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Core Value of the Month Citizenship: Cub Scouts develop good citizenship when they are learning about

respecting the flag and providing service to the community. Contributing service and showing responsibility to local, state, and national communities.

Committee Chair Michael Smith Cubmaster Open Assistant Cubmaster Michael Moore Tiger Leader Den 3 - Jebecka Hudak Wolf Leader Den 1 - Eric Strandson Wolf Leaders Den 2 Kelley Schaum Heather Grant Bear Leaders Den 4 - Jim Celeste Jen Celeste Webelos I Leaders Den 7 Wendy J. Smith Mark Simmons Webelos II Leader Den 5 Michael Lavoie

Pack 24 Leaders

Contact Us: Pack 24 Website

Do you have any photographs from any Scout events in the past few months? If so, please send to Wendy L. Smith at to assist her in complying a slide show!

Upcoming Pack Events

Popcorn pick up Saturday, December 3rd from 11am to noon
OR Sunday, December 4th from 6pm to 7pm in the Church basement Chair, Wendy L. Smith

Christmas Caroling -Sunday, December 11th

3:00pm at Mount Saint Rite Health Center 15 Sumner Brown Road, Cumberland, RI Uniforms required for this event Chair, Kelley Schaum

PACK MEETING - December 18th at 6pm

Come meet our special guest!

La Salette ShrineSee the sights of the season!

Wednesday December 28th at 6:30pm Chair, Wendy J. Smith

Upcoming Council Sponsored Events

Museum of Science Sleepover
February 19-February 20 $55 per person Sign up at December Pack Meeting! payment due December Pack & remaining due January Pack

The quality of the Scout program depends on volunteer help!

The Cub Scout program is staffed with volunteers, and our success depends on family support. If everyone helps with one small part all the boys benefit. In order to continue Pack 24's success, we need NEW volunteers. Den Leaders are always busy planning their next den meeting for our boys so we really need other parents to step up and volunteer for other Pack positions available. Some of the jobs are administrative tasks that can be done at home. Please consider volunteering for one our vacant positions (or sharing the responsibility with a friend). If there is a position you are interested in, or if there's something you could do to assist the Packassist other leaders, help scouts with specific skills, or anything else you can think of please contact Mike Smith, Committee Chair at (508) 399-5095 or via email at

We currently have the following openings in the Pack: Cubmaster Committee Chair Public Relations Chair Treasurer Pack Trainer Assistant Wolf Den Leader


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