FINALLLLLL Grade 2 Maths Scope 2022

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Grade 2

Term 3

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Formal guide breakdown

Numbers, Opertaions and Relationships

• Counts up to 180 pictures of grouped objects
• Compares and orders numbers up to 75
• Reads and writes number symbols up to 180
• Counts forwards and backwards in 2s, 10s, 5s between 0 & 180
• Decomposes two-digit numbers up to 75 into tens and ones e.g.
48 = 40 + 8
• Solves word problems in context involving repeated addition
leading to multiplication up to 40 using one of the following:
apparatus, drawings, building up and breaking down numbers,
number lines, doubling and halving
• Can multiply the numbers 1 - 10 by 5, 4 using one of the
following: apparatus, drawings, number lines
• Writes a number sentence using x, =
• Counts forwards in 4s, 3s
• Solves and explains solutions to problems that involve equal
sharing that lead to fractions
• Recognises and uses halves, thirds, quarters, fifths in familiar
• Recognises fractions in diagrammatic form
• Writes fractions in form 1 half, 1 third etc

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Patterns, Functions and Algebra
• Completes number sequences of counting forwards and
backwards in ones between 0 & 180 e.g. 180, 170, 160, __, __,
130, __,__,__, 90,
• Counting in twos e.g. 150, 152, 154, __, 158, __, 162, __, __,
• Counting in fives from 0 - 150 e.g.120, 125, 130, 135, __, __,
__, 155, __, __, 170, __, 180
• Counting in fours e.g.104,108, 112 __, __, 124, __, 132, __, __,
__, 148
• Counting in threes e.g. 103, 106, 109, __, __,118, __, __,__,
130, 133.
• Copies, extends and describes a geometric pattern in which the
same shapes occur, but the number of each kind of shape
increases or decreases in a regular way

Space and Shape

• Applies language of position to follow directions to move around
the classroom
• Matches different views of the same object
• Recognises and names circles, triangles, squares and rectangles
• Sorts shapes into those with straight sides and those with
round sides

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

• Estimates, measures, compares, orders and records the capacity
of containers by using non-standard measures e.g. spoons and
• Reads analogue time in hours, half hours or quarter hours
• Uses a calendar to calculate length of time in days or weeks

Data Handling
• Constructs a pictograph on blocked paper when given the data

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Count how many objects you see altogether and write your answer in

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Order these numbers:

A) Greatest to smallest:
22 38 51 25 60

B) Smallest to greatest:

44 34 16 85 27

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Read the instructions to show the correct number symbol.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Draw a smiley face on the number 28

Draw a diamond on the number 79
Draw a cross on the number 94

Can you read each of the numbers?

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Decompose (break up) the following numbers: e.g. 78 = 70 + 8
A) 75 - ________________________

B) 46 - ________________________

C) 15 - _________________________

D) 58 - _________________________

E) 19 - _________________________

Complete the number sequences:

A) 20, 23, _____, _____, 32.

B) 54, 50, _____, _____, _____, 34.

Look at the clocks and circle the correct times:

6 o’clock Quarter past 8

5 o’clock Half past 8

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

quarter to 6 quarter to 3
quarter past 6 quarter past 3

Answer the following problems. Draw pictures to help you:

A) Mom brought a chocolate and broke it into 5 pieces. If there are
5 of us, what fraction of the cake will we each get?

B) Siphosethu, Thandaza and Thando brought a box of chocolates.

There was 9 chocolates inside of the box. What fraction will
each of the girls get?

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Look at the fraction the shape has been cut into and tick the
correct answer:

quarters halves thirds halves thirds fifths

Write what fraction is showing in each shape:

Circle the correct fraction:

2 3 2 3
or or
3 3 5 4

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

1 1
3 or
5 4
4 4

Read the numbers

A) 27 - _____________ B) 17 - ___________________

C) 83 - _____________ D) 56 - __________________

E) 25 - _____________ F) 31 - ___________________

Complete the number sequences:

A) 82, 84, 86, _____, _____, _____, _____, 96.
B) 53, 56, 59, _____, _____, _____, _____, 73.
C) 14, 18, 22, _____, _____, _____, _____, 42.
D) 110, 115 , 120, _____, _____, _____, _____, 145.
E) 18, 20, 22, _____, _____, _____, _____, 32.

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Complete the following patterns:

Underline the correct answer about position in space:

a) Your legs are (under / on top) of your stomach.

b) You take your snack (in / out) of your cooler bag.

c) You sit (behind / in front) of the desk.

d) The sun is (above / below) the trees.

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Look at the calendar and answer the following questions:

1) What day is the 25th of December?

2) How many days are there in 1 week?
3) How many days are there in the month of December?
4) If it’s the 16th of December, how many days is it until
Christmas day (25th December)?

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Name the shape and say whether it has straight sides or round

Shape: ________________________
Sides: _________________________

Shape: ________________________
Sides: _________________________

Shape: ________________________
Sides: _________________________

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

Read the paragraph and fill in the graph by drawing a picture for
every chocolate mentioned.

I asked my class what their favourite chocolate was and, this

is what I found out. 5 children liked lunch bars the most, 3
children liked tempo the most, 4 children liked crunchies the
most, 6 children liked mint the most and 10 children liked nut
chocolate the most.

Favourite chocolate

Lunch bar Tempo Crunchie Mint Nut

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

State which container is the most, more and the least:

Grade 2 Mathematics Scope Term 3

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