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Costa Rica - Local Charges

Charge Charge Remarks
Charge Container Unit of Entry Effective Expiry
Description Description Curr. Fee &
Code Type Measure RULO Date Date
(English) (Spanish) Notes


Embarque Cancelado Exportación Per Box. Dry containers. Booking roll overs, cancellations or reductions
Booking Cancellation Fee - Dry Containers BCF All Dry Containers USD 100 Container E08.04 1-Jul-22 Until Further Notice
Carga Seca requested by Customer with 7 days or less before vessel arrival.

Per Box. Reefer containers. Booking roll overs, cancellations or

Embarque Cancelado Exportación
Booking Cancellation Fee - RF Containers BCF All Reefer Containers USD 100 Container reductions requested by Customer with 3 days or less before vessel E08.04 1-Oct-22 Until Further Notice
Carga Refrigerada

Free time 6 hours to load cargo (start once the pilot is assigned to the
Demurrage Chassis Origin - 2 axle Uso de Chasis Origen - 2 ejes DCO All USD 90 Container E14 1-Jul-21 Until Further Notice
shipment and end once the container is redelivered full to the trucker).

Free time 6 hours to load cargo (start once the pilot is assigned to the
Demurrage Chassis Origin - 3 axle Uso de Chasis Origen - 3 ejes DCO All USD 150 Container E14 16-Nov-09 Until Further Notice
shipment and end once the container is redelivered full to the trucker).

Carrusel por errores/falta de documentación

Equipment Transfer Charge Origin ETO All USD 130 Container E09.03 1-Jul-22 Until Further Notice
Puerto Limón y Puerto Caldera
Extra Haulage Origin Movimiento adicional en origen EHO All USD Per extra kilometer Container E11.12 20-Aug-13 Until further notice

Extra Period. Free time 6 hours to load cargo (start once the pilot is
Genset Fee Per Usage Origin Demoras Genset en origen GDO All USD 50 Container assigned to the shipment and end once the container is redelivered full to E11.10 9-Jul-08 Until further notice
the trucker)
Pick Up Carrier Haulage Retiro de Lleno (Planta del Cliente) POO All USD 125 Container E11.08 2-Feb-11 Until further notice

Inland Transport Additional Origin (Metropolitan Area) Terrestre Adicional (Area Metropolitana) ITO All USD 125 Container E11.08 2-Feb-11 Until further notice

Inspection Fee Origin/Scanner Inspección en Origen/Escaner IFO All USD 33 Container Applicable for containers not yet gate in full, that are required for scanning E06.07 15-Mar-17 Until further notice

Inspection Fee Origin/Scanner+Handlings Inspección Origen/Escaner+Maniobras IFO All USD 199 Container Applicable for inspection when the container is already gate in full/stowed E08.16 21-Dec-21 Until further notice

Applicable for visual inspection of containers and/or seals; containers that

Inspection Fee Origin/Visual inspection Inspección Origen/Inspección visual IFO All USD 175 Container E08.16 21-Dec-21 Until further notice
are already gate in full/stowed
Invoice Amendment Fee Origin Corrección Factura de origen IAO All USD 50 Bill of Lading/Event E08.16 21-Dec-21 Until further notice
Manual Booking Fee Cargo por Reservación Manual MBF All USD 50 Booking E08.14 16-Sep-15 Until further notice
Manual Shipping Instructions Instrucciones de Embarque Manuales MSI All USD 50 Bill of Lading E08.03 2-May-18 Until further notice
Applicable for shipments that require moisture absorbent paper (coffee
Moisture Absorbent Paper Charge Acondicionamiento contenedor (empapelado) MAP All USD 90 Container E07.10 2-May-18 Until further notice
20DC and 40HC).
Correcciones TICA /Contenedores Sobrantes y
MTD Amendment Fee MAF All USD 500 Bill of Lading/Event Applicable if correction is requested after Customs original Transmission E01.12 15-Oct-09 Until further notice
MTD Amendment Fee Corrección de BL MAF All USD 50 Bill of Lading E07.08 2-Feb-11 Until further notice

Overweight Additional on OLF Sobrepeso en Origen OAO All USD 125 Container Cargo weight from 21,501 kgs, with a max weight at 26,000 kgs. E07.08 1-Dec-22 Until further notice

Reefer Conn/Electricity Origin - Puerto Caldera Electricidad Origen - Puerto Caldera RCO All Reefer Containers USD 5 Container Per Container/Hour. Free time: 2 days E11.20 1-Nov-18 Until further notice
Reefer Conn/Electricity Origin - Puerto Limón Electricidad Origen - Puerto Limón RCO All Reefer Containers USD 5 Container Per Container/Hour. Free time: 2 days E14.08 1-Oct-20 Until further notice
Entrega de Contenedor Refrigerado en depósito
Reefer Gate Reservation Origin GRO All Reefer Containers USD 100 Container E14.08 23-Feb-19 Until further notice
Monitoreo de Contenedor Refrigerado en origen -
Reefer Monitoring at Origin - Puerto Limón RMO All Reefer Containers USD 5 Container Per Container/Day. Free time: 2 days E06.17 1-Jul-22 Until further notice
Puerto Limón
Sealing Charge at Origin Sello adicional SEC All USD 15 Container Additional seal E14.01 23-Feb-19 Until further notice
Storages Origin - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Origen - Puerto Caldera STO All USD 4.31 Container Per 20' container/day. Free time: 2 days. Days 3 to 10 E05.03 1-Oct-20 30-Jun-23
Storages Origin - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Origen - Puerto Caldera STO All USD 8 Container Per 20' container/day. From Day 11 E14.03 1-Oct-20 30-Jun-23
Storages Origin - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Origen - Puerto Caldera STO All USD 8 Container Per 40' container/day. Free time: 2 days. Days 3 to 10 E14.03 1-Oct-20 30-Jun-23
Storages Origin - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Origen - Puerto Caldera STO All USD 14.77 Container Per 40' container/day. From Day 11 E14.03 1-Oct-20 30-Jun-23
Storages Origin - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Origen - Puerto Caldera STO All USD 5 Container Per 20' container/day. Free time: 2 days. Days 3 to 10 E14.03 1-Jul-23 Until further notice
Storages Origin - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Origen - Puerto Caldera STO All USD 9 Container Per 20' container/day. From Day 11 E14.03 1-Jul-23 Until further notice
Storages Origin - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Origen - Puerto Caldera STO All USD 9 Container Per 40' container/day. Free time: 2 days. Days 3 to 10 E14.03 1-Jul-23 Until further notice
Storages Origin - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Origen - Puerto Caldera STO All USD 16.5 Container Per 40' container/day. From Day 11 E14.03 1-Jul-23 Until further notice
Storages Origin - Puerto Limón - Dry Almacenajes Origen - Puerto Limón. Carga seca STO All Dry Containers USD 4.4 Container Per Container/Day. Free time: 2 days E14.03 1-Jul-23 Until further notice
Storages Origin - Puerto Limón - Reefer Almacenajes Origen - Puerto Limón. Reefers STO All Reefer Containers USD 5.55 Container Per Container/Day. Free time: 2 days E14.03 1-Jul-21 Until further notice
TICA Fee Documentación Aduana en Origen (TICA) CDO All USD 51 Bill of Lading E14.03 1-Jul-21 Until further notice
VGM Handling Fee - Export Cargo VGM Exportación VGM All USD 50 Bill of Lading E06.06 2-May-18 Until further notice
Per Container/Extra Period. Free time: 6 hours to discharge cargo at
Waiting Charge Origin Estadías de Cabezal Origen WAO All USD 160 Container E14.10 27-Mar-15 Until further notice
customer premises. (extra period after the 6 hours).

Charge Charge Remarks
Charge Container Unit of Entry Effective Expiry
Description Description Curr. Fee &
Code Type Measure RULO Date Date
(English) (Spanish) Notes

Certificate Fee Certificados y/o Cartas de Importación CER All USD 25 Bill of Lading E08.07 1-Dec-15 Until Further Notice
Cleaning Charges Destination Limpieza de Contenedor CLC All USD 14 Container Includes tax E06.12 1-Jul-22 Until Further Notice
Customs Bond Destination Cargo Local por transporte a Almacén Fiscal. CBO All USD 165 Container E12.02 1-Jul-21 Until Further Notice
Customs Clearance Advance by Customer Anticipado Puerto Limón y Puerto Caldera LFD All USD 120 Container E05.11 1-Nov-18 Until Further Notice
Dangerous Goods Supervision Destination Supervisión carga peligrosa importación DSD All USD 120 Container E06.18 1-Nov-18 Until Further Notice
Demurrage Chassis Destination - 2 axle Uso de Chasis Destino - 2 ejes DCD All USD 90 Container Extra Period. Free time 6 hours to discharge the cargo. E14 1-Jul-21 Until Further Notice
Demurrage Chassis Destination - 3 axle Uso de Chasis Destino - 3 ejes DCD All USD 150 Container Extra Period. Free time 6 hours to discharge the cargo. E14 4-Apr-15 Until Further Notice
Destination Documentation Fee Impresión de BL Destino RBL All USD 50 Bill of Lading E07.12 1-Jul-22 Until Further Notice
Destination Documentation Fee (reprinting with freight) Documentación de Destino (Fleteo BL) DDF All USD 35 Bill of Lading E07.11 2-Feb-11 Until further notice
Recargo Desvío/Cambio de Destino Final Importación
Diversion Charge Import (not FMC) DIV All USD 100 Container L.045 1-Jul-21 Until further notice
(no FMC)
Extra Haulage Destination Movimiento adicional en destino EHD All USD Per extra kilometer Container E11.10 8-Feb-13 Until further notice
Extra Period. Free time 6 hours to load cargo (start once the pilot is
Genset Fee Per Usage Destination Demoras Genset en destino GDD All USD 50 Container assigned to the shipment and end once the container is redelivered full to E06.07 15-Mar-17 Until further notice
the trucker)
Entrega de Vacío (Patio en Almacén Fiscal y/o planta
Drop Off Carrier Haulage POD All USD 125 Container E11.08 2-Feb-11 Until further notice
del cliente)
Inland Transport Additional Destination (Metropolitan
Terrestre Adicional (Area Metropolitana) ITD All USD 125 Container E11.08 2-Feb-11 Until further notice
Invoice Amendment Destination Corrección Factura de destino IAD All USD 50 Bill of Lading/Event E08.14 5-Mar-13 Until further notice
MTD Amendment Fee Corrección de BL MAF All USD 50 Bill of Lading E07.08 1-Jul-22 Until further notice

Overweight Additional on DLF Sobrepeso en Destino OAD All USD 125 Container Cargo weight from 21,501 kgs, with a max weight at 26,000 kgs. E11.20 1-Dec-22 Until further notice

Reefer Conn/Electricity Destination - Puerto Limón Electricidad Destino - Puerto Limón RCD All Reefer Containers USD 5 Container Per Container/Hour. Free time: 2 days E14.08 23-Feb-19 Until further notice

Entrega de Contenedor Refrigerado en depósito

Reefer Gate Reservation Destination GRD All Reefer Containers USD 100 Container E06.17 1-Jul-22 Until further notice
Storages Destination - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Destino - Puerto Caldera STD All USD 5 Container Per 20' container/day. Free time: 2 days. Days 3 to 10 E14.03 1-Jul-23 Until further notice
Storages Destination - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Destino - Puerto Caldera STD All USD 9 Container Per 20' container/day. From Day 11 E14.03 1-Jul-23 Until further notice
Storages Destination - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Destino - Puerto Caldera STD All USD 9 Container Per 40' container/day. Free time: 2 days. Days 3 to 10 E14.03 1-Jul-23 Until further notice
Storages Destination - Puerto Caldera Almacenajes Destino - Puerto Caldera STD All USD 16.5 Container Per 40' container/day. From Day 11 E14.03 1-Jul-23 Until further notice
TICA Fee Documentación Aduana en Destino (TICA) CDC All USD 51 Bill of Lading E09.03 1-Jul-22 Until further notice
Per Container/Extra Period. Free time: 6 hours to discharge cargo at
Waiting Charges Destination Estadías de Cabezal Destino WAD All USD 160 Container E14.10 27-Mar-15 Until further notice
customer premises. (extra period after the 6 hours).
Cleaning up to ($50 USD/box) & and damages up to
Equipment Maintenance Fee Mantenimiento de Equipo EMF All USD 20 Container ($150 USD/box), Above those amounts must be fully charged, deducting L051 20-Aug-23 Until further notice
the EMF fee value(20 USD).

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