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IFMS - Integrated Financial Management System

Department of Finance, Himachal Pradesh

 Emoluments of Employee Report

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Emoluments Details (Check with DDO)

Credit Month 042022 052022 062022 072022 082022 092022 102022 112022 122022 012023 022023 032023 Total

Basic Pay 65000 65000 69400 69400 69400 69400 69400 69400 69400 69400 71500 71500 828200

Dearness Allowance 24180 24180 25817 25817 25817 25817 25817 25817 25817 25817 26598 26598 308092

House Rent Allowance 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 10800

Compensatory 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 2400
Non Practicing 13000 13000 13880 13880 13880 13880 13880 13880 13880 13880 14300 14300 165640
7thPayArr Installment 50000 50000

NPS Employer Share* 14305 14305 22417 15274 15274 15274 20274 15274 15274 15274 15736 17776 196457

PayArr_052022 45900 45900

PayArr_032023 14562 14562

Total 117585 117585 178514 125471 125471 125471 180471 125471 125471 125471 129234 145836 1622051

Deductions Details

Credit Month 042022 052022 062022 072022 082022 092022 102022 112022 122022 012023 022023 032023 Total

Insurance Fund 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 432

Saving Fund 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 1008

Income Tax 10000 10000 19179 10000 10000 10000 25000 10000 10000 10000 17956 22324 164459

Surcharge 400 400 766 400 400 400 1000 400 400 400 719 893 6578

NPS Subscription 10218 10218 16012 10910 10910 10910 10910 10910 10910 10910 11240 12698 136756

NPS Employer Share* 14305 14305 22417 15274 15274 15274 20274 15274 15274 15274 15736 17776 196457

NPS Arrear Upto 5000 5000

Index Personal 200 200
Accident Insurance
Total 35043 35043 58494 36704 36704 36704 62304 36704 36904 36704 45771 53811 510890

Note: NPS Employer Share* - Shown in Emoluments to include in Gross Salary for income Tax calculation and Same have been shown Deductions
side , out of which employee can claim deduction under section 80CCD (2)

E-Salary 26-06-2023 12:19:34 NIC-HP 1

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