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DPP No: 23 MATHS Maximum Time TARGET 50 Min JEE-MAIN ‘SYLLABUS : MATHEMATICAL REASONING & STATISTICS 1. The statement p + (q + p) is equivalent to A)pP> (P< 9) ®)p>P> (C)p>(pva) (0) P>(Pnq) 2. Statement -I ~ (p <> ~ q) is equivalent to p <> q Statement -II ~ (p <> ~ q) is a tautology. (A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement- 1 (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False (0) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True 3. Which of the following is not a logical statement ? (A) Two plus two equals four. (B) The sum of two positive numbers is positive. (C) Tomorrow is Friday. (0) Every equilateral triangle is an isosceles triangle. 4. Which of the following statements is using an “inclusive Or’ ? (A) Anumber is either rational or irrational. (8) All integers are positive or negative (C) The office is closed if it is a holiday or a Sunday. (D) Sum of two integers is odd or even 5. Which one statement gives the same meaning of statement “If you watch television, then your mind is free and if your mind is free then you watch televi- sion" (A) You watch television if and only if your mind is free. (B) You watch television and your mind is free. (C) You watch television or your mind is free. (D) None of these PAGE #1 10. 1. 12. If p and q are any two statements then p => q is not equivalent to (A) pis sufficient for q (C) ponlyifq (B) qis necessary for p (0) q only if p If p is true and q is false, then which of the following statement is not true? (A) pva ®p=a (C) prea) @q=p If p, q, rare simple propositions, then the truth value of (~p vq) .~r=> pis (A) true if truth values of p, q, rare T, F, T respectively (8) false if truth values of p, q, rare T, F, T respectively (C) true if truth values of p, q, r are 7, F, F respectively (0) true if truth values of p, , r are 7, T, T respectively If p and q are simple propositions, then p <> ~ q is true when (A) pis true and qis true (C) both p and q are false (B) pis false and q is true (D) None of the above The negation of the statement "Ramesh is cruel or he is strict” is (A) Ramesh is neither cruel nor strict (C) Ramesh is not cruel or he is strict (B) Ramesh is cruel or he is not strict. () Ramesh is not cruel and he is strict Negation of the statement p — (qr) is. A)~p>~Gan (B)~Pv(qan) The contrapositive of (p » q) => ris A= eva (C)~r=(py~q) (C) (aa) p(d) @r=@ va) ©)p =@vn PAGE #2 pacay~r 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. The only statement among the following that is a tautology is - (A) An(AvB) (B) Av(AnB) C) ArA>B)>8 (0) BIA A(A > B)] The statement ~(p © ~a) is (A) a tautology (B) a fallacy (C) equivalent top q (0) equivalent to~p «> The negation of ~ s v (~r ,S) is equivalent to (A) saxr B) sarraxs) ()svirv=s) — O) sar Ifthe mean of first n natural numbers is equal to "*" then nis equal to- (a) 10 @n (12 (0) none of these The average income of a group of persons is X and that of another group is ¥. If the number of persons of both group are in the ratio 4 : 3, then average income of combined group is :- RY py BRt4Y AX+3y ay : (Cee (0) None of these Ina series of 2n observations, half of them equal a and remaining half equal —a. If the S.D. of the observations is 2, then [al equals “ 2 8) 2 (2 (0) If in a frequency distribution, the mean and median are 21 and 22 respectively, then its mode is approximately. (A) 20.5 (8) 22.0 (C) 24.0 (0) 25.5 PAGE #3 20. Letx,, X,....X, be n observations such that "x? = 400 and S°x, =80. Then a possible value of n_ among the following is (A) 12 (B)9 (C) 18 (D) 15 21. Suppose a population A has 100 observations 101, 102, . 200 and another population B has 100 observations 151, 152, ......, 250. If V, and V, represent the variances of the two populations respectively, then V,/V, is (at jos (cae (2) 28 22, The mean of the number a, b, 8, §, 10 is 6 and the variance is 6.80. Then which one of the folowing gives possible values of a and b ? (A) a=3,b=4 (B)a=0,b=7 (C)a=5, b=2 (D)a=1,b=6 23. Ifthe mean deviation of numbers 1, 1+ d, 1+ 26, ...,1 + 100d from their mean is 255, then the value of d is equal to- (A) 10.0 (B) 20.0 (C) 10.1 (D) 20.2 24. Ifa variable takes the discrete values «+4, 0-2, a- 5, u-3,a-2,.a+ t,a- 2,045 ( . atda-Z,a-$,a-8a-2,a4 Fa-f,a48 (a > 0), then the median is 5 1 5 wag @-4 (C)a-2 Oars 25. The mean at 21 observations (al different) is 40. If each observations greater than the median are increased 21, then mean of observations will become (a)50 (@)505 (c)30 (2)45 ANSWER KEY OF DPP NO.: 1 O20 3 © 4 © & A & O 7% B 8 A) 8) «6(B) 10. A). 12s), 15, (0) 16 (8) 17 (Cc) 1& (C) 1% (Cc) 2. (C) 21. A 22, (A) 23. (C) 24 (A) 25. (A) PAGE #4

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