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Which of the following laws strengthens education in the Philippines through the establishment of centers of
a. RA 722
b. RA 7834
c. RA 7784
d. RA 7796
2. Which of the following clauses of the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers is most likely to promote and
protect the welfare and interests of teachers?
a. Obtain a promotion in rank and pay.
b. Professional growth is something you should do and be a part of.
c. Regulate their social participation
d. Create, join, and support professional and self-regulatory groups.
3. Who are covered by RA 4670?
a. Teachers in public elementary and secondary schools
b. Teachers in all levels
c. Teachers in both public and private schools
d. Teachers in all public elementary schools
4. According to the Education Act of 1982, which among the following falls within the category of non-academic
a. School principal
b. School librarian
c. School nurse
d. Guidance counselors
5. The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers does not recognize which of the following?
a. Education is a critical component of the country's economic development.
b. The socioeconomic level of teachers has a major impact on the quality of education.
c. Education is development, and development is education.
d. Education progress is determined by the credentials and abilities of the teachers
6. Teacher Marie strives to draw attention of every student into her classroom discussion. Which of these student
needs is she trying to address? The need to
a. Show one’s oral abilities to the rest of the class
b. Feel significant and be a part of the group
c. Get everything and be a part of the group
d. Be creative
7. Every time a new unit is taken up, the teacher presents students with an advanced organizer. Which principle
does the teacher apply?
a. Arrange for appropriate practice
b. Provide for correct responding on the first trial
c. Organize materials into appropriate learning units
d. Assists students to learn communication skills
8. Which of the following behavior speaks of a professional teacher?
a. Advocates the theme nationhood
b. Imparts his personal beliefs and ideology
c. Speaks ill of the Filipino ways
d. Seek the cooperation of the parents
9. Is it ethical to conduct a rally to protest the delay of benefits due to a person?
a. Yes, if you're being held on official time.
b. Yes, when parents and students work together.
c. Yes, when held outside of formal working hours.
d. Yes, if it is done with the principal's permission.
10. What can help achieve relevant quality education?
a. Competent instruction
b. Competent administrator
c. School-community relations
d. Strong curriculum
11. Dr. Beroy, the superintendent of the schools division, acted when a group of parents complained about a
teacher's suspected wrongdoing. She issued a memorandum requiring her to take a week off while the
allegation is still being heard. Was the superintendent's action legal?
a. She is the superintendent, so yes.
b. Yes, the superintendent has the ability to discipline instructors.
c. Because the complaint has yet to be heard, the answer is no.
d. No, the superintendent has no influence over teachers' disciplinary actions.
12. Throughout the celebration of English Week, Teacher Ana assisted Teacher Sam, the English organizer. What
could Teacher Sam do to express gratitude for Teacher Ana's help?
a. Keep silent about the help you've gotten.
b. Inform the principal of the aid obtained in an official manner.
c. Make an announcement expressing gratitude for the help you've received.
d. Purchase a present for her.
13. Teacher M has high blood pressure and has trouble communicating. Which of these would be impacted if he
continued to teach?
a. Punctuality
b. Effectiveness
c. Personality
d. Devotion to duty
14. Which of the following is NOT in the norms of conduct under RA 6713?
a. Responsiveness to the private
b. Commitment to public interest
c. Justness and sincerity
d. Professionalism
15. Being loyal to the republic and the Filipino people exemplifies what kind of behavior?
a. Honesty
b. Responsiveness to the public
c. Professionalism
d. Nationalism and Patriotism
16. What is the other name for RA 6713?
a. Code of Ethical Standards and Conduct of Government Officials and Employees
b. Code of Ethical Standards for Government Officials and Employees
c. Ethical Standards for public Employees
d. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employee
17. Teacher Marian, a BSEd graduate with a major in Mathematics, works in a provincial national high school. Can
she be spared from taking the LET because her performance was judged outstanding?
a. Yes, that is a privilege that should be granted to teachers who excel in their work.
b. Yes, if the PRC approves it.
c. No, according to RA 7836, no one may practice or offer to practice teaching in the Philippines, or be
appointed as a teacher to any post requiring a teaching position, unless they have first secured a valid
certificate and license from the Commission.
d. No, all teachers, regardless of age or teaching experience, must have a professional license.
18. This defines the length of pre-service teacher training, ongoing professional education, and ethical and moral
values commitment.
a. Reliability of the school administration
b. Familiarity with the board competencies
c. Systematic association of values
d. Quality of teacher’s professional service
19. The principal who is attending your class jumps up and takes over teaching the students while you are teaching.
What will you do?
a. Assert your right politely as the teacher after class
b. Just let her take over since she is the principal
c. Refer this to higher authority
d. Report this to media
20. The philosophy of education that refers to the concentration of education on principles that are as important
today as they were when they were originally created.
a. Progressivism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Essentialism
21. This school adheres to when it increases students' ability to reason and places an emphasis on the humanities.
a. Progressivism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Essentialism
22. This refers to when students are encouraged to work together to build social values like cooperation and
a. Progressivism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Essentialism
23. Traditional topics such as math, natural science, history, grammar, and literature are emphasized in this
philosophy's curriculum.
a. Progressivism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Essentialism
24. Human beings are molded by their surroundings, according to this belief.
a. Progressivism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Behaviorism
25. This school of thought holds that there is no such thing as a prescribed curriculum. It should change according to
the pupils' interests.
a. Progressivism
b. Essentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Romanticism
26. Which philosophy closely follows the problem-solving approach to teaching core curriculum and increasing a
student's curiosity in the process?
a. Progressivism
b. Essentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Romanticism
27. Every teacher is required to engage in the PRc's _________ program as well as pursue other courses that will
improve his efficiency, prestige, and competence.
a. Continuing Professional Education
b. Maximizing Learning Competence
c. Continuing Professional Enhancement
d. Professional Enhancement
28. What consequences can a teacher face if he or she violates any of the provisions of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers?
a. Revocation of license to teach
b. Force retirement
c. Reduced monthly salary
d. Immediate demotion
29. Why is it necessary for lesson objectives in syllabi to be aligned with the Philippine Constitution's educational
a. To develop nationalistic feelings of the citizen
b. To instill ideas and goals of the country
c. To better understand the Constitution of our country
d. To facilitate fast and better learning
30. Some private schools are claimed to hire teachers who are not licensed. Is this in compliance with the Philippine
Teacher's Professionalization Act (RA 7836)?
a. Yes, provided that teacher has rendered 5 years of teaching
b. No, unless he/she performed satisfactorily in the past 3-5 years
c. No, because RA 7836 only applies to public school system
d. No, the requirement of teaching license applies to all teachers teaching both in the public and private school
31. Teacher Suzanne keeps a close eye on her students' comprehension of the material and provides feedback on a
regular basis. What is the name of the domain she is using?
a. Social regard for learning
b. Planning, assessing and reporting
c. Diversity of learners
d. The learning environment
32. Teacher Jake makes effective use of class time. What domain does he belong to?
a. Social regard for learning
b. Planning, assessing and reporting
c. Diversity of learners
d. Curriculum
33. As a teacher, you make it a point to introduce your students to outreach initiatives and volunteer activities. This
means that you are a believer of which domain?
a. The learning environment
b. Diversity of learners
c. Community Linkages
d. Social Regard for Learning
34. This is the area where teachers serve as excellent role models for pupils.
a. Social regard for learning
b. The learning environment
c. Personal growth and professional development
d. Curriculum
35. Mr. Ronnie reflects his teaching tactics for achieving his learning objectives. What domain is he using?
a. Social regard for learning
b. The learning environment
c. Personal growth and professional development
d. Curriculum
36. Which of the following is an essential duty of a teacher?
a. Soliciting Contributions
b. Evaluating student’s progress
c. Safekeeping of the school properties
d. Building relationship with students
37. Teacher Linda asserts that being a teacher is a responsibility handed to her by the universe. As a result, she
considers teaching to be a _______?
a. Vocation
b. Profession
c. Mission
d. Work
38. Which of the following is not covered by the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers?
a. Elementary Public Teachers
b. Secondary Public Teachers
c. Tertiary Teachers
d. None of the above
39. Who is responsible for drafting and implementing a Code of Professional Conduct for Public School Teachers,
according to RA 4670?
a. Secretary of Education
b. PRC
c. Board of Professional Teachers
d. President of the Philippines
40. A teacher who is actually teaching in a classroom is not required to work more than how many hours per week?
a. 5 hours
b. 6 hours
c. 7 hours
d. 9 hours
41. According to the Magna Carta, a public school teacher's salary must increase after how many years of service?
a. 2 years
b. 3 years
c. 5 years
d. 7 years
42. What does the Teacher Education Development Program signify as a pre-requisite for employment of teachers
in Basic Education schools?
a. Job interview for teacher applicant
b. Licensure examination for teachers
c. Induction of new teachers
d. National standard competencies among teachers
43. In essence, what is the New Performance Appraisal System for teachers?
a. Competency-Based
b. Practice-Based
c. Skill-Based
d. Knowledge-Based
44. This is known as the Enhanced basic Education Act of 2013.
a. K-12
b. RA 7836
c. RA 4670
d. RA 9293
45. Student must be taught self-responsibility is the desire of a _________ teacher.
a. Utilitarianist
b. Pragmatic
c. Existentialist
d. Constructivist
46. According to Dewey, education starts at ____.
a. At birth
b. Early Childhood
c. Elementary days
d. Pre-school
47. The focus of education during the Spanish Period
a. Religion
b. Nationalism
c. Vocational Training
d. Free Basic Education
48. It is an act that create Commission on Higher Education.
a. RA 7722
b. RA 7796
c. RA 7784
d. RA 7687
49. Which of the following correctly describes enculturation?
a. Succession to the generation of future one
b. Passing culture from one who knows to somebody who does not know
c. Merging two different cultures
d. Passing down of culture from one culture to different culture
50. Progressivism does not include __________.
a. Education should be similar for every student
b. Solving-problem should be used for learning
c. Teacher should only be a facilitator
d. Cooperation should be given examples

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