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Otherwise, take your medication unless it is a While fasting during Lent, people tend to lose weight or
water pill. Water pills (diuretics) have the potential to to increase intake of saltier foods; this can cause the
Medical Tips for Fasting
dehydrate and therefore it is advisable to take them after
blood pressure to go up OR down. Vital signs (Blood Orthodox Christians
Pressure and Heart Rate) need to be monitored more
b. If you take beta blockers, it is best to take these unless closely and medications adjusted accordingly. Consult
one has a slow heartbeat (less than 60 bpm) or low blood with your doctor.
pressure (less than 110 mmHg systolic). ******For parishioners with Diabetes Type I- Some
B. Heart medications amount of insulin is always required or you may become
a. Heart rhythm medications: should not be skipped very ill. Consulting with your physician to adjust your
unless they are taken only once a day (i.e. amiodarone, insulin dosing during the different periods of fast is very
digoxin) whereupon you can take them after church. If important.
you are on a heart rhythm medication which is taken
more than once a day, it is best to take it in the morning
unless your heart rate is less than 60 bpm at which point
you can delay and take the first pill after church.
b. Chest pain (antianginal) medications, in particular the
nitroglycerin type pills, such as Isosorbide, can lower
blood pressure. If you are having chest pain, it is
recommended to continue these uninterrupted. If you are
not experiencing chest pains and you have low blood
pressure (less than 110 mmHg systolic) then it may be
advisable to delay the dose until after church.
Weekly Wednesday/Friday fast:
1. Diabetes type II- depending on fasting practices,
including the ingestion of carbohydrates (Halva, bread),
the doses of diabetes medications and insulin may be
Take Home Messages
increased or decreased. Monitor blood sugars more 1. Both fasting and activity impact your medical
frequently. Discuss with your doctor and adjust therapy.
medications accordingly. 2. Meet with your doctor. Tell him about your fasting Why do we Fast?
2. Heart ailment/ High blood pressure medication- practices and activities during fasting. Consider
If you are only fasting from meat but have a good intake making temporary adjustments to your medication
of fluids and carbohydrates and/or dairy, there are no out schedule. The Lord says, “I am the Lord that healeth thee”
of the ordinary recommendations. 3. DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MEDICATIONS ON YOUR (Exodus 15:26), “We fast to heal the afflictions
Continuous Lent and Holy Week fast: OWN WITHOUT FIRST CONSULTING WITH YOUR of the body and spirit. We abstain, not only from
1. Diabetes type II- depending on fasting practices, PHYSICIAN. foods, which affect the body, and also and more
4. Discuss safe fasting practices with Fr. Michael. importantly, we fast from sin, because “the
including the ingestion of carbohydrates (Halva, bread),
wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23)
the doses of diabetes medications and insulin may be 5. Have water with you in church.
increased or decreased. Monitor blood sugars more 6.Diabetics: have your blood sugar meter and
“Fasting was devised in order to humble the
frequently. Discuss with your doctor and adjust glucose tabs with you in church. body. If therefore, the body is already in a
medications accordingly. 7. Do not hesitate to sit in church when you begin to state of humbleness and illness or
2. Heart ailment/ High blood pressure medications- feel tired and BEFORE you feel faint. weakness, the person ought to partake of as
Be aware of how you feel. If you are not feeling well while much as he or she may wish and be able to
fasting, check your blood pressure and heart rate and Recommendations of the Physician get along with food and drink” (Canon 8 of
see if they are in the normal range (BP 100/60 to 140/90 Ministry of St. Timothy;cf.Canon 69 of the Apostles; cf.
and heart rate 60 to 100 beats per minute). St. Katherine’s Greek Orthodox Canon 10 of St. Timothy).
Fasting as a spiritual discipline, pre- Dietary changes, along with prolonged standing symptoms of weakness, lightheadedness or
supposes a healthy body, strong enough to during the service and high room temperatures dizziness. Having water and a glucose tab
endure the effects of fasting. For those who
associated with crowded candlelight services, (diabetics) readily available in church is
are ill or weak in body, fasting may be
regulated in terms of duration, and selection can impact the way our regularly scheduled recommended. Diabetics should also bring their
of certain foods in order to retain health. medications work as well as how much glucose meter to church. They may need to use
medication we need. Parishioners taking it if they are feeling that their blood sugar is low.
diabetes, blood pressure or heart related
medication should discuss with their doctors
the possibility of having a: 1. Sunday morning, 2.
Wed/Fri, 3. Lenten and 4. Holy Week medication
schedule that differs from their routine schedule.
We have made some general
recommendations below. However, each
parishioner represents an individual situation
requiring individual medication adjustments.
WARNING: These recommendations may not
be appropriate for every individual. Do not
adjust your medications on your own but only Sunday morning fast (or single day fast with
after consultation with your doctor. morning service ):
Fasting without Fainting Furthermore, parishioners taking medications as 1. Diabetes type II:
It is not uncommon for patients to present to the noted above, should discuss developing a safe A. Medications that can cause low blood sugar
emergency room for syncope (passing out) on and appropriate fasting practice with Fr. Michael. (ask your doctor if you are on one of these):
Sundays. Lastly, parishioners should not hesitate to sit Consider decreasing the morning dose or not
General: In the Greek Orthodox religion we during the service as soon as they feel any taking the medication until after church
commonly encounter three types of fasts: (lunchtime).
1.Sunday morning fast (which begins on Sat B. Insulin: Consider injecting only long acting
evening) till communion and coffee hour. insulin and holding the short acting insulin until
2.Weekly Wednesday/Friday fast days after church (lunchtime). If only taking long
3.Continuous fasting for Lenten periods and acting insulin, consider decreasing the dose of
Holy Week. long acting insulin
When fasting for religious reasons, 2. Heart/ High blood pressure medications:
unknowingly, our intake of fluids often If you are taking once a day medications,
decreases and the composition of our meals whether for your blood pressure or heart, you
changes (we may be fasting completely for long can usually wait and take them after church,
periods or we may be substituting after you have eaten. If you are on medications
carbohydrates [sugars, bread, halva etc] for taken more than once a day, then consider the
protein [meat, poultry, dairy] and fat). following:
Likewise we must consider the impact of A. Blood Pressure Medications-
ending the fast with consumption of Celebration a. Check your blood pressure in the morning.
Feasts (Magiritsa dinner, Easter lamb etc), If the blood pressure is less than 120 mmHg,
which may have the opposite effect. consider holding off on your medication till after

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