murtuza bharmal-affidavit-alihusain fidali

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In the Hon’ble Commercial Court at Rajkot

Comm. Civil Suit. No. 15/2017

Murtuza Masudbhai Bharmal

____________ Plaimtiff


1. Saileshkumar Ghanshyambhai Bhisra & others.

___________ defendant

Subject :- Affidavit on oath as per order 18 rule 4

I, Alihusain Fidali Pipermentwala, aged: Adult,

residing at: Badrimanzil, Kotwalpari, Darbar Ghad,
Jamnagar do hereby solemnly declare and affirm on
oath as under;

(1) That I am a family friend of the Plaintiff and have

been in acquaintance with the Plaintiff from many
(2) That I have aided and assisted the Plaintiff at the
time of fulfilling his financial needs for his
(3) That I possess the required knowledge and I am
aware about the transaction between Plaintiff and
the Respondent.

That I solemnly state that the contents of this

affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and
belief and that it conceals nothing and that no part of
it is false.

Rajkot _________________________

Date Deponent

Alihusain Fidali Pipermentwala

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