Calibration of Seven ICU Ventilators for Mechanica

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Calibration of Seven ICU Ventilators for Mechanical Ventilation with Helium–

Oxygen Mixtures

Article in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine · July 1999
DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm.160.1.9807127 · Source: PubMed


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6 authors, including:

Jean Roeseler René Dorne

Université Catholique de Louvain - UCLouvain Centre Hospitalier Saint Joseph Saint Luc


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Calibration of Seven ICU Ventilators for Mechanical
Ventilation with Helium–Oxygen Mixtures
Medical Intensive Care Division, University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland; Service de Réanimation Médicale et
Assistance Respiratoire, Hôpital de la Croix-Rousse, Lyon, France; Soins Intensifs, Clinique Universitaire St.-Luc,
Brussels, Belgium; and Département d’Anesthésie-Réanimation, Hôpital St.-Luc, Lyon, France

The study evaluated seven intensive care unit (ICU) ventilators (Veolar FT, Galileo, Evita 2, Evita 4,
Servo 900C, Servo 300, Nellcor Puritan Bennett 7200 Series) with helium–oxygen (HeO2), using a
lung model, to develop correction factors for the safe use of HeO2. A 70:28 helium–O2 mixture (he-
liox) replaced air and combined with O2 (HeO2). Theoretical impact of HeO2 on inspiratory valves and
gas mixing was computed. True fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2del) was compared with fraction of
inspired oxygen (FIO2) set on the ventilator (FIO2set). True tidal volume (VTdel) was compared with VT
set on the ventilator (VTset) in volume control and with control VTdel at FIO2 1.0 in pressure control.
FIO2del minimally exceeded FIO2set (< 5%) except with the 7200 Series (FIO2del . FIO2set by 125%). In
volume control, with the Veolar FT, Galileo, Evita 2, and Servo 900C, VTdel . VTset, with the 7200 Se-
ries VTdel , VTset (linear relationship, magnitude of discrepancy inversely related to FIO2set). With
the Evita 4, VTdel . VTset (nonlinear relationship), whereas with the Servo 300 VTdel 5 VTset. In
pressure control, VTdel was identical to control measurements, except with the 7200 Series (ventila-
tor malfunction). Correction factors were developed that can be applied to most ventilators. Tas-
saux D, Jolliet P, Thouret J-M, Roeseler J, Dorne R, Chevrolet J-C. Calibration of seven ICU ven-
tilators for mechanical ventilation with helium–oxygen mixtures.
AM J RESPIR CRIT CARE MED 1999;160:22–32.

Reducing the density of inspired gas by using a mixture of he- The present study was designed to test the performances of
lium and O2 (HeO2) instead of air and O2 (airO2) can be bene- seven standard intensive care unit (ICU) ventilators available
ficial in spontaneously breathing patients with upper or lower in Europe during HeO2 utilization, compared with theoretical
airway obstructive disease (1, 2). In acute severe asthma, predictions based on the physical properties of helium, and to
breathing HeO2 increases peak expiratory flow and PaO2, and develop correction factors (12) to ensure the safe use of HeO2
decreases pulsus paradoxus, PaCO2, and dyspnea (3–5). In pa- during mechanical ventilation.
tients with COPD, breathing HeO2 increases expiratory flow
and decreases airway resistance (6, 7). Moreover, evidence
suggests that these favorable effects can also be obtained dur- METHODS
ing mechanical ventilation in status asthmaticus (8) and in
Ventilators and HeO2 Administration
patients with COPD (9, 10), even though the data are still
preliminary in the latter patient population, and await confir- The ventilators studied were the Veolar FT, Galileo (Hamilton Medi-
cal, Rhäzuns, Switzerland), Evita 2, Evita 4 (Drägerwerk, Lübeck,
mation by prospective studies. However, the physical proper-
Germany), Servo 900C, Servo 300 (Siemens-Elema, Solna, Sweden),
ties of helium could interfere with several key ventilator func- and 7200 Series (Nellcor Puritan Bennett, Pleasanton, CA). Helium
tions such as gas mixing, inspiratory and expiratory valve was contained as a fixed mixture of 78:22 helium and O2, respectively
accuracy, flow measurement, triggering, positive end-expira- (heretofore referred to as “heliox,” to differentiate it from the final
tory pressure (PEEP), and automatic leakage compensation, heliox and O2 mixture delivered by the ventilator, termed HeO2), in a
thus raising issues regarding the accuracy of ventilator perfor- 50-L canister pressurized at 150 bar (Pangas Swiss Calibration, Lu-
mance (11) and patient safety. zern, Switzerland), and delivered through a pressure regulator at 2 to
8 bar, according to manufacturer specifications, into the ventilator in-
let normally used for air.

(Received in original form July 24, 1998 and in revised form December 14, 1998 )
Supported by Hamilton Medical (Rhäzuns, Switzerland). Fraction of Inspired O2 (FIO2)
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Dr. P. Jolliet, The FIO2 set on the ventilator (FIO2set) was compared with the FIO2 ac-
Division des Soins Intensifs de Médecine, Hôpital Cantonal Universitaire, 1211 tually delivered by the ventilator (FIO2del), determined by a rapid
Geneva 14, Switzerland. E-mail: paramagnetic gas analyzer (Normocap Oxy; Datex, Helsinki, Fin-
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 160. pp 22–32, 1999 land), as well as with the FIO2 indicated by the ventilator’s own O2 sen-
Internet address: sor. The range of FIO2set was 0.21 to 1.0, with 0.05 increments.
Tassaux, Jolliet, Thouret, et al.: ICU Ventilators with Helium–Oxygen 23

Delivered Tidal Volume and Inspiratory tions in VT and FIO2; third, to validate the correction factors to be ap-
Flow Measurements plied to VT. For this purpose, standard equations on the physics of gas
Ventilators were connected to a test lung model (PneuView AI 2601I flow were used, integrating the main operating conditions and design
TTL; Michigan Instruments, Grand Rapids, MI, cross-calibrated inde- of the inspiratory valves, gas mixing devices (technical information
pendently from the manufacturer, Metron AS, Trondheim, Norway). obtained from the manufacturers), and the physical properties of O2,
Briefly, the test lung is built around a chamber whose compliance helium, nitrogen, and air (Table 1).
(Crs) and “airway” resistance (Raw) are determined by precision
spring-loading and variable cross-section resistors. A transducer mea-
sures pressure (P) inside the chamber. Tidal volume (VT) is deter- RESULTS
mined as VT 5 Crs 3 P (measured at zero flow rate). Calculated VT is
Theoretical Predictions
verified against a calibrated volume scale attached to the device. In-
spiratory flow rate (VI) is computed by derivation of VT. For all tests, Briefly, the following approach and principles were used:
Crs and Raw were set at 0.05 L/mbar and 5 mbar ? L ? s21, respec- Dynamics of gas flow. The density of HeO2 (He) is mark-
tively, and conditions were those of room air temperature, barometric edly inferior to that of airO2 (Figure 1) (1), which should alter
pressure, and humidity (ATPS). Using this model, flow and volume the dynamics of flow through the ventilator’s tubing and in-
measurements are independent of the physical properties of the gas spiratory valves. Indeed, laminar or turbulent conditions may
mixure, as opposed to measurements performed with a pneumotach- prevail, the nature of flow being described by Reynold’s num-
ograph or other flow measuring devices in which a resistive compo-
nent is present (13). VT indicated by the lung model VT was further
ber (Re) according to the following equation (14, 15):
checked against VT measured with a precision density-independent Re = 2V̇ρ ⁄ πrµ (1)
spirometer (5420 Volume Monitor; Ohmeda, Louisville, KY) placed on ·
the inspiratory limb. Pressure, volume, and flow signals were stored in where V 5 flow (ml/s), r 5 density of the gas (g/ml), r 5 ra-
a laptop computer equipped with the PneuView software package. dius of the tube (cm), m 5 gas viscosity (g/[cm ? s]). Re > 4,000
The following parameters were compared: VT set on the ventilator predicts turbulent flow, Re < 2,000 laminar flow (14, 15).
(VTset); inspired (VTi) and expired (VTe) VT determined by the venti- In laminar conditions, the pressure difference (DP) neces-
lator’s measuring device (if present); effective VT delivered by the sary to obtain a given flow is determined by Equation 2:
ventilator, as measured by the lung model and spirometer (VTdel).
After a complete test to verify the absence of leaks, the protocol ∆P = k1 ( V̇lam ) (2)
detailed subsequently was conducted at an FIO2set of 0.21, 0.3, 0.35,
0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.6, and 1.0. More measurements were made at the lower where k1 (coefficient of linear resistance) 5 8hl/pr (from the

end of the FIO2set range because there is probably little benefit to be Hagen-Poiseuille equation), h 5 gas ·
viscosity (g/[cm ? s]), l 5
obtained clinically through a reduction in density above an FIO2 of 0.6. length of tube, r 5 radius of tube, Vlam 5 laminar flow (ml/s).
The tests were conducted in both volume-controlled and pressure- In turbulent conditions:
controlled modes. 2
In volume-controlled mode, VTset was increased by 50-ml incre- ∆P = k ( V̇turb ) (3)
ments from 100 to 1,300 ml. For each VTset, 10 successive measure-
ments were performed and averaged. Other ventilator settings were: where k (coefficient of nonlinear resistance) 5 fl/4p2r5, where
ventilatory rate 10/min, constant flow pattern, inspiratory:expiratory f 5 a friction factor dependent on the Reynolds number and
time ratio 1:2, no PEEP; these settings were maintained constant the roughness of the tubing wall. In smooth
tubing f 5 0.316/
throughout the volume-controlled protocol. In the pressure-con- Re1/4, r 5 radius of the tube (cm), and Vturb 5 turbulent flow
trolled mode, the pressure limit was varied by 5-cm H2O increments, (ml/s).
between 5 and 60 cm H2O, at each FIO2set. For each level of pressure As can be seen, under laminar conditions, DP is uninflu-
limit and FIO2, VTdel was compared with VTdel obtained with an FIO2 enced by the density of the inhaled gas mixture, whereas in
of 1.0 (i.e., without heliox), used as control. Ventilatory rate and turbulent conditions DP depends on density (the lower the
PEEP were the same as in volume-controlled tests.
density, the lower Re and thus the lower k2). Hence, for a
given DP under turbulent conditions, which are those prevail-
PEEP ing in ventilatory tubing and valves, the lower the density of
PEEP was determined as the end-expiratory pressure measured in the the inhaled gas, the higher the flow.
lung model chamber by the pressure transducer after 10 mechanical
breaths, for PEEP values set on the ventilator ranging from 5 to 25 cm
H2O, at each various FIO2set.

Theoretical Predictions
This approach pursued the following goals: first, to determine if the
consequences of using HeO2 on FIO2del and VTdel could be predicted
from its physical properties, and thus if the latter alone could account
for the changes observed; second, to validate the observed modifica-


Thermal Conductivity (k) Viscosity (h) Density (r)

Gas (mcal ? cm ? s ? °K) (Micropoises) (g/L)

Helium (He) 352.0 188.7 0.1785

Nitrogen (N2) 58.0 167.4 1.251
Oxygen (O2) 58.5 192.6 1.429 Figure 1. Ratio of densities of airO2 and HeO2 to density of air, at
Air 58.0 170.8 1.293
various values of FIO2.

across the valve’s opening is described by the following equa-

tion (14):

V̇ = --------------------------------- (4)
ρ 1 1
---------2  -----2 – ----- 
2C  S 2 S 1 

where V 5 flow (ml/s), DP 5 pressure difference across the
opening (dyn/cm2), r 5 density of the gas (g/ml), S1 5 cross-
section of cylindrical compartments (cm2), S2 5 cross section
of opening (cm2), and C 5 restriction coefficient (0.6 to 0.7,
depending on shape of opening and Reynolds number). Equa-
tion 4 predicts that for a given degree of valve opening and
Figure 2. Schematic representation of an electromagnetic propor- DP, flow depends on gas density. Furthermore, as can be seen
tional inspiratory valve. Arrows indicate path through the valve fol- from Figure 1, when air and O2 are used, there is very little
lowed by the gas (heliox in this example). variation in overall gas density when FIO2 varies. However, re-
placing air with heliox results in density changing by a factor
of 8 as FIO2 increases between 0.22 and 1.0 (Figure 1). Hence,
Inspiratory valve design and theoretical consequences of us- if the terms of Equation 4, C, S1, S2, and DP remain constant
ing HeO2 on delivered VT and FIO2 in volume-controlled mode. (K), Equation 4 can be simplified as follows:
With the exception of the Servo 900C, all the ventilators
tested in this study are equipped with electromagnetic propor- 1
V̇ ( air ) = K ( air ) --------------- (5)
tional solenoid valves (16), consisting of two compartments ρ ( air )
connected by an opening whose surface section is controlled
by a ball valve driven by a microprocessor-controlled electro- and
magnetic motor magnetic motor (Figure 2). To minimize iner-
tia and valve response time (average 4 to 10 ms), the maximal V̇ ( HeO 2 ) = K ( HeO 2 ) ----------------------- (6)
opening is small and varies within a tight range (1.2 to 14.4 ρ ( HeO 2 )
mm2, depending on the ventilator). Thus, to obtain the high ·
where V(HeO2) 5 flow of the HeO2 mixture leaving the ven-
inspiratory flow rates needed during mechanical ventilation in tilator (ml/s), K(HeO2) 5 constant as defined above, and
the face of elevated resistance, these valves operate under tur- r(HeO2) 5 density of the HeO2 mixture leaving the ventilator
bulent conditions. Two types of electrodynamic valves equip (g/ml).
most modern ventilators, categorized according to the magni- By definition, K(air) 5 K(HeO2), hence from Equations 5
tude of DP across the valve opening: and 6:
Low-pressure valves. The Veolar FT and Galileo are
equipped with one such valve, downstream from the airO2 ρ ( air )
mixing chamber (Figure 3). DP varies between 200 and 340 V̇ ( HeO 2 ) = V̇ ( air ) ----------------------- (7)
ρ ( HeO 2 )
mbar, resulting in a flow of 250 to 3,000 ml/s depending on
the surface section of the opening (1.2 to 14.4 mm2). Flow finally,

Figure 3. Schematic representation of the inspiratory valve and gas mixing setup in the Veolar FT and
Galileo (right panel), and the Evita 2, 4, and Servo 300 (left panel). Arrows indicate path followed by the
Tassaux, Jolliet, Thouret, et al.: ICU Ventilators with Helium–Oxygen 25


Volume Correction Factor* Volume Correction Factor* Volume Correction Factor*

FIO2set Single Low-pressure Valve† Dual Low-pressure Valve‡ Dual High-pressure Valve§

0.21 1.68 1.68 1.81

0.25 1.62 1.65 1.78
0.30 1.52 1.61 1.72
0.35 1.44 1.57 1.67
0.40 1.38 1.52 1.62
0.45 1.32 1.48 1.57
0.50 1.26 1.44 1.52
0.60 1.18 1.35 1.41
0.70 1.10 1.26 1.31
0.80 1.04 1.17 1.20
0.90 0.99 1.09 1.10
1 0.96 1 1
· ·
* Volume correction factor: in volume-controlled mode, V del 5 V set 3 volume correction factor.

Found in Veolar FT and Galileo.

Found in 7200 Series.
Found in Evita 2, 4, and Servo 300.

ρ ( air ) volume correction factor for an FIO2 of 0.22 obtained from

V̇ ( HeO 2 ) = V̇ ( air ) ----------------------- (8)
ρ ( HeO 2 ) Equation 9, Equation 10 becomes
Thus, flow through the valve should increase when density is V̇del = V̇set ( 1.87 – 0.87 × Fi O set ) (11)
lower. From these equations, a theoretical volume correction
factor for a given FIO2 can be determined that can be applied
to VTset: Volume Correction Factor = 1.87 – 0.87 × Fi O set (12)
ρ ( air ) Volume correction factors at different FIO2set are shown in
Volume Correction Factor = ----------------------- (9)
ρ ( HeO 2 ) Table 2.
The results are summarized in Table 2. Regarding FIO2, since in the Veolar and Galileo the mixing
The 7200 Series contains two such inspiratory valves (maxi- chamber is located upstream from the single inspiratory valve
· (Figure 3), density should not affect FIO2. Indeed, each gas is
mal DP is 687 mbar). Hence, total flow delivered ( Vdel) can
be computed as: admitted to the mixing chamber from its mural or canister
source through mechanical (Veolar FT) or electrodynamic
V̇del = V̇ O 2 + V̇air = V̇set ( F I O set – 0.22 ) ⁄ 0.78 + (10) (Galileo) valves until a total chamber pressure is reached. The

V̇set ( 1 – Fi O set ) ⁄ 0.78 latter is equal to the sum of partial pressures of both gases at
2 the desired combination of O2 and air (or heliox in this study)
· · determined by the FIO2 setting on the ventilator control panel.
where VO2 5 flow· through O2 valve (ml/s), Vair 5 flow through
air valve (ml/s), Vset 5 flow set on the ventilator (ml/s), and Thus, because this system is pressure- and not volume-con-
FIO2 5 inspired O2 fraction set on the ventilator. Applying the trolled, ideal gas laws apply (17). To simplify, pressure-control
consists of a transfer of a volume of gas from a first compart-
ment (mural or canister) of a given volume (V1) and pressure
(P1) into a second compartment (mixing chamber) of a given
volume (V2) at a given pressure (the target pressure P2). Ac-
(7200 SERIES) INSPIRATORY VALVE SYSTEMS cording to Boyle’s law, at equilibrium P1 3 V1 5 P2 3 V2.
Hence, in the absence of flow and resistance, density exerts no
FIO2del† Corrected FIO2‡ influence, and the lower density of heliox should not influence
FIO2set* HP LP HP LP FIO2. With the 7200 Series, FIO2del should be determined by
the proportion of flow for each gas, and computed as follows:
0.21 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.21
0.25 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.27 V̇o 2 ( total ) V̇o 2 + 0.22V̇ ( HeO 2 )
0.3 0.27 0.27 0.35 0.35 Fi O del = -----------------------
- = ---------------------------------------------------
- (13)
0.35 0.30 0.30 0.43 0.42 V̇del V̇del
0.4 0.33 0.34 0.49 0.48
0.45 0.37 0.38 0.56 0.54 where:
0.5 0.40 0.41 0.61 0.6
0.60 0.49 0.5 0.71 0.7 V̇o 2 = V̇set ( Fi O set – 0.22 ) ⁄ 0.78 (14)
0.70 0.59 0.6 0.80 0.79
0.80 0.70 0.71 0.88 0.87 and
0.90 0.84 0.85 0.94 0.94
1 1 1 1 1 V̇ ( HeO 2 ) = V̇set ( 1 – Fi O set ) ⁄ 0.78 × 1.68 (15)

Definition of abbreviations: HP 5 dual high-pressure valve system; LP 5 dual low-pres- Finally:

sure valve system.
* Desired FIO2 set on the ventilator.

0.81Fi O set + 0.19
Actually delivered FIO2. Fi O del = --------------------------------------------
- (16)

FIO2 to be set on the ventilator to obtain the desired FIO2. 2 1.87 – 0.87Fi O set

TABLE 4 High-pressure valves. The Evita 2, 4, and Servo 300 are fit-
DELIVERED FIO2 DURING HeO2 UTILIZATION ted with two high-pressure valves, one for O2, the other for air
(or heliox in this study), upstream from the mixing chamber
FIO2set Veolar FT Galileo Evita 2 Evita 4 Servo 900C Servo 300 7200 Series
(Figure 3). A DP of 1 to 3 bar results in particular thermody-
0.21 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 namic conditions across the valve, known as “supercritical,”
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.24 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.56 the description of its complex nature being beyond the scope
0.3 0.31 0.31 0.28 0.27 0.33 0.33 0.73
of this study (18). Suffice it to say that under such conditions,
0.35 0.37 0.35 0.31 0.3 0.35 0.38 0.83
0.4 0.4 0.41 0.35 0.34 0.46 0.43 0.88
flow is described by Equation 18:
0.5 0.51 0.5 0.42 0.41 0.51 0.52 0.95
0.6 0.61 0.6 0.52 0.5 0.62 0.63 0.99 V̇ = a ⋅ P abs ⋅ c ⋅ x (18)
1 0.98 1 0.98 0.97 0.99 0.99 1
where a 5 constant independent of the nature of the gas; Pabs 5
absolute admission pressure (dyn/cm2); c 5 speed of sound in
Conversely, to obtain the desired FIO2, FIO2set should be cor- the particular gas (m/s), where c 5 √k/M , and where k 5 adia-
rected as follows: batic coefficient (N/m2) and M 5 molecular mass (kg/m3); x 5
position of the ball valve drive shaft (determines the surface of
the opening) in centimeters.
1.87Fi O del – 0.19 Total flow ( Vdel) delivered by both (O2 and air or heliox)
Fi O set = ---------------------------------------------
- (17)
2 0.81 + 0.87Fi O del
high-pressure valves can be determined by Equation 10. How-
ever, as seen from Equation 18, for a given DP and valve open-
Table 3 shows the predicted FIO2del obtained for a given ing, flow for each valve depends on the speed of sound c in
FIO2set, according to Equation 16, as well as corrected FIO2set this gas mixture, which in turn depends on √k/M . In turn,
obtained from Equation 17. these two variables depend on FIO2, ranging from 1.556 to 1.40
In the case of the Servo 900C, the inspiratory valve is of a for k and 9.94 to 31 for M, for O2:HeO2 mixtures of 78:22 to
different type. A scissors-type mechanism, controlled by a 0:100, respectively. If a 78:22 mixture of helium and O2 is ad-
stepper motor, regulates the cross-section by pinching a silicon ministered through a valve calibrated for air, as in our study,
tube. The peak inspiratory flow is determined by the pressure flow will be increased by a factor of 1.81, which· can be used to
entering the valve, while the scissors-type mechanism allows correct Equation 10 to determine total flow ( Vdel) delivered
an increase or decrease in flow by approximately 10% incre- by both high-pressure valves:
ments (16). Information from a pressure/flow monitoring de-
vice is fed back into the stepper motor controlling the scissors- V̇del = V̇o 2 + V̇ ( HeO 2 ) = V̇set ( Fi O set – 0.22 ) ⁄ 0.78 + (19)
type valve, thereby allowing constant regulation of inspiratory
V̇set ( 1 – Fi O set ) ⁄ 0.78 ⋅ 1.81
valve opening during inspiration. Due to the difficulty of mod- 2

eling flow across this type of valve, no mathematical predic- which can be further simplified to:
tions were made for the Servo 900C.
The gas mixing chamber is also upstream from the inspira-
V̇del = V̇o 2 + V̇ ( HeO 2 ) = V̇set ( 1.59 – 0.81 ⋅ (20)
tory valve, and thus FIO2 should not be influenced by the pres-
ence of heliox. Fi O set ) ⁄ 0.78

Figure 4. Relationship between VT set on the ventilator (VTset) and VT actually delivered by the ventilator
(VTdel), at various values of FIO2, with corresponding regression equations (panel), for the Veolar FT, Gali-
leo, and Evita 2.
Tassaux, Jolliet, Thouret, et al.: ICU Ventilators with Helium–Oxygen 27


Veolar FT Galileo Servo 900C Servo 300 Evita 2 Evita 4 7200 Series

FIO2set VFi VFe VFi VFe VFi VFe VFi VFe VFi VFe VFi VFe VFi VFe

0.21 1.68 1.70 1.68 1.70 1.38 1.34 1 1.34 1.83 Inop NL Inop 0.1 Inop
0.25 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.36 1.34 1 1.34 1.75 Inop NL Inop 0.14 Inop
0.30 1.51 1.50 1.51 1.50 1.35 1.33 1 1.33 1.73 Inop NL Inop 0.19 Inop
0.35 1.44 1.47 1.44 1.47 1.33 1.23 1 1.33 1.66 Inop NL Inop 0.25 Inop
0.40 1.37 1.40 1.37 1.40 1.31 1.22 1 1.22 1.60 Inop NL Inop 0.3 Inop
0.45 1.31 1.33 1.31 1.33 1.29 1.20 1 1.20 1.55 Inop NL Inop 0.35 Inop
0.50 1.28 1.30 1.28 1.30 1.26 1.17 1 1.17 1.48 Inop NL Inop 0.4 Inop
0.60 1.20 1.26 1.20 1.26 1.24 1.13 1 1.13 1.40 Inop NL Inop 0.5 Inop
1.0 0.97 1.01 0.97 1.01 0.97 1.09 0.99 1.09 0.986 1.093 0.99 1.093 1.05 1.05

Definition of abbreviations: Inop 5 inoperative; NL 5 nonlinear relationship; VFe 5 expiratory volume correction factor (VTe 5 VTe meas 3
VFe); VFi 5 inspiratory volume correction factor (VTdel 5 VTset 3 VFi).

Finally: Conversely, to obtain the desired FIO2, FIO2set should be cor-

rected as follows:
V̇del = V̇set ( 2.04 – 1.04Fi O set ) (21)

It is thus also possible to determine a “corrective volume 2.04Fi O del – 0.23

factor,” the true delivered volume being computed by the fol- Fi O set = ---------------------------------------------
- (24)
2 0.77 + 1.04Fi O del
lowing equation: 2

Results are shown in Table 3.

V̇del = V̇set ( 2.04 – 1.04Fi O set ) = V̇set ⋅ VolumeFactor (22)
The volume factors for the various FIO2 used in this study are The results are outlined in Table 4. There was some degree of
shown in Table 2. discrepancy between FIO2set and FIO2del. The magnitude of
Regarding FIO2, the same equations (Equations 16 and 17) this discrepancy varied both between the ventilators tested
as for the 7200 Series apply, but with different constants ac- and as a function of FIO2set, being the greatest when FIO2set
counting for supercritical conditions. Hence, Equations 16 and was between 0.3 to 0.6. As can be seen, the Veolar FT, Gali-
17 become: leo, Servo 300, and Servo 900C were the most accurate,
whereas with the Evita 2 and Evita 4 FIO2del was lower than
0.77Fi O set – 0.23 FIO2set, by an average of 10%, reaching 18% at an FIO2set of
Fi O del = -----------------------------------------------
- (23) 0.5. With the 7200 Series, FIO2del was considerably higher than
2 2.04 – 1.047Fi O set

Figure 5. Relationship between VT set on the ventilator (VTset) and VT actually delivered by the ventilator
(VTdel), at various values of FIO2, with corresponding regression equations (panel), for the Evita 4.

Figure 6. Relationship between VT set on the ventilator (VTset) and VT actually delivered by the ventilator
(VTdel), at various values of FIO2, with corresponding regression equations (panel), for the 7200 Series.

FIO2set. There was excellent agreement between these find- being inversely related to FIO2, i.e., the lower the FIO2 (the
ings and the theoretical predictions of FIO2del, except for the higher the heliox fraction), the more VTdel exceeded VTset, as
7200 Series (Table 3). The FIO2 reported by the ventilator sen- shown in Figure 4. Thus, VTdel exceeded VTset by 25% at an
sor and that measured with the rapid paramagnetic gas ana- FIO2 of 0.5 and by 60% at an FIO2 of 0.22. As can be seen in
lyzer were identical on all machines (data not shown). Figure 4, for a given FIO2, there was a linear relationship be-
tween VTdel and VTset (the slopes of the regression lines for
Delivered VT in Volume-controlled Mode each of the three ventilators being nearly identical, the set of
There was variable congruency between VTset and VTdel. lines for only one ventilator is shown). From the regression
With the Veolar FT, Galileo, and Evita 2, VTdel was consis- equations, a volume correction factor to be applied to VTset
tently higher than VTset, the magnitude of this discrepancy to obtain a given VTdel for each FIO2 can be determined, as

Figure 7. Relationship between VT set on the ventilator (VTset) and VT actually delivered by the ventilator
(VTdel), according to FIO2 with corresponding regression equations (panel), for the Servo 300. Only the
FIO2 of 0.22 and 1.0 are shown to avoid excessive overlap, but the relationship was identical at all FIO2.
Tassaux, Jolliet, Thouret, et al.: ICU Ventilators with Helium–Oxygen 29

shown in Table 5. The Evita 4 followed the same pattern, but factors could be determined. These factors are indicated in
for a VTset higher than 500 ml, the relationship between VTset Table 5. As can be seen, for the Veolar FT and Galileo the
and VTdel became nonlinear, VTdel exceeding VTset by as factors were the same as for VTset. Correction factors for the
much as 100% when low FIO2 and high VTset were combined Servo 900C and Servo 300 were smaller than those of the Veo-
(Figure 5). This problem could be solved by inactivation of lar FT and Galileo.
the leakage compensation mechanism, in which case the With the Evita 2, Evita 4, and 7200 Series, reported VTe
machine’s performance was identical to the Evita 2. Further- was considerably higher than VTdel. This overestimation in-
more, a high-priority alarm of inoperative flow measurement creased nonlinearly as FIO2 decreased, VTe determination be-
was activated, which could not be silenced by recalibration of coming inoperative below an FIO2 of 0.8. Concomitantly, a
the flow sensor, but required inactivating inspiratory flow high-priority alarm of expiratory flow monitoring malfunction
monitoring. With the Servo 900C VTdel also exceeded VTset, was activated. Recalibration of the flow sensor did not correct
but by more than 40% at an FIO2 of 0.22. With the 7200 Series, this problem.
VTdel was consistently lower than VTset, the magnitude of this
discrepancy being inversely related to FIO2, and being consid- PEEP
erable when FIO2 , 0.9 (Figure 6). Finally, the Servo 300 was
Measured PEEP was in good agreement with set PEEP, the
unaffected by the use of HeO2, whatever the FIO2, as shown by
maximal discrepancy being 6 0.5 cm H2O, independently of
the line of identity between VTset and VTdel (Figure 7).
Delivered VT in Pressure-controlled Mode
With the exception of the 7200 Series, in pressure-controlled DISCUSSION
mode, VTdel was identical to control measurements at FIO2 of In the seven nonmodified ICU ventilators tested, the use of
1.0, at all pressure limits and FIO2 tested, with all ventilators. HeO2 led to alterations in ventilator function, whose nature
However, VTi reported by the ventilator underestimated true varied from one machine to another, as does the ease with
VTdel on all ventilators, by a magnitude equal to that between which these modifications can be corrected. Before discussing
VTset and VTdel in volume-controlled mode. With the 7200 these results, let us briefly summarize them:
Series, at all FIO2 , 0.5, repeated opening–closing of the heliox
inspiratory valve caused major vibrations within the ventila- 1. The Veolar FT, Galileo, Servo 900C, and Servo 300 deliv-
tor, prompting cessation of the test. ered an accurate FIO2 at all tested FIO2, whereas the Evita 2
and Evita 4 administered a lower than set FIO2, particularly
Expired VT in the 0.35 to 0.6 range. The 7200 Series delivered a consid-
The findings apply to both volume- and pressure-controlled erably higher than set FIO2.
modes. 2. In volume-controlled mode, delivered VT was higher than
There was considerable variation among the values of VTe set VT on the Veolar FT, Galileo, Evita 2, and Servo 900C,
reported by the ventilators. With the Veolar FT, Galileo, Servo the magnitude of this discrepancy being inversely related to
900C, and Servo 300, indicated VTe was lower than VTdel. As FIO2. There was a linear correlation between VTset and
with VTset, this underestimation was linear and was a function VTdel. The Evita 4 followed the same pattern up to a VTset
of FIO2, i.e., the lower the FIO2, the larger the disparity between of 500 ml, but further VTset increases entailed considerable
VTe and VTdel (Figure 8). Hence, even though there were discrepancy with VTdel, with a nonlinear relationship. The
quantitative differences between the ventilators, correction 7200 Series delivered a considerably lower than set VT

Figure 8. Relationship between expired V T reported by the ventilator (V Te) and actually expired VT (VT-
meas), at various values of F IO2, with corresponding regression equations (panel), for the Veolar FT and

when FIO2 , 0.9. With the Servo 300, VTset and VTdel were resulting in a major increase in VTdel. Volume correction fac-
identical. Reported VTe was underestimated by all ventila- tors can be computed for all FIO2 , 0.5, according to nonlinear
tors, also as an inverse linear function of FIO2, except for regression equations. Their general form would be y 5 aebx,
the Evita 2, Evita 4, and 7200 Series, which were unable to where y 5 volume factor, x 5 VTset, and b 5 correction factor
monitor expired VT. dependent on FIO2. However, using such factors might prove
3. The observed results for FIO2 and VTdel were in agreement impractical in the clinical setting. Another approach is to inac-
with theoretical predictions based on the changes in density tivate the flow monitoring system through the control panel
and principles of ventilator design, except for the Servo 300 menu, which corrects this problem but requires an indepen-
and 7200 Series. dent monitoring of VT.
4. In pressure-controlled mode, VTdel was identical to control The major discrepancies in both FIO2 and VT observed with
VT obtained at an FIO2 of 1.0 with all ventilators tested ex- the 7200 Series, which differed from theoretical predictions,
cept for the 7200 Series, which malfunctioned. can be explained by the design of the machine. Indeed, as pre-
5. PEEP was adequately obtained with all ventilators at all viously stated, gas mixing occurs downstream from two inspira-
FIO2 tested. tory valves, one for O2, the other for air. Flow of gas coming out
of each valve is measured by a hot-wire pneumotachograph,
Consequences on Delivered VT and FIO2 in and this information is fed back to the valve to continuously
Volume-controlled Mode adjust the size of its opening, which thus regulates flow. Using
The findings can be best understood by turning to the princi- heliox instead of air has major consequences on the hot-wire
ples of valve design and gas flow discussed previously. The ef- pneumotachograph of that particular valve for the following
fects on FIO2 and VTdel are closely linked and will be discussed reason. The device comprises two platinum wires located in
together. As we have seen, the Veolar FT, Galileo, and Servo the mainstream flow, heated electrically and maintained at
900C are equipped with a single inspiratory valve, located 4008 C. Cooling of the wires by convective heat loss is propor-
downstream from the gas mixer (Figure 3). Calibration of the tional to gas flow. The intensity of electric current required to
valve is performed for a single given FIO2. There is no built-in maintain the wire at 4008 C can thus be translated into flow
system designed to adjust for changes in gas density. Hence, if units. Heat loss can be quantified by the following equation:
density decreases, flow should increase, and vice versa. This Ċ = Ac ⋅ h9c ⋅ V
⋅ Mv ⋅ Cm ( Ts – Ta ) (25)
is not a problem when airO2 mixtures are used, because the ·
densities of these two gases are quite close (Table 1 and Fig- where C 5 heat loss, Ac 5 surface of wire exposed to gas
ure 1). Hence, whatever the FIO2, the overall density change of (cm2), Ts 5 wire temperature (8K), h9c 5 coefficient of flow
the gas mixture is very small, and of no consequence on venti- geometry around wire, V 5 gas velocity (ml/s), Mv 5 volume
lator function. However, the considerably lower density of he- mass of gas (kg/m3), Cm 5 specific heat conductivity of gas
liox (Table 1 and Figure 1) entails a marked increase in flow, (mcal ? cm ? s ? 8K), and Ta 5 gas temperature (8K). The spe-
which is proportional to the fraction of heliox in the gas mix- cific heat conductivity of helium is six times that of air (Table
ture, and thus inversely proportional to FIO2. FIO2 itself is not 1). Consequently, heat loss will increase markedly, and the de-
influenced by the reduction in density, however, because mix- vice interprets this as being due to an increase in flow. How-
ing occurs upstream from the valve (Figure 3). This explains ever, because of the sixfold larger loss of heat the magnitude
why the Veolar FT, Galileo, and Servo 900C correctly admin- of flow overestimation is also very large. Hence, the feedback
istered the FIO2set (Table 4), whereas VTdel was higher than mechanism will markedly reduce valve opening, which in turn
VTset (Table 5), as predicted from theoretical calculations will markedly reduce heliox flow. This explains the fact that
(Tables 2 and 3). with this machine VTdel was lower than VTset, and also that
The Evita 2 and Evita 4 are fitted with two proportional in- the magnitude of this discrepancy was substantial. Concomi-
spiratory valves, one for air, the other for O2, gas mixing oc- tantly, the O2 valve function is unaltered by the use of heliox.
curring downstream from these valves (Figure 3). Conse- Thus, because gas mixing occurs downstream from these two
quently, replacing air with heliox should, for the reasons valves, and because, as we have seen, flow through the heliox
outlined previously, increase flow through the valve normally valve is considerably reduced, FIO2del will increase, as ob-
regulating air admission, whereas there will be no effect on the served (Table 4). At an FIO2set of 0.21, only the air (or in this
O2 inspiratory valve. Because VTdel results from the outflow case heliox) valve is operative, which explains that FIO2del 5
from the mixing chamber, which in turn results from the com- FIO2set, since the FIO2 in the heliox tank is 0.22. Because of
bined flows of both gases, total outflow will be increased, and these problems, the machine cannot be used safely with heliox.
VTdel will be . VTset, proportionally to the fraction of heliox Although resting on the same basic inspiratory gas delivery
present in the mixture, as predicted (Table 2) from Equations design principles as the Evita 2 and 4 (Figure 3), the Servo 300
21 and 22 and as confirmed by our tests (Figures 4 and 5). did not behave according to the theoretical predictions with
However, contrarily to what occurs with the Veolar FT, Gali- regard to FIO2 (Tables 3 and 4) and VTdel (Tables 2 and 5). In-
leo, and Servo 900C, FIO2 also changes. Indeed, the higher the deed, the machine is also fitted with two high-pressure propor-
fraction of heliox, the more heliox flow through the valve will tional inspiratory valves, one for O2, the other for air (or he-
exceed its set value, and as a result, FIO2del by the ventilator is liox in this study), each valve being encased in a gas delivery
lower than FIO2set, as predicted (Table 3) by Equations 23 and unit. A mixing chamber is located downstream from these two
24 and as documented in our tests (Table 4). units. Our understanding is that the reason for this lies in the
Finally, an additional problem occurs with the Evita 4, with monitoring devices contained within the gas delivery systems,
which VTdel exceeds VTset in a nonlinear manner for any because each of the latter is fitted with a temperature probe
FIO2 , 0.5 and VTset . 500 ml (Figure 5). This is due to the and a differential pressure transducer. These devices are in-
automatic leakage compensation mechanism. Indeed, the ex- tended to compensate for changes in density and temperature
piratory flow sensor malfunctions with HeO2, and the mecha- caused by gas expansion within the ventilator. These changes
nism erroneously interprets this as being caused by gas leaks are negligible when standard wall inlet pressures (3 to 4 bar)
in the patient or ventilator circuit. Automatic compensation are used for O2 and air. However, the Servo 300 is designed to
triggers an increase in the degree of inspiratory valve opening, operate with high-pressure sources, in which case the effects
Tassaux, Jolliet, Thouret, et al.: ICU Ventilators with Helium–Oxygen 31

of gas cooling on density during expansion are much greater. changed, the compressibility of a volume of gas is a function of
Hence, in case of changes in the physical properties of the gas, neither its density nor its viscosity, and hence no difference in
the temperature and pressure/flow sensors detect a discrep- the volume of trapped gas between airO2 or HeO2 should occur.
ancy between the set and actual flows, and correct the valve’s Second, the ventilators have various built-in corrections
opening through a feedback mechanism. The same mecha- designed to compensate for the aforementioned and other
nisms are operative when density changes for reasons other mechanisms, to ease the clinician’s task.
than temperature, e.g., when heliox is used instead of air, and Physical conditions. Ventilators deliver gas in ambient tem-
this probably explains why VTset and VTdel are identical with perature and pressure conditions (ATP), whereas expired gas is
this machine. in body temperature and pressure saturated (BTPS) conditions.
As for the Servo 900C, the actually observed difference be- Most ventilators correct automatically the expiratory flow/vol-
tween VTdel and VTset was smaller than that predicted (Table ume signal to account for this difference. In the tests we per-
2) from Equations 8 and 9. The reason for this is not quite formed, both inspiration and expiration occur under ATP con-
clear, but probably stems from the effect of HeO2 on the flow ditions. Thus, the automatic correction should be disabled, or
derivation device. Briefly, this device consists of a main tube a correction equation applied, to obtain true expiratory vol-
with a wire mesh membrane across its lumen. The resistance umes. The Evita 2 and 4, Servo 300 and 7200 Series feature an
entailed by the latter forces a portion of the gas flow into a automatic correction of expiratory flow, which takes into ac-
small parallel tube, where pressure is measured by a differen- count the BTPS, whereas the Hamilton machines do not have
tial transducer. The information is then fed back into the this function. However, during startup calibration of the prox-
mechanism controlling the inspiratory valve opening, any imal pneumotachograph is performed under ATP conditions if
drop in pressure entailing an increase in its opening and vice no air warmer is used, and under BTPS conditions if such a de-
versa. If air is replaced by heliox, resistance across the main vice is used.
tube’s membrane will decrease, flow will pass through the Precision of the ventilators. Electromagnetic valves have a
main tube, and thus decrease in the side tube. Hence, pressure degree of precision in the order of 5% compared with mea-
in the side tube will decrease, and the feedback mechanism sured values (data from Hamilton Medical). Flow measure-
will compensate by further opening the inspiratory valve, in- ments have a precision of , 10%. The volume values reported
terpreting this as a true decrease in inspiratory flow. This by the ventilators can thus vary from 50 to 100 ml for a VTset
should result in VTdel being higher than VTset, but the magni- of 1,000 ml. Depending on the direction of this variation, this
tude of the difference cannot be precisely predicted by Equa- error can mask or overestimate the value of trapped gas volume.
tions 8 and 9, because more than one mechanism is involved in Special functions of some of the ventilators tested. The Evita
the process. 2 and 4, Servo 300 and 7200 Series all have a built-in function
A final series of factors should be considered in interpret- for automatic compensation of circuit compliance. The latter
ing our results. First, during inspiration, not all the VTset is de- is measured during the startup procedure when the machine is
livered to the patient or the lung model, as a result of a vol- turned on. This procedure was performed before all our tests,
ume of gas being trapped in the ventilator’s inspiratory circuit. and hence VTdel already takes into account circuit compliance
Two factors account for this occurrence: gas compressibility correction on these ventilators.
and circuit compliance. To summarize, several factors can influence the exact value
Gas compressibility. A portion of the VTset is trapped in of the various correction factors we determined: (1) during in-
the inspiratory circuit, because of the compressibility of the spiration: gas compressibility (compression), circuit compli-
gas. In the clinical operating conditions of ICU ventilators, it ance, precision of the inspiratory valve, presence or absence of
is estimated that this volume is equal to 1 ml/cm H2O/L (19). automatic compensation of circuit compliance; (2) during ex-
In the conditions of our tests, mean inspiratory pressures were piration: gas compressibility (expansion), circuit compliance,
< 10 and < 20 cm H2O for VTset of 500 ml and 1,000 ml, re- precision of flow sensors, presence or absence of automatic
spectively, which represents a volume of gas trapped within BTPS correction. It must once again be stressed, however, that
the circuit due to compressibility alone of 5 to 10 ml. none of these interferences with VT measurement will be in-
Compliance of the circuit. Total compliance of the circuits fluenced by density. Hence, these factors should not interfere
(including tubings, water traps, humidifiers, and filters) ranges with the comparison of HeO2 and airO2.
from 2.5 to 3 ml/cm H2O. During our tests, water traps, humidi-
fiers, and filters were removed. Thus, only the compliance of Consequences on Delivered VT in
the tubings (and pneumotachograph with the Hamilton ma- Pressure-controlled Mode
chines) should be taken into consideration. Results are the In pressure-controlled modes, VTdel depends on the mechani-
following: Hamilton Veolar FT and Galileo, 1.2 ml/cm H2O; cal properties of the lung model and is mostly independent of
Nellcor Puritan Bennett 7200 Series, 1.6 ml/cm H2O; 0.8 ml/cm inspiratory valve function, the latter generating flow until a
H2O for the other machines tested. Hence, at the mean pres- preset target pressure level is attained. At equilibrium, i.e., at
sure regimen documented in our tests, the trapped volume the preset pressure level, the volume of gas that has been
would at most amount to 32 ml. Taking both these mechanisms transferred into the lung model is the same regardless of den-
into account, the volume of gas trapped within the inspiratory sity, as predicted by Boyle’s law (17), and as outlined in METH-
circuit should be < 42 ml in the conditions of our tests. ODS. Therefore, the density reduction associated with the use
Considering the above, VTdel should be lower than mea- of HeO2 should decrease the time needed to reach the target
sured expired tidal volume (VTmeas) in our study, and the pressure, but should not influence VTdel compared with VTdel
magnitude of this difference can be expressed by a factor that obtained in control conditions with the same target pressure
includes the compressibility of the gas and the compliance of level but at an FIO2 of 1.0. However, the VTi reported by the
the circuit. This factor can be determined at FIO2 1.0, because ventilator should underestimate VTdel. Our results confirm
then the difference between VTdel and VTmeas is due to com- this hypothesis.
pressibility/compliance solely, and not to any confounding fac- The malfunction observed on the 7200 Series in this mode
tor such as the effect of density on inspiratory valve function. is explained by the effect of heliox on the hot-wire pneumo-
It should, however, be noted that, provided temperature is un- tachograph flow sensor and its feedback mechanism on the in-

spiratory valve discussed previously. Indeed, in pressure-con- data provided by the machine. The ease with which these prob-
trolled mode, the circuit is pressurized by a user-adjustable lems can be corrected varies from one ventilator to another,
peak inspiratory flow. However, because of the large overes- and the 7200 Series cannot be used with heliox. Except for the
timation of inspiratory flow entailed by heliox, the valve is latter machine, most alterations stem from the known physical
constantly cycling between open/closed positions, leading to properties of helium rather than from ventilator dysfunction, as
marked mechanical oscillations and dysfunction. demonstrated by our study in which there was very good con-
cordance between theoretical predictions and measurements.
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