A perspective of low carbon lithium-ion battery recycling technology

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Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

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A perspective of low carbon lithium-ion battery recycling technology

Ye Shui Zhang a,b,∗, Kirstin Schneider c, Hao Qiu c, Hua Lun Zhu a,b,d
School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, UK
Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE, UK
Institute of Mineral and Waste Processing, Recycling and Circular Economy Systems (IFAD), Clausthal University of Technology, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2AZ, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: With the significant rise in the application of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) in electromobility, the amount of spent
Lithium-ion battery LIBs is also increasing. LIB recycling technologies which conserve sustainable resources and protect the environ-
Recycling ment need to be developed for achieving a circular economy. Recycling of LIBs will reduce the environmental
Low carbon
impact of the batteries by reducing carbon dioxide emissions in terms of saving natural resources to reduce
raw materials mining. This work reviewed the most advanced and ongoing LIB recycling technologies, and cat-
Mechanical processing
Hydrometallurgy egorized the reviewed technologies according to the components of the LIB cells, including cathodes, anodes,
Carbon emission electrolyte and separators. Most recycling technologies focus on the recovery of valuable metals, particular for
cobalt by hydrometallurgical method from the cathodes. The commercial process based on the combination of
the pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical technologies which was commercially developed by Umicore, and
Retriev, is mainly focusing on the developed hydrometallurgical technology for optimizing the recovering effi-
ciency. There is research undergoing to recover graphite from anodes through Fenton oxidation, froth flotation
and thermal treatment with a combination of hydrometallurgical process. As LIB recycling technologies are under
development, there is great potential to reduce emission of carbon dioxide and this should be a focus in research.
There is also a high need to develop a more advanced LIB recycling technology to recover more valuable materials
with reduced carbon emission, therefore to contribute to “Net zero” ambition.

1. Introduction ing to guarantee the operation of batteries. The electrolyte salts used
include lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6 ). LiPF6 is preferably used
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are ubiquitous within portable applica- lithium salt in most LIBs (Hu and Lu, 2020). The separator is made of
tions such as mobile phones and laptops, and increasingly used in e- polymers like polypropylene (PP) or polyethylene (PE). The function of
mobility due to their relatively high energy and power density. The the separator is to avoid short circuits between the electrodes, as well as
global LIB market size is expected to reach $87.5 billion by 2027 facilitating ion transport in the cell (Zeng et al., 2014, Meshram et al.,
(GVR, Lithium-ion Battery Market Size 2020). The manufacturing of 2020).
these batteries has largely been performed in the same way since their Spent LIBs recycling gained remarkable attention in the past few
initial commercialisation by Sony in the 1990s (Kim et al., 2020). The years due to the rapid increase in demand for critical metals, the neg-
LIB cell is predominantly composed of different layers that are cathode ative impact on the environment from raw materials mining and in-
layer, anode layer, a separator, and electrolyte enclosed with a cell hous- correct disposal of spent LIBs. Spent LIBs not only contain significant
ing (Gratz et al., 2014). The cathode material in LIBs is mostly a metal quantities of valuable materials but also contain hazardous compounds
oxide, such as lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC), lithium (Meshram et al., 2020). Landfilling spent LIBs can contaminate soil
iron phosphate (LFP), lithium cobalt oxide (LCO), lithium manganese and groundwater due to electrolyte and metals leaching (Mossali et al.,
oxide (LMO) and many more coated on aluminium (Al) foil as current 2020). Furthermore, LIBs release toxic gases (i.e. hydrogen fluoride, HF)
collector (CC). The anode is the negative electrode layer with active in contact with moisture and can induce fire accidents if not properly
material (AM) (typically graphite) on a copper foil. The electrolyte is handled (Mossali et al., 2020, Winslow et al., 2018).
usually sandwiched between the negative and positive electrodes, which Recycling of LIBs will reduce the environmental impact of the batter-
plays an important role in transporting the positive lithium ions between ies by reducing carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions in terms of saving nat-
the cathode and anode. Electrolyte is also insulating electronic conduct- ural resources to reduce raw materials mining. Therefore, it could also

Corresponding author at: Chemical Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, United Kingdom
E-mail addresses: yeshui.zhang@ucl.ac.uk, yeshui.zhang@abdn.ac.uk (Y.S. Zhang).

Received 31 August 2022; Received in revised form 8 October 2022; Accepted 8 October 2022
2772-6568/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE). This is an open access article under the CC
BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Y.S. Zhang, K. Schneider, H. Qiu et al. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

manage safety issues and eliminate waste production (Bankole et al., a follow-up discussion in section 5 to discuss the future perspectives for
2013). It has been reported that 13% of LIB cost per kWh could be saved developing a combined LIB recycling technology to recover more valu-
through metals recycling. However, the global recycling ratio of the LIBs able materials with reduced carbon emissions, therefore contributes to
was less than 3% in 2007 (Georgi-Maschler et al., 2012). It is found that “Net zero” ambition.
the recyclability of LIBs is very low and the recycling process is not ef-
ficient enough to recover Li for reuse in batteries (Yanamandra et al., 2. Recoverable Materials
2022). In the EU, the Battery Directive (Directive 2006/66/EC) and the
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive (Directive 2.1. Cathodes
2012/19/EU) are the most up-to-date regulations regarding the collec-
tion and recycling of spent LIBs. In February 2022, the Committee on The raw material production for batteries has a huge ramifying ef-
the Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety (ENVI) adopted a po- fect. Mostly the raw materials used in LIBs are extracted from their re-
sition on proposed rules to govern the entire battery product life cycle spective ores with mainly focusing on Li, Co, Ni, and Mn as they are
from design to end-of-life. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) used in the production of cathode materials in the LIBs. Co is mainly
want to strengthen new EU rules for design, production and disposal of extracted from its ores accompanied by Ni or Cu along with the little
batteries, in terms of stronger sustainability, performance and labelling amount of arsenic and silver (Ag). The approximate global reserve of
requirements, due diligence policy for value chain of battery companies, Co is about 7,100,000 MT in 2020, Co contained in purchased scrap
and more stringent targets for waste collection, recycling efficiency and represented an estimated 29% of Co reported consumption (recycling)
material recovery. MEPs mentioned the new measures for batteries are (USGS 2021).
crucial for the transition to a circular and climate-neutral economy and Li is an important metal as it shares the largest market in the pro-
for EU’s competitiveness and strategic autonomy (GVR, Lithium-ion Bat- duction of LIBs. Chile, Australia and Brazil are the main producers of
tery Market Size 2022). In March 2022, the EU Environment Council Li while other important producers include Argentina, Portugal, the US,
adopted new rules for more sustainable batteries. It has been reported and China. The estimated reserves for Li are about 21,000,000 MT in
that a decision from the Environment Council has been made to final- 2020 (USGS 2021). One domestic company has recycled Li metal and
ize an agreement between the EU member states, the European Par- LIBs since 1992 at its facility in British Columbia, Canada. In 2015,
liament and the European Commission. Following its entry into force, the company began to operate the first US recycling facility for Li-ion
the batteries regulation will replace the EU Batteries Directive of 2006 vehicle batteries in Lancaster, OH. Seven other companies located in
(EU Environment 2022). The EU is currently in the process of updating Canada and the US have begun recycling or intended to begin recycling
its main legal framework on batteries through its proposal for a sweep- Li metal and LIBs to some degree. The estimated global reserve for Mn
ing Batteries Regulation. The proposed regulation is “cradle-to-grave,” is about 1,300,000 MT (USGS 2021). Mn was recycled incidentally as
applying obligations to each stage of a battery’s life cycle to promote a a constituent of ferrous and nonferrous scrap. However, scrap recovery
circular supply chain. As a first-mover, the EU may hope to provide a specifically for Mn was negligible. Mn is recovered along with iron (Fe)
blueprint for the regulatory moves by other countries (Nicolas Lockhart from steel slag (USGS 2021).
and Perantakou, 2022).
The EU member countries are required to set up collection schemes 2.2. Anodes
to deal with the end-of-life portable batteries. The battery manufacturers
are liable for the costs of collection, treatment, recycling and disposal. Current research on recycling anode materials from end-of-life
Battery manufacturers or producers and distributors are required to col- LIBs mainly concentrates on graphite, which is a critical raw ma-
lect the spent batteries without extra cost. The regulations also set the terial defined by the European Commission (Keersemaker, 2020,
minimum collection rates should be 45% by 2016. However, the revised Vanderbruggen et al., 2021). Based on Canaccord Genuity projections,
report updated in 2019 by the European Commission stated only 14 the need for graphite will reach 250,000 t year−1 in 2025. (Spencer and
member states have reached the target of 45% by 2016. In total, 56.7% Hill, 2016, Natarajan and Aravindan, 2020). The market price of
of spent portable batteries are not collected back every year which is graphite ranges from 8-13 USD kg−1 , (Natarajan and Aravindan, 2020,
∼35,000 tons end up in municipal waste streams (Neumann et al., 2022). Yi et al., 2021). and the price of high-quality flake graphite is annu-
The most important incentive for LIBs recycling is the economic ally increasing by 10-12% (Badawy, 2016, Liu et al., 2021, Yang et al.,
value of the metals contained in the cathode active material, represent- 2019). Since the graphite content in LIBs is between 13.2-22 wt.%,
ing most of the total value (up to 90%) (Lain, 2001). Considering the which is about 11 times that of Li, (Yi et al., 2021, Gaines et al., 2018)
recycling feasibility and final gain, currently only cobalt (Co), Cu, steel, recovering graphite is becoming more economically attractive.
nickel (Ni) and Al are recycled. Plastics are incinerated for energy recov- Since the purity of graphite mines are various and needs to be treated
ery and Li, Co and manganese (Mn) are recovered by a solvent extraction with HF or high temperature to remove impurities and get battery-grade
system, but graphite is rarely considered (Dewulf et al., 2010). Most of product with purity higher than 99%, (Young, 2019, Sophie, 2020) the
the spent LIBs recycling processes in industry are only targeting on LCO process will significantly increase the environmental burden. Thus, the
(the cost is estimated at 8900$ t−1 ) and LiNi1−x−y Mnx Coy O2 chemistries mining activities can be reduced by recovering the graphite from end-
because of the high Co and Ni content. However, these processes are not of-life batteries, therefore minimizing ecological damage.
appropriate for the lower-value manganese-rich cathode chemistries and Hence, graphite in end-of-life LIBs should be recycled from economic
LiFePO4 which do not contain precious metals (Winslow et al., 2018). and ecological perspectives. From a process point of view, the high
Considering also the predominant trend to reduce the Co content, robust graphite content in the pyrometallurgical process leads to increased
recycling processes should be developed to recover LIBs with different CO2 emission and impacts the metal recovery efficiency caused by
cathode chemistries and to balance treatment costs with the final effec- the changed CO2 -to-CO ratio, reaction kinetics, and melting properties
tive revenue. (Werner et al., 2020, Vanderbruggen et al., 2022). Therefore, early sep-
This work reviewed the most developed LIB recycling technologies aration of graphite is beneficial for the pyrometallurgical process. In
and categorized the reviewed technologies according to the components addition, it can improve the hydrometallurgical process efficiency of
of the LIB cells, including cathodes, anodes, electrolyte and separator. recovering valuable metals by early separating graphite due to the min-
The materials that can be recovered from each type of the cell compo- imized feed material volume (Vanderbruggen et al., 2022, Yang et al.,
nents are summarized in section 2. The recent development of the re- 2021, Zhan et al., 2020). Last, the treated recycled graphite exhibits
cycling technologies is discussed in section 3. The current challenges of some new properties for making new LIB cells, such as high power ca-
the existing recycling technologies have been discussed in section 4 with pacity and fast charging performance. These are due to the enlarged in-

Y.S. Zhang, K. Schneider, H. Qiu et al. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

terlayer space or the element doping through the regeneration strategy, devices was designed independently, including inlet flow purification,
including gas-phase exfoliation and element doping, which also facili- and an emission and absorption container.
tates its reuse as an anode AM (Natarajan and Aravindan, 2020, Li et al., Comminution Comminution is a mechanical treatment to crush and
2019, Xu et al., 2022). grind the electrodes into smaller pieces.
Classification Classification step aims to improve the homogeneity
2.3. Electrolyte and separators of the crushed material particles for higher recycling efficiency, partic-
ularly for the pyrolysis (Zhang et al., 2020).
The indispensable electrolyte serves as the medium for the transport Separation An advanced separation method is required to further
of Li-ions between the electrodes. The electrolyte consists of one or more separate the crushed materials. The magnetic separation is very effective
lithium salts dissolved in two or more solvents and additives (Xu, 2004). to remove the magnetic components contain Fe. It is also capable to
The electrolyte salt most commonly used is LiPF6 which shows high separate LCO based cathode materials from Al CC (Shin et al., 2005).
electrochemical inertness and forms a passivation film on the Al CC of The metallic shells of the crushed materials can be separated and the
the cathode. However, LiPF6 is very sensitive to water and HF forms non-ferrous components can be separated manually (Gratz et al., 2014).
(Aurbach et al., 2007). The solvent dissolves the electrolyte salt, for The commercial Recupyl process will require a high induction magnetic
example the organic carbonates are state-of-the-art solvents. separator due to the large fraction of steel components (Pinegar and
Cyclic ethylene carbonate (EC) forms a solid electrolyte interphase Smith, 2019). A dissolution step is needed to liberate AM from CCs with
(SEI) to prevent graphite exfoliation. Due to the high viscosity of EC, a suitable solvent (eg. N-methylpyrrolidone, NMP) (Contestabile et al.,
linear carbonates such as dimethyl carbonate (DMC) are added which 2001).
comes with the cost of increased flammability (Schmitz et al., 2014). To Thermal treatment Thermal treatment can also be used to remove
decrease flammability, either flame retardants such as organic phospho- the binder, electrolyte and conductive material. After the pre-treatment
rus compounds, (Haregewoin et al., 2016) co-solvents such as propylene steps, the separated components can be further treated with different
carbonate (PC), (Schmitz et al., 2014) or fluorinated solvents are added methods, for example the cathode AM can be recovered by pyromet-
(Xia et al., 2021). The electrolyte composition differs for high-voltage allurgical or hydrometallurgical methods as described in section 3.2,
and high-capacity electrodes because it is difficult to find electrolytes roasting process as described in section 3.3, and liquid or supercriti-
stable beyond 4.4 V vs. Li/Li+ (Wang et al., 2014). One possibility is to cal carbon dioxide (CO2 ) extraction, low-temperature volatilization, py-
use highly salt-concentrated electrolytes (Pei et al., 2017). Even though rolysis, roasting, wet comminution, and pyrometallurgy. The separator
the first pilot line for salt-concentrated electrolytes has installed, con- can be collected directly by mechanical separation process or can be
ventional electrolytes containing LiPF6 , EC, and DMC will dominate in removed by the methods introduced in section 3.4.
the medium term. In general, the pretreatment of the end-of-life LIBs are crucial for
The main purpose of the separator is to prevent physical contact achieving a high recycling efficiency with consideration of low energy
between the positive and negative electrodes. Besides, the separator consumption and eliminated safety concerns. The most difficult con-
fulfils further important tasks in terms of Li-ions transport, thermal straint for the current LIB pretreatment routes is the comminution pro-
safety, and mechanical stability during cell production and use phase cess due to the inhomogeneity of the battery components. The separa-
(Zhang, 2007). The separator consists of at least one microporous layer tion of the mixed battery components is mainly a physical process which
and is less than 25 μm in thickness (Lagadec et al., 2019). Three types also produces cross contamination from various recycling streams. There
of separator materials exist, including polymer membranes, non-woven is indeed a need to improve the current separation process for develop-
fabric mats, and inorganic composite membranes. Most commonly, sep- ing an economical LIB recycling method (Sommerville et al., 2020).
arators are based on polyolefin membranes including PP, PE, and mul-
tilayers thereof (Lagadec et al., 2019). 3.2. Cathodes

3. Methods for recycling process The most common cathode recovering methods are pyrometallur-
gical and hydrometallurgical methods. Pyrometallurgical method for
3.1. Pretreatments recovering AM of cathode from spent LIBs is a thermal pretreatment
method which has been developed in both of lab-scale and industry-
The most common LIB pretreatment processes are mechanical sep- scale. The typical AM in LIB cathodes include LCO, LiCoNiO2 and
aration, mechanochemical process, thermal treatment and dissolution. NMC as summarized in Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 2. The pyromet-
The most up to date sequence of the pretreatment processes has been allurgy is requiring elevated temperatures to recover valuable metals
updated by Kim et al. (2021) which is shown in Figure 1, including from spent LIBs through physical and chemical transformations to pu-
discharge, dismantling, comminution, classification, separation, disso- rify the mixed components. Physical transformation including phase
lution and thermal treatment. changes and structural changes of the components happen at tempera-
Discharge The discharge step aims to stabilize the spent cells before ture between 200-600°C. (Makuza et al., 2021). Higher temperature up
any further treatment, therefore to prevent thermal runway and product to 1600°C is required to promote the chemical reaction. There are var-
loss caused by fires. Other stabilization process have also been investi- ious parameters involved in the pyrometallurgical process that would
gated, including ionic self-discharge, electrical discharge, thermal treat- significantly affect the recovering efficiency, including temperature, re-
ment, cryogenic treatment and in-process control (Sommerville et al., tention time, purge gas and flux addition (Makuza et al., 2021). The
2020). The typical discharging solution for LIB discharging process are pyrometallurgical process is mainly for removing the organic compo-
distilled water and sodium chloride (NaCl) (Ojanen et al., 2018). nents from spent LIBs (Makuza et al., 2021). A summary of cathode AM
Dismantling The dismantling step is a manual process to disas- recovering from spent LIBs by pyrometallurgical methods are listed in
semble cells. Disassembly of LIB cells should be performed in a chem- Table 1 and Figure 2, including reduction roasting, sulfation roasting,
ically inert environment with great caution regardless the state-of- nitration roasting, microwave carbothermic reduction, reduction smelt-
charge (Waldmann et al., 2016). The dismantling process normally ing and oxygen-free reduction.
comes with volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions (dimethyl A hydrometallurgical recovering method is a prevailing technology
carbonate, C3 H6 O3 and tert-amylbenzene, C11 H16 ) (Li et al., 2019). to recover the valuable transition metals from cathodes, including Li,
Li et al. (2016) designed a gas release and absorption system for de- Co, Mn and Ni (Arshad et al., 2020). The process can be categorized
tecting the VOCs during the LIB cells dismantling process. To collect the into 4 sections including leaching, impurity removal, metal (Ni, Co,
gas released from dismantled LIB cells, a set of gas collecting system Mn) recovery, and Li recovery. Firstly, the spent cathode material is

Y.S. Zhang, K. Schneider, H. Qiu et al. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

Table 1
A summary of cathode AM recovering from spent LIBs by pyrometallurgical methods. Adapted with permission from reference (Makuza et al., 2021). Copyright
2021 Elsevier.

Pyrometallurgy technique material Additive Condition Recovery efficiency

Reduction roasting with LiNiMnCoO2 C 650°C, 0.5h Li 94%, Ni 93%, Co 98%, Mn 99%.
hydrometallurgical leaching (Liu et al., 2019)
Sulfation roasting with water LiCoO2 SO2 (g) 700°C, 2h Li ∼100%, Co 17%. (Shi et al., 2019)
Sulfation roasting LiNiMnCoO2 Na2 SO4 750°C, 1.5h Li 85%. (Di et al., 2020)
Nitration roasting LiCoO2 HNO3 250°C, 1h Li 93%. (Peng et al., 2019)
Vacuum pyrolysis LiCoO2 C 600°C Li 93%, Co 99%. (Tang et al., 2019)
Vacuum-gasification- LiNiMnCoO2 Al 1240°C, 2h Co 91%. (Yao et al., 2021)
Chlorination calcination LiCoO2 NH4 Cl 350°C, 0.3h Li 99%, Co 99%. (Fan et al., 2019)

Microwave carbothermic LiNiMnCoO2 C 900°C, 0.5h Li ∼100%, Ni, Co 98%,

reduction with HCl leaching Mn 97%. (Fu et al., 2020)
Carbothermic reduction smelting LiCoNiO2 Cu slag (slag former) 1450°C, Co 99%, Ni 98%, Cu 94%. (Ren et al.,
0.5h 2017)
Reduction smelting LiNiMnCoO2 Pyrolysis slag 1350°C, Li 80%, Mn 95%. (Ren et al., 2017);Mn
former, SiO2 , CaO; 0.5h 80%, Li 95%. (Guoxing et al., 2016)
MnO-SiO2 -Al2 O3
Oxygen-free roasting LiCoO2 C 1000°C, Co 96%, Li 99%. (Li et al., 2016)
(Note: (g) = gas phase)

Table 2
A summary of leaching agents and reducing agents in the reviewed hydrometallurgical process for recycling of cathode AM from LIBs.

Conditions (Temperature,
leaching time, concentration
LIB composition Leaching agent Reducing agent and pulp density) Recovery efficiency

LiCoO2 HCl - 95°C; 3 h; 3 M; 100 g L−1 Li 99 %; Co 100 %. (Zhang et al., 1998)

LiCoO2 HNO3 H2 O2 75°C; 0.5 h; 1 M; 20 g L−1 Li 85 %; Co 85 %. (Lee and Rhee, 2002)
LiCoO2 H2 SO4 - 70°C; 6 h; 3 M; S/L=1:5. Li 80 %; Co 97 %; Cu 98%. (Nan et al., 2005)
LiCoO2 H2 SO4 H2 O2 65°C; 1 h; 6 %; 33 g L−1 Li 90-95 %; Co 70-75 %; Al 60-70 %; Cu ∼90 %. (Dorella and
Mansur, 2007)
LiCoO2 DL malic acid H2 O2 90°C; 0.7 h; 1.5 M; 20 g L−1 ∼ Li 100%; Co 90 %. (Li et al., 2010)
Mixture (LiCoO2 , Citric acid (C6 H8 O7 ) H2 O2 90°C; 1 h; 0.5 M; 20 g L−1 Li, Co, Mn, Ni >95 %. (Li et al., 2018)
LiCo1/3 Ni1/3 Mn1/3 O2 ,
LiMn2 O4 )
LiCoO2 H2 SO4 C6 H12 O6 90°C; 3 h; 2 g/g; 100 g L−1 Li 97 %; Co 98 %. (Granata et al., 2012)
LiCoO2 H2 SO4 Na2 S2 O3 90°C; 3 h; 3 M; L/S=15:1 Li ∼100 %; Co 100 %. (Wang et al., 2012)
LiCoO2 H2 SO4 NaHSO3 95°C; 4 h; 1 M; 20 g L−1 Li 97 %; Co 92 %; Ni 96 %; Mn 88 %. (Meshram et al., 2020)
LiCoO2 Oxalate (H2 C2 O4 ·2H2 O) H2 O2 80°C; 2 h; 1 M; 50 g L−1 Li >98%; Co >98 %. (Sun and Qiu, 2012)
LiCoO2 Citric acid (C6 H8 O7 ) Ascorbic acid 80°C; 6 h; 1 M; 20 g L−1 Li ∼100 %; Co ∼80 %. (Nayaka et al., 2015)
NMC Biodegradable trichloroacetic H2 O2 60°C; 0.5 h; 3 M; 50 g L−1 Li ∼100 %; Co 92%; Ni 93 %; Mn 90 %. (Zhang et al., 2015)
LiCoO2 Citric acid (C6 H8 O7 ) Phytolacca 90°C; 2 h; 1.5 M; 50 g L−1 Li 96 %; Co 83 %. (Chen et al., 2015)
Mixed cathodes Succinic acid (C4 H6 O4 ) H2 O2 70°C; 0.7 h; 1.5 M; 15 g L−1 Li >96 %; Co ∼100 %. (Li et al., 2015)
LiCoO2 Subcritical water+polyvinyl - 350°C; 0.5 h; 3:1; S/L Li ∼98 %; Co >95 %. (Liu and Zhang, 2016)
chloride (PVC) (PVC:LiCoO2 )=16:1
Mixed cathodes Tartaric acid (C4 H6 O6 ) H2 O2 70°C; 0.5h; 2 M; 17 g L−1 Leaching efficiency: Li 99 %; Co, Mn, Ni 99%. (He et al., 2017)
LiCoO2 Maleic acid Ascorbic acid 80°C; 6 h; 1 M; 2 g L−1 Dissolution: Li ∼100 %; Co 97 %. (Nayaka et al., 2016)
LiCoO2 Tartaric acid (C4 H6 O6 ) Ascorbic acid 80°C; 5 h; 0.4 M; 2 g L−1 Li ∼100 %; Co 97 %. (Nayaka et al., 2016)
LiCoO2 Glycine Ascorbic acid 80°C; 6 h; 0.5 M; 2 g L−1 Dissolution: Li ∼100 %; Co >95 %. (Nayaka et al., 2016)
LiNi1/3 Co1/3 Mn1/3 O2 Formic acid H2 O2 60°C; 2 h; 2 M; 50 g L−1 Li ∼100 %; Co, Ni, Mn ∼85 %. (Gao et al., 2017)
LiCoO2 Malic acid Grape seed 80°C; 3 h; 1.5 M; 20 g L−1 Li ∼99 %; Co ∼92 %. (Zhang et al., 2018)
Mixed cathodes - 80°C; 0.2 h; 1:0.5:1 M; 10 g Co ∼100 %. (Ku et al., 2016)
NH3 +(NH4 )2 SO3 +(NH4 )2 CO3 L −1
LiNi1/3 Co1/3 Mn1/3 O2 Acetic acid (CH3 COOH) H2 O2 70°C; 1 h; 1 M; 20 g L−1 Li 98 %; Co, Ni, Mn 98 %. (Li et al., 2018)
LiCoO2 Benzenesulfonic acid H2 O2 90°C; 1.3 h; 0.75 M; 15 g L−1 Li 100 %; Co 97 %. (Fu et al., 2019)
(C6 H5 SO3 H)
LiCoO2 Citrus acid Tea waste 90°C; 2 h; 12 M; 50 g L−1 Dissolution: Li, Ni, Mn ∼100 %; Co ∼90 %. (Chen et al., 2019)
LiNi1/3 Co1/3 Mn1/3 O2 Citrus juice - 90°C; 0.5 h; 50 g L−1 Li ∼100 %; Co 94 %; Mn 99 %; Ni 98 %. (Pant and
Dolker, 2017)
(Note: S/L=solid-to-liquid ratio)

Y.S. Zhang, K. Schneider, H. Qiu et al. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

Figure 1. The most up to date pre-

treatment sequence for end-of-life LIBs.
Adapted with permission from reference
(Kim et al., 2021). Copyright 2021 Else-

mixed with weak acid. Acid and reducing agent are then added into the is the key to separation. It can achieve the separation by using the princi-
slurry to leach out Li+ , Ni2+ , Co2+ , Mn2+ , Fe2+ , and Al3+ . Secondly, the ple of similar phase dissolution, where an organic solvent is used to dis-
unwanted impurities can be removed through pH adjustment. Thirdly, solve the binder and make the graphite particles peel off from the foils.
metal can be recovered via a chemical precipitation or a solvent extrac- A summary of the anode recovering process is illustrated in Figure 3. N-
tion. Lastly, Li can be recovered by chemical precipitation using sodium methyl pyrrolidone (NMP), (Song et al., 2017) DMC, (Zuo et al., 2014)
carbonate (Na2 CO3 ) or by crystallization by distillation (Jung et al., dimethylformamide (DMF), (Natarajan et al., 2015) dimethylacetamide
2021). The main step involved in the hydrometallurgical process is (DMAC), (Song et al., 2017, Li et al., 2009, Zhou et al., 2021). Dimethyl
leaching process, the collected cathode AM will be leached with dif- sulfoxide (DMSO) (Zeng and Li, 2014) and ionic liquids (Zeng and
ferent leaching agents as shown in Table 2 and Figure 2, including hy- Li, 2014) have been used to dissolve the binder in previous studies.
drogen chloride (HCl), nitric acid (HNO3 ), sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ), malic Also, thermo-treatment (Zhang et al., 2018, Zhang et al., 2019) and me-
acid (C4 H6 O5 ), citric acid (C6 H8 O7 ), oxalate (C2 O4 2− ), biodegradable chanical processing (Zhang et al., 2018) are often combined to separate
trichloroacetic acid (C2 HCl3 O2 ), succinic acid (C4 H6 O4 ), tartaric acid graphite and CC foils as summarized in Figure 3.
(C4 H6 O6 ), glycine (C2 H5 NO2 ), formic acid (CH2 O2 ), mixture of NH3 , As shown in Figure 3, a mixture detaches from the CC foil after the
(NH4 )2 SO3 and (NH4 )2 CO3 , acetic acid (CH3 COOH) and benzenesul- separation step, which consisting of mainly cathode AM and anode AM,
fonic acid (C6 H6 O3 S). Citrus juice has also been investigated as a leach- known as black mass (BM). As a conventional separation technique es-
ing agent in the cathode AM recovering process (Pant and Dolker, 2017). tablished since the end of the 19th century, froth flotation has been
The conventional hydrometallurgical process requires the strong inor- widely employed for separating and enriching minerals based on their
ganic acids as leaching agents to dissolve the metals, which may not surface hydrophobic differences (Qiu et al., 2021). In recent years, flota-
be feasible for large scale applications. The latest investigation on the tion techniques to separate graphite from the BM in the purification
recovering of cathode AM in a pilot-scale is using HCl as leaching agent process have attracted increasing attention because of the significant
only (Mossali et al., 2020). The hydrometallurgical process is controlled surface hydrophobic differences between graphite and cathode AM par-
by various parameters, including temperature, type of leaching agent ticles. Nonetheless, the surface of electrode AM particles is covered with
and concentration, reaction time and solid-to-liquid ratio. As summa- binder residues, which reduces the wettability difference between an-
rized in Table 2 and Figure 2, the temperature is in a range between 60- ode and cathode particle surfaces, thus reducing the flotation efficiency
95°C, the concentration is between 0.4-3 M, the pulp density is between (Zhang et al., 2014, Zhang et al., 2014). On the other hand, Qiu et al.
2-100 g L−1 .The most common used reducing agent is hydrogen perox- (Qiu et al., 2022) performed a full factorial experimental design and re-
ide (H2 O2 ), other reducing agents are also considered, including glucose vealed that flotation of untreated BM could not achieve effective separa-
(C6 H12 O6 ), sodium thiosulfate (Na2 S2 O3 ), sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3 ), tion and high graphite purity. Also, the styrene butadiene rubber (SBR)
ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Phytolacca Americana, grape seed and tea and electrolyte residues such as EC, ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC) and
waste. diethyl carbonate (DEC) were detected (Qiu et al., 2022, Peschel et al.,
Hydrometallurgical recovering method is highly effective for all 2022). An electrochemical method has been extensively applied to ex-
types of battery chemistries recovering. The reported recovery efficiency tract and precipitate valuable metals from complicated systems contain-
with HCl for recycling Co and Mn can reach to ∼99% at 50°C. Two ing a mixture of special precipitants including OH− , CO3 2− , and C2 O4 2−
hours leaching time is required to attain the optimum recovery effi- anions and metals. For example, Li can be removed by chemical pre-
ciency (Barik et al., 2017) The process is not requiring high tempera- cipitation using K2 CO3 . (Arshad et al., 2020). Therefore, a suitable pre-
ture which eliminated energy consumption. The recovered Li through treatment method to remove organic residues must be introduced prior
hydrometallurgical process is in carbonate form which can be reused as to flotation. The pretreatment methods are mainly divided into Fenton
raw material to manufacture new batch of cathode AM (Mossali et al., oxidation, thermal, and mechanical pretreatment in current studies as
2020) summarized in Figure 3.
Fenton oxidation, which is one of the advanced oxidation techniques,
3.3. Anodes is a method frequently used for wastewater treatment. It generates hy-
droxyl radicals that have the strong oxidizing ability to degrade or-
The graphite recovery process mainly consists of separating graphite ganic compounds into more minor or less harmful compounds by adding
from CC foils and purification. Graphite particles stick to the CC foils due Fe2+ /H2 O2 (Pera-Titus et al., 2004). He et al. (2017) employed the Fen-
to the binder, so breaking the adhesion of graphite particles to the foils ton oxidation for BM pretreatment to remove binder residues followed

Y.S. Zhang, K. Schneider, H. Qiu et al. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

Figure 2. A summary of LIB cathode recycling techniques.

by flotation. Besides Fenton oxidation, pyrolysis (oxygen-free) and roast- flotation was introduced by Vanderbruggen et al. (Vanderbruggen et al.,
ing (oxygen atmosphere) have likewise been used as pretreatment meth- 2022) to remove organic residues and reduce agglomeration from the
ods for BM. Although roasting is an excellent approach to remove or- BM after pyrolysis. Liu et al. (Haregewoin et al., 2016) reported a cryo-
ganic residues, (Yang et al., 2021, Qiu et al., 2022, Wang et al., 2018) genic grinding to remove organic residues from the particle surface. At
toxic gases are also generated (Cheng et al., 2022) and graphite loses present, non-ionic collectors such as kerosene or n-dodecane are used
some of its mass during roasting (Wang et al., 2018). In contrast, the as flotation chemicals in most of flotation experiments, and concentrate
pyrolysis method is capable of removing organic residues, recovering of the collected graphite after the flotation process has a purity of up
and utilizing pyrolysis products, thus reducing toxic gases (Zhang et al., to 80% (Vanderbruggen et al., 2022, Qiu et al., 2022, Yu et al., 2018).
2019, Zhang et al., 2021). However, at high pyrolysis temperatures It has been reported that the grade of microcrystalline graphite varies
or with prolonged duration of the process, pyrolytic carbon is gener- among 20-40% in graphite content, and its purity fluctuates from 70-
ated due to the sintering phenomenon, thus affecting flotation efficiency 85% carbon after being processed (Jara et al., 2019).
(Zhang et al., 2019, Zhang et al., 2018). Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2021) Another common purification method for treating end-of-life LIBs
pretreated the BM by pyrolysis and removed organic residues from the is hydrometallurgy. Usually, H2 SO4 , HCl, and organic acids are used
particle surface when the pyrolysis temperature reached to 550°C. as leaching agents with the aim of transferring the metals from the
Mechanical pretreatment is often used as an adjunct to thermal pre- BM to the solution. After leaching, the purity of graphite can exceed
treatment to achieve better removal of organic residues. Zhang et al. 99% (Gao et al., 2020, Engels et al., 2022). Nevertheless, the recovered
(Zhang et al., 2018) reported an ultrasonic treatment method to remove graphite still has impurities that require further purification to be reused
residual pyrolytic carbon from the BM after pyrolysis. Attrition-assisted in battery production (Zeng et al., 2014). Ma et al. used 5 M H2 SO4 and

Y.S. Zhang, K. Schneider, H. Qiu et al. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

Figure 3. A flow chart of LIB anode recycling techniques.

Table 3
Global warming potential of major methods for recovering graphite.

Recovering techniques GWP / kg·CO2 equiv.·kggraphite −1

Fenton oxidation assisted flotation (He et al., 2017) 48.4 (Rey et al., 2021)
Pyrolysis assisted flotation (Zhang et al., 2019) 0.53 (Rey et al., 2021)
Leaching and filteration (Ma et al., 2019) 2.49 (Rey et al., 2021)
Curing, leaching and calcination (Gao et al., 2020) 2.89 (Rey et al., 2021)
Calcination and leaching (Yang et al., 2019) 1.08 (Rey et al., 2021)
Oxygen-free roasting and magnetic separation (Li et al., 2016) 6.82 (Rey et al., 2021)

35% H2 O2 to leach the crushed end-of-life LIBs twice at ambient tem- kg·CO2 equiv.·kggraphite −1 . It is obvious that the GWP varies consider-
perature. Most of the metal impurities were transferred into the leaching ably for different recovery methods.
solution, and the leached residue was dried and sintered with NaOH at
500°C for 40 min to get graphite products (Ma et al., 2019). Gao et al. 3.4. Electrolyte
(Gao et al., 2020) attempted to combine the H2 SO4 curing, leaching,
and calcination processes. The impurity containing spent graphite was Several unit operations can recover and/or remove the electrolyte.
first cured with concentrated H2 SO4 to convert the metal oxides into sul- Examples are liquid or supercritical CO2 extraction, low-temperature
fates (NiSO4 , CoSO4 , MnSO4 ). Afterward, dilute H2 SO4 was added for volatilization, pyrolysis, roasting, wet comminution and pyrometal-
leaching. The leached residue was dried and then calcinated at 1500°C lurgy. These processes can be distinguished between recovery processes
under Ar atmosphere for 2 hours to remove organic and sulfate residues. and processes rendering the hazardous substances harmless for down-
Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2019) pyrolyzed the anode layer at 400°C under stream processing. The separator can be recovered by mechanical sepa-
Ar atmosphere and separated graphite from the Cu CC. The residual Cu ration processes, but its recycling is rarely addressed in research. There-
foil was then roasted and oxidized at 500°C. Finally, the graphite was fore, the focus in the following is on electrolyte recycling. The integra-
obtained by acid washing with 1 M HCl and 4% H2 O2 . tion of electrolyte recycling in LIB recycling flowsheets is presented in
In addition to the above methods, some other approaches were also Figure 4.
studied. Li et al. reported the recovery of valuable metals and graphite Supercritical CO2 is suitable as an extractant for the electrolyte but
by anaerobic roasting and magnetic separation. End-of-life LIBs were proof-of-principle experiments showed that LiPF6 was only extracted in
crushed and screened, then roasted at 1000°C for 30 min under ni- traces (Grützke et al., 2014, Liu et al., 2014). Grützke et al. (2015) per-
trogen (N2 ) atmosphere to reduce LiCoO2 . Finally, graphite was sep- formed flow-through experiments with liquid and supercritical CO2 . The
arated from Co metal by magnetic separation (Li et al., 2016). Yi et authors demonstrated that the addition of co-solvents resulted in im-
al. reported removing the binder by roasting the anode at 1400°C un- proved recovery for all components but most effectively for LiPF6 . The
der N2 atmosphere. The Cu was roasted to spherical particles and then overall recovery for liquid CO2 extraction with acetonitrile (C2 H3 N)
separated from graphite by ultrasonic vibration and sieving (Yi et al., and PC (C4 H6 O3 ) mixture ration at 3:1 mixture was 89.1 wt.% and
2020). Cao et al. used an electrolytic method to separate Cu foil and yielded a mixture with almost the original composition. Furthermore,
graphite. The purity of graphite can reach to 95% (Cao et al., 2021). they showed that extraction is a polarity predominant process. Linear
Rey et al. (2021) performed a life-cycle analysis of the above major carbonates such as DMC are better recovered with less polar liquid CO2
methods for recovering graphite and introduced the global warming po- and cyclic carbonates such as EC with more polar supercritical CO2 .
tential (GWP) for comparison. The authors haven calculated the amount The integration of liquid and supercritical CO2 extraction in a re-
of CO2 equivalent required per kg of graphite recovered. As shown in cycling process was investigated by Sloop et al. and Rothermel et al.
Table 3, pyrolysis assisted flotation, and calcination and leaching recov- (Rothermel et al., 2016, Sloop et al., 2020). For a direct recycling pro-
ering techniques have the lowest GWP of 0.53 kg·CO2 equiv.·kggraphite −1 cess, Sloop et al. (Sloop et al., 2020) applied liquid CO2 extraction be-
and 1.08 kg·CO2 equiv.·kggraphite −1 , respectively. Fenton-assisted flota- fore shredding the battery cells. The applied pressure of 62 bar broke
tion technique comes with the highest CO2 emission which is 48.41 the seal of the cylindrical cells which allows the extractant to pene-

Y.S. Zhang, K. Schneider, H. Qiu et al. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

Figure 4. Schematic overview of LIB recycling processes with a focus on electrolyte recycling. Process steps that incorporate electrolyte recovery and/or removal are
highlighted: A - Mechanical processing including wet comminution, B - Mechanical processing and thermal treatment, C - Thermal pre-treatment methods followed
by mechanical processing, D - Pyrometallurgical processing. Discharge is commonly applied but might be omitted in the case of wet comminution processes. Dashed
lines represent processes at research level. Own illustration based on data from (Zhang et al., 2020, Zhang et al., 2018, Zhang et al., 2019, Georgi-Maschlera et al.,
2012, Tao et al., 2021, Tao et al., 2022, Tao et al., 2022, Diaz et al., 2018, Lombardo et al., 2020, Rothermel et al., 2016, Sloop et al., 2020, Zhong et al., 2019,
Stehmann et al., 2018). (EoF = End-of-life)

trate the cell and dissolve the electrolyte. 50% of the electrolyte was soluble electrolyte components (Werner et al., 2022). If electrolyte re-
recovered as a clear solution composed of EMC:EC (3:1) including ap- covery from the wastewater is possible, further investigation is required
proximately 1/3 of conducting salt (Sloop et al., 2020). Rothermel et al. to prove the feasibility and it is not the focus of operating companies.
(Rothermel et al., 2016) investigated the feasibility of graphite recycling The separator can be recovered in subsequent mechanical processing.
by applying two different CO2 extraction concepts followed by thermal The advantage of wet comminution is that undischarged traction LIBs
treatment of graphite at 1,000°C for 5 h in an inert atmosphere. If the can be processed. Thermal processes are frequently employed in LIB
electrolyte is not recovered before thermal treatment, the graphite sur- recycling. Figure 5 illustrates which reactions of the electrolyte’s main
face contains decomposition products from the conductive salt, which components and separator can be expected to occur with increasing tem-
affected the electrochemical performance of the recycled graphite. Liq- perature. In the following, thermal processes are presented in the order
uid CO2 extraction with C2 H3 N as co-solvent is considered the best of increased process temperature.
because the recycled graphite showed the best electrochemical perfor- Low-temperature volatilization is performed at temperatures be-
mance (Rothermel et al., 2016). The aforementioned studies recovered tween 50 and 120°C in an inert atmosphere to remove organic solvents
the electrolyte but did not use the reclaimed electrolyte to test new cells (Zhong et al., 2019, Werner et al., 2022; Zhong et al., 2020). The boil-
with it which has been done by Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2017). Their process ing temperature of solvents can be reduced by 60-80°C if the overall
consists of supercritical CO2 extraction and purification by an anion ex- pressure of the system is lower (Zhong et al., 2019). The condensed or-
change resin as well as a molecular sieve. After chemical analysis, the ganic solvents are mostly assigned to the low-boiling components, and
substances were added accordingly to achieve the original ratio. The only a part of the high-boiling components is recovered (Zhong et al.,
cells with reclaimed electrolyte exhibited high ionic conductivity close 2019, Werner et al., 2022). Solvent recoveries up to 90 % were reported
to the commercial electrolyte with the same composition (Liu et al., (Zhong et al., 2019). Besides common electrolyte solvents, Stehmann et
2017). al. (Zhong et al., 2019) detected a small extent decomposition products
Wet comminution processes produce a high volume of wastewater such as methanol and ethanol. Therefore, the condensed solvent requires
which needs extensive treatment to remove organic solvents and water- refining for recycling and the fluorine contained in the gas phase needs

Y.S. Zhang, K. Schneider, H. Qiu et al. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

Figure 5. Schematic illustration showing which reactions of the main components of the electrolyte and separator can be expected to occur with increasing process
temperature. Own illustration based on data from (Zhong et al., 2019, Feng et al., 2018, Wang et al., 2006, Campion et al., 2005).

proper treatment (Campion et al., 2005). Since this process is econom- ing routes to remove the electrolyte and the separator. This can have a
ically challenging, the condensed solvent is more commonly used as a positive impact on downstream processing although both components
substitute fuel, for example in the cement industry. The conducting salt are not recovered. But the fulfilment of high mass recovery rates might
LiPF6 is unlikely to be recovered because decomposition starts at 60°C not be possible as a generic battery system consists of approximately
(Campion et al., 2005). 12 wt.% of electrolyte (Diekmann et al., 2016).
Shredded LIBs or LIB modules or cells can be processed by pyrolysis
which will produce gas, oil and solid fractions. Pyrolysis is typically per-
formed between 250 and 550°C or even higher (Georgi-Maschler et al., 4. Challenges of existing recycling methods
2012, Zhang et al., 2019, Tao et al., 2021, Tao et al., 2022, Tao et al.,
2022, Diaz et al., 2018, Zhang et al., 2022, Zulkornain et al., 2021). Opti- 4.1. Cathodes
mum conditions for temperature, residence time, and gas flow rate vary
according to the battery chemistry (Tao et al., 2021, Tao et al., 2022, The life cycle of LIBs defines the complexity in disposition of spent
Tao et al., 2022). At 250°C, battery cells can be safely deactivated for LIBs. This is due to presence of various interim routes, including reuse
further processing and treatment. The volatile organic electrolyte evap- in batteries, use of remanufacturing material in batteries, and regener-
orates can be collected in a condenser (Georgi-Maschler et al., 2012). ation of cathode before recycling for use as battery grade material by
If the temperature is raised to 450 - 550°C, most of the binder and sep- stoichiometric additions. A detailed environmental assessment for the
arator are degraded into pyrolytic oil and gas. Reducing gases in py- production of LIBs as well as their recycling has been put forth with the
rolytic gas and graphite can synergistically reduce the cathode powder need to pinpoint the precise unit operation that contributes maximum
to low-valence oxides and convert Li into lithium carbonate (Li2 CO3 ) towards environmental degradation and emission of GHGs. The envi-
to facilitate downstream processing (Zhang et al., 2020, Tao et al., ronmental impacts of the production of several different batteries were
2021, Tao et al., 2022). According to Georgi-Maschler et al. (Georgi- studied by McManus (McManus, 2012) who reported that the materi-
Maschler et al., 2012), electrolyte recovery is not feasible since the con- als required in LIB production have the most significant contribution to
densate also contains various decomposition products which makes di- GHGs and metal depletion.
rect reuse impossible. Nevertheless, approximately 80 % of EMC and EC The energy requirement for the production of these batteries was
were recovered at 250°C. The electrolyte salt LiPF6 decomposes at tem- reported to be about 90 MJ per kg and 12.5 kg of CO2 equivalent emit-
peratures above 60°C and therefore cannot be recovered by pyrolysis ted for per kg of LIBs (Ordoñez et al., 2016). Ordoñez et al. (2016) re-
(Campion et al., 2005). ported that about 1100 t of heavy metals and 200 t of toxic elec-
Incineration of LIB in an oxidative atmosphere at 600°C decomposes trolytes were generated from 4000 t of spent LIBs. Apart from this,
the organics present and releases gas composed of CO2 , CO, and H2 O. there are many occupational hazards during disposal and recycling of
Toxic fluoride-containing compounds are present in both gas and liquid LIBs vis-a-vis components. The major contributors to environmental and
organic by-product which need proper handling, for example wearing health impact start from its raw material production followed by battery
personal protective equipment (Lombardo et al., 2020). In pyrometal- production, distribution, and transportation requirements, uses, charg-
lurgy, the electrolyte and the separator are utilized as reductants, and ing, maintenance, recycling and waste management (Corbus and Ham-
they mainly report to the gas phase (Cheret and Santén, 2005). The mel, 1995). Recycling efforts are mainly focused on cathode materials
decomposed electrolyte constituents damage the refractory linen in the because of their relative mass and presence of critical metals (Kim et al.,
furnace and require extensive gas treatment (Murakami et al., 2020). All 2018, Song et al., 2019). The cradle to grave pathway via all these
things considered, pyrometallurgy and incineration are robust process- stages needs minimization ensuring a shift to adoption of a circular

Y.S. Zhang, K. Schneider, H. Qiu et al. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

economy approach to preventing the environment and health effects such as fouling and blocking of shovels need to be solved at an indus-
(Gaustad, 2018). trial plant (Stehmann et al., 2018). Since it is not possible to remove all
the high-boiling electrolyte compounds by low-temperature volatiliza-
tion, pyrolysis of the BM may be desirable before hydrometallurgical
4.2. Anodes
processing to avoid the problems stated above.
In general, the purity of graphite concentrate obtained by flotation is
4.4. Industry scale
insufficient to be reused in battery production, and all pretreatment ap-
proaches have different disadvantages. For example, the Fenton oxida-
Recovering of valuable materials from spent LIBs has been commer-
tion pretreatment introduces Fe-ions into the flotation system, (He et al.,
cialised since the early 2000s. As discussed in the previous sections, the
2017) which is an impurity for the recovered graphite production. The
most common recycling processes are pyrometallurgical and hydromet-
organic residues and electrolytes on the graphite particle surface can-
allurgical methods with a sequence of pretreatment. The industry-scale
not be removed entirely by mechanical pretreatment such as grinding
process for recovering valuable materials from spent LIBs is either using
(Yu et al., 2018, Liu et al., 2020). The roasting method may oxidize the
one method or a combined methods to optimize the recovery efficiency
graphite and leads to the mass loss (Wang et al., 2018). Pyrolysis gen-
(Zhang et al., 2018). The pyrometallurgical recovering process was com-
erates pyrolytic carbon residues on the graphite surface, (Zhang et al.,
mercially developed by Umicore, and the hydrometallurgical recovering
2019, Zhang et al., 2018) which may influence the following flotation
process was developed by Retriev. Umicore developed a combined and
closed loop pyro/hydrometallurgical technology to recover LIBs with
In the case of hydrometallurgical processes, the generated wastewa-
ultra-high temperature. The developed process is integrated a safe treat-
ter and the possible environmental impact need to be considered. On the
ment without additional pretreatment, and the technology is capable for
other hand, while high purity graphite can be achieved by hydromet-
all types of battery chemistries. Although the processing volume of Umi-
allurgical methods, it still requires further processing to obtain the
core can reach to 7000 tons per year, the waste emission was eliminated
graphite product that can be reused in battery production. Remarkably,
by a gas cleaning system. A follow up hydrometallurgical process is in-
its energy consumption during the graphite regeneration process must
troduced to recover Cu, Ni, and Co. The hydrometallurgical process is
be considered. Also, optimizing its electrochemical properties during
similar as the process described in section 3.1, including H2 SO4 leach-
the regeneration process to approach the level as commercial graphite
ing, solvent extraction and precipitation (Zhang et al., 2018). Retriev
is another issue that needs to be addressed. Hence, both recovery and
Technologies has also developed the recovering process which is able to
purification methods still have the potential to be optimized. Another
monitor different types of battery chemistry for an optimized recover-
fundamental challenge facing recycling is the renewal of anode materi-
ing process with eliminated toxic emissions. The company implemented
the most advanced processing technology and equipment which were
certified by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for battery
4.3. Electrolyte recovering (Zhang et al., 2018).

Limited research efforts for the recycling of the electrolyte and the 5. Perspectives for recycling lithium-ion batteries on reduction of
separator exist as lab-scale and commercial activities focus on metal carbon emission
recovery mainly. The separator and electrolyte are usually consid-
ered unlikely to be reclaimed due to their low economic value and 5.1. Cathodes
the environmental benefit of electrolyte recycling is an open question
(Sommerville et al., 2021, Doose et al., 2021). Concerning existing re- With the rise in the application of LIBs in electronics, the number of
cycling methods, a process step that recovers or removes the electrolyte spent LIBs also increases. This demands a recycling process to conserve
is considered mandatory due to the environmental hazard potential of the sustainable resource and protect the environment. The reviewed lit-
the electrolyte. erature related to recycling of spent LIBs highlights that mechanical
Fluorine-containing compounds pose a risk to the environment treatment, pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy are the major routes
and adversely affect industrial implementation. Chemically aggressive for recycling of the spent LIBs. Hydrometallurgy dominates compared
and toxic fluorinated compounds are present, specifically HF must be to other recycling technique as it is an exploitable technology for the
considered in the material selection of equipment, and high safety extraction of precious metals from waste LIBs. The necessity for be-
requirements for the environment and the employees must be met nign recycling methods is stressed upon to alleviate the need for high
(Rothermel et al., 2016, Nowak and Winter, 2017, Brückner et al., temperature and oxidative acid leaching conditions. The various green
2020). Furthermore, rare attention is drawn to fluorine and residual lixiviants (organic acids) attempted to extract metals from spent LIBs
organic solvents as impurities in hydrometallurgical recycling of BM have been discussed, efficiencies as well as the various factors (selectiv-
which can pose a serious problem for leaching, solid-liquid-separation, ity, cost, etc.) that govern the use of organic acids in battery recycling.
and solvent extraction at an industrial scale (Lombardo et al., 2020). Organic acids (effective and green leaching agents) have been demon-
When applying pyrometallurgy, pyrolysis, or incineration techniques strated to play a vital role in the extraction of Li, Ni, Co, and Mn from
to recycle LIB, neither the electrolyte nor the separator are recov- spent LIBs. Though they are weaker than inorganic ones, still organic
ered but efficiently removed. Only CO2 extraction and low-temperature acids have been examined to a greater extent for leaching of spent LIBs,
volatilization can recover up to 90 % of the electrolyte (Stehmann et al., thus helping to avoid oxidizing agents, lowering complexity of manag-
2018, Grützke et al., 2015). Liquid and supercritical CO2 extraction are ing the pregnant liquor, and thus diminishing the energy loss. The GHG
suitable to recover both the electrolyte salt and the organic solvents, and emissions to extract 90% Co using a process with organic acids stands to
supercritical CO2 extraction is an established process in the food and be close to 500 g CO2 −1 eq per kg of Co, as compared to 4000 g CO2 −1 eq
pharmaceutical industry (Mukhopadhyay, 2000, Gopalan et al., 2003). per kg of Co by using an inorganic acid leaching process (Meshram et al.,
Yet, this process needs more research effort toward industrial implemen- 2020). Efforts need to be put into developing a low carbon recycling
tation in LIB recycling, and economic competitiveness must be achieved. process to recover LIBs, and therefore to create a win-win scenario of
Low-temperature volatilization of up to 120°C in an inert atmosphere economic and environmental benefits. A reductive thermal treatment at
cannot recycle the electrolyte salt but low-boiling point organic solvents. a low temperature (<1000°C) under the protection of inert atmospheres
If subject to recycling, the recovered electrolyte needs further purifica- would facilitate subsequent metal extraction by hydrometallurgical pro-
tion. Pilot-scale experiments showed that critical equipment parameters cess. Various green lixiviants can be investigated to extract metals from

Y.S. Zhang, K. Schneider, H. Qiu et al. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 5 (2022) 100074

spent LIBs. A possible research direction is targeting a substantive reduc- be developed to recover the whole cells regardless of their specific com-
tion of GHG emissions from a more developed technique comparing to positions. The developed process should also balance treatment costs
the current LIB recycling process to ensure economic and environmental with the final effective revenue and reduce the carbon emission to help
benefits. all stakeholders to achieve the ‘net zero’ target. An emerging need is
required to develop a more compatible route to recover the most of
5.2. Anodes valuable materials with the consideration of reduced carbon emission
for tackling the environmental issues from spent LIBs.
It is necessary to compare and combine different graphite recovery
technologies in order to integrate the treatment process. By further refin-
7. Author Contributions
ing the life cycle analysis of each recovery route, the combined process
with the lowest GWP can be selected. For example, the separation of
Conceptualization, Y.S.Z.; methodology, Y.S.Z., K.S., H.Q. and
graphite from CC foils and pretreatment prior to flotation can be com-
H.L.Z.; software, Y.S.Z., K.S., H.Q. and H.L.Z.; validation, Y.S.Z., K.S.,
bined to optimize the process. In addition, the process parameters of
H.Q. and H.L.Z.; investigation, Y.S.Z., K.S., H.Q. and H.L.Z.; writing-
the individual processes still need to be further optimized, either by in-
original draft preparation, Y.S.Z. (Abstract, Introduction, Cathode, Con-
troducing new and environmentally friendly chemicals or by increasing
clusion and finalising the draft), K.S. (Electrolyte and separator), H.Q.
the efficiency to reduce the GWP of the whole process. As the silicon
(Anode) and H.L.Z. (Others and proof-reading); visualization, Y.S.Z.
content in the anode increases, or as the anode material changes from
(Table1 & 2, Figure 2, and Graphical Abstract), K.S. (Figure 4 & 5), H.Q.
graphite to a non-carbon anode, it poses a significant challenge to the
(Table 3, Figure 3) and H.L.Z. (Figure. 1); funding acquisition, Y.S.Z.; All
existing recycling processes for recovering anode materials.
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

5.3. Electrolyte and separator

LIB recycling does not imply a reduction of carbon emissions itself
and is a complex process (Cerdas et al., 2018). However, recycling gen- The authors are grateful for financial supports provided by Royal
erates net positive impacts when the environmental effects caused by re- Society of Chemistry Mobility Grant (M19-2899), and Nanyang Junhao
cycling are lower than the avoided impacts from virgin material produc- Chemical Co. Ltd. P. R. China. Special thanks to Miss Ruike Zhang for
tion and non-material-recovery activities such as landfilling altogether the graphical design.
(Geyer et al., 2016). In life cycle assessment, the impact category of
global warming potential can assess the potential of carbon emission References
reduction. Mohr et al. (Peters et al., 2020) calculated the cell-chemistry-
specific environmental benefits of three LIB recycling processes: py- GVR, Lithium-ion Battery Market Size, 2020. Share & trends analysis report by product
rometallurgical recycling, current hydrometallurgical recycling, and ad- (LCO, LFP, NCA, LMO, LTO, lithium nickel manganese Cobalt), by application, by
region, and segment forecasts, 2020-2027. Grand View Res..
vanced hydrometallurgical recycling. The advanced hydrometallurgical Kim, H., Yoon, J., Yoon, W.-S., 2020. Polymorphic consideration in conversion reac-
recycling route contained a low-temperature volatilization process and tion-based anode materials for next-generation li rechargeable batteries. ECS Meet.
therefore was the only one able to recover the electrolyte. The additional Abstract. 544.
Gratz, E., Sa, Q., Apelian, D., Wang, Y., 2014. A closed loop process for recycling spent
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