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Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education Unit Topic: Information and Communications
Grade Level: 7 Technology
Quarter: First Quarter

This unit is aboutAND
opportunities available in ICT like computer
servicing, illustration and other computer related jobs. The technical skills
and competencies that learners needed in order to thrive in their chosen
career and business. TRANSFE
Consider this question: What career opportunities are available in ICT and
Students on their own
what technical skills and competencies are essential for success in these
and in the long run will be
computer-related careers and businesses? Create potential
able to create innovative business idea.
Map of or
products Conceptual
services, Change: KWL Chart
solve specific problems,
and achieve financial
LC1 Discuss the Activity
relevance of the GOAL Find and identify elements of a computer system correctly in
course the classroom based on the label or index card they have been given. They
should match the name of the Students should
component bethe actual image. Once
able to: Create new
Learning Targets: they've matched all the components,
business each group will present their findings
idea in
I can explain basic Discuss
to the the They should explain
class. the names
computer systemsand functions of the
relevance of the servicing using EQ: How can students use
concepts in components they found.
course product innovation. their computer system
computer systems Define one’s PECs servicing expertise to find
servicing; Clickable Links :
customer groups with
attributes, lifestyle, technology problems
skills and traits EU: Students will
I can tell that computer-system COMMUNICATION
Identify the
competencies in Screenshot of Online Resource:The learners
computer are demonstrate an MAKE
required to be able
ACQUISITION understanding of MEANING
recognizing potential
to have a career in customers and creating
computer system new business ideas in
servicing. computer system servicing

Instructions: Write possible solutions for each scenario individually or in
1. The computer is not turning on.
2. The screen displays strange colors.
3. The computer is running very slowly.
4. The printer is not working.

Clickable Links :

Screenshot of Online Resource:

LC2 Define one's Activity 3 DESCRIBE ME! (GRAPHIC ORGANIZER)

PECs Instructions: Tell the traits and competencies a computer shop owner
characteristics, should possess.
attributes, lifestyle,
skills and traits

Learning Targets:
I can assess one’s

I can compare one’s

PECs with those of a
LC 3: Identify the
available in the
Clickable Links :
Learning Targets: expert-speaker-mentor-asia/

I can explain the key

concepts related to Activity 4 KWS
the computer system Instructions: Answer the following questions.
service market 1. What are the key concepts of the computer system service market?
2. Why is there a need to identify business players/competitors within
I can think critically one’s town?
about the products 3. How does identifying the different products/services available in the
and services that market help you in your own business?
may encounter in the
market, considering
factors like Clickable Links :
sustainability, ethical start-a-computer-repair-business.html
considerations, and
long-term Screenshot of Online Resource:

LC 4: Identifying and

Learning Targets: Scaffold for TRANSFER 1

I can analyze Activity 5 MY VICINITY MAP
strategic locations, Instructions: Draw a small map (vicinity map) on a white short bond paper.
market gaps, and

I can identify
potential customer
demographics, such
as residential areas,
schools, and
commercial districts,
on the vicinity map to
aid in targeted
marketing efforts.


Scaffold for TRANSFER 2

Instructions: Create a business idea regarding computer system servicing.

Clickable Links :


Screenshot of Online Resource:

Instructions: Assess and monitor how well you have attained the learning
competencies. Check the appropriate column to indicate the degree of your

Learning Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning


Identified the
needs and

ways of
ideas from
one’s own

ideas using
from irritants,
trends, and

ideas using

Interactive Group Quiz1

Instructions: Multiple Choice.
1. What are the three interdependent elements of a computer system?
A. Hardware, software, and firmware
B. Hardware, software, and peopleware
C. Hardware, software, and network
D. CPU, RAM, and hard drive
2. Which of the following professionals creates and develops functional
websites for e-commerce and other purposes?
A. Computer programmers
B. Database administrators
C. Web developers
D. System/network administrators
3. Who is responsible for assembling and troubleshooting computer
hardware problems?
A. Computer programmers
B. Database administrators
C. Web developers
D. Computer hardware technicians
4. Which skill involves explaining and identifying appropriate network
topology or design to meet a company's goals?
A. Hardware assembly
B. Troubleshooting
C. Network design
D. Database management
5. What is one of the key responsibilities of a Systems Administrator?
A. Creating websites
B. Managing databases
C. Maintaining computer hardware
D. Managing a computer network
6. Which competency involves being driven and enthusiastic in what
one does?
A. Resourcefulness
B. Persistence
C. Passion
D. Positivity
7. What does being a "risk taker" in entrepreneurship mean?
A. Avoiding all forms of risk
B. Taking unnecessary risks
C. Taking calculated risks
D. Never taking any risks
8. Which competency relates to the ability to find creative solutions to
satisfy customer needs?
A. Persistence
B. Resourcefulness
C. Positive thinking
D. Leadership
9. What is a key trait of a good leader, as mentioned in the text?
A. Being highly risk-averse
B. Being passive and indifferent
C. Leading by example
D. Avoiding all challenges and obstacles
10. What is the role of a Technical Support Representative in computer
systems servicing?
A. Managing computer hardware
B. Assembling computers
C. Providing online help desk support
D. Developing software applications

Interactive GroupQuiz2
Multiple Choice.
1. What is an essential part of the planning stage for entrepreneurs in
the computer service system business?
A. Identifying competitors' strengths
B. Studying environmental factors affecting the market
C. Offering the lowest prices in the market
D. Ignoring market research

2. In the computer service industry, what are the three types of

A. Mainstream, fringe, and niche competitors
B. Direct, indirect, and phantom competitors
C. Local, national, and international competitors
D. Primary, secondary, and tertiary competitors
3. Why is it important for computer service providers to identify their
competitors and analyze the types of products or services available
in the market?
A. To copy their competitors' strategies
B. To avoid competition altogether
C. To come up with strategies to differentiate themselves
D. To merge with their competitors
4. How can computer service providers gain a competitive edge in the
A. By offering the same services as their competitors
B. By matching their competitors' prices
C. By providing unique features and services
D. By avoiding customer feedback
5. What can generating goods or providing services more affordable
than rivals lead to in the computer service industry?
A. Reduced sales
B. Lower profitability
C. Increased sales and superior margins
D. Stagnation in the market
6. Who are considered the ideal target customers for a computer
systems servicing business?
A. Athletes and musicians
B. Farmers and fishermen
C. Students, online enthusiasts, individuals with damaged
computers, and offices without in-house technicians
D. Movie directors and actors
7. What is a serendipity walk?
A. A structured brainstorming session with a team
B. A process of generating ideas by walking around
C. A walk taken with the intent to meet competitors
D. A type of marketing campaign
8. Why is it crucial for computer service providers to study
environmental factors that may affect their market?
A. To ignore potential challenges and risks
B. To conform to industry standards
C. To adapt their business strategy to changing conditions
D. To limit their market reach
9. Among the three types of competitors (direct, indirect, phantom or
replacement), which one typically offers similar products or services
and poses the most direct threat?
A. Indirect competitors
B. Phantom competitors
C. Replacement competitors
D. Direct competitors
10. How does recognizing potential customers benefit a computer
systems servicing business?
A. It helps the business avoid customers with specific needs.
B. It allows the business to focus exclusively on high-income
C. It enables the business to tailor its services to meet the needs
of specific customer groups.
D. It leads to lower profitability for the business.


LC 5: Generalize the Instructions: Answer the following guided generalized questions. Write your
concepts in answers on the box provided.
servicing Essential How do How do my What are the Who are the
Question computer Personal key target
hardware Entrepreneu characteristi customers or
components rial cs, target
Learning Targets: work, and Competenci strengths, audience for
I can interpret the what are the es (PECs) weaknesses, our product
concepts in fundamental compare to and or service,
computer hardware principles those of a strategies of and what are
servicing and successful potential their needs,
procedures practitioner/e competitors preferences,
I can develop skills for servicing ntrepreneur in the and
in diagnosing and and in computer market, and behaviors
troubleshooting troubleshooti hardware how can this that can
common hardware ng them servicing, information inform our
issues and faults effectively and how can be used to marketing
I leverage develop a and
these competitive business
LC 6: Compare comparisons advantage strategies?
one’s PECs with that to enhance for our
of a my career business?
practitioner/entrepre prospects or
neur in computer potentially
hardware servicing pursue
ship within
this field
Learning Targets: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer:
I can identify areas
for improvement and
opportunities for skill Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting
development to Texts: Texts: Texts: Texts:
excel in this field or
potentially pursue
entrepreneurship Reason: Reason: Reason: Reason:
within it

LC7: Determine the Common Ideas in Reasons:

profile potential
competitors Enduring Understanding/Generalization: The students
will be able to understand technical knowledge in
computer hardware servicing, entrepreneurial awareness,
Learning Targets: competitive analysis skills, and customer-focused thinking.
I can analyze These skills and insights can be valuable for their
potential competitors academic and future career endeavors.
and understanding
their strengths, C-E-R Questions:
weaknesses, 1.Why are the basic concepts in computer system service important, and
strategies, and how do they set the foundation for a successful career or business in this
market positioning, field?
in order to make 2. What are the key Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) that
informed strategic individuals need to cultivate to excel in computer system servicing, and how
decisions and gain a can these competencies contribute to success in this industry?
competitive 3. Why is it crucial for individuals involved in computer system servicing to
advantage have a deep understanding of the market? How can market knowledge
influence business decisions and strategies?
LC8: Determine the 4. What methods or tools can be used to effectively research and
potential customers understand the market dynamics, trends, and potential opportunities in the
computer system servicing industry?
Learning Targets: 5.How can recognizing potential customers and their specific needs lead to
I can develop the development of innovative business ideas in computer system
effective marketing servicing?
and business
strategies that target EQ:
and engage the most Prompt for Generalization:
promising customer 1. What are the fundamental principles behind the functioning of computer
groups hardware components, and why is it important to understand these
principles for effective servicing and troubleshooting?
2. Can you describe the key procedures and best practices for servicing and
troubleshooting computer hardware components?
3. What specific Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) are critical
for success in the computer hardware servicing industry?
4. How can you compare your PECs to those of a successful
practitioner/entrepreneur in computer hardware servicing, and what
actionable insights can you draw from these comparisons to enhance your
career or explore entrepreneurship in this field?
5. What are the primary characteristics and strengths of your potential
competitors in the market?
6. Can you identify the weaknesses and strategies employed by
competitors, and how might this information be used to gain a competitive
advantage for your business?
7. Who constitutes the target customers or audience for your computer
hardware servicing product or service?
8. What are the specific needs, preferences, and behaviors of your target
customers, and how can you use this information to shape your marketing
and business strategies effectively?

Scaffold for Transfer 3:

Map of Conceptual Change

Answer this K-W-L chart to guide your exploration and understanding of the
topic. Update the chart in real-time as you acquire more information, and
compare what you wanted to know with what you have learned to track your
PERFORMANCE Transfer Goal: Students on their own and in the long run will be able to
STANDARD: create innovative products or services, solve specific problems, and achieve
financial independence as entrepreneurs
Create a new
business idea in
computer systems Performance Task
servicing using You will have a focus group discussion to identify the emerging needs in the
product innovation market regarding computer system servicing and create a new business
from emerging idea out of it. You shall develop that plan and make a presentation on a
needs through a one-whole cartolina. Presentation will follow.
focus group
Analytic Rubric:
Scoring Guide Score
Components 5 points 3 points 1 point
Learning Targets:
I can recognize and Participation All of the 50% of the Less than 50%
identify emerging in the focus members of members of the members
needs and group the group participated of the group
discussion participated in in the focus participated in
challenges in the
(25%) the focus group the focus group
computer systems group discussion. discussion.
servicing industry discussion

Identificatio The group The group The group

n on identified an identified an failed to identify
emerging existing emerging or make up a
needs emerging need related non-existing
(25%) need related to computer emerging need
to computer systems related to
systems servicing but computer
servicing. there is servicing
already an systems.
idea that
addresses it.

Business The business The business The idea is not

idea created idea created is idea created new or unique,
(25%) new, unique, is new but may not be a
and a direct not unique, direct response
response to or new and to an emerging
the emerging unique but need.
need. may not be
response to
the emerging

Presentation The The The

(25%) presentation is presentation presentation is
excellent and is good and poor and fails in
very convincing. convincing the
convincing. audience.

Total score

Instructions: Assess and monitor how well you have attained the learning
competencies. Check the appropriate column to indicate the degree of your
Learning Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning

Identified the
needs and

ways of
ideas from
one’s own

ideas using
from irritants,
trends, and

ideas using

Value Integration: The students shall be able to emphasize the importance

of identifying emerging needs and leveraging creative solutions, as
demonstrated by the focus group discussion, and innovate to create novel
products or services in the field of computer systems servicing.
Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education Unit Topic: Home Economics
Grade Level: 7 Quarter: Second
This unit is about the different facets of home economics from caregiving to
cookery and handicrafts COMPETENCIES
in order to enrich the youth of this millennium with
knowledge and life skills.
Consider this question: What are the different facets of home economics,
including caregiving, cookery, and handicrafts, and how can they enrich the
knowledge and life skills of the youth TRANSFE
in this millennium?
Map of Conceptual Change: KWL ChartR Create a care package
Students on their own and in the for a person in need,
LEARNING such as an elderly
long run will be able to develop
skills in caregiving, cookery andFIRM-UP (ACQUISITION)
COMPETENCY family member, a
LC1 Discuss the handicrafts 1 skills
these contributeCAREGIVER” concept mapping neighbor, or someone
use and Instructions:
to personal Describe
well-being, cultural a good caregiver should possess from
andthe community.
their tasks.
preservation, financial savings,
maintenance and and a sense of fulfillment while
use of tools,
paraphernalia in GOAL
Students should be
Discuss the use and able to:
Learning Targets: maintenance of tools, Demonstrate skills
I can tell and equipment and in caregiving,
cookery and EQ: How tools, materials, and
paraphernalia in
understand the handicrafts equipments can be used correctly in
caregiving, cookery and
concept of caregiving needlecraft.
caregiving, cookery and
Clickable Links : handicrafts?
Tell the importance of UNIT TOPIC
Screenshot of Online Resource:
practicing safety and HOME ECONOMICS
EU: Students will understand that
understanding the right use of tools
precautionary measures
in needlecraft
Discuss the principles
and concepts of The learner
crocheting demonstrates the MAKE
ACQUISITION understanding of the use MEANING
and maintenance of tools,
materials and equipments
used in caregiving,
cookery and handicrafts.


I can explain the use

equipment and Instructions: Match the tool or equipment with its corresponding description
paraphernalia and usage. Discuss with your groupmates why each item is important in

Digital images examples:


Clickable Links :

Screenshot of Online Resource:

Scaffold for TRANSFER 1

I can use the right Activity 3 “ TAKE BODY TEMPERATURE”
tool with proper care Instructions: Take and read the body temperature of your partner (patient)
according to the task for 5 minutes.

Source: Technology and Livelihood Education 7 Revised Edition Practical

Application (page 53)

and maintenance of Instructions: Tell and classify the kitchen tools and equipment.
tools, equipment in
Clickable Links/ Source : MELC COOKERY 7 LESSON 1 LO 2 Maintain
Learning Targets: Kitchen Tools, Equipment and Working Area
I can differentiate the must-have-kitchen-tools/
tools and equipment
used in the kitchen. Screenshot of Online Resource:

I can tell how to use Scaffold for TRANSFER 2

the proper tools and Activity 5 “COOKING WITH THE RIGHT TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT”
equipment for the Instructions: Measure ingredients using the assigned measuring tool.
Clickable Links :
I can use measuring Screenshot of Online Resource:
tools accurately.

Activity 6 “MATCH AND LIST”

LC3 Discuss the

principles and
concepts of

Learning Targets:

I can discuss the

concepts in

I can list crochet

stitches and tips for

I can make a
crocheted product.

I can practice safety

measure and
precautions when
doing any
Clickable Links :
Screenshot of Online Resource:

Scaffold for TRANSFER 3

Instructions: Craft crocheted product.

Clickable Links :

Screenshot of Online Resource:

Instructions: Assess and monitor how well you have attained the learning
competencies for this lesson. Check the appropriate column to indicate the
degree of your competency.

Learning Competencies Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning

Understood crocheting as a technique

Defined the technique of


Identified the tools and

materials used

Made crocheted products

Discussed crochet terms

and abbreviations

Identified the basic

stitches in crocheting

Performed all the basic

stitches in crocheting
showing proper use of
tools and materials
Interactive Quiz1
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

1.Where can body temperature be taken?

A. Ear and rectum only
B. Armpit and ear only
C. Ear, armpit, nose and rectum
D. Mouth, armpit, ear, and rectum

2.What is the importance of using the correct tools and equipment in

A. It makes caregiving tasks more challenging.
B. It ensures the safety and effectiveness of caregiving.
C. It reduces the need for caregivers.
D. It saves money on caregiving supplies.

3.Why are digital thermometers commonly used for taking body

A. They are cheaper than traditional thermometers.
B. They provide faster and more accurate readings.
C. They are available in various colors.
D. They do not contain mercury.

4.Which category of caregiving tools includes items like brooms and mops?
A. Washing and Ironing tools C. Cleaning tools
B. Meal Preparation tools D. Vital Signs equipment

5.How are the tools and equipment used in caregiving classified?

A. By color C. By specific tasks
B. By size D. By brand

6.Which category of caregiving tools includes items like brooms and mops?
A. Washing and Ironing tools C. Cleaning tools
B. Meal Preparation tools D. Vital Signs equipment

7.What should you do before using a digital thermometer on a patient?

A. Record the temperature
B. Clean the tip with rubbing alcohol
C. Place it in the patient's mouth
D. Check the battery level

8.How long should you keep the thermometer tucked in the patient's armpit
when taking body temperature?
A. Until the thermometer beeps
B. For at least 10 minutes
C. For as long as you want
D. Until the patient complains

9.During the process of taking body temperature with a digital thermometer,

where should the thermometer be placed?
A. Under the patient's tongue
B. In the patient's ear
C. Under the patient's armpit
D. In the patient's rectum

10.How should you clean the digital thermometer after use?

A. Swab it with cotton balls soaked in alcohol
B. Put it in the dishwasher
C. Wash it with vinegar
D. Leave it as it is

Source:Technology and Livelihood Education 7 Revised Edition (page 53)


Interactive Quiz2
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
1.Which material is described as more expensive than aluminum, easy to
clean, and durable, making it a preferred choice for many kitchen tools and
B.Cast Iron
C. Glass
D. Stainless Steel

2.Among the materials listed, which is recommended for baking but not
suitable for top-of-the-stove cooking?
A. Cast Iron
B. Glass
C. Stainless Steel
D. Non-stick surface

3.What type of coating is applied inside aluminum or steel pots and pans to
prevent food from sticking to the pan?
A. Stainless Steel
B. Aluminum
C. Non-stick surface
D. Cast Iron

4.Which material is known for its sturdiness and is commonly used for
kitchen tools like skillets and Dutch ovens?
A. Plastic
B. Aluminum
C. Cast Iron
D. Glass

5.Which material is described as "best for all-around use" but may dent and
scratch easily if used in lighter gauges?
A. Cast Iron
B. Stainless Steel
C. Aluminum
D. Glass

6.What is the primary benefit of using and maintaining kitchen tools and
equipment properly?
A. Enhancing the taste of food
B. Extending the life of the tools and equipment
C. Reducing the need for cooking skills
D. Promoting healthy eating habits

7.How does proper maintenance of kitchen tools and equipment contribute

to food production?
A. It makes the food taste better.
B. It ensures clean food production.
C. It decreases the need for cooking time.
D. It minimizes food waste.

8.What is one effective way to control hazards and risks in food

A. Ignoring safety procedures
B. Increasing the cooking temperature
C. Observing occupational health and safety procedures
D. Reducing the use of kitchen tools

9.Which of the following best summarizes the importance of proper

maintenance for kitchen tools and equipment?
A. Enhancing the presentation of dishes
B. Ensuring a long-lasting and clean food production process
C. Reducing the need for professional chefs
D. Eliminating the risk of foodborne illnesses

10.What is the primary advantage of using plastic and hard rubber materials
in the kitchen?
A. Heat resistance
B. Weight and sturdiness
C. Easy cleaning
D. Aesthetic appeal

Source: Technology and Livelihood Education 7 Revised Edition (pages 74-

LC 4: Explain and Instructions: Answer the following guided generalized questions. Write your
categorize the use of answers on the box provided.
caregiving tools and
to tasks. Essential How do How does the What are the
Question caregiving appropriate key crochet
Learning Target: tools and selection and stitches and
I can tell the proper equipment, use of kitchen tips for
use of caregiving when selected tools and crocheting,
tools and equipment and used equipment and how do
according to specific according to according to they contribute
caregiving task specific specific to the success
caregiving cooking and and enjoyment
tasks, enhance food of the
LC 5: Explain and the quality of preparation crocheting
categorize the care and the tasks impact process?
kitchen tools and well-being of the efficiency
equipment. those and quality of
receiving culinary
care? outcomes?
Learning Targets: Answer: Answer: Answer:
I can tell the proper
use of kitchen tools
Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts:
and equipment
according to specific
cooking and food Reason: Reason: Reason:
preparation tasks.
Common Ideas in Reasons:
LC 6: Enumerate
and explain crochet Enduring Understanding/Generalization: The students will be able to have a
stitches and tips for comprehensive understanding of the roles and impacts of tools and equipment
crocheting in caregiving, cookery, and crocheting, as well as the consideration of
individual needs and preferences.
C-E-R Questions:
Learning Targets: 1.Can you provide examples of specific caregiving tools or equipment that
are designed to improve the well-being of individuals receiving care?
I can list and tell the 2.How do properly selected tools and equipment contribute to the comfort
types of crochet and safety of the person receiving care in a home or healthcare setting?
stitches and tips and 3.Describe a situation where the appropriate use of tools and equipment
realize the success had a direct impact on the quality of care provided.
and enjoyment in 4.How do caregiving tools and equipment help caregivers provide care that
crocheting. is both efficient and compassionate?
5.What considerations should be made when selecting tools and equipment
for specific caregiving tasks, such as bathing, mobility support, or
medication management?
6.Can you share an example of a caregiving task that might become
challenging or less effective if the appropriate tools and equipment are not
7.How can caregivers adapt the use of tools and equipment to meet the
unique needs and preferences of each person under their care?
8.Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding the use of caregiving tools
and equipment and their impact on the well-being and quality of care for
care recipients.
9.Can you name some kitchen tools and equipment that are essential for
specific cooking and food preparation tasks, and explain how they
contribute to efficiency and quality in the kitchen?
10.Describe a situation in which the use of the wrong tool or equipment led
to a less efficient or lower-quality culinary outcome. What could have been
done differently?
11.How does the appropriate selection of knives and cutting tools impact
the precision and safety of food preparation tasks in the kitchen?
12.What considerations should a cook take into account when selecting
tools and equipment for baking, and how does this impact the quality of
baked goods?
13.How does a well-organized kitchen and the availability of the right tools
enhance a cook's overall efficiency and ability to produce high-quality
14.What are some fundamental crochet stitches that every beginner should
learn, and why are they important for building crochet skills?
15.What are some common challenges or mistakes that crocheters
encounter, and what tips or techniques can be used to overcome or prevent
16.What tips can you share for reading crochet patterns and how do they
contribute to the successful completion of projects?
17.Share a personal experience or project where the knowledge of key
crochet stitches and tips significantly enhances the success and enjoyment
of your crocheting process.

Prompt for Generalization:
1.Can you provide specific examples of caregiving tools or equipment that
improve the quality of care for individuals receiving care?
2.How do well-selected caregiving tools and equipment contribute to the
comfort and safety of care recipients?
3.Have you encountered a situation where using appropriate tools and
equipment had a direct impact on the quality of care provided? Describe.
4.In your opinion, how do caregiving tools and equipment help caregivers
balance efficiency and compassion in caregiving tasks?
5.How can caregivers tailor the use of tools and equipment to meet the
unique needs and preferences of individual care recipients?
6.Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding the use of caregiving tools
and equipment and their impact on the well-being of care recipients.
7.Name some essential kitchen tools and equipment for specific cooking
and food preparation tasks, and explain how they enhance efficiency and
culinary quality.
8.Share an experience where using the wrong kitchen tool or equipment led
to less efficient or lower-quality culinary outcomes. How could it have been
9.In what ways does an organized kitchen and the presence of the right
tools enhance a cook's overall efficiency and ability to produce high-quality
10.What are some key crochet stitches that every beginner should learn,
and how do they contribute to developing your crochet skills?
11.Can you describe common challenges or mistakes that crocheters face,
and share techniques or tips for overcoming or preventing them?
12.Share a personal experience or project where your knowledge of key
crochet stitches and tips significantly enhances the success and enjoyment
of your crocheting process.

Holistic Rubric for Guided Generalization:

Criterion 1: Understanding and Knowledge (0-4 Points)

4 Points: Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the topic,
effectively explaining the significance of selecting and using tools/equipment
for specific tasks. Provides detailed, accurate, and relevant information.
3 Points: Shows a good understanding, explaining the importance of
selecting and using tools/equipment for specific tasks with adequate detail
and relevance.
2 Points: Demonstrates a basic understanding, with limited detail or
relevance in explaining the topic.
1 Point: Shows a lack of understanding, with vague or incorrect information.
0 Points: Fails to address the question.

Criterion 2: Application and Examples (0-4 Points)

4 Points: Provides clear, concrete examples and applications that illustrate
how the use of tools/equipment enhances quality and well-being (for
caregiving), impacts efficiency and quality (for cooking), or contributes to
success and enjoyment (for crocheting).
3 Points: Offers relevant examples and applications but may lack some
clarity or specificity.
2 Points: Presents examples or applications that are somewhat relevant but
may lack clarity and specificity.
1 Point: Provides vague or unrelated examples.
0 Points: Does not provide any examples or applications.

Criterion 3: Clarity and Organization (0-2 Points)

2 Points: Presents ideas in a clear, organized, and logical manner. The
response is well-structured and easy to follow.
1 Point: Organizes ideas but may lack clarity or proper structure.
0 Points: The response is disorganized and difficult to follow.

Criterion 4: Language and Expression (0-2 Points)

2 Points: Uses clear and appropriate language, demonstrating good
communication skills. The response is free from significant grammatical and
spelling errors.
1 Point: Contains minor language issues but is still understandable.
0 Points: Contains multiple language issues that hinder understanding.

Total Score (0-12 Points):

11-12 Points: Outstanding
9-10 Points: Proficient
6-8 Points: Basic
3-5 Points: Limited
0-2 Points: Insufficient

Scaffold for Transfer 4:

Map of Conceptual Change
Answer this K-W-L chart to guide your exploration and understanding of the
topic. Update the chart in real-time as you acquire more information, and
compare what you wanted to know with what you have learned to track your

PERFORMANCE Transfer Goal: Students on their own and in the long run will be able to
STANDARD: The develop skills in caregiving, cookery and handicrafts. These skills contribute
learners should to personal well-being, cultural preservation, financial savings, and a sense
demonstrate skills in of fulfillment while also providing valuable opportunities for both personal
caregiving, cookery and professional growth.
and handicrafts
Performance Task

Create a care package for a person in need, such as an elderly family

Learning Targets: member, a neighbor, or someone from the community. The task
encompasses several aspects:
I can demonstrate
my ability to select
appropriate recipes, Caregiving:
follow cooking Identify a person in need of comfort and care.
techniques, and Assess their specific caregiving needs, such as assistance with daily
present food in an activities, companionship, or emotional support.
appealing manner.
I can provide Plan a menu for the care package, including comforting and nutritious
appropriate dishes that can be prepared and delivered safely.
caregiving Prepare a meal or a selection of baked goods that align with the recipient's
assistance, ensuring dietary preferences or restrictions.
the recipient's Package the food items securely and include clear instructions for heating
comfort and well- or serving.
I can demonstrate Create a handmade crocheted or knitted item, such as a blanket, shawl, or
proficiency in scarf.
crocheting or Incorporate personal touches or favorite colors of the recipient to make the
knitting, producing a handicraft more meaningful.
well-crafted and Packaging:
meaningful item. Package the food, and handicraft into a single care package.
Include a personalized note or message to convey care and support.
I can effectively
organize the Reflection:
package, include Write a reflection on the experience, including what was learned in terms of
personal touches, caregiving, culinary skills, and handicrafts.
and ensure safety. Share feedback or comments from the recipient

I can write a
reflective report that Analytic Rubric:
analyzes caregiving,
culinary, and Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
experiences and Quality Demonstr Shows a Demonstr Offers Lacks an
identifies areas for and ates a clear ates a minimal understan
my personal growth. Appropriat profound understan basic understan ding of the
eness of understan ding of the understan ding of the recipient's
I can demonstrate Caregiving ding of the recipient's ding of the recipient's caregiving
genuine care and Assistanc recipient's caregiving recipient's caregiving needs and
thoughtfulness in my e caregiving needs and caregiving needs and offers no
actions and items needs and offers needs and provides effective
included in the provides effective provides limited assistance
package. highly and assistance assistance .
effective compassio with some .
I can adapt a and nate effectiven
caregiving approach compassio assistance ess.
and craft items that nate .
reflect the recipient's
unique assistance
characteristics. .
I can reflect on the Quality Prepares Prepares Prepares Prepares Prepares
ethical implications and culinary culinary culinary culinary culinary
of their actions and Presentati items with items items with items with items with
decisions throughout on of Food exception skillfully, basic limited a lack of
the project. Items in al skill and delivering competen skill, skill,
the Care care, a selection ce, resulting presenting
I can demonstrate Package providing of well- offering in a basic unappetizi
competencies that an array of cooked some well- offering of ng or
extend beyond the delicious and cooked dishes. poorly
classroom and have and highly appealing and cooked
real-life applications. appealing dishes. appealing dishes.
food dishes.

Craftsman Demonstr Displays a Demonstr Displays Lacks

ship and ates high level ates basic limited proficiency
Design of exception of proficiency proficiency in
the al proficiency in in crocheting
Crocheted proficiency in crocheting crocheting or knitting,
or Knitted in crocheting or knitting, or knitting, leading to
Item crocheting or knitting, creating resulting an
or knitting, producing an in a poorly unattractiv
creating a well- adequatel crafted e or
an crafted y crafted item. unfinished
expertly and item. item.
crafted, personaliz
personaliz ed item.
ed, and
ly pleasing

Thoughtful Organizes Organizes Organizes Organizes Organizes

ness and the entire the care the care the care the care
Care care package package package package
Shown in package effectively, with some with poorly,
the impeccabl including effectiven limited lacking
Packaging y, personal ess, effectiven personal
including touches, including ess, touches,
thoughtful and basic offering and
personal ensures personal minimal ensuring
touches. safe and touches, personal neither
timely and touches, safety.
delivery. ensures and
reasonabl ensuring
y safe somewhat
Reflective Provides a Offers a Provides a Provides a Lacks a
Report comprehe well- basic limited reflective
nsive and structured reflection reflection report or
insightful and on the on the provides
reflection thoughtful experienc experienc one with
on the reflection e, with e with no
caregiving on the some minimal substance
, culinary, experienc understan understan or insight.
and e, ding of ding of
handicraft demonstra what was what was
experienc ting an learned. learned.
e, understan
highlightin ding of
g personal what was
growth learned.

Please rate your performance in each of the following criteria on a scale of 1
to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. Check the appropriate
degree of your competency.

Quality and Appropriateness of Caregiving Assistance:

1 (Poor)
2 (Basic)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
What went well, and where can I improve in providing caregiving

Quality and Presentation of Food Items in the Care Package:

1 (Poor)
2 (Basic)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
What were the strengths and areas for growth in preparing and presenting
the food items?

Craftsmanship and Design of the Crocheted or Knitted Item:

1 (Poor)
2 (Basic)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
How would I rate the quality and design of the crocheted or knitted item?
What can I do to improve my skills in this area?
Thoughtfulness and Care Shown in the Packaging:

1 (Poor)
2 (Basic)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
What could have been done better in terms of packaging, and how can I
enhance my organizational and communication skills?

Reflective Report on the Experience, Including What Was Learned:

1 (Poor)
2 (Basic)
3 (Good)
4 (Very Good)
5 (Excellent)
Did I provide a comprehensive and insightful reflection? How can I enhance
my ability to reflect on my experiences and learning?

Value Integration: Empathy, compassion, and community engagement.

Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education Unit Topic: Agriculture
Grade Level: 7 Quarter: 3
This unit is about educating and engaging students in comprehending the
significance of agriculture, which servesCOMPETENCIES
as a cornerstone of the economy
and ensures a stable food supply. It aims to inspire students to ponder
agriculture as a potential field of study and a career choice.
Consider this question: What are the environmental and sustainability
challenges facing the agriculture industry,
TRANSFE and how can Create
they be addressed?
documentation of
Students on their own and in
Map of Conceptual Change: KWL chart R crop production journey
the long run will be able to
and informational poster
develop knowledge and skills
LEARNING in agriculture industry and about poultry keeping and
COMPETENCY also to prepare them FIRM-UP for (ACQUISITION) its importance.
Perform farm-to-table
LC1 Discuss the careers
Activityand livelihood
1 “FARM TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT MATCH-UP” meal and a presentation
importance of opportunities
flashcards for each farm tool or piece of equipment onof
agricultural crops technical
the list. and vocationalor construction paper to make theabout
Use cardstock
the importance
flashcards. On one
production. side, write the name of the tool or equipment, and on the other side, draw a
simple illustration of it. If you
TRANSFER prefer, use markers
PERFORMANCE or colored pencils
GOALOnce the flashcards are ready, mix them up and then play a
Learning Targets: matching game. To play, spread the flashcards with the names facing down
I can define different on a table. Takes turns flipping two cards to find a matching pair (one with
farm tools and the name, and the other withStudents should When
the illustration). be a student successfully
able to: demonstrate
equipment. matches a pair, they can keep the cards. The student with the most pairs at
the knowledge, skills
the end ofthethebasic
game wins. and strategies in the
concepts of EQ: How can crop
I can discuss the agricultural crops field of agriculture. production and poultry
principles of hazard production. ● Shovel ● Combine problems
harvesterbe solved?
analysis and critical Define different● farm
Rake ● Pruning EU:
shears Students will
control. tools and equipment.
● Hoe AGRICULTURE ● Sickle understand that crop
Explain the concepts
● Plow ● Seed drillproduction and poultry
of poultry production.
● Tractor ● Trowel
● Seeder ● Sprayer
● Wheelbarrow ● Garden fork
● Scythe The learners
● Crop duster
ACQUISITION ● Mattock demonstrate ● Hayanbaler MAKE
● Pitchfork understanding of the
● Sowing machine MEANING
● Bolo
concept and importance
● Axe
crop production and
poultry production.

Clickable Links :

Screenshot of Online Resource:
Instructions:Observe the visuals and identify safety hazards based on the
principles discussed. Examine the visuals while identifying potential safety
hazards. Take notes, make sketches, or take photographs of the hazards
you discover.Look for hazards related to equipment, structures, chemicals,
and any other aspects of the farm.Share your observations and identify
specific hazards encountered with your group. Discuss which hazards that
you need to consider critical control points and what preventive measures
could be taken to address them.Prepare short presentations or posters.

Clickable Links :
Screenshot of Online Resource:
Instructions: Create research using graphic organizers regarding the duties,
responsibilities, and descriptions of career opportunities in agricultural crops
Source: Technology and Livelihood Education Revised Edition 7 (page 165)


importance of Instructions: Classify the birds into categories based on similarities and
learning poultry differences, such as waterfowl (ducks, geese), domestic poultry (chickens,
production. turkeys), and game birds.Choose one poultry bird you found interesting
during the observation and create a detailed drawing or illustration of that
bird. Use colored pencils, markers, or any art supplies available.Briefly
present your chosen poultry bird, then share the drawing and key facts
Learning Targets: about the bird's characteristics, diet, and importance in agriculture.
I can determine Clickable Links :
poultry houses and Screenshot of Online Resource:
facilities layout per
GAHP standards.

I can recite safety

measures in cleaning
a poultry house
according to OSHS.
Scaffold for TRANSFER 1
Activity 5 “GARDEN PLOT”
Instructions: Create a garden plot using farm tools safely.
Instructions: Make a summary report of inspection of a poultry farm.
Scaffold for TRANSFER 2
Instructions: Make a written report regarding poultry production.
Clickable Links :
Screenshot of Online Resource:
Instructions: Please rate your performance on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being
the highest level of achievement and 1 being the lowest.

Research and Understanding: Your grasp of poultry keeping and its

importance in agriculture.

4 - Exceptional understanding, comprehensive research, and a deep

knowledge of poultry keeping and its agricultural significance.
3 - Good understanding, thorough research, and a clear understanding
of poultry keeping and its role in agriculture.
2 - Basic understanding, research may lack depth, and some key points
of poultry keeping and its agricultural importance.
1 - Limited understanding, minimal research, and a weak grasp of
poultry keeping and its agricultural relevance.

Interactive Quiz1
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
1.What is agriculture?
A. The study of rocks
B. The science of weather
C. The practice of farming
D. The study of insects
2.What is the primary goal of crop production?
A. Raising animals for food
B. Growing crops for food and other products
C. Building houses
D. Producing energy
3.Which of the following is not a primary factor affecting crop growth?
A Soil quality
B. Temperature
C. The number of farmers
D. Water availability
4.What is the process of preparing the soil for planting called?
A. Weeding
B. Irrigation
C. Harvesting
D. Tilling
5.Which of the following is a cereal crop?
A. Apples
B. Wheat
C. Carrots
D. Grapes
Interactive Quiz2
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
6.What type of birds are typically raised in poultry production for their meat
and eggs?
B. Turkeys
C. Chickens
D. Geese
7.What is the term for a facility where poultry is raised, often designed to
provide controlled environmental conditions for the birds?
A. Hatchery
B. Coop
C. Aviary
D. Poultry house
8.Which nutrient is essential for the growth and development of poultry, and
is typically provided in their feed?
A. Vitamin C
B. Protein
C. Fiber
D. Calcium
9.What is the process of artificially maintaining eggs under controlled
conditions until they hatch?
A. Incubation
B. Brooding
C. Roosting
D. Nesting
10.Which part of the egg contains the developing embryo and is necessary
for hatching?
A. Yolk
B. Shell
C. Air cell
D. Chalaza


LC 3: Explain the Instructions: Answer the following guided generalized questions. Write your
importance of the answers on the box provided.
production. Essential What is the Why are poultry birds
Question importance of the significant in
Learning Targets: course in crop agriculture, and what
I can articulate safety production, and how roles do they play in
measures in farm does it contribute to food production?
operations. agricultural
practices and food
I can analyze the Answer: Answer:
right tool according
to their task.
Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts:

LC 4:Analyze
theories and basic Reason: Reason:
concepts of poultry Common Ideas in Reasons:
Enduring Understanding/Generalization: The students will be able to acquire
specific knowledge about crop production and poultry birds and also
develop valuable skills related to critical thinking, problem-solving, and
ethical considerations. These skills can be applied to various aspects of
Learning Targets: agriculture, sustainability, and the broader food industry.
I can explain poultry
house and facilities C-E-R Questions:
layout per GAHP 1.What are the basic concepts in agricultural crops production?
standards, basic 2.Why is agricultural crops production important?
equipment and 3.What are the career opportunities in crop production?
furnishings of the 4.Why is it important to apply appropriate safety measures in farm
poultry house. operations?
5.What are the different hazards and risks in farm operations?
6.What are the different farm tools and equipment?
I can evaluate safety 7.How do you use farm tools and how do you operate farm equipment?
measures to practice 8.Why do you need to perform preventive maintenance of farm tools and
in maintaining poultry equipment?
houses and facilities. 9.What is poultry farming?
10.Why is learning poultry production important?
11.What are the different business opportunities for poultry production?
12. How is inspection of poultry housing and facilities done?
4. EQ:
Prompt for Generalization:
1.How does learning about crop production enhance our understanding of
the agricultural sector?
2.What specific skills and knowledge are gained through a course in crop
production that can be applied to real-world farming practices?
3.In what ways does crop production impact food security, both locally and
4.What are the potential consequences of neglecting the principles of crop
production in agriculture and food supply?
5.What are the primary products derived from poultry birds, and how do
they contribute to our food supply?
6.How does poultry meat production compared to other sources of animal
protein in terms of efficiency and sustainability?
7.In what ways do poultry birds play a role in the diversification of
agricultural practices and income sources for farmers?
8.What is the economic significance of the poultry industry, both locally and
9.What are the potential consequences of a decline in poultry production for
the agriculture and food industries?
Scaffold for Transfer 3:

Map of Conceptual Change

Answer this K-W-L chart to guide your exploration and understanding of the
topic. Update the chart in real-time as you acquire more information, and
compare what you wanted to know with what you have learned to track your

PERFORMANCE Transfer Goal: Students on their own and in the long run will be able to
STANDARD: The develop knowledge and skills in the agriculture industry and also to prepare
learners should be them for careers and livelihood opportunities in various technical and
able to demonstrate vocational fields, including agriculture.
the knowledge, skills
and strategies in the Performance Task
field of agriculture.
Part 1: Crop Production
Choose a crop (e.g., tomatoes, corn, or a local crop) and conduct research
on how it is grown, from planting to harvesting. Create a simple step-by-step
Learning Targets: plan for cultivating this crop using the plot that you created in the last
I can respect and activity. Document the planting process with photos or videos.
appreciate cultural Over a few weeks, regularly observe and care for the growing crop. Note
and regional any challenges you face and how you address them.When the crop is ready
differences in food for harvesting harvest the crop and showcase the final product.
production and
culinary traditions. Part 2: Poultry Education
Research the basics of poultry keeping, focusing on the importance of
I can prepare a farm- poultry in agriculture, including the production of eggs and meat. watch
to-table meal using videos about poultry house maintenance. Learn about the importance of a
the harvested crop clean and well-maintained environment for poultry. Design an informational
and eggs, poster that explains the key points of poultry keeping and the significance of
demonstrating basic poultry in agriculture. Include facts and images.
culinary skills.
Part 3: Culinary Experience
I can demonstrate Prepare a simple meal. This could be a salad, omelet, or a dish that
the ability to plant showcases the crop and eggs. Prepare a brief presentation or speech to
and care for a explain the process of crop cultivation, poultry keeping, and the significance
selected crop. of agriculture in providing food. Share this with your classmates.

I can organize Final:

research findings for 1.Documentation of your crop production journey, including photos or
presentation and videos.
documentation. 2.An informational poster about poultry keeping and its importance.
3.A farm-to-table meal and a presentation about the importance of
I can identify the agriculture.
significance of
poultry in agriculture, Analytic Rubric:
including the
production of eggs Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
and meat.
Part 1: The The The The
Document document document document document
ation of ation ation ation ation is
Crop includes includes includes limited,
Production exception good- basic with poor-
al photos quality photos quality
and/or photos and/or photos
videos and/or videos and/or
that vividly videos that offer a videos
capture that limited that do not
the entire effectively view of the effectively
crop capture crop capture
production the crop production the crop
journey. It production journey. It production
is well- journey. It may lack journey. It
organized, is well- some lacks
thorough, organized organizati organizati
and and on and on and
demonstra provides a depth. depth.
tes a deep clear
understan overview
ding of the of the
process process.
Part 2: The The The The
Informatio informatio informatio informatio informatio
nal Poster nal poster nal poster nal poster nal poster
is is well- is basic in is of low
exception crafted in content, quality,
al in content, design, both in
content, design, and content
design, and presentati and
and presentati on. It design. It
presentati on. It provides fails to
on. It effectively limited convey
provides a conveys informatio essential
comprehe key n about informatio
nsive and informatio poultry n about
engaging n about keeping poultry
overview poultry and its keeping
of poultry keeping importanc and its
keeping and its e. importanc
and its importanc e.
importanc e.
e in

Part 3: The farm- The farm- The farm- The

Farm-to- to-table to-table to-table farm-to-
Table meal is meal is meal is table meal
Meal and outstandin well- basic in is of poor
Presentati g, prepared preparatio quality,
on showcasin and n, and the and the
g creativity delicious, presentati presentati
and and the on about on about
culinary presentati the the
skills. The on importanc importanc
presentati effectively e of e of
on about communic agriculture agriculture
the ates the is lacks
importanc importanc somewhat clarity and
e of e of clear and engageme
agriculture agriculture engaging. nt
is clear, .
nsive, with

Total score:
Criteria:Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest level
of achievement and 1 being the lowest.
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score

Research Exception Good Basic Limited

and al understan understan understan
Understan understan ding, well- ding, ding,
ding: Your ding, rounded somewhat research
understan thorough research, limited lacks
ding of research, and most research depth and
crop and key depth. key
production comprehe informatio informatio
and nsive n n.
poultry knowledge included.
keeping. .

Gardening Outstandi Strong Basic Limited

and ng effort, effort, effort, effort,
Maintenan exception good care, adequate poor care,
ce: The al care, and care, challenges
effort and and appropriat some not
care you effective e problem- challenges addressed
put into problem- solving. not effectively.
growing solving. effectively
your addressed
chosen .

Presentati Exception Clear and Somewhat Lack of

on: Clarity ally clear, effective clear and clarity and
and engaging, presentati engaging engageme
effectiven and on with presentati nt,
ess in comprehe well- on, disorganiz
explaining nsive organized organizati ed
the presentati content. on may content.
importanc on. lack.
e of

Total score:

Value Integration:
The students will be able to develop their holistic understanding associated
with responsible and sustainable agriculture.
Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education Unit Topic: Industrial Arts
Grade Level: 7 Quarter: 4
This unit is about basic concepts of carpentry and electrical installation and
Consider this question: How can the knowledge and skills in basic carpentry
and electrical installation benefit me in everyday life and various practical
Map of Conceptual Change: KWLTRANSFE Chart
Students on their own and in R
the long run will be able to Build a simple
LEARNING build a simple wooden lamp wooden lamp
that will gain practical, hands- with electrical
LC1 Discuss the onActivity
experience 1 in two
importance of essential areas: carpentry
Instructions: You shall make an infographic discussing the relevance of
and electrical work. Preparing
carpentry. carpentry in the construction industry. Use a short bond paper as a standard
them for a wide range of
size for your infographic. Your output shall be rated based on the rubric.
Learning Targets:
I can tell the
importance of Students should be
able to: Build a simple
preparing wooden lamp with
construction Analyze electrical wiring in order
materials and tools in understanding the to foster not only EQ: How to build a wooden
carpentry. basics concept and technical competence lamp using electrical wiring
maintenance of and woodworking with
carpentry and UNIT TOPIC caution and safety in mind?
electrical INDUSTRIAL ARTS EU: Students will
I can articulate the installation . understand the essential
importance of of electrical wiring and
carpentry tools and
equipment. The learner
ACQUISITION demonstrates the MAKE
Example: understanding of the basic MEANING
concepts of carpentry,
electrical installation and
its maintenance.

LC2 Define electrical Activity 3 “SKIT PRESENTATION”
installation and Instructions:

Learning Targets:
I can discuss the
importance of
preparing electrical
tools and materials in
electrical installation.

I can explain the

importance of
maintaining electrical
tools and equipment.
Scaffold for TRANSFER 1
Instructions:Create a design plan for the wooden lamp, including the
dimensions, placement of the lamp socket, and any decorative elements
that you want to add. Submit this plan for that will be a part of your
performance task.
Clickable Links : (website URL)
Screenshot of Online Resource: (to make sure that students are on the right


Instructions: Create simple electrical splices and joints.
Clickable Links :

Scaffold for TRANSFER 2

Resource: Technology and Livelihood Education 7 Revised Edition
Interactive Quiz1
Interactive Quiz2
LC 3: Analyze Instructions: Answer the following guided generalized questions. Write your
understanding of the answers on the box provided.
basics concept of
specialization of Essential What are the What are the key
carpenters. Question fundamental principles and safety
principles and skills considerations
that every carpenter involved in electrical
should know, and installation and
Learning Targets: how do carpenters maintenance, and how
I can analyze specialize in various can they be applied to
carpentry tools aspects of their craft? ensure the reliability
according to their and safety of electrical
task. Answer: Answer:

I can evaluate ways

of maintaining Supporting Texts: Supporting Texts:
carpentry tools and
equipment. Reason: Reason:
Common Ideas in Reasons:

Enduring Understanding/Generalization: Students will gain a foundational

understanding of the core principles and skills in carpentry and electrical
LC 4: Analyze work. Moreover, they will learn how carpenters can specialize in different
areas of their craft and how electricians can apply their knowledge to ensure
understanding in the the reliability and safety of electrical systems. This knowledge is crucial for
concept of electrical anyone considering a career in these fields and is fundamental to their
installation and success and safety.
maintenance. C-E-R Questions:
1.What is carpentry?
2. What jobs can one explore in carpentry?
3.How important is carpentry?
Learning Targets: 4.What are the advantages of having well maintained tools and equipment?
I can analyze 5.Why is it important to conduct frequent maintenance of carpentry tools
electrical tools and and equipment?
equipment. 6.How are carpentry tools and equipment maintained?
7.What is electrical installation and maintenance?
8.Why is proper installation and maintenance important?
I can analyze ways 9.What are some career opportunities related to electrical installation and
of maintaining maintenance?
electrical tools and 10.Why is it important to use the correct tool and instrument in electrical
equipment. installation and maintenance?
11.How do you accomplish different forms used in electrical installation and
Prompt for Generalization:
1.Can you name and describe some essential carpentry tools and their
specific uses?
2.How do different types of carpentry tasks or projects determine the choice
of tools and equipment?
3.What are some common practices for maintaining and preserving
carpentry tools and equipment?
4.How do the skills and expertise of specialized carpenters differ from those
of general carpenters?
5.List and explain the functions of various electrical tools and equipment
used in installation and maintenance.
6.What are the safety precautions to consider when working with electrical
tools and equipment?
7.Describe the significance of regular maintenance for electrical tools and
equipment in terms of safety and functionality.
8.How do electrical maintenance tasks differ from electrical installation tasks
in terms of tools and procedures?

Holistic Rubric for Guided Generalization:

Scaffold for Transfer 3:

Map of Conceptual Change
Answer this K-W-L chart to guide your exploration and understanding of the
topic. Update the chart in real-time as you acquire more information, and
compare what you wanted to know with what you have learned to track your

PERFORMANCE Transfer Goal: Students on their own and in the long run will be able to build
STANDARD: The a simple wooden lamp that will gain practical, hands-on experience in two
learners essential areas: carpentry and electrical work. Preparing them for a wide
independently range of practical, professional, and personal challenges.
perform proper
maintenance of Performance Task “SIMPLE WOODEN LAMP”
carpentry, electrical
tools and equipment Safety First: Before starting the project, review safety guidelines for both
based on industry carpentry and electrical work.
Design Plan:
Learning Targets: Create a design plan for your wooden lamp, including the dimensions,
I can prioritize safety, placement of the lamp socket, and any decorative elements that you want to
following safety add. Submit this plan for approval before starting.
throughout the Wood Preparation:
project and a. Sand the wooden block to smooth any rough edges or surfaces.
demonstrate a strong b. Mark the desired locations for the lamp socket and switch on the wood.
awareness of Ensure that these positions are suitable for the lamp's stability.
potential hazards.
Carpentry Work:
I can produce a well- a. Drill a hole in the marked position for the lamp socket. The hole should be
crafted wooden lamp just big enough to snugly fit the socket.
that is not only b. Secure the lamp socket in place using screws.
functional but also c. Add any decorative elements, such as carving or painting, to personalize
visually appealing. the wooden block.

I can demonstrate Electrical Wiring:

the ability to think a. Strip the ends of the lamp cord to expose the wires.
critically when faced b. Connect the wires to the lamp socket following the manufacturer's
with challenges or instructions.
errors during the c. Use wire nuts and electrical tape to secure the connections and insulate
project, finding and them properly.
implementing d. Test the lamp to ensure it functions correctly.
Final Assembly:
a. Attach the lampshade (if available and desired) to the lamp socket.
b. Plug in the lamp and switch it on to check if it illuminates properly.

a. Prepare a brief presentation explaining the steps taken to create a
wooden lamp.
b.Discuss any challenge faced and how to overcome them.

Analytic Rubric:

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score

Carpentry The The The The

Skills wooden wooden wooden wooden
(Woodwor block is block is block is block is
king) smooth, mostly rough in very
and smooth, places, rough, and
everything with some and some attachmen
is securely secure attachmen ts are
attached. attachmen ts are unstable.
ts. shaky.
Electrical The wiring The wiring The wiring The wiring
Skills is done is mostly has a few is poor,
(Wiring well, and correct, errors, with
and the lamp and minor and the serious
Functional works issues lamp has problems
ity) perfectly. with the moderate in the
lamp are issues. lamp's
easily functionalit
fixed. y.

Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety is

Workmans guidelines guidelines guidelines ignored,
hip are are mostly are and
followed followed, followed craftsman
strictly, with good inconsiste ship is
and craftsman ntly, with very poor.
craftsman ship and several
ship is only minor notable
outstandin errors. errors in
g. craftsman

Presentati The The The The

on presentati presentati presentati presentati
on is on is clear on is clear on is
clear, and and confusing,
organized, organized organized disorganiz
and but lacks but lacks ed, or
engaging. some some incomplet
engageme engageme e.
nt. nt.


Overall Score:

16-13 points: Excellent

12-9 points: Good
8-5 points: Basic
4-1 point: Limited

Evaluate your performance in each category and reflect on areas of
strength and areas needing improvement. Use this assessment for self-
improvement and goal-setting in woodworking, electrical work, safety, and
presentation skills.
Completed Wooden Lamp



Design Plan

Safety Practices

Presentation Quality

Value Integration: Students integrate values such as safety consciousness,

attention to detail, creativity, independence, environmental awareness,
quality craftsmanship, effective communication, problem-solving,
cooperation, and pride in achievement. These values enhance personal
development and preparedness for various life scenarios.

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