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Allocating Harmonic Emission Limits at HV

and EHV Based on IEC 61000-3-6 under
Consideration of Global and Future Installations
C. Amornvipas, and L. Hofmann

Current (HVDC) transmission systems controlled by thyristors

Abstract-- In the network planning phase, the maximum are used for connecting two power systems with different
harmonic emission limits will be allocated by network utilities to operating frequencies or for power transmission over a long
individual distorting installation, which will be connected to distance in order to avoid reactive power transfer. Static Var
systems. Each distorting installation is responsible for
Compensators (SVCs) are installed to control voltages on
maintaining its harmonic voltage as well as current levels within
the allocated limits in order to avoid the overall harmonic transmission lines by properly injecting or absorbing reactive
problems in networks. This paper gives the overview of the power. In the field of decentralized power generation, Voltage
assessment procedure of emission limits for connection of Source Converters (VSCs) are used as interface devices for
distorting installations to High Voltage (HV) and Extra High integrating wind power generators into electrical power
Voltage (EHV) systems as well as the concept of sharing planning systems. The tendency of applying modern power electronics
levels for harmonic voltages according to the technical report
controlled devices at HV and EHV level will significantly
IEC 61000-3-6. In this paper, some new concepts are introduced
and implemented as the extension to the method proposed in grow in the future.
IEC 61000-3-6 under consideration of the global and future Regarding Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) concept,
harmonic emission. The proposed method suites network harmonics are considered as electromagnetic disturbances
calculations without complicated algorithms and could be seen as causing voltage and current distortions, which negatively
complementary to IEC 61000-3-6. The method introduced in this affect not only voltage quality, but also system operation and
work would contribute to lower harmonic emission limits to the
electrical equipments. In order to restrict voltage and current
new distorting installations. However, this would be necessary
especially in the environment where harmonic distorting degree distortion in electrical grids, harmonic voltages and currents
in neighboring networks is strong and the new distorting caused by each distorting installation have to be maintained
installations should not contribute to overall harmonic problems within the limit values.
in the considered system. At the end of this paper, a calculation IEC 61000-3-6 [1] is the technical report providing
example of wind power grid integration in the aspect of guidelines for assessing harmonic emissions from distorting
harmonic planning levels is given in order to demonstrate the
facilities that are connected to MV, HV and EHV systems.
simplified application of the presented method in this paper.
The method for allocating planning levels for harmonic
Index Terms— Harmonic Emission Limits, HV and EHV voltage limits, which are reference values for determining
Levels, IEC 61000-3-6, Planning Levels for Harmonic Voltages harmonic emission limits, to individual distorting installation
connected to system nodes at HV and EHV under
I. INTRODUCTION consideration of network characteristics is proposed there.

I N the recent years, various distorting installations producing Since these guidelines are created under simplifying
harmonics have been connected to High Voltage (HV) and assumptions, there is no guarantee that this approach will
Extra High Voltage (EHV) power transmission networks. always provide the optimum solutions for every harmonic
According to IEC standard, HV refers to voltage between situation [1]. Therefore, the recommended approach there
35 kV and 230 kV, while EHV is defined for voltage above should be used with flexibility and appropriate engineering
230 kV. In addition to electrical installations with judgment, when applying the given assessment procedure [1].
conventional nonlinear voltage-current characteristics such as As the reason mentioned above, this paper introduces some
arc furnaces and induction ovens, other significant sources of new concepts as the extension to the method proposed in
harmonics in modern power systems include power IEC 61000-3-6 [1] in order to achieve higher security in
electronics controlled devices for controlling input/output allocation of planning levels and at the same time to suite
voltages and currents. For example, High-Voltage Direct- network calculations practically. At the end of this paper, the
application of the presented method is demonstrated in a
calculation example and the results are discussed.
C. Amornvipas and L. Hofmann are with Institute of Electric Power
Systems, Division of Power Supply, Leibniz Universität Hannover,
Appelstrasse 9A, 30167 Hannover, Germany.

978-1-61284-788-7/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE


II. ASSESSMENT OF EMISSION LIMITS FOR THE CONNECTION OF distorting installations under consideration of not only
DISTORTING INSTALLATIONS TO HV AND EHV SYSTEMS harmonic emissions within the considered system, but also
According to IEC, distorting installation is defined as a from the neighboring systems at other voltage levels.
complete electrical installation (i.e. including distorting and Furthermore, sufficient emission limits should be reserved for
non-distorting parts), which can cause distortion of the voltage the future connection of distorting installations. Portions of
or current in the connected supply system [1]. Regarding planning levels for harmonic voltages known as harmonic
harmonic aspects, distorting installations in any HV or EHV voltage limits will be distributed to system nodes where
networks will be assessed before installation in accordance distorting installations will be connected.
with three evaluation stages as recommended in IEC 61000-3- The allocation concept is illustrated in Fig. 1. The idea
6 [1]. Those evaluation three stages can be applied in behind this concept is that when all distorting installations
sequence or independently. inject maximum harmonics regarding harmonic limits into
Stage 1: If power of the distorting installation compared to system, the total harmonic disturbance level anywhere in
the short circuit power at the point of connection is within the system should not exceed the planning level [1].
limits (0.2 %), the distorting installation is allowed to connect
to the system without detailed evaluation. IV. METHOD FOR SHARING PLANNING LEVELS FOR HARMONIC
Stage 2: Harmonic emission limits at every harmonic order VOLTAGES AT HV AND EHV LEVEL
for each distorting installation will be determined under In this section, the method for apportioning and allocating
consideration of system characteristics and network planning levels for harmonic voltages at every harmonic order
development. Harmonic emission limits can be normally to each distorting installation at HV and EHV under
interpreted as harmonic current limits since most of harmonic
consideration of system characteristics will be described. The
sources behave like harmonic current sources. However,
maximum acceptable harmonic voltage limits Ei (h) at the
planning levels for harmonic voltages are used by network
considered node i (where new distorting installation is
utilities as a basis for allocation of harmonic voltage limits.
Harmonic current limits from each distorting installation expected) for harmonic order h can be calculated as in (1).
connected at a node can be accordingly calculated from input This equation is analog to [1].
impedance and harmonic voltage limits at that node.
Harmonic voltages as well as currents have to be kept within 1/ α ( h )
⎛ S ⎞
the allocated limits. Ei ( h ) ≤ T ( h ) L ( h ) ⎜ * ti ⎟ (1)
⎜ S (h) ⎟
Stage 3: In exceptional cases, where the harmonic limits ⎝ ti ⎠
are exceeded, connection of distorting installations is still where
authorized by network utilities as long as no overall harmonic i node where the new distorting installation
problem in system occurs i.e. the total harmonic distortion of will be connected
voltage (THDU) for HV and EHV is lower than 3 % [1]. Sti fundamental frequency total distorting
power installed at node i in MVA
III. CONCEPT OF ALLOCATION OF PLANNING LEVELS FOR St*i ( h ) modified total distorting power at node i
HARMONIC VOLTAGES including influence of distorting installations
The planning level is set by network utilities to be equal to at other nodes for harmonic order h in MVA
or lower than the compatibility level, which is the reference α (h) summation law exponent
value for coordinating the emission and immunity of electrical T( h ) utilization degree of planning level
equipment connected to the system. L (h) planning level for harmonic voltage for
harmonic order h

According to the allocation concept in Fig. 1, the value of

Ei in (1) must be selected to fulfill the condition in (2) under
consideration of other distorting installations, so that the
overall planning level will not be exceeded after apportioning.
It should be noted that only harmonic voltage limits at nodes
where distorting installations are connected will be taken into
account in (2). Equation (2) is analog to [1]. Similar condition
as in (2) should be satisfied not only at the node of interest,
but also at all nodes in the considered system [1]. The
procedure for apportioning planning levels is illustrated in
Fig. 1. Partition of planning levels for harmonic voltages [6] diagram in Fig. 2.
The concept of allocation of planning levels for harmonic
(K ( h ) E1α ( h) ( h ) + K + K nα-i ( h ) Enα ( h) ( h ) )
1/ α ( h )
voltages to distorting installations in HV and EHV systems α
1- i ≤ T ( h ) L ( h ) (2)
according to the second evaluation stage (Stage 2) in
IEC 61000-3-6 is to share harmonic planning levels among

where harmonic order h. The influence coefficient Kj-i (h) is

n total number of system nodes equivalent to the ratio of harmonic voltages of node i to node j
K nα-i ( h ) influence coefficient between node n and i for as the result of harmonic current injection at node j for
harmonic order h harmonic order h, while harmonic current injections at other
nodes are neglected.
The values of L (h) depending on harmonic order are
suggested in [1]. Only indicative values of planning levels for uK ( h ) = YKK
( h ) i K ( h ) = Z KK ( h ) i K ( h ) (3)
harmonic voltages are given there because planning levels will
differ from case to case, depending on network structure and Propagation of harmonic currents can be generally
network operators. The random behavior of harmonic analyzed by using Nodal Approach (NA) [14] as described in
amplitudes and phase angles in system is taken into account (3). The nodal impedance matrix ZKK(h) in (3) represents the
for calculating Ei(h) in (1), (2) through the summation law network topology at harmonic order h. All harmonic nodal
exponent α(h), whose value depending on harmonic order [1]. currents at harmonic order h, which are injected into system
By considering the random behavior of harmonics through the are included in iK(h) and result in harmonic nodal voltages
summation law exponent α, equations (1), (2) will be uK(h). Equation (3) can be written in a full form as in (4).
⎡U 1 ⎤ ⎡ Z 11 L Z 1i Z1 j L Z 1n ⎤ ⎡ 0 ⎤
⎢ M ⎥ ⎢ M O M M N M ⎥⎥ ⎢ M ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ U i ⎥ ⎢ Z i1 L Z ii Z ij L Z in ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ (4)
⎢U j ⎥ ⎢ Z j1 L Z ji Z jj L Z jn ⎥ ⎢ I j ⎥
⎢ M ⎥ ⎢ M O M M N M ⎥⎢ M ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢U n ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ Z n1 L Z ni Z nj L Z nn ⎦⎥ ⎣⎢ 0 ⎦⎥

Equation (4) describes harmonic nodal voltages due to I j,

which is harmonic current injection at node j. (h) is not written
Fig. 2. Procedure for apportioning planning levels at HV and EHV level behind voltages, currents and impedances in (4), however they
are function of frequency. Harmonic nodal impedance matrix
It is noted in IEC 61000-3-6 [1] to take into account not in (4) obtained by doing inversion to harmonic nodal
only the existing installations, but also new installations that admittance matrix which is set up under consideration of
could be connected to the system in the future, when network development in the future. Kj-i (h) due to harmonic
calculating emission limits. This concept is implemented in current injection at node j can be calculated for harmonic
this paper by introducing the utilization degree of the planning order h directly from the harmonic nodal impedance matrix as
level, which indicates how large partitions of planning levels in (5).
should be considered for the emission reserve in the future
(see Fig. 1). Therefore, the utilization degree T(h) in (1) as Ui ( h) Zij ( h ) I j ( h ) Zij ( h )
well as in (2) should be varied between 0 and 1 depending on K j -i ( h ) = = = (5)
the expected degree of harmonic distortion caused by the U j (h) Z jj ( h ) I j ( h ) Z jj ( h )
future installations. By using the utilization degree, the
planning levels will not be fully utilized at each apportion at a In this paper, the influence coefficient Kj-i (h) describes the
time. The utilization degree for non-characteristic harmonics effect on harmonic voltage at node i due to harmonic current
could be set higher, because they are rarely produced. excitation instead of harmonic voltage excitation at node j as
The fundamental frequency total distorting power Sti in (1) stated in IEC 61000-3-6. This is more reasonable, because
includes all distorting facilities installed at the considered most of harmonic sources in power systems behave like
node i exclusively. The effect of other distorting installations current sources. However, the result in (5) would be identical
on harmonic limits at the considered node i is expressed by the either due to harmonic voltage or current excitation. Fig. 3
modified total distorting power St*i ( h ) in (1) and the influence illustrates the effect of the existing distorting installations at
node j on the new installation at node i through influence
coefficient K(h) in (2). The methods for determining K(h) and coefficient Kj-i.
St* ( h ) are demonstrated in the following subsection A and B,
A. Determination of Influence Coefficient K(h)
The effect of existing distorting installations at other nodes
on the new installation at the considered node is integrated in
(2) and (6) through the influence coefficient K(h). The
influence coefficient Kj-i (h) shows the harmonic effect of the Fig. 3. Effect of existing distorting installations at node j and m on new
existing distorting installations at node j on node i for distorting installation at node i through influence coefficient Kj-i and Km-i

The influence coefficient due to the effect of harmonic

current injection on harmonic voltage at the same node e.g. Kj-
j (h) or Ki-i (h) is equal to 1. The influence coefficients K(h) are
functions of frequency and therefore, they have to be
calculated at every frequency of interest. It is noted that K(h)
are not complex values, since only their magnitudes are
required for all calculations here.

Fig. 4. Power flow between nodes in a system

B. Calculation of Modified Total Distorting Power St* ( h )
In order to obtain Ei(h) regarding (1), the modified total C. Determination of Harmonic Current Emission Limits
distorting power St* ( h ) has to be determined. As stated in [1], Since many distorting installations in power system behave
like harmonic current sources, it is therefore more suitable for
the general equation for determining St*i ( h ) at node i for
assigning the maximum harmonic current emission to
harmonic order h under consideration of distorting distorting installations instead of maximum harmonic
installations at other nodes is written in (6). The random voltages. The harmonic current emission limits allowed at a
behavior of harmonics is expressed through α. node can be calculated in dependence of input impedance and
harmonic nodal voltage limits. Equation (8) shows how
S t*i ( h ) = K1-αi ( h ) S t1 + K + K iα-i ( h ) S ti + ... + K nα-i ( h ) S tn (6) harmonic current emission limits Imax,i at node i are calculated
from harmonic nodal voltage limits Ei and input impedance Zii
Only nodes where distorting installations are connected for harmonic order h.
will be enrolled in calculation of St*i ( h ) in (6). The terms on
Ei ( h )
the right hand side in (6) are taken into account as long as I max,i ( h ) = (8)
Z ii ( h )
their weights on St*i ( h ) are sufficiently high. In practice, only
a group of nodes, where large nearby distorting installations
If there are many distorting installations connected at the
are found, is important for calculating St*i ( h ) in (6). It is same node, they have to commonly share harmonic current
recommended in [1] to include at least 2-3 nodes away from emission limits, which are assigned to that node. Fig. 5
nodes of interest for accurate assessment of the influence describes allocation of harmonic current limits to many
coefficients, whereas the remote parts could be represented by distorting installations at node i.
their equivalent impedances. Since the definition of the power
flowing out of nodes is not exactly defined in [1] whether
regarding direction of active or reactive power flow, it is
recommended here in contrast to [1] to neglect all power
flowing out of nodes for calculating St*i ( h ) in (6).
An example is created with the purpose to demonstrate
how to calculate S t* as described in (6). In Fig. 4, distorting
Fig. 5. Allocation of harmonic current limits to many distorting installations
installations were previously installed at node 2 (SD2,1 and at node i
SD2,2) and at node 5 (SD5). All of them are in operation. A
Equation (9) shows how harmonic current limit IDk,i
distorting installation SD1 is expected to be connected at node injecting from the kth distorting installation at node i can be
1 in the future. SD1, SD5, SD2,1 and SD2,2 in Fig. 4 are power of determined in dependence of harmonic current emission limits
distorting installations at fundamental frequency. The Imax,i at node i, its fundamental frequency distorting power SDk,i
modified total distorting power at node 1 S t1* ( h ) for harmonic and the fundamental frequency total power Sti of all distorting
order h can be calculated as in (7). installations at node i. Consideration of random behavior of
harmonics through the summation law exponent α makes (9)
S t1* ( h ) = K1-1
( h ) SD1 + K 2-1
( h ) ( SD2,1 + SD2,2 ) + K5-1
( h ) SD5 (7)
1/ α ( h )
⎛S ⎞
It can be seen in (7) that only distorting installations at I Dk,i ( h ) = I max,i ( h ) ⎜ Dk,i ⎟ (9)
node 1, 2 and 5 are taken into account for calculating S t1* ( h ) ⎝ S ti ⎠

in (7). Other installed non-distorting power as well as power Sti in (9) which could be calculated as shown in (10) is the
flow between nodes are neglected. total distorting power at node i at fundamental frequency.

S ti = SD1,i + ... + S Dk,i (10)


D. Consideration of global harmonic emission number of nodes in a system.

In most situations, harmonic distribution is not only
restricted to LV, MV or HV where they are produced, but they ⎡U 1 (h) ⎤ ⎡ Z 11 (h) ⎤ ⎡ Z 1n (h) ⎤
are distributed over the network. Dependent on the network ⎢U (h) ⎥ ⎢ Z (h) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥ = ⎢ 21 ⎥ I (h) + K + ⎢ Z 2 n (h) ⎥ I (h) (11)
characteristics, harmonics could flow downstream and/or ⎢ M ⎥ ⎢ M ⎥ 1
⎢ M ⎥ n
upstream from neighboring networks. These harmonic sources ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
are called harmonic global emission and could have a ⎣U n (h) ⎦ ⎣ Z n1 (h) ⎦ ⎣ Z nn (h) ⎦
significant effect on allocation of harmonic emission limits at
the considered node. Equation (11) shows that different harmonic nodal currents
In [1], the effect of neighboring networks is integrated into are enrolled in calculation of harmonic nodal voltages based
allocation of planning levels through their equivalent on superposition theory. After extracting self impedance from
the corresponding impedance vector, equation (12) can be
impedances, which varies linearly with frequency. However,
obtained as the result.
this approach might not be correct, because this linear model
is only suitable for modeling linear loads. Therefore, this
u K (h) = Z 11 (h)t 1 (h) I 1 (h) + K + Z nn (h)t n (h) I n (h) (12)
approach would be recommended under simplifying
assumptions, where no detailed information about harmonics
from neighboring networks is known. Vector ti (h) in (12) contains current propagation factors as
In this subsection, the concept of taking harmonic global the consequence of harmonic current excitation at node i and
at harmonic order h. Current propagation factors imply the
emission (impact of disturbing installations at other voltage
impact degree of individual harmonic current excitation on
levels or remote networks) into account is proposed. This
specific harmonic nodal voltages. Current propagation factors
concept will be implemented by modifying the harmonic
could be also interpreted as harmonic voltage magnification
current emission limits in (8) and would be seen as the degrees compared to harmonic voltage at the harmonic
extension to (8), if downstream and/or upstream harmonics excitation node. Hence, current propagation factor at the
from neighboring networks are known. excitation node is one. Normally harmonic nodal voltages at
In common harmonic analyses, only a limited number of other nodes will be less than voltage at the excitation node and
system nodes will be considered in detail, whereas remote therefore, their current propagation factors are lower than one.
parts will be represented by equivalent harmonic sources and In case of resonance, current propagation factor is greater than
equivalent source impedances. Harmonics normally modelled one at node, where significant impact will be expected.
as frequency dependent current sources will distribute in The impact of several harmonic current excitations on
electrical power systems through network impedance, which specific harmonic nodal voltage could be expressed by current
represents power system elements in network. In this participation factors describing participation degrees of each
subsection, the method for analyzing harmonic distribution in current excitation on harmonic voltage. Vector t 1T (h) in (13)
electrical power systems under consideration of system contains current participation factors on harmonic voltage at
characteristics will be introduced. The proposed method could node 1.
be applied for evaluating the degree of harmonic propagation ⎡ I 1 ( h) ⎤
in systems. ⎢ ⎥
⎡ Z 12 (h) Z 1n (h) ⎤ ⎢ I 2 (h) ⎥
In this paper, it is assumed that all three-phase harmonics U 1 (h) = Z 11 (h) ⎢1 K ⎥
as well as the studied three-phase system are symmetrical. ⎣ Z 11 (h) Z 11 (h) ⎦ ⎢ M ⎥ (13)
⎢ ⎥
Therefore, harmonic analysis will be done with the ⎣ I n ( h) ⎦
symmetrical components. Symmetrical three-phase harmonics
= Z 11 (h) t 1 (h)i K (h)
could be classified into positive-, negative- or zero-sequence
component. This depends totally on the harmonic order of
interest [5]. The principle of current participation factors could be
Normally harmonics sources would be modeled as either applied for allocation of harmonic emission limits under
frequency dependent current or voltage source. This depends consideration of harmonic from upstream and downstream
on behavior of individual harmonic source. Most of harmonic systems. If the harmonic nodal voltage limits E1 at node 1 is
sources in electrical power systems behave like harmonic known, the harmonic current emission limits Imax,1 at node 1
current sources. By using Thevenin-Norton theory [14], could be determined as in (14).
harmonic voltage sources could be transformed into harmonic
current sources and therefore, all harmonic problems would be ⎡ I 2 ( h) ⎤
E1 (h) ⎡ Z 12 (h) Z 1n (h) ⎤ ⎢ ⎥
treated as harmonic current excitations. −⎢ K ⎥ M ⎥ = I max,1 (h) (14)
Z 11 (h) ⎣ Z 11 (h) Z 11 (h) ⎦ ⎢
The following sensitivity analysis will be performed in ⎢⎣ I n (h) ⎥⎦
order to analyze harmonic propagation at each frequency.
Nodal equations as stated in (3) for calculating harmonic Only elements in current vector in (14) representing global
nodal voltages can be decomposed accordingly to individual harmonic emissions (harmonic currents from equivalent
harmonic current excitation as in (11), where n is the total networks) are considered. Other elements representing local

currents will be neglected by setting to zero. This is due to the From this harmonic voltage limits, the harmonic emission
fact that the effects of local harmonic currents from the nearby limits will be accordingly calculated. In order to demonstrate
distorting installations have already been included in the the effect of global and future emission on the values of
previous step for calculating the harmonic nodal voltage limits harmonic emission limits in a simple way, the harmonic
E and should not be taken into account again. This concept is voltage limits in the following three scenarios will be
illustrated in Fig. 6. calculated by considering only (1) for the sake of simplicity.
Emission limits for the characteristic harmonic order 5, 7, 11
and 13 at node 5 will be determined in this example.


Network Elements Modeling and Parameters

Fig. 6. Concept of determination of harmonic emission limit under Wind Park (WP) Ideal harmonic currents: S5 = 50 MW
consideration of future, local and global emissions Transmission Lines Concentrated Π–model
L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5 R1′ = 27.3 mΩ/km, R0′ = 177.3 mΩ/km
V. CALCULATION EXAMPLE L1′ = 0.8 mH/km, L0′ = 2.0 mH/km
G1′ = 17 nS/km, G0′ = 3 nS/km
In this chapter, a calculation example is given to
C1′ = 14.2 nF/km, C0′ = 3.0 nF/km
demonstrate the application of the proposed method in this l1 = 50 km, l2 = 70 km, l3 = 30 km
paper for sharing planning levels of harmonic voltages and l4 = 20 km, l5 = 100 km
allocating harmonic current emission limits in a 5-node Nonlinear Loads S1 = 25 MW, S2 = 50 MW, S4 = 100 MW
balanced test system at 110 kV in Fig. 7. Equivalent Network Ideal harmonic currents
at Node 3 i3,5 = 1 %, i3,7 = 1 %,
i3,11 = 0.5 %, i3,13 = 0.5 %

Scenario 1
In this scenario, global and future emissions will not be
taken into account. The planning level for harmonic voltage
′′ = 3 GVA
will be fully utilized under the current situation and therefore,
S k,3
the utilization degree T will be set to 1. This approach is used
in the calculation example given in IEC 61000-3-6 [1]. The
nodal admittance matrix of the test system will be built by
Fig. 7. 5-node test system at 110-kV level
taking equivalent network, but no nonlinear loads into
One wind park (WP) of 50 MW operated with fully
controlled synchronous generators is planned to be connected
Scenario 2
to the system at node 5 in the near future. These wind
generators equipped with fully controlled inverters to control In this scenario, global and future emissions will be
output voltage and to match output frequency with system considered, but not simultaneously. Due to the future
operating frequency are known as harmonic sources injecting emission, the utilization degree T will be set to 0.9. This is the
harmonics into system. Thus, harmonic emission limits have sample value used for this example. The global harmonic
to be assigned to the point of connection (node 5) in the emission from the neighbouring network given in Table I
network planning phase and the wind park operator is (worst case upper values) will be applied to (14) and
responsible for keeping harmonic emissions within the therefore, the modified emission limits at node 5 under
allocated limits. Nonlinear loads as the existing distorting consideration of global emission will be obtained. The nodal
installations are found at node 1, 2 and 4. An equivalent admittance matrix of the test system will be built without
network at node 3 represents the downstream network. equivalent network and nonlinear loads.
For harmonic analyses in symmetrical systems, it is
recommended to apply the method of symmetrical Scenario 3
components. The sequence component has to be selected In this scenario, it is assumed that no detail about harmonic
according to the considered harmonic order [5]. Models of currents from the downstream network is available. However,
power system elements and their parameters for the positive the effect of global emission should be included in sharing
and zero sequence components used in test system are given planning levels. Therefore, global and future emissions will be
in Table I. Parameters for the negative sequence component simultaneously considered by assigning the utilization degree
are assumed to be identical to those for the positive sequence T to 0.7, which is lower than in scenario 2 due to the global
component. emission. The nodal admittance matrix of the test system will
The acceptable harmonic voltage limits at node 5 will be a be built without equivalent network and nonlinear loads as in
fraction of the 110-kV planning level LHV as given in Table II. scenario 2.

recommended, if the effect of harmonics from the neighboring

Equations used in this calculation example are listed as follows. networks should be approximated. However, the estimation
could result in extreme low emission limits, which might not
S t1 = 25 MW; S t 2 = 50 MW; S t 4 = 100 MW; S t5 = 50 MW be related to the real situation. In order to keep harmonic
S t5 ( h ) = K1-5 ( h ) S t1 + K 2-5 ( h ) S t 2 + K 4-5 ( h ) S t 4 + S t5
* α α α emission within the limits, installation of filters (passive
and/or active) might be necessary. Typical harmonic emission
1/ α ( h )
⎛ S ⎞ from wind generators are provided in [11], [12] and [13].
E5 ( h ) ≤ TLHV ( h ) ⎜⎜ * t5 ⎟⎟
⎝ S t5 ( h ) ⎠

E (h)
I max,5 ( h ) = 5 for scenario 1 and 3 FUNDAMENTAL RATED CURRENT OF WP ACCORDING TO SCENARIO 1, 2 AND 3

E5 (h) − Z 53 (h) I 3 (h) h Imax,5 (h) Imax,5 (h) Imax,5 (h)

I max,5 (h) = for scenario 2 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Z 55 (h)
5 3.64 % 1.16 % 2.54 %
7 4.10 % 1.70 % 2.88 %
Influence coefficients K1-5 ( h ) , K2-5
( h ) , and K4-5
( h ) for 11 3.92 % 2.82 % 2.74 %
each harmonic order of interest can be calculated in 13 3.52 % 2.58 % 2.46 %
dependence on elements of harmonic nodal impedance matrix
(see (4) and (5)), which is a 5×5 matrix in this test system. The VI. SUMMARY OF MODIFICATIONS IN CONTRAST TO METHOD
IN IEC 61000-3-6
impedance matrix is identical in scenario 2 and 3, but different
from scenario 1. However, this difference is not so significant The following modifications have been done in this paper
and therefore, the nodal impedance matrix could be assumed in contrast to the method corresponding to the second
to be identical for all three scenarios. The values of the evaluation stage (Stage 2) in IEC 61000-3-6 [1].
influence coefficients used for this calculation is calculated • Planning levels should be set to lower values than those
and given in Table III. The results of harmonic voltage limits given in IEC by using the utilization degree T introduced
and harmonic current emission limits at the characteristic in (1) and (2) in this paper, if reserve of future emission
harmonic order h = 5, 7, 11 and 13 are summarized in Table II limits is taken into account. The utilization degree could be
and IV. understood as the additional security factor.
TABLE II • Instead of equivalent impedances representing neighboring
HARMONIC VOLTAGE PLANNING LEVELS AND HARMONIC VOLTAGE LIMITS networks as assumed in IEC, the downstream/upstream
AT NODE 5 (E5) IN PERCENT OF THE FUNDAMENTAL VOLTAGE ACCORDING TO harmonics (global emission) are considered in this paper in
detail. The method proposed in IEC as stated in (8) is
h LHV (h) E5(h) E5 (h) E5 (h) extended under consideration of global harmonics flowing
(IEC) Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 from the equivalent networks as introduced in (14). This
concept would lead to lower values of harmonic emission
5 2.00 % 0.73 % 0.66 % 0.51 % limits than normal. However, it is especially reasonable, if
7 2.00 % 0.79 % 0.71 % 0.55 %
the considered system is connected to lower voltage
11 1.50 % 0.89 % 0.81 % 0.63 %
13 1.50 % 0.91 % 0.82 % 0.64 % networks with high degree of harmonic disturbance. This
is due to the harmonic behavior flowing into lower
impedance networks (from lower to higher voltage level).
SUMMATION LAW EXPONENT AND INFLUENCE COEFFICIENTS USED IN THIS • If no detail about global emission is available, it is
recommended to decrease the utilization degree as the
h α(h) α
K1-5 ( h) α
K 2-5 ( h) α
K 4-5 ( h) alternative and therefore, the harmonic voltage limits and
as a consequence harmonic emission limits will be
5 1.4 0.84 0.80 0.99 reduced. In this case, the utilization degree will support not
7 1.4 0.66 0.63 0.96 only the reserve for the future emission, but also more
11 2 0.39 0.42 0.88 security in allocation of local emission limits due to global
13 2 0.34 0.37 0.87 emission.
• The influence coefficients K(h) are alternatively
Among three studied scenarios, the results in scenario 1 show determined by using impedance ratio as a consequence of
the highest harmonic voltage and current limits. This is due to harmonic current excitations at the neighboring nodes
no consideration of the future and global emission. Scenario 2 instead of harmonic voltage excitations as proposed in
considering exact harmonic flows from downstream network IEC. However, the identical results are expected.
delivers quite low harmonic current limits at h = 5 and 7, but Therefore, the assumption of both harmonic current and
comparable values to scenario 3 at h = 11 and 13. The voltage excitations would contribute to the same influence
approach in scenario 3 by combining the effect of the future
and global emissions in the utilization factor would be

VII. CONCLUSION EHV,” in Proc. IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conferences
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degree and global emission, the total disturbance level [8] T. J. Browne, V. J. Gosbell, S. Perera, D. A. Robinson, L. M. Falla, P. J.
anywhere in the system should not exceed the planning level Windle, and A. C. D. Perera, “Experience in the application of IEC/TR
when all distorting installations are injecting levels of 61000-3-6 to harmonic allocation in transmission systems,” CIGRE,
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[9] G. Borloo, E. De Jaeger, M. Dussart, and A. Robert, “Practical
If the detail of harmonics flowing from downstream or implementation of IEC publications 61000-3-6 and 61000-3-7
upstream networks is available, the modified method for Experiences in Belgium,” in Proc. International Conference on
determination of the emission limits as proposed in this paper Harmonics and Quality of Power, Athens, pp. 449-454, 1998.
could be used as the alternative to determine emission limits. [10] M. Bollen, M. Häger, and M. Olofsson, “Allocation of emission limits
for individual emitters at different voltage levels: flicker and
The appropriate results could only be achieved, if the harmonics”, CIGRE Sessions, Paris, August 2010, paper C4.106.
reasonable value for the utilization degree is chosen. [11] M. H. J. Bollen, L. Yao, S. K. Rönnberg, and M. Wahlberg, “Harmonic
Therefore, further research in this direction is necessary. and Interharmonic Distortion due to a windpark,” in Proc. IEEE PES
The proposed method in this paper can be seen as the General Meeting, 2010.
[12] S. T. Tentzerakis, and S. A. Papathanassiou, “An Investigation of the
extension to the method proposed in IEC 61000-3-6 [1]. This Harmonic Emissions of Wind Turbines,” IEEE Transactions on Energy
concept can be directly applied by utilities for network Conversion, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 150-158, March 2007.
calculations without complicated algorithms. With the [13] S. Tentzerakis, N. Paraskevopoulou, S. Papathanassiou, and P.
presented method in this paper, higher security in allocation of Papadopoulos, “Measurement of Wind Farm Harmonic Emissions”, in
Proc. Power Electronics Specialists Conference PESC 2008, pp. 1769-
planning levels under consideration of global and future 1775, 2008.
emissions could be achieved. [14] J. Choma, Jr., Electrical Networks: Theory and Analysis, John Wiley &
All calculations will be performed under consideration of Sons Ltd, 1985.
system absorption capacity and system characteristics due to
possible system expansion i.e. the allocated harmonic limits IX. BIOGRAPHIES
will be valid for a specific period in the future. The owners of Chanchai Amornvipas (1977) was born in
distorting installations are responsible for maintaining their Bangkok/Thailand. He received the B.Sc. degree in
harmonic emissions within the allocated limits in order to electrical engineering from Chulalongkorn
University, Bangkok, Thailand in 1999 and the
avoid harmonic disturbance to neighboring installations,
M.Sc. degree in electrical power engineering from
electrical equipments in system and system operation. RWTH Aachen University, Germany in 2002. In
In practice, the allocated planning levels might be 2008, he received the Dr.-Ing. Degree from Leibniz
sometimes extremely low and exceeded for some harmonic Universität Hannover in Germany where he was a
orders at some locations in network, even though problems at research engineer and teaching associate at the
Institute of Electric Power Systems, Division of
that harmonic order are not so critical. Hence, it might not be Power Supply from 2003 to 2008. During 2008 and
reasonable to allocate too low planning levels to some 2009, he worked as a consultant at Power Technologies International, Siemens
harmonic orders without considering the actual harmonic AG in Erlangen, Germany. Since 2009, he continues doing researches and
propagation behaviour in the considered system and in teaching at the Institute of Electric Power Systems, Division of Power Supply
at Leibniz Universität Hannover. His research interests are modeling and
neighbouring systems. simulation of electric power systems, transient analyses, power system
No resonance situation is considered in this paper. If harmonics and power quality.
resonances are expected at the frequency range of interest
where extremely high influence coefficients occur, it is Lutz Hofmann (1968) was born in Bad
Oeynhausen/Germany. He received the degree
recommended to modify the influence coefficients with the Dipl.-Ing. as well as the degree Dr.-Ing. in 1994 and
reduction factor as stated in IEC 61000-3-6 [1]. 1997, respectively, from Leibniz Universität
Hannover. In 2002 he concluded his professorial
VIII. REFERENCES dissertation in electric power engineering. In 2002
and 2003 he worked as a project manager for the
[1] IEC/TR 61000-3-6: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-6: engineering and consultant company Fichtner in
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[2] IEC/TR 61000-3-6: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3: GmbH, Bayreuth in the network planning
Limits – Section 6: Assessment of emission limits for distorting loads in department. Since 2007 he is Full Professor and Head of the Institute of
MV and HV power systems – Basic EMC publication, Edition 1.0, 1996. Electric Power Systems at Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany. His
[3] IEEE Standard 519: IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements current research interests are modeling and simulation of electric power
for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems, 1992. systems, integration of renewable and decentralized energy sources and power
[4] IEEE Harmonics Model and Simulation Task Force, “Modeling and quality.
Simulation of the Propagation of Harmonics in Electric Power
Networks: Part I Concepts, Models, and Simulation Techniques,” IEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 452-465, 1996.
[5] J. Arrillaga, N. R. Watson, and S. Chen, Power System Quality
Assessment, Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2000, pp.
[6] M. McGranaghan and G. Beaulieu, “Update on IEC 61000-3-6:
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