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Case Study

Landscapes Of The UK

The River Wye:
A UK River Basin


Landscapes Of The UK
The River Wye: A UK River Basin
For this case study you need to study a major river basin in the UK. You should focus on the following
The location of the River Wye.
The geomorphic processes operating at different scales of the river; how they are influenced by
geology and climate; Landforms and features in the River Wye.
How human activity, including management, works in combination with geomorphic processes to
impact the landscape.

Where is the River Wye?

1. Complete the maps showing the location of course of the River Wye. Highlight its location
on a national and regional scale. Use Pg.18 Geography A Textbook to locate and annotate
the map describing the locations. Include the following labels: How long the river is; The
location and height of the source; How much rainfall the source receives annually; The
location of the mouth.

2. On your map, add the following towns: Plynlimon; Rhayader; Hay-on-Wye; Hereford;
Goodrich and Chepstow.
The Courses of the River Wye
2. Investigate the three courses of the River Wye: Upper, middle and lower course. Use
Pg.18-19 Geography A Textbook. Complete an annotated sketch of each course, using the
photographs as guidance. Take notes on geology, shape, and landforms found along the
Upper course of the River Wye

Middle course of the River Wye

Use the words to help you fill in the gaps:
Levees time upper course scale distinctive operate
mass movement localised erosion producing
meander weathering deposition
4. How are geomorphic processes affected by geology and climate?
Using the internet and Pg.18-21 Geography A Textbook. Complete the table below:


5. River Landforms. The River Wye exhibits landforms of both erosion and deposition. Find
images of the following landforms which are located along the course of the river.

Cleddon Falls Rhayadar Rapids Wye Valley (gorge)

Symonds Yat Floodplains near Hereford Bristol Estuary

Human uses of the River Wye
6. Research the different ways of how people use the River Wye. Pg.18-21 Geography A
Textbook and the following websites to help: www.wyevalleyaonb.org.uk and
www.visitdeanwyefilm.co.uk. Create a mind map with descriptions in full sentences.

River Wye:
Human Uses
7. How does the River Wye react to rainfall? Look at the hydrograph below and label the
following: Peak discharge, peak rainfall, rising limb and falling limb.
How does the
rivers reaction
to rainfall
effect people?

Managing the
River Wye
8. Using Pg.20
Geography A
complete the mind map below which focuses on processes that affect the River Wye.

9. Read through the

different ways of managing the River Wye, and colour code them depending on which
management strategy it fits under:
Urbanisation Agriculture Industry
Several strategies, including hard engineering, are used to protect
Some areas of the floodplain have been zoned as being of
these larger towns. People are also expected to be aware of methods
high risk, construction is not permitted in these areas.
to reduce their personal risk.

Tintern Quarry is now a rock-climbing activity centre but quarrying

Quarrying for limestone, originally to provide limestone still takes place at Livox Quarry for Marshalls.
for Llanwern Steelworks in Newport, has changed the gradient
of some areas.

There are also high levels of biodiversity that need to be The rock also contains metal ores including iron ore. Woodlands
managed alongside the agricultural use of the land, such as were also felled for shipbuilding and to support the charcoal industry.
controls on particular chemicals that may otherwise affect the

These same urban environments may increase the flood risk by

The predominant land use in the catchment is agriculture,
draining water more quickly into the channel. Around 9000
which is a consumer of water from the river for irrigation.
properties in the area are thought to be at particular risk of flooding.

Storage lakes (such as Letton Lakes) have been constructed above the town to store surplus water.

Today, the tourist industry employs many people in the Wye

Valley, and high-profile events such as the literary festival at Hard engineering may be required to protect settlements near to the
Hay-on-Wye draw thousands of visitors to the area. The Forest river’s channel from flooding. Over 200,000 people live in the Wye
of Dean has also been used for numerous TV and film location and Usk Valley, which includes large towns such as Hereford and
shoots, including the 2015 film Star Chepstow
Wars: The Force Awakens.

How has human activity, including river management affected the

geomorphic processes of the River Wye?
10. Using your own research and Pg.21 Geography A Textbook, find out how human activity
along the River Wye has impacted the geomorphic processes of the river. Create a detailed
mind map.
11. Find three photographs of flooding on the River Wye, for each photo label where it is
and how those people are affected.

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