GUX10.32 - Invocations (Magic)

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Contact the author at: xycho.mantis@gmail.

This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright CJ Carella
It is not meant to infringe on anyone’s exclusive rights

Salvius thoughts
The idea was to get rid of the Invocations with other invocations as prerequisites; instead, you can graduate to “Greater”
invocations once you reach a certain level, likely 5.

There might be a quality for “breakthrough” into Greater invocations. This unifies the previous invocations, but instead of a
standalone invocation, it effectively transforms your knowledge into a hybrid.

My idea was that once you reach lv6, you cross the threshold into Greater magic. Salvius counters with requiring that you get a
separate metaphysical quality that represents making the required breakthroughs to figure out and use Greater magic.

His revised idea is that you have at least lv5, then this new quality pays for crossing into lv6 (or whatever), acquiring the Greater
effects, and costs the same as if buying a level above level 5.

So, Cassandra has level 5 Lesser Healing. She can just expand her lesser healing mastery, or she can get edified in the greater
healing. Either way, it costs 5 CP or 10 XP to make the breakthrough and gain a level, or 8 XP to just gain the level.

New Greater Invocation: Purify, requires Soulfire and Cleansing and functions very much like Celestial Fire.
New Greater Invocation: Unnamed, Taint Infusion and Soulfire and now pretty much does was Mord Wraiths do.

Circle Magic is no longer just for magic. It still requires channelers, but now it can be easily refilled. The idea has been matured
for use by anyone that will use Essence via channeling. The analogy with the basin is clear. The tradition is that the group gets it
filled and the leader pours it on him, the new approach allows for no leader and everyone to use their own straws and cups to
use the gathered essence at their leisure. Still, this requires everyone to have at least one level in channeling or something
suitable. Specifically it allows for seers to go around using power willy-nilly.

Snake’s suggestions

For item enchantments: sigilry – basically words of power and runic magic that was put into metal, it was a written only language;
effects are dependent on the type of metal upon which they are placed, magitech.

Consume energy from fire to fuel spells.

Wizard’s staff now represents a combination vessel, holding pattern, essence structure, and maybe even a spirit mannequin. The
Wizard puts his energy into it and it becomes extremely stable and usable for fantastic effects.

Regarding weather lordship

You have control over the four elements, similar to that stupid movie, Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Elemental Mastery: example is using elemental fire to create an inferno, but you use elemental mastery to combine air and fire to
create a firestorm or air and water to create a rain storm or thunderstorm, or fire and earth to fabricate stuff; this can also create
the option solid, liquid, gas, plasma invocations

Lucid’s suggestion: Elemental Magicks

Use the four elements as the basis of the powers available to all mages. Think in terms of Avatar and Alchemists and you should
have a decent idea. The trick, however, is to use the levels in each of the four elements, probably valuated as Seer Strength, as
the focus task. The individual special effects beyond strictly the element in question, are purchased individually at a set cost and
are activated with the appropriate elemental focus task, similar to combining primal powers with the Force.


Rename shielding into warding and include symbols of protection. Switch Symbols of Protection from Warding to Empowerment
and rename it Glyph and make it so that it stores magic energy for one-shot effects or degrading effects. [Turns out that I already
did that. Awesome.]

Unisystem vX, Chapter 10.28 – Invocations; 20150224
Go to to download a corebook containing the original Unisystem rules.
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This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright CJ Carella
It is not meant to infringe on anyone’s exclusive rights

Update Healing to include areas of effect such as a healing light. Combine with cleansing to create greater healing and possible
other healing effects. Maybe make diseases a higher level removal because they are actually living organisms inside a person
instead of a toxic substance like a poison. So, Lesser Healing can treat injuries and poison but Greater Healing is required for
diseases and defects, grievous injuries beyond the body's ability to heal naturally, and even reviving the recently dead.

Use symbols and marks, possibly from warding or essence mastery to limit/protect specific things/people from AoE effects. Such
as healing light that only affects people with the mark, or soul fire that does not affect people with the mark.

Review the Purification greater invocation whose prerequisites are cleansing and soulfire. Include AoE effect. Possibly make a
Miracle that does that.

Detecting channeling
Essence can be sensed at range by those sensitive to it: i.e gifted, supernaturals, and spirits or those with the associated
Ground Zero: 1 yd per channeled Essence – gifted can instantly sense the mage channeling, how much, and can get an idea of
what is being cast, maybe feels spiritual pressure
General Effect: 5 yd per channeled Essence – gifted can sense the mage channeling, how much, and can get an idea of what is
being cast with a Simple Perception Test (or Perception and Notice Task) with +1 per 5 Essence channeled
Maximum range: 45 yd per channeled Essence – gifted can sense that some essence usage is occurring but no further details
with a Difficult Perception Test with +1 per 5 Essence channeled

Circle Magic as a Force Multiplier

The power exercised by a group of mages can well exceed the effects of their separate cumulative power. However, the mages
must remain in a circle to maintain this effect or their most powerful magics will disintegrate.
Instead of adding a flat amount of essence to the circle, every channeler in the circle that donates essence to the lead will factor
into the circle count and in turn increase the multiplier. Below is an example rate.
3 channelers = x3
4 channelers = x2
5 channelers = x4
6 channelers = x2
7 channelers = x5
8 channelers = x3
9 channelers = x3
10 channelers = x3
11 channelers = x4
12 channelers = x3
13 channelers = x7

Affect the Psyche (basic 5 are solid, the expansions are not; possibly have expansions operate as sophisticated explorations of
the basic 5)
Joy and Sadness
Trust and Disgust
Fear and Anger
Surprise and Anticipation
Hollow – render subject entirely emotionless
Expanded I: Complexity
Expanded II: Sensation
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Go to to download a corebook containing the original Unisystem rules.
Contact the author at:
This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright CJ Carella
It is not meant to infringe on anyone’s exclusive rights

Blessing “to bolster with empowering magic”

Good Fortune – virtual Good Luck pool
Success Blessing – guaranteed success (like Providence); maybe Good Luck pool toward specified effect
Protection – virtual Good Luck pool against targeted effect
Invigorate – augment physical ability
Inspiration – augment mental ability

Cleansing “to cleanse and dispel spiritual influences”

Calm the waters – neutralize Red essence in an area
Excise – detach influential spiritual entity (the Invocation version of an exorcism)
Purge – flush an entity of negative spiritual energy
Antipode – dispel a supernatural effect by cancelling via opposite energy (the Invocation version of the Denial)
Still Spirit – stabilize a spirit suffering continuing trauma

Curse “to hinder with obstructive magic”

Bad Luck – virtual Bad Luck pool
Failure Curse – guaranteed failure; maybe Bad Luck toward specific effect
Imperil – virtual Bad Luck pool against targeted effect
Debilitate – sabotage physical ability
Enervate – sabotage mental ability

Elemental Air “to manipulate air”

Wind – modify existing wind currents, nonlinear
Gust – create a single, powerful blast of air
Still Air – make a space still or at least reduce wind, nonlinear
Purify Air – make a body of air fresh and life supporting
Putrify Air – make a body of air putrid and deadly (immediate suffocation)
Expanded I – Storm Magic
Turbulence – high altitude violent air flows
Whirlwind – create a small tornado
Wind shear – abrupt vertical wind, protects against arrows but can also make a plane or other flyer crash
Expanded II – Sylph Magic
Ride the wind – flying baby, yeah! Expensive
Sylph – spirit limbs but for elemental air
Bubble – create a protected space of air around the mage
Expanded III – War Wind
Concussion Wave – very short range concussion blast
Back off – powerful, short range burst of wind that knocks things away from the mage
Debris Storm – whirlwind that focuses on causing harm like Dust Devil

Elemental Fire “to manipulate and create fire”

Will o’ Wisp (tantamount to illuminate or pyrokinesis)
Ignite – set something flammable alight, cost based on how flammable the object is (but is otherwise small)
Immolate – envelope something in fire
Striking Flame – launch a jet of flame
Extinguish – douse a fire or counteract any fire magic, cast based on size and intensity of the fire
Expanded I – War Fire
Wave of Fire – cone shaped wave of fire
Dragon Breath – magic flamethrower
Wall of Fire – creates a geometric wall of fire
Expanded II – Applied Heat
Melt – targeted object is heated to its melting point
Vaporize – targeted object is heated to the point of vaporizing in a flash (can be explosive)
Inferno – area of effect
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Go to to download a corebook containing the original Unisystem rules.
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This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright CJ Carella
It is not meant to infringe on anyone’s exclusive rights

Expanded III – Light Magic

Illuminate – a will o’ wisp that provides useful light, cheap to maintain
Beacon – a powerful and bright light with a set, short duration
Flare – a very bright, very brief flash of blinding light

Elemental Earth “to manipulate the earth”

Terrakinesis – telekinesis limited to earth-type matter
Shift Earth – large scale movement of earth-type matter
Dust Devil – self explanatory
Tremor – highly localized surface tremor
Stone Attack – launch stone at target
Expanded I – Stone Magic
Shatter – Destroy matter
Brittle – Render material exceedingly brittle
Of Clay – Temporarily make solid matter the consistency of soft clay (but only to the caster’s touch, so the effect is duration
Expanded II – Craft Magic
Temper – harden matter, make steel stronger, inefficient manner to make brittle
Annealing – Soften matter, make steel pliable, but not make it soft-like-clay
Compact – Literally compress earthlike matter, works best with particulate matter but also works on other stuff
Expanded III – Dark Earth Magic
Quake – Deep, serious earthquake (extremely dangerous)
Fissure – A significant shift in the earth that opens a hole and then resets (extremely dangerous)
Sinkhole – Opens up a sinkhole with a wide radius (extremely dangerous)

Elemental Water “to manipulate water”

Mist (maybe folded into precipitate)
Expanded I – Ice magic
Freeze (turn water into ice)
Sculpt Ice (manipulate ice like clay)
Deposit (precipitate but as instant ice, like frost or Sub-Zero)
Expanded II – Sea magic
Whirlpool – create a whirlpool that might get a ship
Wave – make the body of water jump overboard or “attack” things on the “shore”
Riptide – make a riptide that can drag swimmers

Empowerment “to empower an object with supernatural power”

Creating a vessel or infused object requires a permanent investment of essence. This investment is carved directly out of
the spirit of the creator and can only be regained by cannibalizing the object. Treat this as a reduction in maximum Essence
capacity (applied according to the growth proportion, so spirits will lose some portion of Vital and Energy Essence).
Using a vessel requires some form of channeling. The user must be in contact or extremely close proximity to the object
(very nearly in contact so maybe only a few layers of clothing between her and the vessel). Infused objects have all the terms of
their use defined by the creator.
Creating an object typically requires a great deal of Essence. It can be used over time as a project: this makes it easier and
increases the chances for success. In general, the user’s Willpower level in Essence can be imbued in an object per hour if this
process is being done slowly and safely. This practically guarantees success and eliminates the high essence usage penalty but
significantly increases the time it takes to empower an object.
Create Vessel – turns an object into an essence battery
The base investment cost is 2 Essence and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task. This is only enough to render the
object ready as a cell with a 0 Essence capacity. For every additional 3 Essence, the capacity increases by 1. However, the
capacity cannot exceed one-third of caster’s own Essence pool. Furthermore, she cannot create more vessels than her relevant
Unisystem vX, Chapter 10.28 – Invocations; 20150224
Go to to download a corebook containing the original Unisystem rules.
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This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright CJ Carella
It is not meant to infringe on anyone’s exclusive rights

Metaphysical skill. A newly created vessel is fully charged. Using the essence from a vessel requires the user to be in contact
with the object and some form of channeling. Make sure to note the result of the Focus Task during the creation of the vessel, it
will be relevant for cannibalization. An example of this notation is: object name (focus task result): max capacity/current charge;
Emerald Earring Vessel (FT 16): 25/17. The point is that it’s easier to tally off to the right than to the left.
Restrict Vessel – restricts access to an essence battery
The base investment cost is 1 Essence and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task. The energy cost is 4 Essence. The
caster can create specific restrictions regarding who and when people can utilize the energy stored in a vessel. This restriction
can be breached only by cannibalization.
Cannibalize Vessel – consume the essence in a vessel, including the investment charge
The base energy cost is 5 Essence and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task opposed by the creator’s original Focus
Task (even if the cannibal is the creator). The energy stored in the object becomes active essence under the control of the
cannibal at a 3:1 conversion (every 3 current Essence in the object becomes 1 active Essence). The cannibal can permanently
grow 1:2 investment Essence, 1:1 if the creator and the cannibal are the same person.
Recharge Vessel – refill the vessel
The base energy cost is 2 Essence and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task. Every 3 additional Essence expended
refills the vessel by 1 Essence.
Imbue Spark – add a self-supporting spark to a vessel
The base energy cost is 10 Essence, the base investment cost is 2 Essence, and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task.
The object is permanently imbued with a spiritual spark that creates a sort of artificial spirit entity. The vessel regenerates 1
Essence per hour per Willpower of the caster. Like a normal vessel, it is a good idea to note the details of the vessel in some
manner; Steel Bracelet Vessel (FT 18, Regen 5): 50/20.
Expanded I – Infusion
Enchant Object – enchant an object with the ability to create a specific effect
The base energy cost is 20 Essence, the base investment cost is 4 Essence, a vessel with enough stored Essence to active
the desired effect once, and an Intelligence-based Focus Task.
Infuse Object – enchant an object to have a continuous effect
Inscribe Glyph – infuse a glyph with a one-time specific effect
The base energy cost is 5 Essence, the base investment cost is 1 Essence, a drawn symbol (get -4 penalty and increase
base energy cost by 5 and investment to 2 without a premade symbol), three times the Essence cost of the desired effect, and
an Intelligence-based Focus Task.
Expanded II – Alchemy
Brew Potion – create a potion by infusing a concoction with a specific, one-time effect.
Transmute – imbue an object with unnatural traits
Concoct Poison – create a poison with very specific, supernatural effects

Feat of Glory “to accomplish the nearly impossible in combat” (No good, keep for reference only)
Kill Strike – guarantee damage for essence cost
Curve the Bullet – reduce the penalty for cover with Focus Task
Trick Shot – reduce the circumstantial penalties for ranged attacks or perform highly improbable tricks
Stunt Strike – reduce the circumstantial penalties for melee attacks or perform highly improbable tricks
Long Shot – eliminate range penalties for ranged attacks
Steel Fist – turn all unarmed strikes into automatic lethal damage
Penetrating Strike – reduce/eliminate armor/barrier values
*Called Shot – mitigate penalties for attacking specific locations/targets
Flurry of Blows – make multiple, rapid melee attacks
*One Draw, Two Cuts – make an instant, double attack?
Rain of Bullets – make multiple, rapid ranged attacks
*Dance of Death – eliminate MAP penalties for certain number of actions over a time
Expanded I: Immaculate Defense
Immaculate Parry – parry with Unopposed Focus Task
Immaculate Evasion – dodge/weave with Unopposed Focus Task
*Immovable Object –automatically reduce or stop damage with Focus Task based Block
Expanded II: Immaculate Offense
Immaculate Strike – melee strike with Unopposed Focus Task
Immaculate Shot – ranged strike with Unopposed Focus Task
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This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright CJ Carella
It is not meant to infringe on anyone’s exclusive rights

*Unstoppable Force – increase damage

Gateway “to create and manipulate dimensional portals”

Activate Gateway – activate an existing inter-dimensional gateway
Jump Gate – create a nearly instantaneous intra-dimensional gateway
Tear In The Fabric – create a temporary inter-dimensional gateway
Seal – close and lock an existing gateway, temporary or permanent
Gate Trap – create a nearly instantaneous intra-dimensional gateway that affects someone other than the caster

Greater Illusion “to mislead by altering reality” (seems to temporarily alter reality and can create real effects but does not actually
do anything [think of the rug trap from Sorcerer’s Apprentice and similar effects])
Prerequisites: Affect the Psyche, Lesser Illusion
Disguise – effective physical alteration of the character’s appearance
Hideaway – metaphysical conceal/cloak a target
Panorama – create a new environment
False Idol – create a phantasmal entity 5+3/cubic foot of volume. For reference, a 120 lb human woman is about 2 cubic feet. A
180 lb man is about 3 cubic feet. For those savvy to math, for living creatures, divide the mass in kg by 28 to determine cubic
feet, multiply by 3 and then add 5 for essence cost of an ambulatory phantasmal entity. Alternatively, every 60 lbs of a animal
tissue is about 1 cubic foot.
Artifice – create a phantasmal object

Greater Healing “to reweave body and mind”

Prerequisites: Cleansing, Lesser Healing
Reconstruction – maimed parts
Revive – bring a person back from the dead
Recuperate – cleanse the body of intrusive diseases
Reweave – fix natural disorders
Renew – regrow missing parts

Insight “to see with eyes unclouded”

Most applications require time to gather the most complete information and are limited by Success Level. This means that
time must be spent concentrating or observing the subject and as certain time markers are met, more information becomes
available. However, time markers beyond the Focus Task’s Success Level are irrelevant and no further information can be
gathered. So, even if the caster spends 10 minutes observing, if she only got 3 Success Levels on her Focus Task, she will only
get the information from the 3 SL space and the additional time spent will not garner more information. The basic time
requirements are as follows: 1 SL – instantaneous; 2 SL – 30 seconds; 3 SL – 1 minute; 4 SL – 5 minutes; 5 SL – 10 minutes.
Additional SL beyond 5 accelerate the time required by moving back a time frame (6 SL means that the 2 SL result is
instantaneous and each higher SL takes place one grade sooner) up to 10 SL wherein she attains instantaneous understanding
of all Success Levels of information.
Appraise – physical attributes of an object
The base cost is 2 Essence and requires a Perception-based Focus Task. The details of the object increase based on how
long concentration is held and is limited by Success Level: 1 SL – dimensions and weight; 2 SL – more information; 3 SL – more
information including composition; 4 SL – more information; 5 SL – more information including structural integrity.
Analyze – functions of a process
The base cost is 6 Essence and requires a Perception-based Focus Task. The details of the process increase based on
how long observation is maintained and is limited by Success Level: 1 SL – end result; 2 SL – more information; 3 SL – more
information including overall procedure, 4 SL – more information; 5 SL – more information including specific procedure and
critical vulnerable points.
Aura Sight – see essence reality superimposed over normal reality
The base cost is 4 Essence and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task. The effect lasts for 1 minute per Success Level,
this can be extended to 10 minutes per SL for 5 additional Essence. The character adds on essence perception as a spirit in
addition to his existing senses. This provides all the commensurate benefits which are detailed in Chapter 18: Creatures.
Comprehend – functions of a device
The base cost is 4 Essence and requires a Perception-based Focus Task. The details of the device increase based on how
long concentration is held and is limited by Success Level: 1 SL – basic activation and manipulation; 2 SL – intended purpose of
Unisystem vX, Chapter 10.28 – Invocations; 20150224
Go to to download a corebook containing the original Unisystem rules.
Contact the author at:
This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright CJ Carella
It is not meant to infringe on anyone’s exclusive rights

device; 3 SL – comprehension of structure and key points of device usage; 4 SL – more information; 5 SL – mechanisms of
function and intended and secondary uses.
Decipher – meaning behind media
The base cost is 6 Essence and requires a Perception-based Focus Task. The meaning of the media is revealed to the user
in increasing detail based on how long concentration is held and is limited by Success Level. 1 SL – literal translation; 2 SL –
accurate to meaning translation; 3 SL – accurate translation with comprehension of deeper meaning or identification of
encrypted meaning; 4 SL – more information; 5 SL – unencrypted translation of media true to intent of writer (if possible) or
identification of the relevant cipher needed to acquire final translation.
This decoding is a supernatural construct between the caster and the targeted medium and stays in effect for Willpower in
minutes after activated. During this time, the caster can read and collect relevant information or write down her findings, but
when the effect ends, her comprehension ends and she will only have access to her memory or written notes until she uses this
effect again. It can be renewed by paying the base cost at the end of duration. It can also be attempted anew, but the process
starts from the beginning again. It is also possible that the concepts in the media exceed the caster’s comprehension even when
translated to a language she understands, in which case, she is in for a bit of a disappointment.
Expanded Training I: Truth
Grain of Truth – find a tidbit of information, yes-or-no question only; “tests for positive, does not actually read the mind”
The base cost is 3 Essence and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task. The caster must pose a “yes-or-no” question. The
target subconsciously resists with a Difficult Willpower Test; mundane consciously resisting get a +3, supernaturals and gifted
characters get a Simple Willpower. Other powers or abilities can provide a more effective defense. The caster effectively “tests
for positive,” she does not read the target’s mind.
Seek the Truth – sense lies (also sees through illusions with Resisted Task, maybe)
The base cost is 2 Essence and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task. It lasts for 1 minute per Success Level. While it is
in effect, the caster can sense when people are disingenuous. This does not extract the actual facts, only that the target’s
actions and expressions are inconsistent with what the target knows or intends. The target’s knowledge could be factually
inaccurate, but if the target believes it, he is not lying.
Know the Truth – establish an honest psychological profile of a being
The base cost is 6 Essence and requires a Perception-based Focus Task. The target subconsciously resists with a Difficult
Willpower Test, mundanes consciously resisting get a +3 but supernaturals and gifted get a Simple Willpower. Other powers or
abilities can provide more effective defensive measures such as Shielding and Telepathy. The details of the target’s
psychological profile are based on how long it is observed and limited by Success level: 1 SL – cursory profile; 2 SL – basic
motives (fear, greed, etc); 3 SL – accurate profile; 4 SL – more sophisticated motives; 5 SL – comprehensive profile.

Lesser Healing “to mend flesh and bone”

Mend – cure LP damage
Purge – remove poison
Invigorate – cure EP damage
Enrich – cure Ess damage
Anodyne – relieve pain
Expanded Training I – Auras
Aura – transforms a healing effect into an area of effect over time
Expanded Training II – Bolstering
Think of stuff not Blessing

Lesser Illusion “to mislead by altering perception” (the invocation seems changed to the senses but is not actually changed and
fails truly objective tests; base this off the Telepathic Illusions explored in ConX)
Mirage – create a fictitious panorama
Mask – alter the appearance of the target
Camouflage – downgraded version of Hideaway
Auditory Illusion – create a sound
Phantasm – create an object

Purification “to burn out corruption”

Prerequisites: Cleansing, Soulfire

Scrying “to see with eyes unfettered”

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This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright CJ Carella
It is not meant to infringe on anyone’s exclusive rights

Far seeing – manifest a remote sensory node for temporary far seeing
The base cost is 5 Essence and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task. The base range for the node is 100 yards per
Perception level; the range can be upgraded to 1 mile per Perception Level for an additional 5 Essence. The range can be
further extended by 1 Essence per additional unit (100 meters at the lower level or 1 mile at the higher level). The caster must
determine, in advance, a radial location for the sensor node and perspective, which cannot change once created. This viewing
lasts for 1 minute. A node can be renewed at the full initial cost. The caster has double sensory input while the node is effect and
has the option to suppress her natural or node senses for the duration of the effect.
Divine the future – receive a vision about the future (time based on essence spent, detail based on SL)
The base cost is 6 Essence and requires a Perception-based Focus Task. The caster must pose a specific question and
receives a vision based on the Success Levels of the Focus Task.
Divine the past – receive a vision about the past (time based on essence spent, detail based on SL)
The base cost is 6 Essence and requires a Perception-based Focus Task. The caster must post a specific question and
receives a vision based on the Success Levels of the Focus Task.
Search – like Locate
The base cost is 10 Essence and requires a Perception-based Focus Task. The caster must know what he is looking for.
The base range is 1 mile per Perception level and can be increased by 1 mile per additional 1 Essence spent. Modifiers are
based on the target.
Psinks: -10 to the Focus Task. If the D10 result is less than 9, the target cannot be found. Takes 10 minutes.
Objects or Voids: -6 to the Focus Task. Takes 5 minutes.
Mundanes: -2 to the Focus Task. Takes 1 minute.
Gifted/Supernaturals: +2 to the Focus Task. Takes 30 seconds.
Recently used powers or Essence: +1 per 5 Essence used. Instant.
This creates a spontaneous understanding of a radial location at the minimum value. At higher SL, the caster can get more
comprehensive visions with more valuable information. (SL table coming, basic version is; 1 SL – snapshot radial location, 2 SL
– snapshot of vision target with radial location, 3 SL – tracking radial location for Willpower minutes and snapshot vision of
target; 4 SL – tracking radial location for Willpower minutes and panoramic snapshot vision of target every few seconds; 5 SL –
projectable, suppressible, tracking location for Willpower x 10 minutes (can transfer location to external media with concentration
like pointing out personal location and identifying target location on a map). It takes longer to collect the benefits of higher
success levels: 1 SL – instant, 2 SL – 30 seconds, 3 SL – 1 minute, 4 SL – 5 minutes, 5 SL – 10 minutes. Casting time is the
greater of the SL requirements or the listed time for finding the subject, so the caster can terminate when she decides she has
the level of information she needs. (The Focus Task may best be rolled in secret by the Chronicler to keep the caster guessing
until the relevant information is gathered.)
See Into The Otherworlds – farsight across dimensions
The base cost is 10 Essence and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task.
Expanded I: Eyes projected
Astral Projection – manifest spirit form tethered to physical form
The base cost is 3 Essence and requires a Willpower-based Focus Task. This creates the projection, which is a spirit-form
version of the caster. The projection has only as much Essence as the caster provides beyond the base cost required creating it.
The caster can apply all but 5 Essence, which represents the anchor to her body, into the projection. However, the projection
immediately starts decaying at a rate of 1 Essence per hour.
While projecting, the caster’s body collapses into a limp, comatose state. The projection becomes the seat of her
consciousness so she perceives and interacts with the world as a spirit. This means that most actions, including supernatural
powers, only affect other spirit beings. Only supernatural divination or perception powers, like Scrying, Insight, or passive
Telepathy, can affect material beings. However, any Essence cost or spiritual exertion is exacted from the projection.
When the caster is finished projecting, she has two options to return to her body. The first is to return to the body and
reenter it; this returns whatever Essence remained in the projection to the caster. The more painful option is to sever the
connection with a Willpower-based Focus Task; this results in the summary loss of the Essence remaining in the projection.
A projecting caster can be forcibly awakened. Firm but gentle agitation can grant the caster a Difficult Perception Test to
realize she is being called and detect the agitation. She can then choose to return to her body or abort the projection. Trauma
can forcibly abort the projection and is immediately detected. She can resist snapping awake with a Willpower-based Focus
Task with a penalty based on the associated Trauma penalty in order to return, or she can simply accept the summary
termination of the effect.
Sending – supernatural phone call
The base cost is 15 Essence with a Willpower-based Focus Task and takes between 10 minutes and 2 hours (opposite side
of the world) of concentration to establish a connection. This does not provide any information of the target’s surroundings and
Unisystem vX, Chapter 10.28 – Invocations; 20150224
Go to to download a corebook containing the original Unisystem rules.
Contact the author at:
This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright CJ Carella
It is not meant to infringe on anyone’s exclusive rights

cannot be used as a way to use other powers against the target except telepathy (at -10 to the associated Focus Task and a
result of less than 9 on the D10 automatically fails).
The sending implants a telepathic illusion in the mind of the target. The default is an image of the caster’s face and the
sound of her voice. An additional 3 Essence and a separate Intelligence-based Focus Task is required to change the visual or
auditory aspect of the telepathic illusion; this disguised illusion can be identified only by someone with the ability to sense
Essence and then with a Perception-based Task (Notice, Telepathy, Insight, and this very invocation, are suitable skills for such
a Task). The target cannot normally resist a sending without some external ability such as Telepathy, Shielding, or Essence
The Sending endures for as long as the caster desires. However, while it is in effect, her body is stiffly paralyzed (she will
not fall over using this, but she will not be able to do anything else). Trauma or agitation will induce forcible disruption which can
be resisted with a Willpower-based Focus Task.
Third Eye Glyph – set up a lasting, sense activated far seeing node
The base cost is 15 Essence, requires an object or glyph as a focus, and a Willpower-based Focus Task. This creates a
Farseeing node that is centered on the object, which can be moved to change the perspective. The effect lasts for 1 hour per
Willpower level but can be upgraded to 1 day per Willpower by spending an additional 5 Essence and an additional day per
additional 1 Essence. The node must be assigned viewing criteria so that it is not constantly active. While the node is active, the
Caster cannot regain any of the Essence spent in creating it and it otherwise follows the rules of a Farseeing node.
Expanded II: Communion
One with the land (basic communion)
One with the flesh (as the Beasts)
One with the spirit (basic telepathy)

Sorcery “to manipulate essence itself”

Prerequisites: Cleansing, Insight, Warding
Essence Structure – create an essence construct that reduces high energy usage penalties for a specific casting
Spirit Mannequin – create a pseudo spirit that can fill the role of an additional caster for group magic
Spirit Engine (Homunculus) – create an artificial spirit
Reservoir – create an artificial place of power
Holding Pattern – create an essence construct that holds channeled/active essence in a stable holding pattern for later use

Soulfire “manipulate the smokeless flame (Essence)”

Blast of freezing flame – ranged, targeted soulfire blast
Guardian motes of white embers – balls of soulfire that stay in the caster’s vicinity and strike at nearby targets
Wall of still fire – wall of soulfire
Pillar of the silent pyre – immolation effect, super effective against shielding
Amidst the smokeless inferno – area of effect soulfire centered on mage
Expanded I
Storm of scintillating light – area of effect soulfire, like the light magic grimoire from Dragon’s Dogma
Gaze of withering light – cone of soulfire, includes blinding effect
Beam of burning light – precision soulfire blast, maybe has long range, maybe has piercing effect

Spirit Mastery “summon and control a particular class of spirits”

The types are: dead (not bound by oaths), nature, elemental, ethereal (normal/good ethereal, must use normal essence),
fiends (evil/hostile ethereal like fiends, mara, or wildlings; must use red essence), monsters (outsiders, must use Virum for most
effects), Sephyra (Sephyr and Sephyr descendants like seraphim and titans), Natura (Natura and Natura descendants like fae
and dragons) [the latter two are extremely/absurdly rare].
Summon –
Bond –
Compact –
Dismiss –
Evict –
Manifest – Force the spirit to manifest in some capacity.

Warding “to craft mystic barriers”

Unisystem vX, Chapter 10.28 – Invocations; 20150224
Go to to download a corebook containing the original Unisystem rules.
Contact the author at:
This is a derivative work based on Unisystem, copyright CJ Carella
It is not meant to infringe on anyone’s exclusive rights

A shield is constructed by reweaving the essence of the target into a forceful barrier. This renders that essence largely
unusable to the owner.
Instate a fuel charge to activate the effect, and then the materials charge to construct the shield.
Physical Armor – protection against energetic outside forces
The basic fuel charge of a physical shield is 2 Essence and a minimum of 1 Essence investment. This creates a shield
around a human sized subject, typically the caster. The shield starts with AV 0 and DC 10. At the time of casting, the shield can
be made more powerful by spending more Essence. Every additional 1 Essence invested will give the +1 AV, up to 10 Essence
per Warding level, or +5 DC, with no cap.
The shield protects against energetic outside forces acting on the shield, i.e. incoming strikes, bullets, even rainfall strong
winds. It does not protect against slow forces like regular air currents so toxic gasses could seep through nor slow physical
forces like a heavy weight pressing down on the protected subject or a knife slowly pushed through the armor. Lastly, the shield
in no way hinders the subject’s movement, which means there is no armor penalty but also that damage from falling or where the
subject’s own movement results in trauma is not prevented. The armor is destroyed if the DC is brought to 0 and it does not
regenerate by itself.
Essence Armor – protection against Essence
The basic fuel charge of an essence shield is 2 Essence and a minimum of 3 Essence investment. This creates a shield
around a human sized subject, typically the caster, with a protection value of 10 plus the Success Levels of the Focus Task.
Every additional 1 Essence invested will increase the protection value by 1.
The shield protects against supernatural effects that directly affect the subject as if the subject resisted the effect himself
with a Task result equal to the Protection Level. This ranges from the effects of Curse and Blessing to direct manipulation with
Telekinesis or direct immolation with Pyrokinesis or Elemental Fire. It does not, however, protect against gross physical though
supernaturally created effects, like a fire bolt from Elemental Fire or a truck thrown at the character with Telekinesis.
The shield also interferes with sensing the essence of the subject, including searching for them (they are treated like a
mundane). Creatures with essence sensing abilities, like spirits and ferals, cannot get a read on the subject except that it’s
shielded. The shield itself is impervious to attack except by effects that directly damage or drain essence pools. For every 3
damage from such a source, the shield’s protective level decreases by 1. The shield is destroyed when it is taken to 9 or lower
Reactive Armor – passive shielding

Gird – reinforces existing armor/clothing

Shield – creates a wall like a shield or just a barricade
Expanded I: Warding
All wards have a duration unless they are anchored with a glyph, symbol of power, or investment.
Ward – basic ward
Barrier – physical “force field” ward
Trap Ward – invert “shield” that can be a trap

Unisystem vX, Chapter 10.28 – Invocations; 20150224
Go to to download a corebook containing the original Unisystem rules.

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