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Second Edition

Reading & Writing

Writing task model answer

“Discuss the causes and effects of pressure on children today”

Clearly one of the main causes of stress for children is the pressure for
academic success. Parents and children themselves often value academic
achievement. They believe that if the children get good grades, they will
definitely have the chance to maintain, or increase, their social status. The
result is that children put in long hours of study. This may cause dramatic
changes in their physical and mental health because they are so tired. Also, if
they are not successful, this might result in depression or other mental health
issues for the children.
A second cause of pressure on youth is fashion. The media highlights the
latest trends, and these often become the focus of many young people.
Children compare themselves with celebrities and with other people their
age. If they want to belong to any social group at school, they may insist on
buying the latest clothes or technology in order to fit in. Consequently, they
might put psychological pressure on themselves, and financial pressure on
their parents.

The writing is clearly organized into two paragraphs, each detailing one
cause of pressure on children. Each paragraph describes the causes and
effects well, using appropriate vocabulary and present conditionals
to describe real and unreal situations. The writer includes a lot of
information within the word limit of 150-200 words.

Skillful Second Edition. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2018.

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