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F215 Mark Scheme June 2013 ‘Question |] Answer is Marks_ peace Guidance ee} = [t@] | 5 | Mark the first answer on each prompt line. If the answer | | is correct and an additional answer is given that is incorrect | or contradicts the comect answer then = 0 marks metaphase I and metaphase It; | prophase I; anaphase 1; telophase Ir anaphase (ey aH 2 |IGNORE ail references to mitosis sae to, halve chromosome number / reduce from 2n ton; CREDIT ‘from diploid to haploid’ } | ACCEPT. ‘from 46 to 23 chromosomes | | IGNORE halve, genetic material / DNA. to separate homologous pairs (of chromosomes) | | and sister chromatids ; | because, DNA (previously) replicated / ACCEPT genetic, material / information chromosomes are two chromatids at start 5 (@) |W | sequence / order, of bases /nucieotides ; 7 | CREDIT base pairs DO NOT CREDIT amino acid sequence (ii | different, primary / secondary tertiary, structure ; S| ACCEPT different sequence or order of amino acids ACCEPT different 3D folding or 3D shape (protein ) shorter due to, deletion / stop codon OR | longer due to, Insertion / duplication ; | (protein) unchanged due to, silent mutation / * | for'‘silent’ CREDIT ‘neutral or a description of more than non-coding DNA altered ; one triplet coding for one amino acid (function is) lost / worse / better ; IGNORE different / altered function ACCEPT idea that change is harmful Total | 1 Mark Scheme January 2013 Answer Marks __ Guidance | mutation 5 6 [Tt IT in context of gene or chromosome mutation ACCEPT a suitable description e.g. change in DNA base sequence / non-disjunction }2. meiosis ; 2 DO NOT CREDIT incorrect spelling of meiosis | 3. cross(ing)-over ; 3 ACCEPT formation of chiasmata 4 between non-sister chromatids ; 4 — DO NOT CREDIT sister here (CON) but IGNORE sister for mp 3 and mp § 5 (in) prophase I ; 5 needs to be in context of 3 or 4 6 independent / random, assortment / segregation ; 6 ACCEPT description | i e.g. random slignment of bivalents |7 Gn) metaphase ; 7 needs to be in context of 6 metaphase | (chromosomes) or IT (chromatids) IGNORE anaphase 8 idea of random , ferilisation / fusion of gametes ; 8 — GREDIT description relating to plant | {as Q states rhubarb) | €.g. any pollen grain could land on any stigma / | any pollen grain could reach any ovule 9 AVP; 8 ref. epigenetios 2804 Mark Scheme June 2008 ‘Question Expected Answers Wiarks 2 (a)| i) |T; V5 ws S:__ only mark if one letter in each box 5 (i [E=

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