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Agenda: Support to Non-Self-Governing Territories by the

specialised agencies and associated with the United Nations

Hello delegates, so for every MUN when you receive your agenda you will also be receiving a
background guide which explains in detail what the agenda is about but considering this is just a
mock MUN I will not be creating an elaborate background guide for ten pages but nevertheless I
will be explaining what the agenda is about.

Non self governing territories:

Delegates according to the UN, Non-Self-Governing Territories (NSGT) are "territories whose
people have not yet attained a full measure of self-government”. So basically what this statement
says is that the 17 territories are not completely independent, they are under the control of some
other country which is responsible for their administration. These 17 NSGT are very small and are
predominantly islands in the Paci c, Atlantic or the Caribbean region.


Specialised agencies of the UN:

There are 17 specialised agencies of the UN whose function is to assist the main UN bodies in all
tasks that it might need help with to maintain international peace and promote economic, social
and cultural signi cance around the globe


Delegates I’ll make myself very clear and my expectations very simple, I want you to go through
the 17 NSGT. I want you to go through the functions of all 17 specialised agencies of the UN.
Finally, I want you to go through the current economic and social status of your country to
determine the best possible solution you can provide for supporting the growth of NSGT. In your
speech I want to hear about the current status of your country and also hear about the solutions
you propose to support NSGT and let me repeat you’ll have to cover all of this in 90 seconds. This
is what is going to decide whether you’ll be a part of Chinmun 24 and hopefully you understand
how prestigious it is to represent your school, so hopefully you’ll prepare accordingly for

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