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The whole world is waiting for the Lord Jesus"
but the one that is greater than I-lim is here.
The person who sent Hirn, the person He bore
witness that He y(ould con1e, is now here and
you conti n u e towa.i t for Hi m. Alri ght, wait
for Him. Brethren" be not deceived by any
person, because if you wait for the moonlight,
you will walk in darkness.
" .... '
The Christ, The God In Human Form
When the world was void and
without form, (Genesis 1:2) our Lord
Jesus Christ was in existence. When
God created nothing, that is when the
trees, men, fishes, sun and star were not
created, our Lord Jesus Christ was still
the Lord. Who was that then? If He
existed when there was no person, it
means He is the King who owns every
thing. Whom do you think He was? It ~ s
for this reason that I say that the world IS
in a very pitiful situation. Here too you
are to be pitied because you have refused
to believe in Him as God. Some people
say that our Lord Jesus Christ was the
Son of Mary, or the Son of Joseph or an
Israelite. Who has told you that? He is
God in the human form. It was God
who came down in the image and like
ness of man to dwell with man on
No matter the Name, Our Lord Jesus
Christ Is The Same Yesterday, Today
And Forever (Hebrews 13:8)
When He did not yet reveal
Himself on earth, He was still on earth,
though unrevealed. When He did not yet
create man, He was in existence. ~
He created Adam and Eve, He was exist
i n ~ with them. There is never any point in
time that our Lord Jesus Christ did not
exist. For He is man, the Son of God, He
is God Himself, He is the Word of God,
He is the Holy Spirit. Waste your time no
longer praying till our Lord Jesus Christ
comes back or that He will come from
Israel, or that He will come from Africa or
that He will come from America. Have
you not heard the statement? "Before
Abraham was, He was a King".
Your trouble and that of the entire
world is that He is existing here on earth
but the world recognizes Him not. Call
Him jehovah, call Him God, call Him
Rabbi, caIl Him Teacher, call Him the
Christ, call Him the Word of God, call
Him what you may, He is still the same.
(Heb 13:8). If you like, call Him the
Father or the Son or the Word of God or
the Holy Spirit. He is still the same person.
The Witness In Heaven And On Earth
It is said that three of them bear
witness in heaven; the Father, the Word
and the Holy Spirit. (I John 5:7) Who are
these three? He is the same one person.
And also three persons bear witness here
on earth. These are the Spirit, the water
and the blood. These three are but the
same one person. Who knows from where
water comes? . Who knows to where water
goes? Who knows from where blood
comes? Who knows where blood goes?
Who knows from where the spirit comes?
And who knows where the spirit goes?
When Did God Not Exist?
Why do you continue to pray till
our Lord Jesus Christ comes back? Why
do you always say that God has departed
from the earth? Why do you always argue
that God has departed from you? Why
does the world argue that God is not in
existence? If God is not in existence, who
exists? Who created the heavens and the
earth? Who created man? Who gives man
the breath of life? Who created all the
things in existence? Who protects you day
and night? Who feeds you from day to
day? Who is the speaker? Who is the
healer? Who is the one doing everything?
Is it not the God you are doubting today?
Do not doubt Him anymore, because ab
initio, He has always been God. If He likes
to answer the name Jesus Christ, He is the
same person. If He likes to answer
Messiah, He is the same God. If He likes
to answer Jehovah God, He is the same
person. Whatever name He wants to
answer, He is still God. Do not bother
yourself any longer, because He is the "I
AM THAT I AM". In the past He existed.
Today, He still exists, and will continue to
exist forever.
The Divine Existence Of The Christ At
All Ages
This gospel is being delivered
unto you that you may not continue to
seek after him, but believe that since he
is "I AM THAT I AM", He is always in
'. existence everywhere throughout all
ages. Any person who tells you that Qur
Lord Jesus Christ is a different entity,
and that God is a different entity, and that
Jehovah is a different entity, that the
Father is a different entity. that the
Teacher is a different entity, and that the
Spirit is a different entity from all others,
only tolerate such a fellow. Do not for
get that He can claim at another
instance that He is being sent by the
Father, at another He will testify that it
is the Father doing His work. At
another instance, He will claim to be a
messenger. At another He declares
that He has come as the Lord. At
another instance He will attest that He
and the Father are one. No matter how
watchful you will be in order to catch
him you will only discover that it is
impossible to catch him. Sometimes you
try to catch him by the tail, and you again
see the legs sticking out on the other side
when you want to catch the legs, h ~
shows the hands.
John The Baptist, The Voice Of One
Crying In The Wilderness
Remember that John the Baptist
accomplished many things and the peo
ple went to him and asked Him whether
he was He, and he said he was not the
One. (John 1:19-20). They asked Him
whether he was Jeremiah. He said He was
not. They asked whether he was Elijah.
He told them He was not. They asked
whether he was the prophet. He told them
He was not. They asked whether he was
Christ. He denied that he was the
Messiah. They insisted to know who He
was, that He should tell them. "I am the
voice of One crying in the wilderness,
make straight the way of God." The peo
ple then asked Him, if he was not the
Christ, why should He baptize the people.
And John told them: "I indeed baptize
with water but One is standing here
among you, whom you do not know. He
it is who came after me but is preferred
before me, I baptize you with water unto
repentance, but there is a man here, the
latchet of whose shoes I am not able to
unloose,(John 1:26-27) He it is who bap
tizes with fire and the Holy Spirit." They
all became confused. However, at first,
when they heard about his fame, they
were convinced that the Messiah had
come. But when He infonned them, that
He was not the Messiah, they all became
very weak and confused.
But when our Lord Jesus arrived,
John told the people, "behold the Lamb
of God which takes away the sins of the
world,(John 1:29) the one I told you that
He baptizes with fire and the Holy
Spirit", and that as the beloved Son of
God the people should hear Him. The
people then went to our Lord Jesus
Christ to inquire from Him but he rather
told them, that the "Father says, "I am
not the person working but the work is
done by the One who sent Him."(John
14:10). Confused as they were they
started asking whether they were being
cajoled, or whether the two personalities
were trying to play upon their intelli
gence. He dwells in you, directing you to
say one thing and not the other. He sends
you forth, he tells you to read
The day you acquire this wisdom you
will have peace and life.
Washington, DC ,,20026-4044
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P.O. BOX 44044
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The Christ, The God In Human Form

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