Allen Science Test 4

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1) The value of is

(1) o
(2) A2 – B2


2) If and find


3) What is the angle between and ?

(1) 0



(4) π

4) The dimensions of in the equation P = where P is pressure, x is distance and t is time, are

(1) [M2L T–3]

(2) [MT–2]
(3) [LT–3]
(4) [ML3T–1]

5) The velocity v (in cm/s) of a particle in terms of time t (in s) by the equation the
dimension of a, b & c respectively are
(1) L2, T, LT2
(2) LT2, LT, L
(3) LT–2, L, T
(4) L, LT, T2


A and B are two physical quantities having different dimensions. Then which of the following
operation is dimensionally correct-

(1) A + B



(4) eA/B


Fill in the blank: 1 J =________ erg.


8) Young's modulus of a wire is given by where, L = length of wire A = area of

cross section, ΔL = change in length and 'F' is the stretching force. Find out the conversion factor to
change it formed CGS to MKS system.

(1) 0.001
(2) 0.01
(3) 0.1
(4) 1.00

9) If force, acceleration and time are taken as fundamental quantities, then the dimensions of mass
will be :

(1) FT2
(2) F–1A2
(3) FA–1
(4) FA–1T2

10) If area (A), velocity (v), and density (ρ) are base units, then the dimensional formula of force can
be represented as :-
(1) Avρ
(2) Av2ρ
(3) Avρ2
(4) A2vρ

11) The method of dimensional analysis can be used to derive which of the following relations ?

(1) N0e
(2) A sin(ωt + kx)

mv2 + Iω2
(4) None of the above

12) Which of the following is a derived unit?

(1) Unit of mass

(2) Unit of length
(3) Unit of time
(4) Unit of volume

13) A physical quantity is measured and its value is found to be nu where n = numerical value and u
= unit. Then which of the following relations is true?

(1) n ∝ u2
(2) n ∝ u


14) With due regard to significant figures, the value of (46.7 – 10.04) is

(1) 36.7
(2) 36.00
(3) 36.66
(4) 30.6

15) The side of a cube is 2.5 metre. The volume of the cube to the significant figures is

(1) 15
(2) 16
(3) 1.5
(4) 1.6

16) If the value of 103.5 kg is rounded off to three significant figures, then the value is
(1) 103
(2) 103.0
(3) 104
(4) 10.3


1) The magnitude of the vector product of two vectors and may be

(1) greater than AB

(2) equal to AB
(3) less than AB
(4) equal to zero.

2) The dimensions of the quantities in one (or more) of the following pairs are the same. Identify the
pair (s)

(1) Torque and Work

(2) Angular momentum and Work
(3) Energy and Young's modulus
(4) Light year and Wavelength

3) The position of a particle moving along the y-axis is given as y = At2 – Bt3 where y is measured in
metre and t in second. Then

(1) [A] = LT–2

(2) [B] = LT–3



4) Which of the following quantity is dimensionless

(1) work
(2) trigonometry ratio
(3) momentum
(4) angle



1) A photon of wavelength 300 nm is absorbed by a gas and then re-emitted as two photons, one
with wavelength of 760 nm. The wavelength (in nm) of the second photon is approximately.

(1) 496
(2) 300
(3) 760
(4) 530

2) Light of wavelength falls on metal having work function hc/ 0. Photoelectric effect will take
place only if :


3) Calculate the wavelength of an ultraviolet wave, if it's frequency is 12 × 1016 cycles/sec & C = 3 ×
108 m/sec:-

(1) 2.5 × 10–10 m

(2) 2.5 × 10–8 m
(3) 2.5 × 10–9 m
(4) 2.5 × 10–12 m

4) If radius of second stationary orbit (in Bohr's atom) is R. Then radius of third orbit will be

(1) R/3
(2) 9R
(3) R/9
(4) 2.25R

5) Energy of photon in 5eV and work function of metal is 3eV then maximum KE of
emitted photoelectron is

(1) 5eV
(2) 2eV
(3) 4eV
(4) 3eV


Select the "INCORRECT" statement about Photo electric effect

(1) Photo electric effect demonstrate particle nature of radiation

(2) A photon is quanta of energy, It's rest mass can be non-zero
(3) There is no effect of frequency of incident light on the number of the emitted photoelectrons
(4) Their is no effect of intensity of incident light on stopping potential
7) According to Bohr’s theory, the angular momentum of an electron in 5th orbit is





8) Which experiment is responsible for finding out the charge on an electron ?

(1) Millikan’s oil drop experiment

(2) Cathode ray discharge tube experiment
(3) Rutherford’s α- rays scattering experiment
(4) Photoelectric experiment

9) When an electron jumps from the second orbit to fourth orbit, its distance from nucleus increases
by 2.116 Å. The atom or ion should be :

(1) H atom
(2) He+ ion
(3) Li2+ ion
(4) Be3+ ion

10) Which graph shows how the energy (E) of a photon of light is related to its wavelengths (λ)?





Calculate the ratio of radius of 2nd orbits of Li2+ atom to 3rd orbits He+ ion.

(1) 8/27
(2) 2/9
(3) 4/27
(4) 5/16

12) In which of the following Bohr's atomic model is not applicable ?

(1) Li
(2) H
(3) He+
(4) Be3+

13) In order to increase the kinetic energy of ejected phtoelectrons, there should be an increase in

(1) intensity of radiation

(2) wavelength of radiation
(3) frequency of radiation
(4) both wavelength and intensity of radiation

14) Photoelectric emission is observed from a metal surface for frequencies v1 and v2 of the incident
radiation (v1 > v2). If maximum kinetic energies of the photoelectrons in the two cases are in the
ratio 1 : K, then the threshold frequency for the metal is given by





15) A 124 W bulb converts only 15% of the energy supplied to it into visible light of wavelength
640 nm. How many photons are emitted by the light bulb in one second?

(1) 4 × 1019
(2) 6 × 1019
(3) 8 × 1018
(4) 3 × 1019

16) If the speed of electron in the Bohr's first orbit of hydrogen atom is x, the speed of the electron
in the third Bohr's orbit is :-

(1) x/9
(2) x/3
(3) 3x
(4) 9x


1) A metal was irradiated with light of wavelength 4960Å. If threshold wavelength of metal is 7750
Å, the correct option(s) is/are -

(1) Maximum KE of emitted photoelectron is 0.9 eV.

(2) Stopping potential is 1.6 V.
(3) Increase in intensity of photons irradiated on metal will increase the photoelectric current.
(4) Maximum KE of emitted photoelectron will increase linearly with frequency.

2) Which of the following is a pair of Isotones

39 40
(1) 18Ar , 20Ca
14 13
(2) 7N , 6C
77 78
(3) 33As , 34Se
74 71
(4) 34Se , 31Ga

3) Select the correct graph for Bohr atom –




4) Select correct statement(s);

(1) An electron near the nucleus is attracted by the nucleus and has a low potential energy
(2) According to Bohr's model could explain the spectra on multielectron atoms
(3) Bohr's model could not explain the spectra on multielectron atoms
(4) Bohr's model was the first atomic model based on quatisation of energy



1) Basic unit of classification of organism is

(1) kingdom
(2) Monera
(3) Protista
(4) species

2) All bacteria have the presence of cell wall, is this statement true?
(1) Yes, all the bacteria have cell wall to protect them from adverse conditions
(2) No, Some bacteria like mycoplasma can survive without cell wall
(3) No, All the bacteria only have cell membrane
(4) Can’t predict

3) Most paramecium move with the help of_______

(1) Villi
(2) Oral grove
(3) Cilia
(4) Stationary

4) In taxonomic hierarchy family comes between

(1) Class and Order

(2) Order and Genus
(3) Genus and Species
(4) Division and Class

5) Diatomite (keiselgurh) and red tide are produced by :-

(1) Euglenoids and dinoflagellates respectively

(2) Chrysophyta and slime moulds respectively
(3) Chrysophyta and dinoflagellates respectively
(4) Dinoflagellates only

6) Which of the following combination of characters is true for slime moulds?

(1) Parasitic, plasmodium with walls, spores dispersed by air currents.

(2) Saprophytic, plasmodium with walls, spores dispersed by water.
(3) Parasitic, plasmodium without walls, spores dispersed by water.
(4) Saprophytic, plasmodium without walls, spores dispersed by air currents.

7) Fungi prefer to grow in :-

(1) Warm and dry place

(2) Cold and humid place
(3) Warm and humid place
(4) Cold and dry place

8) Read the following points carefully :-

(A) Stagnant water
(B) Protein rich pellicle
(C) Flexible body
(D) Short and long flagella
Above given statements are correct for:-
(1) Gonyaulax
(2) Euglena
(3) Physarum
(4) Amoeba

9) Read the following statements carefully with respect to slime moulds: (A) They produce slimy
mass at the time of vegetative phase. (B) Commonly called true fungi.
(C) The spores have true wall.
(D) Plasmodium is formed in unfavourable condition.

(1) A & B are correct

(2) B & C are correct
(3) A & C are correct
(4) C & D are correct

10) Genetic material without nuclear membrane is found in :

(1) Eubacteria & Mycoplasma

(2) Cynobacteria & Eubacteria
(3) Bacteria & Blue green algae
(4) All of the above

11) Find up the blanks.

I. Two kingdom system of classification was proposed by ...(A)...
II. Five kingdom system of classification was proposed by ...(B)...
III. ...(C)... includes prokaryotic microorganisms like ...(D)...
Identify A-D to complete the given statement :-

(1) A-Aristotle, B-Whittaker, C-Protista, D-Viroids

(2) A-Linnaeus, B-Whittaker, C-Monera, D-Bacteria
(3) A-Linnaeus, B-Stainier, C-Fungi, D-Virus
(4) A-Whittaker, B-Linnaeus, C-Protista, D-Euglena

12) How many organisms belong to a kingdom which has no well defined boundaries (w.r.t.
Whittaker system)?

Chlorella Xanthomonas Physarum

Spirogyra Rhizopus Chlamydomonas

Noctiluca Euglena Oscillatoria

(1) Seven
(2) Six
(3) Five
(4) Four

13) Which of the following is present in the alveoli of lungs?

(1) Simple columnar epithelium
(2) Simple cuboidal epithelium
(3) Simple squamous epithelium
(4) Sensory epithelium

14) Component of blood responsible for producing antibodies is

(1) Thrombocytes
(2) Monocytes
(3) Erythrocytes
(4) Lymphocytes

15) Example of contractile protein

(1) Collagen & Actin

(2) Elastin & Myosin
(3) Actin & Myosin
(4) Collagen and Elastin

16) Four healthy people in their twenties met with an accident resulting in damage of few cells of
the following parts of the body. Which of the following cells are least likely to be replaced by new
cells ?

(1) Liver cells

(2) Osteocytes
(3) Muscle cells
(4) Nerve cells


1) Find the incorrect statement about fungi

(1) They are prokaryotic

(2) Body organisation is cellular
(3) They are autotrophic
(4) Nucleur membrane is present

2) Organisms without well developed nucleus and membranous cell organelles belong to :

(1) Fungi
(2) Protista
(3) Cyanobacteria
(4) Archaebacteria

3) Which of the following statements are correct about Binomial nomenclature ?

(1) Scientific names are generally in Latin and written in italics.
(2) First word denotes species name and second word represents the genus.
(3) Generic name always starts with capital letter and specific name with small letter.
(4) Hand written scientific name should be underlined separately.

4) Which of the following are not examples of Prokaryotes?

(1) Chlorella
(2) Euglena
(3) Mycoplasma
(4) Paramecium



Q. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
A. 4 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 4 4 4 1 2 3


Q. 17 18 19 20
A. 2,3,4 1,4 1,2,3 2,4



Q. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
A. 1 3 3 4 2 2 4 1 3 4 1 1 3 4 2 2


Q. 37 38 39 40
A. 1,3,4 2,3,4 1,2,3,4 1,3,4



Q. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
A. 4 2 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 4


Q. 57 58 59 60
A. 1,3 3,4 1,3,4 1,2,4




[P] × [x] =

= = [ML–1T–2][L]
= [M1T–2]


[C] = [T]

[a t] = [v] ⇒ [a] [LT–2]



[F] = [MA]
⇒ M = [FA–1]



, x =495.65 ≅ 496 nm

Frequency = 12 × 1016 Cycle/sec = 12 × 1016 Hz




hv1 = hv0 + E1 and hv2 = hv0 + E2

E1 = hv1 - hv0 .....(1)
E2 = hv2 - hv0 .....(2)
From (1) and (2)

∴v =



E(V) =

Energy of irradiated light =

= 2.5 eV

Work function (∅) =

= 1.6 eV
(KE)max = hν – ∅ ……(i)
from equation (i) we can say that (KE) of emitted photoelectron will increase linearly with
(KE)max = 2.5 eV – 1.6 eV
= 0.9 eV
⇒ Stopping potential needed is 0.9 eV
As the intensity of photons irradiated on a metal increases, more number of photo electrons
are emitted per unit time. Hence, higher is the photoelectric current.

(A) No. of neutrons in 18Ar39 = 39 – 18 = 21, No. of neutrons in 20Ca40 → 40 – 20 = 20

(B) No. of neutrons in 7N14 = 14 – 7 = 7, No. of neutrons in 6C13 → 13 – 6 = 7

(C) No. of neutrons in 33As77 = 77 – 33 = 44, No. of neutrons in 34Se78 → 78 – 34 = 44

(D) No. of neutrons in 34Se74 = 74 – 34 = 40, No. of neutrons in 31Ga71 → 71 – 31 = 40

Option B, C, D consists pairs of isotones


(A) mvr = n

(B) r = 0.529






In binomial nomenclature the first word denotes genus name whereas the second word denotes the
species name.

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