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Table 1: Overview of detection methods in 42 recent papers.

Papers with the same background color are papers written by the same group. White background indicate stand-alone papers.
Overall method Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape HSV thresholding Hue thresholding on chromatic colors only HSI thresholding with addition for white signs HSI thresholding with addition for white signs HSI thresholding with addition for white signs HSI thresholding with addition for white signs LCH thresholding (obtained with CIECAM97) LCH thresholding (obtained with CIECAM97) HSV discretization Quad-tree color selection Adaptive RGB threshold Adaptive RGB threshold HSI thresholding HSI thresholding (Liu2002) (Liu2002) (Liu2002) (Liu2002) Primary method Intermediate step


Vzquez-Reina et al. (2005) Maldonado-Bascon et al. (2007) Gil Jimnez et al. (2008) Lafuente-Arroyo et al. (2010) Gao et al. (2006) Gao et al. (2008) Ruta et al. (2010) Ruta et al. (2011) Timofte et al. (2009) Prisacariu et al. (2010) Kuo and Lin (2007) Nguwi and Kouzani (2008)

Ren et al. (2009) Xu (2009)

Chiang et al. (2010) Qingsong et al. (2010) Deguchi et al. (2011)

Distance transform correlation Shape detection using DtB features Comparison of FFT of shape signatures Shape detection using DtB features HOG shape detection None Extended radial symmetry Extended radial symmetry Fuzzy templates (a Hough derivative) Fuzzy templates, Haar cascade, and SVM Hough shape detection Neural network on 30x30 px YCbCr sign candidate patches Hough shape detection Contour simplication, matching with tangent functions Circle center voting Radial symmetry RANSAC circle t None

Bahlmann et al. (2005)


Ruta et al. (2007) Liu et al. (2002) Xie et al. (2009) Creusen et al. (2010) Kastner et al. (2010)

HSI thresholding HSI thresholding Nested cascade classier with Local Rank Pattern features (based on 7 RGB based colors) Cascaded classier on Haar wavelet features computed on specic color channels Extended radial symmetry with color ltering on edges HSI thresholding with edge detection and removal of achromatic colors Saliency detection with color and edges Histogram of oriented gradients augmented with color information Biologically inspired attention model

Houben (2011) Rajesh et al. (2011) Keller et al. (2008) Loy and Barnes (2004) Barnes and Loy (2006) Barnes et al. (2008) Nunn et al. (2008) Meuter et al. (2011) Garcia-Garrido et al. (2011)

None Genetic algorithm looking for circles HOG shape detection None Cascade of weak classiers (color, corners, etc.) None None Cascaded classier on Haar wavelet features None None None None None None None None None None None None None Contracting Curve Density Color verication in modied RGB-space

Gonzalez et al. (2011)

Pettersson et al. (2008) Overett and Petersson (2011)

Alefs et al. (2007) Moutarde et al. (2007)

Baro et al. (2009) Belaroussi and Tarel (2009) Hoferlin and Zimmermann (2009) Gu et al. (2011)

Probabilistic color preprocessing with Hough derivative shape detector Neural network run on CVOG, color, and HOG features Extended radial symmetry Extended radial symmetry Extended radial symmetry Radial symmetry Detects symmetric areas to be used as ROI with another shape-detector Two-tier radial symmetry Hough transform, only applied to closed contours with certain aspect ratios Hough transform, only applied to closed contours with certain aspect ratios Cascaded classier on the HOG derived HistFeat-features 5 stage cascaded classier trained with LogitBoost on various HOGfeatures Edge orientation histograms Hough transform for circular signs, proprietary (not described) for rectangular Cascaded classier with dissociated dipoles as features Vertex and Bisector transform (VBT) Radial symmetry combined with SIFT features Radial symmetry

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