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1 Mark Questions

Question 1. What do you mean by planning in sports?

Answer: Planning is a process of development of a strategy to achieve desired objectives, to

solve problems and to facilitate action. With the help of appropriate planning in the field of
games and sports, even some hitherto unachievable tasks can be achieved.

Question 2.List the various types of tournaments.

Answer: Various types of tournaments are

● Knock-out or Elimination tournament

● League or Round Robin tournament
● Combination tournament
● Challenge tournament

Question 3.What are knock-out tournaments?

Answer: This type of tournament is also known as elimination tournament. In this type of
tournament, the loser of each bracket is immediately eliminated from the tournament.

Question 4.Round Robin tournament is of two types. Name them and give
one major difference between them. (All India 2017)

Answer: There are two types of league or round robin tournaments (i)
Single League Tournament In single league, every team plays with every other team
once.Number of matches = ( −1)/2(N = number of teams) (ii)
Double League Tournament In double league, every team plays with every other team
twice.Number of matches =N(N-1) (N = number of teams)

Question 5.What do you mean by consolation tournament?

Answer: Consolation tournament are those tournaments in which an additional chance is

given to the defeated team

Question 6.What is seeding? (CBSE 2013,11)

Answer: Seeding is a procedure by which good teams are placed in fixtures in such a way
that stronger teams do not meet each other at the very start of a tournament. In seeding, the
strong teams are selected to keep them at appropriate places in the fixtures so that they
should not meet in the earlier rounds.

Question 7. What is bye? (All India 2016,14)

Answer: Bye is a privilege given to a team which is decided generally by seeding it or by

draw of lots.

Question 8.Explain procedure for giving bye. (CBSE 2013,12)

Answer: Byes can be applied equally to single person competitions and team sports as well
as to single-game eliminations and best of series eliminations. If the number of competitors
or competing teams are not a multiple of 2 then some teams may get ‘bye.’

Question 9.Write formula for giving bye. (All India 2016)

Answer: Formula for giving bye= Next power of 2-No. of Teams

Upper Half =nb−1/2

Lower Half =nb+1/2

Question 10.What do you mean by league tournament?

Answer: A league tournament is also known as round robin tournament. In this type of
tournament, each contestant meets all other contestants in turn.

Question 11.Enlist two objectives of intramurals. (Delhi 2016, 15, 14)

Answer: The two objectives of intramurals are

● To provide incentive, motivation and opportunity to learn various skills.

● To develop sportsman spirit among students.

Question 12.What does the school intend by stating that, “only such
students shall participate in the Basketball Intramurals who have not
represented the school in Basketball in the past and minimum 10
substitutions shall be compulsory.” (CBSE Model Paper 2015)

Answer: To promote mass participation and to explore the hidden talent of the students.

3 Marks Questions

Question 13.Write the name of various committees. (All Indio 2016)

Answer: Arrangement Committee, Technical Committee, Discipline Committee, Reception

Committee, Boarding and Lodging Committees, Certificate Writing Committee, Medical
Committee, Announcement Committee, Recorders and Bulletin Board Committee.

Question 14.Discuss any two importance of tournaments.

Answer: The importance of tournaments are

1. Source of Recreation A large number of people go to watch various games and

sports for recreation. Sports tournaments provide ample recreation to the
2. Development of Social Qualities Social qualities such as cooperation, tolerance,
sympathy, group cohesion, brotherhood and discipline are developed among
participants through sports tournaments.

Question 15.What do you mean by knock-out tournament? Draw the fixture

of 21 teams on knock-out.basis. (CBSE 2016,14,13)

Answer :-

Question 16.What is a knock-out tournament? Mention any two

disadvantages of the knock-out tournament. Delhi 2016

Answer: A single elimination tournament (also called an Olympic system tournament) or a

knock-out tournament is a type of elimination tournament where the loser of each bracket is
immediately eliminated from the tournament. In some such tournaments, consolation or
‘classification’ contests are subsequently held among those already defeated to determine
the awarding of lesser places. For instance, a third-place playoff.

The disadvantages of knock-out tournament are :-

● There are chances of weaker team to get to finals.

● In case of poor play in a particular match, the better team may not qualify for the
next round.

Question 17.What are the advantages of knock-out tournaments?

Answer: The advantages of knock-out tournaments are

● Minimum number of officials are required in organising tournaments.

● Less number of matches are played, thus requiring less time to complete the
● It helps in enhancing the standard of sports.

Question 18.Draw the fixtures of 7 teams on knock-out basis.

Answer: Total number of matches = N -1 = 7 -1 = 6

Question 19.Draw a fixture of 11 Football teams participating in a

tournament on the basis of knock-out. (All India 2016)


Question 20.Briefly explain types of league tournaments.

Answer: There are two types of league tournaments

1. Single League Tournament In single league, every team plays with every other
team once.
Number of matches
2. =𝑁(𝑁−1)/2
(N=number of teams)
3. Double League Tournament In double league, every team plays with every other
team twice.
Number of matches =N(N—1) (IV= number of teams)

Question 21.Explain the staircase method of a league tournament for 7


Answer: In the staircase method, fixtures are made just like a ladder or staircase. This
method is the easiest method because no bye is given to any team and there is no need of
the stipulation of odd or even number of teams.

Question 22.Explain cyclic method of league tournament for 4 teams.

Answer: In this method, one team is kept fixed and other teams are moved clockwise. When
the number of teams is even, no bye is given, but if the number of teams is odd, one bye is
given in each round.

5 Marks Questions

Question 23. Being a sports captain of the school, prepare five important
committees with their responsibilities to conduct a one day run for health
race. (Delhi 2015)

Answer: Being the sports captain I will form five committees. These are as follows

1. Publicity Committee This committee will prepare the advertisement plans,

announce the sports events dates, venues and notify the public through
newspaper, television, email and websites.
2. Boarding and Lodging Committee This committee will arrange the
accommodation of the participants and ensure the provisions for food and
3. Transportation Committee This committee provides the necessary
transportation to the participants to and fro the venue.
4. Grounds and Equipment Committee This committee takes care of the ground
where the event is to take place. At the same time, it also takes care of the
equipment and checks if they are running properly.

5. Reception Committee The members of this committee are responsible to

welcome the Chief Guest and spectators at opening and closing ceremonies.

Question 24.Suggest the formation of various committees for systematic

and smooth conduct of sports day in your school. (All India 2014)


● Selection of Members Students who are interested and motivated to take part
should be included in the committee.
● Define Tasks Clearly Next step is to define the tasks of each committee. All the
committee members should be given clear guidelines about their task.
● Planning the entire event properly/looking at each and every aspect of the sports
● Establish Goals Each committee should be clearly told about their goals so that
they know what is expected of them.

Question 25.What is the meaning of tournament? Draw knock-out fixture for

27 teams. (CBSE 2012)

Answer: A tournament is a competition held among various teams in a particular activity

according to a fixed schedule where a winner is decided.

Question 26.What do you understand by fixture? Draw a fixture of 13 teams

in knock-out tournament.(CBSE 2011)

Answer: Fixture is the process of arranging the teams in systematic order in various groups
for competition in a physical activity. In other words, it is the set-up of various teams for
competitive matches where they play in a systematic order as per the fixture schedule. A
tournament is a competition held among various teams in a particular bye

Question 27. What is a league tournament? Draw a fixture of 9 teams

participating in a league tournament.

Answer: League Tournament It is also known as round robin tournament. In this type of
tournament, all teams play against each other irrespective of winning or losing. The number
of matches played in league tournament is calculated by Number of teams=

Question 28.What do you understand by intramural? What is its


Answer: The word intramural is derived from the Latin words intra and muros, which means
‘within walls’. The teams compete within the walls of an institution e.g. inter-class
tournament or inter-house tournament in a school.

Importance of Intramurals

● It improves the sense of citizenship and adult living.

● It helps in selection of teams for participation in extramural competitions.
● It brings out the hidden talent of the students.
● It develops leadership qualities in students.
● It creates a recreational atmosphere among the teachers and students.
● It helps the students to learn about the conduct of various games.
● It develops the physical fitness of students.
● It develops social values and qualities.
● It develops personality.
● It provides relaxation from strenuous school work.

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