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Poetry Unit Lesson 1 Objectives: SWBAT create a personal, working definition of poetry SWBAT support an argument for why

something should or should not be considered poetry

Common Core Standards for 11-12th grade students in Literature: 1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. 7. Analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem (e.g., recorded or live production of a play or recorded novel or poetry), evaluating how each version interprets the source text. Materials: Activities: 1. Is this poetry? (20-25 min) Students will read or view each sample poetic work. Then, using their cell phones and, students will answer the question Is this poetry? Students answers to the poll will appear on the board and we will discuss different arguments for why the example could or could not be considered poetry o For the first few examples, students will argue whatever viewpoint they feel inclined to. If this leads to a lively discussion, we will continue. If not, I may divide the class in half and ask one side to argue for poetry and one side to argue against it. Lil Waynes Nightmares of the Bottom lyrics Maya Angelous poem Still I Rise Ben Harpers song Ill Rise Video clip of Tamika Cathings basketball highlights Video clip of slam poet Gemineyes performance of What are you fighting for? Students cell phones Students journals

2. Students define poetry (10-15 min) After considering each example students will draft their own definition of poetry by answering the question What is poetry to you?

Students will share their definitions with a partner Student volunteers or those nominated by their partner will share their definitions with the class

3. Discuss the scope of poetry(10-15min) Does something need to be labeled poetry in order to fit the description? o So why do we have labels?

Should poetry be broadly or narrowly defined?

Vocab Words: Beset: to trouble or threaten persistently o o Assessment: Homework: Reflection: This lesson went much better than I even expected! My first hour was very enthusiastic about answering the polls and verbally defending their arguments. Students were so active in this hour that we ended up debating for most of the hour, with just ten minutes at the end for students to draft their personal definitions of poetry. We will share our definitions tomorrow. Read 30 min in YAL novels Students answers to polls, students participation in discussions, students definitions of poetry Found in: Maya Angelous Still I Rise Students record in their journals

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