• Set the height of the rectangle to 46mm. To adjust the length of the
rectangle, click the Select option and move its leftmost edge until
you desire, 274mm.

• Now, we will position the tray using again the Move Tool.

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Creating a simple Assembly
3D Direct Sketching

• Use Selection Box to pick the 4 sides of the tray and after that
click on the Move Tool.
• Select the vertical axis as in the image and the ruler tool. Set the
ruler in the top plane of the future chair.

• Set the dimension to 350mm.

• Notice that we should now have three solids and one surface in
the structure tree.
• Go now to 3D Mode.

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Creating a simple Assembly
3D Edits
• Select the “Split” tool and click on the rightmost face of the large
chair rectangle and set the split to 160mm (use tab to change
between boxes as in the image).

• Select “Pull (P)”. Select the large green face indicated in the middle
picture and pull it back to form an “L” setting the pull dimension to

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Creating a simple Assembly
• Back to Section Mode. Select the rectangle sketch as
reference to cross the middle.

• Select the “Cylinder” tool in the upper

right of the Ribbon bar.
• Sketch a cylinder connecting the chair to roughly the
middle of the surface indicated below. Select the
diameter 86mm as in the image.
• Repeat the Move operation using the ruler tool to
position the cylinder with 100mm to the back of the
chair as in the image.

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Creating a simple Assembly
• Sketch another thin cylinder to create a keep out for a robotic
arm. Start the sketch on the edge of the tall cylinder and set the
dimension 400x80mm.

• Perform again the Move Tool to position the cylinder in the

vertical dimension and set the height to 150mm.

• Create a second cylinder at an angle of 15° from the first one.

Start the cylinder in the main axis of the previous one and set
the final dimension to 380x65mm. To be able to adjust the angle
is necessary to active the Snap to angle option.

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Creating a simple Assembly
• Starting from the intersection of the
• Select the “Sphere” tool (Design Tab).
two cylinders, make the sphere big
enough to encompass the entire

• Set the diameter to 180mm.

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Creating a simple Assembly
Sketching Completed
• Look at the structure tree. You should have four solids and one surface: a Chair, Tray, Stand, and Arm.

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Creating a simple Assembly
3D Mode
• Click “3D Mode (D)” button to bring yourself out of the sketch.

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3D Features - Basic
Pull Options
• Zoom into the surface below the Chair shaped solid.

• Select on the surface

• A mini toolbar appears towards the upper right of the
• Or from the options panel on the middle-left of the

• Select the both ways option to stretch the surface from the

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3D Features - Basic
Pull and Undo
• Thicken the surface into a solid
• Hold the left mouse button down and drag in either

• Notice that most of the solids have combined together

• three solids remain in the structure tree.
• By merging the arm to the stand two solids remain in the

• Click on “Undo” button (or Ctrl+Z) to reverse that operation.

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3D Features - Basic
No Merge
• Now select “No merge” option.
• The left side of the screen.
• Allow all solids to remain separate after a Pull

• Thicken the surface,

• Type in 200mm for the thickness.

• Notice the surface has been extruded into a new solid.

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3D Features - Basic
Split Body
• Select the “Split Body” button
• Upper left portion of the ribbon bar.

• Click the green stand (leftmost picture)

• Select the top face of the lower wide cylinder.

• This will split the solid body, about that face.

• Note : when a region highlights in red SpaceClaim does
propose to delete it.
• To do so, click on it with the LMB (do not).

• Keep base cylinder,

• Do not click on it, instead press Esc button.

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3D Features - Basic
Box Select
• Click the “Select (S)” button in the middle of the ribbon

• Box select all of the solids on screen from upper left to

lower right.

• Next, Right Mouse Button (RMB)

• In white space.
• Pick “Move Each to New Component”.

• The model change from part to assembly.

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3D Features - Basic
Reorder the bodies
• Create a multi-body part (manually).

• Select the part to move (the robotic arm for

• Drop it in the appropriate component (long
• Delete extra component.

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3D Features - Basic
Combine and Toolguides
• Select the “Combine (I)” button
• Next to “Split Body”.
• First, select the green highlighted box in the bottom left

• Next, hold down the Ctrl key.

• Tool guides (upper right) switches from a saw icon to a
merge icon.
• “Combine” both merges and splits geometry.

• While holding the Ctrl key, select the lower wide cylinder to
merge the two together into one solid.
• The new solid will be highlighted.

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3D Features - Basic
Display Tab and Color
• Select an edge of the thin rectangular tray.

• Click on “Display”, fourth tab above the Ribbon bar.

• This houses all graphics information.
• Select the down arrow next to the “Color” button directly below
the Display Tab.
• Change the color of the tray to blue.

• Note: You can change the color of individual faces. To change the
color of a solid, select the entire solid or the edge of a solid.

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3D Features - Basic
Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)

• Select the down arrow to the right of the Quick Access Toolbar

• Choose “Customize Quick Access Toolbar” from the drop

down list.

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3D Features - Basic
Adding to the QAT
• Tools can be added from nearly any part • Next select Color, click “Add”, and then
of the interface. leave the options panel by clicking OK.
• To add “Color” to the QAT, choose commands from
the “Style” area of SpaceClaim.

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3D Features - Basic
• Select the top edge of the long thin cylinder.

• Select the down arrow on the “Color” button in the QAT.

• Change the color of the solid to Red.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Open Component in Separate Window
• Right click on the green solid below the red stand.
• Click “Open Component” from the Component
option of the dropdown list.
Note : The solid opens up in its own window
• There are two tabs at the lower left hand corner of the
design window.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Working with Components
Working in component tab window is a very important feature. It allows
you to make changes in one component and they are automatically
updated in the general assembly.
We will perform a simple change in the component and check this
• First, select the two vertical edges of the prism as in the image.
• Click on Pull option to create two rounds in the component.
• Check these rounds in the whole assembly.
Once checked, undo the rounds to continue with the workshop

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Insert Plane
• Click on the axis running through the cylinder.

• Select the “Plane” button on the upper right section of

the ribbon bar.

• This will place a plane through the axis, usually in a front

or right orientation with display limits encompassing the
selected objects.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Insert Plane with Direction
• Select the axis and Ctrl select the end of the rectangular

• Select the “Plane” button.

• A plane is placed through the axis, normal to the selected

• Note: Check the help to see all of the other ways planes and
axes can be inserted.
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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Combine to Split
• Select the “Combine (I)” button.
• Click the green solid.

• Note : that the Saw toolguide on the right of the

screen is now highlighted.
• Select a cutter.

• Click on the plane indicated below to cut the solid

with the plane.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Combine Result
• The original solid should now be split into two.

• We can see the two solids and two planes in the structure tree.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Delete Planes
• Select the two planes in the structure tree, or the design
window while holding the Ctrl key.

• Press the delete key on the keyboard to remove them

from your model.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Move Solids
• Select the “Move (M)” tool and select on a solid from the structure
• Notice that the Move Handle has appeared in the middle of the
solid as in the image below.
• Pick the yellow sphere of the Handle and drag and drop to the Split
• Select the Z axis (red move vector) to move it away from the other
solid and create a gap between the two solids of 300mm.

Drag & Drop

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Move Solids
• Select the other solid in the structure tree.
• Drag and drop the Move Handle to the Split Face:

• Select the move vector and the option ruler.

• Move that solid away from the other until getting a 600mm gap between them.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Copy Surface
• Select the face indicated in the image to the right.

• Hold Ctrl and move that face along the blue arrow
• 300mm.
• Holding ctrl will copy the face.

• In the structure tree

• two solids.
• A surface.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Edit Surface
• Select the edge indicated to the right.
• Move it out along the green arrow
• Positive direction & 200mm.
• This will make the surface larger.

• Select the edge on the left.

• Move this edge along the green arrow
• Positive direction by 220mm.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Blend between Faces

• Select the “Blend ” tool.

• Next select the three faces indicated in the order given using appropriately the Ctrl key.

• You should automatically see the blend points appear on screen.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Complete Blend
• To complete the blend, you can hit the enter key or “complete” blend operation.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Box Select
• Box selection from left to right.
• The blended region just created

• Box selection
• from left to right will pick everything fully enclosed inside the box.
• from right to left will pick everything touching the box.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Draft Faces
• Double click on one of the side surfaces as shown in the image.

• Select the “Draft” toolguide on the right side of the screen from the Pull Tool.

• Click the top face to specify the face to draft about.

• Draft the surfaces selected outward 3 degrees by dragging it.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Ruler Dimension
• Select the face indicated to the right and Pull direction.
• If the Draft Tool continues selected, choose Pull direction with the chosen face and mark an edge with the
same direction of the desired Pull.

• Select the “Ruler” icon from

• The mini toolbar.
• The Options panel on the left side of the screen.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Ruler Dimension
• Pick the object to be dimensioned from.
• Pick the surface.

• Enter the dimension of 750mm to change the length of the protrusion to a specific dimension.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Pivot Edges
• Select the two edges
• Pick the Pivot option for the edge.

• Make sure the arrows are pointed towards each other

• By tabbing between the arrows.

• Pivot the edges inward as indicated aside and set 150mm.

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3D Features - Blending and Base Creation
Full Round
• Select the three faces indicated to the right.

• With Pull mode enabled, right click

• Choose “Full Round” to place a full round between the three surfaces.

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Final 3D Assembly
Working in Components
We have finished modeling the component so you can go back to the main window of the assembly.
The final 3D assembly is shown. All the changes made on the base working in component mode are automatically
done into the assembly model.

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Final 3D Assembly
Final 3D Model
The last operation is to adjust the vertical cylinder extending it to fix the gap
created by the component editing process.
• Select the bottom face of the cylinder and the Pull Tool.
• Extend the solid first and after that select the Up To option.
• Select the top plane of the edited component.

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Saving the Project
• This completes the workshop.
• From the main menu select File → Exit SpaceClaim.
• Workbench will save any application data.

• From the Workbench Project Page use the file menu and save the project to your working folder.

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