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Derek & Sarah Grant

Serving in Indonesia
Issue 8, September 2008
Prayer & Praise:
New Life
August 27th, a new baby girl was born to
• Pray for good health and Yehia and Moipi. As soon as we found out,
endurance as we continue we hiked down to see how Moipi and the
to study the Dao language baby were doing. When we arrived, Moipi
was in the house and the door was closed. Only women can go inside, so Sarah
• Pray for Derek’s eyes, as went in to give her a small gift of food (that is the cultural thing to do when a baby is
they have been causing him born). Moipi let another Dao lady bring the baby outside for Derek to see, while
quite a bit of pain lately Sarah stayed in the hut with Moipi and visited a bit.
During their conversation, Moipi told Sarah that dur-
• Praise the Lord for the 4
ing the birth she was praying. Prayer is something
Dao men who are teaching
that only a year ago, these Dao friends had no idea
the Bible lessons each Sun-
about. Now, they have heard the Good News of the
day. Pray for their faithful-
Gospel and have portions of God’s Word in their own
ness, spiritual growth, and language. Because they now have the Life of Christ
teaching ability in them, they can have fellowship with God and com-
• Pray for the Dao as they municate with Him through prayer. What an amazing
continue to grow in truth thing for Moipi to be able to say, “I prayed to the
Creator.” A year ago, many Dao people were born
• Pray for Phillips who are in into a new Life. Now, this new little life who arrived
the states on furlough this week will have a chance to grow up hearing
about Jesus and the Life He has planned for her.

Upcoming Events:

A Successful Dental Surgery

Oct. 17th—Sarah’s 27th Birthday

Oct.—Stg. 3 language evaluation

At the beginning of June, we took a trip
Oct 29-Nov 7— Attend transla- A walk on the beach before the surgery
to Bali to see a dental surgeon because
tion workshop in Sentani
Sarah’s wisdom teeth had been giving
Dec. 25th—Christmas in Dao! her a lot of pain for several months. The
surgeon was able to remove all of them,
and Sarah’s mouth began the healing
Contact Us: , process. In July, we were in Sentani for, a conference and decided to go see a local dentist to check up on her mouth
to see if it was healing properly. She
Indonesia Address: was noticing a bit of pain still and won-
P.O. Box 369 dered if something was wrong. After
Sentani, Papua doing x-rays, the dentist found a small
99352, Indonesia piece of tooth left over from the surgery,
Canadian Address: but was able to remove it without diffi-
culty. Now, Sarah’s mouth is finally healing well. Thank you to all of you who prayed
P.O. Box 707
and gave toward this medical trip. We are now back in Dao, studying language and
Durham, ON culture, and doing well.
N0G 1R0
phone: 519-369-2622

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