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Mo4yack é nm, B.Tech 4th Year 8th Semester(CE/ME/Min) Final Examination, May ‘23 FINANCE ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT for ENGINEERS(HSS LLD)(HU - 4201) Use Separate_Answer scripts for two halves. Answer Modulewise and start writing Answers for each Module on a separate page’ Full Marks : 50 Time :2 hours Each Module carries 16 marks (3x16=48). 2 marks for neatness 1 Half Module I AC Explain with an imaginary example the concept of (any Two) AC Operating Leverage Financial Leverage iii. Combined Leverage. (2x4) B. i, Explain what is NPV Or PBP Or IRR. ii. Give your opinion based on NPV regarding the acceptability of the following Two projects with reason’ Project A Project B Initial Outlay Rs 1,00,000 Rs 1,00,000 Cost of Capital 10% 10% Estimated Inflows Year | Rs 10,000 18,000 2 25,000, 27,000 3 ; 35,000 36,000 4 47,000 49,000 5 10,000 2,000(2+6) (Sete ipod) Module Il Economics Answer both question No 1&2 AC Use the following information fo answer questions a to d: The table below shows data for Apples for an individual firm, _Quantity of Apples Fixed Costs (FC) Variable Costs (VC)_ Total Costs (TC) 0 2 2 30 1 80 17 197 80 2 80 80 80 2 80 252 332 2 485 ? 656 165 845 ? 1052 1197 1277 1440 1520 a. Given this data, what are fixed costs when quantity is 0? b. Given this data, what are variable costs when quantity is 0? c. Given this data, what are variable costs when quantity is 37 4d. Given this data, what are variable costs when quantity is 4? 4 XK a. Assume that a manufacturing company produces 1000 units and sells them at a price of Rs 5 each, The Average Total Cost (ATC) is Rs 7,000 with a fixed cost (FC) of Rs 4000 and a variable cost (VC) of Rs 3,000 for all units. Evidently, this manufacturing company is operating at a loss of Rs 2000 (economic loss). Whether this firm should continue its production in the short run? Give proper reasons. © b. What is planning curve? Q) Attempt any one question from below : 3A Hiow to determine National Income by Income Method? * ‘6 What is Investment Multiplier? Why the theory of multiplier does not generally apply to Less Developed Countries? © 2° Half Module Il! Management ‘Answer any two questions, Each question carries 8 marks © Differentiate between strategic and operational planning. Explain the concept of differentiation strategy with suitable examples. (444) ZL What conditions encourage a firm to pursue stability strategies? What are the different types of expansion strategies? (44) 3. What are the advantages of the managerial grid? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different channels for transmitting a message (+6) ‘Table C: Present Value Factor of a Lump Sum (PVE) of Re 1 Interest Rate far eC S*~C~ i SCCM 1 0.990 0.980 0.971 0.962 0.052 0.043 0.935 0.928 «0.917 (0.909 2 0.980 0.961 0.943 0.925 0.907 0.890 0.873 «0.857.842 0.826 3 0.971 0942 0915 0.889 0.854 0.840.818 0.798772 OTL 4 0.961 0.924 088808550823 0.792 0.763 «0.735 0.708 0.683 5 0.951 0.908 086308220784 = 7477130681 0.650.821 6 0.992 0888 ©0837 «0.790 0.745 =. (0.705 0.608 0.630 0.506.564 7 0.033 0871 0813 «0.760.711 0.685 062305830847 0.513 ‘ 0.923 0853 0.780 0.731 0.877 0.627 0.582 O.sAD 0.802 (0.467 9 0.914 0837 0.765 (0.703 0.645 0592 0.544 0.500 0460 0.424 10 0.9050.820 0.744 0.678 0.814.558 0.503 0.453 0.422 0.386 n 0.29 0.804 «0.722.650 0885 0.827 O73 0.429 0.388 0.350 420887 —«0.788-«O.701-=««0.G25 05570497044 0.897 0.856 0.919 3308790773 «08Bt_~—0.801« «05300469 41S 0.358 0.826 0.200 4087007580881 «05770505 «0442 0.880.340 0.289 0.263 1508s 0.7430.6420.S5S0.4B1 OMIT 0.882 0.815275 0.239 3608530728 «0.623054 «OSB A 0.339 0202 0.220.218 17 osha w.g0s sts 08S O77 0.270 oad a.108 te 0836 -0.700 «0.88704 041G (0.500295 0.250 0.212 0.180 ta ogz8 0686 05700750308 O.381 0277 0.232 0.104 0.164 ty g20«06738 «884 | OASG 0773120258 01s 0.178.149 n7ay 061004780375 «0.295 «0.283 ONG OA 0-116 0.082 oss2 0412 0.308 «0.281074 Ots1 0.009 0.075 0.087 cass 0307 0208 «0.420.007 0.067 04S 0.092 0.022 nara 028 01g1 0.007 «0.054 __—0.0ad_—«0021__—0.013_—0.008 weweSeuey jeousy 9B. SVoayais§, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, SHIBPUR B.Tech. (C.E,) 8" Semester Final Examination, May 2023 Full Marks: $0 Road Safety Engineering [Core Elective 11] (CE 4230) Timer hours Assume reasonable data if not supplied Answer Question No.1 and any three from the rest 1, Write short notes (any four) on the followings [4x5 = 20] pplication of Haddon matrix. Use of Speed change lanes in traffic safety measures 2) Elements of temporary traffic control zones Objectives of work zones traffic management plans ©) Merits and demerits of traffic signal f) Safety aspects ofan intersection 2) Coordinated traffic signal 2.a) What is known as effective green time and saturation flow rate of a signal control intersection? b}_ Considering safety aspect, a fixed time 2-phase signal is tobe provided at an uncontrol intersection where only straight-ahead traffic is permitted. The design hour flows and saturation flows from the various arms are presented in the following table. Design the traffic signal. The minimum inter-green period necessary for efficient operation may be taken as 5 seconds. Lost time per phase due to starting delay can be taken as 2 second. The amber duration is 3 second. ‘Approach North ‘South | East West ‘Design hour flow (Vehicle) 800 750 750 600 ‘Saturation flow rate (Vehicle/h) 2400 2000 3000 3000 [24276 = 10} 3.a) Prove that to eliminate the dilemma zone in a signalized intersection minimum duration of yellow signal phase is Zip a8 given below. The notations are bearing ts usual meaning. ws) 2a oy b) A vehicle traveling at 70 km/h was observed to displace laterally when it was located 100m away from a ‘guard post placed 3m to the left of the path. At what longitudinal distance from the same object would you expect the same driver to displace laterally when traveling at 120 km/h? Faw + [644 = 10] - 4a Briefly discuss the phases of work zone traffic management plan in project development. & DY What is road safety audit? Explain the objectives of road safety audit, >> e (97 Define road safety audit review. List the various stages of road safety audit. 47. 22142 10) 5.) What is antilock braking system (ABS)? How does the ABS improve safety of the car? Vk ‘ Distinguish between theoretical stopping sight distance and practical stopping sight distance, x AY, A driver with 20/20 vision can read a traffic sign from a distance of 90f Ifthe letter size is 2inch, how close would a person with 20/50 vision have to be in order to read the same traffic sign? For a given A definition of normal vision, calculate the height of the lettering that a driver with 20/60 vision ean rad § from a distance of) 908 and i36f., Ses - awe 2424244=109) 5 8 627 A IOKN car is designed with a 3.1m wheelbase. The center of gravity is located 600mm above the a Pavement and 1.12m behind the front axle. Ifthe coefficient of road adhesion is 0.5, what is the maximurn tractive effort that can be developed if the car isi) front-wheel drive and ii) rear-wheel drive? ww b)_A.LIKN car, with Cp = 0,25 and Ay 1.7m? is travelling at 120km/h down a 10%grade. The coefficient d of road adhesion is 0.6 and the air 3, Ss . Teapticioney beavie carey, is 1 ‘Skg/m ‘The car has an advanced ABS that gives 100% ”Y hg ficienoy: « theoretca] minimum stopping distance forthe case where aerodynamic ae ‘resistance is considered and the case where aerodynamic resistanee is ignored. aes “4 = we (i a Sehr. Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur B. Tech Eighth Semester End Semester Examinations, May 2023 (Open Elective — Introduction to Marketing Management for Engineers MS4261 ‘Time -3 hours Marks -50 Answer any five questions OK Explain the five different product levels offered to the customer with the help of an example ao) Awhat is the difference between Convenience Goods, Shopping Goods, Speciality Goods nd Uncought Goods? Mentions 4 characteristics with which products are differentiated and 4 characteristics with which services are differentiated. ao Q3. What is Line Extension and Line Pruning? What is the difference between Optional Feature Pricing, Captive Product Pricing and Product Bundling Pricing? (446) Q4. Explain 4 methods by which you adapt the pricing? Explain the concepts of Customer Segment Pricing, Time Pricing, Channel pricing, (rs) QS. What do you understand by the term demand? Explain the different demand states ‘Negative, Nonexistent, Declining, Irregular, Unwholesome, Full, Overfull. 0) What are the different components of Marketing Communication Mix? What are the ‘objectives of Advertising? +4) G7, Distinguish between Television Ads, Print Ads and Radio Ads? What are the Legal and ‘Social issues that an ad designer should be aware of? (6r4) (G28) Ldentity 5 diferent types of retailers based on difference in thet setaling mode (b) What are some of the characteristics of moderfi retaijing? What are some of the important functions of whole-sellers? < (S123)

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