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Novina Kusumawardhani D.

III Analis Kesehatan

Killer sweet

Aspartame causes outbreaks sclerosis or spinal cord and lupus, Be careful with food
and beverage products containing "Aspartame" there is lots of steroid drinks and carbonated
beverages sepert: Coca-Cola, Pepsi, 7-UP, Mirinda, etc. because it can cause hardening of the
brain or spinal cord and lupus. Nowadays there is a plague Hardening Brain or Spinal
Marrow and Lupus. Most people do not understand why this outbreak occurred and they did
not know why these diseases are so rampant.
I'll tell you why we are facing this serious problem. Today many people use artificial
sweeteners. They do this because the ads on television proclaiming that sugar is not good for
their health. This is absolutely true. The sugar is toxic to our bodies, however, what people
use as a sugar substitute, more deadly. What I mean here is "Aspartame". This is the source
of the outbreak mentioned above. "Aspartame" are chemicals that contain toxins, which are
produced by the chemical company named "MONSANTO". Aspartame has been marketed
worldwide as a sugar substitute and can be found in all types of diet soft drinks, such as Diet
Coke, Diet Pepsi, and the like.
It can also be found in products such as the artificial sweetener Nutra Sweet,
Tropicana Slim, Equal, and Spoonful, and the like; and is widely used in the products of
sugar substitute. Aspartame is marketed as a dietary product, but this is absolutely not the
product for the diet. In fact, this can cause increased body weight because it can make you
addicted to carbohydrates. Make your body weight increases just a little thing that can be
done by "Aspartame".
"Aspartame" is a toxic chemical that can alter brain chemistry and indeed deadly for people
suffering from Parkinson's.
For diabetics, be careful if you consume for a long time on products containing
"Aspartame" is, because it can lead to coma and even death. If there is a product that claims
that the product is free of sugar, already you know that it contains Aspartame. Do not
consume these products. One supplement drink containing aspartame is effervescent powder
EXTRA JOSS! On the packaging is written: Containing Aspartame 0.06% [ADI of 40 mg /
Based on the survey results of the survey team of researchers at one of the supermarkets in
Bandung, in addition to "EXTRA JOSS" beverage products that also contain aspartame,
namely M-150, Hemaviton, Neo Hormoviton, Frutillo, Fresh Sari, POP ICE Ice Blender,
Fresh ... Cold, Okky Jelly Drink, Sari VITC, Naturade Gold, AQUA Splash of Fruit, FORTY
PLUS. Tell everyone you know and love as well as the dangers of products containing

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