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140,342 114, 314 114, 344 616, 966 660, 656

660,566 219, 029 417, 317 470, 317 82, 214

290, 229 219, 129 417, 370 470, 360 82, 240

83, 214 15, 260 50, 260 15, 216 150, 216

999, 113 999, 130 919, 113 919, 130 16, 250

Task 2 (A) Facts & figures around the world

1 The population of Monaco is 32,842.

2 The population of Andorra is _________.

3 The population of San Marino is 27,336

4 The population of Liechtenstein is _________.

5 Mount Kilimanjaro is 5,895 metres high.

6 Mount Everest is ___________ metres high.

7 The Yangtze river is 6,418 kilometres long.

8 The Mississippi river is ________ kilometres long.

9 The Burj Khalifa building in Dubai is _________ high.

10 The CN Tower in Toronto is 1,815 feet high.

11 Shanghai is _________ kilometres from Buenos Aires.

12 Tokyo is 9,714 kilometres from Paris.

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