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HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG TÀI LIỆU............................................................................5
TOPIC 1: PERSON........................................................................................................6
1. Describe a person who often buys at the street market at a cheaper price. ......7
2. Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions. ................................8
3. Describe a person who encouraged you and helped you achieve a goal ............9
4. Describe an adventurous person that you know ............................................... 10
5. Describe an interesting old person you have met .............................................. 11
6. Describe a person you know who you think is very intelligent ........................ 12
7. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event. ... 13
8. Describe a person who you are happy to know ................................................. 14
9. Describe a famous person who you think will be a role model for young people15
10. Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire.... 16
11. Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others. ............................................ 17
12. Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music ............... 18
13. Describe a child that you know. ......................................................................... 19
14. Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with. .............. 20
15. Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family business).
16. Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with ................ 22
17. Describe a person who can play an instrument or has musical talents ............ 23
18. Describe a people who won a competition ......................................................... 24
19. Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to
know more about. ..................................................................................................... 25
20. Describe a famous scientist or inventor you know about. ................................ 26
TOPIC 2: OBJECT ...................................................................................................... 27
1. Describe something you own that you want to replace ..................................... 28
2. Describe a vehicle you would like to buy ........................................................... 29
3. Describe a time when you received money as a gift (birthday, wedding) ........ 30
4. Describe an impressive work of art you saw ..................................................... 31
5. Describe a product that you would like to buy in others countries .................. 32
6. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy. .................................................... 33
7. Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use ............................. 34
8. Describe an important plant that grows in your country ................................. 35
9. Describe an important letter that you received................................................. 36
10. Describe one of your favourite books from your childhood. ............................ 37
11. Describe a piece of furniture you own or you have at your home. ................... 38
12. Describe a handmade gift you gave to a friend or a relative. ........................... 39
TOPIC 3: EVENT ........................................................................................................ 40
1. Describe a historical period/moment you would like to learn more about ...... 41
2. Describe a time when someone apologised to you ............................................. 42
3. Describe a time you were late for a meeting...................................................... 43
4. Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes .................................... 44
5. Describe an occasion when two of your friends had a disagreement ............... 45
6. Describe the first day you went to school that you remember. ........................ 46
7. Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer. ............... 47
8. Describe a time you received bad service in a restaurant/shop. ....................... 48
9. Describe a time when you gave advice to others. .............................................. 49
10. Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something useful .......... 50
11. Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted ... 51
12. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing. ................ 52
13. Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person. .................... 53
14. Describe a party that you enjoyed. .................................................................... 54
15. Describe an experience when you lost something. ............................................ 55
16. Describe an astronomy event you saw ............................................................... 56
17. Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn't like ......................... 57
18. Describe a period of time that changed your life in a good way. ...................... 58
19. Describe a depression period you faced ............................................................ 59
20. Describe a time you encountered a weird event ................................................ 60
21. Describe a natural disaster in your country/ region. ........................................ 61
TOPIC 4: ACTIVITY .................................................................................................. 62
1. Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport .......................................... 63
2. Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy ................................... 64

3. Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time ............................... 65
4. Describe something interesting you would like to do ........................................ 66
5. Describe an activity that made you feel tired. ................................................... 67
6. Describe an activity that you enjoy doing alone in your free time. .................. 68
7. Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else............. 69
TOPIC 5: PLACE ........................................................................................................ 71
1. Describe a historical building you have been to ................................................ 72
2. Describe your favourite place in your house where you can relax ................... 73
3. Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study......... 74
4. Describe an interesting place that attracts few visitors .................................... 75
5. Describe a natural place (e.g. park, mountain) ................................................. 76
6. Describe a beautiful city that you have visited. ................................................. 77
7. Describe a place where you thought things were too expensive ....................... 78
8. Describe a (city/country) you would recommend as a nice place to live (not your
hometown) ................................................................................................................. 79
9. Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time .......................... 80
10. Describe a place you visited with your friends where you had a good time .... 81
11. Describe a place you have visited that is affected by pollution ........................ 82
12. Describe the place where you took photos more than once .............................. 83
13. Describe a noisy place you have been to. ........................................................... 84
14. Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g shopping mall,
park…) ...................................................................................................................... 85
15. Describe a small shop or store you often go to .................................................. 86
16. Describe a restaurant that you like to go to with your family or friends. ........ 87
17. Describe an area of your hometown that has recently changed quite quickly 88
18. Describe a place (near where you live) where people go to swim ..................... 89
TOPIC 6: OTHERS ..................................................................................................... 90
1. Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sport, music, etc… .......... 91
2. Describe an important achievement you have made ........................................ 92
3. Describe a good decision someone just made recently. ..................................... 93
4. Describe a sport that you only have watched before but had not played by
yourself ...................................................................................................................... 94

5. Describe a special day out which didn’t cost very much .................................. 95
6. Describe your favourite type of climate ............................................................ 96
7. Describe an important river, lake or area of water in your country ............... 97
8. Describe a new law that you want to implement in your country .................... 98
9. Describe something that you did with someone/ a group of people. ................ 99
10. Describe an unusual meal you had .................................................................. 100
11. Describe a website you often visit .................................................................... 101
12. Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like ...................... 102
13. Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result . 103
14. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well104
15. Describe something you would like to learn in the future .............................. 105
16. Describe something you did that made you feel proud ................................... 106
17. Describe a special meal someone cooked for you. ........................................... 107
18. Describe a situation someone congratulated you on something you've done well
19. Describe something kind that someone did for you ........................................ 109
20. Describe a difficult thing you did well ............................................................. 110
21. Describe a food of another country you would like to try .............................. 111
22. Describe a TV program that you like to watch ............................................... 112
23. Describe a song that you remember from your childhood ............................. 113
24. Describe a group or a club you have ever joined. ........................................... 114
25. Describe a foreign culture that you like. ......................................................... 115
26. Describe your dream job when you were young. ............................................ 116
27. Describe a science subject that you are interested in (biology, robotics, etc.)117
28. Describe a subject that you would like to learn in the future. ........................ 118
29. Describe a subject that you studied at school that you thought was interesting119
30. Describe something you made yourself (either alone or with others) ............ 120
31. Describe a rule that is important at your school or work. .............................. 121
32. Describe a story about space that you have read about or seen in a film or on TV
33. Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result ........................... 123


Tài liệu này sẽ đưa ra các câu trả lời mẫu cho 111 câu hỏi Speaking Part 2 được chia thành 6
chủ đề trong bộ đề dự đoán quý 2 năm 2024 của học viện IELTS Xuân Phi. Đây là tài liệu vô
cùng chất lượng và tâm huyết được biên soạn bởi đội ngũ Học thuật của IELTS Xuân Phi.

Trong mỗi chủ đề sẽ có các mục như sau:

Câu hỏi của chủ đề - Câu trả lời mẫu.

Cách sử dụng tài liệu:

• Bước 1: Tự brainstorm ý tưởng cho câu trả lời của mình.

• Bước 2: Tham khảo ý tưởng và ghi chép từ vựng ở bài mẫu phù hợp với ý tưởng của bản
thân vào 1 cuốn sổ rồi học thuộc từ vựng.

• Bước 3: Tự brainstorm lại ý tưởng dựa trên những ý tưởng tham khảo và từ vựng mới đã
học được. (Chú ý: chỉ ghi từ 5-6 từ khóa, không ghi cả câu)

• Bước 4: Đọc câu trả lời mẫu một lượt.

Chúc các bạn học tập thật tốt!


1. Describe a person who often buys at the street market at a cheaper price.

You should say:

● Who this person is

● What this person likes to buy

● Where this person likes to buy things

And explain why this person likes cheap goods.


I’d like to talk about my mom. She’s very thrifty and always on the lookout for good bargains.
She enjoys buying various things from the street market, particularly fresh produce and
clothes. She has a knack for spotting the best fruits and vegetables directly from the farmers
and finding stylish, affordable clothing that you wouldn't see in regular stores.

My mom usually goes to the market in our neighborhood, which is held daily from 5 am to
10 pm. The market is conveniently located just a two-minute walk from our house, so it’s
easy for her to visit regularly. And like any kind of market out there, this market is filled with
various vendors selling all sorts of goods, from food to clothing to handmade crafts. So there’s
always quite a hubbub and vibrant environment here.

My mom prefers buying cheap goods for several reasons. As I said before, she’s very budget-
conscious. So obviously the first reason is to save as much money as possible. Personally, I
think this frugality habit is quite common among all the mothers as it enables them to have
money for other essential needs like paying tuition fees for their children. For some, this can
even help them afford the simple luxuries of life such as buying cosmetic products or dining
out. Additionally, she believes that not all expensive products are of better quality. So it’s
unnecessary to spend a lot of money on items that she can get at a fraction of the cost at the
market. The last reason, I think it’s quite funny, is that she enjoys the interaction with the
vendors and the opportunity to haggle for better prices.

2. Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you know this person

• What interesting ideas/opinions he/she

And explain why you think his/her ideas are interesting.


I have a friend - a colleague actually - Jake - who has really weird, out-of-the-box opinions
on everything. I’m a software engineer and Jake is in marketing - some kind of executive I
believe. We often meet up around lunch or after work to hang out and so I can pick his brain
about a bunch of zany topics. For example, he always rants about how AI will spell the doom
of humanity by taking away jobs and becoming self-aware to the point where it can overthrow
humanity. That’s not such an odd opinion actually - I’ve heard people parrot those ideas a ton
of times. He also goes on about how the Earth is actually flat, not round. He presented me
with so-called ‘evidence’ of the Earth being flat - he’s a flat-earther, so that tells you a lot
about him.

However, by far the most controversial and subversive opinion Jake has is the fact that there
should be no national governments at all and instead countries should be run by corporations.
Individuals would therefore have to fend for themselves yet they would be free to do whatever
they wanted to do. This is a very libertarian, almost anarchist proposal. He believes that the
concept of a government severely limits personal and financial freedom and thus shouldn’t
exist. Even though I massively disagree with this opinion, I still find it interesting because it
sort of reveals how Jake values personal freedom above all else, perhaps a bit to the extreme.
I just hope he never gets a position of authority beyond doing some marketing for our

3. Describe a person who encouraged you and helped you achieve a goal

You should say:

• Who this person is

• What this person encouraged you to do

• How this person helped you

And explain why his/her encouragement helped you achieve the goal.


When it comes to a person who motivated me and helped me reach a goal, I’d like to talk
about my mother. She is in her fifties and is the person who always backs me up when needed.
Whenever I'm faced with a difficult situation or struggling to make a decision, I often turn to
her for help.

Many years ago, I had to decide which university I would apply to. You know, it was one of
the most important milestones in my life, so I asked my mother for advice. She encouraged
me to enroll in my dream school, Hanoi National University of education. I hesitated at first
as even though it’s a prestigious university with top-notch facilities and highly qualified
teachers, gaining admission to this university is rather difficult. However, my mother said that
my academic outcome was pretty good, so I should believe in myself. This made me feel
motivated and increased my confidence.

My mother also accompanied me during exam preparation. She prepared nutritious meals for
me every day and regularly brought me to some amusement parks on weekends to blow off
some steam and release stress. That’s why I was physically and emotionally ready for the test.
Finally, I passed the test with flying colors and successfully entered my dream school.

At that moment, I was on cloud nine and couldn’t even believe that I had actually done it. I
think it could have been just a pipe dream if my mother hadn't encouraged and supported me,
and I feel very grateful for that. Since then, I have always tried my best to make my mother

4. Describe an adventurous person that you know

You should say:

• Who the person is

• How you know this person

• What this person does that is adventurous

And explain why you think this person likes to take risks.


Well, today I’d like to talk about my friend Emma. We’ve been close friends since we first
met in an extracurricular activity at university, three years ago. Being friends for such a long
time, I have to say that our friendship is definitely based on our mutual interest in outdoor

First to say, Emma is the epitome of adventure. She's constantly seeking out new experiences
that push the boundaries of what most people would consider safe or comfortable. She even
told me about her experiences in hiking in remote wilderness areas in Ha Giang province in
Vietnam, trying scuba diving such as the Maldives, or even skydiving from staggering
heights. All proves that Emma's thirst for adventure knows no bounds.

Speaking of her characteristics, I believe Emma's adventurous spirit stems from a combination
of factors. Firstly, she has an innate curiosity and a deep-seated desire to explore the world
around her. For Emma, every new adventure is an opportunity to learn and grow as an
individual. Secondly, she thrives on the adrenaline rush that comes with taking risks. For her,
the thrill of facing challenges head-on and conquering her fears is incredibly rewarding.

To me, Emma's adventurous nature sets her apart from the crowd. Through her daring
pursuits, she not only inspires others to step out of their comfort zones but also reminds us all
that life is an adventure meant to be lived boldly and without reservation.

5. Describe an interesting old person you have met

You should say:

• Who this person is

• When/where you met this person

• What you did with this person

And explain why you think this person is interesting.


This topic reminds me of an old man named Wang, whom I consider really intriguing.

He is an immigrant from China. He has lived in Vietnam for years since he moved to my
neighborhood for retirement. However, it was not until last week when I met and got to know
him by chance at a block party. At the party, we had some chit chat together and I’ve just
realized that he was rather nice. He told me of his previous life, in which, he was a former
member of the Chinese Army, who served for five years and then left his hometown to open
a laundromat in Vietnam almost 40 years ago. Being touched by the country’s friendly people
and peaceful life, He decided to live here for the rest of his life and raised a family of his own.
His laundromat located downtown is still in operation, although he no longer runs it after
deciding to retire at the ripe age of 70.

Every now and then, I would visit his home to tend to his needs. He and I enjoy some tea and
discuss our lives and interests, however, what engrosses me the most is every time we meet,
there is always something about him surprise me. Turns out he shares the same interest in
playing chess as well as books since he is a bookaholic and also a big fan of chess. He even
owns a large garden at the back of his home and I help him take care of it every weekend. I’m
not bragging when praising that his garden is absolutely gorgeous because any other words
can’t describe its beauty, which is created from various flowers and fruits with diverse colors,
such as orchids, roses, oranges and apples. I find Mr. Wang to be a pretty interesting guy
because of his life story and rather jovial attitude to life. In spite of his advanced age, he
approaches every new day with vigor and excitement. I aspire to be like him when I retire and
reach my 70s.

6. Describe a person you know who you think is very intelligent

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you know this person

• Why you think this person is very intelligent

And explain how you feel about this person.


The individual who stands out in my mind as incredibly intelligent is my good friend, Nam.
Our paths crossed during our undergraduate studies, where we were both engrossed in
pursuing degrees in the demanding field of Computer Science.

From the very beginning, it was clear that Nam was a cut above the rest. One of his most
striking qualities was his ability to effortlessly grasp complex concepts. It was as if his mind
worked on a different level, quickly absorbing and processing information that others found
challenging. Not only did he understand these intricate ideas, but he also had an uncanny
knack for applying them in practical situations. This was truly remarkable and a testament to
his intellectual prowess.

Nam's problem-solving skills were exceptional - a trait that set him apart from our peers.
Faced with challenging issues, he could always be counted on to find innovative and effective
solutions. His approach was analytical, yet creative, and it was inspiring to see him tackle
problems head-on.

Furthermore, Nam was able to show a remarkable capacity for empathy. He could easily put
himself in someone else's shoes, understand their perspective, and respond with compassion.
This made him not only a great friend but also a valued member of any team.

My admiration for Nam runs deep. His unique blend of intellectual and emotional intelligence
sets him apart. It is a privilege to know him and to have had the chance to learn from him. His
example encourages me to strive for continuous intellectual growth and emotional

7. Describe a sportsperson from your country who did well in a sports event.

You should say:

• Who he/she is

• What you know about him/her

• What achievement he/she has made

And explain why you admire him/her.


This question kind of caught me off guard cause I’m not a very sporty person - in terms of
watching or playing them. However, I do follow the news generally on social media and I
came across some links recently about an athlete who just won gold in mixed doubles table
tennis at some big tournament. Her name is Tran Mai Ngoc.

I hadn’t heard about her before the event. However, during the SEA Games, there were all
sorts of videos and articles online about how Vietnamese athletes were performing and I saw
a bunch of short videos about a young woman who was advancing and making her mark in
the table tennis world. It was then that I learned about Tran Mai Ngoc. Her performances were
truly remarkable, I was totally taken aback by her lightning-fast reaction time - how she could
return with lots of topspin and handle tricky serves. Her opponent from Singapore in the final
is considered a top rival, and it was something of an upset I believe.

At the age of 11, Ngoc left her home to move to Hanoi to train to become a professional table
tennis player. After all those years of hard work and determination, this victory is definitely
a worthy achievement for everything she must have given up over the years. She has really
inspired a generation of young people who have little understanding and interest in sports like
me, to learn and feel proud of Vietnam’s burgeoning sports scene. I think that’s far more
meaningful than just securing a gold medal.

In person, she is super humble and gracious, from media reports at least. Despite growing
recognition in the table tennis world, she remains approachable and down-to-earth. As a 19-
year-old table tennis player, she has already left an indelible mark on the sport. I hope that
she will be able to achieve more in the future and stay so grounded while doing it.

8. Describe a person who you are happy to know

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How long you have known this person

• What you do when you are with this person

And explain why you are happy to know this person.


The person who comes to mind, and whom I am genuinely happy to know, is my English
teacher, Mrs. Rachel. I have known her for about three years now, ever since I started
attending her classes in high school.

When I'm with Mrs. Rachel, it's usually within the context of her lively and interactive English
lessons. She also runs an after-school book club, which I eagerly joined, and this has allowed
me to spend more time with her outside the traditional classroom setting. In the book club,
we dive into various literatures, discuss our interpretations, and share our personal reflections.
These sessions are incredibly enlightening and have become something I look forward to
every week.

The reason I am happy to know Mrs. Rachel goes beyond just her role as an educator. Of
course, her profound knowledge of English literature and her passion for teaching are highly
admirable and have significantly influenced my linguistic skills. However, what truly makes
me happy to know her is that she has been remarkably supportive of my interests and
aspirations. For instance, she was the one who encouraged me to participate in a national
essay writing competition, something I would not have dared to do without her
encouragement. Winning that competition boosted my confidence immensely, and I owe that
achievement to her belief in me.

In short, Mrs. Rachel is much more than just a teacher; she is a mentor, a confidant, and a
significant positive influence in my life. I am truly happy and grateful to know her.

9. Describe a famous person who you think will be a role model for young people

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you knew him/her

• What this person is famous for

And explain why this person is a role model for young people.


A famous person who I believe will be a role model for young people is Malala Yousafzai.
Malala is a Pakistani education activist and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. I first learned
about her through news reports and her autobiography, "I Am Malala," which detailed her
courageous fight for girls' education in Pakistan.

Malala became famous when she was shot by the Taliban in 2012 for advocating for girls'
education. Despite the attack, she survived and continued her fight for education. She even
founded the Malala Fund, an organization that helps girls around the world get a good

Malala's story is incredibly inspiring because of her bravery, resilience and an unwavering
commitment to justice. Even after facing such a terrible event, she didn't give up. Instead, she
turned her personal tragedy into a powerful movement for change. Her story shows how one
person can make a big difference in the world.

For young people, Malala is a role model because she demonstrates that you can stand up for
what you believe in, no matter your age or background. She teaches us the importance of
education and the value of fighting for our rights. Malala’s journey encourages young people
to be courageous, pursue their dreams, and work to create a better world, even when faced
with challenges.

10. Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire.

You should say:

• What character it is

• Who acted the character

• When you saw the film

And explain whether you like this character.


There have been many iconic characters in movies throughout the years such as Luke
Skywalker, Indiana Jones, Iron Man and Batman but today I’m not gonna talk about any one
of them. Instead, I’ll talk about another iconic character on the same level which is James
Bond. He is a spy working for the British government tasked with stopping bad guys and their
plans for world domination. He also goes by his iconic codename 007. He is described as a
handsome gentleman who likes to live the high life of luxury, fast cars and loose women, yet
is still dedicated to finishing the mission at all costs. Though he originally started out as a
book character created by Ian Fleming in the 1950s, he became a movie character audiences
would love in his first movie Dr. No, which was released in 1962.

Since then, there have been 25 movies in the James Bond franchise released in the span of 60
years with six actors playing the role. My favorite actor who played the role is Daniel Craig
since he brought a great mix of hard-edged brutality and vulnerability to the character. His
debut as the character Casino Royale is my favorite in the franchise as it brought a semblance
of realism to James Bond and the story, tackling real-world issues such as terrorism. I first
saw it when I was 10 years old on DVD and I loved it so much that I rewatched it about 10
times as I grew up. Needless to say, I love the character of James Bond because he is
effortlessly cool and he gets to do things that mere mortals like me would never dream of
doing in our lives.

11. Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• What he/she likes to cook

• Who he/she cooks for

And explain why he/she enjoys cooking.


I used to live in a neighborhood with a fairly diverse population relative to other areas. There
were people from many different countries living together ranging from some Japanese and
Indians to Mexicans and Africans. Every Sunday, we’d have a neighborhood get-together - a
block party almost - where everyone brings their own food and drink. While all of us would
bring this or that decent dish, there was one person’s food that we were most excited to eat
and that was Alberta’s.

Alberta was an American who had moved to my neighborhood for work and she enjoyed
cooking comfort food from the Southern United States like fried chicken, waffles, oxtail,
sweet potatoes and collard greens since she is originally from that region. She told me that
she was taught these recipes as a child by her mother and they’d been in the family for
generations - takes on regional specialties. Alberta really relished cooking for others - I think
it was, still is I’m sure, one of the great pleasures in her life. Also, she once told me she wanted
people to experience the food from her region as not many are all that familiar with it. Not
the healthiest food I’d concede but really good and memorable.

She also once mentioned to me that she really loves the process of whipping up dishes - I
could tell she was a very hands-on person. I think she was successful in the time she lived in
my neighborhood in bringing some southern flair to our corner of the globe.

12. Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you knew him/her

• What music he/she likes

And explain why he/she thinks music is important.


I would like to talk about my friend, Jenifer, an avid music lover. I don’t know exactly when
we met the first time, but we crossed paths during a music theory class in college.

Jenifer enjoys a wide range of music, but her favorites are classical and jazz. She often attends
concerts and has a vast collection of records at home. She loves playing the piano and spends
hours practicing and perfecting her skills. Her dedication to music is truly inspiring.

Jenifer thinks music is important for several reasons. She believes it has the power to connect
people, transcend language barriers, and express emotions that words often can't. For her,
music is a source of comfort and joy, a way to relax and unwind. She often says that music
has been a constant companion through both good and challenging times in her life.

Actually, I have a lot of admiration for Jenifer. Her passion for music is contagious, and she's
always eager to share her knowledge and love for it with others. She's introduced me to many
different genres and artists that I might not have discovered on my own. Her enthusiasm and
dedication to music have even inspired me to appreciate and explore music more deeply. I
feel lucky to have a friend like Jenifer, who not only values the beauty of music but also brings
that beauty into the lives of those around her.

13. Describe a child that you know.

You should say:

• Who this child is and how often you see him or her

• How old this child is

• What he or she is like

And explain what you feel about this child.


The child I would like to talk about is my niece, Ava. I see her quite often, almost every
weekend when I visit my sister's home. Ava is a lovely little girl of five years old, who has a
way of lighting up any room with her bright smile.

Ava is an absolute bundle of joy and energy. She's incredibly curious and inquisitive, which,
at her age, is a delight to witness. Often, she asks me a series of questions about things that
children typically find fascinating like why the sky is blue, or why the birds can fly and we

What sets Ava apart, in my view, is her compassion and kindness, which are remarkable traits
for such a young child. She never hesitates to share her toys with other children and is always
polite and considerate.

Ava also has a creative streak, which she describes through drawing and painting. Some of
her artworks, despite being childish doodles, are quite imaginative and amusing. It's always a
joy to see what she comes up with.

Regarding my feelings about Ava, I absolutely adore her. Her radiant energy, her tender heart,
and boundless curiosity never fail to lighten my mood and bring a smile to my face. I am
grateful to have her in my life and cherish every shared moment with her.

14. Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with.

You should say:

• What party it was

• Who this person is

• What you talked about

And explain why you enjoyed talking with this person.


7 years ago, I was in college in Birmingham, England starting my bachelor’s degree. I was
living in a dorm right by the main campus and I was told by my fellow flatmates that there
was an inauguration party held every beginning of the academic year. Naturally I was excited
to join and once the day came everyone was in a jovial mood. Everyone was drinking,
dancing, talking and pulling pranks to lift up their spirits. As the party was going down, I
came across a fellow flatmate named Aidan who was sitting by himself amidst all the
festivities. He looked kind of bored with the party and wanting to make new friends, I then
joined alongside him, exchanged introductions, talked about what we were studying and our
lives in general.

It turns out that he was studying chemical engineering as a Master’s course and he’s originally
from London but moved to Birmingham as he was tired of the fast-paced lifestyle in the
capital. Aidan chose to study chemical engineering since it was his father’s field of expertise
and he shared the same passion as him. He also told me that his parents were originally
immigrants from Ireland who moved to London to start a new life. Looking back on it now, I
liked talking with Aidan because he was a good listener and he showed great interest in others’
lives. He also liked to crack a joke every now and then to make the conversation more fun
and his jokes were quite witty indeed. I still keep in touch with Aidan even long after we’ve
both graduated from college.

15. Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family business).

You should say:

• Who the person is

• How you know the person

• What business he/she does

And explain why he/she is successful.


I once worked for a company that specialized in making cameras for shooting movies. It was
called Cinecam and it was headed up by a guy named Dave Cooper who founded the company
way back in 2005. Dave used to be a cameraman years ago back in the 80s and 90s in
Hollywood, and he was lucky enough to shoot with actors like Bruce Willis and Al Pacino.
But he retired from being a cameraman in the late 90s and decided to run his own business
and develop cameras that could shoot at varying frame rates and ultra-high resolution. The
high-end market.

Now, Cinecam is competing with the likes of Panavision in the professional cinema camera
market, presenting itself as a cheaper and better alternative to those companies. I got to know
Dave personally over the years as he would come by the office and oversee the production of
the cameras firsthand. He came off as a nice and intelligent person who was passionate about
his work, traits which are necessary to being a successful entrepreneur in any field.

On that note, I would say that Dave became a successful businessman because he cared a lot
about the company and took great pains to ensure his company would flourish in a highly
competitive camera market. Also, he kept a close watch on every aspect of the company, from
accounting and marketing to production and packaging. Cinecam as a result has seen record
profits and received plaudits from cameramen in the movie industry.

16. Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you met this person

• How long you have known him/her

And explain why you want to work/study with him/her.


I work at an accounting firm as a junior accountant downtown and it has about 100 employees
as part of its staff. However, out of all of them, I’m only really close with one guy and his
name is Jimmy. Like me, he is also a junior accountant and he’s two years my senior. He lives
rather close to the office so he could easily walk there as opposed to myself who has to take
the bus to get there because I live further away. Unlike me, he is happily married and has two
kids studying in kindergarten. I on the other hand live alone in my apartment and am fine with
it. Jimmy joined the firm two years ago after working in a financial consultancy company for
half a decade. He told me he wanted to work in accounting as it was less stressful for him.

At work, we would go over the accounting numbers for our clients who range from small
businesses to global conglomerates. We would examine a client’s revenues, costs and profits
and determine whether or not they are financially stable and advise them on how to maintain
that stability. Outside of work we would normally hang out at the local bar and talk about
work, our personal lives and current events. Sometimes, we would have dinner together with
our other colleagues from work and do the same thing. I like working with Jimmy because
not only does he care about work to a high degree but also he’s a great conversationalist and
likes to listen to others as he is very sociable.

17. Describe a person who can play an instrument or has musical talents

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How and where you knew this person

• Why you think he/she is talented

And explain how you found out that he/she is talented.


The person that I’m going to talk about is my dear friend John, whom I met back in our
university days. We were literature classmates and quickly got close, bonding over shared

John stood out from everyone else because of his extraordinary musical talent. He was good
at playing various instruments such as the piano, violin, and especially the guitar. But it wasn't
just his technical skills that impressed me, it was also his ability to listen to a song and then
reproduce it perfectly on any of his instruments.

My true recognition of John's talents came during a university cultural fest. He participated
in a music competition and played a medley of Queen songs on his guitar. His performance
was magnificent; every note, every beat was in its place. His captivating mastery over music
left the entire audience, including me, in awe. As a result, John won the first prize that night.

John's musical journey didn't stop at university; he has taken his passion further and now
inspires the youth as a music teacher. To this day, his dedication and love for music have a
profound impact on his students, just as it did on me during our college days.

18. Describe a people who won a competition

You should say:

• Who this person was

• What this competition was

• What he/ she had to do to win it

And explain how you felt about his achievement.


I'd like to describe a person named Emily, who won the national-level swimming competition.
Emily is a childhood friend who went on to become a national-level swimmer.

The competition was prestigious, recognized all over the country, and hosted participants
from diverse backgrounds. The swimmers had to compete in several categories, such as
freestyle, butterfly stroke, and long-distance.

To take part, Emily had to go through intense training, rigorous workout sessions, and practice
her techniques carefully honed over years of swimming. She trained for hours each day,
followed a strict diet, and balanced her routine while somehow managing her academics as
well, demonstrating her laser-sharp focus and determination.

The moment she won the championship was a significant landmark in her life that filled
everyone with abundant joy and pride. Her achievement was not only a very inspirational
moment for all of us present there but it also brought a significant change to Emily's life. She
became a local hero overnight and was honored by many national figures.

As for my feelings, when she stood on the podium accepting her medal. I admired her
perseverance and was truly inspired by her achievement, which reminded me of the power of
hard work and dedication. It was a moment of affirmation that when you pursue your passion
with unwavering commitment, success is inevitable.

19. Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to
know more about.

You should say:

• Who this person is

• How you knew him/her

• What interesting things he/she has done

And explain what you would like to know more about him/her.


I once met a woman named Abby at a function for environmental protection some years back.
We met and chatted briefly before she left the function a few hours before it was supposed to
end. From what I can remember from our conversation - it’s been a while - she told me she
was a zoologist for the Wildlife Conservation Society in the UK. She specialized in tracing
the origins of various primates - monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees and what not - and also
making governmental recommendations concerning conservation strategies. Looking back on
it, I see her as following in the footsteps of Jane Goodall. In fact, she told me she was inspired
by Goodall to engage in work and awareness-raising concerning the welfare of primates.

Even though our conversation was short, it did inspire me to learn more about her so I went
on the Internet and researched a little bit about her work. It turns out that she is currently the
project coordinator for a couple of conservation projects in Africa relating to the protection
of endangered primates. Those projects have been successful in reviving dwindling
population figures for chimpanzees, lemurs, gorillas and baboons. Abby has also been
awarded numerous prizes for her work from the WWF and Greenpeace - all very impressive

I wanted to know more about Abby because I found her work to be very outside the norm and
fascinating. I’m an animal lover myself and want to see all animals flourish and to see
someone doing that kind of work for the betterment of nature is really inspiring to me.
Hopefully I can meet her someday to go more in-depth on some wildlife conservation efforts
and to figure out ways I might be able to contribute.

20. Describe a famous scientist or inventor you know about.

You should say:

• Who he/she is

• What he/she has worked on or invented

• What are some interesting facts about him/her

And explain whether his/her work or invention is still important.


I really look up to Albert Einstein. He was a super smart scientist from Germany and lots of
people consider him one of the best ever. He's most famous for a formula, which has to do
with energy and matter.

His biggest work is his idea about how space and time are related, simply known as the theory
of relativity. In everyday terms, it's about how space and time work together. He said light
from stars would curve because of the Sun's gravity and he was right - which made him
famous around the world.

Even though Einstein was very intelligent, he didn't do so well in school when he was young
because he didn't like to follow rules and preferred to learn things his own way rather than
just memorize information. Besides his love for science, he also loved classical music and
was really good at playing violin. He thought there was a connection between music and
research in science.

And yes, his work is still very important today. Many ideas in modern physics come from
Albert Einstein's theories. Things like GPS wouldn't work without his theories. So, his work
is a crucial part of our lives in many different ways, showing how impactful and long-lasting
it is.


1. Describe something you own that you want to replace

You should say:

● What it is

● Where it is

● How you got it

And explain why you want to replace it.


The item that I really want to replace is my laptop. I keep it in my bedroom, and I use it for
studying, browsing the internet, and watching movies. My dad gave it to me as a gift two
years ago after I passed the national entrance examination. It was a reward for my hard work
and to help me with my studies.

At first, the laptop worked perfectly and did everything I needed it to do. But over time, it’s
become really slow and often lags, especially when I try to run multiple applications at once.
This makes it hard to finish my school assignments efficiently. Plus, it overheats quickly,
even when I’m just browsing the web or streaming videos, which makes it uncomfortable to
use for long periods.

The main reason I want to replace this laptop is its poor performance. Its sluggish speed and
frequent overheating are really frustrating and they hinder my productivity. I end up spending
more time waiting for programs to load and dealing with unexpected shutdowns than actually
working on my tasks. This has become a big inconvenience, especially as my academic
workload has increased.

So, the current condition of the laptop is far from ideal for my needs. Getting a more
innovative and efficient model would really improve my ability to study and complete
assignments. And of course, my daily tasks will be much easier and less stressful.

2. Describe a vehicle you would like to buy

You should say:

• What kind of vehicle

• Why you would like to have it

• How you would get it

And explain why you would prefer this means of transport.


The vehicle I've always desired to own is a Honda Civic Sedan. This type of car is perfect for
city commuting and occasional trips to the countryside.

I admire the Honda CR-V because it combines reliability and comfort with fuel efficiency.
It's known for a durable build and low maintenance needs, making it a dependable choice.
Inside, the CR-V car offers a spacious and comfortable cabin with supportive seats and a
smooth ride. Moreover, modern engine technology, like CVT and turbocharged options,
ensures impressive fuel economy, saving money at the pump. Therefore, it is practical for my
daily travel and roomy enough for family journeys.

To get this car, I plan to save up money and take a car loan from a bank. With diligent savings
and careful budgeting, I believe I can achieve this financial goal. Finally, I prefer this car
because it matches my lifestyle needs and also because it's stylish and modern. Plus, Honda
vehicles are known for durability, which makes them a good investment. It's indeed the kind
of car that would suit me best.

3. Describe a time when you received money as a gift (birthday, wedding)

You should say:

• When it happened

• Who gave you money

• Why he/she gave you money

And explain how you felt about it.


I’m going to talk about the time that I received cash as a gift.

If I’m not mistaken, it was my 18th birthday that my parents gave me money as a present.
Since the first time the airpods 2 were released, I always wanted to have them. However, this
product is prohibitively expensive so I can’t afford to buy a pair. On the occasion of my
birthday as well as my high school graduation, my parents secretly accumulated money for
purchasing the airpods. It was the first time in my life that I received such a huge amount of
money as a present. My parents made my birthday a special day as the money was carried in
a beautiful envelope with my name on it. I was on cloud nine and so touched, that tears started
rolling down my cheeks. Next day, my brother and I immediately went to a mobile phone
store and bought the airpods. Out of excitement, I snapped a picture of the airpods and posted
it on Facebook to share my happiness to my relatives and friends.

I was really grateful for my parents for their affection and care they had shown me. I also
loved them because of their unconditional love and support. They understand my needs even
though I don’t tell them. That gift is indeed special to me but even more so is the person who
gave it to me.

4. Describe an impressive work of art you saw

You should say:

• Where did you first see the artist

• What the painting is about

• Who the painter is

And explain why you enjoy it.


To be honest, I’m not an art aficionado in any way so I rarely make a point of heading out to
exhibitions or museums, you know. So, I don’t know all that much about paintings. But today
I’m gonna tell you about a time I came across a piece of art online that left a huge impression
on me. It was a painting by a female artist who has really distinctive, unruly red hair. I don’t
remember her name because I’m lousy with names but I do remember the work. I saw her
video several months ago killing time on Facebook. In the video, she replicates the same oil
painting in 3 different time spans, 1 hour, 10 hours, and 100 hours. That’s the concept.

The painting is called "The Swordsman''. It depicts a soldier kneeling next to an enormous
old tree and behind him are hundreds of swords sticking out of the ground. The way I see it,
it’s about the aftermath of war and the consequences: one man lives but his comrades have
all fallen. She had to create this painting within those 3 different time durations. And the more
time she had, the more complicated the painting got. In particular, the tree bark patterns on
the tree got more shading and sophistication. Also, the layering of colors became more
complex gradually and it brought out a new depth, a greater sense of weight and space. I
admire this artwork not only for the visual impact but also for the creativity of the painter as
she invented a completely new approach to painting which transcends traditional art spaces
and reaches global audiences through the internet. That might be a bit much but it was a cool

5. Describe a product that you would like to buy in others countries

You should say:

• What product it is

• When you want to buy it

• Whether it has any special feature

And explain why you want to buy it.


One product I’ve had my eye on for a while is a wheel of parmesan cheese. Everyone knows
parmesan - it’s made in Italy and is known for its crumbly texture and typically it’s a topping
on pizza and pasta. It’s one of the more famous ingredients in Italian cuisine and I really love
the earthy taste. When I found out that it comes in a wheel, it blew my mind because that
means that I can get a year’s supply of cheese all at once, haha. The wheel itself is of a
brownish yellow color and the surface - the rind I think it’s called - is smooth, maybe a bit
grainy, to the touch.

I hope to buy a parmesan wheel before the end of the month because I’m planning a big dinner
party with some friends from work soonish. I’m hoping to make some Caesar salads topped
with parmesan cheese, a T-bone steak for the main served with roast potatoes, vegetables and
gravy and for dessert a tiramisu. Having the big wheel there is like a decoration all on its own
too and people can shave off the cheese they want for their salads.

6. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy.

You should say:

• What the photo looks like

• When and where you took this photo

• How often you look at the photo

And explain why it makes you feel happy.


The photo that never fails to make me smile is from way back - my high school graduation
ceremony. It's a snapshot that brings back a flood of happy memories. In the photo, I'm all
dressed up in the iconic graduation gown, complete with a funny-looking, square cap.
Standing alongside me is my closest friend, and we both have these huge grins on our faces.
We're holding our diplomas like they're the most precious things in the world - which they
were at the time. In the background, a bunch of our fellow graduates share in the jubilation,
creating a festive feel for the photo.

This photo was taken a few years ago, on a sunny June morning, right in the school courtyard,
a place where we’d had so many great times. The atmosphere that day was electric, and
everyone was buzzing as we prepared to step up on stage, get our diplomas and embark on a
new chapter of life. I don't look at this photo all that regularly, but I've got it a special place
in an album of important moments from my life. It's one of those pictures that I revisit to feel
nostalgic or when I need a reminder of what determination and hard work can achieve. It
gives me a pick-me-up.

This photo means the world to me because it marks a huge milestone in my life. It's a reminder
of all those late-night study sessions, cramming until nearly dawn, the challenges we faced,
and the incredible sense of accomplishment we felt that day. But more than anything, it's a
symbol of the bonds of friendship that got us through high school life together. My best friend
and I were like partners in crime, and this photo captures that sense of camaraderie perfectly.
It's visual proof that hard work pays off, and it fills me with a profound sense of pride and
happiness every time I take it out to look at it.

7. Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use

You should say:

• What it is

• What you got it for

• How often you use it

And explain how you feel about using it.


One piece of technology that I struggle to use is my motorcycle. I got it as a present from my
friend who told me that I needed one to get around town easier. However, it’s been almost 15
years since I last drove a motorcycle since I had gotten used to commuting on my bicycle in
addition to other modes of transport like taxis and buses. I enjoyed being on a bicycle
throughout those 15 years as it was a great form of exercise, better for the environment (as it
doesn’t need any fuel) and it was less expensive to maintain. Nevertheless, I tried going on
my new motorcycle and let me just say, it was a bit difficult to get it started.

It took me seven turns of the key to start the engine so that was taxing. What’s more, I almost
fell over many times trying to find my balance while accelerating. It was difficult for me to
find my sense of balance as I would swerve the steering wheel wildly from left to right.
Despite this, I would drive my motorbike at least twice a week to and from work and I had
gotten into a few close scrapes while on the road. Fearing for my life from that point on, I
then told my friend that I intended to sell the new motorcycle to someone else because I
couldn’t drive it at all. Needless to say, he was sad about it but he understood my predicament.
I guess I’ll stick to riding my bicycle to go to and from work.

8. Describe an important plant that grows in your country

You should say:

• What it is

• Where you see it

• What it looks like

And explain why it is important.


Rice is a significant plant that grows in Vietnam, a nation with a robust agricultural tradition
that dates back thousands of years. This plant is most commonly seen in the vast, flat deltas
of two major rivers, the Red River in the North and the Mekong in the South. These fertile
regions, blessed with rich alluvial soil and favorable climatic conditions, serve as the nation's
rice bowls, producing ample harvests year after year.

Rice holds an irreplaceable position in Vietnam's socio-economic fabric. It forms the

backbone of the Vietnamese diet, serving as a staple food consumed in every meal. Its
versatility allows it to be used in a variety of dishes, ranging from the simple steamed rice
served with other dishes, to the iconic 'Pho', a popular rice noodle soup.

More than just a food source, rice is also Vietnam's main export product, contributing
significantly to the national economy. It creates employment opportunities for millions of
Vietnamese people, either directly in cultivation or indirectly in related industries like milling,
packaging, and transportation.

Furthermore, rice cultivation plays a vital role in shaping Vietnamese cultural identity. The
image of farmers tending to their verdant rice fields is an enduring symbol of Vietnamese
diligence and resilience. Traditional festivals and customs are also tied to the rice planting
and harvesting cycle, reflecting the deep reverence that Vietnamese people hold for this
humble grain.

In conclusion, while it may seem like an ordinary plant, rice is integral to Vietnam's economic,
social, and cultural landscapes. Its impact stretches far beyond the fields where it grows,
touching every aspect of Vietnamese life.

9. Describe an important letter that you received

You should say:

• Who wrote it to you

• What the letter was about

• How you felt about the letter

And explain why the letter was important to you.


The most impactful letter I've ever received was the one from Foreign Trade University in
Vietnam. It was written by the university admissions department, confirming that I was
accepted to their Business program.

The letter mentioned that they had reviewed my application thoroughly and found it
impressive. They appreciated my academic achievements, my extracurricular activities
participation, and commitment expressed through my personal essay. The letter went on to
provide necessary information about my course commencement, registration process, and the
orientation schedule.

When I first saw the envelope, my heart swelled with apprehension. As I began reading the
content, my mood quickly swung from nervous to jubilation. I was over the moon; it was hard
to put into words those feelings of immense happiness and immense relief washing over me.

This letter held immense importance for me. This was a major milestone in my life: it was the
first step towards achieving my career aspirations and paving a path towards a successful
future in international trade. More importantly, it was a testament to my hard work, a
confirmation of my abilities and my potential. This letter, therefore, not only marked a
successful educational pursuit but also played a significant role in shaping my self-

10. Describe one of your favourite books from your childhood.

You should say:

• What it is

• Who is the writer of the book

• What was the story of the book

And explain why it is one of your favourite books from your childhood.


When I was a child, I was an avid reader of novels and fairy tales. I read many funny stories
to entertain myself after long study hours, and today, I’d like to talk about one of my favorite
novels, "Harry Potter" by J.K Rowling.

It’s a fantasy novel set in a magical world. Originally written in English, it has been translated
into many different languages, including Vietnamese. It garnered widespread attention
globally, leading to its adaptation into a movie. Many of my friends were passionate about
the book and recommended it to me, which is how I came to know about it.

The novel revolves around the adventures of Harry Potter and his two best friends at the
wizarding school named Hogwarts. They battle against the Dark Lord Voldemort to prevent
him from dominating the wizarding world and enslaving non-magical people. In the end, the
Dark Lord is defeated, and everyone lives happily ever after.

I was completely drawn into this story because it was so captivating. Every page turn unveils
new mysteries, and there are several plot twists that enhance the story's intrigue and drama.
Also, "Harry Potter" imparts valuable life lessons about friendship, courage, good, and evil.
Moreover, it serves as a means for me to escape the stresses of reality and immerse myself in
a fantasy world to unwind after school.

11. Describe a piece of furniture you own or you have at your home.

You should say:

• What it is

• Where you bought it from

• How useful it is

And explain why you like to use this piece of furniture.


Let me tell you about my favorite piece of furniture at home - my cozy armchair. I bought it
from a small, local furniture store downtown about two years ago. This armchair is incredibly
useful for a few reasons.

First, it's the perfect spot for reading. The comfort and support it offers make it easy to get
lost in a good book for hours. The backrest is just the right height, and the armrests are wide
enough to rest my arms or even place a small book or a cup of tea. Second, it's great for
relaxing and unwinding after a long day. The cushioning is soft yet firm, providing the perfect
balance for lounging. Sometimes, I even take short naps in it because it's just that comfortable.

I love to use this armchair because it’s my little haven of comfort. The fabric is soft and
inviting, with a warm, earthy color that fits perfectly with the rest of my living room decor. It
creates a cozy nook where I can escape from the stress of the day. Whether I’m reading,
watching TV, or simply sitting quietly, the armchair provides a sense of peace and relaxation.

Moreover, it has become a favorite spot for my family and friends as well. Whenever someone
visits, they always gravitate towards the armchair, commenting on how comfortable it is. It's
wonderful to see others enjoy it as much as I do.

To me, this armchair isn't just a piece of furniture; it's a central part of my daily routine and a
source of comfort and joy in my home.

12. Describe a handmade gift you gave to a friend or a relative.

You should say:

• What the gift was

• Who you gave it to and when

• How you made it by hand

And explain why you gave a handmade gift to this friend or relative.


When it comes to gifts, I really value the personal touch. So, one gift that comes to mind is a
handmade scarf I gave to my grandmother.

To describe a little bit about how it looks, the scarf was a long and cozy infinity scarf made
from a super soft merino wool blend. It was a beautiful shade of deep teal, which is my
grandmother's favorite color. I actually learned how to knit the scarf myself a few months
before her birthday. It took quite a while - knitting can be quite slow! - but I found the process
very therapeutic. I spent many evenings curled up on the couch, patiently working on each
stitch while watching my favorite shows. I was so eager to the day I could hand it to my
dearest grandma, who has sacrificed her own life for her offspring and also the person who I
found closest to me.

Speaking of the reasons why I decided to give her a handmade gift, some thoughts popped up
in my mind. Firstly, my grandmother has always appreciated the thoughtfulness behind a gift
more than the material value. She loves anything that shows time and effort has been put into
it. Secondly, my grandmother used to knit herself when she was younger, so I knew she
would appreciate the craftsmanship that went into the scarf.

And in fact, as I expected, as soon as she opened the gift and recognized the intricate knit
pattern, her eyes lit up. She told me stories about the scarves she used to knit for my dad
when he was a child. It was a really special moment for both of us.

To me, it wasn't just a gift, it was a symbol of the time and effort I put in to create something
special for her, and a way to connect with her through a shared love of crafting.


1. Describe a historical period/moment you would like to learn more about

You should say:

• When it was

• What you are interested in

• What you have known

And explain why you would like to know more.


When I was in school, history was a compulsory subject and me and my classmates had to
learn about key events in our nation’s history. However, there weren’t really any lessons
pertaining to global history in the curriculum so we missed out on learning about major
worldwide events such as the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution and the Cold War. One
particular period in history that I would like to learn more about is the era of European
colonization in the previous millennium. As suggested by the title, it was a period when
European kingdoms scrambled to colonize every part of land in the world to exploit various
resources to trade and consume. It took place between the 18th and 20th centuries and it
involved some of the heavy hitters such as Britain, France, Spain, Portugal and Germany.

During that period, those countries were in a race to occupy as much land as possible to
support their economy by mining that land for its resources. As such, they had to scour all
over the world for such precious land, going as far as South America and Asia. In the process
of exploiting that land, the colonizers had to hire the local people to do the work for them and
they were often subjected to poor treatment and abject brutality at their hands. Despite this, I
find it fascinating to learn about this particular period in history because of how much it has
shaped our present. For example, countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and Peru
have Spanish as their main language thanks to them being colonized by Spain. The same can
be said for Canada, America and Australia having English as their main language thanks to
British colonization.

2. Describe a time when someone apologised to you

You should say:

• When it was
• Who apologized you
• Why he or she apologized to you

And explain how did you felt after they apologised.


Not too long ago, I remember having my friend Rahul apologize to me. We had planned to
meet up, but he didn't show up and didn't even call. I was pretty upset because I had made
plans just to hang out with him.

After three days, he called me to apologize. He told me that he had a small accident that day
and had to be at the hospital. He said sorry for not being able to tell me about it at that time.
He sounded genuinely sorry and understood that he had made a mistake by not letting me

When Rahul apologized, I had mixed feelings. At first, I felt relieved knowing that he was
okay after his accident. Then, I felt a bit better because he realized his mistake and said sorry.
It's good to see a friend be honest and say sorry when they know they did something wrong.

But part of me was still a bit upset because I felt that he could've told me earlier. Still, I
understood that given his situation, he might not have been able to call me right away.

After his apology, we started talking more and our friendship got stronger. In my eyes, it
shows that sometimes even bad situations can turn into good ones when people are genuine
with each other. I believe a good "sorry" can make a big difference.

3. Describe a time you were late for a meeting.

You should say:

• When it happened

• What happened

• Why you were late for it

And explain how you felt about this experience.


About 5 years ago, I had to attend a meeting at my office but I was so late that I missed it
entirely. To give some context, I worked at a company that specializes in imports and exports
and the meeting was about a potential partnership with a new client that specializes in selling
salmon caught from Norway to the world. At the time, my company saw it as a golden
opportunity to expand its portfolio and to boost its revenue and they wanted me to attend the
meeting as I was an expert in the Norwegian fish market. The meeting was set to take place
at 3 in the afternoon at the office so there was no way I was going to be late right?

On that day, I had to go to the Canadian Embassy to apply around noon for a short-stay visa
because I was supposed to attend a trade expo in Vancouver the following month. However,
the application process was super long since I had to fill out numerous forms with my personal
details, my employment history and my financial details which took me about an hour to
complete. What’s worse was the line for applying was so long that I had to wait another 30
minutes to get to my turn to meet the desk officer to hand in my papers. To add to the
frustration, when I was done with my application and heading back to the office, there was a
massive traffic jam which was caused by a bus which toppled over. It took about 2 hours for
the traffic to clear and another 30 minutes to get to the office which at that point I had missed
the meeting entirely.

4. Describe an occasion when you wore your best clothes

You should say:

• What this occasion was

• What clothes you wore

• Why you chose to wear these clothes

And explain how you felt about wearing your best clothes.


To be honest, I'm not a fashion enthusiast, but whenever I have a special occasion with family
or friends, I often choose to dress up instead of wearing regular clothes to enhance my
appearance. Today, I’d like to talk about the time I wore nice clothes to attend my sister’s
wedding last year.

Initially, my sister chose a dress code of white and red to ensure harmony in our family photos.
Since I didn’t own a formal white or red dress suitable for a wedding party, I decided to go
shopping with my best friend, Tra. She has a good sense of style and is always up-to-date
with trends, so I thought she could offer me some useful advice on clothing and accessories
that would suit me perfectly.

We visited a fashion store near my house, where there was a wide selection of clothes in
different styles and sizes. My friend selected a full-skirted white dress with frills for me.
Initially, I thought it might be too tight, but it turned out to complement my figure, and I felt
elegant and feminine in it.

Upon attending the wedding, everyone's gaze seemed to gravitate towards me, and they
appeared pleasantly surprised by my appearance. Normally, I opt for casual attire such as T-
shirts and skirts or trousers, but on that day, I stood out in that dress and received numerous
compliments, which left me feeling ecstatic. In the future, I intend to dress up more frequently
to enhance both my attractiveness and confidence.

5. Describe an occasion when two of your friends had a disagreement

You should say:

• What they argued about

• Why they argued with each other

• What happened at the end

And explain how you felt about it.


There was a time when two of my friends, Huong and Trang, had a disagreement about where
to travel for our upcoming holiday.

Trang was keen on visiting Danang, a coastal city known for its sandy beaches and history as
a French colonial port. She was fascinated by its unique blend of cultures and was looking
forward to relaxing by the beach and sampling local seafood.

Huong, on the other hand, was an adventure enthusiast and wanted to travel to Sapa, a town
in the Hoang Lien Son Mountains of northwestern Vietnam. He was eager to go trekking in
the hills and explore the rich culture of the ethnic tribes that live there.

The disagreement escalated as both friends were passionate about their chosen destinations
and had strong reasons to support their choices. Trang argued that a beach holiday would be
more relaxing and provide a much-needed break from our hectic lives, while Huong
contended that a trip to Sapa would offer a unique adventure and cultural experience that we
would not find in a city.

In the end, we decided to spend the first half of our holiday in Sapa and then travel to Danang
for the remaining days. This way, we could experience both the tranquility of the beach and
the adventure of the mountains.

I felt a bit stressed during the disagreement, but I was glad that we could find a compromise
that catered to everyone's preferences. It taught me the importance of understanding and
considering everyone's views and desires when making group decisions.

6. Describe the first day you went to school that you remember.

You should say:

• When it happened

• Where the school is

• How you felt about the experience

And explain why you still remember the experience.


My first day of school took place around 19 years ago. I was joining the 1st grade at my local
school after being in kindergarten at a different place. The school was located downtown
about 15 minutes away from my home. It consisted of one main building and a courtyard
where students can play sports or outdoor games. It is also very green since there are many
trees and plants dotted around the walls of the school, thus keeping it from being visually
drab. The school has 5 grades from the 1st to the 5th with 3 classrooms for each grade. By the
end of 5th grade, students then proceed to middle school and then high school.

When I first arrived at my new school, I was greeted by my soon-to-be teacher and classmates.
The teacher was a lady named Ms. Wallace and she was very welcoming towards me. She
made sure that I was getting accustomed to the new environment and showed me around the
school. My new classmates were eager to talk to me as the new kid since they were interested
in where I came from and what my likes and dislikes were. Thus, I was able to make new
friends quickly. Shortly afterwards, there was an inauguration ceremony where the principal
made a speech about what it means to start school and how important it was to study in it. At
that moment I felt both unsure and excited about starting school because while I’ll get to make
lasting memories with my friends there, I also knew that I had to work hard to succeed in my
education which meant doing assignments and homework which I wasn’t thrilled about.

7. Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer.

You should say:

• When it happened

• Where it happened

• What the problem was

And explain how you solved the problem.


I remember a specific moment when my computer broke down. It happened around two years
ago - I was working at home thanks to a city-wide quarantine because of COVID. I was going
about my day when all of a sudden, my computer started lagging seriously and then just
completely froze. I restarted it a few times but no luck. Eventually I had to stop my work and
take my computer to a repair shop just right around the corner from my house. The owner
said that he’d have to take a day or two to figure out what the problem was and then let me
know if he could fix it.

The next morning, I got a message from the repair shop owner telling me to come down
because he had figured out what the problem was and it was fixed already. The owner told
me the problem was that the main processor chip was being overworked - overloaded because
it was outdated and I was running too many apps at one - and so it shut itself down, causing
my computer to freeze up. Fortunately, the owner replaced the old chip with a newer one, one
with better processing power that could ensure smoother operation and little lag. The new
chip didn’t cost much to install - just about 50 dollars. When I switched it on, it ran pretty
smoothly and I haven’t had any major issues with it since.

8. Describe a time you received bad service in a restaurant/shop.

You should say:

• When it happened

• Why you went there

• What happened in the restaurant/shop

And explain why you think their service was bad.


Just two weeks ago, me and my friends went to a restaurant called Le Beaulieu which
specializes in French cuisine. We went there to celebrate my promotion at the company I
work for and my friends were treating me to a nice dinner out. As we made our way in, a staff
member told us to wait since the restaurant was full. Naturally we settled down to wait, but I
noticed that another group of people managed to get a table before we did and that was a sign
of things to come. Still, me and my friends found a table shortly afterwards and we then
quickly decided what we were going to order.

We signaled to the wait staff that we were ready to order, but they ignored us for a full 10
minutes before they finally came to our table and took down our order. After 20 or so minutes,
our food and drink had arrived, but the staff seemed resentful for having to carry the food to
our table - that’s what I read on their faces at least. The food was decent, but it wasn’t enough
to offset the rather poor service we were getting that night.

The service at Le Beaulieu was rather poor that evening because the staff was inattentive and
a bit on the rude side. They prioritized other people that came after us for a table and they
were slow taking our order. Also, the staff didn’t show much of a positive attitude towards
their job, and that was reflected in the displeasure they expressed when serving our food.
Would I go to Le Beaulieu again? Probably not, at least not until they fixed their service
issues. I should mention that I’m a very sensitive person and often see perceived slights where
nothing is really going on.

9. Describe a time when you gave advice to others.

You should say:

• When it was

• To whom you gave the advice

• What the advice was

And explain why you gave the advice.


Some time ago, 5 years ago I suppose, I was shopping at a DVD store in my hometown
looking for an old movie. This was back when there were still some shops selling DVDs. I
was looking for something a bit different from the Hollywood cookie-cutter movies I was
used to. A couple of minutes later, another customer came into the store and was looking for
a movie to watch. He was a man named Bill who looked relatively the same age as me and
was also a cinephile. I asked him what kind of movie he was after and he wanted to watch
something that was heavy on drama and had a dark mood to it.

I then suggested Raging Bull, a classic American movie starring Robert De Niro. It's a dark
drama and has a depressing mood to it. He told me he had never seen it and was interested in
watching it since he heard it was one of the best movies ever made. I, having watched Raging
Bull before, told him that it was a masterpiece and that he should watch it and pay attention
to how it is shot and acted. Having taken my sage advice, Bill went ahead and bought the
DVD and then left the store. I gave this advice to Bill because he needed help with finding a
movie to watch and I suggested one he might like. He texted me afterwards to say that Raging
Bull was indeed a great movie and he would be thrilled to get more advice on movies from
me from then on.

10. Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something useful

You should say:

• Who you taught

• What/how you taught

• What the result was

And explain how you felt about the experience.


I remember a moment in my childhood where I taught my little sister how to play Monopoly.
I was 10 years old at that time and she was seven and I had gotten into playing Monopoly
with my friends from school. I enjoyed playing it since the objective was to earn the most
money out of everyone else in the game and who doesn’t want to do that when they grow up?
On a Saturday afternoon, I was playing Monopoly with my friends at my house and my sister
was watching me play. She saw how I and the others could earn or spend money while playing
the game and that caught her eye so she asked if she could play and I said sure.

I then proceeded to teach her what Monopoly was about which was to earn the most money
out of all the players. I showed my sister that the main way to do this was to buy a plot of land
which was represented by the squares on the board and then proceed to build houses or hotels
which allows you to earn money whenever the other players get to your plots since they have
to pay a tax to stay there. I also taught my sister the other ways to earn money such as buying
utilities like electricity, gas and water, buying train stations and passing Go on the board every
new time. Once she understood the rules, she got to playing Monopoly and already became
good at it. I felt proud to teach my sister a new game because in my mind it’s important to
have moments like this to forge a sibling relationship that will last forever.

11. Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted

You should say:

• What it was

• When you received it

• Who gave it to you

And explain why you wanted it so much.


A time when someone gave me something that I really wanted was on my 24th birthday. It
was a bottle of Estee Lauder's repair serum, a skincare product I had been eyeing for a while.
My best friend, Hang, knowing how much I was dying to have it, surprised me with this gift.

I had previously tried a sample of this serum and was blown away by its effectiveness. My
skin felt smoother, looked more radiant, and had an overall healthier appearance. However,
the full-size product is quite pricey, nearly 4 million VND, so I was hesitant to shell out that
much money on it. Even though I was keen to include it in my daily skincare routine, I always
found reasons to hold off on making the purchase.

On my 24th birthday, my best friend handed me a beautifully wrapped package. As I

unwrapped it, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the Estee Lauder repair serum. I was
over the moon and touched by her thoughtfulness. I had been raving about the effectiveness
of this serum for months, and she knew how much I loved the product as well as how reluctant
I was to buy it due to its price. She remembered all these details and picked the perfect moment
to surprise me.

Her gift was not only generous but also showed that she had paid attention to my desires and
went out of her way to make me happy. It was a gift that I will always cherish, not just for its
material value but for the love and care it represented.

12. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing.

You should say:

• When it happened

• How long you waited

• Why you waited for a long time

And explain how you felt about the experience.


I hate waiting. I guess everyone does but it seems to drive me in particular up the wall. I
remember one time when I had to make a decision whether or not to wait for a delivery on

In case you don’t know, Shopee is a popular e-commerce platform in Vietnam, which
provides consumers with a variety of products at very reasonable shipping fees. You probably
see the delivery drivers dumping off stuff at apartment building lobbies all the time. Around
three years ago I needed some skincare products to deal with chronic skin irritation so I went
on Shopee and bought some cream from Shiseido to treat my problem. It set me back around
10 dollars.

Originally it was supposed to arrive in 5 days but unfortunately, the shipping time was longer
than expected due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a consequence, although I debated
internally canceling my order, I ultimately decided to wait for it because I desperately needed
the product. It was a frustrating experience but I think the long wait was worth it. After 2
weeks, I finally received my order and my skin condition has improved since then and I’ve
reordered it a couple times.

Through this experience, I learned a valuable lesson in patience because as long as we are
persistent enough to wait for something, we have a good chance of getting what we want. I
guess I knew that before this experience but it did drive the point home.

13. Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person.

You should say:

• When it happened

• Who you taught it to

• Why you taught it to this person

And explain how you felt about it.


Just a few months ago, I had an unforgettable experience teaching something new to a younger
person. Specifically, my six-year-old nephew, Jacob.

Every summer, Jacob comes to stay with us for a few weeks and this summer was no different.
One of the recreational activities we enjoy during his visits is swimming. Everyone in the
family knows how to swim with the exception of Jacob. It was about time he learnt for
himself. I took up the responsibility of teaching him how to swim.

We started with a simple introduction to swimming, covering basic safety rules and making
him get used to the pool. Even though Jacob was quite scared at first, he slowly built up his

Slowly, week by week, this little boy began to go from one end of the pool to the other without
any help. It was a wonderful sight. The look of achievement on his face after every successful
step was priceless.

Teaching Jacob how to swim wasn’t just a good use of my summer break, but also a rewarding
experience. I felt a great sense of accomplishment, as he was learning a vital life skill and the
family shared the joy of his achievement. It also reinforced to me the importance of patience,
continuous encouragement and the joy in sharing your knowledge and skills with others.

14. Describe a party that you enjoyed.

You should say:

• When and where the party was held

• What kind of party it was

• What you did at the party

And explain why you enjoyed this party.


Well, I don’t go to all that many parties these days but there was one event that really stands
out, which was my cheerleading club’s anniversary party about a year ago. Since our club is
a cheerleading club and we always practice outdoors, the party was held at a practice field
near where we typically get together to go over our routines. The party was really simple, like
it wasn’t even jazzed up with lights or colorful balloons or anything so that gave it a relaxed
and chilled out atmosphere.

If my memory serves me right, it was to celebrate our club’s 5th year of operation so all past
members were invited. We sat around on cheerleading mats and snacked on fruit and potato
chips and other convenience store junk food. It was a casual get-together for sure.

During the party, we didn’t have any planned activities like games or musical performances.
We just sat around in a circle, sharing stories and catching up about what had been going on
in our lives. What made the party so enjoyable was the mix of people and getting to know
some of the older members of the group - I say “older” - I mean the original founding members
really. So not only did we get to catch up with old friends, we also had a chance to make new

At the end of the day, even though our club didn’t hold a spectacular event to mark the
occasion, we still had a great time together because it was an evening filled with laughter,
good conversation, and a feeling of togetherness. Also, the outdoor setting, the relaxing,
carefree atmosphere as well as the food was nice, and it stands out now as one of the most
memorable experiences during my time at university. So I’m really looking forward to many
more such gatherings in the future.

15. Describe an experience when you lost something.

You should say:

• What you lost

• When and where you lost it

• What you did to find it

And explain how you felt about it.


I once lost a booklet containing valuable stamps from the past century issued by the Royal
Mail in the UK. Actually, this only happened a couple of months ago. It was a Christmas gift
from my uncle who is an avid collector of stamps and wanted to pass on that hobby to me
since he liked me so much. I kept that booklet on the bookshelf in my room and have not
touched it since. However, when the time came to clean my bookshelf because it was
gathering dust, the booklet of stamps somehow vanished.

Naturally, I just had to find it and in doing so I scoured far and wide in my apartment. I went
to every room, dug through every shelf and looked in every nook and cranny where it would
be possible for my booklet of stamps to hide; yet, that elusive booklet was nowhere to be
found. I asked my parents if they had seen the booklet anywhere and they said no with the
last place they saw it being on my bookshelf. When I told them I lost my stamp collection,
they immediately started to help me find it by looking everywhere like I did. However, after
15 minutes of searching, we decided to give up and deem the booklet as lost forever. I felt sad
at that time to lose that collection because not only was it a really interesting gift from my
uncle but also the stamps themselves were really cool. Some of them were dated as far back
as the 1900s, which goes to show how cool they were. When I meet my uncle, I’ll actually
feel afraid to tell him that I lost those stamps because they really meant a lot to him.

16. Describe an astronomy event you saw

You should say:

• What the event was

• When and where you saw it

• Who you were with

And explain how you felt about this event.


A few years ago, I saw something cool in the sky called a total lunar eclipse. This happened
on January 21st in 2019. A lunar eclipse is when the Earth gets between the Sun and the Moon
and makes the Moon look red. That's why some people call it the “Blood Moon.”

I was in the countryside visiting my grandparents when I saw this. The night sky there is clear
and beautiful, better than in the city where I live. You can see the stars and moon shining
brilliantly. That night, it was cold but the sky was clear - perfect for seeing the eclipse. I was
out in the backyard looking at the sky, feeling really excited.

I was with my younger brother when we saw it. My grandparents had gone to bed, but they
told us to dress warmly. We held hot chocolates to stay warm and sat outside wrapped in
blankets, looking at the changing moon. We used my grandfather's old telescope to get a
closer look at the eclipse.

It felt pretty special to see a lunar eclipse, and it made me realize how huge the universe is
and how tiny we are. I think about that night a lot when I look at the night sky. I'm grateful I
got to see such a beautiful thing in nature with my brother.

17. Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn't like

You should say:

• When and where it happened

• Who he/she was

• Why you didn't like this person

And explain why you were friendly to him/her on that occasion.


This story takes me back to a pair assignment I had to do with a classmate at university about
a year ago. At the time, I was studying a subject called Public Speaking and as a requirement
of the lecturer, I had to work with another person to prepare for a presentation. Normally we
could choose our partner, but somehow that time, my lecturer decided to pick 2 names
randomly from a list and unfortunately, I ended up paired up with Ly, the last person I wanted
to work with.

Now, let me explain why I really didn't like her. First off, she was incredibly lazy and
irresponsible. Many of my classmates had worked with her before and they all said she was
the weakest link in their teams. She never finished her tasks on time, always had excuses, and
never took responsibility. As someone who cares a lot about my studies, I couldn’t stand the
idea of getting a bad grade because of someone else’s faults. On top of that, she was kind of
mean, always talking behind people's backs, which I absolutely hate.

Working with her was tough, but I had to suck it up and find a way to cooperate for the sake
of my grades. I tried to be as nice and friendly as possible. When she showed signs of laziness,
I encouraged her and gave her compliments on her work. I was also careful with my words
during our discussions to avoid hurting her feelings.

Thankfully, in the end, everything turned out okay. We got a pretty good grade for our
presentation, and I was really relieved.

18. Describe a period of time that changed your life in a good way.

You should say:

• When it was

• Who you were with

• What happened at that time

And explain why it changed your life.


The one period of time that changed my life for the better that really sticks out to me was
when I went off to college in the UK for 3 years. Around the autumn of 2015, after barely
graduating from high school, I then decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry in
London. It was a big change for sure, but it was one where I was willing to give it a go because
I wanted to go abroad to study and experience a new environment. So, I went off on my own
to London Metropolitan University and settled down in a dorm with 100 other students.

One positive change that happened during this period was I became more confident in talking
to people. During high school, I was somewhat reticent to talk to people because I was afraid
of being judged. However, the people I talked to at my college were very friendly and open-
minded so I was more open to communicating with them and thus I became more assured of
myself in my ability to socialize. Another positive change that happened was I became more
disciplined with my schoolwork. Back in high school, I was in the habit of leaving
assignments to the last minute because I didn’t really want to do them, especially when they
were due so far into the future. At this time however, I started doing my assignments a week
or two before they were due so that I would have more time for myself and not feel stressed
out from procrastinating.

My time in college made me a better person because I became more confident in making
friends and I became more dedicated and focused on doing my work to the best of my ability
- no excuses. I’m hoping that these changes will stick.

19. Describe a depression period you faced

You should say:

• When this was

• What caused you to feel this way

• How long this period lasted

And explain how you overcame this period.


There was a time in my life, specifically during my second year at university, when I went
through depression. It was a tough phase of my life that lasted for about six months.

The cause was a mix of things; the pressure to do well, struggles with building new friendships
in a new city, and homesickness all contributed to my feeling of depression. There was a sense
of loneliness and isolation that was new and challenging for me.

This period seemed to last forever at that time, but in reality, it stretched across six months.
The days felt heavy and the notion of being cheerful felt distant. It was a time when even
small tasks felt overwhelming and motivations were simply hard to come by.

The recovery process was gradual and took time, but there were a few things that helped me
come out of this period. The first was reaching out to my family and explaining my situation.
They provided me immense emotional support and helped me recognize that it's normal to
experience ups and downs.

The second important step was seeking professional help. My university had counseling
services and I started attending regular sessions. It was during these sessions I realized that
my feelings were valid and that seeking help was the correct thing to do.

Looking back, this period was definitely tough but overcoming it has made me stronger and
taught me the importance of mental health. It's okay to ask for help when you need it and it's
crucial to take care of yourself both physically and emotionally.

20. Describe a time you encountered a weird event
You should say:
• What it was
• When it happened
• Why it was weird
And explain how you felt about it.


Have you ever had one of those experiences that just leaves you scratching your head? Like,
you can't quite explain what happened? Well, I had this strange encounter a while back that
still gives me the chills...

It was a late summer night, a few years ago. I was house-sitting for a friend in a remote area
out of the city where I’m living now, surrounded by sprawling fields. The sky was a
breathtaking canvas of stars, and I decided to take a walk to soak it all in that night.

As I ventured deeper into the field, I noticed a faint, flickering light in the distance. It pulsed
with an irregular rhythm, unlike any airplane or helicopter I'd ever seen. It moved erratically,
darting across the night sky before hovering in one spot. Curiosity piqued, I quickened my
pace, phone clutched in my hand, hoping to capture a video.

The closer I got, the weirder it became. The light wasn't round or bright, but an amorphous
blob of shifting colors. It emitted a low hum that sent shivers down my spine. The rational
part of my brain told me it was a drone or some experimental aircraft, but the erratic
movement and unsettling hum defied explanation.

A sense of unease crept over me. The further I ventured, the more isolated I felt. The silence
of the night was broken only by the hum of the light and the frantic pounding of my heart.
Finally, common sense prevailed. I decided it was best to retreat to the safety of the house.

Back inside, I frantically searched online for any reports of strange lights in this area. Finding
nothing, I was left with more questions than answers. The experience left me shaken but
strangely exhilarated. It was a reminder of the vast unknown that surrounds us, and the
possibility that there are things beyond our current understanding.

21. Describe a natural disaster in your country/ region.

You should say:

• What kind of disaster it was

• Where it happened

• What the consequences were

And why you remembered it.


Vietnam experiences many natural disasters, but the most memorable for me were the central
Vietnam floods in October and November of 2020.

According to the weather forecast, these weren't ordinary floods. They were caused by a
combination of factors including several tropical depressions and typhoons. The relentless
downpours caused overflowing rivers and devastating floods across central Vietnam, from
Quang Binh province all the way down to Quang Ngai province.

When it comes to the consequences, I have to say that they were heartbreaking. The floods
caused widespread damage to houses, infrastructure, and crops in two provinces. Over 290
people lost their lives and many more were left homeless. Seeing the images of entire villages
submerged under water and the stories of people who lost loved ones was truly devastating.

This event is unforgettable for people in the whole country. First to say, the sheer scale of the
disaster was unlike anything Vietnam had seen in recent history. The relentless storms and
continuous flooding left people feeling helpless. Besides that, the impact on the community
was immense. It highlighted the vulnerability of people living in central Vietnam to these
extreme weather events.

In the aftermath, the Vietnamese spirit of resilience shone through. People came together to
help each other rebuild their lives. The experience served as a wake-up call about the
importance of disaster preparedness and climate change mitigation efforts in Vietnam.


1. Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport

You should say:

• Where you went

• Who you were with

• What you did

And how you felt about it.


I’d talk about a tour around Hanoi on a double-decker bus. This journey took place on
National Unification Day, April 30th, a significant holiday in Vietnam.

I went on this adventure with my best friend, and we were thrilled because the tickets were
free in celebration of the holiday. The double-decker bus took us past more than 20 famous
sightseeing spots in Hanoi, including Uncle Ho's Mausoleum, the Hanoi Flag Tower, and
Tran Quoc Pagoda. Sitting on the top deck of the bus, we had a fantastic view of the city and
its landmarks. It was the National Unification Day so the streets were adorned with colorful
banners and flags, and there were flowers everywhere. Plus, many people out and about,
music filled the air, with traditional Vietnamese songs playing. The weather was spot on, with
a clear sky and a gentle breeze, making the trip even more enjoyable.

As we cruised by each site, a guide provided interesting historical facts and stories, which
really deepened our understanding of Hanoi's rich cultural heritage. We snapped loads of
photos, especially when the bus stopped for short breaks at some of the key spots. One of the
highlights was visiting Uncle Ho's Mausoleum, where we took a moment to pay our respects
and take in the solemn atmosphere.

The entire journey was both educational and fun. It was wonderful to see the city from a
different angle and to share the experience with my friend. It was an experience that will stick
with me forever.

2. Describe a routine you have in your life that you enjoy

You should say:

• What it is

• How often you do it

• Whether it is easy to stick to that routine

And explain how you feel about it.


Well, I am a health-conscious person. Therefore, I definitely have a daily routine, which I

find most beneficial for my health. It’s doing yoga.

Yoga is an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing.
After a long time worrying about my weight, I have decided to take up this sport to shed some
pounds. I intend to do yoga on a daily basis in the morning so I try my best to wake up early
and spend at least 15 to 30 minutes on this activity. Needless to say, this practice requires
people to be patient as there are many steps to do. First is wearing yoga clothes. Next is doing
some stretches to warm up. I prioritize some exercises related to burning calories or promoting
my spine and bones because they can help me to boost both physical and mental health. On
top of that, I feel really thankful for myself owing to my little but determined effort to turn
yoga into my daily ritual. It’s not a piece of cake to stay in this habit, but just thinking that a
couple of minutes spent on a yoga mat will bring immediate and irrefutable benefits motivates
me so much.

Now, I feel a lot sprier, and my energy levels are up. My endurance has been enhanced
significantly, I can exercise for longer and get lean more easily without interrupting any
biological mechanism of my body like fasting or going on a diet. More importantly, my mood
has improved a lot. I gradually feel calmer and less mentally ill. Therefore, it is 100% that I
still want to stick to this routine thanks to its advantages to my health in the future.

3. Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time

You should say:

• What it is

• How often you do it

• Why you do it

And explain why you think it wastes your time.


In addition to work and daily routines, I engage in various activities purely for enjoyment
every day. Today, I would like to discuss my habit of surfing social networks. Given my busy
schedule, I typically log into my Facebook account and browse through the news feed during
spare moments, such as after work or during my lunch break.

There are several reasons why I often find myself browsing social networks. Firstly, it enables
me to stay updated on current events related to politics, law, education, and social issues.
Furthermore, social networks facilitate staying connected with friends through messaging and
commenting on posts to update one another's statuses. Moreover, I find social networks to be
an effective means of relaxation because there is a lot of funny content on this platform.
Whenever I feel stressed or depressed, I often watch it to relieve stress and recharge my

However, I acknowledge that I am addicted to social networks. I often dedicate a significant

amount of time to mindlessly scrolling through my news feed for entertainment purposes
rather than seeking out useful information. For example, I can spend hours consuming trivial
news about celebrities that hold little relevance to my life. Recognizing this, I believe I should
make an effort to reduce my online time or prioritize engaging with more beneficial content
on social media platforms.

4. Describe something interesting you would like to do

You should say:

• What it is

• Where and when you do this

• Who you share the activity with

And explain why you would like to do it.


The interesting activity that I would like to do in the future is to learn scuba diving. This sport
has always fascinated me. The wonderful pictures and videos of an entirely different world
beneath the sea, full of colorful reefs and a variety of wildlife, have always sparked my
curiosity. Being able to experience first-hand, to actually swim among the fishes and hold a
seashell in my hand, is something entirely different.

I haven't had the chance to do this yet, but I plan to learn scuba diving once I have some free
time. I would specifically like to plan a trip to Phu Quoc for the activity. I would like to share
this activity with my best friend, who also loves adventure and exploring new places. Plus,
having someone you know with you makes such experiences even more memorable.

I would like to do this for several reasons. First is my love for the ocean and the creatures that
inhabit it. I believe it will be an amazing experience seeing them in their natural habitat. More
importantly, I believe that experiencing the beauty of the underwater world first-hand will
make me appreciate it even more and motivate me to engage in its preservation. The ocean is
a part of our world that a lot of us typically ignore, but we shouldn't underestimate its
importance and the role it plays in our survival here on the Earth.

5. Describe an activity that made you feel tired.

You should say:

• When and where it took place

• Why you took part in it

• What the activity was

And explain why it made you feel tired.


I once took part in a marathon almost 5 years ago, a hellish experience. It was the annual
Hanoi Marathon where competitors run 42 kilometers around the city and the first person to
cross the finish line wins the race - that goes without saying. The race track spans all the major
central districts of Hanoi - Hoan Kiem, Ba Dinh and Tay Ho to name a few. Some of it even
cuts through small alleys to make the race more challenging and unique. I took part in the
marathon because I thought it would be a nice challenge for me and I needed to get in the
exercise at the time. I was pretty out of shape back then and my cardio and endurance were
poor to say the least.

The start and finish line was next to Hoan Kiem Lake. We all started the run at 10 in the
morning. In order not to tire myself out too early on, I paced myself. After all, it’s not a big
deal if I don’t finish 1st; all that matters is just finishing the race. And finishing first wasn’t
really on my mind… I managed to run for about 4 hours and 10 minutes covering the full 42
kilometers and by the end I was properly knackered. My legs were shaky and I was struggling
to catch my breath for a while. I was tired because running for 42 kilometers without stopping
was just too much for my body to handle. Perhaps I should wait a while until giving another
marathon a shot.

6. Describe an activity that you enjoy doing alone in your free time.
You should say:
• What it is
• How often you do it
• Where you do it
And explain how you felt about it.


I’m an avid reader so I’d go with reading as my all-time favorite activity when I’m on my
own. I've made it a part of my daily routine to read, even if it's just for a second. On average,
I'd say I spend about an hour or two completely absorbed in the pages of a good book every
day. It doesn't matter if it's a gripping novel, a thought-provoking non-fiction book, or even
some soothing poetry; I'm up for it all. I like changing it up too so that I don’t get bored of
the same genre.

My favorite reading spot… is this cozy corner in my bedroom near the window. I've created
a small reading nook there with a comfortable armchair, a small blanket, and a well-organized
bookshelf. It's the perfect spot for me to forget my worries and escape into a good book.

The thing about reading that really pulls me in is how it transports me to different worlds and
allows me to explore varied cultures, historical eras and perspectives - all within the confines
of my imagination. It's like taking an imaginary trip that broadens my horizons and fosters
empathy. Secondly, reading is my go-to stress reliever. When I open a book, it's like waving
goodbye to all the worries and stresses of the day and diving into the author's world where
none of that stuff is relevant. It's a form of healthy escapism that helps me recharge and face
life. I think of it as healthy because I learn more than I would just messing around on my
phone. Every book I read contributes a bit more to my understanding of the world, and it's a
fantastic way to build and exercise my vocabulary.

For me, reading is a beloved solo activity because it offers me an escape, broadens my
horizons, relaxes me, and satisfies my innate curiosities about the world. It's a habit that I
treasure deeply, and honestly, I can't imagine a life without the sheer joy of reading.

7. Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else.

You should say:

• What the activity was

• Who you were with

• When and where it happened

And explain how you felt about it.


One exhilarating activity that stands out in my memory is a snowboarding trip I embarked on
with my best friend, Mary, during a winter vacation a couple of years ago. It’s a sport that
I’ve always been eager to try out but never really had the chance here in Vietnam where
there’s hardly any snow to speak of. We chose to go snowboarding on the stunning slopes of
Hakuba Japan Ski Resort - a renowned ski resort in Hakuba Valley, Japan.

It was the peak of winter, with the snow-covered mountains creating a picturesque backdrop
for our trip. The crisp mountain air and the breathtaking scenery set the perfect stage for an
unforgettable day. As we strapped on our snowboards - or our feet rather - and prepared to
descend the slopes, a mix of excitement and nervousness surged through me. Mary and I, both
beginners at snowboarding, decided to take a lesson to grasp the basics. Our instructor guided
us through the fundamentals, teaching us how to balance, turn, and stop on the snow-covered

Once we felt somewhat confident, we embarked on our first descent down the intermediate
slopes. The rush of wind against my face and the feeling of gliding down the mountain with
the snow crunching beneath my board was indescribable - well I guess I just describe it
actually. Our initial anxiety transformed into sheer joy and a sense of accomplishment as we
navigated the slopes together.

Sharing this adventure with Mary not only made it more enjoyable but also created lasting
memories. We laughed at our falls, cheered each other on, and celebrated our triumphs. The
adrenaline rush, combined with the breathtaking scenery and the camaraderie, made it an
unforgettable experience that left me with a profound sense of exhilaration and

accomplishment. It also ignited a shared passion for adventurous pursuits and now we’re
always on the lookout for a new skill to learn in an unfamiliar environment - we just have to
earn enough to afford these lavish trips!


1. Describe a historical building you have been to
You should say:
• Where it is
• What it is used for now
• What you learned there
And explain how you felt about this historical building.


If you ask me, one historical building I’ve been to is the Thang Long Citadel in Hanoi,
Vietnam. This ancient citadel is located in the heart of the city and is a significant landmark
with a rich history dating back over a thousand years.

The Thang Long Citadel is an awe-inspiring site with massive stone walls, ancient gates, and
beautiful gardens. The architecture is a mix of traditional Vietnamese and French colonial
styles, reflecting the different eras of its long history. The main gate, Doan Mon, is
particularly striking with its grand arches and intricate carvings. The central flag tower, which
rises above the citadel, offers a panoramic view of the surrounding area.

Today, the Thang Long Citadel serves as a museum and cultural site. It’s used for various
cultural events, exhibitions, and educational programs. The place provides visitors with a
glimpse into Vietnam's history, with impressive artifacts, ancient relics, and historical

I visited the Thang Long Citadel during a field trip for an interpreting course with my lecture.
During this visit, I picked up a lot about the history of the citadel, including its significance
as a political and cultural hub throughout different dynasties. I also learned about the
excavation process that unearthed many of the ancient artifacts on display. The trip provided
a deeper understanding of Vietnamese heritage and the resilience of its culture through the

It was fascinating to walk through the same grounds where emperors once ruled and to see
firsthand the remnants of a bygone era. This experience really boosted my appreciation for
Vietnam's rich history and cultural legacy.

2. Describe your favourite place in your house where you can relax

You should say:

• Where it is

• What it is like

• What you enjoy doing there

And explain why you feel favourite this place.


In my house, I have a special place where I can relax, which is my bedroom. To give some
context, I live in a three-story house with my parents right by a small alley. It is painted white
on the outside and it has a small garden at the front of it. On the inside, the house has a living
room, an atrium, a dining room and the kitchen on the ground floor. Go one floor up and
you’ll find my bedroom, my dad’s office, a bathroom and my parents’ bedroom. When you
reach the top floor, there’s a guest bedroom and a storage closet. Like I said before, my
bedroom is on the second floor at one end of the hallway.

In my bedroom, there is my bed which is on the bottom right corner of the room. I also have
a TV and a PlayStation 4 directly facing the bed which allows me to comfortably watch TV
or play games on my bed. Right next to the TV is my desk where I do my work and on the
desk is a lamp and some of my mementos from childhood such as pictures from previous trips
and school certificates. Finally, on the left wall is my cabinet where all my clothes are kept.
Whenever I’m in my room, I would usually watch TV or play on the PS4 to pass the time.
However, on school nights I would do my homework and finish it as early as possible so that
I can have some free time. I feel relaxed in my room because it is my sort of happy place
where I can lie on my bed, decompress and escape from my problems for the time being.
Being in my room helps put my mind at ease.

3. Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study.

You should say:

• Where it is

• When you go there

• What you study there

And explain why you would like to study in this place.


When discussing a preferred place for studying, I'd like to mention my bedroom. It's a cozy,
brightly lit, and well-ventilated space, painted in my favorite colors, yellow and pink.
Furthermore, it's furnished with a small desk and a spacious bookshelf where I neatly organize
all my learning materials, including coursebooks, notebooks, and reference books, sorted by

I frequently study in my bedroom, often several times a week. During my study sessions, I
use this space to review teachers' notes on core subjects like math and literature and to
complete my homework or assignments. I also utilize this space to study subjects or fields I
enjoy, such as Chinese or horoscopes.

Personally, I find it easy to study in my bedroom because it is a personal space. It is decorated

in a way that appeals to me and suits my preferences, making me feel comfortable when
studying there. Moreover, it’s a distraction-free learning environment. Once the door is
closed, I can stay focused without worrying about outside noise that could distract me or affect
my concentration. Therefore, my productivity can be improved. Apart from that, I can easily
access anything I need for studying. Unlike at the library, when studying at home, I can
quickly grab the textbooks or notebooks I need.

All in all, my bedroom is a designated study area for me where I can find everything I need
easily and remain free from distractions.

4. Describe an interesting place that attracts few visitors

You should say:

• Where the place is

• How you got to know about this place

• Why only very few people visit there

And explain how you feel about this place.


Phu Quy Island is a hidden gem located in Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam. I first learned
about this intriguing place through a travel blog that focuses on lesser-known, off-the-beaten-
path destinations. The stunning images and compelling descriptions instantly piqued my
curiosity, and I found myself yearning to explore this uncharted territory.

One reason for the limited number of visitors to Phu Quy Island could be its relative isolation
and the effort it takes to get there. It involves a five-hour journey by boat from Phan Thiet
city, which can be quite daunting for some. Moreover, the island's infrastructure is not as
developed as other popular tourist spots, which could deter those seeking conventional
comforts and conveniences.

However, it's precisely this isolation and lack of commercial development that makes Phu
Quy Island so special. The island boasts pristine beaches with crystal clear waters, teeming
with vibrant marine life, making it an ideal spot for snorkeling and diving. The island's diverse
landscape, featuring rolling hills and lush greenery, is perfect for cycling and hiking. Its
tranquil atmosphere provides a much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.

What truly sets Phu Quy Island apart is its warm and welcoming local community. The
islanders lead simple, peaceful lives, largely reliant on fishing and small-scale farming. Their
infectious smiles, hospitality, and fascinating stories add a unique charm to the island that
can't be found anywhere else.

5. Describe a natural place (e.g. park, mountain)

You should say:

• Where this place is

• How you knew this place

• What it is like

And explain why you like to visit it.


Fansipan, often known as the "Roof of Indochina", is a majestic natural place I admire. It is
situated in the Hoang Lien Son Mountain range in the northwestern part of Vietnam,
specifically in the province of Lao Cai. I first learned about Fansipan through a travel
documentary that showcased its breathtaking beauty and challenging trek.

Spanning across a vast landscape, Fansipan stands tall at approximately 3,000 meters, making
it the highest peak in Vietnam. It is surrounded by a diverse ecosystem rich with thousands
of rare flora and fauna. The mountain is cloaked in lush greenery, with various vegetation
zones changing as the altitude increases. It's not uncommon to encounter clouds rolling across
the terrain, creating a surreal and mystical atmosphere.

The journey to the summit is a challenging but rewarding trek that can take two to three days.
However, for those less inclined to trek, a cable car system is available, offering stunning
panoramic views of the mountainous landscape.

What I adore about Fansipan is the sense of tranquility and accomplishment it offers. The air
at the peak is crisp and refreshing, and the panoramic view from the summit is simply
breathtaking. Overlooking the rolling hills, terraced rice fields, and winding rivers is an
unforgettable experience. The mountain also holds cultural significance, with several spiritual
landmarks, like temples and Buddha statues, adding to its allure.

Fansipan Mountain is a testament to nature's grandeur and resiliency, a place that fills me
with awe every time I visit. Its majestic beauty, coupled with the challenge it presents, makes
it a unique destination that I highly recommend.

6. Describe a beautiful city that you have visited.

You should say:

• Where you went to and whom you went with

• What it was like

• What activities you did there

And how you felt about this city.


Today I want to tell you about one of my fav places, which is Nha Trang, a coastal city in
Vietnam. I’d been eyeing this trip for quite a long time and last summer when I got some time
off and finished my deadlines up, I packed my bags and embarked on the journey with a group
of close friends.

Nha Trang is located in the heart of Khanh Hoa Province, and it is also the political, economic,
cultural, technological and tourist center of the region. With its long sandy beaches, crystal
clear waters, and stunning bays, Nha Trang has been listed as one of the most beautiful
beaches in the world by National Geographic and honored as one of the most attractive
destinations in Asia. The city is full of things to check out beyond the beaches too.

During the trip, I had the chance to enjoy fresh seafood at reasonable prices at some famous
eateries in town. The menus were quite diverse with different kinds of shrimp, crabs, and fish.
Also, I visited some tourist spots - Po Nagar Cham Towers was one - to admire ancient
architecture and sculpture. Vinpearl amusement park on Hon Tre Island was on my bucket
list too. We went on the slides, roller coasters, and even a pirate ship. Last but not least,
traveling from Nha Trang coastal city to the south we entered Ninh Thuan province to take in
breathtaking Vinh Hy Bay. Vinh Hy Bay is a charming and peaceful bay ensconced by both
mountains and blue skies. Being a bit under-the-radar, the bay is pristine and mesmerizing.

Visiting Nha Trang was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. If I have the chance, I'll definitely
go back - so maybe not once-in-a-lifetime actually…

7. Describe a place where you thought things were too expensive

You should say:

• What the place is like

• Why you went there

• Why things are expensive there

And explain how you feel about the place.


Last year, I visited a high-end shopping district in Ho Chi Minh city called District 7. This
district is renowned for its luxury stores, including the world-famous department store,

I was there mainly to experience the opulence and vibrancy of this popular high street. I must
admit, I was quite taken aback by the exorbitantly priced items in the shops - designer
clothing, jewelry, and even the restaurants were all incredibly costly.

The primary reason for this is the area's reputation as a hub for luxury and wealth. It's located
in one of the wealthiest districts in HCM and attracts tourists and high-end shoppers, who
don't mind paying a premium for quality and brand names.

Despite the high prices, I found the elegance and exclusivity of the area quite charming. It
was interesting to see such a concentration of wealth and luxury in one place. If nothing else,
it was an eye-opening experience that broadened my perspective. Still, I felt that the high
prices were somewhat unjustified and detached from reality, making it accessible only to a
very specific niche of consumers.

8. Describe a (city/country) you would recommend as a nice place to live (not your hometown)

You should say:

• What it is

• Where it is

• What you know about this place

And explain why you recommend it as a nice place to live.


I don’t want to brag about my own country, but Vietnam has many magnificent landscapes
that are must-sees for tourists. Today I want to share with you one of my favorites, which is
Nha Trang, a coastal city. Nha Trang is located in the heart of Khanh Hoa Province, and it is
also the political, economic, cultural, sci-tech and tourism center of the region. With its long
sandy beaches, crystal clear waters, and stunning bays, Nha Trang has been listed as one of
the most beautiful beaches in the world by National Geographic and honored as one of the
most attractive destinations in Asia. The city is full of destinations and entertainment facilities
to serve the needs of tourists.

Visiting Nha Trang is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many reasons. Along Tran Phu
Street, the most crowded street in Nha Trang, lies hundreds of beautiful cafes and seafood
restaurants. People can firstly enjoy fresh seafood with reasonable prices at some famous
eateries in town. The menu is quite diverse and plentiful with different kinds of shrimps,
crabs, and fishes. After seafood, tourists can satiate their food cravings with grilled Ninh Hoa
spring rolls (nem) with rice paper wraps and vegetables. Secondly, tourists can pay a visit to
famous destinations such as Po Nagar Cham Towers to admire ancient people’s unique skills
in sculpture and architecture. Tourists can also have fun at Vinpearl amusement park on
HonTre island, where they can spend their days at a five-star hotel and dine at luxury
restaurants, or enjoy thrilling games such as slides, roller coasters, or even a pirate ship. Last
but not least, people can find peace in mind when visiting the Budda statue in Long Son
Pagoda. This place enables tourists to learn more about religions in the nation. If the time
permits, I would suggest that travelers move from Nha Trang coastal city to the south to enter
Ninh Thuan province with Vinh Hy Bay, which is a charming and peaceful bay embraced by
both mountains and blue seas. Being under-the-radar of mass tourism, this bay is pristine and

9. Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time
You should say:
• Where the city is
• Why you want to go there
• Whom you will go there with
And explain why you will stay there just for a short time.


One city that I would like to visit for a couple of days is Manchester in northern England. It
is more specifically located in the northwest of the country, next to the cities of Liverpool and
Sheffield. Manchester is home to over 500,000 people, and it is often labeled as the industrial
and financial centre of northwestern England since it is where all of the major companies are
based for their operations in that area.

One thing I would like to do when I visit is watch a football game. Manchester is home to two
of the most successful football clubs in England, Manchester United and Manchester City.
I’m more of a United fan since I don’t like how City play the game and the way they conduct
business. It is a must for any United fan to make the trip to Old Trafford and watch players
like Marcus Rashford and Raphael Varane work miracles on the pitch. Another thing I would
like to do is visit the Science and Industry Museum as it highlights the pivotal role Manchester
played in the Industrial Revolution. I’ve been told that people can see exhibits of modern
technology at its earliest stages.

I like to visit Manchester with my friends because they are also interested in going there and
doing the things that I would like to do. My best friend Jon is a fellow United fan and he
wants to watch a football match at Old Trafford with me. I would like to visit this city because
not only is it a vibrant metropolis where there is always something going on, but also it is
helping to shape England’s cultural identity in numerous ways, whether it would be its music
or its long-standing sporting tradition.

10. Describe a place you visited with your friends where you had a good time
You should say:
• What the place is
• Who you went with
• When you went there
And explain why you think it is a good time.


I'm going to talk about Da Lat, a wonderful place I visited with my friends where we had a
fantastic time. Da Lat is the largest city in the Central Highlands region and one of the most
popular tourist destinations in Vietnam. It’s well-known as a romantic city with breathtaking
scenery and flowers in almost every nook and cranny. Additionally, Da Lat is unique because
you can experience four seasons in a day

The first time I went to Da Lat was almost five years ago when I was still in high school. My
final exams had just finished, and my friends and I decided to take a trip together to unwind
and celebrate. We stayed there for three days and two nights, exploring the city and its

During the day, we visited various places of interest and tried a variety of local foods. We
also took lots of photos to capture the beautiful scenery and keep memories of our trip. At
night, we strolled around the night market, snacking on street foods and shopping for

Da Lat quickly became my favorite place to travel, and there are several reasons for this. First,
it’s a green city with many tall trees and colorful flowers, making the air really fresh and
clean, which is a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of Hanoi. The weather in Da Lat is
comfortably cold all year round, which I found particularly enjoyable since I tend to get
sweaty quite easily. Moreover, the people in Da Lat are warm and friendly, and the food is

Overall, Da Lat offers practically everything one could long for in a relaxing vacation, from
stunning landscapes to a pleasant climate and friendly locals. The combination of its natural

beauty, cool weather, and the hospitality of its people makes Da Lat a perfect destination for
a memorable trip with friends.

11. Describe a place you have visited that is affected by pollution

You should say:

• Where the place is

• What the pollution was

• Why you went there

And explain how you felt about the pollution.


Last year me and a few colleagues visited Bai Chay Beach, which was a famous beach in Ha
Long City, Vietnam. My friends and I were all drained due to our hectic schedule from school
so we decided to take a weekend getaway there. We were all stressed out from writing our
final essays and taking the final exams so we thought it would be nice to decompress by going
to the beach and basking in the sun and water.

The beach is popular among both domestic and international tourists who can have a splendid
time walking under the sunlight and enjoying the refreshing atmosphere from the ocean.
However, as we approached the beach, we felt extremely awful as it was covered in plastic
that was carelessly littered by the beachgoers. There was a wide variety of plastic items that
could be found strewn about on the sand such as wrappers, bags, small boxes, lids and bottles.
The fact that people dump their waste with such little thought did not only destroy the scenic
beauty but also deteriorated the marine environment as fish and aquatic plants were slowly
dwindling in numbers.

As me and my friends felt we had to do something about it, we approached the tourist
department office and requested the director to keep this place clean by advising the visitors
and notifying them. All in all, after that experience, it dawned on me that environmental
protection isn’t the sole responsibility of the authorities but also individuals should join hands
since they are just as if not more culpable in contributing to the problem.

12. Describe the place where you took photos more than once

You should say:

• What the place is

• How often you take photos there

• What you photograph there

And explain why you like to take photos there.


There's a location near my hometown that I've visited and photographed multiple times. The
area is a park that sits atop a small hill, overlooking the city. It's not a famous tourist spot, but
definitely a place loved by the locals including myself.

Since it's within a reasonable distance from my house, I often find myself visiting this place,
probably once every two weeks or so. Each time I go, I carry my camera with me. I enjoy
capturing the serenity and scenic beauty of the location through my lens.

The park is full of numerous types of flowers and trees which I love to capture with my
camera. But the most attractive aspect for me personally is the magnificent view of the sunset
from atop the hill.

Besides the flora and sunsets, I also enjoy clicking pictures of the local people who visit the
park. Children playing, elderly people strolling around or couples enjoying a quiet moment
together - all these tell a unique story and it's these candid moments that I absolutely love to

The reason I prefer taking photos here is firstly, due to its raw and untouched beauty. Even
though I've been there multiple times, each visit brings with it a new perspective and I
discover something new to photograph. Secondly, I'm an outdoor enthusiast and feel at peace
when I'm in nature. This place provides me with the perfect blend of tranquility and natural
beauty that helps me relax and unwind.

13. Describe a noisy place you have been to.

You should say:

• What it is

• When you went there

• What you did there

And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place.


There was one time around 6 years ago where I went to a nightclub with some friends of mine.
We were there to celebrate making a massive million-dollar deal at our company with a new
client and we always did this whenever we made such lucrative deals. The nightclub was
called The Snail and it was a popular spot in the downtown area. Most of the patrons were
usually high society types - businessmen, politicians, stockbrokers and socialites. Sometimes
a celebrity would visit the club and they would attract the attention of everyone else there.
However, on that night, there was no such person there but the club was still buzzing all the

Like I said before I went to this club with my friends from work. They were Ronnie, who was
the VP of the company and Clint, the chief accountant. Ronnie was friends with the owner of
The Snail so he got us the VIP section. However, what I didn’t like about the club was the
noise level which was head-splitting. The music was playing so loud and the bass that was
pulsating through the speakers was so deep it almost felt like I was getting punched in the
chest. Even worse, what added to the noise was the constant conversations going on between
people in the club. The voices of the other patrons bounced around the walls which made it
very hard for me to hear my friends talking. As a result of this experience, I swore off going
to nightclubs and I now prefer going to bars or restaurants which are comparatively less noisy.

14. Describe a new development in the area where you live (e.g shopping mall, park…)

You should say:

• What the development is

• When/where you noticed it

• How long it took to complete it

And explain how you feel about it.


My hometown used to be a quiet place but it has changed a lot over time. There are many new
facilities and amenities constructed in this area, making it more vibrant and energetic. One of
them is Aeon Mall shopping center.

I first saw this mall when I visited my friend’s house. I was really impressed that the building
was extremely spacious and cutting-edge. This place serves for a multiple of purposes, where
customers can purchase a wild range of items from luxurious to popular brands from both
local and global merchandisers. The food stalls here are also very diverse as people can enjoy
the dishes of many countries around the world such as Japan or Korea. Nevertheless, what
interests me the most is the amusement areas for both adults and children, regarded as an ideal
place for people to let off steam at the weekend.

However, not everyone knows that it must took about 2 years to build this mall until it
officially opened to the public in 2019. Not a long time for a big project like Aeon Mall but
such a great effort.

All in all, I love this place for several reasons. For one, I can browse all the shops and buy
any items from clothes, cosmetics to foods. For others, Aeon Mall is also a suitable place for
me to spend quality time with my beloved ones, dropping by a coffee shop to chat with my
friends or having a cozy dinner with family at any eatery here.

15. Describe a small shop or store you often go to

You should say:

• Where it is

• What type of people go there

• What types of goods are sold there

And explain why you go there and like/dislike most about it.


The shop I'd like to talk about is a small family-owned bookstore located in the heart of my
hometown. It's positioned on a quiet street, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Despite
its location, it's surprisingly popular and attracts a diverse crowd of customers.

This bookstore is a common place visited mainly by book aficionados/book lovers from
various walks of life. The shop carries a rich collection of all kinds of books. From fiction,
non-fiction, autobiography to books on philosophy, science, arts and culture, it's almost like
a mini library.

There are several reasons why I frequent this bookstore. One is their incredible selection of
books. I also adore the warm and friendly atmosphere. The owners, an elderly couple, are
very knowledgeable and always ready to help you find what you're looking for or just engage
in a delightful literary conversation.

One thing that I'm not very fond of is the limited space. The bookstore itself is quite small,
and because of the multitude of books it houses, it can feel a bit cramped. But on the positive
side, I believe this adds to the charm and personality of the shop, making it a unique place to

The shop is like a refuge for book lovers, a place where you can lose track of time exploring
the world of words. Despite the minor constraint, I absolutely love going there for the peaceful
ambiance and the knowledgeable conversation with the store owners.

16. Describe a restaurant that you like to go to with your family or friends.

You should say:

• Where it is.

• Why you choose this restaurant.

• What kind of food you like there

And explain why you enjoy eating in this restaurant.


There's a place in my city that I absolutely love visiting with friends and family. It's a small
Italian restaurant situated in the heart of the city, conveniently located near most of the popular
shopping areas.

I initially chose this restaurant a couple of years ago for a family gathering, primarily because
of the raving reviews it had online. One visit was enough to fall in love with the place.

The restaurant serves authentic Italian cuisine, and my personal favourite is their Pizza
Margherita. The freshness of the thin crust, the tomato sauce, and the high-quality mozzarella
make it an absolute delight.

But it's not just the food that makes me frequently visit this restaurant. The ambiance is cozy
and comforting. The staff is super friendly and extremely professional. They make an effort
to ensure you have a memorable dining experience.

Further, the restaurant offers vegan options, which caters to my sister's dietary needs. This
consideration towards inclusivity certainly stands out for me.

In essence, the entire experience at this place is delightful, from the food and service to the
vibrant atmosphere. It's the combination of all these factors that make it my go-to place for
any celebration or get-together. Our family and friends have made many pleasant memories
at this restaurant, and we look forward to many more in the future.

17. Describe an area of your hometown that has recently changed quite quickly

You should say:

• Which area it is

• How it is changing

• Why it is changing

And explain how you feel about the changes.


Back to my childhood, I myself observed how My Duc, a small district in Hanoi City has
radically changed over the years.

Talking about the changes, it used to be mostly rice paddies and scattered houses. But, now,
there's a real buzz about the place. New apartment buildings are popping up everywhere,
along with modern shops and restaurants. There's even talk of a new shopping mall being
built on the outskirts.

Honestly, I have mixed feelings about it. You know, it’s too crowded here now, and I bet that
it may lose its serenity as usual and I don’t like the noise coming from vehicles or people
talking around me. Plus, the rice paddies that used to dominate the landscape are slowly
disappearing, and I miss the sense of tranquility that came with them.

However, positively speaking of the transformation, it's exciting to see the area develop and
offer more amenities. New shops and restaurants bring a welcome change, and it's great to
see more people enjoying the fresh air and peace surrounding my neighborhood.

Overall, it's a big change for our commune, and it will be interesting to see how it continues
to develop. Hopefully, they can find a balance between progress and preserving the unique
character of the area.

18. Describe a place (near where you live) where people go to swim

You should say:

• Where this place is

• What it looks like

• Why people choose to swim in this place

And explain how much people enjoyed going to swim in this place.


Vietnam is known for its stunning beaches, but there are also some hidden gems inland that
offer a refreshing escape from the summer heat. One such place is a small lake located in the
heart of the city, which is near my apartment.

Within the vast expanse of the gardens lies a tranquil lake known as Cốc lake among local
people. Surrounded by lush greenery and serene walkways, the lake provides a peaceful oasis
amidst the bustling city. The water is clean and refreshing, perfect for a leisurely swim or a
relaxing paddleboat ride.

On weekends, this lake comes alive with locals seeking respite from the city's heat. It is a
popular swimming spot for locals for several reasons. Firstly, its central location makes it
easily accessible for all people living there since it is in the heart of the neighborhood. Plus,
people from all ages can swim at no charge compared to almost all swimming pools
downtown. Another important thing to mention is that the tranquil surroundings offer a
welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. It is ideal to provide a variety of
activities beyond just swimming, including boat rentals, fishing, and leisurely strolls along
the scenic walkways. Especially in the afternoon of the scorching hot days, people around the
lake often organize some aquatic activities such as swimming competitions or water roller
ball besides regular swimming.

I definitely believe that it’s such a wonderful experience when swimming in that lake in


1. Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sport, music, etc…

You should say:

• What it is

• When you discover it

• Why you want to improve it

And explain how do you feel about it.


I’d say playing badminton. This talent was discovered by my dad when I was around five
years old. At that time, my dad used to play badminton with me in our backyard, and I quickly
picked up the basic skills. He noticed that I had good reflexes and coordination, which are
essential for the sport. As I grew older, I continued to play badminton casually with friends
and family.

You know what, there's a badminton competition coming up for students all over Hanoi city,
and my school's P.E. teacher put me forward to represent the school. This chance has really
lit a fire under me to step up my badminton game, as I aim to give it my all and do my school

To improve my badminton skills, I've devised a comprehensive plan. First, I aim to join a
local badminton club where I can hone my abilities through regular practice sessions and
challenging matches. Additionally, I'm drawn to the idea of taking lessons from a professional
coach. I think personalized feedback and tailored training regimen will undoubtedly elevate
my game to new heights. Furthermore, I'm eager to immerse myself in the world of
professional badminton by closely studying the techniques and strategies employed by top
players. Watching professional matches and analyzing their gameplay will provide invaluable
insights that I can incorporate into my own approach to the sport.

I'm really pumped about improving my badminton skills. Playing badminton has always been
a blast and a fantastic way to stay active and healthy. By stepping up my game, I hope to
clinch a top prize in the upcoming competition and push myself further.

2. Describe an important achievement you have made
You should say:
• What you achieved
• When and where you did it
• Why it was an important achievement
And explain how you earned it.


It was a breakthrough moment for me when I hit Level 5 of Vietnam’s Framework of

Reference for Languages (VFR) in English during my university days.

I reached this milestone during the Foreign Language Exit Exam, a pivotal requirement for
students at my university. The exam took place at the end of my third year, in one of the
university's large exam halls. Achieving this level was crucial because it fulfilled the foreign
language standards required for graduation. This certification not only ensured that I could
complete my degree on time but also demonstrated my proficiency in English, which is
essential for my future career.

Earning this achievement demanded consistent effort and a strategic study approach. I kicked
things off by tackling sample tests at home to get a feel for the exam format and pinpoint
areas for improvement. Practicing speaking with my peers was another key aspect of my
preparation. We conducted mock conversations and provide feedback to each other, which
greatly enhanced my fluency and confidence. Additionally, I used AI-based websites to refine
my essay writing skills. These platforms offered detailed feedback on grammar, structure, and
style, aiding me in fine-tuning my writing to meet high standards.

Reaching Level 5 was a rewarding experience that reflected my dedication and hard work. It
brought a sense of accomplishment and relief. Moreover, it boosted my confidence in my
language abilities and prepared me for future academic and professional endeavors where
strong English skills are essential. This achievement has opened up new opportunities and has
been a significant stepping stone in my educational journey.

3. Describe a good decision someone just made recently.

You should say:

• What the decision was

• When and where you made this decision

• What happened as a result of this decision

And explain why you think this was a good decision to make.


Today, I’d like to share with you a significant decision that my younger sister made recently,
which had a profound impact on her life. This decision was related to her results in the
National Entrance Exam.

At that time, she was a fresh high school graduate with little life experience and no specific
interest in any subject. She scored quite high in the exam, opening up many opportunities for
her. My family and I advised her to pursue a course in Economics at Foreign Trade University,
one of the leading institutions in Vietnam. However, numbers and formulas were not her
strong suit, so she was hesitant to follow our advice. While my parents emphasized the
potential for a lucrative career after university, she decided instead to attend Hanoi University
to study English.

She was very conflicted at the time, fearing that this decision might lead to unemployment or
a lack of marketable skills. My family tried to persuade her to follow the more conventional
path, but she was determined to take responsibility for her own choices. For the first semester
of university, she often wondered if she had made the right decision.

Fortunately, the outcome was positive. The enthusiastic lecturers at Hanoi University sparked
her interest in research and pedagogy, helping her develop her skills and passion for teaching
English. Now, she has a good income thanks to being a teaching assistant at an English center.

This decision turned out to be a good one because it allowed her to pursue a field she is
passionate about, leading to a fulfilling career and a happy life.

4. Describe a sport that you only have watched before but had not played by yourself
You should say:
• What it is
• When and where you watched it
• Who you watched it with
And explain how you felt about it.


One sport that I’ve only watched but never tried my hand at is Alpine skiing. The first time I
watched it was during the Winter Olympics in 2018, which I viewed on TV with my dad. We
were both intrigued by the event and decided to tune in together to see what it was all about.

We watched the competition from the comfort of our living room. The athletes maneuvered
down the snowy slopes with incredible speed and precision, and it was fascinating to see how
they navigated the sharp turns and steep descents. My dad and I were both glued to the screen
and marvel at the skill and bravery of the skiers.

I found the sport to be incredibly cool and exhilarating. The sight of the skiers racing down
the mountains, combined with the picturesque snowy landscapes, was truly captivating.
However, despite my enthusiasm for watching Alpine skiing, I've never attempted to try it
myself. It’s a challenging activity that requires professional training and specialized
equipment, neither of which are easily accessible in Vietnam. Although Vietnam has some
few ski play areas, none are suitable for the level of practice needed for serious skiing.

On top of the lack of facilities, the risks involved in Alpine skiing are quite high, with potential
for serious injuries if not properly trained. This further discourages my participation in the
sport. Nonetheless, I remain an avid spectator of the sport, eagerly watching competitions
whenever they’re broadcast.

5. Describe a special day out which didn’t cost very much

You should say:

• Where and when you went

• What you did

• What you spent money on

And explain why you enjoyed this special day out.


One time I was walking all across the center of town with a couple of my friends. It was in
the early afternoon and the sun was out hovering in the blue sky. My friends and I thought to
meet up for a chat by the park and we all got there after lunch. After a short chat we started
to walk around the park and saw what other people were doing as well as the variety of trees
that had grown there. 30 minutes passed and we then decided to saunter around the town
center for a bit to see what’s happening there.

When we got to the town center, there was a bazaar going on where everyone had something
to sell whether it would be food, jewelry, art or clothing. There were many people passing by
each stall looking for something to buy but in our case, none of us wanted to buy anything
because a lot of the items on sale either didn’t look appealing or they were too expensive.
Therefore, neither I nor my friends spent any money on that day. Still, we had a fun day going
out across town. It kind of goes to show that you don’t need to spend money to have fun while
you’re out and about.

6. Describe your favourite type of climate

You should say:

• What it is

• It is hot or cold

• How often the rain is

And explain why you like this type of climate.


The weather varies from region to region, but when it comes to my favorite climate, I would
choose a temperate climate. This type of climate is commonly found in European countries
like England, France, and Italy.

The weather in regions with a temperate climate is quite comfortable, neither too hot nor too
cold. Temperatures often range from about 20 to 25 degrees Celsius in the summer and don’t
drop too low in the winter. This allows people to engage in outdoor activities all year round
without worrying about sunburn, sunstroke, or being overwhelmed by freezing cold.
Additionally, the precipitation rate in these regions is not very high, with most rainfall
occurring in June, July, and August. During the other months of the year, there are just
occasional showers.

I really enjoy this type of climate because it’s not extreme. In the summer, it’s not excessively
hot, and in the winter, it isn’t freezing cold. I think that living in this kind of weather can be
beneficial for my well-being. Furthermore, it allows for a variety of outdoor activities such as
hiking, swimming, scuba diving, and skiing. Regardless of the weather conditions, there is
always something I can do with my family or friends to relax and relieve stress.

Overall, I find the temperate climate to be the most comfortable and enjoyable for me. In the
future, if I have the opportunity, I want to live in areas with temperate climates.

7. Describe an important river, lake or area of water in your country

You should say:

• Where in your country it is

• How big it is

• What it looks like

And explain why this river, lake or area of water is important for your country.


I am going to talk about Hoan Kiem Lake, one of the most iconic landscapes in the northern

part of Vietnam. Its name means "Lake of the Returned Sword”. The origin of the name is
from a mythical story that when the emperor Le Loi returned the holy sword to the turtle god
after using it to defeat Chinese invaders. Regarding the location, the lake specifically lies in
the heart of HaNoi - The capital city of Vietnam. Near the northern shore of the lake lies Jade
Islet, on which the Temple of the Jade Mountain (Ngoc Son Temple) stands. Jade Island is
connected to the shore by the wooden The Huc Bridge, painted vermillion red. The bridge's
name is poetically translated as "Perch of the Morning Sunlight. Hoan Kiem Lake seems to
be picturesque at all moments of the day, with gorgeous lighting onto the surface, along with
the peaceful and windy ambience. The lake is of great importance because of two reasons.
The first one is that the lake is the “history observer” of Vietnamese people with numerous
memories such as war time or historical events to pass down for the next generation. Second,
it is a wonderful place for both locals and tourists to gather, relax and experience a cultural
life of HaNoi and Vietnam in general, with a variety of traditional pastimes, regional
souvenirs and religious activities.

8. Describe a new law that you want to implement in your country

You should say:

• What law it is

• What changes this law has

• Whether this new law will be popular

And explain how you came up with the idea of this law.


In the legal system of Vietnam, there are many laws about business, the environment, and
crime to ensure society functions properly. However, I think that some new laws should be
introduced, and today, I’d like to talk about regulations on same-sex marriage.

Currently, in my country, same-sex marriages are not allowed by law. Same-sex couples can
celebrate traditional marriage rites in the presence of family and friends and adopt children,
but they are not legally recognized. Once this law is enacted, these couples will be provided
with legal protections and rights, such as inheritance, just like those in opposite-sex marriages.
Furthermore, this regulation will help prevent public discrimination against the LGBT
community, contributing to a more equal society.

I believe that the legalization of same-sex marriage will definitely go viral in the mass media,
as same-sex marriage and the LGBT community have been significant concerns in society in
recent years. Moreover, information about the LGBT community often spreads quickly on
the Internet and attracts much public attention. For example, there is news about individuals
coming out and their stories of bias and discrimination on social platforms. I’ve also come
across some of these stories on my Facebook account and feel sympathy for these people.

Additionally, many countries such as Canada, Germany, and France have passed laws
allowing same-sex marriage. That’s why I came up with this idea and I think this law will
have a positive impact in changing people's attitudes towards the LGBT community and
same-sex marriage.

9. Describe something that you did with someone/ a group of people.

You should say:

• What it was

• Who you did it with

• How long it took you to do this

And explain why you did it with one or more people.


When talking about doing something in groups, it’s not exaggerating that I’m quite
experienced. So today I will tell you about an activity I worked on with Hoa, a university
friend of mine.

To the best of my recollection, Hoa and I worked together as volunteer sellers at a fair
organized at the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology. Specifically, the fair started at about 7 am
and finished at 4 pm. Besides, there was also a 1-hour lunch break for all participants at 12
a.m. Our duties included managing the store we were initially assigned and selling handicrafts
made by the disabled for visitors, and we were thoroughly instructed by the store owner.
Despite that since I was completely out of my depth when it came to selling and persuading
people to buy things, I felt so confused and clumsy at first. Fortunately, thanks to the
enthusiastic support of my fellow volunteer and the store owner, I could overcome my
weakness and collaborate with them smoothly.

Standing from early morning till late afternoon, my feet were extremely painful and almost
numb but I was so proud of myself and blissful that our hard work paid off. Our products
were sold out in the blink of an eye. That day marked not only a record-high revenue of our
sales team, around 70 million Vietnam dongs but also the first time I worked in a group.
What’s more, I’ve learned valuable experiences and lessons, especially teamwork and
communication skills. I really hope I can have more opportunities to participate in such useful
activities in the future.

10. Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say

• When you had it

• Where you had it

• Whom you had it with

And explain why it was unusual.


I remember a meal I once had that was so unusual, it still gives me shivers to this day. This
was when I was on holiday in France about 5 years ago. I was there visiting a friend of mine
who lived in Provence, a region of France that is celebrated for its food the world over. When
we were together, we basically explored the region through its nature and its culture. We were
basically wining and dining our way through the French countryside while savouring the
landscape along the way.

One night, me and my friend were visiting a farmer who was a lifelong acquaintance of his
from childhood. He invited us to his house for dinner and he wanted us to try his nettle and
snail soup. It was made with snails, nettles, bay leaf, carrots and beef stock. When I smelled
it, it was so pungent that it almost activated my gag reflex but I was strong enough to hold it
back. Come dinner time and we were served with not only the soup but also some fresh bread,
roasted vegetables and some cold cuts. I tasted the soup and I’ll say this, it is an acquired
taste. It took some time getting used to but once I got the hang of it, I started to like it quite a
bit. Still, the thought of putting snails and nettles together in a soup was way too strange for
me to comprehend. Other than that, the dinner proceeded without a hitch and we were all
merrily eating and drinking away. The meal was rather unusual looking back since the
headlining dish of the snail and nettle soup was so foreign to me as a delicacy people would

11. Describe a website you often visit

You should say:

• What it is about

• How you found out about it

• How often you visit it

And explain why you often visit it.


A website that I like to browse almost everyday is Reddit. It is basically a website that hosts
forums for almost any topic that you can think of, whether it be the news, food, movies, music,
art, politics or science to name a few. It is a place where anyone can host discussions regarding
their favorite topics and people of disparate backgrounds can talk to each other about those
topics. For example, there is a forum on Reddit dedicated to Dungeons and Dragons and
anyone who plays that game can engage in conversations with each other about the rules and
characters of the game.

I first found out about it through my friends in high school who visited it pretty much
everyday. I was curious as to what they were browsing and they told me that they were on
Reddit, which hosts forums for almost everything. Seeing how it was designed and the kinds
of things they were talking about, I was interested in signing up and joining the conversation.
Once I became an official Reddit user, I subscribed to multiple forums about movies, music,
video games, food, international news, photography and cats. I now go on Reddit almost
everyday, although I don’t really make posts or comments on it. I’m what is described as a
‘lurker’, where I basically skulk around various forums to see what people are talking about.

I like going on Reddit because it is a great hub where people can come together to talk about
their favorite things. It is also a place where two people of radically different backgrounds
can become newfound friends over their shared love of a particular thing.

12. Describe an advertisement you have seen but you did not like

You should say:

• Where and when you saw it

• What the advertisement was for

• What you could see in the advertisement

And explain why you don’t like it.


These days, we see ads everywhere we go. Many are appealing and easily go viral among the
public, but there are some advertisements that irritate people like the commercial of the
Kangaroo corporation.

The first time I saw this ad was when the final match of Champions League between
Barcelona and Manchester United occurred several years ago. To be honest, I’m a die-hard
fan of football and a supporter of Manchester United football club, so when this team went to
the final match, I was so eager to watch them. Until now, the feeling of frustration still come
back to me when reminishing about that day, when the match took place and this ad
interrupted right after my father and I sat in front of the box.

To tell you more detailedly, this commercial is advertising the latest water purifier of the
Kangaroo brand. It is a vintage advert which is only 5 seconds long with quite loud jingles
and the slogan “Kangaroo - the best water purifier in Vietnam”. The ad uses only two colours:
yellow words and green background.

Indeed, this advertisement is quite tedious and ridiculous compared to recent ads which have
attractive visuals and hilarious stories. I can’t bear this ad as it appeared too many times before
the match and during the 15-minute interval with a lengthy duration of up to 30 times. At that
time, listening to the deafening sound of the commercial became such a sheer torture for me.

Although after the match, this ad caused a barrage of criticism among the public, the brand is
ironically still a common name in every Vietnamese household these days.

13. Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result

You should say:

• When it happened

• Who you complained to

• What you complained about

And explain why you were satisfied with the result.


One time, I was out having dinner with a friend at a bistro downtown. This was not long ago,
about five months. The bistro was near the city center square, a popular spot frequented by
both locals and tourists. They specialized in serving French and Italian cuisine, with their
signature dish being steak and fries. On this occasion, it was actually my first time at this
bistro despite hearing many good things about it. My friend recommended it to me, having
been a regular guest there for many years.

During the dinner, my friend encouraged me to order the steak and fries since it was the
restaurant's signature dish. I then ordered the steak and waited about 20 minutes, having high
expectations. When it arrived, it looked very appetizing, so I dug in. While the fries were
excellent, I was somewhat disappointed that the steak was a bit too rare. It feels a bit icky to
bite into something that isn’t well-cooked. So, I called the waiter and politely complained that
the beef was too rare for my liking. The waiter understood and quickly brought the steak back
to the kitchen. After 10 minutes, he returned with a medium-cooked steak, and it was very

Overall, I really appreciate the customer service at this bistro, especially the way the waiter
handled complaints. In the future, I will dine at this restaurant again.

14. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well

You should say:

• What it was

• When you heard it

• How you knew it

And explain how you felt about it.


Well, I received some good news from my soulmate Annie that she got a job offer from Apple,
which is a multinational tech behemoth in the world. You know, it is very competitive to land
a job in this corporation as it requires potential candidates to not only have outstanding
academic qualifications but also to attend in-depth interviews for hours, so I took a lot of pride
in her.

At that time, we were seniors at the university, and it was exactly in the middle of finals. To
be honest, we were up to our ears in finals and thesis. Needless to say, it was a nerve-racking
time because we felt vague about our future careers after graduation. Therefore, when I heard
the news, I knew that she could relieve her burden and stress.

Actually, she had applied for that position since the beginning of the semester, but she felt
insecure after having face-to-face interviews. I remembered that night, I suddenly got a call
from her, and she was so eager to tell me about that news. She said that she had been so
anxious when checking the inbox via email, and she couldn’t believe it when she saw that she
was hired. She even took a screenshot of her computer and shared it with me to confirm that
this piece of information was true. We were over the moon and talked to each other for more
than two hours regarding this news and our future plans.

It was definitely the best news of the year. Getting a job at Apple meant she would have a
lucrative income and good prospects. Hence, she was excited about the future without
worrying about the money. To this day, although she hasn’t worked for this company, she
still keeps this lucky email in her inbox to remind her of that special occasion.

15. Describe something you would like to learn in the future

You should say:

• What it is

• How you would like to learn it

• Why you would like to learn it

And explain whether it is difficult to learn it.


Someday, I would like to learn how to fix a TV. I watch TV a lot, a lot a lot, but the one I
have keeps breaking down and so I end up having to call the repairman and pay for the repairs
month after month so I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands and have vowed to
learn how to do basic repairs on a TV. I would like to learn this skill from a professional
repairman because he or she will have the specialized knowledge that will keep me from
making a mess of things. Luckily, I know a few friends who are repairmen who can help me
out with this endeavour. I’d also like to learn to repair TVs at home since it’ll be something I
can do by myself and for myself and I won’t have to rely on a repairman for every simple
little problem. I don’t intend to learn in a school setting - no need in my opinion.

I’m so interested in learning this because I think it's crucial for everyone to be able to get
basic repairs done on their own to promote self-reliance and also save a lot of time and effort.
More than that, I’ll be able to save by not having to pay the repairman to fix my TV every
time it breaks down - so there’s a two-fold benefit there.

However, I acknowledge that it will be a challenging skill to pick up since it's very technical
and there are many parts of a TV to pay attention to that could be potentially dangerous.

16. Describe something you did that made you feel proud

You should say:

• What it was

• How you did it

• How difficult it was

And explain why you felt proud of it.


Some time ago, I was getting into baking and I would learn to bake different kinds of cakes
and pastries as a hobby. A little bit later, a friend of mine who knew about my new hobby
asked if I could bake a chocolate cake for his son’s birthday. Out of politeness, I said yes and
immediately afterwards I bought the necessary ingredients of chocolate, eggs, flour, milk and
yeast. I then gathered some bowls to mix the ingredients in, a baking tray and a tin to hold the
cake batter and bake it in the oven.

The first step I took was to mix the ingredients together at the right amounts so that the
consistency was balanced between smooth and fluffy. Secondly, I poured the batter into the
tin and finally I put the tin on the tray and slid it into the oven. I set the oven to 180 degrees
Celsius and let it bake for about 45 minutes. After those 45 minutes were up, I pulled the tray
out and tasted a small piece of the newly baked cake. I was happy with how it turned out but
it was all down to how my friend’s son liked it. When I arrived at the birthday party the next
day with the cake, the boy tasted a piece of it and said he loved it so much. That made my day
and I felt proud with how the cake turned out since I did my best to make it satisfying to taste.
It also wasn’t that difficult to bake the cake since I had plenty of practice beforehand.

17. Describe a special meal someone cooked for you.

You should say:

• What meal it was

• Who cooked it

• Why he/she cooked it for you

And explain how you felt about it.


One of the most memorable meals someone cooked for me was for my graduation celebration.
After years of hard work, I finally graduated from university, and my family decided to mark
the occasion with a special homemade dinner. My mom took charge of the kitchen and
prepared an incredible feast that I will never forget.

The meal started with a fresh garden salad, featuring crisp greens, cherry tomatoes,
cucumbers, and a light vinaigrette dressing. For the main course, my mom made my favorite
dishes, fried chicken, spring roll and potato soup. The aroma filled the house, making
everyone’s mouth water in anticipation. The meal was completed with a cream cake that my
mom bought from a nearby bakery. It was decorated with a "Congratulations" message and a
few edible flowers, making it look as good as it tasted.

The dinner was not just about the delicious food but also the love and effort my mom put into
making it special for me. We sat around the table, sharing stories and laughter, and I felt
incredibly grateful for my family’s support and the wonderful meal they had prepared to
celebrate my achievement. This dinner will always hold a special place in my heart,
symbolizing a significant milestone and the love of my family.

18. Describe a situation someone congratulated you on something you've done well

You should say:

• What the situation was

• Who congratulated you

• Why you were congratulated

And explain how you felt.


One of the most memorable experiences in my life was when I passed the entrance exam for
my desired university, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. The journey was arduous, with
countless hours spent studying and preparing for the exam.

My parents were the first to congratulate me when I received the news. They were overjoyed,
seeing the culmination of years of hard work and dedication finally pay off. Their support
throughout the process had been unwavering, and the moment was as much a triumph for
them as it was for me.

I was congratulated for achieving one of my most significant academic milestones. The
entrance exam was notoriously difficult, with thousands of students competing for a limited
number of spots. Passing it was a testament to my commitment and my ability to rise to a
challenge. It was a clear validation of my academic abilities and my potential for future
success in university.

The feeling of being congratulated for such a significant achievement was overwhelming. It
was a mix of relief, joy, and a sense of accomplishment. I was proud of myself for overcoming
the hurdles and proving that I could face challenges head-on. It was also a humbling moment,
reminding me of the support system I had in my parents and friends who shared in the joy of
my success. The experience was a powerful reminder that with hard work and dedication, I
could achieve my goals.

19. Describe something kind that someone did for you

You should say:

• Who this person was

• Where and when it happened

• Why this person did it for you

And explain how you felt after they did this.


During my final year at university, I was faced with the daunting task of completing my
dissertation, while also juggling a part-time job. It was a hectic and stressful period, but I was
fortunate to have my friend Lan by my side, who extended an act of kindness that I will
forever be grateful for.

Lan and I had been friends since our first year at university, and we were both pursuing the
same major. She was aware of the pressure I was under, trying to balance my academic
responsibilities and work commitments. Recognizing my struggle, she offered to assist me
with my dissertation, an act of goodwill that was both unexpected and deeply appreciated.

She spent countless hours with me in the library, helping me streamline my research
methodology and critique my arguments. She also provided emotional support, offering
words of encouragement when I was feeling overwhelmed, and reminding me to take care of
my health amidst the chaos.

Her kind deed left me feeling immensely relieved and grateful. Lan's act of kindness not only
helped me complete my dissertation successfully but also strengthened our friendship. It was
an experience that underscored the significance of kindness and solidarity, especially during
challenging times.

20. Describe a difficult thing you did well

You should say:

• What it was

• How you overcame the difficulties

• Whether you got help

And explain how you felt after you succeeded.


One of the most difficult things that I successfully accomplished was writing my Master's
thesis. This task was challenging due to its nature, requiring rigorous research, extensive
writing, and a deep understanding of the topic. It involved a lot of independent work, requiring
self-discipline and excellent time management skills to balance other academic

To overcome the difficulties, I devised a comprehensive plan. I divided the entire process into
manageable tasks and set deadlines for each one. This helped me stay organized and focused.
I also sought guidance from my thesis advisor regularly, discussing my progress and any
issues I encountered. This provided me with valuable insights and feedback, helping me
improve my work and stay on track.

Additionally, I joined a study group composed of fellow students working on their theses.
This provided a supportive environment where we could share resources, exchange ideas, and
motivate each other. This collective effort significantly eased the process, making it less

When I finally submitted my completed thesis, the feeling of accomplishment was immense.
I had successfully navigated one of the most challenging academic tasks, proving to myself
that I could overcome even the most daunting challenges. It also taught me the value of
seeking help and working collaboratively. I was proud of my achievement and grateful for
the support and guidance I received along the way. The experience was a rewarding one,
providing me with invaluable skills and boosting my confidence in my abilities.

21. Describe a food of another country you would like to try

You should say:

• What it is

• Where you can eat it

• How you know about this food

And explain why you would like to try it.


One food from another country that I have always been intrigued to try is sushi from Japan.
Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish that is primarily made with vinegared rice, fish, and
sometimes vegetables. It comes in many varieties and forms, such as Nigiri.

Sushi is widely available in Japan, from high-end sushi restaurants to local convenience
stores. However, the best place to experience authentic sushi is said to be at a sushi bar in
Tokyo, where skilled sushi chefs meticulously prepare each piece of sushi right in front of the

I learned about sushi through various travel and food documentaries. The process of making
sushi appears to be an art form in itself, requiring precision, attention to detail, and years of
experience. The idea of using simple, fresh ingredients to create something so visually
appealing and flavorful is fascinating to me.

The reason I would like to try sushi is because of my love for seafood and my curiosity about
different food cultures. The combination of fresh raw fish with slightly tangy rice sounds
enticing. Moreover, eating sushi seems to be an experience that goes beyond just the taste. It's
about appreciating the skill and effort that goes into creating each piece. I believe trying sushi
in Japan would give me a deeper understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture and

22. Describe a TV program that you like to watch

You should say:

• What the TV program is

• How you know it

• What it is like

And explain why you like it.


A program I like to watch on TV is Succession on HBO. It airs every Sunday at 9pm and it
recently won many awards for its acting and writing. It is about a patriarch of a billionaire
family who plans to step down from his position as CEO of his company and his four children
plot against each other to take over that company. The oldest child wants no involvement in
the company, the second oldest has the most experience despite being a screw-up, the second
youngest behaves rather petulantly and delights in mocking his siblings, and the youngest is
the most cunning and ambitious of the four. In the meantime, the family has to navigate
numerous deals to ensure that their company can survive. What ensues is hilarity, darkness,
betrayal and redemption for each of the main characters.

I watch the show alone most of the time because not many of my friends or family know
about it. Also, whenever I tell them about the plot of the show they react with disinterest and
they would prefer to watch something more action-packed or funny like a superhero show or
sitcom. However, I don’t mind watching it alone because I find it more peaceful. It’s better
to soak in the show when there’s no one to comment on it every ten seconds.

I love the show because for one, the dialogue is highly entertaining to listen to. Everyone has
the opportunity to either make a snarky comment or put somebody down with an insult and it
is written in a way that is so clever that you can’t help but want to use that dialogue in your
everyday life. For another, I like the setting of the show. It is set within the media and political
landscape of America, which has always fascinated me because of how influential it is on
American and global society.

23. Describe a song that you remember from your childhood

You should say:

• What song it is

• When you heard it

• Who sang this song to you

And explain why you still remember this song.


The song that I vividly remember from my childhood is the classic English alphabet song,
often referred to as "ABC". It's a catchy tune that children learn to familiarize themselves with
the English alphabet.

I first heard it in kindergarten. My kindergarten teacher sang this song to me and my friend
in class. I remember my teacher using a big illustrated alphabet chart and pointing at each
letter as we followed the song. Actually, in my country, the song is usually taught in the early
stages of education to make learning the alphabet fun and engaging. It has a memorable
melody that makes it easy for children to memorize all 26 letters of the English alphabet.

As a young child, singing this song was an exciting activity as the rhythm of the song made
learning seem less like a task and more like a game. Back then, this song was my top favorite
and I would sing it everywhere, in classrooms, at birthday parties, and at home.

I still remember this song nowadays because it's super simple, catchy, and was an essential
part of learning during my childhood. Even now, it's still widely used and loved by kids,
making it an unforgettable classic.

24. Describe a group or a club you have ever joined.

You should say:

• What type of group or club it is/was

• When you joined the group or club

• Where the group or club members met

And explain why you enjoyed being part of the group or club.


One of the most memorable groups I've ever joined is a Book Club back when I was in
university. The main goal of our club was to foster a love for literature. We would meet every
other week to discuss a book chosen by one of the members. The types of books we read
varied widely, from classics to contemporary novels and from mystery thrillers to
biographies, every genre was welcomed in our club.

I joined the Book Club in my second year of university. I saw a poster advertising it in our
common room, and being an avid reader myself, I was immediately drawn to the idea. Our
meetings were usually held in the university's library, in a private room designed for group
discussions. Sometimes, when the weather was nice, we'd opt to meet in an open area on
campus beneath the trees which was quiet and peaceful.

Being a part of this club was enjoyable for numerous reasons. First, it widened my reading
horizons. I read books that I would not have picked up on my own. We also had very
interesting and enlightening discussions, often seeing a single book from multiple
perspectives. Moreover, I made friends with fellow book lovers, some of whom are still my
close friends today.

25. Describe a foreign culture that you like.

You should say:

• What culture it is

• How you know about it

• What differences there are between that culture and your own

And explain why you like that foreign culture.


A foreign culture that I greatly admire is Japanese culture. I first got introduced to Japanese
culture through their animation, commonly known as anime, during my high school years.
This further propelled me into exploring more about their traditions, customs, and way of life.
I continued broadening my understanding of their culture through reading books, watching
movies, documentaries, as well as interacting with some Japanese students in my university.

In comparing it with my own culture, I find several fascinating differences. One striking
feature of Japanese culture is their highly respectful mannerisms and etiquette. For instance,
they have a custom of bowing when greeting others, something not prevalent in my culture.
Additionally, their traditional tea ceremonies, festivals like Hanami, and love for minimalist
design also set them apart.

The reason why I admire Japanese culture is due to its long-preserved traditions combined
with modern advancements. I love their philosophy of simplicity, respect, and harmony with
nature which is deeply rooted in their customs and way of life. Also, their dedication to
perfection, be it in technology, arts, or culinary, is astounding and inspiring. Despite being a
global leader in technology and innovation, Japan has managed to keep its ancient traditions
and cultural heritage intact, and this seamless blend of old and new is what makes Japanese
culture truly unique and fascinating to me.

26. Describe your dream job when you were young.

You should say:

• What kind of job it is/was

• How you learned about this job

• What kind of training/ skills are needed for that job

And explain why it was your dream job when you were young.


I'm going to talk about being a travel YouTuber, which is a dream job I've always wanted to
pursue. This job is fairly new, having only become popular in the last decade. Travel
YouTubers visit various interesting places, both locally and internationally, and share their
experiences through videos on YouTube. Their content helps viewers learn about different
cultures, cuisines, and lifestyles, and they often provide insider tips for anyone planning to
visit those places.

I first discovered this job about two years ago when I was browsing YouTube, and stumbled
upon a video called "800 Days Around Vietnam" by Khoai Lang Thang, a young Vietnamese
YouTuber. In his videos, he travels to different parts of Vietnam, capturing stunning scenery
and sharing fascinating stories about his personal experiences. He showcases the beauty of
Vietnam, from the bustling cities to the tranquil countryside, and introduces viewers to local
traditions and hidden gems. What really inspired me was that he left his 9-to-5 job to embark
on this adventure. His courage and passion for exploration resonated with me deeply, and
that's when I knew I wanted to be a travel YouTuber too.

There are several reasons why I think being a travel YouTuber would be perfect for me. First,
I'm an avid traveler who loves discovering new things about different places, so this job would
be incredibly enjoyable. Second, I love editing and making videos, so I'd never get bored with
the work. And the best part is, I'd get to be my own boss and wouldn't have to work for anyone

27. Describe a science subject that you are interested in (biology, robotics, etc.)

You should say:

• What the subject is

• How you know this subject

• How you usually get information about this subject

And explain why you are interested in this subject.


Truthfully, I wouldn't describe myself as a science enthusiast per se. However, there is one
particular field of science that has always captured my interest, genetics. I first encountered
the fascinating world of genetics during high school as part of our mandatory biology classes.
From the very first lesson about genetics, I was fascinated by the complex mechanisms of our
genetic makeup, which are much more intricate and well-organized than I had imagined.

Since then, I’ve kept up on a casual basis with the newest developments and discoveries in
the field. The scientific literature in a field like this can be challenging, so I don’t exactly go
into reading papers or looking through the meta-data. I tried a couple of times but getting my
head around scientific papers on genetics is beyond me. I do my best to glean what I can from
articles in the news though. This has led me to sign up for newsletters related to genetics and
even follow some of the leading experts in genetics on social media - they tend to present
things in ways the layman can understand.

The more I immerse myself in genetics, the more I understand that it's not just about grasping
previous scientific findings, but also about keeping up with current projects that could
potentially influence our future. I’m eager to continue expanding my knowledge in this area
and I hope to someday apply what I’ve learned or at least be able to hold a conversation on
the topic reasonably well.

28. Describe a subject that you would like to learn in the future.

You should say:

• What it is

• Where and how you want to learn it

• Why you want to learn it

And explain if it will be difficult to learn it


I want to talk about Korean that I’m really excited to learn in the future. I’ve thought about it
before, but I never took it seriously because I’ve been so busy preparing for my IELTS test.
Between university studies and IELTS classes, I haven’t had time for anything else.

Maybe when I get my IELTS certificate, I plan to take a break and relax a bit before diving
into another big goal. If possible, I’d like to join an offline course at a language center instead
of studying on my own. Since I don’t know any Korean yet, I think I’ll start with a course
taught by a Vietnamese teacher. That way, it’ll be easier to ask questions if I get confused.

There are a few reasons why I’m eager to try to learn this. First, many of my favorite singers
are Korean, and it would be awesome to understand them without needing Vietnamese
subtitles. Also, there are tons of Korean movies and TV dramas online now, so learning
Korean would make it easier to practice my listening skills. Plus, I’ve always wanted to learn
another language besides English, and I’ve heard that Korean is simpler than languages like
Chinese or Japanese.

Hopefully, I’ll hit my target IELTS score soon so I can start this exciting journey of learning

29. Describe a subject that you studied at school that you thought was interesting

You should say:

• What subject it was

• What class you were then

• How interesting it was

And explain why you thought it was interesting.


For me, history wasn't just about memorizing dates and names. It was like stepping into a
time machine, traveling to different eras, and experiencing the world through the eyes of
people who lived then. Through my high school history lessons, I could explore ancient
civilizations, medieval empires, and even delve into recent historical events. It felt like I was
piecing together the puzzle of human progress, one historical period at a time.

Several reasons made this subject captivate my attention. The first was the teacher herself.
She was one of the most amazing teachers I have ever met. All her lessons were designed
with narrative pictures and videos, which helped me remember events and figures much better
than boring, lengthy textbook passages. Another compelling aspect was the nature of the
subject itself. History showed me how the past shapes the present. By understanding historical
events, revolutions, and social movements, I gained a deeper appreciation for the world today,
which was really inspiring for me as a member of the younger generation.

In brief, history sparked a curiosity in me that I still carry today. Whenever I come across a
historical event in the news or watch a documentary about a past civilization, I find myself
wanting to learn more. History ended up being one of those subjects that stayed with me long
after the final exam!

30. Describe something you made yourself (either alone or with others)

You should say:

• What it is

• Where you made it

• How you made it

And explain why do you like it.


This story reminds me of the time I made a lantern with my dad, which was a really fun and
memorable crafting experience. If I remember correctly, it happened many years ago when I
was in third grade. At the time, it was around the mid-autumn festival, which is one of the
most popular festivals in Vietnam, especially for kids. On this day, kids usually carry lanterns
of all sizes and shapes and walk around their neighborhoods to celebrate.

My dad wanted me to have a special lantern, so he suggested we make one ourselves. I loved
the idea, and we decided to make a 3D star-shaped lantern.

A few days before the festival, we went to the market to get some materials like bamboo
sticks, colored plastic paper, candles, glue, and steel wire. Once we had everything, we got
right to work. First, we flattened the bamboo sticks and cut them into ten pieces of the same
length to make the frame. Then, we arranged the pieces into a star shape and tied the corners
with wire. Before covering the star with colored plastic paper on both sides, we created a
candle holder in the center and added vents on both sides at the top. Finally, we made a handle,
and our lantern was ready to use.

It took us the whole day to finish, but it was totally worth it. My dad and I had some great
bonding time, and I was so happy and proud of our creation. That mid-autumn festival is still
my favorite because of the lantern we made together. Just talking about it brings back so many
wonderful memories.

31. Describe a rule that is important at your school or work.
You should say:
• What the rule is
• What happens when people break the rule
• Why you think it is an important rule
And explain how you feel about the rule.


Alright, so one of the key rules we have in school is about wearing our uniforms. Let me
break it down for ya.

Obviously, the rule means you have to wear the school’s designated uniform. For our school,
it’s a specific shirt with the school logo, trousers or skirt, and sometimes even a tie or blazer.
The idea is that everyone, no matter who you are or where you're from, wears the exact same
outfit every day to school and that helps break down socioeconomic barriers and divisions
that could crop up. If anyone is caught not wearing their uniform or making alterations to it,
they face consequences. Sometimes it’s just an initial warning, but if you’re a repeat offender,
you might get detention or even sent home to change.

You know, at first, I used to think, "Why all the fuss about clothes?" But over time, I’ve come
to appreciate the uniform rule. First, it creates a sense of equality among all the students. No
one can show off their fancy branded clothes or make someone else feel like less because of
what they can afford. It puts everyone on the same wavelength in a way. Plus, it saves a lot
of time in the morning! No one has to spend ages deciding on what to wear because it’s been
decided for you in advance. To be honest, there are days when I wish I could wear my own
clothes to express my personality. But overall, I think the uniform rule is a good thing. It
keeps things simple, makes everyone look smart, and like I said before, fosters a sense of
community among the student body. Now when I look back at old school photos, seeing all
of us in the uniform brings back so many fond memories. It makes me feel nostalgic!

So, yeah, that’s the whole uniform rule thing from my school. Love it or hate it, it has been a
big part of my school life and that’s generally the case all across Vietnam where school
uniforms are the norm.

32. Describe a story about space that you have read about or seen in a film or on TV

You should say:

• When you read or saw the story

• What happened in the story

• Whether the story has any significance today

And explain how you felt about reading or seeing this story.


I’d like to talk about a space story I saw in a film called Interstellar. I watched it a few years
ago, and it left a lasting impression on me. The story is set in a future where Earth is facing
severe ecological disasters, making it difficult for humanity to survive. A team of astronauts,
led by a former pilot named Cooper, is sent on a mission to find a new habitable planet for

In the story, the astronauts travel through a wormhole near Saturn, which takes them to
another galaxy. They explore several planets, each with its own challenges and dangers. One
of the most memorable scenes is when they land on a planet where time moves much faster
than on Earth. Every hour on this planet equals seven years on Earth, which adds a lot of
pressure to their mission.

The story has significant relevance today, especially with the ongoing discussions about
climate change and the future of our planet. It raises important questions about the survival
of humanity, the importance of scientific exploration, and the sacrifices people are willing to
make for the greater good.

Watching Interstellar was an emotional and thought-provoking experience for me. The
stunning visuals and powerful soundtrack added to the impact of the story. It made me reflect
on our current environmental challenges and the potential future of space exploration. This
film has stayed with me as a reminder of the importance of taking care of our Earth while also
looking towards the stars for future possibilities.

33. Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result

You should say:

• What it was

• Why you took it

• What the result was

And how you felt about it.


Waiting for someone or something to happen is a common situation in our daily lives. Today,
I would like to share with you an occasion when I had to take a risk to wait for my parcel on
a completely strange website.

One day, while surfing the Internet for online shopping activities, I accidentally came across
an international cosmetic website, which sells the cosmetic item that I desire to possess for a
long time. I have been desperately searching for it but no online shopping platforms offer that

Immediately, when I noticed it available on that website, I placed an order and paid in advance
via my credit card without considering any risks such as scamming or frauding. After that,
unfortunately, the shipping time was so long that I thought I was scammed and many times I
wondered whether I should wait for it or learn myself a lesson. It was a frustrating experience
but I still hope the long wait was worth it. After 2 weeks, surprisingly, I finally received my
order and the product was absolutely over my expectations.

After all, I’ve learned a valuable lesson in patience because as long as we are persistent
enough to wait for something, there will always be a ripe time, when we could grasp favorable
opportunities and achieve success in life.


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