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There are three parts to this test. Please refer to the Speaking Test Instructions before
conducting the test.

PART 1 ( 10 pts) 3 points/question – 4 points/extended question 2-3 mins

Instruction: Good morning/afternoon/evening.

Ask each candidate two questions from the following list.

PART 2 ( 9 pts) 9 points 4-6


Instruction: Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together
for about two minutes.

Give 2 candidates a card for conversation, candidates have 1 minute to prepare, and 2-4 minutes to
make the conversation.

PART 3 ( 6pts) 3 points/ question 2 mins


Candidates answer the questions relating to the conversation in part 2.


Part 1 (10 pts)

To both candidates Now, let’s talk about communicating.

Giving information Back-up questions

Candidate A
How do you keep in touch with your friends? Do you ever write letters to your
I keep in touch with friends through zalo friends?
apps and messaging apps No, I usually prefer to send
How do you start a conversation when you messages or emails instead of
meet someone for the first time? writing letters to my friends.
I usually start a conversation when you meet Do you like meeting new people?
ask someone is "How are you" Because I Yes, I like meeting new people
want know their current state. Because it helps me expand and
and make more friends
Candidate B
How much time do you spend chatting online Do you use the internet to chat with
with your friends? your friends?
I usually spend about one hours each day Yes, I use the Internet to chat with
chatting online with my friends. friends through various messaging
What’s the first question you usually ask apps and zalo apps
someone? Do you like talking with new
The first question I usually ask someone is, people?
“What your name” Because I want know his Yes, I like talking to new people
name Because it helps me broaden my
Extended Tell me about an interesting conversation Who did you speak with?
response ( 4 pts) you had with your friend. I did you speak with my close
I had an interesting conversation with my friend, Chinh.
friend about travel experiences, sharing What was the conversation about?
stories about favorite destinations and The conversation was about our
memorable adventures, which inspired us to recent travel experiences.
plan our next trip together. Explain why you think it was
It was interesting because we
discussed different places to visit
and things to do.

Part 2 (9 pts)

Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for about two minutes.
You meet a friend you haven't seen for a long time. Have a conversation with him/her.
- say hello
- express happiness to see him/her
- give your news
- listen to your friend's news and respond
- make plans to stay in touch
- say goodbye

A: Hi! It's so good to see you after such a long time!

B: Hi there! I know, it's been ages! I'm really happy to catch up.
A: I've been doing well, just started a new job last month. How about you?
B: That's great to hear! I've been busy with school. Almost done with my degree now.
A: That's exciting! Any plans after graduation?
B: I'm thinking of traveling for a bit, maybe backpacking through Southeast Asia.
A: That sounds amazing! We should definitely stay in touch. How about we plan a trip together
B: Absolutely! Let's exchange numbers and keep each other updated. It was so nice catching up with you.
A: Yeah, it was. Take care and let's not wait so long next time!
B: Definitely. Bye for now!

A: Hi! It's so great to see you after such a long time!

B: Hello! I know, it's been ages. I'm really happy to catch up with you.
A: I've been doing well. Just started a new job recently. How about you?
B: That's fantastic! I've been busy with school, but I'm almost done with my degree.
A: That's awesome! Any plans after graduation?
B: I'm thinking of traveling for a bit. Maybe we can plan something together?
A: Absolutely! Let's exchange numbers and keep in touch. It was really nice catching up with you.
B: Yes, definitely. Take care!

Part 3 ( 6 pts)

Do you usually start conversations or wait for other to speak? Why?

Yes. I usually start conversations because I enjoy meeting new people and breaking the ice.

What do you think about sending birthday cards to friends?

I think sending birthday cards is a thoughtful gesture that shows you care and remember their special


Part 1 (10 pts)

To both candidates Now, let’s talk about travel and tourism.

Giving information Back-up questions

Candidate A
Where do you like to go on holiday? Do you like to visit a foreign
I like to go to the beach on holiday because I country?
like swimming and relaxing Yes, I love traveling abroad
Do you like to try new things on holiday? because I want to experience
Yes. I enjoy trying new activities and cultures other country
exploring new places whenever I go on Do you like to try new food?
holiday. Yes, trying new foods is one of my
favorite parts. I love discovering
new flavors.
Candidate B
Can you think of any kind of holiday you Do you like Tet/ summer vacation
wouldn’t enjoy? …?
I wouldn't enjoy a holiday where I have to I like Tet because it is a traditional
stay indoors all the time. I prefer being holiday with family special
active. Do you like traveling by plane?
Which transportation do you prefer to go Yes, I like traveling by plane
traveling? because it's fast and convenient.
I prefer to go traveling by train because it is
comfortable and offers beautiful views.

Extended Tell me something about a holiday you’ve Where have you been on holiday?
response ( 4 pts) been on. I visited Da Nang for my holiday.
I recently visited Da Nang for a holiday. I What did you do there?
enjoyed exploring the Marble Mountains, I explored the Marble Mountains,
relaxing on the pristine beaches, and trying relaxed on the beaches, and tried
delicious local cuisine with my family. local seafood.
Who did you go with?
I went with my family.

Part 2 (9 pts)

Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for about two minutes. I’m
going to describe a situation to you.
A girl is going on a long bus journey with her family to visit some relatives. She can take one thing with
her on the bus for entertainment during the journey.
Here are some things she could take with her. Talk together about the different things she could take with
her, and say which would be best.
Part 3 ( 6 pts)

Which problems have you had on journeys?

I’ve experienced delays, lost luggage, and missed connections.

What is your least favorite way to travel?

I think my least favorite way to travel is by bus because it can be uncomfortable and slow.


Part 1 (10 pts)

To both candidates Now, let’s talk about money.

Giving information Back-up questions

Candidate A
Have you ever helped a stranger? Would you help someone you
Yes, I have helped a strangers such as by didn’t know?
giving directions Yes, I would help someone I didn’t
Would you ever lend a friend some money? know. If they need help
I would lend a friend some money if they Do you lend money to your
need it and when I can afford to help friends?
Yes, I lend money to friends if they
need it and I trust them to repay it
Candidate B
Have you ever given money or things to Do you give things you don’t want
charity? any more to friends/other people?
Yes. I regularly donate given money or Yes, I give things I don’t want any
things to charity to support good causes. more to friends or other people who
Does money make people happy? can use them. Because I'm not
No. Money does not make people happy selfish
Because money only brings comfort and Do you want to have a lot of
security money?
Yes. I want to have lot of money.
Because it brings a comfortable and
safe life
Extended Tell me about the kind of things you like to Do you like to buy new clothes?
response ( 4 pts) spend money on. Yes. I like buying new clothes,
I like to spend money on necessary things especially on holidays
like buying things and travel experiences. Do you spend money doing things
Occasionally, I like to pamper myself by with friends?
going out for coffee with friends, buying Yes, I spend money doing things
books, or discovering new hobbies and with friends, such as eating out,
buying supplies, including art supplies for watching movies
my hobby. Do you ever buy music or films?
Yes, I occasionally buy music or
films that I really enjoy. To support
the artist.

Part 2 (9 pts)

Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for about two minutes. I’m
going to describe a situation to you.
Soon it’s Mother's Day and your cousins want to buy a present for their mother.
Here are some presents they could buy.
Talk together about different presents they could buy and decide which present for their mother would be
the best.
Part 3 ( 6 pts)

If you give some money away, how can it help you, as well as the person or organisation you give it
Giving money away can make you feel good by helping others, and it can support the person or
organization in achieving their goals.
What are some different ways to give money away in your country?
In my country, you can donate to charities, help the homeless or support local businesses and
community projects.

You meet a friend you haven't seen for a long time. Have a conversation with him/her.
- say hello
- express happiness to see him/her
- give your news
- listen to your friend's news and respond
- make plans to stay in touch
- say goodbye

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