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4 eee Kevin Keller's definition as a synthesis of memory and recognition ; Feodemoental aspects mgement Kevin Lane Keller describes brand awareness as a synthesis of two Brand memory (brand ; fo jremories if were eee which indicates both the ability of the brand to be recalled from our s ‘ith a cue oF prompt andthe ease with which we associate the brand with given product category, a provi ious purchase, ot a certain mode of use. For example, the brand recall of a particular brand of detergent ~ and only that brand - will depend on the ability of that product to ca ace: sit an “automatic” association, for example, when we get dirty or whenever we think ofoour basket overflowing with diny laundry. Brand recognition, . which indicates our ability to confirm our knowledge of a certain brand when we come into contact with it. In practice, recognition WouTd Br Wiggered whersver we enlors supermarket a are able to associate a certain braid of detergent je one we have already come in contact with Brand memory and brand recogy but they're not everything. To get a and branding to our thinking. Brand Awareness Unit -2 ion are two crucial aspects in the brand awareness’ definition, ‘more comprehensive idea, let's add the concepts of brand equity Brand awareness is defined as the buyer's ability to identify the brand in sufficient detail to make a purchase (Rossiter and Percy, 1987, 1997). Brand awareness isa necessary precursor to brand attitude, a Branding & Advertising: Branding and advertisin; strategy. Here's how they differ: Definition: WB are two interconnected but distinct components of marketing Branding: Branding is the process of creating a unique identit ot company in the minds of consumers. It involves defining the brand's values, personality, and Positioning to differentiate it from competitors and establish emotional connections with customers. Advertising: Advertising is a specific promotional activity within marketing that involves creating and delivering persuasive messages to target audiences through various channels such as television, radio, Print media, online platforms, and social media. The primary goal of advertising is to raise awareness generate interest, and ultimately drive sales of products or services. ity and perception for a product, service, Scope: Branding: Branding encompasses a wide range of activites beyond just advertising, It includes elements such as brand strategy, brand identity design (logo, colors, typography), brand messaging, brand guidelines, customer experience design, and brand management. Advertising: Advertising is a subset of branding focused specifically on communication and Promotion, While advertising plays a significant role in building brand awareness and influencing consumer perceptions, it represents just one aspect of a comprehensive branding strategy. Purpose: Branding: The purpose of branding is to create a strong and distinctive identity for a brand that resonates with consumers, fosters brand loyalty, and drives long-term value Ian to establish a clear and compelling brand promise that communicates what the brand stands for and why it mates oy consumers. j i . xy Purpose of advertising is to communicate messages about a one age andences with the intention of influencing their behavior. Adv inf wuade, remind, of reinforce brand associations in consumers! diving immediate sales or achieving other specific objectives, brand's products : ertising seeks to minds, often with the goal of Longevity: @ scanned with OKEN Scanner * Bra is a long-term strategic endeavor focused on building enduring relationships wig cone saa coaitacal nnd idomtity and values over time, ier branding requir, ongoing investment, adaptation, and management fo stay relevant in chang ma et conditions, Advertising: Advertising campaigns may vary in duration and frequency pending on specify marketing goals, promotional cycles, and budget considerations. While individual ad campaigns may have short-term objectives and lifespans, advertising efforts are typically part of a broader branding Strategy aimed at sustaining brand visibility and engagement over the long term, Conclusion: Branding and adverising are complementary elements of marketing strategy, yig Peeing providing the foundation for building strong, enduring brands, and advertising serving as; key tool for communicating brand messages and driving consumer engagement and actin Difference Between coe Branding And Advertising Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), to advertising: Product: Dove Soap illustrate the differences between branding and Branding for Dove Soap: ~ Brand Identity: Dove is known for its branding that revolves around the concept of real beauty and Selfacceptance. The brand emphasizes inclusivity, promoting the idea that beauty comes in ll shapes, Sizes, and colors. ~ Brand Values: Dove's branding is built on values such as authenticity, empowerment, and care. It Positions itself as a brand that cares about its consumers” well-being, a both physical and emotional ~Consistency: Dove maintains a consistent brand image sorose- Tt Products, with packaging, Tranangres.and advertising aligned to reinfore its brand values and identity, —Kane-Term Strategy: Dove's branding strategy focuses on buildive a strong emotional connection with consumers over time, aiming to creat Joyalty and trust, Advertising for Dove Soap: ~ Advertising Campaigns: Dove is renowned for its impactful adver ing camy traditional beauty standards and celebrate div i aur Professional models and promote messages ofself-ove and cosas = Media Channels: Dove utilizes various advert eda. and outdoor advertising to reach its target audience effectively: ~ Greative Messaging: Dove's advertising messages focus one storyt Rarratives that resonate with consumers on an emotional level conventional beauty norms, ~Short-Term “Objectives: ‘While Dove's branding. strategy is long-term focused, its advertising campaigns may have short-term objectives such as promot Bg specific product features, launching new ‘Yariants, or driving seasonal sales, ES ing OO Difference between Branding and Advertising for Dove Soap: ‘clling, conveying powerfil encourage them to rethink @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Adenine on the other hand, serves as a tactical tool within Dove's branding strategy, delivering specific ines “8s and promotions to consumers through various channels to increase product awareness, drive sales, and reinforce the brand's values and positioning. By examining Dove Soap's branding and advertising strategies, we can see how branding forms the foundation of the brand's identity and values, while advertising acts as @ means [0 communicate these values to consumers and drive engagement and sales Marketing is how. Cin Et ieee eae eee Branding is macro. Oe ee ee Pent Et een eens CTCL a Ene ee ee eee ee era ea ee at erence CATO iret ae ee Branding is the being. Marketing is the doing, ing Brand Awareness; = «~~ @ scanned with OKEN Scanner BRAND AWARENESS STRATEGIES Sot your brand sean without broaking the bank. there are Sore and more options out there for amall businesses both ee online and offline. 1. Bring Back Print Marketing ‘There are so many different brand awareness strategies that businesses can implement in this realm. For instance, you or a group of your employees could participate in a charity marathon with each ‘wearing merchandise tht identifies them as part of a company. Simple t-shirts with a logo are ustally more than enough. In fact, printing branded material in general provides an excellent opportunity to reach wider audiences. You can create custom t-shirts, hoodies, face masks, and other merchandise and give them as complimentary gifts or prizes for your best customers, ‘You may wonder how does print on demand work and what it takes to get started. Like most retail marketing endeavors there are hundreds of new online services to help facilitate this at an affordable Price, Services like Prinity, Printful, and Lulu Xpress bring small businesses quality and. well integrated options. 2. Go Offine in Other Ways, Too OF course, thee are plenty of other offline tools besides printed materials, As we mentioned above, though the world will still contin to be connected online, the coming years will see n resurgence it ‘more traditional marketing campaigns, ‘Think about physical mailers Look for various print ads that would be a good fit ‘Attend local festivals, fairs, concerts, and other gatherings ‘Sponsor local clubs and teams Send out branded gifts and prizes for social media contests or loyalty rewards There is one important thing to remember with your offline marketing, however: keep it eco-fienly. 1s hard to justify wasting materials on physical marketing components when you can do so much of it digitally. So look for partners and materials that ae more environmentally susiinable, 3. Cooperate With Trustworthy Brands @ scanned with OKEN Scanner showing an audience tha ‘organizations to ‘canst oT ‘work with well-established brands builds trust. Look for local non-profit, social media channels ore yes euulien your comunity, na they may share the news on their Hiring branding experts egret: Bvine You some ee postive publicity. considering, You could ase ¢xPeHstve. As such, a jlnt venture with a recognizable brand is worth Consider doing the sarne gute # Parnership with a company that promotes some shared initiative rovide your cewn, h another retail store, Look for brands that share a similar ethos and would Fee romomers with complementary products, ingredicnts come from pret Suing and vendor relationships. Take the time to lear where all forall of those involved ge enemettturing conditions in which they were made, the faimess of wages ‘ow. Be dil along the way, and the environmental impact the product might have, to name a 'gent and form lasting relatinships with suppli know and trust. There is n0 need to bear ip pliers you know ani alone. You can share your success with others and create brand awareness strategies that are beneficial to multiple parties 4. Take Advantage of Influencer Marketing To Raise Brand Awareness Influencer marketing is one of the best strategies at the moment. Brands are looking to create a partnership with both micro-influencers and A-level celebrities alike. The goal, of course, is to reach more people and raise awareness. People are more likely to trust a brand that authoritative figures endorse. The word from the brand fiself does not hold as much weight as it used to, particularly since the inception of social media platforms, review sites, and more oversight in general Of course, you should do your research before approaching any influencers. You do not want to work with someone who does not share the same values as your brand. Avoid creating contradictions between your brand’s message and any influencer you sponsor, Additionally, influencer marketing is not necessary for any business. Focusing on a great product should be a higher priority than asking for paid plugs from random Instagram accounts. 5. Add Impressive Content General content is another item on the list of priorities. Supplementing your brand with useful content is a great way to draw in new shoppers to your website and keep existing shoppers there a bit longer. Focus on your blog, YouTube channel, social media platforms, and any affiliate sites. Keep your branding and messaging consistent across any of these channels. You may struggle at first to find your style that will be easily recognizable on any platform, but that's where a professional writing service can come in handy. They will help you develop ‘an efficient strategy for creating ‘engaging content and maintaining regular posting. You might seek guest content as well. Its similar to cooperating with other brands, except the goal is to get a promotional video, an article, an infographic, or another piece of content on your website. Doing it right will help your SEO strategy and provide more value for your readers. Keep in mind, though, that publishing too much guest content can backfire. Your audience (and Google!) will figure it out and start to think that you have been running out of ideas and have started to rely on others. 6. Focus on Search Engine Optimization Speaking of SEO, ranking high on Google and other search engines means more exposure. Boosting organic traffic to your site brings in new users at an affordable rate. And done right, you're bringing in high-intent shoppers who are more likely to convert, . tt However, reaching that point is difficult, particularly when you are in a competitive niche. It's a long pease tT requires alot of tal & error and patience. Hiring an SEO professional and letting them Fanale he campaign could be valuable investment, Start small and measure the impact any strategies have on your sales as YoU 80. . 7. Aim for Pro-Environment Practices it ; We touched on this earlier, but reducing your business's waste and carbon footprint is an important Bae should be done for the sake of doing so, but thas the added benefit of enjoying broad Step to take, I Snsumers. I's clear that shoppers aze willing to spend more on eco-friendly produets. Take inspiration ‘rom businesses across the country that have enjoyed remarkable success despite rith their product line. kg en moe ve upg ogy pom gpl an poring on 7 “s 1es, the pick for most consumers is quite clear. that neglects gowns Te ‘ruely to improve your word of mouth marketing. An environmentally Moreover, you are Ti ont price that is of lasting quality is one that a whole lot of people will tell Atanas produ! oi daly, hss « Michel Scot winevin-win~ a win for you, a win fr ir friends an ‘win for the Earth. : @ scanned with OKEN Scanner People love contests. And they love five stuff even more. Freebies and contests may seem like a cheap trick, but they're effective, You could organize contests on social media platforms and invite users Participate by liking or sharing your conten, : Contest posts on social mesa fen 10 go viral, soit is no surprise (0 see so many brands giving away Stuff iFit means more exposure, followers, awareness, and, ultimately, more customers, Cane AIDA Model: A Proven Framework for Converting Strangers Into ) Customers The AIDA model was introduced by businessman Elias St. Elmo the late 19: century. As an acronym, AIDA breaks down into the stéps required Tor successful_mark Attention, Interest, Desire (or, ins jon) and Action, The AIDA marketing model is % comerstone of modem marketing, (othe extent that missing one step is thought to almost guarantee an unsuecessful result, The AIDA model describes the four stages_a consumer goes through before making a Purchasing decision. The stages are Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action (AIDA). During these four Stages, your content will ideally attract attention to your brand, generate interest in your product or service, stimulate a desire for it, and spur action to try or buy it. AIDA MODEL Hike it, =a & I'm getting it, EES EE a huwioe « Seienkinneyetetastandemae elite + tnd fcbemeronneoacumton bonding crzeen, | - Eaignguthindrpecle - Cenegelonoenst et, . + franpe4s” reaglyor cone + trong “erg Pe a Inwesson + trample “Sing tte a” "posse dene * Menleter —~ Dizon scion you~ Cone resting opin C + Cort weresing opi oe” ote Sve et * Fample “Sie Curscegthedlsbeeeen- Cette pager Yourodat ethene ded at na potien * Eranpe‘Seertetogiceen ordain %e et websteondioesit* + Eaomple “Hole poder poe* ay" otetigpeonrite —~ cece spec ne font "cnt ou et psn ape | GARR - GilseCthiedometeguce Gnpomatanitin * Bame’ —"tameiomeen + henge ess he fox" + ample "Doms me” Line Goda Hoey” lemme cae nate” TOT BiSiatonseapstieore - aathuebpoeende Peve.— guercg tenet nd t bap Batt tegenaieingratee «tale ona hep er bares end ilemateo ted pred foes yonmant Setormutaten @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Brand strategies ref : ies refer to a set of actions and tactics that a company implements to develop, aninin, and strengthen its brand identity and market postion. These strategies ar crucial for erating aoe tone Sone etizable brand that resonates with consumers and sels the company apart from competitors, Some common components of brand strategies include: Brand positioning: Definin, ing: Defining the unique value proposition of the brand and how it differs from competitors. This involves identify ‘understanding consumer needs, and iailihting the brant eg ne HE temas ing Brand identity: Establishing the visual and verbal elements that represent the brand, including logos, colors, fonts, and brand messaging. Consistency across all brand communications is essential for building brand recognition and trust. Brand messaging: Developing a clear and compelling message that communicates the brand’s values, personality, and benefits to consumers. This messaging should resonate with the target audience and evoke positive emotions. Brand storytelling: Creating narratives and experiences that engage consumers on an emotional level and foster a deeper connection with the brand, This could involve sharing the brand's history, values, or the stories behind its products or services. Brand extension: Expanding the brand into new product categories or markets while maintaining its core identity and values, Successful brand extensions leverage the existing brand equity to drive acceptance and adoption of new offerings. Brand consistency: Ensuring that the brand's identity, messaging, and customer experience are consistent across all touchpoints, including advertising, packaging, websites, and social media, Consistency helps to build trust and loyalty among consumers. Brand partnerships and collaborations: Forming strategic alliances with other brands, influencers, or organizations that align with the brand’ values and target audience. These parinerships can help to extend the brand's reach and credibility. : Brand monitoring and management: Continuously evaluating consumer perceptions, market trends, and competitive landscape to identify opportunities and threats fo the brand. Thi involves monitoring brand sentiment, conducting market research, and adjusting strategies as needed to maintain relevance and competitiveness. fined and executed brand strategy is essential for building a strong and conclusion: Overall, a wel-de! : Conclusion: Overs ith consumers and drives long-term business success. (enduring brand that resonates Wit @ scanned with OKEN Scanner a 4 Brand Communication Brand communication is a combination of activities such as advertising, social media reviews that are used to conmnnunicate with customers, Brand communication takes place every time's potential customer ot client interacts with a particular brand, Tt could mean seeing a logo online ge signing up for a newsletter. Effective brand communication is essential for building brand awareness, shaping perceptions, ang fostering positive relationships with consumers, Here are some key aspects of brand communication: Consistent Messaging: Ensuring that the brand's messaging is cohesive across all communication channels, including advertising, social media, website, packaging, and customer service interactions Consistency helps to reinforce the brand's identity and build trust with consumers. Brand Storytelling: Crafting compelling narratives that resonate with the target audience and convey the brand's values, mission, and unique selling propositions. Brand storytelling humanizes the brand and creates emotional connections with consumers. Visual Identity: Developing visual elements such as logos, colors, typography, and imagery that represent the brand and create a consistent visual identity across all communications. Visual ‘identity plays a crucial role in brand recognition and differentiation. Customer Engagement: Creating opportunities for two-way communication and engagement with customers through social media, email marketing, interactive content, and community-building initiatives. Engaging with customers fosters brand loyalty and advocacy. Brand Advocacy: Empowering employees, customers, and brand ambassadors to become advocates for the brand by providing them with the tools, resources, and incentives to promote the brand to others. Word-of-mouth marketing from trusted sources can significantly impact brand perception and awareness. Transparency and Authenticity: Being transparent and authentic in all brand communications, including acknowledging mistakes, addressing customer concems openly, and staying true to the brand's values and promises. Authenticity builds credibility and trust with consumers. Adaptability: Being responsive to changing market trends, consumer preferences, and cultural shifs by continuously evolving brand communication strategies and tactics, Brands that remain relevant and adaptable are better positioned to succeed in a dynamic marketplace. Measurement and Analysis: Monitoring the effectiveness of brand communication efforts through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as brand awareness, brand sentiment, customer engagement metrics, and sales. Analyzing data allows brands to optimi i iicatic ies and ank aloes resources aoe che optimize their communication sages @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Brana Communication Model Identify overarching ideas for brand messaging and spokesperson Determine your target audience Identify customer pain points and needs Call out your brand's value propositions Come up with advertising pian (social media, PR, content, etc, Document your ideal ee customer response {what should they do, see, feel?) Determine how often you will communicate to your audience Identify success metrics @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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