Going Through The Change Jeffrey Naqvi Managing Director, Pier Advisory

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Going through the Change Jeffrey Naqvi Managing Director, Pier Advisory

About Pier Advisory

Change Management Planning, implementing, assessing, adapting, snowglobe-shaking Strategic Communications Vision, strategy, messaging, tactics, delivery, results Engaging People Clients, stakeholders, employees Cross-border Strategies Market analysis, research, cultural awareness

Private vs. Public

Which change strategy to use?

A selection of strategies ADKAR - Prosci Seven S Sigma SDLC PRINCE Kotter

Integrate and complement - change is not separate

Getting the political settings right

Unlocking the combination-locked treasure chest

Inward (staff) The new world of employee engagement Outward (community) Benefits vs. Expectations Upward (ministers) How to control the variable Downward (stakeholders) Engage and equip: co-design or ambassador-ise? Departmental settings

Making it happen: guiding principles for effecting change

Principal Principles

Talking heads with traction Shorten the communications chain for longer reach Servant to the public, not servant to a model Understand the shelf life of a concept Descend from the tower Maintain a frequency consistent with culture Change is not a side dish, its a main meal Use change to sell change The circle will come around

Further Information

www.pieradvisory.com.au skype: pieradvisory phone: (+618) 7200 1414

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