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Here are the answers to the questions:

1.1: Young people with big dreams and ambitions.

1.2: To emphasize the importance of big dreams.

1.3: "Shape your future by making the right choice".

1.4: To symbolize the keys to success.

1.5: Fewer.

1.6.1: To show the extent of their coverage.

1.6.2: B country.

1.7: Yes, the advertiser succeeds in convincing the reader to enroll at Boston

2.1: The cellphone is ringing, as shown by the speech bubble and the exclamation

2.2.1: "Hello Jon, how are you?"

2.2.2: The cartoonist uses different speech bubbles to distinguish between Jon's
and Liz's speech.

2.3: In FRAME 5, Jon has his head in his hands, indicating frustration, while in
FRAME 6, he is standing up and looking determined.

2.4: Yes, the cartoonist succeeds in creating humor in this cartoon.


a) award-winning → award-winning (no error)

b) ussually → usually

c) need → needs

d) Dyers' → Dyer's

3.1.2: While working in London, Dyer worked as a fund manager and ran a successful
marketing business.

3.1.3: He is returning to Africa to live his dream of full-time photography.

3.1.4: wolves

3.1.5: didn't he

3.1.6: In 2014, he met Peter Blinston (head of Painted Dog Conservation).

3.1.7: Dyer said that their book provides information on how to save the wild dog
from extinction.

3.2.1: successful

3.2.2: more difficult

3.2.3: I'm feeling stressed because I have a lot of homework.

3.2.4: This road does not lead to failure.

3.2.5: Great success is achieved by people who work hard.

3.2.6: B prefix.

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