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mag nen c nei a- - - - - - - - - - - - - .

- - - - - - ~ -
(d) emission ofelectron s from metals when light falls upon
13. For a Boh r ato m ang ular mom entu m, M of the electron is
";,\ (n = 0, l, 2, ..... ): [l{l]~l~1ni

nh 2 (c) M (d) !!!!._

(a) 21t
4n 4n
14. An elec tron from one Boh r stat ion ary orbit can go to nex t
(_c) \ '~ l I ,- , I I I I ~, \ • • 1 J 1

28. Which of the following

graph correspond to one node
[tll]~l~ing 3

i i'I'

(a) (b)

i t'I'

(c) (d)

,.a~ wnn, n_ ton. shell
If \~7 i:., c-v (<]J -z. 7 ev
s. 43. If the shortest wavelength in Lyman series of hydrogen
atom is A, then the longest wavelength in Paschen series
of He+ is:
(a) (b)
9 5

bout 36A 36A

(c) (d)
5 7
44. In Bohr series oflines ofhydroget1: spectrum, the thiro line
from the red end corresponds to which one ofthe following
_:_,L _ • _1 •A - · C.A1~ 1---..L.. C .
rnarana1yzecr0Zf-7o0y 1nas-s-.rv.11m.
'- (a) 1.16 (b) 1.83 (c) 2 (d) 1.93
44. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2 . One mole of
this compom1d has a mass of42 grams. Its molecular fonnula

(c) C1½ (d) Ciffi

One or More Than One Options Correct
iO. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV.
Consider an electronic state '¥ of He+ whose energy,
azimuthal quantum number and magnetic quantum
number are -3.4 eV, 2 and 0, respectively. Which of the
following statement(s) is(are) true for the state 'I'?
(a) It is a 4d state.
(b) The nuclear charge experienced by the electron in
this state is less than 2e, where e is the magnitude of
the electronic charge.
(c) It has 3 radial nodes.
(d) It has 2 angular nodes. (IIT-JEE 2019)
.t>n~r~"r nLn ~Jprtron in thP fir~t Rohr orhit of l-l
- -- -- _.., _____ -··-·• -••,.... ....,,..,•~••v ..,V' ■■ -..v•

at r0, 208. Ground state electronic configuration of nitrogen atom

~004) can be represented by
ay be
rnrn1111 1
rnrn111~ 1
[985) (c)
rnrn111~ ~
DIJDIJI ~I~ ~ (!IT-JEE 1999)
t~ 1 is . ..,
75. Many elements have non-integral atomic masses because
(a) they have isotopes V
(b) their isotopes have non-integral masses -
(c) their isotopes have different masses ~
(d) the constituents, neutrons, protons and electrons,
combine to give fractional masses. (IIT-JEE 1984)
ALL.,.,.. 1 :I
{N!ain 18m7vfiirch TH ~hlfl :LULl)
153. The plots of radial distribution functions for various
orbitals of hydrogen atom against <r' are given below:
...._ 8


<"\.._ 4

0 5 10
r(A) )
~ 2
(B) ~ 1

5 10
r --..
r(A) )

~ 2
(C) ~ 1

5 10
r(A) )

.. 1.5
~ 1.0
(D) 1 ~
5 10
" )
{CJ 7
44. In Bohr series oflines ofhydrogen spectrwn, the third line
from the red end corresponds to which one of the following
inter-orbit jumps of the electron for Bohr orbits in an atom
of hydrogen
{a) 5 ➔ 2 (b) 4 ➔ I
(c) 2 ➔ 5 (d) 3 ➔ 2
45. The mass of a particle is I 0-1 o g and 1·t S ra d lUS
· ·
-4 .
T.f i-o u"
1 ~
l_,.._._.: L- ~ 1
38:- To check the princi ple of multip le propo rtions , a series of
~ pure binary compo unds (P mQn) were analyz ed and their
~ compo sition is tabula ted below. The correc t option (s) is
~ (are)
,.._/ /
Comp ound Weigh t%of P Weig ht%o fQ
1 50 50
2 44.4 55.6
3 40 60
(a) If empiri cal formu la of compo und 3 is P 3 Q4 , then
the empiri cal formu la of compo und 2 is P 3 Q5 •
(b) If empiri cal formu la of compo und 3 is P 3 Q2 and
atomic weight of elemen t P is 20, then the atomic
weight of Q is 45.
(c) If empiri cal formu la of compo und 2 is PQ, then the
empiri cal formu la of the compo und 1 is P 5 Q4 •
(d) If atomic weight ofP and Qare 70 and 35, respectively,
then the empiri cal formu la of compo und 1 is P 2 Q. .

Numerical/Integer Value
\ 77. The wavelength of an electron of kinetic energy
984) I
4.~o x 10-29 J is _ _ _ x 10-5 m. (Nearest intejer)
: size 1Given: Mass of electron is 9 x 10-31 k h = 6.6 x 10- Js
Numerical/Integer Value
co m po un d (X ) w it h 60 % ca rb o n
0.5 g of an or ga ni c
x 10 -
g o f C O o n co m pl et e
will pr od uc e , 2
(M ai n 8 1h A pr il 151 Sh if t 20 23 )
co m bu st io n. ""

m the following
176. The nun1ber of correct statements fro
IS _ _ _ _

A. For ls orbital, the probability density is maximum at

the nucleus.
B. For 2s orbital, the probability density first increases
to maximum and then decreases sharply to zero.
C. Boundary surface diagrams of the orbitals encloses
a region of 100% probability of finding the electron.
D. p and d-orbitals have 1 and 2 angular nodes
E. Probability density ofp-orbital is zero at the nucleus.
40. The molality of a 10% ( vlv) solution of di-bromine
solution in CC14 ( carbon tetrachloride) is 'x'.
x = ___ x 10-2 M. (Nearest integer)
(Given: molar mass of Br2 = 160 g mo1-1
atomic mass of C = 12 g mo1- 1
atomic mass of Cl= 35.5 g mo1- 1
density of dibromine = 3.2 g cm- 3
density of CC14 = 1.6 g cm- 3] (Main 1st Feb 2nd Shift 2023)
24. Match the columns.
Column-I Column-II
2 (p) Energycan beemitted
(A) 1'1'1
or absorbed in packets
(B) de Broglie (q) Significant only for
C motion of microscopic

(C) Heisenberg
-l/ . objects.
(r) The probability of
finding an electron at a
point within an atom
(D) Planck (s) Every object in motion
has a wave character.
(a) A- (q),B - (s),C - (r),D-(p)
(b) A- (r),B - (p),C - (q),D-(s)
e (c) A- (r), B- (s), C - (q),D-(p)
e (d) A-(s), B- (p),C - (r),D - (q)
'\: , .., -- .- L., L.,
e 32. M at ch th e co lu m ns .
C ol um n- I C ol um n- II
(A to m /I o n ) (Electronic co nf ig ur at io n) .
2 6 10
(A) Cu (p) ls2 2s2 2p6 3s 3p 3 d
6 10 2
(B) C u2+ (q) ls2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p 3 d 4 s
ls2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3 d10 4s 1
(C) Z n2+ (r)
(D) C r3+ (s) ls2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p 6 3t P
(t) ls2 2s2 2p 6 3s2 3p 6 3 d3
\o.) ~ - \ s ) ,B - ( ) : ) , C-(1)),D .
~) ~-\-r),B-\s), C-(1)),D
\C) ~ - ( t ) , ~ - ( s ) , C -. (t),D
\~) 1 \- \i :) ,B - \s ) , C - ( 1 ) ) ,D

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