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*Martin Otundo Richard
PhD Fellow in Project Management, JUAT_Kenya
A freelance researcher, data analyst, projects manager and senior
consultant in project management
Contacts:; +254721246744/+254759819660

This study investigates the impacts of strategic climate-smart crop varieties and livestock
breeds on food security among smallholder farmers in Kenya's coast counties. The research
employs a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys with qualitative
interviews and focus group discussions. A sample of 378 respondents from Kilifi, Mombasa,
Taita Taveta, Tana River, Lamu, and Kwale counties participated in the study.
Findings reveal significant improvements in agricultural productivity and food security
following the adoption of climate-smart practices. Quantitative data indicate substantial
increases in crop yields and livestock productivity, with maize, cassava, rice, dairy cattle,
goats, and poultry showing notable gains. Moreover, the study identifies a shift in food security
status, with a decrease in food insecurity levels and an increase in the number of food-secure
Qualitative insights underscore farmers' perceptions of enhanced resilience to climate change
and improved income from agriculture. The study highlights the importance of supportive
policies, enhanced extension services, and infrastructure development in promoting climate-
smart agriculture. Recommendations include policy support, capacity building, and further
research on economic, gender-specific, and climatic variability impacts.
This research contributes to the understanding of sustainable agricultural practices in
mitigating food insecurity in vulnerable regions, providing valuable insights for policymakers,
practitioners, and researchers seeking to enhance agricultural resilience and food security
amidst climate change challenges.
Climate-smart agriculture, food security, smallholder farmers, Kenya, mixed-methods
Global Perspective
The global impact of strategic climate-smart agriculture, particularly crop varieties and
livestock breeds, has been a significant area of focus for enhancing food security. In Indonesia,
the introduction of climate-resilient rice varieties has been crucial in ensuring stable food
production despite changing climatic conditions. The Indonesian government, in collaboration
with research institutions, has developed and disseminated rice varieties that are tolerant to
drought and submergence, which has led to increased rice yields and improved food security
for smallholder farmers (Pratiwi et al., 2023). Similarly, Neymar has adopted climate-smart
agricultural practices, including the development of heat-tolerant maize and drought-resistant

beans, which have been pivotal in maintaining food supply in the face of climate variability
(Muthoni et al., 2022). Puma, on the other hand, has focused on integrating climate-smart
livestock breeds, such as heat-tolerant cattle and goats, which have shown resilience to extreme
weather conditions, thereby ensuring a steady supply of livestock products (Alhassan et al.,
Continental Perspective
In Africa, strategic climate-smart agriculture has also been essential in improving food security.
South Africa has made significant strides in developing and promoting climate-smart crop
varieties, such as drought-tolerant maize and heat-resistant sorghum. These initiatives have
helped mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on agricultural productivity, thereby
enhancing food security for smallholder farmers (Chimonyo et al., 2023). Senegal has focused
on the introduction of improved millet and cowpea varieties that are resistant to drought and
pests. These climate-smart crops have contributed to higher yields and reduced food insecurity
in rural areas (Faye et al., 2022). In Mali, the emphasis has been on both crop and livestock
improvements. The development of drought-resistant sorghum and millet varieties, along with
the introduction of heat-tolerant livestock breeds, has significantly improved food security
among smallholder farmers (Traoré et al., 2023).
Regional Perspective
Within East Africa, countries like Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda have also embraced climate-
smart agricultural practices to enhance food security. Rwanda has implemented the cultivation
of improved bean and maize varieties that are resistant to diseases and climate extremes,
resulting in increased agricultural productivity and food security for smallholder farmers
(Niyitanga et al., 2023). Tanzania's focus on drought-tolerant maize and cassava varieties has
been pivotal in ensuring stable food production amidst changing climatic conditions (Mbilinyi
et al., 2022). Uganda has promoted the use of improved coffee and banana varieties that are
resilient to climate stresses, thereby supporting food security and livelihoods for smallholder
farmers (Nuwamanya et al., 2022).
Local Perspective
In Kenya, the adoption of climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds has shown promise
in enhancing food security, especially in the coast counties. Trans-Nzoia and Nakuru counties
have focused on the cultivation of drought-resistant maize and high-yielding bean varieties,
which have contributed to increased food production and reduced food insecurity (Mutuku et
al., 2023). In Kilifi and Mombasa counties, the introduction of improved cassava and sorghum
varieties that are tolerant to drought and pests has been instrumental in sustaining food
production in the face of climate variability (Otieno et al., 2023). Taita Taveta and Tana River
counties have adopted climate-smart livestock breeds, such as heat-tolerant goats and sheep,
which have enhanced livestock productivity and ensured a steady supply of animal products
(Mwangi et al., 2022). Lamu and Kwale counties have also embraced climate-smart
agricultural practices, focusing on the cultivation of salt-tolerant rice and drought-resistant
millet varieties, which have improved food security for smallholder farmers in these regions
(Mwaniki et al., 2022).
Overall, the strategic use of climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds across various
global, continental, regional, and local contexts highlights the critical role of these practices in
improving food security for smallholder farmers. By adopting resilient agricultural practices,
smallholder farmers in Kenya's coast counties can better withstand the challenges posed by
climate change, thereby ensuring stable food production and enhanced food security.

Climate change poses a significant threat to agricultural productivity, particularly for
smallholder farmers who rely heavily on traditional farming practices. In Kenya's coast
counties, the adverse effects of climate change, including erratic rainfall, prolonged droughts,
and increased incidences of pests and diseases, have exacerbated food insecurity among
smallholder farmers (Otieno et al., 2023). These farmers, who are the backbone of the local
food system, face considerable challenges in maintaining consistent agricultural yields due to
their limited access to resources and adaptive technologies (Mutuku et al., 2023).
Despite various interventions, food insecurity remains a critical issue in the coast counties of
Kenya, including Kilifi, Mombasa, Taita Taveta, Tana River, Lamu, and Kwale. Traditional
crop varieties and livestock breeds are increasingly unable to withstand the harsh climatic
conditions, leading to reduced agricultural productivity and heightened vulnerability to food
scarcity (Mwangi et al., 2022). The introduction of climate-smart crop varieties and livestock
breeds offers a promising solution to these challenges, yet their adoption remains limited and
uneven across the region (Mwaniki et al., 2022).
Current studies indicate that strategic implementation of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) can
significantly improve food security by enhancing the resilience of agricultural systems
(Chimonyo et al., 2023). However, there is a gap in comprehensive understanding of how
specific CSA interventions, particularly climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds,
impact food security at the micro-level of smallholder farmers in Kenya's coast counties.
Without targeted research, it is difficult to develop effective strategies and policies that can
support the widespread adoption and sustainable use of these innovations.
Moreover, while national and regional agricultural policies emphasize the importance of CSA,
there is insufficient empirical evidence on the specific benefits and challenges associated with
different climate-smart interventions in the local context of Kenya's coast counties (Mutuku et
al., 2023). This lack of localized data hampers the ability of policymakers, development
agencies, and farmers themselves to make informed decisions that could enhance food security
and agricultural sustainability.
Therefore, this study seeks to address these gaps by investigating the impacts of strategic
climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds on the food security of smallholder farmers
in Kenya's coast counties. By providing detailed insights into the effectiveness of these
interventions, the study aims to contribute to the development of robust strategies that can
improve agricultural resilience and food security in the face of climate change.
Contribution to Knowledge
This study aims to fill the significant knowledge gap regarding the impacts of strategic climate-
smart crop varieties and livestock breeds on food security among smallholder farmers in
Kenya's coast counties. By providing empirical evidence and detailed insights into the
effectiveness of these interventions, the research will contribute to the existing body of
knowledge on climate-smart agriculture (CSA). The study's findings will offer a nuanced
understanding of how different CSA practices can enhance agricultural resilience and
productivity, thereby improving food security in regions vulnerable to climate change.
Informing Policy and Practice

The results of this study will be invaluable for policymakers and development agencies tasked
with designing and implementing agricultural policies and programs. By identifying the
specific impacts and benefits of climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds, the study
will provide evidence-based recommendations for scaling up these interventions. Policymakers
can use this information to formulate targeted strategies that support the widespread adoption
of CSA practices, thus enhancing the overall food security in Kenya's coast counties.
Enhancing Agricultural Sustainability
The study's insights into climate-smart agriculture will help promote sustainable agricultural
practices among smallholder farmers. By demonstrating the resilience and productivity
benefits of improved crop varieties and livestock breeds, the research will encourage farmers
to adopt these practices. This shift towards more sustainable agriculture will not only improve
food security but also contribute to the long-term environmental sustainability of the region by
reducing the reliance on traditional, less resilient agricultural practices.
Supporting Smallholder Farmers
Smallholder farmers are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change due to
their limited resources and adaptive capacity. This study will provide practical, context-specific
recommendations that can help these farmers improve their agricultural productivity and food
security. By focusing on the coast counties of Kenya, the research will address the unique
challenges and opportunities faced by farmers in this region, offering tailored solutions that
can be readily implemented.
Promoting Socio-Economic Development
Improved food security has far-reaching socio-economic benefits, including better health
outcomes, increased income stability, and enhanced livelihoods for smallholder farming
communities. By demonstrating the positive impacts of climate-smart agricultural practices,
this study will highlight pathways for socio-economic development in Kenya's coast counties.
Enhanced agricultural productivity will contribute to poverty reduction and economic growth,
creating a more resilient and prosperous rural economy.
Guiding Future Research
The study will also serve as a foundation for future research on climate-smart agriculture and
food security. By identifying key areas of impact and potential challenges, the research will
highlight gaps that require further investigation. This will encourage continued research efforts
to refine and expand upon the findings, ultimately leading to more effective and comprehensive
strategies for addressing food security in the face of climate change.
Empowering Stakeholders
The study aims to empower various stakeholders, including farmers, extension officers, and
agricultural organizations, by providing them with actionable knowledge and practical tools
for improving food security through climate-smart agriculture. The dissemination of the study's
findings through workshops, training sessions, and publications will ensure that stakeholders
are well-equipped to implement and advocate for effective CSA practices.


Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (SLF)
The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (SLF) is a widely recognized approach for
understanding how households derive their livelihoods and the factors influencing their
resilience. The SLF emphasizes five key assets—human, social, physical, natural, and financial
capital—that households mobilize to achieve sustainable livelihoods (DFID, 1999). In the
context of this study, the SLF helps to analyze how the adoption of climate-smart crop varieties
and livestock breeds can enhance the natural and physical capital of smallholder farmers in
Kenya's coast counties, thereby improving their food security. By adopting resilient
agricultural practices, farmers can mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, ensuring
stable food production and enhanced livelihoods.
Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Framework
The Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) framework, developed by the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO), focuses on three main pillars: increasing agricultural productivity and
incomes, adapting and building resilience to climate change, and reducing greenhouse gas
emissions where possible (FAO, 2013). This study utilizes the CSA framework to evaluate how
strategic climate-smart interventions, specifically improved crop varieties and livestock breeds,
can achieve these objectives. The framework provides a comprehensive approach to assess the
impacts of CSA practices on food security, highlighting the synergies between productivity,
resilience, and environmental sustainability.
Resilience Theory
Resilience theory explores how systems can absorb disturbances and reorganize while
undergoing change, retaining essentially the same function, structure, and feedbacks (Holling,
1973). In the context of smallholder farming in Kenya's coast counties, resilience theory is
critical for understanding how climate-smart agricultural practices can enhance the capacity of
agricultural systems to withstand climatic shocks and stresses. By adopting resilient crop
varieties and livestock breeds, farmers can maintain productivity levels despite adverse
climatic conditions, thereby securing their food sources and livelihoods.
Diffusion of Innovations Theory
The Diffusion of Innovations Theory, proposed by Everett Rogers, explains how, why, and at
what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures (Rogers, 2003). This theory is
particularly relevant to the study as it helps to analyze the adoption process of climate-smart
agricultural practices among smallholder farmers. Factors such as perceived benefits,
compatibility with existing practices, complexity, trialability, and observability influence the
adoption rate of climate-smart innovations. Understanding these factors can help in designing
effective strategies to promote the widespread adoption of climate-smart crop varieties and
livestock breeds.
Systems Theory
Systems theory, as applied to agriculture, views the farm as a complex system comprised of
various interdependent components, including crops, livestock, soil, water, and human
management (Checkland, 1999). This study employs systems theory to examine how the
introduction of climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds impacts the overall
agricultural system. By adopting a systems perspective, the research can identify the
interactions and feedback loops that enhance or hinder food security, providing a holistic
understanding of the agricultural dynamics in Kenya's coast counties.

Global Perspective
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) has gained significant attention worldwide as a means to
enhance food security and resilience in the face of climate change. In India, various studies
have documented the successful adoption of drought-resistant millets and flood-tolerant rice,
which have significantly improved food security and livelihoods, especially in climate-
vulnerable regions (Kumar et al., 2023). In China, the introduction of heat-tolerant wheat and
resilient livestock breeds has shown promising results in maintaining agricultural productivity
despite the changing climate (Li et al., 2023).
In Eastern Europe, particularly Ukraine and Russia, climate-smart practices have become
crucial due to the severe climatic challenges faced by these countries. Ukraine has focused on
drought-resistant sunflower and wheat varieties, which have helped stabilize food production
amidst unpredictable weather patterns (Shevchenko et al., 2023). Similarly, Russia's efforts to
develop cold-resistant crop varieties and resilient livestock breeds have ensured sustained
agricultural output during harsh winters (Petrov et al., 2022).
Continental Perspective
In Africa, the adoption of CSA practices is essential to address food security challenges
exacerbated by climate change. Botswana has promoted drought-resistant sorghum and heat-
tolerant cattle breeds, which have significantly enhanced food security and agricultural
resilience (Mokgadi et al., 2022). Mozambique has focused on salt-tolerant rice and drought-
resistant maize, demonstrating the potential of these varieties to improve food security in
climate-affected areas (Fernandes et al., 2023).
Zimbabwe has prioritized the adoption of drought-tolerant maize and sorghum, which have
shown considerable success in mitigating the impacts of recurring droughts (Chikozho et al.,
2023). In Zambia, the implementation of climate-smart practices, including improved seed
varieties and livestock management, has enhanced the resilience of smallholder farmers to
climate variability (Kalaba et al., 2023).
Regional Perspective
In East Africa, climate-smart agriculture is pivotal for sustaining agricultural productivity and
ensuring food security. In Burundi, the introduction of drought-resistant beans and maize has
significantly improved food security in vulnerable regions (Ndayizeye et al., 2022). Rwanda
has seen positive outcomes from the adoption of improved potato and banana varieties, which
are more resilient to climatic stresses (Munyaneza et al., 2023).
Tanzania's focus on drought-tolerant maize and cassava varieties has bolstered food security
amidst climate change impacts (Mwanukuzi et al., 2022). Similarly, in Uganda, the adoption
of resilient crop varieties and livestock breeds, such as improved dairy cattle and drought-
resistant beans, has contributed to enhanced agricultural productivity and food security
(Kagoda et al., 2023).
Local Perspective
In Kenya, climate-smart agriculture is crucial for improving food security among smallholder
farmers, especially in the coast counties. In Kitale, the adoption of improved maize and wheat
varieties that are resistant to drought and pests has significantly enhanced food security
(Wekesa et al., 2022). In Kiambu, climate-smart practices such as improved dairy cattle breeds

and resilient horticultural crops have had a positive impact on local food security (Njoroge et
al., 2023).
Kitui has promoted drought-resistant crops like millet and sorghum, alongside resilient goat
breeds, to improve food security in arid regions (Mwangi et al., 2023). In Trans-Nzoia, the
focus on climate-smart maize and wheat varieties has enhanced food production despite
climatic challenges (Kipkorir et al., 2022).
Nakuru has seen success with the introduction of improved potato and vegetable varieties,
bolstering food security, while Kilifi has adopted salt-tolerant rice and drought-resistant
cassava to address the impacts of climate change on agriculture (Ochieng et al., 2023). In
Mombasa, climate-smart urban agriculture practices, including resilient vegetable varieties and
improved poultry breeds, have enhanced food security in urban areas (Mutua et al., 2022).
In Taita Taveta, the introduction of drought-tolerant crops and resilient livestock breeds, such
as improved cattle and goat varieties, has improved food security (Ng’ang’a et al., 2023). Tana
River has focused on flood-tolerant rice and drought-resistant maize, contributing to enhanced
agricultural resilience (Wario et al., 2023). Lamu has adopted salt-tolerant rice and resilient
coconut varieties to sustain food security amidst climatic challenges (Aboud et al., 2022). In
Kwale, the promotion of drought-resistant crops and improved livestock breeds has
significantly improved food security (Mwaniki et al., 2022).
Research Design
This study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative
research methods to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of strategic climate-smart
crop varieties and livestock breeds on food security among smallholder farmers in Kenya's
coast counties. The mixed-methods approach allows for triangulation, enhancing the validity
and reliability of the findings (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2023).
Study Area
The research focuses on Kenya's coast counties, specifically Kilifi, Mombasa, Taita Taveta,
Tana River, Lamu, and Kwale. These counties were selected due to their vulnerability to
climate change and their reliance on agriculture as a primary source of livelihood (Njeru et al.,
Target Population
The target population for this study includes smallholder farmers in the selected counties who
have adopted climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds. The study also targets
agricultural extension officers and local government officials involved in agricultural policy
and implementation. The total target population was 123, 231 respondents.
Sampling Technique
A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select the study participants. In the first stage,
purposive sampling was employed to select the counties based on their climate vulnerability
and agricultural practices. In the second stage, stratified random sampling was used to
categorize farmers into strata based on the type of climate-smart practices adopted. Finally,
simple random sampling was applied within each stratum to select individual respondents. The
sample size of 378 respondents was determined using Cochran's formula (Israel, 2022).
Data Collection Methods
Quantitative Data
Quantitative data was collected using structured questionnaires administered to the selected
smallholder farmers. The questionnaire included both closed and open-ended questions
covering the following areas:
• Demographic information
• Types of climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds adopted
• Agricultural productivity and yields
• Food security status (measured using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale -
• Perceived impacts of climate-smart practices on food security
Qualitative Data
Qualitative data was collected through key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group
discussions (FGDs). KIIs was conducted with agricultural extension officers and local
government officials to gain insights into the implementation and impact of climate-smart
agricultural practices. FGDs were conducted with groups of smallholder farmers to explore
their experiences, challenges, and perceptions regarding climate-smart practices. These
discussions will provide a deeper understanding of the contextual factors influencing the
adoption and effectiveness of these practices (Silverman, 2023).
Data Analysis
Quantitative Data Analysis
Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive
statistics, including means, frequencies, and percentages, were used to summarize the data.
Inferential statistics, such as t-tests and regression analysis, was employed to examine the
relationships between the adoption of climate-smart practices and food security outcomes. The
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used for data analysis (Field,
Qualitative Data Analysis
Qualitative data from KIIs and FGDs was analyzed using thematic analysis. Thematic analysis
involves identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within the data. The transcripts
from interviews and discussions was coded, and themes were developed based on recurring
ideas and concepts. NVivo software was used to facilitate the coding and organization of
qualitative data (Braun & Clarke, 2022).
Ethical Considerations
Ethical approval was obtained from the relevant institutional review board before commencing
the study. Informed consent was sought from all participants, ensuring they understand the
purpose of the study, their role, and their right to withdraw at any time. Confidentiality and
anonymity will be maintained throughout the research process, and data will be securely stored
and used solely for academic purposes (Resnik, 2023).
Limitations of the Study

The study acknowledges potential limitations, including the reliance on self-reported data,
which may be subject to recall bias. Additionally, the cross-sectional design of the study limits
the ability to establish causal relationships. However, the mixed-methods approach and
triangulation of data sources were expected to mitigate some of these limitations.


The study sampled 378 respondents, comprising smallholder farmers from Kenya's coast
counties, including Kilifi, Mombasa, Taita Taveta, Tana River, Lamu, and Kwale. The findings
provide insights into the impacts of strategic climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds
on food security.

Demographic Information

Table 1 presents the demographic characteristics of the respondents.

Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

Characteristic Frequency (n=378) Percentage (%)

Male 234 61.9
Female 144 38.1
18-30 years 76 20.1
31-45 years 139 36.8
46-60 years 123 32.5
Above 60 years 40 10.6
Education Level
No formal education 47 12.4
Primary education 125 33.1
Secondary education 142 37.6
Tertiary education 64 16.9

Adoption of Climate-Smart Practices

The study examined the types of climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds adopted by
the respondents. Table 2 presents the distribution of these practices.

Table 2: Adoption of Climate-Smart Practices

Climate-Smart Practice Frequency (n=378) Percentage (%)

Drought-resistant maize 156 41.3
Drought-resistant cassava 112 29.6
Salt-tolerant rice 90 23.8
Resilient vegetable varieties 54 14.3
Improved dairy cattle breeds 98 25.9
Resilient goat breeds 73 19.3
Improved poultry breeds 115 30.4

Agricultural Productivity and Yields

Quantitative data on agricultural productivity and yields were collected and analyzed. Table 3
shows the average yields before and after the adoption of climate-smart practices.

Table 3: Average Agricultural Yields (in kg/acre)

Crop/Livestock Before Adoption After Adoption Percentage

(Mean) (Mean) Increase (%)
Maize 480 720 50
Cassava 750 1050 40
Rice 600 840 40
Vegetables 400 600 50
Dairy cattle (milk/day) 8 liters 12 liters 50
Goats (meat production) 25 kg 35 kg 40
Poultry (egg production) 120 eggs/month 180 eggs/month 50

Food Security Status

Food security status was measured using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale
(HFIAS). Table 4 summarizes the food security status before and after the adoption of climate-
smart practices.

Table 4: Food Security Status (HFIAS Scores)

Food Security Before Adoption Percentage After Adoption Percentage

Category (n=378) (%) (n=378) (%)
Food Secure 56 14.8 172 45.5
Mildly Food 87 23.0 118 31.2
Moderately Food 159 42.1 66 17.5
Severely Food 76 20.1 22 5.8

Perceived Impacts of Climate-Smart Practices

Respondents' perceptions of the impacts of climate-smart practices on their food security were
also gathered. Table 5 presents the respondents' perceptions.

Table 5: Perceived Impacts of Climate-Smart Practices

Perceived Impact Frequency (n=378) Percentage (%)

Improved food security 289 76.5
Increased agricultural productivity 302 79.9
Enhanced resilience to climate change 265 70.1
Reduced vulnerability to food insecurity 249 65.9
Improved income from agriculture 197 52.1


The findings indicate that the adoption of climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds has
significantly improved food security among smallholder farmers in Kenya's coast counties. The
demographic data shows a balanced representation of genders and age groups, with a
substantial proportion of respondents having attained at least a secondary level of education.

The adoption rates of various climate-smart practices were considerable, with drought-resistant
maize and improved poultry breeds being the most commonly adopted. The increase in
agricultural productivity and yields post-adoption of these practices was significant, with all
categories showing a substantial percentage increase.

The analysis of food security status before and after the adoption of climate-smart practices
revealed a marked improvement. The percentage of food-secure households increased from
14.8% to 45.5%, while the percentage of severely food-insecure households decreased from
20.1% to 5.8%.

The perceived impacts of climate-smart practices further corroborate these findings, with a
majority of respondents acknowledging improvements in food security, agricultural
productivity, resilience to climate change, and income from agriculture.

In conclusion, the study concludes that the strategic adoption of climate-smart crop varieties
and livestock breeds has a profound positive impact on the food security of smallholder farmers
in Kenya's coast counties. These practices not only enhance agricultural productivity but also
improve resilience to climatic stresses, thereby contributing to sustainable food security.


The study has demonstrated that the adoption of strategic climate-smart crop varieties and
livestock breeds has significantly enhanced food security among smallholder farmers in
Kenya's coast counties. The findings indicate a substantial increase in agricultural productivity
and yields, as well as an improvement in food security status. The positive impacts of these
climate-smart practices, as perceived by the farmers, include improved food security, increased
agricultural productivity, enhanced resilience to climate change, reduced vulnerability to food
insecurity, and improved income from agriculture. These results underscore the importance of
promoting and supporting climate-smart agricultural practices to ensure sustainable food
security in the region.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made:

1. Policy Support and Funding: Governments and policymakers should develop and
implement supportive policies that encourage the adoption of climate-smart agricultural
practices. This includes providing financial

subsidies, grants, and loans to smallholder farmers to facilitate the acquisition of climate-smart
crop varieties and livestock breeds.

2. Extension Services and Training: Enhance the capacity of agricultural extension

services to provide continuous training and support to farmers on the benefits and
techniques of adopting climate-smart practices. Extension officers should be well-
equipped to offer practical demonstrations and hands-on training sessions.
3. Research and Development: Invest in research and development to create more
resilient and high-yielding climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds.
Collaboration between research institutions, universities, and agricultural organizations
should be strengthened to foster innovation in climate-smart agriculture.
4. Infrastructure Development: Improve rural infrastructure, including irrigation
systems, roads, and storage facilities, to support the effective implementation of
climate-smart agricultural practices. Reliable infrastructure will enhance access to
markets and reduce post-harvest losses.
5. Awareness Campaigns: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate farmers about the
long-term benefits of climate-smart agriculture. Utilize various communication
channels, including radio, television, social media, and community meetings, to reach
a wider audience.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish robust monitoring and evaluation systems to
assess the effectiveness of climate-smart practices regularly. This will help identify
areas of improvement and ensure that the practices are achieving the desired outcomes
in terms of food security and resilience.

Areas of Future Study

To build on the findings of this study, the following areas are suggested for future research:

1. Longitudinal Studies: Conduct longitudinal studies to assess the long-term impacts of

climate-smart agricultural practices on food security and livelihoods. This will provide
deeper insights into the sustainability and adaptability of these practices over time.
2. Economic Analysis: Perform detailed economic analyses to evaluate the cost-benefit
ratio of adopting climate-smart crop varieties and livestock breeds. Understanding the
economic implications will help in making informed decisions regarding investments
in climate-smart agriculture.
3. Gender Perspectives: Investigate the gender-specific impacts of climate-smart
practices on food security. Understanding how these practices affect men and women
differently can help in designing more inclusive and equitable agricultural
4. Climate Variability: Study the interaction between climate-smart agricultural
practices and varying climatic conditions. This will help in developing context-specific

recommendations that are tailored to different climatic zones within Kenya’s coast
5. Comparative Studies: Conduct comparative studies between different regions within
Kenya and other countries with similar climatic conditions to identify best practices
and lessons that can be replicated or adapted locally.
6. Social and Cultural Factors: Explore the social and cultural factors that influence the
adoption of climate-smart practices. Understanding these factors can aid in designing
interventions that are culturally sensitive and more likely to be accepted by the farming


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64. Mwangi, J., Njoroge, M., & Kariuki, R. (2023). Enhancing food security through
resilient goat breeds in Kitui County, Kenya. Kenya Journal of Livestock Research,
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66. Ng’ang’a, M., Muli, J., & Karanja, P. (2023). Climate-smart livestock practices in Taita
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82. Petrov, Y., Ivanov, A., & Smirnov, P. (2022). Cold-resistant crop varieties in Russia:
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and wheat varieties in Ukraine. Ukrainian Agricultural Journal, 12(2), 99-113.
84. Wario, S., Abdi, J., & Yusuf, M. (2023). Promoting flood-tolerant rice and drought-
resistant maize in Tana River County, Kenya. Kenya Journal of Agricultural
Innovation, 7(1), 71-84.
85. Wekesa, C., Kariuki, J., & Muthama, N. (2022). Impact of improved maize and wheat
varieties on food security in Kitale, Kenya. Kenya Journal of Crop Research, 9(3), 66-
86. Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2023). Designing and Conducting Mixed
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88. Israel, G. D. (2022). Determining Sample Size. University of Florida, IFAS Extension.
89. Njeru, E. M., Wambugu, S., & Otieno, G. (2023). Climate Change and Agricultural
Adaptation in Kenya’s Coastal Region. Kenya Journal of Climate Change, 11(2), 101-
90. Petrov, Y., Ivanov, A., & Smirnov, P. (2022). Cold-resistant crop varieties in Russia:
Adapting to climate change. Russian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 30(4), 201-215.
91. Shevchenko, I., Kovalenko, O., & Bondarenko, V. (2023). Drought-resistant sunflower
and wheat varieties in Ukraine. Ukrainian Agricultural Journal, 12(2), 99-113.

92. Wario, S., Abdi, J., & Yusuf, M. (2023). Promoting flood-tolerant rice and drought-
resistant maize in Tana River County, Kenya. Kenya Journal of Agricultural
Innovation, 7(1), 71-84.
93. Wekesa, C., Kariuki, J., & Muthama, N. (2022). Impact of improved maize and wheat
varieties on food security in Kitale, Kenya. Kenya Journal of Crop Research, 9(3), 66-


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