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Verbs with -ing forms

and infinitives
Before you start
1 Read the messages on the Internet. Look at the highlighted grammar examples.

& a* - " w w w .p ro blem son lin e.o>foru m

Problems Online
The Internet forum w here everyone can ask for and give advice!


Thom as I'm in the last year of my medical course. I'm finding things very difficult. This
posted year I'm spending most of my time in the hospital. It's an interesting course
Friday and I enjoy studying, but our tutors make us work all day in the hospital and
November 5 then expect us to study in the evening. They don't let us have any free time! I
had time to go out with my friends in previous years. But now I have to spend i
all my free time in the library. I don't want to lose my friends, but I don't want
to fail my exams either!
What can I do?

Sally Everyone knows that medical degrees are difficult. But you shouldn't feel bad
posted about it. If you can continue working for the next few months, you will soon
Saturday be a doctor with a wonderful future ahead of you. Talk to your friends - explain
November 6 the situation to them and arrange to see them at the weekends instead of the
And don't forget to get plenty of sleep!
Let us know what happens.

uni |-

2 Now read the sentences. Choose the correct words in italics.

The highlighted grammar examples will help you.
1 I enjo y watch / watching television in the evening. > U n it 83
2 Y o u 'll get fat if you co n tin u e eating / eat so m a n y cakes. > U n it 83
3 He doesn't w ant to work / working on Saturday. > U n it 84
4 Excuse me. C a n I to take / take your photograph? > U n it 84
5 M y boss expects m e to work / working o n Saturday m o rn in gs. > U n it 85
6 You sh o u ld n 't let im po lite people annoy / to annoy you. > U n it 85
7 T h e m anager makes me do / to do all the p h o to co p yin g in the office. > U n it 85

3 Check your answers below. Then go to the unit for more information and practice.
op l Aouue g >|jom o i 5 y >poM 0 } £ 6 u ite a z B u jip t e M 1

Cl) G o o n lin e fo r a full d ia g n o stic test 213
Verb + -ing form

Verb + -ing form


like dislike enjoy Do you like working here?
likes a n d d islike s love hate prefer Children often dislike going to school.
(not) mind 1don't mind getting up early in the morning.
suggest consider Jack suggested going to the cinema.
ideas an d o p in io n s
imagine recommend Can you imagine living without your mobile phone?
actio n s th a t start, begin continue delay He began playing in the second half of the game.
sto p o r c o n tin u e start stop finish Stop making all that noise!
o th e r verbs avoid miss Do you miss living in a big city?

After begin, start and continue, we can use an -ing form or an in fin itiv e w ith to.
The m e a n in g is the same.
w ould + I ike I love I hate I p refer > U n it 84.3

Verb + preposition + -ing form


I'm thinking o f training as a nurse.

p re p o sitio n s th,„k o f l s She's talking about changing her course at university.

Verbs w ith p re positio n s >• U n it 100

go + -ing form
We som etim es use go + -ing form to talk about d o in g sports and other activities:

sp o rts an d go swimming go skating go horse-riding How often do you go swimming?
o th e r activitie s go running go skiing go shopping Last year we went skiing in Colorado.

Spelling o f -ing form s > page 316
Complete the sentences with words from the box. There are three extra words.
Listen and check.
0 Are yo u g o in g t o contim c stu dying next year? ^ stQp € Q f l t e |jye
1 D o yo u m is s a b ig city? living recommended
2 The d o c to r ....................................staying in bed for three days. chopping
3 We w e n t N ew York last December.
4 If you c o n tin u e ....................................the m edicine, yo u w ill feel better.
5 W h en d id yo u give u p ...................................?
6 I la u g h in g - it's so funny!

■cwiMftEiHiiisiw Complete the advertisement with forms of the verbs in the box.
Btenni Listen and check.
become change earn help study work

Do you enjoy (0) ....bzlP.W..... people?

Are you thinking of (1).................. your job?
Have you ever considered (2 )........................a nurse?
Training as a nurse takes three years. As soon as you finish,
you can start (3)....................... good money.
Or you can continue (4)....................... and learn more
about special areas like child care.
If you want a job that is satisfying and you don't mind
(5)........................long hours, then nursing is for you!

3 Write questions. Use the words in brackets () and go + an activity.

0 (when?) jL 3 (how often?)
W k m do you. j o ..........

1 (how often?) a 4 (when?)

jt ........................ ml ..........
2 (when?) 5 (how often?)

Complete these sentences with true information about you/your best friend.
0 He/She hates t o .t ^ .d ^ l s t ................................................................................................
1 I hate ..................................................................................................................................................
2 I never go ..........................................................................................................................................
3 He/She doesn't m in d .....................................................................................................................
4 He/She often goes ............................................................................................................................
5 I b e g a n ...................................................................................................................i n .......................
6 I e n j o y ........................... ....................................................................................................................
7 I'm th in k in g o f .................................................................................................................. n ext year

(!) G o o n lin e fo r m ore practice 215

8 4 Verb + infinitive

1 Verb + infinitive without to

We use the in fin itiv e w itho u t to after m odal verbs (e.g. should, can, must):
I can't believe it!
We should send her an email.
You must get a job soon.
We use let's + in fin itiv e w itho u t to to m ake suggestions:
Let's go to the cinema this evening.
Let's celebrate ...
I don't like burgers - let's have a pizza.

2 Verb + infinitive with to

We use the in fin itiv e w ith to after some verbs:

can/can'tafford agree arrange ask choose decide

deserve expect learn offer plan promise refuse seem want

What a surprise! I didn't expect to see you here.

She wants to find a better job.
Where did you arrange to meet Danny and Laura?
After help we can use an in fin itiv e w ith to or w itho u t to; the m e a n in g is the same:
He helped to carry our bags, or He helped carry our bags.
W ith all the other verbs above we ALW AYS use to:
g I want buy some new jeans.
/ I want to buy some new jeans.

would + like /love /hate /prefer

We use the in fin itiv e w ith to after would {'d) like/love/hate/prefer:
My parents would love to meet you.
I'd hate to miss Clara's party.
Would you like to come with us on Tuesday evening?
Lo o k at the difference between would like and like:
I'd like to sail around the world. (= I w ant to do this in the future.)
I like sailing. (= I e njo y sailing.)

1 Match the two parts of the sentences. BUe w h Listen and check.
0 I'm really bored. L e t ' s ----------------------------------------A to eat some spicy food?
1 D o yo u feel like co m in g out th is evening? I w a n t \ B see a doctor.
2 Are yo u h u n gry? W ould yo u like >C go to the cinem a.
3 I'm go in g to make an In d ia n meal. I hope yo u can D to see a doctor.
4 M ike's been feeling ill for days. He's decided E to go to the cinem a.
5 If you've got a temperature, I th in k yo u should F eat spicy food.

2 Complete this conversation in the supermarket.

Choose the correct words in italics. C B t in Listen and check.
c a r r ie H i, Zack. I d id n 't expect (0) see /(to see)you here.
zack W ell, I prom ised (1) get / to get some th in gs for tom orrow evening.
c a r r ie Are yo u d o in g so m eth ing special?
zack We're g o in g to have a barbeque in the garden. W ould you like (2) come /to come?
c a r r ie Yes. I'd love (3) come / to come. But I'm n ot sure about m y plans for tom orrow. I
agreed (4) help / to help Dave w ith h is hom ew ork, but that probably w on't take long.
I expect (5) finish / to finish it b y eight o'clock. Is Isabel g o in g to be there?
zack I'm not really sure. She sho u ld ( 6 ) be / to be there, but she hasn't p honed y e t ...
c a r r ie So, w hat are you buying?
zack W ell, I w ant (7) get / to get some burgers.
c a r r ie O h, yo u know I'm a vegetarian. I can't (8 ) eat/ to eat meat.
zack D o n 't worry. I've already bought lots of salad.
c a r r ie W ell, I m ust (9) finish / to finish m y sho p ping. Let's (10) talk / to talk on the phone
tom orrow. I hope I'll be able to com e.

3 Find eight more places in the email where to is missing.

Write to in the correct positions.

| Su b je ct Great news!

Hi Sue,
You know I've always wanted^study chemistry - well. I've just had great news.
The university has given me a place on the chemistry course! I've decided do the
four-year course - it should be really interesting. The course starts in October and
I've arranged stay in one of the student houses near the college.
I can't afford pay the fees myself so my parents have promised help me. And I
can get a student well. Uncle Jim has offered give me a job in his office
during the summer, so I expect make some money then.
By the way, we're having a party here next weekend. Would you like come? You
can bring Helen if you like. Everyone here would love meet her.
Annie X

4 Write sentences about something th a t...

0 you've arranged to do n ext week .ly e arranged to. meet. my. sister . on.. Friday......
1 yo u 'd like to do in the fu tu re .........................................................................................
2 you can't afford to do
3 yo u don 't w ant to d o '......................................................................................................

(1) G o o n lin e fo r m ore practice 217
Verb + object + infinitive; make and let

Professor Maclean teaches student nurses to ask all the right questions.

Verb + object + infinitive

After some verbs, we can put an in fin itiv e alone, or we can put an object before
the in fin itive:


Lucy wants to go to university.
Carol wants her daughter to go to university.
Carol would like her to go to university.

O ther exam ples of verbs like th is are: ask, expect, help and need:
She asked me to phone her. She asked to see the doctor.
We don 't use that... after these verbs:
X Do you want that we bring some food to the party?
/ Do you want us to bring some food to the party?
But some verbs ALW A YS have an object before the in fin itiv e (e.g. advise, allow, invite, teach,
tell, order, warn):
Professor Maclean teaches student nurses to ask all the right questions.
X The teacher told to be quiet. / The teacher told us to be quiet.
We can m ake these sentences negative. We put not after the object and before to:
The teacher told us not to make a noise. The doctor advised him not to smoke.

make and let

After make and let, we put an object + the in fin itiv e w ithout to:
The cold weather made the lake freeze. (= Th e cold weather caused the lake to freeze.)
X Our teacher made us to do extra homework.
/ Our teacher made us do extra homework. (= She forced us to do extra hom ew ork.)
X Our teacher let us to leave-early.
/ Our teacher let us leave early. (= She allowed us to leave early.)
Lo o k at the difference between let + object + in fin itiv e and let's + in fin itive:
Our teacher let us leave early. (= O ur teacher allowed us to leave early.)
Let's leave early today. (= I suggest that we leave early today.)
1 Choose the correct words in italics. CEES9 Listen and check.
0 M y teacher made m e(write)/ to write a lo n g report.
1 I asked them / they to give me the answers.
2 W ould you prefer the ch ild re n go / to go b y train or b y bus?
3 M y teacher made me take / to take the test again.
4 The doctor told G a ry to not carry / not to carry heavy suitcases.
5 The shop assistant advised we / us to keep our receipts.
6 W ill they let m e bring / to bring m y d ictio n ary in to the exam ?

2 Complete the text with the words and phrases from the box.
help us understand his clients asks have would like lets them makes to talk

DANIEL FULTON is a special kind of doctor - his

clients are people who have mental problems.
He uses the ideas of the famous doctor and
writer Sigmund Freud. Freud's ideas helped us
(0) ...... the human
mind works.
Daniel (1 )...................................... people with
mental problems to lie on a sofa and relax. Then when we are adults, so he often asks
he tells them (2 ) ...................................... about (6) to talk about their
their problems. He (3 )...................................... his childhood.
clients talk about their dreams as well as their Daniel doesn't say very much to his clients. He
real problems. He believes our dreams (7) ...................................... talk about anything
(4) understand our - all their feelings and emotions, what they
feelings. Daniel also thinks bad experiences (8) to do and what they
when we are young sometimes make us feel about other people. He thinks that talking
(5) .....................................mental problems about problems is the best way to solve them.

3 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first.

Use one, two or three words. Listen and check.
0 Th e rain caused the river to flood.
Th e rain ...yMd&.tfe. r i v e r flood.
1 Th e custom s officer forced'm e to open m y suitcase.
Th e custom s o ffic e r.................................. m y suitcase.
2 He said we sho u ld n't sw im in the water because it was dangerous.
He w a rn e d ....................................sw im in the water.
3 Secretaries learn to type in Sean's class.
Sean te a ch e s in his class.
4 O ur boss allowed us to go hom e early on Friday.
O ur b o s s hom e early o n Friday.
5 M aria co u ldn 't fill in the app licatio n form so I helped her.
I helped M a r ia , the app licatio n form.

(!) G o o n lin e fo r m ore practice and a progress test 219
Review module 13
u n it s 83 a n d 84 Match 1 and 2 with A and B in each pair.
0 1 T h is e ven in g I d like ----------------- ---------> A to go to a restaurant.
2 Jem m a lo v e s ------------------------------ --------- > B g o in g to In d ia n restaurants.
1 1 C a ro lin e has decided A stu d yin g h isto ry at school.
2 Th e ch ild re n have begun B to study m edicine at university.
2 1 O n Saturday m o rn in gs I go A to learn to ride a horse.
2 O ne day I'd love B rid in g.
3 1 W ould you like A dancing?
2 H ow often do yo u go B to dance?
4 1 I never expected A to w ork in th is office.
2 D o yo u enjo y B w o rkin g here?

UNITS 84 a n d 85 Choose the correct words in italics. HUem-i Listen and check.
lu c y H ello, Alex. I d id n 't expect (0) you to see /(to see yot?)here at lu n c h time.
a le x O h, h i Lucy. I'm on m y lu n c h break.
lu c y Right. So, how 's the job going?
a le x N ot great. I'd like (1) find / to find a new job really.
lu c y I'm surprised. I th o u gh t yo u had a great job at the h o s p ita l...
a le x W ell, the job's O K b ut m y boss is terrible. He's always te llin g (2) to work / m e to work
harder and he doesn't (3) let / m ake me have enough holiday. W h en I started, he
prom ised (4) to give m e / to m e give a h o lid a y after six m onths. But then he refused
(5) m e to allow / to allow m e to go. He forced ( 6 ) to work / me to work all th ro ugh
the summer!
lu c y Perhaps yo u sho u ld (7) to leave / leave?
a le x I can't afford (8 ) to live / live w itho u t m y salary.
lu c y W ell, I th in k it's very unfair. Everybo d y deserves (9) have / to have a holiday.
a le x I know. Anyw ay, I m ust (10) get / to get b ack to the office now, it's alm ost two o'clock.

u n it s 83 a n d 85 Match the sentences with the pictures.

Then complete the sentences. Use forms of the words and phrases in the box.

make m e/wear
hate / go
tell u s/ not/take

advise Henry/go on a
continue / read

0 'Excuse me. D o yo u mind closing the, window ?' D

1 Th e doctor diet.
2 M iranda sometim es all n ig h t long.
3 The security guard . photos.
4 'It's so em barrassing. M y m other them .'
5 Kyle .................... to the dentist. .
4 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first.
A LL u n it s
Use one, two or three words.
0 Th e b an k w o uldn 't give me a new credit card.
Th e b an k re fu se d me a new credit card.
1 Pauline never w ants to go to the dentist.
Pauline d is lik e s the dentist.
2 Everybody has to pay taxes.
N ob o dy can a v o id .................................. .
3 D a n n y doesn't have eno u gh m o n ey to go skiing.
D a n n y c a n 't ....................................skiing.
4 Th e doctor told m e to take m ore exercise.
Th e doctor said I s h o u ld ....................................more exercise.
5 M y sister w o uldn 't give m e her m obile phone.
M y sister re fu se d ....................................her m obile phone.
6 Th e y made the last car at that factory in 1998.
T h e y s to p p e d that factory in 1998.
7 Everyone has agreed - we're m eeting at six o'clock.
W e've a rra n g e d at six o'clock.

5 a l l UNITS Complete the text with forms of the verbs in brackets 0-

International opportunities for young doctors and nurses

Doctors without Borders
Doctors without Borders or MSF (Medecins local people to improve their own health. MSF
Sans Frontieres) is an international organisation also helps (5 )........................(build) hospitals and
that gives medical help to people in emergency it gives advice to local doctors.
situations around the world. When there are
terrible events such as floods or war, MSF
arranges (0) ... ta.TfciW ... (send) doctors and
nurses to help the local people. Each year
about 3000 MSF workers travel to more than
70 different countries.
MSF is an independent organisation so
governments cannot ( 1 ) .............>........(control)
it. As well as emergency help, MSF has an
educational programme that teaches people
about medical problems in poor countries. It
also wants (2 ) ........................(make) medicines
cheaper around the world. It has a training IF YO U ARE A NURSE OR DO CTO R AND YOU W OULD LIKE

programme for doctors who are planning (6 ) ...................................(HELP) PEOPLE IN OTHER COUNTRIES, YO U CAN

(3 )........................(travel) to foreign countries. (7 ) .................................. (DOW NLOAD) THE APPLICATION FORM HERE.

Many MSF workers can (4 )........................(teach) YOU MUST ( 8 ) .................................... (BE) 18 OR OLDER TO APPLY.

(1) G o o n lin e fo r m ore review exercises 221

Test MODULE 13
Verbs with -ing forms and infinitives
Choose the correct answer. A, B or C.
1 Excuse me. Do you m in d the heater? It's cold in here. > Unit 83
A to turn on B turn on C turning on
2 The com pany started .......... the m achines last year. >- Unit 83
A make B making C made
3 I lo v e your emails. > Unit 83
A receive B receiving C received
4 Harry says he will give u p football when he's forty. > Unit 83
A to play B play C playing
5 How often do y o u dancing? > Unit 83
A go B do C going
6 Do you lik e to classical music? > Unit 83
A listening B listened C listen
7 You m u s t her new CD - it's fantastic. > Unit 84
A buying B to buy C buy
8 I'm hungry. L e t's something to eat. > Unit 84
A get B to get C got
9 My brother is lea rn in g the electric guitar. >- Unit 84
A playing B play C to play
10 Thank you for the invitation. We'd lo v e . > Unit 84
A to com e B com e C com ing
11 I to study history next year. >- Unit 84
A like B liking C would like
12 It's hot today. We sh o u ld to the beach. >- Unit 84
A going B to go C go
13 to buy some new jeans tomorrow. > Unit 84
A I like B I'd like C I'm like
14 Would you lik e you some sandwiches? > Unit 85
A Carol to make B that Carol makes C Carol make
15 I e x p e c pass the exam. > Unit 85
A she B hers C her
16 The police officer t o ld . > Unit 85
A to stop B us stopping C us to stop
17 Did your te a c h e r grammar exercises? > Unit 85
A make you do B make do C make you to do
18 My friend le ts his car at the weekends. >- Unit 85
A me to use B use m e C me use
19 I n e e d my computer. >■ Unit 85
A somebody repair B somebody to repair C repairing
2 0 Do you w a n t you? > Unit 85
A us to help B us helping C us help

222 (!) Go online for a full exit test

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