biodiversity mark scheme

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020/01 Mark Scheme June 20XX ‘Question ‘Answer Guidance 24) (a) seed dispersal ¥ (named) economic reason 7 (named) aesthetic reason ¥ (b)) advantage: exhibit natural behaviour / less likely to catch disease from humans ¥ disadvantage: poaching more likely / could be wiped out by disease / more dificult to count ¥ Must give'one advantage and one disadvantage. 0) 3.1 (h) VY ‘ALLOW one mark if calculation correct but final figure incorrect e.g. (480 — 254) / 254 x 100 / 29 = ALLOW 3% or 3.07% three from no evidence of causal effect ¥ . a the data may be inaccurate as a'result of, indirect methods used / unhabituated animals hard to find 7 annual growth rate higher after 1993-7 3.2% (per year) before 1993 against 3.8% after 1993 figures may not be acciirate due to collection technique ¥ 70 Zeer Total 10 eb 2boz aun 7 BLE2'0 = ((NAL)Z)-) 882°0 10 ¥2'0 MOTIV ( wet 792'0 10 92°0 MOTIV ce92'0 = (NM). 403 - yee0'0 9400°0 vbLoro 493 2N/u) eo ] yoo zo Ne ‘aNY £ oor=v| @ | (a) / SuONeAIOSgo Jo} poued auiy owes (A SIRI @WES J Buliduies jo poyow owes |, Suowentesgo 404 Kep yo awn awes A SUOReNIOSqO 40) Uosees wes 7 woneiphy / edAt/ Kienb ‘yos owes Pale paldlues / pjais Jo ezIs jenba | zxew 7 wioyy z Aue | (1) 7 7 Ssauuans soioeds / sejoeds yoee Jo 2ouepunge onyejod ie / Ssouyou sejeds / etigey ul seivads Jo requwnu | (y) | (e) | se ‘saueping sae ~___fomsuy [ wonsond) ewayas EW borvazeHt wb ToL SHEU € 104 10K0 ey AyUOBEIP Jo 7 UOBAXO Jo oe] Woy sIp udwHK / S660 ‘A (siueja Jo 498} 40 esneoeq) s66o Ae] 0) alge aq ou Aew so|yuobesp (npe) HWuO4s |, 3589] 10 A wontesiisuos uso Ul eseeisep / UeBAxa IIe euunsuoD SUIs|UeBIOOIOILU / eLeIeq / neu peap ‘esodwooap / umop 3e01q ‘SuistueBiOOLOIUL / eUe}oeq // ep / asisaujufsoioud rouued ‘(yyeewopun) sjueld (/ Beb je J0 YYKOIE pes / wioo|g oebje 7 wia}sksooe 2boz oun ewlsuos EW uondruseyul 0} uogeaiydanne Jo epi juli ysniy | ¢ xeUL onenbe / weans / ee) o1Ut (0s Woy) senou! sosyn9y| fo) | 90 UeW) Jee Si E20 CNV MOTIV _/ fijsienic so xapuy suosdwig / q ‘Jo enjen sajeeu6 (p9°0 > Se payenojed g 4! ‘Aysuonig Jo xepuy, ONv suuosduig / G ‘JO enjen samo] GNW He") 394 |b wl borvzzrH eb oueysise1 qyBnoup “6'9 ‘oyeuta juoleylp e Ut ryasn SeIMee} Jo Se|duIEXe LAADOV F ‘AOUeA JO} MY Se So100ds LdAOOW & peeid 10; MV Se S010 LdaOOW £ Buusoulbue oneus Jo uonduosap 1dI0Dv Z ‘Aysionp oy9u06 / ood ous6 BujuleiueW 1309¥ 1b £ SOSA] 10) ouoIpEW Mau e Jo aaunos |Z SJonuos jeoIBojoig jo syueBe (104 yeuiaeu) | suojeuitiod (10) yeyGeU) |g ! eyeuufo BujBueyo & ul Injesn eq Bw Aeuen | p ! sanauen' pny / doso / oyeANINS * ym Bulpssiq / Burpeoiq onyoeles (10} pasn) | ¢ ! Buysauibue onouab (10) pesn) | z { seus6 jnjosn (psweU) Jo eo1n0s / uoNeUeA onoUDB | 1 way eauyp Kuy ) | @) que 3HONOL Fsyueujean ‘Sqysueg ‘ yyeey / eUOALINU SONS J S6nup / seujoipew * (mau) Jo aounos e eve syueyd | (n) | (a) | yeidey © Ul) eee SHONDI | KEUEZ ‘sweuqey jo eBuei “Be 14a09V S Weysksooe / Jeyqey (Jo jA2] O4p Je) ! NA / Io0d auaé / soueB / sonoueb Jo [ene ou ve) ssouuiene sojeds SOND! SS@UYOU soideds / selpads jo JUNOWE LdadOV $ saiseds Jo ‘ eBues / sequinu /renet(ousye) | (0) | (@d| 9» Uonjediios SAONOI | z qulod Gupyew siyy 404 oinyesodwie} 0} se) FHONOI ‘sed; asoniqiay (au) | UBNoup / eyuled ARESY s0yeposd (MOU) 1AIDOW 1 98E85Ip / Bulpooy / Jom 06} mou pnw / dn paup sey pn ‘eBUBYO ajoUIFO Jo soUENbesuOd Jo e/dweXs ‘e6ueyo Je]uEULOsIAUe TIONS! Bueyo S}eUN 1dIDOV ujusem jeqor6 | + ‘eoueping leUORIPPY ue siomstry payedxg wonsenp Loz eunr euayas 12 W, zed F212 Mark Scheme June 2016 Question | Expected Answers. Mark Additional Guidance aye 4 5 ‘grow / AW , (N- thermarum) in a range of (soil) water content ; leave for / over , same / stated , time ; measure height / count number of (viable) individuals; calculate mean (from the results) ; keep two other named variables constant ; 4max TIGNORE in presence and absence of water 1 ACCEPT in context of , seed / cutting / plug ete 2 IGNORE rate 3 ACCEPT measure , (dry) mass / width / spread / number of leaves 3 IGNORE measure growth 4 ACCEPT perfor statistical test (on the results) IGNORE average but ACCEPT mean average 4 DO NOT CREDIT if there are no measurements to process § ACCEPT (soil) pH / mineral content / type / mass 5 ACCEPT temperature / CO; concentration / light intensity / light duration / light wavelength / number of seeds etc, (ifthey are being counted) / age / size (if they are being measured) 5 IGNORE humidity / health / nutrients / species / light 1 soil fertility | 4 | @) | ae (| Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 7 CITES ; ‘ACCEPT CITES acronym even if incorrect words are given ACCEPT cites / Cites IGNORE extra information that is not contradictory 4 [@| Rio Convention / (Rio) Convention on logical) Diversity + IGNORE extra information that is not contradictory 14 Lt ze [OL seseesip 0} Ayunustu! A149 LON OG ¥ ! eouesoloy yBNoup 7 S0ueI_|0, JeaY / BOUE}SISI aseasip / BoUe|sISA1 Jsod say BUEE “Bob 480] uaaq aney Aew o1nosos oHOUOE jenUdIOd, LdIOOW £ Jood euab * paonpei eus 1d399V b ou jyBIu Kouy uawn eseesip wo ejandeosns siqueyd ! s1oyepaid (3sed) 30 sso} ! s1oyeumtiod semey ! eumjnouBe 0} jryesn aus jo “Bo Iryesn useq sxey Aew ' sajaiie / sousé (Is0)) # (euminy uw) @Bueyo Aew ‘sjuawesinbou jesmnoube / ueuuoMAUE £ (uoneindod Pim ul) UoneUEA | AyssoAIp OSTBB Jo ssot 10 4 9}duiexe 10 “uoRe{ndod opsauiop ayy Ujui uoReLEA ajoUEE Jo yxa}Uo9 euy UI sioMsue BYONDI | XW : ”) 7 Tmou6 youues syueld mo16 j,ueo sjueid ewos os }4d os eBueyo IYBIW, LdaOW & 08 ou s9A0 * snuuny Ayjenb jos ‘ w! uoRSNpaljo apr uojeondosne J uoneoy}UBeWo:g Jo X9}UCO 24) U! LIGAYO LON OG & wey Pod} jo uoRdrusIp Jo eepy queid doso eu9 Aq pereduico Ano Bul9q steyp Jo Yxe}UOD ety Ul Ip SiUEIM 1OLG, LAIOOW Z £ (sajoads doo woy uoniteduioo Jo squeld souo Buy © 140) OND! Z nse! e se) wy / paysduto>-3no * sersads (jueld) sou; 1K, SYONOI b ! saioads. i JaWJOUE ULI B10 MOIB UBL se;oeds GoU0, 1d3Odv b | XU! Z Queld) ‘maj / au0 ‘yo GYMOIB sojoword (sesiy123) WlL@is ‘eauepind SEW JOmsuy wonsanD zhoz ounr ewouss eH) zed “ junowe L1Gs€9 LON OG sagads ‘auo / @ ‘Jo eauepunge @nleje! SYONDI seeds yea J0 921s uoweindod ¢ solgeds (yoee) Jo eoUepUNGE eAteIe! LIGSYO ‘SJeNPINPU! 10; My SE SWISIUREIO, 1d I00¥ Geygey / cove ue ul) Seeds MBAS TYE | ‘yo que sraup SEMPIANSUT ‘AueW soy / 40 JequuNU | ssauuene salads qunowe 11d449 LON Oa ‘Ayouen | AMUenb / eouepunge / swsIUeBIC FYOND! ! Qeyqey / eave ue ul) S890 yo TaqUINT | z ssouyou soroeds ¥ 49040} dp y 0} uoAB oq yon JoMsUY anyen | | ANNE S,e.epIpUeD Wo4; UoAEINO}20 1981109 10} J98 MMOTIY | i CANM)Z+ i | | 9988'0 = | enien Cd 2-b | N Wouloou! s,}epIpUeD wos, UOgeIN9|29 JooLI0N 40} 498 ANOTTIY ee | ANS = Wz sior0 | t00 > ) | ew b= OOL=N. evar | oro tee glans ‘smu 384y UI S!eqWINU SYONO! coo | eo et baed joe1409U! s] oMSUE J cosvo [oro ow ‘603 | oF (o9¢9°0) samsue joaxi09 aip 1oj sqreurg piemy | © ow) [ ne | supe | soomas aaueping SueN vemsuy eboz aun euisy>s MEW zed ze TOL ‘yespenb uewy 12612] soisads / $90, * spnjoul |g Sow ]uOLOYIp / Aep JO Seu TUO!SYIP TONDO F payljenbun .eadal, =RIONDIP voseas / se2f yo sawiy “quovoylp ye Konuns | + weyo uoneoynuepyfey ‘jo esn | & ‘oun yoee Kem owes ayn qunos 1309 Z po\jow uonesipepueys yo uoRdHOSEp 1dIIOV Z anbuysey jo uonesipsepueys | z | oust uoWEsiwopues Jo UoRdLOSSP LEIOOW b + Buyduies wopuesjo cep) | 5 esoid se yeu pus seul idwosd SHONDI| —_Z |__| |» ! poGewep ASCs peBewep og tm my / Alunwuos exp FHONDI J eBueyo puejsyn 0} age you j a|qz}sun | ‘Aunusu0d 40} py Se AYSJOAIpOIG JUSUIUOUIAUD SIONDI SI eave /YeqIGeY / Wa}SKsoD— / AUNULIOD Sy nevaey ‘104m OMe 0} Afor ‘ sa}Sads uo UJ SBUEYO sowads auo jo saquinu yBy 1d390W| _z { sojpads ‘ny / Mop ovo ‘Aq poyeunwuop (ewaeW) | (| (e)| & —eoueping Suewi TOMY uagsend e1oz ounr aueyog 12E Wy zled ov Ea EE xe & | # ssouuana sajads yBiy pue sseuyou seeds UBly Ym poyeNosse Ausienipoig YBiy 784) Bep! £ eoueUJWOp [eared 0} pepesu aie (SseuUaAd PUB SS@LYOU) YlOog Jey} eapr sayads * euo / ay) /@ ‘Jo Sjenplnipul so sequin SHONOT sajoeds (owe) Jo * S Qeyqey e Ul) solveds * ye / (uene / Yora * 30 S|BNPIAIPUL eouepunge / siequinu ' eagejas si sseuuens 1g399¥ Jo sequinu / eouepunge * s} ssauuone (sooeds) z Jequinu, Joy My Se Aue MOY, 1dOOW yUNCWe SSONOI £ Qenqey e ul) SBPSUS jo sequinu's| sseuyou (seeds) 4| tm) | ad} ¢ a et BEER He cams xeul | { 289p 801 UeLY seyJo sa|qeLen BuyjoquoD jo Bap! + ejqeucn jwopuedepul s1 129p 901 (Jo eouasqe Jo eauased) | 489p 804 Bly Jo FSH OY} 99S 0} 1dIOW isa Jo.]U09 & Se S]oe eeUe @UO 1dAIOW (Seese omy 8y}) a1eduso oF (a)|_¢ Fee xe Z $ (ere ajoum jo) SATEIUSSSIGS ajdwes | OJSWYSS ue soprrcud ojdwes | Bulwinsuco oui, } 00) si jenpuypul Aone Gugunos yeyy ep tdasow | | lenpinIpul Auene yunoo 0} ' ynowUp / eiqissodur | G@) | (q)| © nb 16yyn} jnoyy e10uN 7 18661q SHONSI t svaquinu sey6i4 Jo Zap! SHON! seale paidnooo Ajsnoinaid ut antl Ins AeuR. | ety Aju ysnw Jomsue yng DSIE seem / WINS ey Ut tM Al MoU Aa}, ‘6'e ‘uonduosap jeaiydes6oe8 1d300V J abues s866\q / peaidsapin aiow / Bare Japm Jeno peaids fe) | fe) SouEPINg [BUOHIPPY s4eW suamsuy payodx3 _vonsend ghoz unr aways eM, zed uw r Any /XUA| 40} 2]qeuNs 2q safuo) ou Aew ywoUUOJIAUO uonneditoo SONO1 uojeoytenb soyLiny jnouy sno1eGuep BONDI ysad e aw0d9q pinoo SYONO! jeap / siew|ue ‘SuJe4o poo} Busixa 0} 1a6uep Jo Bap! 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(sojeds payejau Alesojo usemjeq YsINBUNSIp o}) ABojoUYoS} ' Joyad / mou / WepoU (9) | € (Asser ©} pasn) ased Ly / ulgo|Bousey / 9 ewosyooyo / ¥NO 7 aovenbas pipe oultwe / souanbes eseq 1dFOOV & qUOWS}E}S seajo e oq ISN Z, suis{ueBI0 lensooue ur seBueyo “6'9 ‘diysuonejas / A1OSIY, * Kieuonnjona Jo uonduosap ajqeuosee! L4I9OV b xem ! SHUSD owes u, peseld usaq aney 0 sells / S8BOTS eyesedas u, paoe|d uaeq eney 0} JusLoylo ' AuoloWNS ue snupred “7 pue XuAj "7 0 kuaBorkud yy Bap! g Bio | s0}S00U8 LoUIUIOS 1 Kooysty Kseuonnjona / KuaBoyfuyd * poseys ‘ney dnois owes ain uM * stustuEBIO j sojads ¢ Aussejo 0} pesn eouapins seinoejow Jo ajduiexe ! uoneoyysseyo Jo SISEY ey? S| AuaBorkyd Zz, seeds / suisiueBio ' yo Aro si4 /ueemag diysuonetal * AreuonnIOna OU (S1 AUaBOKAYS) it (| ¢ ‘SauEpING [eUO) ae EW ‘siomsuy PE}IodKy wonSsON, gboz eunr auayas YEN wed eb uinuue SHONSI |e I seek Jad ey SOLU) LAOOV | JAY,.84 SOLO LASOOV seek ‘sad aveypay ‘ied seuU0} 1dIOOV | (,.24 Seuuoy) ¢°p yo eoustoyio & BurAynueD! | _Atjoauoo 10} Jews 2U0 LGsRI9 19811004! S| JOMSUE 4 see. ‘SOUPPING [PUOR! eM siomsuy papadxa, uogsand cee Tea: ee : xeWE = ‘ eosnoso tyasn apiaoid jyBlus / wsyno} / uoseou o1wioucsa Mv /¥8 400} 0 Bolu j Saunjearo inypneeq LdadOV & ! uoseer anisee jo Bepy ¢ suonesauab aunny Bununy / Buryoeod 0} s}2s TYONOLZ 410} sojpads Gumesoid / uoseo, jeone / sajoeds (P09 Buike|d, SOND! Z JUjo 40} a1e9 0} SUEUINY Jo ANP / J8!X0 0} 14613 J0 Bop! 161 sej9ads 1840 FYONOI b sojpods Buysxxo Yum ojeduoo yYBIU! yt / seIeds ‘uoshoy /sojepaid do} / o1ontuseo do} LdSOOV 7 + (eluleyo pooj uo wedunyo com _L| (and | (o)|_¢ i [Den 7 —sismsuy parade wensond en ouiyss EW ted OL umog se oy 129909 edn oz ez jezno Bury, es on ee & ydid mopeow zzan bee 602 AeOTeOUN, zdn 296 068 esnoi6 pay vOr UMOQ gL8 ‘O8ZL ueBuueg ‘£umoq oO 2 Sunung puedey 92 umog: z BL .Buyung mous SEER, [ee [wm | an € oooz Pus 0/6) Woy jou axe Se:NBY J! LISD LON OG ¥ (s1eak om) Su Uaemiag LoHaeNgns poeingjes 40) 000z Pue 0/61 Ul Seldads on1e-qns, uOU BuO pue ONSIe-Gns BuO 10} BuNoA yo JaquINU (000 GNY 0261 U!) sy annereduco { sojoeds onove-qns uou ut ueUR ‘oqoue-dhs Ul ‘(Sseaons 6ulpeaig ul) my / oBueYD s}e016 [ezno Buu + yIdid mopeout { aBueYs OU / aseeL0UI 'moys 'spulg / sa!9eds ‘oNOLe + seeleaum + asnoi6 pal = sergads ayjaie-qns uoUu z, “ans uoU patueu p He / 2Ho1e-qNs uoU ; soWFO “(SOW / {e) laroyop + uebrunerd + S espoi90p mous Bunung puede) + Gunung mous = sajsads onove-qns | ‘spug / seipads 'sjove-qns paweu p je / oD2e-gns “(e) ynoyBnoity ssaoons Buypoeig vey) Jouyes sioquinu 07 s0val0}0) 1aDDV Wie) ¢ ‘soueping [euoMIPPY sue Tansy papacy WOHSonO bog Atenuer ewoy9s 922 zz junowe / e6ue) 110349 LON Od * Geugey e ul) queserd Seeds jo TSqUING ey} (1) | (a) mez EMV / Sajgads otjave-qns uoU ‘Aq pajaduscayno e10 La399N 5 ueeq aney / ueUl paldepe-jam sso} 'seioads ajoue-qns | g + (s1ayjo Ueuy aiow sarsads oyoxe-gns sjooye yeuy) aseosip | y sTeuqeY Jo azIs Ul uoyoNpes ! Runjoe uewny / sioepeid / aieuidoidde ze6uo} ou aBeynowes LAaDOV £ } Kaid j sjoasut / Aiddns poos / sjuejd / Boy ‘u! a6ueyo | ¢ + uoeidepe Jo, pide 00) aBuaus (jeyuouiuo.nua) | z 0161 souls e0ue19}3 inoyinn \yBrous oo jou Si H, JO UWseM 00) $1}, LIGIMS LON Od + y03y}9 a5n'0yu99!5 FHONDI | | Buuuem feqoy6 / e6ueuyo oreo douepINd TEUOHIPPY Sao Tomsuy pasedeg bhoz Auenuep owoyos EW, on xe { suogipuoo saujeam / aA / yuou / Kep "Jo sou UaLOYIp ye ojcwes Bununooes Bujuansid 104 Bap! 40} Yoo} pue ,ainjdesa pue -8889(9), SHONOI 'sun|de99)-osea|as HEU 0 JO. § + Buyjunosei quenaid 0} poyjaus sejood Jo o8n L490" y # (payvep! Bureq 1009) odeoss jou op sjoesul ainsua saloads 1998ut @10u! 3994109 0} sepuo uy sanbiUyoa, Bunoaiioa axjeweye Buisn 0} 8Jo1 SHONSI E 40}03}}09 owes JYONDI € ‘Aep jo aun aes ve ajdwes 14399¥ & sd2ams jo Joquinu owes un Jo Uybus) wes J 1uauenoW Jo adAj atUeS “B's ¢ £ sunpeooid Suideams pesipiepueys { eBeuane / ueow ayeinoj20 pue ‘my / sown Auew ejdwes poyyenbun Guydaies wopuel, SYONOI b 39984} JO @8n YO SaleUIp!009 J Seave Jo uoROsjas Wopues “B'e 1daDDV L $881 Suydwes Bunjoajes 01 poyjews paseiqun jo ep! suonsebbns Sanih 1s1y 9) EW wi@|s ‘souepIRS euOTIPPY sew TemSUy PaadKg WoRsen 1402 Avenuer ewayas 92eW zed ub xeuz Apeoue ISS Ue eq qUBW eale oun LdSOOV E pedui £ Aysionpoiq uew) J8\}0 | (esiuuiw 0} seunseeui) ssesse ose SvIa 1d3D9V & S100} Uo paskd usyo ale suo|sIoap Buluueyd joy) eapy |g payaye aq 346 seeds ares 1daOW Z yeUlgey PONS! 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JO %OB YIM BUD. ‘saiveds jo Jaquinu sures ai eney sease om), “6°99 740 € duu jo uoneueldxe syensmyy o} pasn ayduiexe | 9 £ Aysianig jo xepuy (s,uosduuig) ayeinoje0 0} pasn | g B10! saigads ‘may / suo yo eouepunge Blu / Aq soueuluap ‘seyeaipuy SSBTUSRS SSIEIS mo} | 10 | ANSTEATBOTG (19)Y61y SoqeoIpU SSSTUSAS SaPSSUS (1a)yByy | € e410 | ssautjan sajoads eu eatemuenb aiou s| ssouLana sajpads | z !setoeds WBE ul sjenpynipur jo ‘siequinu eauepunge ‘(sainseow) | 4 aesHiE EE dw) | (a) |e sauepIN TeUORIPDY eW = jamsuy poysadya woHseno bog Asenuee auayos HEWN zed ve _91qe} ut Gesssoau jou ale syun, LIGYD LON Od. lun, Jo peaysut juewainseow jo adfi, 10 JueWaINSeaW!, MOTIY Sy / Bulpeay uwinjos us syun ynd ‘DUE 2192 au; 40 Kpoq ay Woy SUN AnowO! 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WOO} aroyeq pue sono [0 48 UStuy PUR WG JeYe PUB 18RD 9,9 Je LEYS SNL & tpadeys oa} (u) | (9) | 2 soueping 1euonIppy SEW siemsuy poyadxg uonseno, Loz Atenuee awayog 412) zed 9 ‘Aysionjpoig mo} 0 suoyduosap aie asoy) se solvads ‘may e Aq pajeujuiop, 10 ,se}0ads mo} © AUC, FHONDI onsen ! sarads oso 0} joy axour E My / 86ueyo puersuym oF Anne Mo] /¥SU Ie / BIGEIS Jou Up Ul UANIG SI Siy} Se MO] Si AySIORIPOIG, THON! 2 xeui Z sovads aun ‘uum slenpimipur Jo raquinu auy so suo} wl paule|dxa iy SIU, J) BU Si4p ypeL9 ATUo 'GanIB s} BinuO} BUT J 7 sers0ds yoee UNM SJEMPIAIPUI Jo sroquunu (ayewiRSe / uNOD) setseds / sjueyd jo saquinu ou 1d390¥ £ siueid sayio (ie) ; setseds We ‘any j 18H / Uap! / puodas uoneinoje9 4910 Aue pue .sseuyou se19eds, HONS IRUGEY S14 JO} SEU FYONDI e@sq0 FYOND (P)} ‘s0UepIng jeUORIPPY ‘sue siamsuy pajedxg uonsenp 0102 Arenuer swoyos EW, zed a KEW g aidwes ,.2 Ui paddenes “ou SRUES-g UOT Y SUES ,1 UOT = uoyeyndod / ajdWes ,.2 Ul SjenpIAIpUt paruew UNC LIGAND ¢ £ enbyuyoay ‘einjdesat-ainjdes j simjdesas-oseayeuew | g § dus 0} poyuy you si | ~ a]dwes Ajuo oy] 40 yenIut Ue oO} siojou WE SIy] { GIEBE PSUS TOU sjenpiaipyy yey, Suynsua jo poyyaw | y yoasuien [Burs / Kay 40 asn j den 146i) | / (8eN8} Yo1e9 Avo pinod $e) 19]00d SYONOI suoneys Buipeds ; sydeifojoud au (daams) “Be £ enbuuyoo) ‘BuLAInuep! / Bugsayjoo ‘poweu jo esn | ¢ { suompuoo Jeyean / J28A jo sewn / Aep jo sau) weleuip Ge oaj}oo) | z wed seyoue “Bre syoosuen Jes2n88 MOTI £ {ease “iapim / uaveysp (u! yo9q}09) Jo eapy | W | (a) |o ~ A @pue Kew Zsdwu) seus z = ,pue|yieey Jo sea1e omy oY) UDEMOg AOU! IRS WED sped} au JEU OS SjauUN, peo, PING, oweindod Jo wonedojeu / sjauUN} peo}, “Bo g fejdwexe paweu / Any / edu BulzIUN Jo ps e solvads jo vortonpon 40 peaids saioeds 6untuiy 0} JoJo! pinoo siomsuy £ sjewiue y squeld ‘SJ0BUO9 eyIpIIM UO 19919 LIGAND L / salpads paweu / seioads ‘Jo ‘peaids ) juawenow! ‘vo aye | 2 ! (w1sKs009 9joyr Jo) RY[GEN uo azis paonpos yo joause | 9 ‘uojions}sep Jo azis 40 yUa,Ka 0} 19500 ISNA “BUDE ,uononiisap 1eNGeY, SYOND! & ! puejureay s weysksooe / eyaeYy ‘jo SZISUTUOTABST (Aron) | § adusexe jee) 10u)0 JENN /Seniesey ainjery jeuyeN / soroads paiosjod J ISSS / ed |eUONEN “Bo p ’ £ ! wsiue6io poweu / swisiue8;0 /1Guny ; Sjewiue / syueld / sores ‘pareBuepue s aes | z Hpvewesy yo) misTenpora |} | (e) 9 ‘OUBPING [eUORIDPY SEU Jomsuy payedxg | _uonsend otoz eunp eweyos HEM, zd z _Aeu, J4BKY, pind, “B'2 -ywoudojonep EM / Pani@suo9 aq pinoys Sut noge AweysOUN AjdWLI Jey) SasUCdSO! FYONDI Z J pavepisuosal eq pinoys juauidojenap (onsen 7 payypow eq pinoys juawudojanep Uu uaniB se) auO}e ,BUILUEIA, 019) LIGINO LON OG Z J pedojenep 2q 104 pinoys (os) | 2 ¢ Ausraniporg yBty .SUISIUEB.9, 40 S|ENPINPLL, FYONDI / Ssauuone selseds yBy / peluesaidas Auone sejseds je soloeds 10) my se Along Jo sedAi, 1d b / SSouyoH Saiveds YBiy / uasaud saloads AuEW JeUgeY Jo SseUIsngos anneja! 0} sj! SYONOI i (a9 € Poorer ee eee (Gurpunos 10 sooejd jewutoop ‘eBz89°0 Jeujoum) Z 104 Jomsue 19SMICOUF WoL! J99 14399 : 4O zh | 198890 = 0 HEE Zizi xO (z) ung eegie'o Tsphiee eyduuhuous0g) yieat eis (Sve sree) | 2nig Peppnis-19AIS = gra SANGORED yeonsueH uals Gnuouiry smaGAay vadaaxaieo, | [enn eqauixteueco) | BETO wee} 26:67 7 Teewes eareaaizy Bur qunoave OU Siu 24) — € 8 Z SduI Jo) siamsuy “Mos Bul|AEID 40} UWUN|OD _(N/u) NM) LN ta sarneds t { 2inBy yoasoUr peYy Jaded uoAsanb Uo 198} [eI (is ‘0ueping [euORIPPY EW vemsuy pejsedxa | _uonsonp oLoz aunp aweyog 422 tea fa) (b) Om iy (d) ‘number of different species present/AW; correct ref to data (e.g. 3 different species found in barley field); ref random samples; detail of random sampling; sweep n repeats in each habitat; ref need for same technique in each habitat; classify/identify species (of insect caught); count numbers (of each species caught); AVP (e.g. detail of sampling such as use of suitable chemical to stun the insects); 39,402; A correct answer in table or on answer line. award two marks if correct answer (2.76) is given allow ect from (c) (i) 39,402/14,308; =2.75; A28 award marks only if comperative points given hedge vegetation has greater species richness and more even spread of numbers between species/AW: hedge vegetation has greater number of niches available/AW; ref use of chemicals on wheat and not on hedge vegetation; ref wheat as a monoculture, many species of plants under hedge ref plants under hedge are wild/native, wheat crop is not AVP (e.g. ref less other human interference under hedge/example thereof); AVP; 2 14] (1) [2] fal (e) ousena ‘transect; continuous / belt / interrupted / ine ; random placement of transect ! AW ; use quadrats / point quadrat ; R quadrant measurement of elevation for each quadrat ; percentage cover within quadrat / number of hits with point quadrat ; use ACFOR scale ; reliability — large number of quadrats / repeat transect ; AVP j €.9, use of keys, reference to safety, calculate mean percentage cover. max 3 ifno transect 4max (d) 4 @ (a) anon (b) {e) 1 2 3 4 5 6 im 8 9 ref to setting grid/area to be sampled; suitable systematic method chosenv/ref to beltline transect; ref to repetition of line transects: use of quadrats; use of appropriate sized quadirat; details of reaular quadrat placing; earons Identity species/use of keys; presence or absence in quadrat calculation of % of species frequency; Measure % coverluse of appropriate scale; e.g. (Braun-blanquevACFOR/ DAFORIDOMIN) 11. ref to analysis of dataltise of kite diagram; 12_ AVP; ref to relevant statistical analysis, e.g. Spearmans Rank Correlation max 7 goon QWC - clear well-organised answer using specialist terms 1 species similar morphological, physiological, biochemical and behavioural features; (require 3 features for mark) (inter)breed / reproduce; produce ferile offspring; Teproductively isolated; occupy same (ecological) niche; 3 max unable to reproduce / unsuccessful breeding / infertile offspring / no offspring, produced; due to different (parental) chromosome numbers / AW; no pairing of chromosomes (in offspring); meiosis unable to take place; no gametes produced (by offspring); hybrid vigour / heterosis; 4max grid set out over the area / different shores or tape measures set out at right angles ; Fandom numbers / AW, used to generate coordinates ; nearest limpet to coordinate chosen ; quadrat placed at these points ; ref to repetitions ; R line and belt transect, 3max lay, tape / string, across path ; R along the path include trampled and non trampled areas in same transect ; use of quadrat ; ref to how quadrat is placed ; R random count numtsr of plants / percentage cover of plants ; plot a graph ; repeat the transect ; carey out statistical test (Mann-Whitney / Spearman's rank) ; AVP ; e.g. detail of sampling technique 5 max () (many) common features; 2@) @ do not interbreed {0 produce fertile offspring ref to isolated gene pools [2 marks max} habitat ; (c) (a) _ size needs to be appropriate to species under investigation ; sample with increasing size of quadrats ; Tecord number of species in each ; choose minimum quadrat size to include a malority / 80% of species ; () yarrow; yarrow is in 16 20 quadrats / frequency is 80%; salad burnet is in 12 / 20 quadrats / frequency is 60% ; (c) total number of individuals recorded is 69 ; 69/20 = 3.45 per quadrat ; which is 13.8 ; m?: interbreed (with domesticated camels); ref to offspring produced; ‘ef to fertility of offspring; 1 (a) (i) (place) where , organism / animal / plant / population / community , lives ; (dy R things / named organism have different chromosome numbers ; unable to form fertile offspring ; different, genes / genomes ; different ical ological and biochemical features ; raproductively isolated ; Gi)" Houp of interbreeding individuals (in a population); produce fertile offspring; similar characteristics; reproductively isolated from other groups; share a common gene pool; 2 @) () _ place where organism(s) lives; species members of a population which (freely) interbreed; produce fertile offspring; R. viable ecological definition / occupy unique individual niche; similar physiological, morphological ,biochemical, behavioural traits; ‘must have two in list for mark max3 max 2max (b) identify species present; use of keys; from, strand line / sea, to woodland; A other named habitat; use, tape / string, to mark out line; carry out (belt or line) transect; interrupted sampling / AW; use (frame / open) quadrat, ref to ideal size of quadrat / size changing in different parts of transect; placed randomly within (belt) transect; 40 estimate percentage cover; 41. use, ACFOR / abundance scale; 12 use point quadrat; A pin quadrat 43. mechanics of use; 414 number touches on each species proportional to percentage cover; 415 method for capturing animals; 16 ref to capture mark recapture / estimating abundance of animal specie: 17 suitable graphical representation; e.g. kite diagram 18 AVP; ©g. repeat for reliability ref to calculating species density / species frequency 7 max Corvonsens QWC ~ clear, well organised using specialist terms; 4 ”/(iil) | disturbance creates new niches AW; idea that these (niches) provide opportunity for new species / AW ; idea that there may be more habitats ; idea of (possibilty of) more food chains ; leading to increased (complexity) of food web ; reduction in, interspecific competition / competition between species / AW ; grazers may remove dominant species / AW ; ‘greater nutrient / light / space for other species ; AVP ; e.g. possibilty of faecal matter alters nutrient status linked to soll fertility AW ‘AVP j e.g. grazing prevents climax community being reached so increasing biodiversity / AW all answers could be a possible ora max 4 t Question Expected Answers 6 (a) 1 establish study area either with strips and with no strips ; (ine or belt) / transect / random sampling / field walk ; 1 2 3° use quadrats 5 4 at regular intervals / random coordinates ; 8 appropriate size of quadrat ; 6 7 8 3 Marks identification of plant species / ref to use of keys j record presence / absence ; % frequency ! % cover ; biodiversity index e.g. Simpson's diversity index ; 0. Braun-Blanquet scale / ACFOR / DOMIN ; 1 AVP ; e.g, seed and pollen traps max § 1 1 {ce} (loss off beneficial organisms ; ref to, pest predators / biological control ; removal of pollinators ; (loss of) food sources / damage to food chains ; ref to named example @.g, less berries therefore less birds ; AVP ; €.g, example of predator or pollinator AVP 52.9. loss of genetic resource max3 3 (a) grid set out over area ; 7 randam number tables used to generate co-ordinates ; quadtrat placed at these points ; number of periwinkles counted in each quadrat ; repetitions ; net 4. geographically /reproductively, isolated; 2. but could, interbreed / mate / reproduce; 3. to produce fertile offspring; 4. ref to morphological, physiological, behavioural and biochemical features; (need to name three of the four features for mark) . occupy same ecological niche; max 2 6 (2) 1 establish study area either with strips and with no strips ; (line or bel) / transect! random sampling / field walk ; use quadrats ; at regular intervals / random coordinates ; 4 2 3 4 5 appropriate size of quadrat ; 6 7 8 9 fentification of plant species / ref to use of keys ; record presence / absence ; % frequency / % cover $ biodiversity index e.g. Simpson's diversity index ; 0. Braun-Blanquet scale / ACFOR / DOMIN ; 11 AVP; e.g. seed and pollen traps. max 5 5 (a) advantages (max 2) can be used with any species (irrespective of size) does not require to distinguish one individual from another ; Quick to.assess; — Rsimple disadvantages subjective / AW ; dominant species may be over-estimated ; max 3 (b) (9) line established, from shore to dune slack / from... 10. 5 quadrat used ; suitable size / actual size stated (minimum 0.25m’) ; Rif no units given placed continuously / at specified intervals along line ; key to identify species ; abundance recorded in each quadrat ; bare ground recorded ; max 4 3 ]@ divide erea into grid /axes ; appropriate grid size (for the habitat being studied) ; appropriate size of quadrat ; suitable number of quadrats ; random coordinates ; use of random number generator / AW ; se of keys to identity; max 4 (b) belt transect is systematic / AW (regular / controlled) or random sampling is not ; transect data along line / random data is within a gr | heathland habitat not uniform / species not distributed uniformly ; belt transect data may show (biotic / abiotic) gradient / AW ; max 2 © ifficult impossible, to identify individual planis ; avoids effect of different sizes ; (may be) too many to count ; | quicker : _maxt @ kite diagrams 5 graphs of % cover against study sit max1 (a) (a) {e) cu] grid set out over area ; random number tables used to generate co-ordinates ; ‘quadrat placed at these points number of periwinkles counted in each quadrat ; repetitions ; max4 line transect is a long line and all organisms that touch it are recorded ; belt transect has width / area / uses quadrats ; line transect generates only qualitative data / belt generates quantitative data ; belt transect measures abundance (line transect does not) ; max 2 800 x 20,000 ; 160 = 100,000 ; max 2 minimal births / deaths between samples ; minimal immigration / emigration between samples ; that marked animals are not harmed in any way / are not more vulnerable to predation ; that marked animals have mixed freely with the rest of the population ; tags have remained in place ; R marks rubbed off max 2 (e) use of trap e use of bait use of suitable method of mark tagging, ¢.g. chip / ear tag / hair clipping / neck collar ; marking should not affect behaviour / AW ; marking should not affect predation ; marking should not directly harm ; max 3 Longworth trap 5 4 (a) (a) (c) (0) astraight line would be established from low water level to 10m above ; place quadrats along this line ; continuously ; or at specified intervals ; record number of each species in each quadra max 4 creating a grid over the area under investigation ; use fandom numbers ; how obtained ; to generate co-ordinates ; place quadrat at these points ; record species in quadrat ; max 4 (ii) distribution of periwinkles is determined by height above low water ; pattern of distribution is linear / zonal ; random sampling provides data about general distribution / quantities over an area ; max 2 Use of, identification key / chart ; searched likely sites for lichens ; e.g. walls, trees, roofs idea of standardisation of method at each sample site along transect ; A.use of quadrat ; of suitable size ; species recorded as, present / absent ; ref to, repeats / repetitions (at each sample site) ; AVP ; e.g. timed search 4max (e) January 2006 2805/03 Page 8 of 9 243, waromn "4 42 13 4 18 (a) (b) (co) general use of capture-recapture technique / mark-release-recapture method ; description of method ; ; e.g, catch initial sample, count sample / record number ‘caught, marking, release, catch second sample Use of appropriate method / use of nets ; use of appropriate method for marking ; allow time for thorough mixing / 24 hours tater ; record the number of marked individuals ; tef to Lincoln Index / correet equation ; ANP; AVP j e.g. timed catches, ref to different species max 5 assumptions - minimum of 2 thorough mixing has taken place ; no, migration / emigration / immigration ; no, births / deaths ; marks have not rubbed off ; marks have not made fish more susceptible to predation / no change in behaviout Tmax QWC - legible text with accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar ; 1 animals move around ; immigration / emigration camouflage ; burrow / hide / under water ; nocturnal ; in large groups e.g. herds ; iP; max 3 (i) award two marks if correct answer (18 023) is given 1426 x 1365 ; 108 8.023; 2 (ii) photographing is equivalent to catching a sample ; and marking individuals ; able to recognise whales when photographed a second time ; no / minimal, births / deaths ; no / minimal, immigration / emigration ; individuals mix randomly with rest of population ; max 4 method for capture e.g. net / trap ; mark ; that does not damage / hinder animals / ref predators ; method of marking ; named place on body ; count marked individuals in second sample (alternative to second photograph) ; max 3 Mark Scheme Unit Code ‘Session Year Version Page 8 0f8 2805/03 June 2004 Final Question —_Expected Answers Marks 4 (a) ZABSSSEESSESSESESSIEEEsenobostEnE/Gy shape of curve ; 1 (ll) choice of quadrat to include 80 - 100% of species 1 (by general points random sampling ; repetitions ; ‘calculate mean ‘species frequency record, presence / absence, of species frequency = % of quadrats in which species is present percentage cover estimate percentage cover in quactrat ; example of calculation ; use of ACFOR / DAFOR scale ; Braun-Blanquet ; max 5 (c) subjective ; different sized plants dificult to estimate ; overlapping presents a problem spreading plants tend to be over estimated ; AVP; max3 (8) (i) awarel two marks if correct answer (16.4) is given total number of hits = 110; 18/110 x 100 =16.4% ; 2 (i) transect : line F tape / string (from sea to woodland) (point) quadrat placed at, regular intervals / selected intervals ; positioned at right angles to tape ; repeats at same position AVP ; eg, record sand / bare ground max3 (Total: 15] Mark Scheme (a) (b) set out a grid in each area or site / description of how the grid is established ; use random numbers ; how generated ; e.g. random number tables / use of calculator to give co-ordinates ; at that point / co-ordinate, measure nearest plant ; repeat (14 times) ; max 4 (i) total heights ; divided by the number of plants (in the sample) ; provides an average height for the sample ; max 2 (e) | _ |larger the area the more species counted 5 / ‘comparative data quote between 2 points ; max species count with area of 0.65 t0 0.7m? / no increase after 0.65 to 0.7 m5 R if no units included most change occurs with smallest quadrats / steep increase at start / AW ; max 3 ‘Teacher Resource Bank GCE Envrormental Stucios / Sample Mark Scheme ENVS1 Topic 12/ Version 1.0 Question 7 7 @)_Bliminates bias/allows statistical tests; 1 7 ®@)_Used when comparing two different areas/no gradient present! no gradual change in Vegetation expected; 1 7 (©) Mark out sample area of suitable size eg 10m” in each location; grid with co-ordinates to locate position of quadrats; IR quadrats ‘thrown’] appropriate quadrat size (eg 0.5m side length/0.25m?)/ ‘gridded quadrat used; appropriate number of quadrats in each area (minimum 10); estimate area of ground/count number of squares covered by each species; MAX3 7 @_ Subjective judgement/estimation/approximations IR ‘inaceurate* unless qualified] difficult when plants are layered/stratified/eovered by others! flattened MAX1 Total marks = 6 Question 8 8 @ @ 8/10; = 80% 2 {A 80 for 1 mark] 8 @ Gy MELEAES 4 S49 410415420425 _ 94 10 10 =9.4 (00)3 2 [A 40.1% 8 (bt) Advantage: overcomes problems where individual plants not easy to recognise (grasses/moss)/quieker to carry out/more useful environmental index! index of plant activity; 1 Disadvantage: Subjective/estimate only/less suitable for statistical analysis/less accurate/

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