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Issue 01


December 8, 2011



We are happy to announce

by Debra Hansen

Hello Friends and Family, Its time to share the news. After a year in development, Whos Counting , a math game that makes practicing math facts fun, is here. I remember sitting at the kitchen table with my kids, a stop watch and a worksheet of 100 problems that they had to complete in 5 minutes. It was painful for them and for me and I knew there had to be a better way to learn math facts. Kids love games, and games naturally reinforce knowledge. Wouldnt it be great if we could make a math game that made practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division fun? We put on our creative thinking caps, and Whos Counting was born!

You can learn more about the world of Whos Counting in this newsletter. Visit the Land of Wherezit, meet the Whozits, and learn what one mom had to say about Whos Counting. Check out our Facebook page to get a free game or use the coupon to get 20% off the purchase of one at our website, Teachers Professional Resource. If you know a great parent or teacher who might enjoy keeping up with our world, forward this newsletter to them. If you have an idea for a fun learning tool like Whos Counting, send me an email. Wed love to hear all about it.

Whos Counting Launch

We have successfully launched our first product, Whos Counting, and we want to let you know all about it and where you can find a copy for yourself or someone you love.

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Discovery of Wherezit
Wherezit is a special place only recently discovered. We are still not sure about all of the characters and creatures that live there, but we can introduce you to a few of them!

-Debra Hansen, CEO/Founder

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Whos Counting
by Erin Buterbaugh

No kid becomes great at math without practice, and Who's Counting is the fun alternative to worksheets and flashcards that parents and kids alike love to play. Teachers will celebrate the marked improvement in students' knowledge of math facts that accompanies every exciting round of this equation-making card game. Who's Counting is designed to build math skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Players create equations to earn points and

strategically play cards such as Double Points or Steal to decrease an opponent's score or increase their own. Watch out, though, an encounter with the Green Goo could be Makes a great gift for kids or their teachers. disastrous! Players of all ABOUT THE GAME ages and 2-6 Players Ages 8 and up Teacher abilities can Packs available for up to 24 players. enjoy the game together thanks to Who's Counting's unique combination Play time 20 minutes of equation-making and strategy, Improves addition, subtraction, not even the family math whiz has an advantage! Teachers love multiplication & division skills the game because they can tailor it to fit a wide range of lessons Teacher Designed - Parent Approved and ability levels by adding or removing operators from the de Meets Core Standards

Click here to order Now!

What makes the game so effective?

by Celeste Robinson -

mom extraordinaire

"My family was lucky enough to be among the first to get to play "Who's Counting," and it's already one of our favorites.

This game is fun, and it teaches math facts, too! We played it with adults, kids, teenagers, and seniors, and everyone loved playing it. The best part was that nobody realized they were practicing math while playing the game. Special red and blue cards keep everything fair between seasoned experts and the less mathinclined. We were even able to play it with the first grader next door by

and the division and multiplication cards using removing only the numbers 1 through 10. Everyone loved the Green Goo and the trouble it causes. I bought one game for my friend who is a special education teacher and another for my daughters best friend. Whos Counting is fun for everyone. Buy it today!


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All images are only approximations and reproductions of what has been seen. So far our contacts have not permitted the use of any of our technology in Wherezit

Wherezit Map
This is a map we have made after an initial visit of Wherezit. There is still a lot to discover about this unknown land, but this is what we know now.

Whats Wherezit?
by Cody McNutt

Wanted: Sneaky Subtractor

An apparently criminal element in the land of Wherezit.

On a recent trip I encountered a fascinating place called Wherezit that I must share with you. There are many strange and wondrous things and people in this world, but so far we have only met a group of citizens called Whozits. As far as I have been able to tell, they like two things: having fun and doing math. They seemed eager to introduce me to their world of math and numbers, so I decided to spend some time with these shy, but energetic folk. In many ways Whozits seem quite similar to humans except that almost everything in their world is somehow associated with math and numbers. For example, I saw several of them riding down the street on what at first glance looked like bicycles. But, the Whozits giggled when I suggested that term. They call them picycles and promptly regaled me with stories of the importance of pi in geometric calculations. I spent a great deal of time talking with one individual named Ecks and her best friend, Wy. I told them that I would mention my visit to Wherezit in our upcoming Christmas newsletter. She was thrilled to learn that we also celebrate what they call Wholidays. Their Wholidays almost always involve fractal fireworks and months of calculations to determine equation that maximize their mathematical effect. She asked about the math in our Christmas Holiday, and at first I had no answer. She persisted that it could not be a real Wholiday without math, so thinking back to my childhood, I finally drew a Christmas tree made entirely of triangles. She declared Christmas to be a fine event, recommending that the Whozits add it to their official Wholiday calendar.

While we talked, she noticed that one of the ornaments was missing from my drawing, and she became quite alarmed.


My drawing of a triangle-based Christmas tree

The number of Whozits we have encountered who are better at math than people

The number of Whozits who like pumpkin pi

I tried to explain that in my haste, I had just forgotten to make the drawing symmetrical, but in a low voice she exclaimed, Its the Sneaky Subtractor! She told me that hes definitely dangerous and to be on guard at all times. Then she abruptly changed the subject and wouldnt tell me any more about him. I dont know who he is or what he is capable of, but I managed to get the picture of him found to the left on this page. There is definitely much more to discover about Wherezit. We believe that the Whozits are not the only inhabitants, but we have yet to explore the entire area. We found the map shown at the top of this page, and can see that its a very big place. So far, we have only been able to talk with the Whozits, but we will continue to explore to learn about other inhabitants. We will also do our best to keep you informed of our discoveries via this newsletter.


For more information about Wherezit and the discoveries we are making there visit:


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Free Game from Mrs. M

by: Mrs. M,

Whozit Math Teacher

We Whozits love numbers, but are kind of shy, so naturally we have a hard time . making friends. Recently we have learned about your wonderful place called Facebook where it is easy to become our friend. This is an amazing idea. Friends weve never met! To encourage you to become our friend, weve set up a facebook page and on that page we have decided to give away copies of our newest game, Whos Counting. There arent enough to give games to everyone so, we are going to give away a free game to every Niven number fan. You dont know what a Niven number is? In Wherezit we teach basic number theory to our preschoolers, and heres how I explain it to them: A Niven number is an integer that is divisible by the sum of its digits. For example take 27: 2+7=9 27 is divisible by 9 as in 27 9 = 3 So 27 is a Niven number. Here is another example using the number 25: 2+5=7 25 is not evenly divisible by 7, so 25 is not a Niven number. Only Niven number fans will be given free copies of Whos Counting, but there are a lot of Niven numbers out there. So why not be our friend on Facebook and you might win a free game, too?
To find out more about Niven numbers, click here.

Final Word to Educators

We hope to provide resources that can improve the educational experience for both children and teachers. If you have an idea you know would make learning easier or little more fun, please contact us and share your story or idea with us. We would love to hear from you, especially if you are a teacher. If you are an educator reading this, we want to take a moment to thank you for everything you do. Keep up the good work. Sometimes the hardest things to do are also the most valuable. Please know your work is important and there are many who appreciate the sacrifices youve made and your commitment to making things better. The Whozits also understand how important education is and offer their services to you. If there is anything they can do to help you they will be there in a fraction. We look forward to hearing from you and to working with you on future products.

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