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Barbie adaptation 6th grade B

Act 1: A Land Divided

Scene 1:In Barbieland
Narrator: This story begins in a faraway land called Barbieland, where all the barbies
live happily, oh and also the Ken’s. In barbie land it’s always a perfect day and
everything works perfectly or so they think but who am I to break their illusions.
(Choreo number)
Barbie:Hi Barbie!
Barbie president: Hi Barbie!
Barbie: Hi barbie!
Barbie scientist: Hi barbie!
Barbie: Hi Barbie!
Barbie doctor: Hi barbie
Barbie: Hi Barbie!
Ken: Hi Barbie
Barbie: Hi Ken.
Ken 2: Hi Barbie.
Berbie: Hi Ken.
Ken: Aaaghh! (Angry)
Allan: Hi!
Barbie: Oh hi Allan.
Barbie: (Sighs) "Hey barbies Isn't Babyland beautiful, girls?
Friend 1: Yes barbie, it’s perfect
Barbie: Every day it’s perfect and I want every day to be like this.

Scene 2: Ken's Ambition

Narrator: Oh wait, there is someone who ir not happy in barbie land, who can it be… It’s
Ken, what is he up to…
Ken: (Muttering to himself) "Barbie always gets all the attention and praise. Why can't it
be me for once?"
Ken 2: "What's bothering you, Ken?"
Ken: "It's just... I want to be in charge for once. I think we should rule Barbieland, not
Allan: "But why would you want to take over? We should all support each other and
work together."
All the kens: (yelling) Shut up Allan!!
Ken: (Smirking) "That's just it. Barbie wants unity, but I want power. And I'll do whatever
it takes to get it."

Scene 3:
Narrator: The Kens planed meticulously their plan, today is the day of the strike to
convert Barbie land to Kendom.
Lights dim as a shadowy figure appears on stage. Ken stands center stage with an evil
Ken: (Sinister chuckle) "Finally, it's time for me to take control. Barbie won't know what
hit her."
As Ken speaks, other Kens dressed in dark colors emerge from the shadows, joining
him on stage.
Ken 2: "What's the plan, Ken?"
Ken: "We need to cause chaos and confusion, my fellow Kens. Divide and conquer!"
The Kens nod in agreement, and the stage is quickly transformed to represent Barbie
The scene shifts to Barbie Land, a vibrant and joyful place where babies play freely and
Barbie and her friends are seen chatting and laughing together.
Barbie president: (Smiling) "Isn't Baby Land just wonderful, everyone? We're all so
fortunate to live here."
Barbie Scientist: "You're right, madam president. It's a paradise for barbies."
Barbie doctor : "And it's all thanks to all the barbies leadership and vision."
As they continue talking, the group starts to notice some unfamiliar faces sneaking
Barbie president: (Concerned) "Wait, who are they? I've never seen those barbies
Barbie Scientist: "Something doesn't feel right, Barbie."
Barbie doctor: "Be careful, everyone. Let's stick together."
The Kens continue to blend into the crowd, spreading whispers of doubt and suspicion.
And explained them the rules of new Kendom.
More babies start to listen to the Kens' manipulative words, their trust in Barbie
Barbie: (coming in) "What's happening? Why are they turning into Ken slaves?"
Ken, smirking, steps forward, now wearing an ostentatious crown.
Ken: (Addressing the crowd) "Dear barbies of Barbie Land, it is time for a change! I shall
be your new leader."
Some barbies cheer, while others look uncertain.
Barbie: (Angrily) "Ken, what do you think you're doing? This isn't right!"
Ken: "Oh, but it is, my dear. Barbie has been keeping us under her control for too long.
Now, it's our turn to shine!"
The barbies start to argue amongst themselves, creating chaos.
Barbie: (Fighting back tears) "Please, listen to each other! We can work together, find
common ground."
Despite her efforts, the division among the babies deepens.
Ken's followers begin to surround Barbie, pushing her away from the crowd.
Barbie: (Firmly) "I won't let you do this, Ken!"
Ken: (Menacingly) "Stand down, or face the consequences!"
Barbie's friends step back reluctantly, worried about the potential harm that may come
to them.

Act 2: Barbie's Quest

Scene 1: The Awakening
Narrator: Now that the Kens have turn the other barbies against our barbie, she feel
hopeless, how is she going to save her friends from the evil hands of all the Kens who
brainwashed them.

Barbie: (To herself) "I can't stand by and let these icontinue. It's time to take action." I
need to go see weird Barbie; she might know something.

Narrator: You might be wondering who weird barbie is, well it is said that she was the
most beautiful barbie once but someone in the real world played too hard with her,
causing her to look like… Well you will see…

At Wierd barbies mansion

(Friends gather around Barbie)

Weird barbie: "Barbie, what's going on? You seem determined about something."
Barbie: "I've realized that Babyland isn't as fair as it should be. We need to challenge
the Kens and promote equality!"
Scene 2: Barbie's Gathering
Barbie: (Addressing the group) "I want to create a more equal and inclusive Barbieland,
where every barbie can dream big and be anything they want to be and so as the kens!"
Weird barbie: "We're with you, Barbie! Let's stand up against these unfair system
imposed by the Kens."
Allan: "It's time to show everyone that we're stronger together, regardless of our

Narrator: Note to the audience, Allan is always kind and good the barbies.

Scene 3: Ken's Manipulations

Ken: (Approaching a group of babies) "You know, Barbie's ideas might sound nice, but
do you really think it'll work? Boys and girls are just different."
Babies: "Well, Barbie believes in it. Why shouldn't we?"
Ken: "Maybe she's just trying to steal the spotlight from us boys."
Babies: "But she said we can be anything we want."
Ken: "Oh, come on! Do you really believe that?"

Act 3: The Battle for Equality

Scene 1: Barbie's Call for Unity

Narrator: It seems that convincing Ken would be harder than they imagines but Barbie
knows Ken better than anyone…

Barbie: (Speaking passionately) "We need to come together and support each other.
Let's break the barriers that hold us back."
Barbie president: "Barbie's right. Let's embrace our unique qualities and talents."
Barbie scientist: "And let's encourage each other to follow our dreams, no matter what."
Barbie doctor: Breaking the Stereotypes
Scene 3: The Final Confrontation
Barbie: (Facing Ken) "Ken, why are you doing this? We should be supporting each
other, not fighting."
Ken: "I'm tired of being overshadowed by you, Barbie. It's my turn to shine!"
Barbie: "It's not about shining alone, Ken. It's about shining together and making Barbie
land a better place for everyone."
(Ken realizes the truth)
Ken: You are right Barbie; I have been so wrong… (Cries loudly) Please forgive me
Barbies (Cries louder)

Act 4: A New Babyland

Scene 1: Rebuilding Babyland

(Friends work together to reshape Babrbieland, removing old stereotypes and

promoting equality)
Barbie Scientist: (Smiling) "Look at what we've accomplished together. Babyland is
becoming a place of true equality."
Scene 2: A bright Future
(Friends celebrate their newfound freedom and unity)
Babies: (Singing) "We stand as one, hand in hand, a future bright in Barbieland!"

Epilogue: The Power of Unity

Barbie: (Addressing the audience) "Remember, boys and girls, the power of unity can
change the world. Let's make a difference and create a better future together!"
(The audience applauds as the curtain falls, inspired by the message of unity and
feminism conveyed through the play "Babyland Chronicles: Rise of Equality.")

Narrator: And so, the barbies created a new Barbie land where everyone feels special
for who they are.

The end.

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