10th Math Ch 2 Ex 2.1

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Nov are ing UNREGISTERED. versonnow. | Qi Find the discriminant following given quadratic equation. Solutions: @ As ax t+bx+e=0 > a=2,b=3,¢ Disc.=b*—4ac = (3) -4(2)(-1) 948 7 Gi) 6x*-8x4+3=0 As ax? +bx+c=0 > a=6 , b=-8 , c=3 ~4ac =(-8) -46)3) = 64-72 =-8 (iii) 9x? -30x+25=0 As ax’+bx+c=0 = 2=9 , b=-30, c=25 Dis =b? -dac (-30)" -4(9)(25) = 900-900 =0 (iv) 4x?-7x-2=0 As ax'+bxtc => a=4,b Disc =b? —4ac = (TY -4(4)(-2) = 49432 =81 FREEILM.COM @)@@OQO rreeim.com EESEm of the Q.2 Find the nature of the roots of the following given quadratic equations and verify the result by solving the equations @ | x?=23x+120=0 Solutions: x? =23x+120=0 As ax’+bx+c=0 > . , c=120 Disc = b* —4ac = (-23)'—4((120) = 529-480 =49 = As Disc. is positive and perfect square, therefore roots of equation are real, rational and un equal. Verification. Now solving the Equation bi Vb? —4ac 2a _ (23) + 23) = 400120) ~“ 2) 223 V529= 480 2 pa BEV 2 _ 247 2 x 2347 x= 2 30 xe o a or xel5 or x=8 ‘Thus roots are real, rational and unequal @— (i) xt 43x47=0 As av +bx+c=0 =(3)"-4(2)(7) 56 =+47 <0 As Disc. is negative, therefore roots of the equation are imaginary complex conjugates) Verification We verify the results by solving the equation. 2x7 43x+ a=2,b=3,c=7 ~bt Vb? -4ac 2a pe DEVO 4 2(2) pa bt 9-56 4 3447 4 Thus roots are imaginary. (iii) 16x*-24x+9=0 As ax’+bxtc= => a=l6 , b=-24, Disc = b* —4ac 24)? -4(16)(9) 76-576 c=9 ‘As Disc. = 0 therefore roots of equation are rational (real) and equal. Verification: We verify the result by solving the equation. Here a=16,b=-24, c=9 b+ Vb -4ac ye 2a FREEILM.COM @)@@OQO raretim.com (-24)' = 40.6)(9) 2(16) 24+ V576-576 Thus roots are rational (real) and equal. (iy) 3x7+7x-13=0 As ax?+bx+e=0 > a=3,b ,c=-13 Disc = b? ~4ac (7) -4 (3) (-13) = 49 +156 = 205 ‘Therefore roots of equation are real, irrational, and unequal Verification: We verify the result by solving the equation. 3x? +7x-13=0 as3, b=7, c=-13 vb? —4ac 2a ~T£ V7 -4G)(-13) 2(3) ++ 494156 ‘Thus roots are real, irrational and unequal. @— Q3_ For what value of k, the exp KAN? + 2(k +1) 44 is perfect square, Solutio a=k, b=Ak+), c=4 b —4ac =[2(k +] -4(k M4) 2(k+ 1)? -16k* SACK? + 2k +1)-16K? = 4k? + 8k + 4—16k =-12k + 8k +4 As given that expression is perfect square therefore sssion 3k -3k+k-1=0 3k(k=l)#k=1) =0 (k-DGKH= k-1=0 ot k=0+1 or k= or =I So values of k are | and Q.4 Find the value of K, if the roots of the following equations are equal. Solution: ()— 2k-1)x" +3kx+3=0 As ax+bxtc=0 » b=3k , c= ~4ac (3k)? - 4(2k =1)(3) ke? = 12(2k = 1) 724k +12 ‘As the roots of given equation are equal, So Dise. = 0 9k? — 24k +12=0 33k? = Bk +4) =0 FREEILM.COM @@@OQO rrttim.com 3k? -Bk +4 =0 (- 340) 3 6k -2k+4=0 3k(k=2)-2(k=2)=0 (k-2)(3k-2)=0 Either k-2=0 or 3k-2=0 k=2 or 3k=2 pe 3 2 So values of kare 2 and + Gi) x7 +2(k+2)x+@Gk +4) = Solution: As ax*+bx+c=0 » b=Ak+2) c= 3k+4 =? —4ac =[2(k+2)F -4( Gk +4) =A(k +2) 43k +4) =4(k2 +4k+4)-12k-16 = 4K £16k + 16 -12k- 16 = 4k? 44k =4k(k+1) As roots of given equation are equal, so Disc. = 0 4k(k+1)=0 Either 4k=0 © or k+ As 4#0. or =k=0 So values of k are 0 and ~1 (iil) Gk +2)x?-5(k +1)x+2k +3)=0 Solution: As ax’ +bx+c=0 a= (3k +2) b=-S(k+1),¢=2k4+3 Disc = b’-4ac =[-5(k + Df 43k +2)(2k +3) = (-5)'(k +1)? 4 (6k? + 9k + 4k +6) = 25[ k? + 2(K)() +P ]-4 (GR? +13k +6) @— FREEILM.COM @)@@OQO rretim.com = 25k" +50k +25-24k? —52k -24 KP-2k41 k+l (k=) Uk -1) =(k-DK-D As root of given equation are equal Dise =0 (k-D(k-1)=0 k-150 0 or k-150 ks or k=l So values of k is 1 Q5 Show that the ~— equation x? +(mx +0)" has equal roots if (14m? ) Solution: We have given x +(mx+c) =a" x° + (mx)? +(cY +2(mx\(c) tm te?+2mer-a® (4 m?)x? 42mex+e Ax +Bx+C=0 Az=(l+m*),B=2mc, Disc = B’-4AC = (2me)? = 4(1+m?)(c? —a°) = 4c? —4(c? -a? +m°c? am’) 4a? — dae +-da?m? =-4e? 44a? + 4a°m? = 9k — 44 ‘As roots of the equation are equal, so c?=a?-a'm’ =0 Pea tam c=a'(l+n) Hence proved Q.6 Find the condition that the roots of the equation (mx +c)’ -4ax = 0 are equal Solution: We have given (mx+c)’ -4ax=0 (mx*) +(e)’ +2(mx)(e)—4ax=0 mex +c°+2mex—4dar=0 mx? +(2me—da)x-+e' Ax’ +Bx+C=0 A=m’,B=2me-4a,C=c? Dise.= B?-4AC = (2me 4a) ~4(m* Yc") =(2mc)’ +(4a)’ -2(2me)(4a)—4m?c* = dee +160? -16acm— 4a = 16a —16aem =16a(a-mc) As root of the equation are equal, So Dise = 0 16a(a—me) =0 er 16a=0 or As 16 #0S0a=0 or Thus required condition is a=0 or a=me Q7 If the roots of the equation (c? ~ab)x* ~2(a* —be)x + (b* -ae) =0 b’ +c = 3abe a-me=0 ne are equal, then a=0 or a° Solution: We have given (c? -ab)x? = 2(a? —be)x-+(b* -ac) =0 Ax’ +Bx+C=0 A=(c?~ab), B= -2(a* be), C = (b* -ac) 4AC ~2a —be)T ~ 4c? ~abyb? ac) (-2)' (a? —be)* — 4(c? -ab)(b? - ac) = af se) +(e) ~2(«?)(be)]-a( pe aca abe =d(a' +e —2atbe) ae = Aa! + SPE Babe ~ IPE + Aa + dab’ o— =4a* +4ac’ +4ab" -12a°be =4a(a'+b' +c —3abe) If roots of given equation are equal, then Dise. = 0 da(a' +b" +c*—3abe) =0 4a=0 or a’+b+c)-3abce=0 As 440, or So, a=0 Q.8 Show that the roots of the following equations are rational la’ +b* +c? =3abe| Solution: @ — a(b-c)x? +b(c-a)x +c(a-b)=0 Ax’ +Bx+C=0 A=a(b—c), B=b(c—a), C=c(a—-b) Disc.= B’-4AC IL =[b(c-a)] -4[a(b-c)c(a-b)] =*(c—a)’ —4[ac(b-ca-b)] (c? +a* —2ac)—4ac(ab—b? —ca+be) a0) ~2abc—4a°be+4ab c+ deta? —dabe* =a +B +4e°a® +2ab c—Aabe? abe = (ab) +(bc)? + (-2ca)* +2(ab)(be) +2(be)(-2ea) +2(-2ca)(ab) By using formula (A+ B+C)' =A? +B’ +C? +2AB+2BC+2CA So, =[(ab)+ (be) +(~2ca) =(ab+be-2ca)*>0 ‘As Disc. is perfect square so the roots of equations are rational. (ii) (@+2b) x? +2(atbte) x+(a+20)=0 Solution: Azat2b , B=2(atbtc) , C=(a+2c) Disc. =B’-4AC = [2(atb+c)] — 4 (a+2b) (a2) FREEILM.COM @@@OQO rreeim.com = dfat4b?4c7+2ab+2be+2ca]-A(a"42ac+2ab+4be) = A440? 442 Ba +8b0+ 8h — al — BAe ~ cb ibe =4b? + 4c? + 8bo-6be = db? + dc? -8be = (2b)” + (2c)? ~2 (2b) (2c) = (2b-2c)> 0. As Disc. is perfect square therefore roots, are rational (real and unequal) Q9. For all values of K, Prove that the Roots, of the Equation. x afk rt }x3=0, k #0 are real Solution. a=, b-2 (+4) ,e=3 -|- « +4)] 400) ore(Z) -20(f)] (Z| >0 As Disc. is positive so roots of the given equation are real. Q.10. Show that the roots of the equation (b~ o)x"#(e~ a)x+(a—b) =0 are real. Solution: (b - c)x*+(c - a)x+(a-b) = 0. Ax? + Bx +C=0 (b—c), B=(c-a),C= ‘a—b) 4AC -4(b - c)(a—b) ""~2ca) ~4 (ab-b*-catbe) 1ca—dab+4b+4ea—4be +4b*42ca-4be—tab =a? + 4b" +c? —dab—dbe + 2ca = (a) +(~2b)*+(0)"+2(a)(-2b)+2(-2b)(c)+(c)(a) =(a-2b+0) Perfect square shows that the roots of the given equation are real FREEILM.COM @@@OQO rretim.com

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