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Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the others.
1. A. diet B. limit C. website D. lifestyle
2. A. sausage B. sugar C. pasta D. salad
3. A. seeds B. oils C. grains D. snacks

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that has a stress pattern different from the others.
4. A. protect B. manage C. option D. balance
5. A. injury B. vitamin C. nutrition D. mineral

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best option for each of the following questions.
6. David _______ fit by doing exercises in the gym twice a week.
A. makes B. does C. seems D. keeps
7. Nuts are rich _______ protein, vitamins and minerals.
A. with B. of C. in D. for
8. This cereal is full _______ fiber and lots of vitamins.
A. with B. of C. in D. from
9. You should try to avoid food high _______ salt.
A. in B. of C. for D. about
10. Rice water could help _______ stomachache.
A. fight B. relieve C. improve D. cure
11. Add _______ milk to make the sauce nice and creamy.
A. little B. a little C. too much D. too many
12. I’m sorry, but it’s _______ late to change your ticket.
A. much B. more C. enough D. too
13. Mark is _______ to go to the party alone.
A. old enough B. very old C. too old D. much old
14. How _______ eggs do we need to make the cake?
A. a lot of B. many C. much D. enough
15. I’m still very hungry. There was _______ food.
A. too much B. too many C. not enough D. enough
16. I’ve got _______ books. I need some new shelves!
A. too much B. too many C. not enough D. enough
17. I don’t think you drink _______.
A. enough water B. water enough C. too much water D. water too much
18. John didn’t buy the computer game. It costs _______ money.
A. too many B. enough C. too much D. very much
19. Do you like the smell of durian? I think it smells _______.
A. pretty well B. pretty good C. very badly D. so sweet
20. This carrot doesn’t _______ fresh.
A. sound B. see C. touch D. taste
21. If you have too much homework, you can feel _______.
A. balanced B. relaxed C. stressed D. free
22. Regular _______ like swimming or cycling is good for your health.
A. training B. sports C. exercise D. practice
23. _______ are found in certain foods, such as bread, potatoes and rice and give the body energy and
A. Carbohydrates B. Protein C. whole grains D. Sugar
24. You can _______ your stress and feel relaxed by having a healthy social life.
A. control B. manage C. balance D. improve
25. Sausages and instant noodles are examples of _______ foods.
A. vegetarian B. cold C. processed D. dairy
26. _______ sugary snacks are harmful to you.
A. Enough B. Too much C. Little D. Too many
27. Harry’s coffee tastes very sweet because he always puts lots of _______ in it.
A. salt B. sugar C. oil D. pepper
28. Liz: I think you should eat more vegetables and less meat. - Alan: _______.
A. I believe it B. No, I don’t have C. Yes, you’re right D. Everything will be alright
29. William: I’m going cycling. Would you like to join me? - Pete: _______.
A. No, thanks. I’m not interested B. I don’t really agree
C. Yes, I do D. Cycling was good
30. What does this notice mean?
A. The powder should be taken with water.
B. This product shouldn’t be used with water.
C. You can drink this powder with as much water as you can.
D. Children are allowed to use this product.
31. What does this notice mean?
A. You should take three tablets daily for three months.
B. You should finish all of this medicine within three months.
C. You should keep using this medicine during meals in three months.
D. You should get rid of the pills three months after you opened the jar.

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word / phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
phrase in the following questions.
32. Chill out on your bed for 10-15 minutes before you go to sleep.
A. cool yourself B. stress out C. relax completely D. listen to music
33. Lack of sleep can lead to many health problems.
A. keep B. increase C. encourage D. cause

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word / phrase OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word / phrase in the following questions.
34. We talked to health experts to find out the secret to a longer life.
A. discover B. look for C. hide D. avoid
35. Sleep is the time when our body restores its energy and store new information.
A. renews B. consumes C. strengthens D. saves

Circle the letter A, B, C or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.
36. You will become unhealthy if you eat too much snacks.
A. will B. unhealthy C. if D. too much
37. Fruit and vegetables have all the vitamins to protect your body with diseases.
A. have B. the C. to protect D. with
38. Processed grains provide about the same amount of carbs with whole grains, but have fewer vitamins.
A. Processed B. amount C. with D. fewer
39. According to a 2013 study, you should eat at least 90 grams of nuts weekly to low the risk of early
death by 39%.
A. a 2013 study B. weekly C. to low D. early death
40. I prefer bún bò because it smells so amazingly, and I can add lots of vegetables.
A. prefer B. amazingly C. add D. lots of

Write the correct form of the given words.
41. Don’t forget to drink lots of water and stay ___________________ with plenty of exercise. (ACT)
42. You need to exercise to have a good level of ___________________. (FIT)
43. It’s important to eat a(n) ___________________ diet with lots of fruits, vegetables and protein.
44. I love eating pasta and ___________________ baked French bread. (FRESH)
45. Here are some simple tips for you to increase your life ___________________. (EXPECT)


A. Choose the options that best complete the passage.
According to leading experts in nutrition and health, a poor diet increases the risk of illness, and
two-thirds of natural deaths in the West have a connection with unsuitable diets. Guidelines for healthy
eating which are based on a great deal of research (46) _______ diet-linked diseases all over the world
have been established by medical authorities:
• Eat a wide variety of foods to get the whole range of (47) _______.
• Limit processed foods because most (48) _______ large amounts of sodium and other additives.
• (49) _______ down on junk food like French fries as much as possible.
• Do not have ready-made meals from the supermarket too often.
• Wherever possible, buy organic foods that are produced without the use of artificial chemicals.
Genetically modified foods (GM foods) may not harm us, (50) _______ they are not good for the
• Change your eating habits gradually.
46. A. in B. over C. into D. at
47. A. nutrition B. nutritious C. nutritionists D. nutrients
48. A. contain B. contains C. containing D. contained
49. A. Reduce B. Decrease C. Cut D. Slow
50. A. and B. but C. so D. because

B. Read the passage and circle the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the best answer to each of the
following questions.
Apart from regular exercise, the food we put in our bodies can have both instant and life-long
effects on our health, and too much of everything is also bad. Leftover food may create stress because it
can hurt our stomach badly. Too much salt, sugar, fat and pepper also makes us less calm.
Overconsumption of some kinds of foods, such as onion, garlic, tea, coffee, tobacco, soda, alcohol,
chocolate, sour apples, pickles and refined sugars encourages aggression, and consumers tend to have
more worries than happiness. More importantly, the relationship between food and stress is about what or
how much we eat and how the food is eaten. For example, stress is probably created when we eat food in
a great hurry or when we are angry. The way the food is served is also a matter of importance. Not only
does the presentation of the dish play a role but the love and affection with which the food is provided are
also essential. It is considered a bad habit to give too many negative comments on the food that we are
eating. It is better not to eat the dish we do not like than look for something wrong in it.
Bear in mind that we should maintain regular eating habits. Workaholics who do not arrange a
time to eat food at proper meal time may suffer from serious stomachache. One must try to enjoy their
food, so frequently eating business lunches or dinners is not a really good idea. Every bite of food should
be enjoyed with relaxation. Food and discussions should not be mixed. There are accepted ways to
charge our daily food. Prayer could be the best method for energizing the food, and it usually has a useful

51. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Healthy diets B. Food and stress C. Eating habits D. The positive effects of food
52. Which of the following is the word “charge” in paragraph 2 CLOSEST in meaning to?
A. pay money for the food B. limit the food
C. serve the food D. give energy to the food
53. Which of the following does the word “it” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A. prayer B. food C. method D. cost
54. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Eating too much of any kinds of food is acceptable.
B. Raja sic foods help to relieve stress.
C. Lunch or dinner meetings are highly recommended.
D. Irregular meal time may cause problems for one’s stomach.
55. Which of the following CAN’T cause stress when eating?
A. The way we eat B. The type of food C. The passion for food D. The amount of food

C. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.

Do you (56) ______________ good? Are you fit and healthy? Maybe you think you are too fat
and need to lose weight or maybe you are too thin and need to (57) ______________ on weight. Here is
some advice for you. First of all, it is important not to do things that do harm (58) ______________ your
health, such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol or going to bed too late. Secondly, if you have an
unhealthy lifestyle, try to change some of your daily activities. Make sure you eat a(n) (59)
______________ diet, including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and do not skip meals. You should
also get enough sleep and use less social media. Do exercise to keep fit, such as jogging or joining the
gym. Lastly, you should always stay motivated. An important key to being in (60) ______________ is to
set goals and keep a positive mindset. If you stay positive, you will be able to push yourself to get that fit
body you’ve always wanted.


Rearrange the words or phrases to make meaningful sentences.
61. lift / or / sports / to / stronger. / You / play / can / weights / get
62. always / to / I / morning. / fruit / my / add / every / breakfast cereal
63. highly / should / from / foods / meat. / You / which / away / contain / processed / stay
64. up to / people. / may / than / Happy / 18% longer / people / live / unhappy
65. more / Just / daily / three / years / could / exercise / of / life. / 15 minutes / add / of


Listen to Emma and David talking about a TV program and decide whether the following statements
are T (True) or F (False).
66. The TV program last night only focused on healthy diets that make people happier. __________
67. Emma always has nuts in her daily meals. __________
68. David thinks he should get more sleep a night. __________
69. David thinks doing exercise with other people is fun. __________
70. Emma disagrees with David on doing some sports to become fit. __________

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