cell division etc 2

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8 3 (a) The following boxes show the names of different stages that occur during meiosts. metaphase tl ‘anaphase Il itelopheseil,| {prophase | metaphase | State the stage(s) in which the following events occur: Independent assortment formation of the spindle apparatus separation of sister chromatids formation of nuclear membranes chromosomes pulled to opposite poles [5] (b) Metosis is used in many organisms for the production of gametes, Explain why meiosis needs to have twice as many stages as mitosis. (2 9 (©) Meiosis is a source of genetic variation, Mutation Is another source of variation, (1) Wenat feature of the DNA molecule is changed as a result of mutation? ee sone 1] (ii) Discuss the possible effects that mutation can have on the structure and function of a protein. 3] (otal: 11] ocr Turn over 8 4 Rhubarb, Rheum x hybridum, is a plant that is grow for its edible stems. In Spring, the stems and leaves grow from fleshy roots which survive the Winter underground. Growers have developed many new varieties of rhubarb by growing plants from seed, choosing the best young plants and then asexually reproducing them. Seeds are produced by sexual reproduction and the rhubarb plants that grow from seed show variation in characteristics such as stem colour, dormancy period and the concentration of oxalic acid in their leaves. {a} Outline the events that lead to genetic variation in gametes and in the plants grown from seed, 8] | 6 2 (a) Fig.2.1 shows eight stages of meiosis in a plant cell. Fig. 2.4 — {AANA TA Ing ei) Wy j I 7 l (Complete the table below by writing the letter from Fig. 2.1 which matches the name of the stage of meiosis. The first one has been done for you. name of stage of meiosis. | letter of diagram from Fig. 2:1 prophase 1 P metaphase 1 anaphase 1 prophase 2 metaphase 2 telophase 2 (5) (ii) Identity the structures labelled E, F and G in stage W of Fig. 2.1. (3) ti) (iv) State the haploid number of the plant species from which the cells shown in Fig. 2.1 have been taken. {Turn over _l ILE | 8 | (b) In this question, one mark is available for the quality of use and organisation of scientific terms. . Explain how meiosis and fertilisation in sexual reproduction lead to variation within a population. ital Quality of Written Communication [1] [Total: 18] na een AR ACACIA SRR TT ESTOS STREET USAIN EES TERETE OST PTS SOIT ILO eae TROUT A 2 5 Table 2.1 shows the diploid chromosome number in different organisms. Table 2.1 ame of organism | diploid chromosome number (2n) | yeast 34 broad bean 12 fruit ty 8 domestic cat 72 human 46 (a) State the number of chromosomes present in the following: domestic cat sperm cell human white blood cell broad bean companion cell fruit fly zygote ees (4] [Turn over 6 (b) In diploid organisms, haploid cells or gametes are produced by meiosis, Fig, 2.1 shows diagrams of an animal cell at various points in the first division of meiosis. The diagrams are not in the correct sequence. ) NSS a a (MSp\< ©) wy i) Fig. 241 {0 Write the numbers of the diagrams to show the correct meiotic sequence. (il) Identity the structures labelled A to D. {c) Explain how meiosis and fertilisation produce variation within a population, « (4) [Total:13) Fer 4 8 Fig. 4.1 shows chromosomes in a cell undergoing meiosis. Fig. 4.4 (@) Inthe space below, draw similar diagrams to show the chromosomes of the nuclei of all possible gametes produced as a result of independent assortment of thse chromosomes. (Assume that no crossing over takes place.) (4 fr evans 9 fr evanters Fig, 4.2 shows the behaviour of a pair of homologous chromosomes during one stage of meiosis. Alleles on the chromosomes are represented by the letters A, B, D and a, band d aA A al A a b BI BH Bb do D id Dj Pp a R Fig. 4.2 (b) With reference to Fig. 4.2, (state the stage of meiosis when this type of behaviour occurs; | (li) describe what is happening to the pair of chromosomes; 3) | (ili) describe the consequences of the behaviour shown by this pair of chromosomes, [3] [Total : 11] 1901 Sot Turn over 10 3 Fig. 3.1 shows several stages in the life cycle of the water flea, Daphnia, c mitosis \ A male = growth gametes XL a meiosis 7 zygotes E 0: \ meiosis ae mitosis 0 \femate Mitosis \ ——— 008 gametes \ 0 D female eggs favourable conditions Fig. 3.1 + In favourable conditions, all the individuals in a population are females, A. * These females produce eggs, B, by mitosis which develop into further females. * In unfavourable conditions, eggs are produced by meiosis and develop without fertilisation into either males, C, or females, D. + Gametes are produced by mitosis from C and D. * The resultant zygotes, E, develop a protective case which enables them to survive unfavourable conditions. * When favourable conditions return, these zygotes develop into young females. (2) (@_ State which of the stages, A to E, contain individuals with the diploid number of chromosomes. [1 (i) Explain why the females in stage A show greater variation than the females in stage D. [2] (ili) Explain why gametes are produced by mitosis from males © and famales D, W fe. (b) In this question, one mark is available for the quality of use and organisation of scientific terms. Describe the behaviour of chromosomes during melosis which results in genetic variation among Daphnia populations. sel] ‘Quality of Written Communication [1] 04 Janes [Turn over 1.8 Fig. 3.1 shows six stages during meiosis in a plant whose cells have seven pairs of chromosomes. Three of the photographs are of stages in meiosis 1, and three of stages in meiosis tl. A B 2 F g * oo ' z , sie eh (SOF PE SRANDHAM, Foy Born Gaens, Kew, | Fig. 3.1 10 4 Fig, 4.1 shows diagrams of two different stages of meiosis in cells taken from the testis of a grasshopper, Chorthippus brunnous. Tha stages are labelled P and Q. cell membrane Fig. 4.4 (@) (Name the two stages. P “ Qa a 2] (i) Name the structures labelled on the two diagrams. Ro. T [4] B) (@) List the letters of the photographs in the order in which these stages would occur during meiosis. i [4] (b) Name the stage shown in photograph B, and describe what is happening in this photograph. a) {c) What will be the number of chromosomes in each of the cells produced at the end of meiosis? i] (d) Outline two ways in which nuclear division by meiosis results in genetic variation in the daughter cells produced. (Total: 13} Fox Bcarinors 1 2 Answer all the questions. (a) The following are different stages in meiosis, Each stage has been given a letter. anaphase Il | metaphase ll anaphase! | prophase! | telophase tt | motaphase | M N P a R s (i) Using only the letters, arrange these stages in the correct sequence. (ii) State the letter of the stage when each of the following processes occur. pairing of chromosomes centromeres divide crossing over bivalents align on equator... nuclear membrane reforms (5) (ill) State two processes that occur in a cell during interphase to prepare for a meiotic division, 0 s08 {2] Fr &. —(@)_ Gomplete tne table 10 snow wnicn provesses QuGuF GUTING Ine Hest GMESION UF HHEIOSIS, and those which occur during mitosis. Use a tick (7) to indicate that the process does occur, and a cross (x) to indicate that it does not. First division rere of meiosis Mitosis homologous chromosomes pair crossing over chromatids separate 8) (b) Explain why mitosis is a suitable type of cel! division when tissues are being repaired, but meiosis is not. 3. Fig. 2.1 shows an animal cell in prophase of mitosis, pee) { Fefaet — See tee magnification x 800 Fig. 2.4 {a} On the diagram, ()_ name structures ¥ and 2; 21 {li) shade with pencil two homologous chromosomes. i) () Vatoutate ine actuai tengin oF cnromosumie ©. Express your answer in micrometres {uum). Show your working (3) {c) {i} In the space below, draw a diagram of the same cell in metaphase of meiosis 1. |“ (4) (ii) Outline two differences between the daughter cells resulting from division of the cell in Fig. 2.1 by maitosis, and its division by meiosis. 1 2) 4 tn some organs, such as anthers in lowering plants, certain groups of cells divide by mitosis {and others by meiosis. The cells that divide by meiosis form pollen, Fig, 2.1(a) shows a cell dividing by mitosis, Fig. 2.1 (b) and Fig. 2.1(c) show two stages in (2x fr I ~~ F, — OF 10m Fig. 2.1(a) Fig. 2.1(b) Fig. 2.1(¢) (@) With reference to Fig. 2.1(a) state (how many cells are formed from a single division of this cel (ii) which stage of mitosis is shown, The products of meiosis in Fig. 2.1(b) and Fig. 2.1(c) become haploid polten, (b) Explain the meaning of the term haploid. ft] {c) Describe how the arrangement of the chromosomes in Fig. 2.1(b) differs from that in Fig. 2.1(@). {3} Fy ® 5 Far sans Pollen produced from the anthers of flowering plants may show genetic variation, Tt (4) Describe two ways in which meiosis can lead to genetic variation in pollen. You may use annotated diagrams to assist your explanation. 1 6) (2) Calculate the magnification of the drawing ofthe cel in Fig, 21(a). Show your working, [2] {Total : 13} sesteoo [Turn over 4 2 (a) The table below lists some facts relating to nuclear division. In each case, indicate wether the fact relates to mitosis andor meiosis by placing, in the appropriate column, a tick (V) if it occurs and a cross (x) ift does not. The first line of the table has been completed for you, Sere CE eee EEE eee PPE EEE HE [ mitosis | meiosis | takes place at root tips v x spindle formed homologous chromosomes pair chiasmata form chromatids separate chromosome number of the daughter cells is the same as that of the parent cell 5] (b) Melosis produces variation in the daughter cells. Explain how crossing over and independent assortment produce variation. (You may use annotated diagrams to acclet your explanation.) (crossing over (3) 4101690 (ii) independent assortment 001 9500 (3 {Turn over 4 6 Fig. 2.1 shows the DNA content of the nuclei of cells Sampled at various successive stages in the division of the nucleus. 20 15 DNA content/ arbitrary 10 units a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 sample Fig. 2.4 (©) (@) Explain the difference in the DNA content between samples 1 and 2. f2] (i) State, with a reason, the type of nuclear division which is taking place in these cells, [otal : 15) (a) Explain what is meant by a homologous pair of chromosomes. {2 801 S20 Fhe 9 |e umes Fig. 4.1 is a simpltfied diagram of all of the chromosomes in a cell undergoing metosis ina | mosquito. Fig. 4.4 (b) With reference to Fig. 4.1, (name the stage of meiosis shown; {1 (i) state the number of chromosomes that will be found in each daughter nucleus when meiosis has been completed, fl] (¢) State three ways in which meiosis could lead to variation in the daughter cells produced evel} [Totat : 9} seov [Turn over 10 4 (a) During interphase preceding meiosis, each chromosome replicates Itself and becomes two chromatids joined at the centromere. These icientical chromatids are known as sister chromatids. During the first division of meiosis, pairing of homologous chromosomes takes place. The structure formed is called a bivalent. When paired in this way non-sistor chromatids from the two chtomosomes exchange segments of genetic material by breaking and rejoining, (i) State the name given to the exchange of segments of chromatids by breaking and rejoining, (i (il) Name the stage of the first division of meiosis when this exchange of segments occurs. (b) Fig. 4.1 represents a pair of homologous chromosomes at the beginning of the first division of meiosis. The loci of two genes are shown, and both genes have two alleles, Q Qq q FOR R Fig. 4.4 lie : | TT "1 Complete the diagram below to show the four possible gametes formed at the end of meiosis. Use the same letters as in Fig. 4.1 DOOO 3 {@) Meiosis produces variation amongst offspring. Two processes leading to variation are crossing over and independent assortment of homologous chromosomes, Desoribe these processes and how they lead to variation. crossing over independent assoriment of homologous chromosomes .. [6] | becca ete UT Q 3 6 Fig. 8.1 shows the chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell, @) @ (il) (ii) ae f ==, Fig. 3.4 ‘On Fig. shade in one pair of homologous chromosomes. (1) Complete the diagrams below to show the arrangement of these chromosomes at metaphase 1 and metaphase 2 of meiosis. Use the asterisks as the poles of the spindle, ‘metaphase 1 metaphase 2 * * * * (5) Draw a diagram which will show the chromosome content of a cell which is the Product of a meiotic division cf the cell shown in Fig. 3.1, a T Fo : xaniner Fig. 3.2 shows a diagrammatic representation of the life cycle of the arctic fox (2n = 52). sperm adult zygote ‘ovum ‘embryo Fig. 3.2 (b) Complete.Fig. 3.2 by writing in the boxes the number of chromosomes present at each stage. 2] In captivity, the arctic fox has been able to breed with the red fox (2n = 34). The offspring, however, are 2n = 43 which makes them infertile {c} Suggest why this chromosome number makes the offspring infertile [Total : 12] snot st Turn over (c) Fig. 4.1 shows a diploid cell with two pairs of chromosomes. Complete the diagram to show the possible combinations of these chromosomes in the four gametes produced by meiosis. 2) diploid cell (2n=4) gametes (n=2) Fig. 4.1 (d) List three sources of variation in the process of meiosis. 1. (3) 2 cries Section A o Answer all questions in this section. 1 (@) Complete the table to show which processes occur during the fst dlusion of meiosis, and those which occur during mitosis. Use a tick (7) ‘0 indicate that the process does occur, and a cross (x) to indicate does not, that it First division of meiosis Mitosis homolagous | chromosomes pair | RRR EEE He Eee eee OF crossing over chromatids: separate Bee oe i) (©) Explain why mitosis is a suitable type of cell division when tissues are being repaired, but meiosis is not. 13] (Total: 6] whether each role is applicable to mitosis, meiosis or nsider the role to be applicable, and a cross where its 1 (a) Complete the table to indicate both. Insert a tick where you coi rot. mitosis | meiosis involved in growth and repair produces: variation | produces haploid cells | from diploid @

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