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1. Armed Forces assign personnel to duties as military police. What does each branch of service call them? Airforce- Security Police Army & Marine Corp- Military Police Navy- Shore Patrol 2. What information are you required to give if you become a POW? Name, Rank, SSN and DOB 3. The code of conduct was adopted to provide guidance for service personnel in which circumstance? When facing the enemy as prisoners of war 4. In what year was Executive order 12633 issued amending the code of conduct to use neutral-gender language? 1988 5. How many articles make up the code of conduct? 6 6. When, if ever, may you voluntarily surrender to the enemy? Never 7. Aboard ship, the MAA force is headed by the CMAA who works directly for who? XO 8. Punishment is administered in the Navy for what reason? To serve as an object lesson to the wrongdoer and others 9. What person is responsible for making sure that the Navy Regs conforms to the current needs of the Department of the Navy? CNO

10. Navy Regs and changes to it are issued by the secretary of the Navy after what person approves them? The President 11. What article of the Navy Regs lists the publications that must be made available upon request by any active-duty person? 0818 12. Navy Regs article 1104 treatment and release of prisoners, prohibits cruel and/or unusual treatment. According to this article prisoners must be checked on at what minimum interval? 4 HRS 13. Who is subject to customs inspections? Everyone 14. When are the three times certain articles of the UCMJ, under article 137 have to be explained to an enlisted person? 1-When entering Active Duty 2-After 6 months on active duty 3-Each time the person re-enlists 15. When an accused person selects a civilian counsel, who must bear the expense of such counsel? The accused only 16. The status of an absentee changes from absence without leave to deserter after how many days absent? 30 17. Under UCMJ, article 116, riot or breach of peace, the term riot is used when a disturbance is caused by what minimum number of people? Three 18. Weapons or other public property taken from captured enemy forces becomes the property of the? United States

19. U.S. Navy Regulations describe what? Rights and responsibilities of all Navy members

20. What are duties of the Police Petty Officers? 1-They are on divisional instead of shipwide basis 2-Reveille and Taps 3-Ensuring compartments are clean and maintaining order

21. What are the duties of the MAA force? 1- Enforces Navy and ship regulations 2- Musters restricted personnel 3- Holds reveille 4- Performs duties required for the maintenance of good order and discipline 22. All members of the armed force police detachment are identified by? Brassards(armbands) with letters AFPD 23. What are the three sources that set forth the basic disciplinary laws for the U.S. Navy? 1-U.S. Navy Regulations 2-Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy 3-UCMJ 24. In what year was the Code of Conduct first prescribed? And by whom? 1955 Dwight D. Eisenhower

25. Who may be assigned shore patrol duties? Officers and petty officers 26. In areas where different armed services are located, the military police from each service may be combined to form one unit. What term identifies this unit? Armed Forces Police Department

27. Navy Regs, article 1033 Authority in a boat, provides who the authority and responsibility over all persons embarked? The senior line officer eligible for command at sea 28. You may not be ordered to active duty without the permission of who? Chief Naval Personnel 29. Standard organization and regulation of the U.S. Navy are posted in which of the following locations onboard ship or station? 1-On bulletin boards 2-In the log room 3-On the quarterdeck 30. On what date did the original UCMJ become effective? May 31, 1951 31. Discipline training develops which personal traits? 1-Character 2-Efficiency 3-Self-control 32. Discipline is important to the Navy for what reason? To enable personnel to function as a unit with a high degree of efficiency 33. What characteristics are traits of a good sailor? 1-Puts the good of the ship and the Navy above personal likes and dislikes 2-Obeys the rules of military courtesy and etiquette 3-Demonstrates loyalty, self control, honesty and thruthfulness 34. What are the three types of court martials? 1-Summary 2-Special 3-General 35. When is extra duty to be given and not to whom? 1-Not to exceed 2 hrs daily and not on holidays 2-Not to petty officers that would demean there grade or position 36. Confinement on bread and water or diminished rations can only be give to whom?

Enlisted person E-3 and below aboard ship 37. What are the punitive articles of the UCMJ? Articles 77-134 38. What is OPNAVINST 3120.32? Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy

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